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Defund the Police Essay: Arguments and Analysis

Grace Monson
Academic Research And Writing
17 May 2021
Many people believe that Funding the police keeps them strong and they protect us from
violence. One reason people are against defund the police is Defunding police makes about as
much sense to me as defunding schools and other work places because of some staff members
there who misbehave. We do have to see the racism being built in the police system , yes, But,
hasn't the looting that accompanied some of the recent demonstrations shown the need for an
adequate police force. Also Its believed that we need to be increasing funding to the police for
higher conflict training and eliminating racial biases throughout the system and they need this
funding because they need more time to train and truly learn how to react in this situations.
Another important reason they believe this is because Many issues of police-involved violence
occur because officers are not properly trained on when and how to use their equipment.
Defunding the police takes away the resources that are needed to make sure officers are
properly trained on things like the use of force continuum and de-escalation techniques.They
say the police are not being properly trained and this is why they are having to turn to violence
as an act of self defense. Finally The proper approach to police reform is simple and easy we
should do everything we can to support good police while demanding accountability for bad
ones. The police are all grouped together into these bad people with racist backgrounds and
bad intentions, when truly their are police in the world who do this job because they want to
better their community and they want a safe and better community for themselves and everyone
they want to protect (Love). Although these statements are reasonable defunding the police
makes sense in order to end the constant racist violence in America.