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e-Government: World Bank Brief on Digital Development

Understanding Poverty (/en/understanding-poverty) Digital Development (/en/topic/digitaldevelopment)
May 19, 2015
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Welcome to the World Bank's e-Government website, hosted by the e-Government Practice Group of the Information & Communication Technologies Sector
Unit. This brief is intended as a knowledge repository of e-government related information, best practices and case studies, presented here as a source of ideas
and learning.
The eGovernment practice group leads the eTransform Initiative of the World Bank, that aims at helping government leaders to access high quality global
expertise, appropriate technologies, e!cient processes, and necessary "nancial resources for designing and implementing transformative projects in developing
countries. The Practice Group also partners with the e-Development Thematic Group and other relevant groups to deliver a series of seminars, video
conferences and training workshops on e-government/ICT.
The Practice Group provides technical advice and investment support for the design and roll out of e-government solutions and applications. These include
strategy, policy, regulatory and legal aspects, institutional frameworks, enterprise architecture and interoperability standards, shared infrastructure and services,
training and change management, e-government applications and innovative funding arrangements including public-private partnerships. Support is also
provided for project design, implementation and procurement of innovative approaches leveraging ICTs e.g. mobile delivery of public services, cloud computing,
and opens data initiatives.
What is e-Government?
“E-Government” refers to the use by government agencies of information technologies (such as Wide Area Networks, the Internet, and mobile computing) that
have the ability to transform relations with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government. These technologies can serve a variety of di#erent ends: better
delivery of government services to citizens, improved interactions with business and industry, citizen empowerment through access to information, or more
e!cient government management. The resulting bene"ts can be less corruption, increased transparency, greater convenience, revenue growth, and/or cost
reductions. Learn more (https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic#egov) about e-Government.
Our Mandate
We assist client countries to build the necessary institutional capability for developing electronic government applications towards improving government
performance and accountability, particularly in the delivery of public services. For this purpose, we leverage the World Bank’s extensive experience with IT
components within the lending program, the technical resources from the Information Solutions Group (ISG) and a growing body of knowledge on e-government
from country experiences all over the world.
The eGovernment Practice at the Global ICT Department provides technical advice and investment support for the design and roll out of e-government solutions
and applications. These include strategy, policy, regulatory and legal aspects, institutional frameworks, enterprise architecture and interoperability standards,
shared infrastructure and services, training and change management, e-government applications and innovative funding arrangements including public-private
partnerships. Support is also provided for project design, implementation and procurement of innovative approaches leveraging ICTs e.g. mobile delivery of
public services, cloud computing, and opens data initiatives.
The Practice Group leads the eTransform Initiative of the World Bank, that aims at helping government leaders to access high quality global expertise,
appropriate technologies, e!cient processes, and necessary "nancial resources for designing and implementing transformative projects in developing countries.
The Practice Group also partners with the e-Development Thematic Group and other relevant groups to deliver a series of seminars, video conferences and
training workshops on e-government/ICT.
The success of e-government relies on reforming back o!ce processes just as fundamentally as it does on updating front o!ce service delivery channels.
Sharing data across legacy systems, developing shared infrastructures, implementing management information systems and dealing with rapid technological
change are crucial elements of an e-government program, elements that have been core competencies of ISG.
The E-Government Practice’s strengths lie in its leveraging of ISG’s traditional expertise in applications delivery, through which it has long provided knowledge,
expertise and consultation on IT projects and project components for Bank project sta#, as well as client governments.
In addition, our extensive "eld experience as members of project teams in the design and supervision of complex and comprehensive national e-government
programs, as well as sector-speci"c ICT applications, a#ords us a broad range of critical competencies and enables us to appreciate the complexity inherent to a
successful ICT project.
Randeep Sudan
Practice Leader, e-Government Practice
rsudan@worldbank.org (mailto:rsudan@worldbank.org)
Deepak Bhatia
Practice Leader, e-Government Practice
dbhatia@worldbank.org (mailto:dbhatia@worldbank.org)
Samia Melhem
Chair, e-Development Thematic Group
Smelhem@worldbank.org (mailto:Smelhem@worldbank.org)
Anat Lewin
Operations O!cer
alewin@worldbank.org (mailto:alewin@worldbank.org)
Oleg Petrov
Information O!cer
opetrov@worldbank.org (mailto:opetrov@worldbank.org)
Concept Note
Introduction to e-Government (/en/topic/ict/brief/e-gov-resources#egov) | - Printed version (pdf) (http://pubdocs.worldbank.org/pubdocs/publicdoc/2015/6/878521434650091655/e-Govguideline.pdf)
OECD E-Government for Regional Integration Program (APL) (https://projects.worldbank.org/en/projects-operations/project-detail/P100635?lang=en)
Engendering ICT Toolkit: Challenges and Opportunities for Gender-Equitable Development
GH eTransform Ghana (https://projects.worldbank.org/en/projects-operations/project-detail/P144140?lang=en)
eGovernment Transformation: From Nice-to-Have to Must-Have (/en/news/speech/2013/05/31/speech-eGovernment-transformation)
e-Gov Tools and Research (/en/topic/digitaldevelopment/brief/e-gov-resources)
eGovernment Blog Posts (https://blogs.worldbank.org/category/tags/egovernment)
About (https://www.worldbank.org/en/about)
News (https://www.worldbank.org/en/news)
Data (https://data.worldbank.org)
Projects and Operations (https://projects.worldbank.org/?lang=en)
Research and Publications (https://www.worldbank.org/en/research)
Countries (https://www.worldbank.org/en/where-we-work)
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