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HAP Final Exam Practice Questions

HAP Final – Practice Questions
1. Nursing is best exemplified by which of the following definitions of health?
a) Biomedical
b) Prevention
c) Holistic
d) Wellness
2. According to the holistic model, a narrow definition of holistic health includes:
a) An optimal functioning of mind, body, and spirit within the environment.
b) The absence of disease.
c) The response of the whole person to actual or potential problems.
d) The internal and external environment.
3. What type of database is ​most ​appropriate when rapid collection of data is
required and often compiled concurrently with lifesaving measures?
a) Episodic
b) Follow-up
c) Emergency
d) Complete
4. A medical diagnosis is used to evaluate:
a) A person’s state of health
b) The response of the whole person to actual or potential health problems
c) A person’s culture
d) The cause of disease
5. An example of subjective data is:
a) Decreased range of motion
b) Crepitation in the left knee joint
c) Left knee has been swollen and hot for the past 3 days
d) Arthritis
6. What type of database is ​most ​appropriate for an individual who is admitted to a
long-term care facility?
a) Episodic
b) Follow-up
c) Emergency
d) Complete
7. Which situation is most appropriate during which the nurse performs a focused or
problem-centered history?
a) Patient is admitted to a long-term care facility
b) Patient in an outpatient clinic has cold and influenza-like symptoms
c) Patient has a sudden and severe shortness of breath
d) Patient is admitted to the hospital for surgery the following day
8. Which of the following is an example of objective data?
a) Alert and oriented
b) Dizziness