1st Grade Linguistics Final Revision What is Linguistics? What are its Branches? Language and Communication: Language is in the heart of human life. It is the major tool of communication among human beings. Language use is considered a natural phenomenon beyond conscious control. Throughout history and across the world, people have used language to chat, sing, play games, tell stories, teaching, pass on information etc. What is Linguistics? •Linguistics is the scientific study of language. Linguists do work on specific languages, but their primary goal is to understand the nature of Language in general. Linguistics deals with the study of particular languages and the search for general properties common to all languages or large groups of languages. . فهى األداة الرئيسية للتواصل بين البشر. اللغة هي أساس و جوهر حياة اإلنسان:اللغة والتواصل استخدم الناس اللغة، ويعتبر استخدام اللغة ظاهرة طبيعية فعلى مر التاريخ وفي جميع أنحاء العالم النشطة تواصلية مثل الدردشة و األغاني و األلعاب ورواية القصص والتعليم ونقل المعلومات وما لذلك فما هو علم اللغة؟.الى غير ذلك لكن هدفهم، حيث يعمل اللغويون على دراسة لغات محددة.ان علم اللغة هي الدراسة العلمية للغة ويتعامل علم اللغة مع دراسة لغات معينة والبحث عن.األساسي هو فهم طبيعة اللغة بشكل عام خصائص عامة مشتركة بين جميع اللغات أو مجموعات كبيرة من اللغات - Some questions linguistics tries to answer: •What distinguishes human language from other animal communication systems? •What features are common to all human languages? • How are the modes of linguistic communication (speech, writing, sign language of the deaf) related to each other? •What is language and how is it organized? •How is it analyzed? How are its units discovered and tested, etc? وهناك بعض األسئلة التي يحاول علم اللغة اإلجابة عليها ما الذي يميز لغة اإلنسان عن أشكال التواصل الحيوانية األخرى؟ ما هي السمات المشتركة بين جميع اللغات البشرية؟ كيف ترتبط طرق التواصل اللغوي (الكالم والكتابة ولغة اإلشارة) ببعضها البعض؟ ما هي اللغة وكيف يتم تنظيمها؟ إلخ؟، كيف يتم تحليلها؟ كيف يتم اكتشاف واختبار وحداتها Types of Linguistics: There are three types of linguistics: theoretical Linguistics, interdisciplinary linguistics and applied linguistics. 1- Theoretical or Descriptive Linguistics: The part of linguistics that is concerned with the structure of language. It is divided into a number of subfields Phonetics - the study of speech sounds in their physical aspects. Phonology - the study of speech sounds in their cognitive aspects . Morphology- the study of the formation of words Syntax-the study of the formation of sentences Semantics-the study of meaning Pragmatics-the study of language use واللغويات متعددة التخصصات، علم اللغة النظري: هناك ثالثة أنواع من اللغويات:أنواع اللغويات واللغويات التطبيقية،. وينقسم. وهو ذلك الجزء من علم اللغة الذي يختص ببناء اللغة:علم اللغة النظري أو الوصفي-1 :إلى عدد من المجاالت الفرعية دراسة أصوات الكالم في جوانبها المادية- الصوتيات. دراسة أصوات الكالم في جوانبها المعرفية- علم األصوات. دراسة تكوين الكلمات-علم الصرف دراسة تكوين الجمل- النحو دراسة المعنى- علم الداللة دراسة استخدام اللغة- البراجماتية 2-Interdisciplinary Linguistics Aside from language structure, other perspectives on language are represented in specialized or interdisciplinary branches, interdisciplinary studies involve the combination of two or more academic linguistic disciplines which are considered distinct. Interdisciplinary linguistics includes the following branches: • Historical Linguistics • Sociolinguistics • Psycholinguistics • Ethnolinguistics (or Anthropological Linguistics) • Dialectology • Computational Linguistics • Neurolinguistics اللغويات متعددة التخصصات يتم تمثيل وجهات النظر األخرى حول اللغة في الفروع، وبصرف النظر عن بنية اللغة والتى تشمل مزي ًجا من اثنين أو أكثر من التخصصات اللغوية، المتخصصة أو متعددة التخصصات ومنها الفروع التالية.األكاديمية التي تعتبر متميزة اللغويات التاريخية اللغويات االجتماعية علم اللغة النفسي )علم اللغة المتعلق بدراسة سلوك وأصول االنسان (أو األنثروبولوجي اللهجات اللغويات الحاسوبية اللغويات العصبية Because language is such a central feature of being a human, Linguistics has intellectual connections and overlaps with many other disciplines in the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences. Some of the closest connections are--with Philosophy, Literature, Language Pedagogy, Psychology, Sociology, Physics, Biology, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Health Sciences. فإن علم اللغة له روابط فكرية ويتداخل مع العديد من، نظرا ألن اللغة هي سمة اساسية للبشر ً وبعض الروابط.التخصصات األخرى في العلوم اإلنسانية والعلوم االجتماعية والعلوم الطبيعية ، والفيزياء، وعلم االجتماع، وعلم النفس، والعلوم التربوية، واألدب، مع الفلسفة- األقرب هي . وعلوم الصحة، وهندسة الكمبيوتر، وعلم األحياء وعلوم الكمبيوتر 3- Applied linguistics: Applied linguistics uses linguistic theory to solve real-world problems, most often in the field of language education. For example, linguists can apply what they know about how children and adults learn languages to design educational materials and lessons for teaching second languages, and to design effective methods of testing student progress. اللغويات التطبيقية: غالبًا في مجال تعليم، يستخدم علم اللغة التطبيقي النظرية اللغوية لحل مشاكل العالم الواقعي يمكن للعلماء اللغويين تطبيق ما يعرفونه عن كيفية تعلم األطفال والكبار، فعلى سبيل المثال.اللغة وتصميم طرق فعالة الختبار تقدم، للغات لتصميم مواد تعليمية ودروس لتعليم اللغات الثانية .الطالب Theoretical (descriptive) (Phonetics & Phonology) branches of studying sounds Theoretical linguistics explores the nature of language itself. Theoretical linguists are most concerned with constructing models of linguistic knowledge and ultimately developing theories about how language works. The branches of linguistics which study sounds and sound production are Phonetics and Phonology ويهتم علماء اللغة النظريون بشكل كبير ببناء نماذج.يستكشف علم اللغة النظري طبيعة اللغة نفسها وفروع علم اللغة التى تدرس األصوات.للمعرفة اللغوية وتطوير نظريات حول كيفية عمل اللغة وإنتاجها هما علم دراسة األصوات المنفردة وعلم دراسة مجموعات األصوات Phonetics • Phonetics is the scientific study of speech production, transmission and reception. -Distinguishing sounds in English: The main sound division in English is to divide them into vowels and consonants: علم الصوتيات وتنقسم األصوات في اللغة.علم الصوتيات هو الدراسة العلمية إلنتاج الكالم ونقله واستقباله اإلنجليزيةا إلى أصوات العلة او المتحركة واالصوات الساكنة Stress One of the most prominent phonological terms is "stress" Stress is a term used in phonology to refer to the degree of force (for making it louder and longer) used in producing a syllable. The usual distinction is between stressed and unstressed syllables, the former being more prominent than the latter (and marked in transcription with a raised vertical line, [']. This prominence is usually due to an increase in loudness of the stressed syllable, but increases in length contribute to the overall impression of prominence. أحد أشهر المصطلحات الصوتية هى "النبرة" وهو مصطلح يستخدم في علم األصوات لإلشارة إلى ويكون التمييز المعتاد بين المقاطع هو مقاطع قوية.درجة القوةالمستخدمة في إنتاج مقطع لفظي ً بروزا من الثاني (ويتم حيث يكون األول قويا أكثر، عليها نبرة وأخرى ضعيفة ليس عليها نبرة يرجع هذا البروز عادة ً إلى زيادة ارتفاع.]'[ ، تمييزه في التحويل الصوتي بخط رأسي مرتفع صوت المقطع اللفظي الذي عليه النبرة طوال وقوة فى نطقه ليتم تمييزه عن الضعيف Stressed syllables are produced with greater effort (force) than unstressed and stressed syllables tend to be longer than the unstressed. In phonological analysis, two types of stress are important. Firstly, stress on a syllable within a word (the lexical stress) which changes the grammatical category of a word (compare 'insult with in'sult) and also change meaning among other things. On the other hand, there is a stress on a word or certain words in a phrase or sentence. This type of stress (on word(s) within sentences) is called sentence level or prosodic stress. This is. in fact, a change or modification to word level stress in a sentence which is basically a change of 'beat' on certain words in a sentence. يتم إنتاج المقاطع التى عليها النبرة بقوة أكبر من المقاطع الضعيفة و تميل المقاطع القوية إلى أن التأكيد، ً أوال. هناك نوعان من النبرة، وفي التحليل الصوتي.تكون أطول من المقاطع الضعيفة ضا تغيير المعنى ً على مقطع لفظي داخل كلمة (النبرة المعجمية) الذي يغير الشكل البنائى للكلمة وأي . هناك التشديد على كلمة أو كلمات معينة في عبارة أو جملة، ومن ناحية أخرى.بين الكلمات .ويسمى هذا النوع بالنبرة داخل الجمل Word stress: When a word has more than one syllable, there is always one syllable that has greater stress than the others. for example, the word "coffee" is stressed on the first syllable cof, which has greater prominence than the second syllabic. The word e'normous is stressed on the second syllable nor. عندما توجد كلمة بها أكثر من مقطع فإن النبرة توجد على أقوي جزء منها Here are some examples of how words are stressed, first syllable -Second syllable 'always al'ternative 'energy ap'pear Third syllable corre'spondent Fourth syllabic environ'mentally international organization 'everybody av'ailable opportunity responsibility 'industry be'tween recom'mend underde'veloped 'popular com'mittee 'programme ex'tremely 'sorry im'portant 'water tech'nology The syllable which follows the stress mark, (') is stressed. In the word always, the syllabic al is stressed, and the syllable ways is unstressed. B The/ə/sound The /ə/ sound or 'schwa' is the sound of (a)- in about or again or of er in water or colder. It is used only in unstressed, syllables and is spelled in a number of different ways. Here are some examples. payment /'peimənt/ famous /'feiməs/ , corner /'ko:nə (r}/ /sə'p ɔːt / forget /fə'get/ figure /'fig ə (r)/ . support The schwa is also used in certain one-syllable words when they are unstressed in connected speech, e.g. from /frəm/ , than / ðən/ These are called 'weak forms'. تعتبر الشوا أضعف مقطع فى الكلمة Stress in words, with suffixes: When we add a suffix to a one-syllable word, most suffixes are unstressed. 'hopeful 'playing 'quickly 'sadness 'statement 'treatable 'useless. The same usually happens when the suffix is added to a word with more than one syllable. 'powerful at'tacking 'silently 'loneliness. عند اضافه مقاطع بادئة أو الحقة فإن النبرة تأتى على أصل الكلمة Stress in compounds In a noun compound, we often stress the first word; 'bus ticket, 'living room, 'softball, 'fireworks, 'share price . But when the first word expresses time, place, or material, it is not usually stressed: فى الكلمات المركبة نجد ان أول جزء هو الذى يأخذ نبرة ولكن إذا كان أول جزء يدل على زمن أو مكن أو مادة خام فإن النبرة تأتى على االسم الثانى Afternoon 'tea town 'hall metal 'box In compounds with participles, we stress the participle when the compound does not come before a noun. واتي تعمل عمل الصفات فإننا نضع النبرة عليها اذا لم يوجدing/edوفى الكلمات التي أخرها بعدها اسم The paint is quick 'drying I'm left-'handed But when the compound comes before a noun, we stress the first word: فإننا نشدد على الكلمة األولى، ولكن عندما يأتي المركب قبل االسم I bought some 'quick-drying paint I need 'left-handed golf clubs Which Words are Stressed? Stress operates at word level and at sentence level. At word level there is always one syllable that is more prominent than the other syllables. For example, ticket is stressed on the first syllable. and arrive is stressed on the second syllable'. At sentence level some words receive greater stress than others because they are more important for the message and need to be prominent. يوجد دائ ًما مقطع، فعلى مستوى الكلمة.تعمل النبرة على مستوى الكلمة وعلى مستوى الجملة ً تتلقى بعض، و على مستوى الجملة، على سبيل المثال.بروزا من المقاطع األخرى لفظي أكثر .الكلمات نبرة أكبر من غيرها ألنها أكثر أهمية للمعنى وتحتاج إلى أن تكون بارزة Here is an example: The 'tickets for the 'show ar'rived this 'morning. Here the words tickets, show, arrived, and morning are most likely to be stressed. The stress falls more often on the vocabulary items: the nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. It fails less often on the 'grammatical words' such as the, for, and this. These words are generally unstressed, and some of them have weak forms such as / ðə/and / fər/ But we can stress a grammatical word if we want to draw special attention to it. .لكن يمكننا التأكيد على كلمة نحوية إذا أردنا لفت االنتباه إليها The 'tickets arrived 'this morning, not 'yesterday morning. Here we emphasize this to contrast it with yesterday. Syntax & Morphology It is a sub-branch of linguistics. It deals with the internal structure of words. The basic units of study in morphology are morphemes. A morpheme is the smallest unit that has meaning or grammatical function. What is a word? It is the smallest unit of grammatical analysis. Some linguists define a word as an entity which has a space before and after it. Examples: (I will read a book.). (I would have read a book.) Morphology can also be said to be the study of word forms. Different languages have different word forms. If the morpheme is the basic unit of study, we can therefore say, it is the smallest meaningful unit in morphology. والوحدات األساسية. ويتعامل مع التركيب الداخلي للكلمات.المورفولوجي فرع من علم اللغة . والمورفيم هى أصغر وحدة لها معنى أو وظيفة نحوية.للدراسة في علم السينتاكس والمورفولوجي اللغات المختلفة لها أشكال كلمات.ضا أن علم الصرف هو دراسة أشكال الكلمات ً ويمكن القول أي فيمكننا القول إذن أنها أصغر وحدة ذات، فإذا كانت المورفيم هي الوحدة األساسية للدراسة.مختلفة .معنى في علم المورفولوجي Examples irritation = irritate + -ion {-ion gives meaning of a noun) Laugh is a verb laugh + -ed (-ed marks the past tense) Laugh+-ing (-ing marks the progressive aspect) book + -s (-s shows plural) iv. John+'s ('s show? possession) TYPES OF MORPHEMES There are two types of morphemes. 1. Free morphemes and 2- Bound morphemes FREE MORPHEMES It is a morpheme that can occur on its own or with other morphemes. Free morpheme entails a lexical meaning. Examples: laugh, walk, book, person, spoon etc. . وله معنى معجمي.يمكن أن يتواجد بدون اضافات أو مع أشكال أخرى BOUND MORPHEMES It cannot occur on its own but it is always attached to a free morpheme. Although it has a distinct meaning, that meaning is grammatical. However, a bound morpheme when not attached to a free morpheme, its meaning become difficult to discern. وعلى الرغم من أن لها معنى.ال يمكن أن يتواجد من تلقاء نفسه ولكنه يرتبط دائ ًما بمورفيم حر ً ، عندما ال يتم ربط مورفيم االضافى بمورفيم حر، ومع ذلك. إال أن هذا المعنى نحويا فقط، مميزا .يصبح من الصعب تمييز معناه We can analyze words into constituent morphemes and further group the morphemes as free or bound. Ex: analyze the word "unrealistic" into free and bound morphemes. i. unrealistic Un+ realistic Realist+ ic Real+ ist Affixes can be divided into three categories 1. Prefixes : these are bound morphemes that are placed before the root. 2. بادئة أولي Infixes : are placed in between the syllables of the root. اضافة وسطى 3. Suffixes : are placed after the root. English only has prefixes and suffixes. الحقة أخر الكلمات Derivational suffixes: In addition to inflectional suffixes, English has a large supply of another kind of suffixes called derivational suffixes. These consist of all the suffixes that are not inflectional. Such as adding the suffix (— ment) to the word (adorn) to form a new word (adornment), or add the suffix (able) to the word comfort to be the adjective (comfortable). Unlike the inflectional suffixes, the derivational suffixes change the class of the word to which they are attached. تحتوي اللغة اإلنجليزية على قد كبير من نوع آخر من المقاطع، باإلضافة إلى المقاطع التصريفية ومثال على ذلك. وتتكون من جميع المقاطع التي ليست تصريفية.والتى تسمى المقاطع االشتقاقية أو إضافة، )adornment( ) لتشكيل كلمة جديدةadorn( ) إلى كلمةment--( إضافة الالحقة وعلى عكس اللواحق.)comfortable( لتكوين الصفةcomfort ) إلى كلمةable( الالحقة . فإن اللواحق االشتقاقية تغير طبقة ووظيفة الكلمة التي ترتبط بها، التصريفية Homophones Homophones are the words which sound the same but have different meanings and have different spellings too. Homophones Examples: Homophone Words & Sentences Aural -The Aural experience of the concert was impressive سمعى Oral- She practices good oral hygiene شفهى Ascent - He began a long ascent of Mt. Everest. هبوط Assent - They want the PM's assent on the bill موافقة Suffixal homophones Some suffixes, both inflectional and derivational have homophonous forms. The inflectional morpheme (er) has two homophones: {-ER n } & {-ER cp} . The verbal inflectional suffix (ing) has two homophones: {-ING nm} & {-ING adj} ex: going-charming. Another very important example can be examined in the homophones of the (s) suffix. Compare the pronunciation and meaning of the (s) suffix in the following three sentences: Verbal inflectional suffix: It feels /-z/ good, Noun plural inflectional suffix: Those frogs /-z/ Noun possessive inflectional suffix: John's /-z/ book. These three morphemes can be considered homophonous suffixes because they are pronounced the same, but differ in meaning. :وأحيانا نجد ان هناك مقاطع الحقة لهان نفس الشكل ولكنها ذات وظيفة مختلفة كما باألمثلة لها شكلينEr لها وظيفتينIng لها ثالث أشكال وهى إضافة للفعل واضافة لالسم الجمع واضافة للملكية/s/ Homographs The prefix homo- signifies sameness. And when we combine that, with the suffix -graph, we'll have a pretty clear picture of the word's meaning. From the words "photograph" and "autograph", it should be clear that -graph means something written or drawn. So, combining the two meanings, we get that a homograph is a word written the same way. And indeed, that is what it is. Homographs are words that are written (spelled) the same but have different meanings. They may or may not also sound the same. For example, bass can mean either a type of wood, fish, or voice. Notice how the pronunciation for bass the fish or wood is different to that of bass the voice. That means that while the fish and wood are also homophones, the fish and the voice are only homographs, or a type of words known -heteronyms ، بمعنى الشكل الكتابيgraph- وعندما ندمج مع الالحقة. تدل على التماثل-homo البادئة - يجب أن يكون واض ًحا أن، فمن خالل الكلمتين.سيكون لدينا صورة واضحة جدًا لمعنى الكلمة نتوصل إلى أن التماثل، من خالل الجمع بين المعنيين، لذا. تعني شيئًا مكتوبًا أو مرسو ًماgraph هو كلمة مكتوبة بنفس الطريقة .وبالفعل ،هذا ما هو عليه .التماثالت اللغوية هي الكلمات التي تتم عا من كتابتها (تهجئتها) بنفس المعنى ولكن لها معاني مختلفة .فيمكن أن تعني كلمة bassنو ً الخشب أو السمك أو الصوت .الحظ كيف يختلف نطق الكلمة بمعنى السمك أو الخشب عن معنى ضا متجانسات ،فإن المعنى السمكة الصوت .هذا يعني أنه في حين أن السمك والخشب هما أي ً والصوت ما هما إال تماثالن ،أو نوع من الكلمات المعروفة -المرادفات Syntax ?What is syntax • Syntax is the study of the rules governing the way words are combined to form sentences in a language. • Syntax is not concerned with meaning (sentences can have no meaning but still be grammatically correct) OR The study of sentence patterns or structures of language. What is the meaning of the word "structure" in the definition of syntax??? The word "structure" here refers to "word order". The meaning of a sentence depends on the order in which words occur in a sentence. النحو هو دراسة القواعد التي تحكم طريقة دمج الكلمات لتشكيل جمل في اللغة • .وال يتعلق التركيب اللغوي بالمعنى (حيث يمكن للجمل أن ال يكون لها معنى ولكنها تظل صحيحة نحويًا) أو دراسة أنماط الجملة أو تراكيب اللغة .فما معنى كلمة "بناء" في تعريف النحو ؟؟؟ تشير كلمة "بناء" هنا إلى "ترتيب الكلمات" ويعتمد معنى الجملة على الترتيب الذي تظهر به الكلمات فيها. EX: Compare the following sentences: & I sing because I am happy. I am happy because I sing. Note that: the two sentences have the same SYNTACTIC CATEGORIES and number of words, but differ in structure (word order), thus, they have different meanings. What is the meaning of syntactic categories? Syntactic category is a set of words in a language which share a number of common characteristics. : قارن الجمل التالية:مثال & .أنا أغني ألني سعيد .أنا سعيد ألنني أغني لكنهما يختلفان في البنية (ترتيب، الجملتين لهما نفس الوظيفة البنائية وعدد الكلمات:الحظ أن . فإن لهما معاني مختلفة، وبالتالي، )الكلمات فما معنى األشكال البنائية؟ هي مجموعة من الكلمات في اللغة تشترك في عدد من الخصائص المشتركة Syntactic categories Classes of words (Parts of speech) Words are basically divided into content and function words: CONTENT WORDS OR CONTENTIVES (major lexical) categories) The words which belong to these four categories (Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs) are traditionally said to be contentives (or content words) because they have descriptive content. )األشكال البنائية أو(أجزاء الكالم :سا إلى كلمات تشير الى المحتوى وكلمات تشير الى الوظيفة ً تنقسم الكلمات أسا )فالكلمات التي تشير الى المحتوى (المعجمية الرئيسية ) والظروف، والصفات، واألفعال، هى الكلمات التي تنتمي إلى هذه الفئات األربع (األسماء FUNCTION WORDS (minor lexical categories, grammatical words) PREPOSITIONS (Prep): relate nouns in various ways to other sentence constituents the desk by the window their love for one another slow reading in bed Determiners Determiners (D OR DET) are the expressions which determine the referential properties of the nouns which follow them. Such as the underlined expressions in following examples: The village store is dosed. This appalling behavior has got to stop That dog of yours is crazy Quantifiers (Q) are the expressions used to determine the quantity of its following noun. Like the underlined words in the following sentences: Most good comedians tell some bad jokes Many students have no money Every true Scotsman hates all Englishmen Pronouns: Pronouns A pronoun is a word that refers to or takes the place of a noun. Semantics & Pragmatics Both of semantics and pragmatics examine meaning, but they do that differently. Semantics: very broadly, semantics is the study of meaning (Word meaning & Sentence meaning) Types or levels of meaning: Complementaries: Pairs like male - female, refers to the existence of pairs that the denial of one, implies the assertion of the other are called Complementaries. :علم المعانى والبراجماتية . لكنهما يفعالن ذلك بشكل مختلف، كل من علم المعانى الداللية والبراغماتية يدرسان المعنى ) هي دراسة معنى الكلمة ومعنى الجملة:فعلم الداللة :وهناك أنواع أو مستويات المعنى :المعانى التكميلية يعني ضمنا ً تأكيد، تشير إلى أن وجود أحدهما يغنى عن األخر، الكلمات مثل الذكور واإلناث اآلخر ويسمى ذلك بالتكميلية Ex: temporary permanent animate -inanimate dead voter alive non-voter Antonyms: Pairs like big ~ small, where there is a scale, are termed antonyms. :التضاد الكلمات مثل الكبير والصغير تسمى المتضادات. Ex: old young hot cold high low love hate Converses: The pair teacher - student looks at two entities that are involved in one and the same event, teaching, in two different roles. One is the entity who teaches (teacher) and one is the entity who is being taught (student). This type of opposite sense relations is called converse relation; pairs of words which are in a converse relation are termed converses. ، وهما التدريس، و الطالب إلى كيانين مشتركين في حدث واحد ونفسهما- ينظر كل من المعلم أحدهما هو الكيان الذي يعلم (المعلم) واآلخر هو الكيان الذي يتم تدريسه.بدورين مختلفين ويسمى هذا النوع بالعالقة العكسية ؛وتسمى أزواج الكلمات التي لها عالقة عكسية.)(الطالب بالمتضادات المترابطة Homonyms: Two words which are identical in form (phonological and orthographic), but have unrelated meanings are termed homonyms. The phenomenon that there exist linguistic expressions which have the same orthographic (spelling) and phonological form, but different, unrelated meanings is called homonymy. المتجانسات: اسم، ولكن لهما معاني غير مرتبطة، )يطلق على كلمتين متطابقتين في الشكل (صوتي وإمالئي ولكن، تسمى ظاهرة وجود التعبيرات اللغوية التي لها نفس الشكل اإلمالئي والصوتي.المتجانسات بمعاني مختلفة غير مرتبطة بالتماثل Synonymy: Having looked at homonymous words, which are identical in form but different in meaning, you may wonder whether there are also cases which differ in form, but are identical in meaning. This phenomenon does indeed exist; it is called synonymy. :الترادف قد تتساءل عما إذا كانت، بعد النظر إلى الكلمات المتجانسة في الشكل ولكنها مختلفة في المعنى هذه الظاهرة موجودة بالفعل و.ضا حاالت تختلف في الشكل ولكنها متطابقة في المعنى ً هناك أي يطلق عليها المرادف Examples of synonymous '. You look beautiful in that dress. A'. You look lovely in that dress. b. His job? -He is a teacher teacher. c. B. His occupation? -He is a He tried to escape. C. He attempted to escape. Euphemism: to use more socially favorable expressions instead of more plain-spoken or socially unacceptable ones; a common discursive strategy of politeness, and an ideological practice of concealing plain truth; from the Greek eu 'good, well' and pheme 'speaking'; the opposite of dysphemism Dysphemism: to use disfavourable, plain-spoken or socially taboo expressions instead of more socially acceptable ones; a discursive strategy of Plain or offensive speaking; from the Greek dys- 'bad, unfavorable' and pheme 'speaking'; the opposite of euphemism; also called tapinosis ً تفضيال اجتماعيًا بدالً من التعبيرات األكثر وضو ًحا أو غير استخدام تعبيرات أكثر:التلطيف المقبولة اجتماعيًا ؛ استراتيجية مشتركة للتأدب 'على عكس عسر الكالم الستخدام التعبيرات البغيضة أو الصريحة أو المحظورة اجتماعيا ً بدالً من التعبيرات:عسر الكالم غير، المقبولة اجتماعيا ً ؛ استراتيجية للتحدث البسيط أو العدواني ؛ من اليونانية الكالم" السيئ Ambiguity and Vagueness: The difference between ambiguity and vagueness is a matter of whether two or more meanings associated with a given phonological form are distinct (ambiguous), or united as non-distinguished subcases of a single, more general meaning (vague). A standard example is bank "financial institution" vs. bank "land at river edge", where the meanings are intuitively quite separate; in aunt "father's sister" vs. aunt "mother's sister", however, the meanings are intuitively united into one, "parent's sister". Thus, ambiguity corresponds to separation, and vagueness to unity, of different meanings. الفرق بينهما هو مسألة ما إذا كان هناك معنيان أو أكثر مرتبطان بشكل صوتي:الخفية والغموض أو متحدين كحاالت فرعية غير مميزة لمعنى واحد أكثر عمومية، )معين مميزين (غامضين والمثال المعياري هوكلمة بنكوتعنى "مؤسسة مالية" بينما تأتى بمعنى مقابل "أرض على.)(غامض حيث تكون المعاني منفصلة تما ًما ؛ في حالة كلمة العمة تأتى بمعنى"أخت األب" وفى، "حافة النهر وهكذا فإن." "أخت الوالد، تتحد المعاني بشكل حدسي في واحدة، "معنى مقابل "أخت األم الغموض يقابل االنفصال والغموض عن الوحدة ذات المعاني المختلفة Jargon Jargon is the language peculiar to a trade, profession or other group; it is the language used in a body of spoken or written texts, dealing with a circumscribed domain in which speakers share a common specialized vocabulary, habits of word usage, and forms of expression. Jargons involve more than just lexical differences; they often differ from one another grammatically, and sometimes phonologically or typographically المصطلحات اللغوية المتخصصة هي اللغة الخاصة بتجارة أو مهنة وهى المستخدمة في مجموعة والتي تتعامل مع مجال محدود حيث يتشارك المتحدثون، من النصوص المنطوقة أو المكتوبة تتضمن المصطلحات.مفردات متخصصة مشتركة وعادات استخدام الكلمات وأشكال التعبير ، اللغوية المتخصصة أكثر من مجرد اختالفات معجمية ؛ غالبًا ما تختلف عن بعضها البعض نحويًا مطبعي وأحيانًا صوتيًا أو ً Lexical markers Vocabulary specialized for use in a particular domain (the subject matter of a jargon). The lexical relations among specialized vocabulary will reflect the accepted taxonomies within the domain (e. g forms, varieties, species, genera, families, orders, classes in biology), : عالمات معجمية ستعكس العالقات المعجمية.)مفردات مخصصة لالستخدام في مجال معين (موضوع المصطلحات ، واألنواع، واألصناف، بين المفردات المتخصصة التصنيفات المقبولة داخل المجال (مثل أشكال ،) والفئات في علم األحياء، واألوامر، والعائالت، واألجناس Syntactic markers such as: a. imperatives in recipes and knitting patterns; b. large numbers of impersonal passives in reports of scientific experiments (e. g. It was observed that....); c. full noun phrases in place of pronouns in legal documents (e.g. A term of a sale shall not be taken to exclude, restrict or modify the application of this Part unless the term [not 'it'] does so expressly or is inconsistent with that provision). ::العالمات النحوية مثل أ ، أعداد كبيرة من المبني للمجهول غير الشخصية في تقارير التجارب العلمية (على سبيل المثال.ب ).... لوحظ أن ال يجوز، عبارات االسم الكاملة بدالً من الضمائر في المستندات القانونية (على سبيل المثال.ج ]"اعتبار مصطلح البيع الستبعاد أو تقييد أو تعديل تطبيق هذا الجزء ما لم يكن المصطلح [ليس "هو يفعل ذلك صراحةً أو يتعارض مع هذا الحكم Presentational markers a. Prosodic (voice quality, amplitude, rhythm, etc.) and paralinguistic and/or kinesic (gaze, gesture, etc.) characteristics within a spoken medium; e.g. a hushed tone and minimal kinesic display is more frequently expected in 'funeralese' than in football commentary or anecdote. b. Typographical conventions within a written medium: e.g. in mathematics, {a,b}, <a,b> and (a,b) will normally have different and conventionally prescribed interpretations; in linguistics, language expressions that are mentioned rather than used are usually italicized. c. Format in which a text is presented; this is particularly evident in the written medium عالمات العرض ، إيماءة، أو حركية (نظرة/ إلخ) وخصائص غير لغوية و، اإليقاع، السعة، (جودة الصوت.أ إلخ) داخل وسيط منطوق ؛ على سبيل المثال يُتوقع في كثير من األحيان في "الجنازات" نغمة .صامتة وعرض حركي ضئيل أكثر من تعليق أو حكاية كرة القدم عادة ما يكون، على سبيل المثال في الرياضيات: االصطالحات المطبعية داخل وسيط مكتوب.ب ، ب) تفسيرات مختلفة ومحددة بشكل تقليدي ؛ في اللسانيات، ب> و (أ، <أ، } ب، لكل من {أ .عادة ً ما تكون التعبيرات اللغوية التي يتم ذكرها بدالً من استخدامها مائلة الشكل الذي يتم تقديم النص به ؛ يكون واضح بشكل خاص في الوسيط المكتوب.ج Slang Slang is language of a highly colloquial and contemporary type, considered stylistically inferior to standard formal, and even polite informal, speech. It often uses metaphor and/or ellipsis, and often manifests verbal play in which current language is employed in some special sense and denotation; otherwise, the vocabulary and sometimes the grammar, is novel or only recently coined. The most significant characteristic of slang overlaps with a defining characteristic of jargon: slang is a marker of in-group solidarity, and so it is a correlate of human groups with shared experiences, such as being children at a certain school or of a certain age, or being a member of a certain socially definable group, such as hookers, junkies, jazz musicians or professional criminals. وتعتبر أقل شأنا من الناحية األسلوبية من الخطاب، العامية هي لغة من النوع المعاصر للغاية أو الحذف/ غالبًا ما تستخدم االستعارة و. وحتى الخطاب غير الرسمي المهذب، الرسمي القياسي ، وغالبًا ما تظهر اللعب اللفظي الذي تستخدم فيه اللغة الحالية بمعنى وداللة خاصة ؛ خالف ذلك، .مؤخرا فإن المفردات وأحيانًا القواعد تكون جديدة أو تم صياغتها ً اللغة العامية هي:السمة األكثر أهمية لتداخل اللغة العامية مع السمة المميزة للمصطلحات وبالتالي فهي مرتبطة بالمجموعات البشرية مع الخبرات، عالمة على التضامن داخل المجموعة ً عضوا في أو أن تكون، أطفاال في مدرسة معينة أو في سن معينة مثل أن يكونوا، المشتركة ً . مثل العاهرات أو المدمنون أو موسيقيو الجاز أو المجرمين المحترفين، مجموعة محددة اجتماعيًا Taboos The word 'taboo' was borrowed from Tongan, a Polynesian language, and in that society, it refers to acts which are "forbidden" or which are to be avoided. When an act is taboo, reference to this act may also become taboo. Thus, it is sometimes forbidden to do such an act or to talk about it. Taboo certain topics such as body parts, bodily functions, sexual activity and practices, certain religious and ideological concept make up a large part of the set of taboo words of many cultures and can be regarded as socially forbidden. Societies differ in what topics are taboo because such topics which are forbidden reflect the particular customs and views of the society. Therefore, certain topics may be considered taboo in certain societies but in other societies they can be acceptable. The "Encyclopedia Britannica" defines taboo as "the prohibition of an action or the use of an object based on ritualistic distinctions of them either as being sacred and consecrated or as being dangerous, unclean, and accursed". تشير، وفي ذلك المجتمع، وهي لغة بولينيزية، تم استعارة كلمة "المحرمات" من اللغة التونغية فإن اإلشارة إلى، عندما يكون الفعل من المحرمات.إلى األفعال "المحظورة" أو التي يجب تجنبها ضا من المحرمات .وبالتالي ،يُمنع أحيانًا القيام بمثل هذا العمل أو الحديث هذا الفعل قد تصبح أي ً عنه. تشكل مواضيع معينة من المحرمات مثل أجزاء الجسم والوظائف الجسدية والنشاط والممارسات كبيرا من مجموعة الكلمات المحظورة للعديد من الثقافات الجنسية وبعض المفاهيم الدينية جز ًءا ً ويمكن اعتبارها محظورة اجتماعيًا .تختلف المجتمعات في ماهية المواضيع المحظورة ألن مثل هذه الموضوعات المحظورة تعكس العادات الخاصة ووجهات نظر المجتمع .لذلك ،يمكن اعتبار بعض الموضوعات من المحرمات في مجتمعات معينة ولكن في مجتمعات أخرى يمكن أن تكون مقبولة. تعرف "موسوعة بريتانيكا" المحرمات على أنها "تحريم عمل أو استخدام شيء ما بنا ًء على الفروق ّ الطقوسية بينهما سواء على أنها مقدسة ومكرسة أو خطيرة وغير نظيفة وملعون". Words denoting taboo subjects are considered socially unacceptable in most languages, but the crudest company are known as obscenities. Another type of obscenity exists in using certain denotative terms which are borrowed to express emotions in a deliberately socially unacceptable and therefore stronger way. These denotative terms are called expletives. Each language chooses different taboo words for this function. The term taboo is not only referring to certain words but also to certain activities or customs within a society. Therefore, some of these taboo activities or customs are prohibited under law and transgressions may lead to legal and social severe penalties. تعتبر الكلمات التي تشير إلى مواضيع محظورة غير مقبولة اجتماعيًا في معظم اللغات ،لكن الشركة األكثر فظاظة تُعرف بالكلمات البذيئة .يوجد نوع آخر من الفحش في استخدام بعض المصطلحات الداللية التي يتم استعارتها للتعبير عن المشاعر بطريقة غير مقبولة اجتماعيا عمدا وبالتالي أقوى .تسمى هذه المصطلحات الدالئل بالشتائم .تختار كل لغة كلمات محظورة مختلفة لهذه ضا إلى بعض األنشطة أو الوظيفة .مصطلح المحرمات ال يشير فقط إلى كلمات معينة ولكن أي ً العادات داخل المجتمع .لذلك ،فإن بعض هذه األنشطة أو العادات محظورة بموجب القانون وقد تؤدي التجاوزات إلى عقوبات قانونية واجتماعية صارمة. Pragmatics The literal meaning often does not suffice to really understand an utterance; it must be augmented in some way or other. How this is done is explained in pragmatics, which is concerned with systematic aspects of the use of linguistic forms. Semantics examine the apparent meaning of the syntactic categories which form sentences, then who will answer such type of questions like: What do speakers use language for, and how do they use it? يتم شرح كيفية القيام.غالبًا ال يكفي المعنى الحرفي لفهم الكالم ؛ يجب زيادته بطريقة أو بأخرى تدرس الدالالت. والتي تهتم بالجوانب المنهجية الستخدام األشكال اللغوية، بذلك في البراغماتية : ثم من سيجيب على هذا النوع من األسئلة مثل، المعنى الظاهر للفئات النحوية التي تشكل الجمل وكيف يستخدمونها؟، ما الذي يستخدمه المتحدثون للغة Before reading on, try to decide for each example what intentions the speakers have when uttering these sentences. (!) a. a mother to her son: Take some more vegetables! b. a teacher to schoolchildren: Lions have gold-coloured fur. c. a friend to a friend: I'll phone you tomorrow. d. a priest to a child: I baptize thee Alexander Frederic. You might guess that in (1a) the speaker uses this sentence in order to make her son do something, namely eat more vegetables. In (1b) the speaker wants to state a fact and to inform schoolchildren of this fact. (1c) is a typical example of somebody indicating a promise. Finally, the speaker in (1d) has yet a different intention: to baptize a child. What do we learn from this brief analysis? We can say that when people use language, they apparently do not do this just for the sake of using it. Usually, speakers have a certain intention, such as stating, promising, declaring, requesting, making somebody do something, and many other things. But what about the listeners, you might be tempted to ask. Think of your own experience as listeners. Supposedly, in most cases you listen to somebody in order to figure out these intentions. What we also learn from the examples above is that being able to pronounce words, to combine morphemes and words, and to understand the semantic meaning of sentences is only one part of the linguistic knowledge speakers carry with them. . فمن الواضح أنهم ال يفعلون ذلك لمجرد استخدامها، يمكننا القول أنه عندما يستخدم الناس اللغة وجعل، والطلب، واإلعالن، والوعد، مثل التصريح، عادة ً ما يكون لدى المتحدثين نية معينة فكر. قد تميل إلى السؤال، ولكن ماذا عن المستمعين. وأشياء أخرى كثيرة، شخص ما يفعل شيئًا تستمع إلى شخص ما لمعرفة، في معظم الحاالت، في تجربتك الخاصة كمستمع فمن المفترض والجمع، ضا من األمثلة المذكورة أعاله هو أن القدرة على نطق الكلمات ً ما نتعلمه أي.هذه النوايا وفهم المعنى الداللي للجمل هو جزء واحد فقط من المعرفة اللغوية التي، بين الصراف والكلمات .يحملها المتحدثون معهم Besides having this knowledge, which linguists often call 'grammatical competence', users of a language are also able to employ it to state certain communicative intentions. Therefore, in addition to studying the phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic aspects of a language we can also analyze how speakers use language to express their communicative intentions, and how hearers decode and understand these intentions. And the insight that humans use language to state certain intentions raises many other, more specific questions: يستطيع مستخدمو، " التي يسميها اللغويون غالبًا "الكفاءة النحوية، إلى جانب امتالك هذه المعرفة باإلضافة إلى دراسة الجوانب الصوتية، لذلك.ضا استخدامها لتوضيح نوايا تواصل معينة ً اللغة أي ضا تحليل كيفية استخدام المتحدثين للغة للتعبير عن ً يمكننا أي، والصرفية والنحوية والداللية للغة وتثير البصيرة القائلة بأن. وكيف يكتشف المستمعون هذه النوايا ويفهمونها، نواياهم التواصلية : البشر يستخدمون اللغة للتعبير عن نوايا معينة العديد من األسئلة األخرى األكثر تحديدًا How do speakers express their intentions? What different kinds of intentions are there? How do listeners extract these intentions from what is being said? Are there any rules or principles speakers and listeners; observe in order to use language effectively and successfully?. The area of linguistics that deals with all these questions is called pragmatics. Using language to act: Speech Acts When we asked you above what people use language for, we saw that they do so to express certain communicative intentions.: Interestingly, if we asked you what you use a mixer or a spade or your eyes for, you would most likely answer that you do so to perform certain actions., such as mixing, digging, or seeing. Now, can we also say that expressing communicative intentions is a kind of action, similar to mixing, digging, or seeing? To answer this question, let us go back to our examples from the previous section, repeated below for convenience. Think about whether we can say that the speakers perform a certain action in each of the examples. Expressing intentions through language (2) a. a mother to her son: Take some more vegetables! :استخدام اللغة للعمل ومن: رأينا أنهم يفعلون ذلك للتعبير عن نوايا تواصل معينة، فى سبب استخدام األشخاص للغة ، المثير لالهتمام So, we can say that when rendering their intentions through language, the speakers in (2) actually perform different actions, such as commanding, stating, promising and baptizing. Thus, we use language to perform different actions. Speakers act through language. This insight was formulated by the philosopher John L. Austin (1962), who developed it into a fully-fledged theory. Austin called the linguistic actions performed by speakers in a certain context with a certain communicative intention and his theory came to be known as Speech Act Theory. So, in Austin's terms the speaker saying " I'll phone you tomorrow" performs the speech act of promising, and the speaker baptizing a child the speech act of baptizing, etc. Now you might ask whether everything speakers say can be regarded as performing a certain action. To answer this question, let us take a look at the example in (3) and decide whether it can be regarded as a speech act. لذلك ،يمكننا القول أنه عند تقديم نواياهم من خالل اللغة ،يقوم المتحدثون في ( )2في الواقع بأفعال مختلفة ،مثل األمر ،والتعبير ،والوعد ،والتعميد .وبالتالي ،فإننا نستخدم اللغة ألداء أعمال مختلفة .يتصرف المتحدثون من خالل اللغة .صاغ هذه الرؤية الفيلسوف جون ل .أوستن ()1962 الذي طورها إلى نظرية كاملة .دعا أوستن اإلجراءات اللغوية التي يقوم بها المتحدثون في سياق معين مع نية تواصل معينة وأصبحت نظريته ت ُعرف باسم نظرية قانون الكالم .لذلك ،وفقًا لشروط أوستن ،فإن المتحدث الذي يقول "سأتصل بك غدًا" يؤدي فعل الوعد ،والمتحدث الذي يعمد الطفل هو فعل التعميد ،إلخ .اآلن يمكنك أن تسأل عما إذا كان كل ما يقوله المتحدثون يمكن اعتباره أدا ًء عمل معين. The three aspects of speech acts we have just explored are an intrinsic part of Speech Act Theory, and each of them is given a special term. The term locution is used to refer to the linguistic form of a speech act. The communicative intention rendered by the speaker, such as promising, commanding, making compliments, etc. is called illocution or 'illocutionary force'. Finally, the effect produced 'on the hearer is termed per locution. Note that the term 'speech act is also used by some linguists to refer solely to the illocution since the illocution is the most crucial part of a speech act. Different illocutions can be expressed through one and the same linguistic form, i.e. one locution. Second, to identify the illocutionary force, and thus the type of speech act, it is important to take not only the linguistic form of an utterance into account, but also some additional information. الجوانب الثالثة للخطاب التي اكتشفناها للتو هي جزء جوهري ،ويتم إعطاء كل منها مصطل ًحا صا .يستخدم مصطلح "التعبير" لإلشارة إلى الشكل اللغوي لفن الحطابة .يُطلق على النية خا ً أخيرا ، التواصلية التي يقدمها المتحدث ،مثل الوعد ،أو إصدار األوامر ،أو المجامالت ،إلخ. ً يُطلق على التأثير الناتج على المستمع اسم األنطباع ضا بعض اللغويين لإلشارة الي جوهر اللغة و يستخدمه أي ً ثانيًا ،لتحديد قوة الكالم ،وبالتالي نوع الفعل الكالمي ،من المهم أال تأخذ فقط الشكل اللغوي ضا بعض المعلومات اإلضافية. للكالم في االعتبار ،ولكن أي ً Interdisciplinary Branches of Linguistics 1-Historical linguistics: It involves the study of the historical development of languages asks questions like 'how' languages change, and 'why' languages change? To sum up, the major reasons behind the linguistic change? are the desire to be distinct and social climbing. A pervasive notion was that members of lower classes purposefully change their speech by imitating the elite of society in order to improve their own social standing and that as a consequence the upper class changes its language in order to maintain its distance from the masses -the social-climbing masses in hot linguistic pursuit of society's fleeing elite. Sociolinguistic study of change, however, reveals that the more typical pattern is for the middle classes to initiate linguistic change and for the highest and lowest classes of society to change only later, if at all. External historical events such as the wars and social disruption of the later Middle Ages which coincided in England and France with rapid linguistic change. يتضمن دراسة التطور التاريخي للغات يطرح أسئلة مثل "كيف" تتغير اللغات:علم اللغة التاريخي األسباب الرئيسية وراء التغيير اللغوي؟ هي الرغبة في التميز، و "لماذا" تتغير اللغات؟ باختصار، .والتسلق االجتماعي كانت الفكرة السائدة هي أن أفراد الطبقات الدنيا يغيرون خطابهم عن قصد من خالل تقليد المجتمع تغير الطبقة العليا لغتها من أجل الحفاظ على، ونتيجة لذلك، من أجل تحسين وضعهم االجتماعي تكشف، ومع ذلك.بعدها عن الجماهير في السعي اللغوي الساخن للنخبة الهاربة في المجتمع عا هو أن تبدأ الطبقات الوسطى في تغيير ً الدراسة اللغوية االجتماعية للتغيير أن النمط األكثر شيو لغوي وبالنسبة للفئات األعلى واألدنى من األحداث التاريخية الخارجية مثل الحروب. على كل حال، المجتمع للتغيير فقط في وقت الحق واالضطرابات االجتماعية في العصور الوسطى المتأخرة والتي تزامنت في إنجلترا وفرنسا مع .تغير لغوي سريع 2-Socio-linguistics: The way we speak reveals quite a lot about our social background, for example how educated we are, where we come from, etc. In the 1960s linguists began to systematically investigate the relationship between language and society by looking at the variable use of certain linguistic features by different groups of speakers. The branch of linguistic research is called sociolinguistics. Take, for example, the familiar variability of how speakers of English pronounce the final sound in the following words: surfing, walking, sleeping. They either use the velar nasal [ŋ] or the alveolar nasal [n]. This is illustrated here: بدأ اللغويون في التحقيق بشكل، في الستينيات. وما إلى ذلك، من أين أتينا، مثال على مدى تعليمنا منهجي في العالقة بين اللغة والمجتمع من خالل النظر في االستخدام المتغير لسمات لغوية معينة يسمى فرع البحث اللغوي علم اللغة االجتماعي وعلى.من قبل مجموعات مختلفة من المتحدثين التباين المألوف لكيفية نطق المتحدثين باللغة اإلنجليزية للصوت النهائي في، سبيل المثال يستخدمون إما األصوات الحلقية أو األنفية:الكلمات Important Definitions Speech community What is the meaning of speech community? Any group of people who: • - Share language usage. 8 - Share rules of speaking and interpretation of speech performance. • - Share attitudes and values regarding language usage. Are described in socio-linguistics as a speech community - Bilingualism • A type of linguistic situation in which two languages co-exist within the same speech community or country without any reference to social class or function. :• مجتمع الكالم ما هو معنى مجتمع الكالم؟ أي مجموعة من األشخاص . مشاركة استخدام اللغة- • • . مشاركة قواعد الكالم وتفسير الكالم بأداء-8 • . شارك المواقف والقيم فيما يتعلق باستخدام اللغة- • • • يتم وصفها في اللسانيات االجتماعية كمجتمع الكالم ثنائية اللغة- • • • نوع من المواقف اللغوية التي تتعايش فيها لغتان في نفس مجتمع الكالم أو .البلد دون أي إشارة إلى الطبقة االجتماعية أو الوظيفة • • 2-Diglossia • A linguistic situation in which there is a division between two languages or two varieties of a language within the same speech community. • There is one variety used in public life, media, schools and universities. It is entitled as Variety". The other variety is used in domestic life with family and friends. • • موقف لغوي يوجد فيه انقسام بين لغتين أو نوعين مختلفين من اللغة داخل .نفس مجتمع الكالم • • وهناك نوع واحد يستخدم في الحياة العامة ووسائل اإلعالم والمدارس يتم استخدام التنوع اآلخر في الحياة." يطلق عليه اسم التنوع.والجامعات .المنزلية مع العائلة واألصدقاء • What is code-switching? • Is the practice of *unpredictably changing one's language, dialect or speaking style to better fit one's environment. • Also a universal language-contact phenomenon that reflects the grammars of both languages working simultaneously. • code switching is possible in bilingual or rnultilingual environment but not in monolingual. هي ممارسة تغيير لغة المرء أو لهجته أو أسلوبه في التحدث بشكل غير متوقع .ليناسب بيئة الحوار بشكل أفضل • وأيضا ظاهرة عالمية للتواصل اللغوي يعكس القواعد النحوية لكلتا اللغتين .التي تعمل في وقت واحد • و ممكن ان يتواجد ذلك في بيئة ثنائية اللغة أو متعددة اللغات ولكن ليس .في بيئة أحادية اللغة Psycholinguistics is: • The field of study in which researchers investigate the psychological processes involved in the use of language, including language comprehension, language production, and language acquisition. The field is interdisciplinary, with contributions from psychology, linguistics, cognitive science, philosophy, anthropology, and neuro science :• علم اللغة النفسي هو • • مجال الدراسة الذي يدرس فيه الباحثون العمليات النفسية التي ينطوي واكتساب، وإنتاج اللغة، بما في ذلك فهم اللغة، عليها استخدام اللغة اضافة الي اسهامات من علم النفس، والمجال متعدد التخصصات.اللغة واللغويات والعلوم المعرفية والفلسفة واألنثروبولوجيا وعلوم األعصاب • Neurolinguistics (the study of language and the brain). This has a physical dimension because it is basically concerned with impairments of language due to brain lesions, tumors, injuries or strokes. It also has an observational domain which is the concern of linguists. Here certain phenomena like slips of the tongue, various performance errors (due to nervousness, tiredness for instance) are examined for the insights which they might offer about the structure of the language faculty in the human brain. هذا له بعد مادي ألنه يهتم.)• • اللغويات العصبية (دراسة اللغة والعقل بشكل أساسي بضعف اللغة بسبب آمراض العقل أو األورام أو اإلصابات أو السكتات يتم هنا فحص ظواهر. كما أن لديها مجال رصد وهو اهتمام اللغويين.الدماغية وأخطاء أداء مختلفة (بسبب العصبية والتعب على سبيل، معينة مثل زالت اللسان المثال) للتعرف على األفكار التي قد يقدمونها حول بنية ملكة اللغة في العقل .البشري • • Language pathology طب اللغة • The breakdown of language has been studied intensively from at least two main angles. The first is that of medicine where attempts are made to help patients regain at least partially the ability to use language normally. • • علم أمراض اللغة تمت دراسة ضعف اللغة بشكل مكثف من الناحية الطبية حيث ُ تبذل محاوالت لمساعدة المرضى على استعادة القدرة على استخدام اللغة بشكل .ًا على األقل طبيعي جزئي • • Language Acquisition: • Language acquisition is innately (genetically) determined. • Language acquisition device: an innate, metaphorical "mechanism'-' in young children's brain that predisposes them to acquire language, (human capacity to acquire language) :اكتساب اللغة • .)• اكتساب اللغة يأتي بالفطرة (وراثيا طريقة "فطرية مجازية في عقول األطفال الصغار تؤهلهم:• ويعتبر اكتساب اللغة )الكتساب اللغة (قدرة اإلنسان على اكتساب اللغة • Dialectology Dialectology is the study of variation in the lexical and structural components of language. It is usually associated with the study of geographical variation, especially in rural areas, but there is much dialectological work today which focuses principally on social variation and in urban areas {very often to the exclusion of more holistic spatial considerations عادة.علم اللهجات هو دراسة االختالف في المكونات المعجمية والبنيوية للغة ولكن، ال سيما في المناطق الريفية، ما يرتبط بدراسة التباين الجغرافي هناك الكثير من التركيز اليوم بشكل أساسي على التباين االجتماعي وفي المناطق الحضرية {في كثير من األحيان الستبعاد االعتبارات المكانية األكثر شمولية What Are The Differences Between British And American English? Accent It’s difficult to make clear distinctions between U.S. and U.K. accents when there is such a wide variety of accents within both the U.S. and the U.K. There are also differences between American and British English in the areas of spelling, vocabulary and grammar. Here are just some of the examples. هناك بعض الفروق بين اللكنة البريطانية واللكنة األمريكية كما يلي باألمثلة Spelling American English British English color colour behavior behaviour theater theatre meter metre organize organise traveled travelled Vocabulary American English British English apartment flat college university theater theatre vacation holiday chips crisps (french) fries chips the movies the cinema soda / pop / coke / soft drink soft drink / fizzy drink sneakers / tennis shoes trainers sweater jumper mailbox postbox band-aid plaster drugstore chemist’s soccer football cookie biscuit Grammar Prepositions American English British English I’m going to a party on the weekend. I’m going to a party at the weekend. What are you doing on Christmas? What are you doing at Christmas? Monday through Friday. Monday to Friday. It’s different from/than the others. It’s different from/to the others. Past Simple vs Present Perfect Americans tend to use the past simple tense when describing something that has recently occurred, while people in the U.K. are more likely to use the present perfect tense. American English British English I ate too much. I’ve eaten too much. I went to the store. I’ve been to the shop. Did you get the newspaper? Have you got the newspaper? The past participle of get American English British English get — got — gotten get — got — got I haven’t gotten any news about him. I’ve not got any news about him. Choose the Correct Answer 1. Linguists describe and analyze language- for example, how language is learned and used by ( listener-speakers-readers), how languages change; evolve, die, or emerge. 2. As well as being interested in language (sound-structure-meaning), linguists also study the way that language is used, and this can cover a very broad range of subjects as language is central to so many areas of human activity. 3. Phonetics, for example, involves the detailed analysis of speech (letters-wordssounds) how they're produced and perceived, and how they can be analyzed acoustically. 4. The second group, focusing on the structure of words and sentences, includes (phonology-morphology-psychology) the study of word formations and combinations in a language, and syntax, which considers the rules that govern the sentence structure. 5. The third group, concerned with the study of meaning, includes (syntax- semantics – statistics) which focuses on the meaning of words and phrases, pragmatics, which explores how we use language to create meaning in different interactive contexts. 6. Linguistics is the( scientific politic-critic) study of language. 7. Linguists do work on specific languages, but their ( primary-secondary-third) goal is to understand the nature of Language in general. 8. There are (two-three-four) types of linguistics. 9. phonetics - the study of speech sounds in their (physical-cognitive-sensitive) aspects . 10. Phonology - the study of speech sounds in their (initiative-cognitive-inquisitive) aspects . 11. Morphology is the study of the (transformation-formation-summation) of words . 12. syntax-the study of the formation of (words-sentences-letters) . 13. semantics is the study of ______ (structure-meaning-sound) . 14. pragmatics is the study of language (meaning-use-formation) 15. Applied linguistics uses linguistic theory to (make-solve-end) real-world problems, most often in the field of language education. 16. (Historical-Theoretical- Anthropological) linguists are most concerned with constructing models of linguistic knowledge and ultimately developing theories about how language works. 17. - Phonetics is the scientific study of speech production, transmission and reception. (True-False) 18. Diphthongs involve the movement from one vowel to another within a (singledouble-three) syllable. 19. Consonants are formed with significant obstruction of this airflow by one or more of the articulators; whereas in vowels, the mouth remains relatively open.(true-false) 20. Consonants can be described in terms of where the obstruction occurs in the (localvocal-oral) tract (place of articulation 21. Stressed syllables are produced with less effort (force) than unstressed and stressed syllables tend to be longer than the unstressed.(true- false) 22. The word Enormous is stressed on the first syllable.(true-false) 23. Usually the stress pattern has to be learned as part of the pronunciation of each individual word.(true-false) 24. In compounds with participles, we stress the participle when the compound docs not come before a noun.(true-false) 25. At sentence level some words receive greater stress than others because they are more important for the message and need to be prominent.(true-false) 26. The basic units of study in morphology are (phonemes-morphemes). 27. A morpheme is the smallest unit that has meaning or grammatical function.(truefalse) 28. Free morpheme entails a lexical meaning.(true-false) 29. Prefixes : these are bound morphemes that are placed after the root.(true-false) 30. Infixes : are placed in between the syllables of the root.(true-false) 31. Unlike the inflectional suffixes, the derivational suffixes change the class of the word to which they are attached. (True-False) 32. Homophones are the words which sound the same but have different meanings and have same spellings.(true-false) 33. Syntactic category is a set of words in a language which share a number of common characteristics.(true-false) 34. Jargon is the language peculiar to a trade, profession or other group; it is the language used in a body of spoken or written texts, dealing with a circumscribed domain in which speakers share a common specialized vocabulary, habits of word usage, and forms of expression.(true-false) 35. The term locution is used to refer to the linguistic form of a speech act.(true-false) 36. communicative purpose is studied by the linguistic discipline of pragmatics, where it is often referred to as pragmatic meaning.(true-false) 37. Brown and Levinson state that there are two kinds of face, negative and positive face.(true-false) 38. Negative face refers to the individual's desire for freedom of action and freedom from imposition.(true-false) 39. Positive face refers to the individual's desire that his wants be appreciated and approved of in social interaction. .(true-false). 40. Socio-linguistics: The way we speak reveals quite a lot about our social background, for example how educated we are, where we come from, etc. .(true-false) 41. Sociolinguists prove that class and language variety are related. .(true-false) 42. Hypercorrection is sometimes found among (listener-reader-speakers) of less prestigious language varieties who produce forms associated with high-prestige varieties. 43. Paralinguistic features refer to the aspects of communication that do not involve the usage of words like body language.(true-false) 44. code-switching is the practice of unpredictably changing one's language, dialect or speaking style to better fit one's environment. .(true-false) 45. Language disorders are known in linguistics and medicine as (atresia-aphasiaamnesia). 46. Haynes says it's important for students to continue to work with a classroom teacher on a specific content area related to the new language such as history, social studies or writing. .(true-false) 47. Dialectology is the study of variation in the lexical and structural components of language. .(true-false) 48. Lexicography: the planning arid compiling of both monolingual and bilingual dictionaries and other language reference works .(true-false) 49. _______linguistics uses linguistic theory to solve real-world problems, most often in the field of language education. (Theoretical-Interdisciplinary- Applied) 50. Applied linguistics explores the nature of language itself. (True-False) 51. ________linguists are most concerned with constructing models of linguistic knowledge and ultimately developing theories about how language works. (Theoretical-Interdisciplinary- Applied) 52. ______ are sounds that vou can produce without air-obstruction. (ConsonantsVowels-Liquids) 53. There are six vowel forms in English (True-False) 54. Consonants are formed with significant obstruction of this airflow by one or more of the articulators; whereas in vowels, the mouth remains relatively open. (True-False) 55. Variants of sound that do not change meaning are called _____(allophoneallomorph-homonym) 56. ________is a term used in phonology to refer to the degree of force (for making it louder and longer) used in producing a syllable. (Intonation- Stress-Syntax) 57. Stressed syllables are produced with greater effort (force) than unstressed and stressed syllables tend to be longer than the unstressed. (True-False) 58. In phonological analysis, two types of stress are important. 59. sentence stress is called prosodic stress. (True-False) 60. The best way to learn how to stress words is by listening to them used in speech and imitating the pronunciation (True-False) 61. The schwa is used in certain one-syllable words when they are unstressed in connected speech (true-False) 62. In compounds with participles, we stress the participle when the compound docs not come before a noun. (True-False) 63. Stress operates at word level and at sentence level. (True-False) 64. At sentence level some words receive greater stress than others because they are more important for the message and need to be prominent. (True-False) 65. ______ is a sub-branch of linguistics, it deals with the internal structure of words. (Phonology-Morphology-Semantics) 66. The basic units of study in morphology are ______ (morphemes-phonemes-pairs) 67. A _______is the smallest unit that has meaning or grammatical function. (morpheme-phoneme-pair) 68. ______ is a morpheme that can occur on its own or with other morphemes. (FreeBound) 69. ______morpheme entails a lexical meaning. (Free-Bound) 70. Words loke "laugh, walk, book, person, spoon" are all ____ morphemes (FreeBound) 71. _________ cannot occur on its own but it is always attached to other morphemes. (Free-Bound) General Exercises 1. Pragmatics is the study of language and its structure.(True-False) 2. Morphology and syntax are two major branches of descriptive linguistics.(True-False). 3. ________ studies how words are formed (Morphology-Phonology-Syntax) 4. _________ syntax studies how sentences are formed.(Morphology-SyntaxSemantics) 5. Morphology comes from a Greek word meaning 'shape' or 'form'.(TrueFalse) 6. Syntax is the study of words, both with regard to their internal structure and their combination to form new or larger units.(True-False) 7. The word 'teacher' comprises one morpheme (True-False) 8. Morphology studies the structure of words.(True-False) 9. _____is the study of word formation -- how words are built up from smaller pieces. (Phonology-Morphology-Syntax) 10. Syntax specifically examines how words are formed by putting together morphemes.(True-False) 11. A _______ is the smallest part of a word that has grammatical function or meaning (Phoneme-Morpheme-Allomorph). 12. A Morpheme is "the smallest unit, which exhibits an internal structure and meaning of its own but which cannot be further broken up”.(True-False) 13. Words may consist of one or more morphemes.(True-False) 14. Morphology deals with the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.(True-False) 15. Morphemes can be divided into two basic categories called free morphemes and bound morphemes.(True-False) 16. A ______morpheme is a meaningful unit that can stand alone as a word.(Free-Bound) 17. Free morphemes are made up of only one morpheme.(True-False) 18. The _____ morphemes are generally referred to as lexemes.(Free-Bound) 19. Free morphemes fall into two categories: lexical and functional.(True-False) 20. ______ morphemes are nouns, adjectives, and verbs which carry the content of messages we convey.(Lexical-Functional-Literal) 21. Lexical morphemes are called closed class of words (True-False) 22. _______ morphemes are the functional words in the language such as conjunctions, prepositions, articles and pronouns.(Lexical-Functional-Literal) 23. Functional morphemes are an open class of words.(True-False) 24. A _____ morpheme is a morpheme that cannot stand alone as an independent word; it is always bound to another morpheme.(Free-Bound) 25. ________ must be attached to another morpheme.(Free-Bound) 26. Abound morpheme has no meaning on its own (True-False) 27. Bound morphemes attached to the front of a word are called _____(Prefixes- 28. Bound morphemes attached to the back of a word are called ___(suffixesPrefixes) 29. ______ morphemes are morphemes that are added to the root of a word to create a new word.(Inflectional-Derivational) 30. When a verb is suffixed with -able, the result is_____ (verb-noun-adjective). 31. When the suffix (en) is added to an adjective, a ______ is derived, as in (darken). (Verb- noun- adjective) 32. When the suffix (-ness) is added to the adjective good, a noun is derived.(True-False) 33. An Inflectional morpheme is a type of bound morphemes that does not cause a change in the meaning or word class of a word.(True-False) 34. _____serve as grammatical markers and indicate some grammatical information about a word.(Derivational-Inflectional) 35. Inflectional morphemes are used to show if a word is plural or singular, if it is past tense or not, and if it is a comparative or possessive form.(True-False) 36. Plural markers, possessive markers, tense markers, comparative and superlative markers are derivational morphemes.(True-False) 37. English has only ten inflectional suffixes (True-False) 38. Nouns take two inflectional morphemes, plural and possessive.(True-False) 39. There are only four inflectional morphemes that can attach to the infinitive form(True-False) 40. _____ morphemes play three grammatical roles in English showing tense, number, and comparison.(Derivational-Inflectional) 41. An inflectional morpheme never changes the grammatical category of a word.(True-False) 42. Inflection here simply creates a different version of the adjective (True-False) 43. A derivational morpheme can change the grammatical category of a word.(True-False) 44. The verb 'teach' becomes the noun 'teacher', if we add the inflectional morpheme (True-False) 45. When morphemes are strung together, they have a way of affecting each other phonologically.(True-False) 46. When a single affix has more than one shape, linguists use the term allomorph.(True-False) 47. Affixes very often have different allomorphs.(True-False) 48. The phonological differences between the allomorphs of a morpheme are often due to the ______ environment.(Syntactical-phonologicalmorphological) 49. Plural{-s}, the abstract plural morpheme in English has three regular allomorphs.(True-False) 50. When the last sound of the noun is a sibilant [s] [z] [ʃ] [tʃ] [dʒ] [ʒ] the allomorph will be /s/ (True-False) 51. When the last sound of the noun is voiceless, the allomorph will be /z/ (TrueFalse) 52. 53. -_____ is the study of language and its structure. (Linguistics-PhysicsClassics 54. - Morphology and syntax are two major branches of ______linguistics. (Interdisciplinary- descriptive-Prescriptive) 55. - morphology and syntax are concerned with _____ (sound-meaningstructure) 56. -Morphology studies how words are formed whereas _____studies how sentences are formed. (semantics-syntax-phonetics) 57. -Morphology is concerned with the _____structure of words and their combination to form new or larger units. (external-internal-diurnal) 58. -A _____is the smallest part of a word that has either grammatical function or meaning. (phoneme- morpheme-allophone) 59. - A morpheme can be further broken up. (true-false) 60. -Words like " boy, desire, meditate" are ____ morphemes. (free-boundboth) 61. : Words like "boyish " desirable" meditation" contain____ morphemes. (two-three-one) 62. - Words like" gentlemanliness" and "environmentalists" contain___ morphemes (two-three-four) 63. -Words like ungentlemanliness" and "constitutionalizing" contain____ morphemes. (three-two-five) 64. - Morphemes can be divided into two basic categories called free morphemes and bound morphemes. (true-false) Extra Exercises What is morphology? A. The study of the rules governing the sounds that form words B. The study of the rules governing sentence formation C. The study of the rules governing word formation Which is not an example of "allomorph"? A. The plural morpheme in English (-s, -es, en) B. The morphemes in English (un-, ment-, il-, ly-) C. Some derivational morphemes in English (-ness, ive, -able) . What is a morpheme? A. The smallest unit of a particular language B. The minimal pair of a chosen phrase C. The smallest meaningful unit of a word D. The minimal item of a linguistic unit How many morphemes does the word "antiestablishment" have? 3-4-5-6 6. What is the main difference between free and bound morphemes? A. Free morphemes are dependent and must be attached to another morpheme where as bound morphemes are independent. B. Free morphemes belong in the close class and all bound morphemes belong in the open class. C. Free morphemes can stand alone, but bound morphemes have to be attached to a base morpheme or a root. 7. The closed class is the functional categories which are not derivable. A. True B. False . Which is NOT an example of derivational morphemes? A. Walk --> walked B. Entertain --> entertainment C. Move --> movement D. Paint --> painter 9. Which choice shows an example of an inflectional morpheme? A. Replace --> replacement B. Reform --> reformation C. Regret --> regrets . Which choice describes the basic properties of derivational morphemes? A. Derivational morphemes are affixes which can change the meaning or parts of speech of words. B. Derivational morphemes are affixes which change numbers or tenses. . Which is an example of using affixation to form new words? A. Appears B. Usage C. Blanket (v.) --> blanket (n.) --> blanket (adj.) . __________ is a word formation process which you mix two parts of two separate words together to create new words. A. Blending B. Conversion C. Affixation D. Clipping .Which of the following is an example of an inflectional morpheme in English? A. Tall --> taller B. Create --> creator C. Write --> writer D. Generate --> generator . Which type of morpheme can stand alone? Free Morphemes Bound Morphemes . How many morphemes are there in the word 'intolerable'? 1234 . How many morphemes are there in the word 'immaturity'? 1 2 3 4 . Which suffixes refer to adjectives? -ful and -ous -ment and -ness -ly and -en . English speakers recognize that the words dog and dogs are closely related. What does the letter "s" means? Plurality morpheme "-s". That means apostrophe. Doesn't mean anything at all. The morpheme of the letter "g". 1. 2. 1-_________ defined as "what is meant by what is said or written". 3. (Discourse Analysis- Linguistics-Pragmatics) 4. 5. 2- Pragmatics as a science is concerned with using language in social interaction or______ 6. (Society-Context-Text) 7. 3-Another definition of pragmatics says that it is the study of language in ______ 8. (Use-Writing-Speech) 9. 4-Paul Grice, a linguist, said that people interact with each other and have some ________about one another 10. (Complication-Implicature-Complexities) 11. 5-There are two types of implicatures; conventional and _________ 12. (Conversational-Contextual-Contrastive) 13. 6- _________________implicatures do not require any particular context in order to be understood 14. (Conversational-Conventional-Contrastive) 15. 7- Conversational implicatures are _________ based or dependent this means that the meaning varies according to the situation. 16. 17. (Context-Contradiction-Contra lingual) 8-In __________implicature, we have to figure out what someone is really saying. 18. (Conventional-Conversational-Contrastive) 19. 9-Paul Grice proposed a ___________ which direct them through their speech. This shows their cooperation. 20. (Cooperative Principle-Conventional Principle- Linguistic Principle) 21. 10-In Cooperative Principle, We should aim to make our contribution in a _______ such as required ; at the stage it occurs, following the accepted purposed of our speech 22. 23. (Conversation-Contradiction-Continent) 11-Paul Grice said that the cooperative principle is based on four elements called _____________ 24. (Maxims-Axioms- Axiomatic) 25. 12-The maxim of ________ depends on making your contribution as informative as required no more or less information 26. (Quality-Quantity-Relation) 27. 13-The maxim of ________ stipulates that you make your contribution true. Don't say what you believe is false Don't say anything you lack evidence about. 28. (Quality-Quantity-Relation) 29. 14- The maxim of ________ Try to be relevant to the subject you are talking or discussing 30. (Quality-Quantity-Relation) 31. 15-The maxim of _______ A void ambiguity and try b brief, be orderly and ( to be clear) 32. (Relation-Manner-Quality) 33. 34. 16- The term _______ refers to the whole communicative situation, including the context of the utterance 35. (Speech Act-Speech behavior-Speech meaning) 36. 17-Speech Act theory refers to the situation in which the discourse occurs, the participants and any preceding verbal or physical and _________features which may contribute to the meaning of the interaction. 37. (Paralinguistic-Contra Linguistic-Literary) 38. 18-Speech Act theory is concerned with ______ speech. 39. (Contextualized-Contradicted-Complex) . .40 41. 19-Whenever we produce an utterance we are engaged in three acts; Locution, Illocution and ________ 42. (Perlocution-Para linguistics-Principle) 43. 44. 20- A ________ act is the production of a well-formed utterance in whatever language one is speaking. 45. (Perlocution-Illocution- locutionary) 46. 21-The________ act is the meaning one wishes to communicate and intends to convey. 47. (Perlocution-Locutionary- illocutionary) 48. 22-The ______act is the e effect of our words. If I say, please open the window and you do so, I have achieved my perlocutionary aim. 49. (Perlocutionary-Illocutionary-Locutionary) 50. 23-It is important to look for the ______aim of most literary works. 51. 52. (Illocutionary-Locutionary- Perlocutionary) 53. 24-J.L Austen noted that there are speakers and hearers perform two types of acts _______ 54. (Explicit and implied-Direct and Indirect-Clear and Unclear) 25- ________ are direct propositions or statements given by the speaker to the hearer (they are truthful ones) such as "pat has a cat" (Comissive-Declarative-Representative) 26-________ are speech acts which represent a state of affairs and can generally be characterized as true or false by using verbs like "suggest, assert, claim, state..." (Representatives-Comissives-Declaratives) 27-__________are speech acts which commit the speaker to a course of action using verbs like "Promise, pledge, swear,…" (Declaratives- Comissives-Representatives 28-_________are speech acts intended to get the hearer to carry out an action using words like command, request, ask, demand, order,…" (Directives-Representatives-Declaratives) 29-________ are speech acts which indicate the speaker’s psychological state of attitude using words like "apologize, congratulate, greet," (Expressives-Declaratives-Comissives) 30-_______ are direct speech acts that use performative verbs like promise, threat, warn and so on. (Performative Acts-Locutionary acts-Representative acts) 31- There is a direct correlation between the grammatical form of an utterance and its _______force (Perlocutionary- illocutionary-Locutionary) 32-When we use one speech act rather than another, and leave our hearer to work out the meaning we intend, we are dealing with _______ speech acts. )Direct-Indirect-Explicit) 33-We normally avoid the ________ form except in specific circumstances as in the military or in addressing small children. (Imperative-indirect-Declarative) 34-Questions have many different functions according to ____and it is up to our pragmatic experience to interpret them appropriately. (Context-Place-Society) 35-Searle states that "Speech-act theory is an account of the conditions of (Wisdom- intelligibility-Ambiguity) 36-Petrey (1990) offers a defense of the contribution of speech act theory to the study of ________ (Literary texts-Social texts-Scientific texts) 37-________ making clear that one is aware of the maxim, but is prevented for some reason from observing it. (Opting out-Flouting-Lying) 40- A ______ arises when one cannot be fully co-operative and there is a conflict between the maxims. (Agreement-Clash-Disagreement) 41-________ this is the most interesting way of breaking a maxim. One makes clear to the hearer that one is aware of the co-operative principle and the maxims, so that the audience is led to consider why the principle or a maxim was broken. (Lying-Avoiding- Flouting) 42-The maxim of ______ is flouted when we use a metaphor or irony, but we assume that it has communicative effects. (Manner-Quantity-Quality) 43- Paul Grice outlined an approach which he called ________which shows how hearers manage to work out the complete message when speakers mean more than they say) (Conventional implicature- Conversational Implicature) 44- Grice proposed three things to understand conversational implicature: the usual linguistic meaning of what is said, _________ information and obeying the cooperative principle (Contextual-Implicature-Implied) 45- _________ is using an indirect way of speech which seems more agreeable and acceptable by hearers than the strict direct forms of expression. (Cooperation-Politeness-Direction) 46-_________are implicit assumptions required to make a sentence meaningful. (Presuppositions-Predication-Pre knowledge) 47-Leech supposes some conditions called ________ conditions required for the success of Communication like preparatory conditions, Execution conditions and Sincerity conditions. (Felicity-Complexity-Facility) 48-Pragamatics is concerned with the relation of a\an ________ to the context in which it is said. (Utterance-Text-Sign) 49- The study of ______ depends on our understanding of much of what we read and hear is tied to the time and place in which we encounter linguistic expressions. (Context-Text-Discourse) 50- We can usually recognize the type of _______performed by a speaker in uttering a sentence. (Behavior-Act-Speech) Choose the Correct Answer 1- The word “consonants” refers to the sounds produced with no obstruction in the air stream. (True -False) 2- Stress is one of the items studied by acoustic phonetics. (True- False) 3- Organs of speech are all the organs involved in describing the anatomical features of the vocal tract. (True- False) 4- ............................ are alveo-palatal The sounds /k/, and /g / The sounds /l/, and /r / The sounds /ʧ/, and /ʤ/ 5- The sound /p/ is..................... a voiced bilabial stop . a voiced alveolar stop . a voiceless bilabial stop. 6- The word “labio-dentals” refers to....................... Sounds produced by the lower and the upper teeth . Sounds produced by the lower lip and the upper teeth . Sounds produced by both the lower and the upper lips. 7- ..................... are bilabials The sounds /p/, /k/, and /d / The sounds /v/, /k/, and /m / The sounds /p/, /b/, and /m/ 8- The word “alveolar” refers to....................... The sounds produced by the tip of the tongue and the upper lip . The sounds produced by the tip of the tongue and the upper alveolar ridge . The sounds produced by the blade of the tongue and the upper alveolar ridge. 9- Auditory phonetics explains all the possible types of stress patterns. (True –False) 10-Vocal cords are the main source of energy in the production of speech. (True –False) 11- The sound /t/ is a...................... Voiceless bilabial stop. Voiced bilabial stop. Voiceless dental stop. 12- In a given utterance that is connected speech…….. All words receive the same stress . Some words receive more stress than other words . All words receive no stress. 13- The phonetic symbol for the first sound in “knife” is ………… / k/ / g/ /n/ 14- Stress is……. Phonemic. Syllabic. 15- The word “language” is used to indicate a system which relates form (sounds or otherwise) to meaning. (True –False) 16- The information needed to describe the articulation of speech sounds include place of articulation, parts of speech and parts of the tongue. (True –False) 17-The symbol that corresponds to the phonetic descriptions “voiced palatal fricative” is................... /Ʒ/ as in vision . / k/ as in cat . /s/ as in sat. 18 -Stop, Fricative, affricate and liquid are all terms describing manners of articulation. (True –False) 19 - Phonetics is a branch of linguistics which studies single speech sounds. (True –False) 20-The main divisions of the tongue are: high, mid and low. (True –False) 20-The sound whose symbol is /i:/ is........... High front consonant. Back short rounded vowel. high front spread long vowel. 21-Stop, fricative, palatal, affricate and liquid are all terms describing manners of articulation. (True –False) 22-Velars are the sounds produced At the alveolar ridge. At the hard palate. At the velum. 23- The phonetic symbol for the first sound in “church” is ………… /ʌ/ /ʃ/ /ʧ/ 24 - On defining language a distinction between human language and human habits is necessary. (True –False) 25-Acoustic phonetics studies the........ properties of sounds made by the vocal tract. Philosophical. Chemical. Physical. 25-The sound /ʤ/ is.......... Voiced alveolar fricative. Voiceless dental fricative. Voiced alveo-palatal affricate. 26- The sounds /k/, /l/, /f/, /g/, / v/ share the phonetic features....... Fricative, oral, consonant. Vowels, long, oral. Consonants, oral. 27-The information needed to describe the articulation of speech sounds include place of articulation, rules of affixation and voice. (True –False) 28 - The symbol that corresponds to the phonetic descriptions “voiceless palatal fricative” is................... /k/ as in cat. /l/ as in lamb. /ʃ/ as in shop. 29 -Oral and nasal cavities are the main source of energy in the production of speech. (True –False) 30 - What is the main source of energy in the production of speech? Vocal cords. Oral and nasal cavities. Lungs. 31 - The word “consonants” refers to the sounds produced with a free air stream. (True –False) 32-The sounds /a:/, /i:/, /e:/, /u:/, /ͻ:/ share the phonetic features….. Vowels, long, oral. Consonants, oral. Consonants, stop, bilabial. 33 -The sounds ............................ are stops /k/, /g/, /d/, /t/, /p/, and /b/ /f/, /v/, /s/, /z/, /θ/, /ð/, / ʃ/, and /ӡ/ /l/, /g/, /r/, /t/, /ʧ/, /ʤ/ , and /b/ 34 - Fricatives are ...................... -Sounds whose production is characterized by a complete closure released with the production of the sounds. -Sounds whose production is characterized by a partial closure and a gradual release of the air stream accompanying the production of the sounds. -Sounds whose production is characterized by a complete closure and a gradual release of the air stream accompanying the production of the sounds. 35 - The word “vowels” refers to the sounds produced with an obstruction in the air stream. (True –False) 57- Articulatory Description is a description of the speech organs. (True –False) 36- The expression “white house” receives tertiary-primary (ˋ+ʹ) stress. (True –False) 37- What are the organs of speech? -They are all the organs involved in speech production. They are mainly lips, teeth, tongue, hard and soft palates. -They are all the organs involved in recognizing and interpreting sounds as distinctive units. -They are all the organs involved in describing the anatomical features of the vocal tract. 38 -............................ are velar The sounds /f/, /g/, and /s/ The sounds /ʃ/, and /Ʒ/ The sounds /k/, and /g/ 39 -The word “vowels” refers to................. -The sounds produced with an obstruction in the airstream. -The sounds produced with no obstruction in the airstream. -The sounds produced with or without obstructing the airstream. 40 -The symbol that corresponds to the phonetic descriptions “voiced velar stop” is................... /g/ as in good. /ŋ/ as in king. /z/ as in dogs. 41 - Acoustic phonetics looks at ............ -The place and manner of articulating speech sounds. -The physical properties of sounds made by the vocal tract. -How the human ear perceives sounds. 42 -The word “palatal” refers to....................... -Sounds produced by the two lips. -Sounds produced by the lower lip and the upper teeth. -Sounds produced by the front of the tongue and the hard palate. 43- The front low short vowel /æ/ is found in words like........... Choose one answer. Bed, fed, lead. Bad, fat, lad. Boot, foot, door. 44 -The symbol that corresponds to the phonetic descriptions “voiced alveolar fricative” is................... Choose one answer. a./ŋ/ as in king b./z/ as in dogs c./v/ as in live 45 . The Number of diphthongs in English Sound is A. 12 B. 8 C. 44 D. 20 46. Which total number of sounds in English language is A. 12 B.8 C. 20 D. 44 47 - Which one of the following is not an organ of speech? A. leg B. Tongue C. Vocal chord D. Lips 48 . Total Number of consonant sound in English is A. 12 B. 8 C. 20 D. 24 49 . We need an air stream mechanism for the A. Production of Speech B. Digestion process C. Blood circulation process D. Dexidation Process 50 . The hard convex surface just Behind the upper front teeth is called A. soft palate B. teeth ridge C. hard palate D. tongue 51 .Diphthong is a A. Pure vowel sound B. Pure consonant sound C. Vowel glides or mixed vowel sounds D. none of the above 52 . The letters a,e,i,o,u in English alphabet are called A. Clusters B. Consonants C. Vowels D. Words 53 . When one sound is given by two consonants, it is called A. vowel sound B. consonant sound C. single sound D. consonant cluster .54 . which of the following has /: i / sound A. Car B. seat C. fit D. books 55. which of the following has /au/sound A. but B. arm C. about D. aunt 56. The example of consonant cluster at the beginning is A. sea b. guard C. guilty D. play 57. "The smallest unit of words" is called A. Phoneme B. Allophone C. Juncture D. Morpheme True-False) 1. Female linguistic behavior encompasses a desire to take turns in conversation with others, which is opposed to men's tendency towards centering on their own point or remaining silent (True-False) 2. Changing the topic of conversation for females tend to change subject more frequently than males. (True-False) 3. Female tendencies toward self-disclosure contrasts with male tendencies to non-self disclosure and professing advice when confronted with another's problems. (TrueFalse) 4. As for Politeness, Women are more polite than men because they respect the others' desire to be liked and admired by others more than men. (True-False) 5. There is an increased use of compliments by men in relation to women. (TrueFalse) 6. Any variety of a language characterized by systematic differences in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary from other varieties of the same language is called dialect. (True-False) 7. The people who speak a certain dialect are called a speech community. (True-False)