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Reconstruction Era: Success or Failure? DBQ Assessment

Civil Rights Unit One Performance Assessment
As the leader of this newly reunited nation, Lincoln sought a very specifi plan for
reconstructing the South and solving all of these problems. At his second inauguration,
Lincoln outlined his plan in his inaugural address: “With malice toward none, with
charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive
on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who
shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may
achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”
Lincoln’s ultimate goals were to reunify the states and ensure equality for all, including
freed slaves. Your challenge is determine whether Reconstruction was successful or
unsuccessful in meeting Lincoln’s goals.
In light of Lincoln’s goals and based upon the documents provided, you must answer the
following question:
Was Reconstruction a success or a failure?
Step #1: Read the DBQ documents provided and answer the questions below (Complete
sentences are not necessary)
Document A (The wording of each amendment is just there to help you remember)
1. Would this source support the notion that Reconstruction was a success or failure?
This source would support the notion that reconstruction was a success
Document B
2. How did black codes restrict the freedom of freedmen?
“No negro or freedmen shall be allowed to come within the limits of the town of Opelousas
without special permission from his employers. Whoever breaks this law will go to jail and
work for two days on the public streets, or pay a fine of five dollars.”
Would this source support the notion that Reconstruction was a success or failure?
This source would support the notion that reconstruction was a failure
Document C
4. Would this source support the notion that Reconstruction was a success or failure
This source would support the fact that reconstruction was a failure.
Document D
5. What factors or events caused freedmen to write this petition to the national
government? Why wouldn’t they write this to the state government in Kentucky?
Some of the factors that caused Friedman to write this petition to the national government
are black codes and the KKK. The reason they wrote this petition to the national
government and not the state government in Kentucky is because the state government of
Kentucky refused to recognize and denies the claims bet there are organized hate groups
that are dedicated to killing, whipping, and sexually assaulting African Americans in the
state of Kentucky.
6. Would this source support the notion that Reconstruction was a success or failure
This source supports the notion that reconstruction was a failure
Document E
7. Name at least one thing that students in illustration 1 are doing that were not allowed to
do as slaves.
8. Where were most of the Black colleges established after the Civil War?
Most of the black colleges established after the civil war we're located in the southern
states such as Louisiana ,Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and North and South
9. How would the establishment of Black colleges change the lives of African Americans?
This would change the lives of African Americans as they were now legally allowed to
become educated citizens of the United states
10. Would this source support the notion that Reconstruction was a success or failure?
This would support the notion that reconstruction was a success
Document F
11. According to this illustration, who is responsible for making freedom worse than
White people
12.Name at least two things that African Americans experienced during Reconstruction
according to this illustration.
sharecropping and klu klux klan members
13.Would this source support the notion that Reconstruction was a success or failure?
This source would support the notion that reconstruction was a failure
Document G
14.Name two ways sharecropping was similar to slavery.
1.) sharecropper buys food and clothing on credit from land owners store.
2.) sharecropper plants and harvest crops
15. Would this source support the notion that Reconstruction was a success or failure?
Support the notion that reconstruction was a failure
Document H
16.According to this article, what is the great change that has occurred in the New South?
“When we came to the new industrial South, the change is marvelous… instead of a South
devoted to agriculture and politics, we find a South wide awake to business excited in
astonished at the development of its own immense resources”
17.Name at least two products or resources of the New South.
Iron and coal
18. Would this source support the notion that Reconstruction was a success or failure: This
source would support the notion that reconstruction was a success
Document I
19.What is unique about this legislature that would not have occurred before the Civil War?
There are African Americans
20.Would this source support the notion that Reconstruction was a success or failure?
This source would support the fact that reconstruction was a success
Step Two: Complete the T-Chart below by listing successes and failures of the
Reconstruction Era when it comes to racial issues. You must have at least six things in
Black Colleges
Black Legislature
Black codes
New industrial South
Voter suppression
13 – 15 Amendments
Step Three: What is your answer to the compelling question? Explain your thinking and
use specific evidence from the documents to support your argument.
In my opinion I believe that reconstruction was more of a failure than success. The reason I
believe this is because reconstruction did more harm than good. With reconstruction came Klu
Klux Klan members, more violence and harmful things against African Americans.
Sharecropping (which is basically the same thing as slavery they're just not your owner there
your “boss”) “We believe you are not familiar with... the Ku Klux Klan’s riding nightly over
the country, going from county to county, and in the towns spreading terror wherever they
go by robbing, whipping, ravishing [raping], and killing our people without provocation,
compelling colored people to break the ice and bathe in the chilly waters of the Kentucky
River... Our people are driven from their homes in great numbers... ( Document D)
Step Four (Rebuttal): Why might someone have a different opinion than you? How would
you respond to their argument? Write a short paragraph response.
A reason someone might have a different opinion than me is because of the good things
that came out of reconstruction such as African Americans being allowed to get an
education to learn common things such as reading and writing the 13 to 15 amendments
the new industrial South these are all things that had absolutely no positive gain to the
African American community the same reasons that people believe that reconstruction was
a success are the same things that can be turned around and used to harm the African
American community in my opinion I believe that the things listed above are nothing but a
simple ploy to still have segregation racism and injustice against African Americans this
was absolutely no gain.