MA4266 Topology Lecture 10 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics S17-08-17, 65162749 Covers A X. A cover of A is a collection C P(X) of subsets of X such that A C CC C. Definition: Let be a subset of a set CC Ck 2 (2Z 1) Z , k 0 A {18,121, 24} X Z , C {Ck : k 0} A {18,121, 24} X Z , C {C0 , C1 , C3} A 2Z X Z , C {Ck : k 1} A R X , C {Q x : x R} Examples k Question Which covers are finite ? Countable ? Subcovers Definition: Let A be a subset of a set X and C be A. A subcover (of A derived from C ) is a cover C of A such that C C. a cover of Lemma If A is finite then every cover of subcover. Question Give an example of this lemma. A has a finite Open Covers A be a subset of a topological space X . An open cover of A is a cover of A whose elements are open. An finite cover of A is a cover of A that is finite. Definition: Let Example 6.1.1 A [0,5] X R, O {( n 1, n 1) : n Z } is an open cover and O {(1,1), (0,2), (1,3), (2,4), (3,5), (4,6)} is an subcover (obviously this subcover is open) Compact Spaces Definition: A topological space X is compact if every open cover of X has a finite subcover. A subspace A of X is compact if it satisfies either of the following equivalent conditions: 1. A is a compact topological space (regarded as a topological space with the subspace topology). 2. Every open cover of subsets of X A that consists of open has a finite subcover. Examples Example 6.1.2 (of compact spaces) (a) Finite spaces (b) Closed bounded intervals (c) Closed bounded subsets of (d) R R n with the finite complement topology Example 6.1.3 (of noncompact spaces) (a) Any infinite discrete topological space (b) The open interval (c) R n (0,1) Finite Intersection Property Definition A family of subsets of X has the finite intersection property if every finite subcollection has nonempty intersection. Example 6.1.4 {( 1n ,1) : n 1} X R Question What is the intersection of (all) these sets? Theorem 6.1: A space closed sets in X is compact iff every family of X with the finite intersection property has nonempty intersection. Proof Follows from De Morgan’s Laws. Cantor’s Theorem of Deduction Theorem 6.2: Let E1 E2 E3 be a nested sequence of nonempty, closed, bounded subsets of Then k 1 Ek . Proof ??? Question Why assume both closed and bounded ? Theorem 6.3: Closed subset of compact compact. Proof ??? R. Properties of Compact Sets Theorem 6.4: Compact subset of Hausdorff closed. Proof Let A be a compact subset of a Hausdorff space X and let x X \ A. It suffices to show that there x V X \ A. Since X is Hausdorff, for every y A there exist disjoint open subsets U y , V y with y U y , x V y . Clearly { U y : y A } is an open cover of A. Since A is compact there exist { y1 , , yn } A such that { U y , , U y } is a cover of A. Construct exists an open subset n 1 VX n n U k 1 U k ,V k 1 Vk . V X \ A with Then A U , U V and V is open. Properties of Compact Sets Theorem 6.5: If A and B are disjoint compact subsets of a Hausdorff space X then there exist disjoint open subsets U and V of X with A U , B V . Proof Similar to the proof of theorem 6.4. Question Construct an example of a compact subset of a topological space Hint: X X has two points. such that A is not closed. A Compactness and Continuity Theorem 6.6: The continuous image of a compact space is compact. Proof Easy. Theorem 6.7: If f : X Y is compact and is continuous then Theorem 6.8: If f : X Y X X Y f is compact and is Hausdorff and is closed. Y is Hausdorff and is a continuous bijection then f is a homeomorphism. Proof Easy. f :X R is continuous then there exists c, d X such that f (c) f ( x) f (d ), x X . Proof Easy. Theorem 6.9: If X is compact and Compactness and Continuity Definition Let ( X , d ), (Y , d ) be metric spaces. A function f : X Y is uniformly continuous if for every 0 there exists 0 such that d ( x, y ) d ( f ( x), f ( y )) , x, y X . Theorem 6.10: If ( X , d ) is a compact metric space and (Y , d ) is a metric space and f : X Y is continuous then f is uniformly continuous. Proof see pages 170-171. Question Show that uniform continuity continuity. Question Give an example of a continuous function that is not uniformly continuous. Tutorial Assignment 10 Read pages 161-174 Exercise 6.1 problems 3, 6 Exercise 6.2 problems 1, 2, 3, 4 Complete the proof of the Lemma, page 172 for n > 2.