HFCA Chilled Water Fan Coil Units Concealed Type 400-1,200 CFM HFCA Series 50Hz Model Nomenclature H 1 F 2 C A 3 4 0 5 4 C 6 7 0 0 8 9 1 10 Digit 1 - Position H = Horizontal Digit 2 - Unit Type F = Fan Coil Digit 3 - Casing C = Concealed Digit 4 - Development Sequence A = Development Sequence 04 = 400 CFM 06 = 600 CFM 08 = 800 CFM 10 = 1,000 CFM 12 = 1,200 CFM Digit 8 - Electric Heater 0 = No Electric Heater Digit 7 - Coil Row, Connection Side C = 3 Row Cooling, Right Hand D = 3 Row Cooling, Left Hand E = 4 Row Cooling, Right Hand F = 4 Row Cooling, Left Hand Digit 12 - Design Sequence A, B, C, D = Design Sequence 0 A 11 12 Digit 9 - Motor Size 0 = Standard Motor 1 = Oversized Motor Digit 10 - Voltage / Phase / Hertz 1 = 220 / 1 / 50 2 = 220 / 1 / 60 Digit 11 - Plenum / Filter 0 = Without Return Plenum A = With Return Plenum General Data MODEL RATED - Volts/Ph/Hz SYSTEM DATA Airflow Cooling Capacity Water Inlet Connection Size Water Outlet Connection Size Water Connection Size INDOOR COIL Fin Type Fins per inch* 3-Row coil 4-Row coil Drain Connection Size FAN Fan Type Qty Drive Type STANDARD FAN MOTOR Qty Motor Output Power No. of Speed V/ph/Hz RLA DIMENSION (H x W x D) Packing (Shipping) Packing - with plenum (Shipping) Unit (Net) Unit - with plenum (Net) WEIGHT Unit : 3-row coil (Net) Unit : 4-row coil (Net) Unit : 3-row coil with plenum (Net) Unit : 4-row coil with plenum (Net) * Note : 1. 3-Row coil is standard coil 2. 4-Row coil is optional coil 3. Return air plenum is optional HFCA04 220-240/1/50 HFCA06 220-240/1/50 HFCA08 220-240/1/50 HFCA10 220-240/1/50 HFCA12 220-240/1/50 cfm Btu/h in in 400 12,000 5/8 5/8 Brazed 600 18,000 5/8 5/8 Brazed 800 24,000 5/8 5/8 Brazed 1,000 30,000 5/8 5/8 Brazed 1,200 36,000 5/8 5/8 Brazed Slit Louver Louver Louver Louver Louver in 12 14 1/2 12 15 1/2 15 16 1/2 18 15 1/2 18 15 1/2 Centrifugal 2 Direct Centrifugal 2 Direct Centrifugal 2 Direct Centrifugal 2 Direct Centrifugal 2 Direct A 1 13 3 220/1/50 0.20 1 42 3 220/1/50 0.45 1 59 3 220/1/50 0.55 1 162 4 220/1/50 1.35 1 186 4 220/1/50 1.35 mm mm mm mm 295 x 1,000 x 498 335 x 1,010 x 565 230 x 946 x 445 230 x 946 x 510 324 x 1,000 x 498 335 x 1,010 x 565 260 x 946 x 445 260 x 946 x 510 324 x 1,160 x 498 335 x 1,311 x 565 260 x 1,098 x 445 260 x 1,251 x 510 335 x 1,158 x 565 311 x 1,111 x 641 258 x 1,098 x 531 300 x 1,098 x 625 335 x 1,311 x 565 311 x 1,264 x 641 258 x 1,251 x 531 300 x 1,251 x 625 kg kg kg kg 17 18 23 24 20 22 27 29 23 25 32 34 26 28 38 40 28 30 42 44 W TC SC GPM PD EWT WTR = = = = = = Total Capacity, MBH Sensible Capacity, MBH Water Flow Rate, gpm Water Pressure Drop, Ft of Water Entering Water Temperature Water Temperature Rise Cooling Capacity for 3-Row Coil EWT Unit (F) Size 40 43 45 50 Rated WTR (F) Air ow (CFM) 04 400 06 600 08 800 10 1000 12 1200 04 400 06 600 08 800 10 1000 12 1200 04 400 06 600 08 800 10 1000 12 1200 04 400 06 600 08 800 10 1000 12 1200 TC 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 11.71 10.61 7.52 16.72 15.01 9.95 22.75 20.92 15.77 29.42 26.73 18.67 35.88 32.92 24.86 9.72 8.69 5.71 13.85 12.25 7.32 19.01 17.28 12.41 24.58 22.03 14.16 30.05 27.33 19.68 8.46 7.51 4.75 12.04 10.57 6.17 16.61 14.99 10.36 21.50 19.12 11.12 26.33 23.83 16.50 5.85 5.16 3.11 8.36 7.22 4.20 11.49 10.30 5.43 15.04 13.21 6.02 18.51 16.65 7.08 72/61 SC GPM PD TC 8.69 8.20 6.90 12.59 11.84 9.73 18.97 18.03 15.50 24.40 23.08 18.34 29.56 28.10 24.28 7.82 7.38 5.64 11.34 10.67 7.22 17.07 16.22 12.28 22.05 20.84 13.93 26.70 25.43 19.56 7.29 6.90 4.68 10.59 9.98 6.09 15.90 14.26 10.26 20.60 18.53 11.00 24.96 23.80 16.46 5.58 5.09 3.06 7.96 7.12 4.14 11.35 10.02 5.41 14.27 12.64 5.97 18.42 16.60 7.03 9.29 5.28 1.43 7.39 4.14 0.99 15.49 9.03 2.71 10.45 5.97 1.57 17.25 10.01 3.00 6.64 3.70 0.88 5.26 2.88 0.58 11.20 6.40 1.77 7.55 4.22 0.96 12.51 7.16 1.99 5.18 2.85 0.63 4.10 2.21 0.43 8.79 4.97 1.29 5.94 3.27 0.63 9.87 5.60 1.45 2.69 1.46 0.30 2.14 1.12 0.22 4.55 2.55 0.42 3.14 1.70 0.22 5.26 2.96 0.33 17.49 16.35 13.13 25.11 23.36 18.34 33.67 31.67 26.30 43.53 40.55 32.77 52.15 48.85 40.52 15.32 14.12 11.01 21.95 20.12 15.25 29.60 27.50 22.27 38.17 35.23 27.58 45.81 42.55 34.43 13.82 12.66 9.66 19.75 18.00 13.31 26.76 24.76 19.68 34.55 31.70 24.26 41.53 38.35 30.52 10.19 9.21 6.72 14.54 13.06 9.11 19.89 18.20 13.88 25.76 23.37 16.75 31.05 28.39 21.78 2.92 2.11 1.00 4.16 2.99 1.32 5.66 4.17 2.10 7.32 5.33 2.48 8.93 6.56 3.30 2.42 1.73 0.76 3.45 2.44 0.97 4.73 3.44 1.65 6.12 4.39 1.88 7.48 5.45 2.62 2.11 1.50 0.63 3.00 2.11 0.82 4.14 2.99 1.38 5.36 3.81 1.48 6.56 4.75 2.19 1.46 1.03 0.41 2.08 1.44 0.56 2.86 2.06 0.72 3.75 2.64 0.80 4.61 3.32 0.94 Entering Air Temp - EDB/EWB (F) 80/67 SC GPM PD 11.19 10.70 9.37 16.23 15.48 13.44 24.36 23.37 20.78 31.20 29.78 26.25 37.89 36.26 32.35 10.27 9.77 8.55 14.89 14.14 12.25 22.35 21.34 18.96 28.67 27.33 24.01 34.82 33.29 29.65 9.65 9.18 8.04 14.00 13.30 11.54 21.69 20.08 17.82 27.03 25.77 22.63 32.82 31.38 27.98 8.24 7.88 6.41 11.99 11.44 8.66 17.92 17.19 13.84 23.25 22.28 15.80 28.20 27.08 21.46 4.35 3.26 1.74 6.25 4.65 2.44 8.38 6.31 3.49 10.84 8.08 4.35 12.98 9.73 5.38 3.82 2.81 1.46 5.47 4.01 2.03 7.37 5.48 2.96 9.50 7.02 3.66 11.41 33.29 4.58 3.44 2.52 1.28 4.92 3.59 1.77 6.67 4.94 2.62 8.61 6.32 3.23 10.34 7.64 4.06 2.54 1.84 0.89 3.63 2.61 1.21 4.96 3.63 1.85 6.42 4.66 2.23 7.74 5.66 2.90 18.67 11.20 3.74 14.99 8.91 2.86 30.69 18.58 6.56 20.69 12.31 4.14 33.16 19.91 7.00 14.66 8.58 2.72 11.72 6.79 2.06 24.22 14.36 4.86 16.26 9.53 3.04 26.13 8.48 5.22 12.15 7.04 2.16 9.68 5.56 1.61 20.17 11.87 3.90 13.56 7.87 2.42 21.85 12.81 4.20 7.02 3.98 1.13 5.58 3.13 0.82 11.81 6.83 2.09 7.99 4.55 1.25 12.92 7.46 2.31 84/71 TC 21.77 20.64 17.45 31.34 29.58 24.61 41.77 39.79 34.27 54.30 51.12 42.77 64.38 60.95 51.81 19.59 18.40 15.01 28.14 26.31 21.05 37.68 35.59 29.77 48.69 45.39 37.06 57.85 54.26 45.15 18.08 16.85 13.41 25.93 24.04 18.73 34.83 32.66 26.81 44.81 41.53 33.24 53.33 49.72 40.71 14.07 12.79 9.62 20.07 18.16 13.28 27.28 25.04 19.60 34.94 31.83 24.10 41.75 38.29 30.03 SC GPM PD 12.33 11.84 10.55 17.86 17.13 15.14 26.84 25.86 23.25 34.35 32.86 29.15 41.79 40.11 35.88 11.41 10.93 9.62 16.54 15.80 13.80 24.84 23.85 21.24 31.76 30.29 26.76 38.66 36.99 32.97 10.80 10.32 9.03 15.65 14.92 12.97 23.51 22.52 19.97 30.03 28.62 25.23 36.56 34.95 31.09 9.27 8.81 7.73 13.45 12.77 11.11 20.17 19.24 17.07 25.91 24.67 21.73 31.52 30.10 26.83 5.42 4.11 2.32 7.80 5.89 3.27 10.40 7.93 4.55 13.52 10.18 5.68 16.03 12.14 6.88 4.88 3.67 1.99 7.01 5.24 2.80 9.38 7.09 3.96 12.13 9.04 4.92 14.41 10.81 6.00 4.50 3.36 1.78 6.46 4.79 2.49 8.68 6.51 3.56 11.16 8.28 4.42 13.29 9.91 5.41 3.51 2.55 1.28 5.00 3.62 1.77 6.80 4.99 2.61 8.71 6.35 3.21 10.41 7.64 4.00 27.38 16.80 6.12 22.08 13.45 4.76 44.80 27.69 10.39 30.47 18.44 6.58 47.99 29.31 10.74 22.51 13.60 4.66 18.08 10.84 3.59 36.97 22.53 8.05 24.90 14.82 5.07 39.35 23.66 8.36 19.42 11.58 3.81 15.56 9.20 2.91 31.98 19.25 6.66 21.37 12.60 4.17 33.88 20.17 6.93 12.32 7.04 2.11 9.78 5.55 1.58 20.49 11.90 3.80 13.60 7.79 2.35 21.69 12.56 4.02 TC SC GPM PD EWT WTR Cooling Capacity for 4-Row Coil EWT (F) Unit Size 40 43 45 Rated Airflow CFM 04 400 06 600 08 800 10 1000 12 1200 04 400 06 600 08 800 10 1000 12 1200 04 400 06 600 08 800 10 1000 12 1200 c 0-2761-1111 2020 Trane. All Rights Reserved. SWU5-SLB001-EN April 28, 2020 WTR (F) 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 8 10 15 = = = = = = Total Capacity, MBH Sensible Capacity, MBH Water Flow Rate, gpm Water Pressure Drop, Ft of Water Entering Water Temperature Water Temperature Rise Entering Air Temp - EDB/EWB (F) TC 15.04 14.02 11.10 22.34 20.75 16.14 26.35 24.74 20.12 31.64 29.34 22.58 38.63 36.01 28.90 12.65 11.64 8.87 18.77 17.21 12.79 22.25 20.66 16.17 26.61 24.37 17.85 32.55 30.06 23.28 11.07 10.11 7.52 16.42 14.94 12.79 19.52 17.99 13.75 23.33 21.20 14.89 28.57 26.25 19.85 72/61 SC GPM 10.61 3.74 10.14 2.79 8.84 1.47 15.84 5.56 15.11 4.13 13.07 2.14 22.43 6.56 21.53 4.93 18.80 2.67 26.78 7.88 25.55 5.84 22.10 3.00 32.29 9.62 30.91 7.17 27.04 3.84 9.52 3.15 9.07 2.32 7.90 1.18 14.22 4.68 13.53 3.43 11.67 1.70 19.95 5.54 19.09 4.12 15.86 2.15 23.97 6.63 22.82 4.86 17.77 2.37 28.89 8.11 27.63 5.99 22.99 3.09 8.83 2.76 8.42 2.02 7.35 1.00 13.20 4.09 12.56 2.98 11.67 1.70 18.48 4.86 17.68 3.59 13.57 1.83 22.29 5.81 21.11 4.23 14.83 1.99 26.87 7.12 25.73 5.23 19.76 2.64 PD 18.29 10.92 3.57 16.83 9.99 3.16 27.54 16.65 5.69 15.86 9.38 2.91 26.22 15.64 5.22 13.37 7.82 2.39 12.29 7.14 2.09 20.27 12.03 3.85 11.59 6.72 1.92 19.22 11.29 3.55 10.53 6.08 1.79 9.67 5.54 2.09 16.01 9.39 2.89 9.15 5.24 1.49 15.20 8.86 2.67 TC 21.97 20.91 17.92 32.71 31.04 26.41 38.24 36.59 31.90 46.18 43.67 37.05 55.43 52.60 45.28 19.45 18.31 15.32 28.91 27.15 22.51 33.96 32.16 27.43 40.77 38.26 31.59 48.98 46.18 38.85 17.69 16.57 13.59 19.03 18.36 16.38 30.96 29.19 24.44 37.10 34.61 28.01 44.62 41.82 34.63 80/67 SC GPM 13.61 5.47 13.12 4.17 11.81 2.38 20.32 8.14 19.56 6.18 17.55 3.51 28.65 9.52 27.74 7.29 25.01 4.24 34.18 11.50 32.88 8.70 29.57 4.92 41.27 13.80 39.78 10.48 35.82 6.02 12.47 4.85 11.98 3.65 10.74 2.04 18.63 7.20 17.86 5.41 15.95 2.99 26.33 8.46 25.38 6.41 22.72 3.65 31.40 10.15 30.15 7.62 26.97 4.20 37.91 12.20 36.51 9.20 32.69 5.16 11.72 4.41 11.24 3.30 10.06 1.81 18.55 4.74 17.89 3.66 16.22 2.18 24.76 7.71 23.86 5.82 21.26 3.25 29.59 9.24 28.39 6.90 25.35 3.72 35.74 11.12 34.37 8.34 30.71 4.60 PD 35.45 21.91 8.17 32.74 20.13 7.42 52.81 32.92 12.64 30.68 18.73 6.86 49.31 30.28 11.36 28.32 17.17 6.15 26.09 15.76 5.56 42.42 25.98 9.61 24.39 14.71 5.14 39.27 23.85 8.61 23.82 14.32 4.97 12.47 7.92 3.18 35.82 21.77 7.81 20.53 12.26 4.15 33.12 19.92 7.00 TC 27.11 26.07 23.08 40.41 38.77 34.06 47.05 45.44 40.72 57.13 54.58 47.51 67.88 65.09 57.23 24.59 23.48 20.25 28.97 27.46 23.61 42.77 41.04 35.91 51.61 48.91 41.69 61.41 58.43 50.38 22.83 21.66 18.35 33.96 32.12 27.02 39.78 37.95 32.69 47.78 44.98 37.73 56.90 53.79 45.72 84/71 SC GPM 15.15 6.75 14.55 5.19 13.25 3.07 22.60 10.06 21.69 7.72 19.67 4.52 31.55 11.71 30.68 9.05 28.18 5.41 37.62 14.22 36.31 10.87 32.67 6.31 45.48 16.90 44.01 12.96 39.84 7.60 13.89 6.12 13.42 4.68 12.09 2.69 21.16 7.22 20.50 5.47 18.90 3.14 29.25 10.65 28.35 8.18 25.57 4.77 34.83 12.85 33.50 9.75 29.95 5.54 42.12 15.29 40.64 11.64 36.53 6.69 13.15 5.69 12.66 4.32 11.35 2.44 19.62 8.46 18.87 6.40 16.87 3.59 27.71 9.91 26.80 7.56 24.01 4.35 32.96 11.90 31.65 8.96 28.17 5.02 39.88 14.17 38.38 10.72 34.39 6.08 PD 51.22 32.20 12.68 47.42 29.69 11.54 75.98 48.10 19.33 44.54 27.67 10.57 70.40 43.98 17.08 42.68 26.51 9.99 26.16 16.06 6.03 63.56 39.79 15.36 36.87 22.58 8.33 58.39 36.01 13.53 37.20 22.87 8.36 34.32 20.98 7.58 55.58 34.46 12.95 31.97 19.37 6.95 50.73 30.94 11.35