Sport Season Off-Season Pre-Season In-Season Post-Season Sport Practice Priority Aerobic Goal Resistance Goal Resistance Volume Frequency 1. Resistance 2. Aeroibic Preparatory Period: OFF-SEASON 1) General Prep: Hypertrophy/ Strength Endurance 1st Transition: PRE-SEASON 2) Specific Prep: Basic Strength Competitive Period: IN-SEASON Strength/Power Peaking Maintenance Goal Intensity 1. High/ low 2. % RM Volume 1. High/ low 2. Sets 3. Reps 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2nd Transition: POST-SEASON Active Rest Training Goal % 1RM Reps Strength Power – Single Effort Power – Multi Effort Hypertrophy Muscular Endurance % 1RM 100% 90% 80% 70% Number of Reps Sets Rest AEROBIC Muscular Strength: Muscular Endurance: Aerobic Power: Maximal Rate of Force Production: Vertical Jump: Anaerobic Power: Sprint Speed: Fiber Size: Capillary Density: Mitochondrial Density: Stored ATP: Stored Creatine Phosphate: Stored Glycogen: % Body Fat: % Fat Free Mass: ANAEROBIC TEST/ASSESSMENT Body Comp Vertical Jump T-Test Pro-Agility Hexagon Test 1RM Power Clean 1RM Squat 1RM Bench Press Partial Curl Up Push-Up 300-yard Shuttle 1.5 Mile Run 12 min Run Yo-Yo Intermittent VO2 max WOMEN MEN Plyometric Experience Beginner Beginning Volume Intermediate Advanced Eccentric Action Early Flight Mid-flight Late Flight Early Support Late Support Concentric Action Training Type Long, Slow Distance (LSD) Pace/Tempo Interval HIIT Fartlek Frequency/ week Duration Intensity Adaptations/Benefits KARVONEN METHOD: PERCENTAGE of MAX HR: Energy System Used Phosphagen system (PCr cycle) Fast Glycolysis (Anaerobic Glycolysis) Fast Glycolysis / OxidaCve* OxidaCve* Work Interval Work to Rest Ra>o Preparatory Period: OFF-SEASON 1) General Prep: Hypertrophy/ Strength Endurance Intensity 1. High/ low 2. % RM 1st Transition: PRESEASON 2) Specific Prep: Basic Strength Competitive Period: IN-SEASON Strength/Power Peaking Maintenance 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. Volume 1. High/low 2. Sets 2. 3. Reps 3. 2nd Transition: POSTSEASON Active Rest UPPER BODY MUSCLES ELBOW EXTENSION FLEXION VERTEBRAL EXTENSION FLEXION DELTOID <—> AGONIST & ANTAGONIST TRICEP <—> PEC MAJOR <—> RECTUS ABDOMINIS <—> LOWER BODY MUSCLES HIP EXTENSION FLEXION KNEE EXTENSION FLEXION AGONIST & ANTAGONIST GLUTE MAXIMUS <—> GLUTE MEDIUS<—> QUADS <—> PNF HOLD-RELAX CONTRACT-RELAX HOLD-RELAX w/ AGONIST CONTRACTION RECIPROCAL INHIBITION AUTOGENIC INHIBITION SSC 1. ECCENTRIC Action: 2. AMMORTIZATION Action: 3. CONCENTRIC Action: Sport Season Off-Season Pre-Season In-Season Post-Season Objective Aerobic Priority Intensity Duration/ Volume Frequency RAMP PROTOCOL R Same as the ___________________ warm-up A M P Same as the ___________________ warm-up MUSCLE SPINDLE Ac>vity of MS is ___________ during sta>c stretching MS are sensi>ve to ________________________ Which causes causes ac>va>on of the ____________________ Which results in _________________________________________ GTO Located in the ____________ GTO is sensi>ve to ____________________ GTO causes the muscle to _______________________ ACCELERATION PHASE GROUND-CONTACT TIME IS ___________________ FORCE IS ________________ DIRECTED UPRIGHT BY ~_______m INITIATE ARM SWING @ _______________ WITH ELBOWS FLEXED ____________ FORWARD LEAN FROM _______ —> _________ MAX VELOCITY PHASE GROUND-CONTACT TIME IS ____________________ FORCE IS ________________ DIRECTED FLIGHT PHASE INCLUDES ___________________ & _________________________ HIP & KNEE ____________ ARE ACTIVE ANKLES ARE ____________________ SUPPORT PHASE INCLUDES ____________________ & ______________________ ANKLES ARE ____________________ HIP __________________ & __________________ ARE ACTIVE ***LONGER GROUND-CONTACT TIME MEANS _____________________________ REHAB AND RECONDITIONING Types of Injuries Macrotrauma Microtrauma Tissue Healing 1. Inflammatory Response 2. Fibroblas>c Repair 3. Matura>on-Remodeling