THIS DOCUMENT IS PROTECTED BY U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT It may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, distributed or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means. Downloaded from SAE International by Yildiz Teknik Univsitesi, Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:03:13 AM SAE TECHNICAL PAPER SERIES SAE 1999-01-3338 JSAE 9938093 Best Available Technology for Emission Reduction of Small 4S-SI-Engines A. Mayer J. Czerwinski TTM AFHB M. Wyser E. Stadler and U. Wolfensberger BUWAL FAT U. Matter P. Mattrel ETHZ EMPA G. Hüthwohl and A. Schindler HJS Reprinted From: Proceedings of the 1999 SAE Small Engine Technology Conference (P-348) Small Engine Technology Conference & Exposition Madison, Wisconsin September 28-30, 1999 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 U.S.A. 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A process is available by which discussions will be printed with the paper if it is published in SAE Transactions. For permission to publish this paper in full or in part, contact the SAE Publications Group. Persons wishing to submit papers to be considered for presentation or publication through SAE should send the manuscript or a 300 word abstract of a proposed manuscript to: Secretary, Engineering Meetings Board, SAE. Printed in USA THIS DOCUMENT IS PROTECTED BY U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT It may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, distributed or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means. Downloaded from SAE International by Yildiz Teknik Univsitesi, Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:03:13 AM SAE 1999-01-3338 / JSAE 9938093 Best Available Technology for Emission Reduction of Small 4S-SI-Engines A. Mayer TTM J. Czerwinski AFHB M. Wyser BUWAL E. Stadler and U. Wolfensberger FAT U. Matter ETHZ P. Mattrel EMPA G. Hüthwohl and A. Schindler HJS 1. ABSTRACT ready in 1996. The results are marked in table 1 with "Frey/EMPA" [11]. Small off-road 4-stroke SI-engines have extraordinarily high pollutant emissions. These must be curtailed to comply with the new Swiss clean air act LRV 98. The Swiss environmental protection agency (BUWAL) investigated the state of the technology. The aim was a cleaner agricultural walk behind mower with a 10kW 4-stroke SIengine. Two engine designs were compared: side-valve and OHV. Table 1. A commercially available 3-way catalytic converter system substantially curtailed emissions: In the ISO 8178 G test-cycle-average, HC was minimized to 8% and CO to 5% of raw emissions. At part load points, the residual emission was < 1%. Simultaneously, fuel consumption improved 10%. Using a special gasoline (Swiss standard SN 181 163), the aromatic hydrocarbons were curtailed, e.g. Benzene < 1%, and fuel consumption further improved. Those results were confirmed in field tests. The engine is approved for retrofitting. Disquieting are the high emissions of ultrafine particulates: the catalytic converter only minimizes the volatile but not the solid particulates. Exhaust Emissions from 4S-SI-Engines g/kWh CO HC (HC+NOx) Swiss Offroad Inventory [1] 100 - 1200 7 - 55 UBA [10] 200 - 600 5 - 35 Briggs & Stratton OHV 384 11.5 CARB Certification 1996 20 - 450 1 - 12 CARB Limit 402 (13.4) 549 (12) 549 (9.4) 1995 CARB Limit 2000 2004 EPA-Limit 1997 610 (12.0) EUROMOT-Proposal Stage 1[13] 519 (13.4) Frey/EMPA 96 [11] 5 - 40 0.5 - 2 ULEV für PKW 5 0.12 Table 1: 2. INTRODUCTION The total emission contribution for CO and HC of these small engines in Switzerland (Fig. 2) has already attained a high proportion, in comparison to the emissions from vehicular traffic. The main sources of pollution are the agriculture and horticulture sectors. Small equipment SI-engines have extremely high specific exhaust gas emissions. Table 1 shows the range based on the Swiss off-road inventory [1] and the newer UBAtests [10]. The table also shows the relatively modest improvements obtained after California enacted the first limits in 1996. The relative proportion of these emittants is forecasted [1] to substantially increase. Hence, the Swiss environmental protection agency (BUWAL) enacted in 1998 a curtailment of these emissions along with the revised Swiss clean air act [2]. Nevertheless, lawn-mower engines in California, too, have emission factors that are 100times higher than those of modern automobiles. This can be remedied as shown in an earlier Swiss technology test performed all1 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROTECTED BY U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT It may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, distributed or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means. Downloaded from SAE International by Yildiz Teknik Univsitesi, Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:03:13 AM The air intake is usually from above. The exhaust gases are expelled behind towards the operator. These manual machines are deployed in the Swiss hilly country during the entire vegetation period to mow fresh fodder. The farmer usually leaves the mower outside and runs it twice daily during 10 - 30 minutes, early morning and evening. This short duration of operation naturally worsens the emission situation compared to loaboratory results since the contribution of the cold start phase is very high. Two typical engines were investigated. These are widely represented in the Swiss market. Engine 1 Figure 1. Swiss inventory for the emissions of small SI-engines [1] Briggs & Stratton Vanguard (2 cyl. V) Modell 294446 Cylinder volume: A typical application of such engines, in the power range 10 kW, is the agricultural single-axle mowers. These are very popular in the constrained hilly Swiss landscape. There are about 100,000 mowers deployed. Such "walkbehind" mowers directly expose the farmer to exhaust gas emissions with limited dilution. Hence, it is an urgent requirement, particularly for these applications, to quickly find a retrofit solution that efficiently curtails the most toxic components of the exhaust gas. VH = 0.479 dm3 Compression ratio: e = 8.25 Rated power: 9.2 kW Rated RPM: 3600 RPM OHV arrangement Engine 2 Briggs & Stratton 11 HP (1 Cylinder) Modell 256426 Side valves 3. ENGINES, APPLICATIONS AND DEPLOYMENT This project focussed on the so-called yoke-mower (Fig. 2). The exhaust gases from this agricultural machine should be substantially de-toxified. These agile mowers are constructed with single axle and delivered with either mechanical or hydrostatic drive. The engines are in the rated power range of 8 - 10 kW. They are generally single or two cylinder 4-stroke engines. Cylinder volume: VH = 0.399 dm3 Compression ratio: e = 7.3 Rated power: 8.1 kW Rated RPM: 3600 RPM The investigations mainly concentrated on the more modern OHV engine. Engine 2, the older side-valved design, was solely measured on the test rig to compare the raw emissions and thus document the technical progress in the engine development. The manufacturer supplied the engines and maintained them. According to the manufacturer's specifications, both engines comply with the CARB 1/96 limits. The combustion mixture is prepared in a carburetor with fixed throttle. The machines have an electrical power circuit. This is an important prerequisite for the retrofitting. Figure 2. Yoke mower manufactured by RAPID / Dietikon (Switzerland): the test object 2 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROTECTED BY U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT It may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, distributed or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means. Downloaded from SAE International by Yildiz Teknik Univsitesi, Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:03:13 AM means of high-performance liquid (HPLC) with UV-detection at 360 nm, 4. TEST CYCLE AND TEST METHOD chromatography The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were sampled from the undiluted exhaust gas on a teflon coated glass fiber filter in combination with a backup adsorption filter. The filter extracts were fractionated according to the VDI-method 3872 [3] and the four- to six-ring PAH fraction analyzed with HPLC with fluorescence and UV detection. Particulate mass was measured using the standard dilution-tunnel at a dilution ratio of about 1:5 and temperature < 52°C. Furthermore particulate number and particulate substance were analyzed using SMPS and the new ETH Zürich procedures PAS and DC [4, 5] 5. EMISSION ABATEMENT TECHNOLOGY Essential aspects of the emission curtailment strategy are: Figure 3. Fig. 3:ISO 8178, Type G test cycle • High performance oxidation catalytic converter (product of HJS) This cycle is purely steady state and suitably represents the typical deployment of these engines. • Electronic mixture control with Lambda sensor in the exhaust gas ahead of the catalytic converter. This cycle was run as prescribed for the standard measurements of CO, HC and NOx. The usual parameters, e.g. power, fuel consumption and through-flow were measured, too. • Gasoline according to Swiss standard SN 181 163 free of aromatics (Product of ASPEN). The engine was not modified, with one exception: the fuel nozzle of the carburetor was replaced by another, slightly smaller one to allow for lean mixture. The HC, CO and NOx were measured on-line, undiluted, according to the standard procedures. The complex VOC analysis was restricted to a selected number of test points: • low idling at 1300 RPM 3-WAY CATALYTIC CONVERTER WITH MIXTURE REGULATION – Most small engines having catalytic converters use the common oxidation catalytic converter. They do not intervene in the engine system. This scheme only brings negligible improvement because the engines are operated with a relatively rich mixture. Hence, there is insufficient oxygen for the oxidation catalysis and the reduction reaction to curtail the NOx is generally impossible. • 75% load at 2800 RPM The comprehensive analysis of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons was only performed at the 75% load point. For the VOC determination, a part of the exhaust gas was continuously drawn through a heated filter (140°C) and diluted with nitrogen (1 part exhaust + 9 parts nitrogen). Adjustment and periodic checking of the dilution ratio was done by replacing the exhaust gas at the inlet of the dilution system with a calibrated carbon dioxide reference gas and monitoring the carbon dioxide concentration after the dilution. The exhaust samples were collected in tedlar bags and analyzed within four hours at the EMPA by means of gas chromato-graphy (GC) with flame ionization detection (FID) using two different GCsystems for the light-end (C2-C5) and the mid-range hydrocarbons (C6-C12). Much more impact can be achieved using the regulated 3-way catalysis, as practiced in automobile engines for decades. Usually, in car engines, the fuel is injected to enable the necessary mixture control. The small engines are however simple carburetor engines. The German retrofitting company HJS (project partner) is successfully marketing a retrofitting system. This was investigated in the project and is illustrated in Fig. 4. The new module in this arrangement is the bypass valve controlled from the central processing unit. This valve circumvents the generally rich-tuned carburetor. Based on the signal from the oxygen sensor ahead of the catalytic converter, the processor increases the additional air quantity. Thus the targeted Lambda value is attained. The aldehydes were collected by drawing the undiluted exhaust gas through two impingers in series filled with an absorption solution of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) in acetonitrile. The formaldehyde- and acetaldehyde- 2,4dinitrophenylhydrazones produced were analyzed by 3 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROTECTED BY U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT It may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, distributed or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means. Downloaded from SAE International by Yildiz Teknik Univsitesi, Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:03:13 AM GASOLINE FOR SMALL ENGINES ACCORDING TO SWISS STANDARD SN 181 163 [6] – This fuel is a socalled alcylate gasoline, containing no aromatics at all. It has been widely used, particularly in the Scandinavian countries, for several years. In 2-stroke engines, e.g. chain saws, it curtails the pollutant load of forestry workers. Experience showed that the workplace exposure to extremely high Benzene concentrations could be drastically minimized. Hence, the typical complaints, e.g. headache, nausea, lack of concentration – consequences of the aromatics – mostly disappeared. The project partner company ASPEN and research in Sweden [7] comprehensively investigated the toxicity and environmental aspects of this non-aromatic fuel. The essential properties of this fuel are compared in Table 2 with the Swiss standard SI-fuel. ("Unleaded 95"). A high priority in the control strategy is to curtail the CO and HC emissions of these engines. Minimizing NOx is, however, not given much significance. Within the engine map, optimum values must be attained in those ranges where the engine is most likely to operate. Complete regulation at the full load point was sacrificed to prevent engine component temperature peaks. Two catalytic converters were employed during the project: • Metal substrate catalytic converter; wound structure, precious metal coating. Diameter 50 mm, Length 50 mm This first used catalytic converter attained conversion rates of 80 - 90%. These values appeared sufficiently interesting to start the first field test. Verification after 200 hours, however, indicated a noticeable aging. This is due to overloading the catalytic converter with the very high raw emissions, at space velocities of over 200,000 1/h. • Metal substrate catalytic converter; wound structure precious metal coating Diameter 70 mm, length 90 mm long, i.e. the space velocity was quartered. Further, this catalytic converter had better mass transfer and substantially improved activity through further development of the coating. Only the results from the second catalytic converter are discussed. 4 Example of product available in Switzerland Swiss standard Different criteria influence the choice of the control strategy. The aim can be to minimize certain emission components. However, also engine specific aspects must be considered. These are, e.g. restricting component temperatures endangered by lean mixtures, and sustaining engine smooth running (risk of misfiring). "Quality guidelines for small engine gasoline" SN 181 163 Swiss quality guidelines for small engine gasoline. Swiss standard 181 16 3 Table 2. Therefore, all elements of the regulated 3-way system are present. The control unit can contain the engine map for the entire operating range. "Unleaded 95" Figure 4. 3-way catalytic converter system (HJS/Menden, Germany) Knock resistance (octane index) min. 95 95 97 Density (at 15°C) kg/m3 725780 680720 696 Vapor pressure kPa 35-70 35-65 55 Sulfur max. % 0.1 0.002 Lead max. mg/L 13 5 <1 n-Hexane max. Vol.% 0.5 < 0.1 Cycloalkane max. Vol.% 0.5 < 0.1 Benzene max. Vol.% 5 0.1 < 0.005 Aromatics max. Vol.% (30) 0.5 < 0.005 Olefin max. Vol.% 7.6 0.5 < 0.005 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROTECTED BY U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT It may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, distributed or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means. Downloaded from SAE International by Yildiz Teknik Univsitesi, Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:03:13 AM Table 4 summarizes the measurements of the 75% part load point, which is also the basis for the VOC and PAH analysis. HC 6. CURTAILING HC, CO, NOX AND FUEL CONSUMPTION The following results are the weighted averages according to the ISO 8178 G cycle: Vehicle [9] ULEV Alcylate gasoline with catalyst Alcylate gasoline without catalyst Standard fuel with catalyst HC 9.1 0.7 9.0 0.7 0.09 NOx 3.5 6.3 2.3 4.5 0.04 CO 280 13.1 273 10.2 1.8 Fuel cons. 461 414 451 396 approx. 350 0.2 6.1 vehicle [9] ULEV Alcylate gasoline with catalyst 0.3 0.09 NOx 3.7 8.8 1.7 7.7 0.04 CO 199 0.7 215 0.3 1.8 The impressive performance of this catalytic converter system is evidenced by the 99.8% conversion rate for CO and 96% for HC. Further, the absolute values are close to the ULEV data for modern sophisticated automobile technology. These excellent results were obtained despite the considerably higher specific raw emissions of this engine compared to a modern automobile engine in the 100 kW range. Even better results were obtained during idling, e.g. a 99% conversion rate for HC and amazing 99.9% CO - a challenge to the measurement technology. Emissions accoring to ISO 8178 G weighted averages of all 6 measured points Standard fuel without catalyst g/kWh Table 3. 6.2 Alcylate gasoline without cat. g/kWh Special canister-nozzles are available for refueling this gasoline. These extract the gasoline vapors from the canister. The fuel flow is automatically stopped as soon as the tank is full, thus preventing the otherwise not insubstantial spillage losses. Exhaust gas emissions at 75% load, 2800 RPM Standard fuel without cat. Table 4. Standard fuel with catalyst Switzerland has standardized this fuel at the beginning of 1998. It has surprisingly quickly found a big market. Four different products are available. 60% of the professional 2-stroke engine market uses this fuel [8]. The Swiss Canton of Bern has legislated the exclusive use of this fuel to comply with occupational health regulations in forestry. 7. VOC AND PAH ANALYSIS The VOC-analysis covered the hydrocarbon emission in the range of C2 to C12, but only the compounds listed in table 5 were quantified. The criterion for the selection of the compounds was their toxicological potency. Although not toxicologically relevant, acetylene was included in the target list as a possible precursor in the formation of benzene and higher condensed aromatics. An eventual coherence between the concentration of acetylene and aromatics in the exhaust would be of special interest in the case of alkylate fuel. This engine is one of the best according to the Californian certification data. The comparison shows that it nevertheless has all the raw emission components about 100 times higher than a modern automobile engine conforming to the Californian ULEV standard. The catalytic converter curtails the HC by 92% and the CO by 96%. The NOx increase was accepted as a consequence of the lean mixture. The analyzed PAH-fraction (four to six ring PAH) includes all the probably or possibly carcinogenic PAH according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Fortunately there is a 10% improvement in fuel consumption. The use of alcylate gasoline further minimized the emissions, and also benefited the fuel consumption. Its real advantages however are in minimizing the highly toxic aromatic compounds as shown in section 7. In table 5, some of the results at the 75%-part-load with the new catalyst are presented. The measurements after a field test showed almost identical emission rates with the aged catalyst (see table 6). The efficiency of the catalytic converter system is much more noticeable at those load points where the mixture could be completely regulated. In contrast, the averaged values in Table 3 are spoiled by the rich full load point, where emission could not be very much improved because of still rich mixture. 5 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROTECTED BY U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT It may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, distributed or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means. Downloaded from SAE International by Yildiz Teknik Univsitesi, Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:03:13 AM Table 5. On the other hand there was a significant increase in the formaldehyde and acetaldehyde emissions with alkylate. The catalyst was very efficient for these compounds, although the combination catalyst/alkylate didn't show the same low aldehyde emissions as the combination catalyst/standard gasoline. VOC and PAH species analyzed at two loads (75%-part-load and low idle) Analyzed VOC Ethylene, Acetylene, 1,3-Butadiene1), n-Hexane The reduction of the carcinogenic PAH to 7 – 10% of the initial emissions is another impressive example for the efficiency of these emission reduction strategies. Benzene1), Toluene, Xylene (ortho-/meta-/para)Ethylbenzene Formaldehyde1), Acetaldehyde1) The combination catalyst/alkylate gave even better results with the engine at idle conditions. No aromatic hydrocarbons were found in the exhaust gas and for the other organic compounds, including formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, the reduction was > 98%. Analyzed PAH Fluoranthene, Pyrene, Benzo[b]naphtho[2,1-d]thiophene, Benz[a]anthracene 2),3), Chrysene2) Benzo[b]fluoranthene2),3), Benzo[k]fluoranthene2),3), Benzo[a]pyrene2),3), Benzo[e]pyrene, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene2),3) 8. PARTICULATE EMISSIONS Ideno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene2),3), Benzo[ghi]perylene, Anthanthrene, Coronene Data is available on the particulate emission of small 4stroke SI-engines, e.g. the summary reported in [1]. These indicate a specific emission of 0.5 g/kWh for engines in the 10 kW range. The German Environment Agency UBA investigated [10] the state of the technology for equipment engines. The measured particulate emission values for 2-stroke engines were up to 8 g/kWh and 0.5 g/kWh for 4-stroke engines. The UBA results thus substantiate the older data as given in [1]. 1) Toxic air pollutant from mobile sources according to US Clean Air Act, Amendments 1990 2) Carcinogen according to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.) 3) Carcinogen according to IARC (WHO) (International Agency for Research on Cancer) Table 5A. VOC- and PAH-emissions at 75%-part-load These measurements were performed in a manner similar to those for Diesel engines. Information is only available for the total particulate mass at a dilution ratio of about 1:6 and a mixing temperature of <52°C. No data is available on the composition of these particulates and their size distribution. Most authors presume that the particulates from these engines are mainly condensates of hydrocarbons. In the present investigations, conventional gravimetric particulate measurements were performed at the operating points as shown in Fig. 6. As expected, the use of alkylate reduced the emissions of aromatics (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene) to 0.8 – 3% of the emissions with standard gasoline. The catalyst brought a similar reduction for the aromatics. The combination alkylate/catalyst lowered the emission of these toxic compounds to trace levels, partly below the detection limit of the analytical method (< 0.1 mg/hr). Figure 5. Distribution of the operating points for characterizing the particulates. Supplementary full load points 1,3,4 were measured in addition to the operating points required in ISO 8178 G. 6 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROTECTED BY U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT It may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, distributed or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means. Downloaded from SAE International by Yildiz Teknik Univsitesi, Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:03:13 AM Fig. 6 shows the measured total mass for both engines at the individual operating points. 1.0E+7 ohne Katalysator mit Katalysator 1.0E+6 These measurements, too, indicate particulates mass of similar magnitud, to those cited above. The older engine attained a level of 0.5 g/kWh (a comparable Diesel engines has 2 - 3 g/kWh). Concentration [#/cc] -3] Interestingly, the ASPEN fuel has almost no influence on the particulate formation. In contrast, the catalytic converter (for the particulate emission investigation only the older catalyst type was used) drastically curtails the particulates at all operating points, on average at least halving the mass. Here, too, both fuels have similar results. 1.0E+5 1.0E+4 1.0E+3 1.0E+2 1.0E+1 10 Durchmesser [nm] 100 1000 100 1000 1.0E+7 1.0E+6 0.25 Bleifrei ohne Kat Concentration [#/cc] PM [g/kWh] 1.0E+5 Aspen ohne Kat 0.20 Bleifrei mit Kat Aspen mit Kat 0.15 0.10 1.0E+4 1.0E+3 ohne Katalysator mit Katalysator 1.0E+2 0.05 1.0E+1 0.00 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 7. Number count as a function of the mobility diameter (SMPS method) for both engines at full load with/without catalytic converter PM [g/kWh] PM 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 top: the modern OHV 2-cylinder engine 1 bottom: the older side valve 1 cylinder engine 2 top: engine 1, 2800 RPM full load ASPEN above: engine 2, 2800 RPM full load ASPEN Both engines indicate very high particulate emissions. The distribution is noticeably different from those for diesel engines. Diesel engines usually have a maximum for the size distribution at about 100 nm. However, smaller particulate diameters predominate in the tested gasoline engines. The number count without catalytic converter is quite comparable to those for Diesel engines. The catalytic converter curtails the ultra-fine particulates from the older engines. However, there is an inexplicable increase in the range of larger particulate diameters and the remaining concentrating of fine and ultrafine particles is very high. 7 Figure 6. Particulate mass at 7 operating points for the 4 variants: 2 fuels, each w/o cat. converter Bars left → right Mobility [nm] Standard w/o Cat In case of the modern UHV engine, the catalytic converter attains a marked curtailment of the ultrafine particulates. These ultrafine particulates are thus clearly identified as HC condensates. There is no change in the profile above 80 nm, i.e. an indication for solid particulates. The attained level is almost as low as the "background" ambient level, i.e. extremely low. The older engine, however, has a very high particulate count and may thus be an unacceptable health risk. Aspen w/o Cat Standard with Cat Aspen with Cat To obtain more information about these particulate emissions, the size distribution of the particulates was measured, using to the SMPS procedure. Fig. 7. shows the results for comparable full load points, again for both engines. It is unclear whether the indeed very small catalytic converter has sufficient capacity to convert the particulate forming hydrocarbons. Therefore, the tests were extended to heating the exhaust gas sample, as shown in Fig. 8. 7 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROTECTED BY U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT It may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, distributed or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means. Downloaded from SAE International by Yildiz Teknik Univsitesi, Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:03:13 AM the ultrafine particulates. The spectrum, after heating to 300°C, is comparable to the ambient background. These investigations substantiate the suspicion that, depending on engine design many ultrafine particulates can be emitted. These are solid particulates and should not be ignored. 9. FIELD DEPLOYMENT The engine was first optimized with the compact catalytic converter. Subsequently, three yoke-mowers were equipped with the converter system and deployed in the field during the summer of 1998. The operating duration was maximum 200 hours. This appears meager but indeed is representative of the agricultural season. The field test revealed aging of the first, obviously too small, catalytic converter. Therefore the system was improved as described in Section 5. After optimization on the test rig, the machine was re-deployed in the field during the winter of 98/99. Measurements were reported after 110 hours of field operation. Table 6 summarizes the average results as per ISO 8178 G. Table 1. Emissions before and after field test, with both fuel variants, according to ISO 8178 G Figure 8. Concentration count as a function of the mobility diameter (SMPS method) for both engines at full load with/without catalytic converter top: engine 1, 2800 RPM full load ASPEN above: engine 2, 2800 RPM full load ASPEN The procedure [5] is as follows: The exhaust gas is sampled from the dilution tunnel at approx. 50°C, i.e. condensation has occurred. The sample is now reheated. This vaporizes all condensates with boiling points below the re-heating temperature. Subsequently, the gas sample passes through an active carbon trap. The trap adsorbs the HC vapors and removes them from the gas sample. The sample still contains the condensates having higher boiling temperatures, and obviously the solids. During this period, no deterioration or aging tendencies were observed, neither for standard fuel nor for alcylate gasoline. Indeed there was a slight improvement pertaining to CO and fuel consumption. Operations with alcylate gasoline and catalytic converters (i.e. target) improved the fuel consumption by 15%, compared to the baseline of normal fuel and no catalytic converter. 10. CONCLUSIONS The lower part of the Figure 8 shows the results of the older side-valve engine. Similar to the results of catalytic converter deployment, there is only a relatively weak response to the heating. Re-heating to 300°C certainly vaporizes all relevant hydrocarbon aromatics. The very high particulate emissions must therefore be identified as solid particulates. They may originate from the fuel or from the lubricant; the source was not traced. Retro-fitting the modern Briggs & Stratton OHV-engine, with the innovative 3-way catalytic converter concept from HJS, curtailed the exhaust gas emissions far beyond expectations. Simultaneously, using the non-aromatic gasoline also curtailed the entire group of VOC and PAH to a few percent. Further, compared to its predecessor, with the OHV-engine no serious emissions of ultrafine particulates could be detected. Therefore, this system can be recommend for retrofitting. This recom- The newer OHVengine is shown in the upper part of Figure 8. Its response is similar to the results of the catalytic converter variant in Figure 7. Heating disperses most of 8 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROTECTED BY U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT It may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, distributed or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means. Downloaded from SAE International by Yildiz Teknik Univsitesi, Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:03:13 AM mendation was substantiated by the very good results from field-testing. Parallel investigations indicate that the changed engine settings only increased engine component temperatures by a few degrees. Hence, the engine manufacturer has approved the system. 12. REFERENCES 1. Schadstoffemission und Treibstoffverbrauch des OffroadSektors (Pollutant emission and fuel consumption of the off-road sector) BUWAL, Umwelt-Materialien Nr. 49 / 1996 2. Schweizerische Luftreinhalte-Verordnung (LRV), §89, Stand 3. Februar 1998,(Swiss clean air act, Status 2-Feb1998 Paragraph 89: The emissions from motorized tools, e.g. chain saws and lawn mowers, must be curtailed using improved engine technology, suitable fuels and exhaust after-treatment, to the extent that the measures are technically and operationally feasible and affordable.) 3. Measurement of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in the Exhaust Gas from Gasoline and Diesel Engines of Passenger Cars VDI-Richtlinie 3872, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Düsseldorf (1989) 4. Particulate Traps for Retro-Fitting Construction Site Engines VERT: Final Measurements and Implementation A. Mayer et al., SAE 1999-01-0116 5. Particle Emissions from Diesel Engines - Measurement of Combustion Exhaust Occupational Exposure U. Matter et al. 2nd ETH Workshop "Nanoparticle Measurement", Zurich, 7-Aug-1998 6. Qualitätsrichtlinien für Gerätebenzine Schweizer Norm SN 181 163, gültig ab 1.1.98 (Quality guidelines for equipment gasoline Swiss standard SN 181 163, valid 1-1-98) 7. Alcylate Petrol, Environmental Aspects of Volatile Hydrocarbon Emissions U. Östermark, Doctoral Thesis, University of Göteborg, Sweden, 1996 8. Aromatenfreie Gerätebenzine lassen Maschinisten aufatmen (Machine operators breath up with non-aromatic gasoline) M. Wyser BUWAL-Bulletin Umweltschutz 2/99 9. Using Advanced Emission Control Systems to Demonstrate LEV II ULEV on Light-Duty Gasoline Vehicles C. Webb et al. SAE 1999-01-0774 10. Stand der Technik bei den Schadstoffemissions der Motoren von mobilen Maschinen und Geräten (Benzinmotoren) Abschlussbericht des F & E-Vorhabens 105 06 011 des Deutschen Umweltbundesamtes/Berlin, Juni 1997 (State of the technology for pollutant emissions from engines powering mobile machines and equipment, Final report of the R&D proposal 105 06 011 of the German Environmental Ministry, Berlin, June 1997) 11. Frey/EMPA (EMPA-Report 30.11.1996) 12. Innovative Abgastechnik für die Grenzwerte von heute und morgen (innovative emission abatement technology to reach limits of today and tomorrow) HJS Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH/Menden, MT/ Motortechnische Zeitschrift 60(1999)4 13. Industry proposal on a basic outline for the draft amendment to Directive 97/68/EC on Exhaust Emissions from SI Petrol Engines at or below 18kW EUROMOT/Frankfurt, 1998 The retrofitting costs are approx. 5 - 7% of the equipment cost. This is reasonable. Presently, alcylate gasoline is comparatively expensive. The absolute fuel consumption of these engines is however very small. Hence, the fuel costs are not significant. The proposed system enables suppressing the high emissions of these intrinsically dirty engines to a level comparable with modern automobile engines. The environmental and the occupational health benefits are very substantial. This system can therefore be generally recommended. 11. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This investigation was performed in collaboration with the Swiss air quality enforcement authorities, agricultural research and the industry. The authors particularly thank the industrial partners that financially supported this project and also actively participated. They are the engine manufacturer Briggs & Stratton, the equipment manufacturer Rapid / Dietikon (Switzerland), the manufacturer of the catalytic converter system HJS / Menden (Germany) and the manufacturer of the alcylate fuel ASPEN / Göteborg (Sweden). 9 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROTECTED BY U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT It may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, distributed or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means. Downloaded from SAE International by Yildiz Teknik Univsitesi, Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:03:13 AM ABBREVIATIONS AFHB Abgasprüfstelle Fachhochschule Biel Biel School of Engineering and Architecture (Switzerland) ASPEN ASPEN Petroleum AB / Göteborg (Sweden) BAT Best Available Technology BUWAL Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Land schaft Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape (SAEFL) "Swiss Environmental Protection Agency" DC Diffusion Charging EMPA Eidg. Materialforschungs- und -prüfanstalt / Dübendorf (Switzerland) Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research, FAT Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Landtechnik / Tänikon, Swiss Federal Research Center for Agriculture / Tänikon (Switzerland) PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAS Photoemission Sensor SMPS "Scanning Mobility Particle Analyzer" from TSI / Minneapolis (USA) TTM Technik Thermische Maschinen Engineering Consultants / Niederrohrdorf (Switzerland), VOC Volatile Organic Compounds PARTNER COMPANY WEBSITES ASPEN / Gothenburg (Sweden): HJS / Menden (Germany): Rapid / Dietikon (Switzerland): 10