Uploaded by Malcolm Mccarthy

Information Systems: Key Concepts & Applications

Information system: provides accurate, timely, useful info
- 5 parts:
- People
- Procedures
- Software
- Hardware
- Data
- IT is hardware, software and data
You can buy IT, can't buy IS
Information systems
- Improve productivity
- Monitor organizational performance
- Enhance competitive advantage
Data is raw facts, information is data shaped into meaningful form
Activities of IS:
- Input: Captures raw data from the organization and external environment
- Processing: Converts raw data into a meaningful form
- Output: transfers processed info to the people that use it
Management Information Systems(MIS):
- Study of people, technology, organizations
- Analytics:tools and techniques for data driven decision making
Firms use IS to enable the flow of information between different parts of the organization
Conducting business electronically increases efficiency, profitability and competitiveness
Chapter 2
Socio-Technical View of IS:
- Technical Approach:
- Emphasizes mathematically based models
- Used in computer science, management science, research
- Behavioural Approach:
- Looks at behavioural issues like implementation and integration of
different strategies or plans
Social media can provide a strategic advantage if used correctly
It is a group of internet based applications that allow users to create and exchange
User generated content:
- Needs to be published on a publicly accessible site, or on a social networking site
- Needs to show an amount of creative effort
- Needs to have been created outside of professional routines and practices
Characteristics of Web 2.0
- Able to tap into the collective intelligence of users
- Data is made available in new or unintended ways
- Relies on user generated and controlled content and data
- Lightweight programming techniques and tools let anyone act as a website
- Virtual elimination of software-upgrade cycles makes everything a work in
progress, often designed quickly to meet changing needs
Businesses can use social media to engage with customers and partners, create
opportunities by sharing information and manage their reputation by monitoring