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Social Media's Influence on Behavior

Student no: 218012209
Lecture: Miss RRT Mofokeng
Due date: 11 December 2020
The internet has a greater impact on people today than ever before. It has been a
constant source of news, entertainment, and education for users around the world for
more than twenty years.
Social media has really changed how people behave and the way people
communicate which made the communication to change. It has changed the way
people socialise, also social media has changed the way people do their shopping
because through social media there is advertising, so this made people to change their
shopping habits. It also plays a major role in reflecting and influencing social opinion,
it allows you to be in places you are not at. However social media has changed not
only our power of thinking but today governs our behaviour and social conducts as
Pursuing this further social media is becoming more and more popular. As a results
Facebook, Twitter and similar services are becoming the most visited destinations on
the internet. Take Twitter for example it has a large group of users and the number
has been growing exponentially, as it is reported 23% of online adults are currently
using twitter. Indicating a statistically significant increase compared with the 18% who
did so in August of 2013 (Duggan el al.2015). These websites allows users too quickly
and easily share pictures, links, ideas and messages with other users.
Yet another reason is that social media has grown to be widely acknowledge current
technology, providing a series of services for their users from being able to follow
famous celebrities on Twitter, to connecting with long-lost childhood friends halfway
round the world on Facebook and Instagram. Also social media are more faster than
conventional media. It carriers even latest NEWS, which conventional media likely to
hide but they are also a carrier for Fake NEWS. So one should check the authencity
of its content.
Student no: 218012209
Lecture: Miss RRT Mofokeng
Due date: 11 December 2020
In conclusion social media plays a very enormous role in our society. Due to social
media we are all in one plate form to raise the voice in any issues which effects our
nation, it also reflects on human behaviour that change the point of opinion social
media puts every individual to work socially on their area.