ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES LECTURE NOTES–UNIT IV INFERENCE IN FIRST-ORDER LOGIC ECS302 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 3/4 B.Tech [ ] DEPARTMENT OF CSE,GIT,GU ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES Module IV Lecture Notes [Inference in First-Order Logic] Syllabus Knowledge and Reasoning: Inference in First-Order Logic: Propositional vs first order inference, unification and lifting, forward chaining, backward chaining, resolution. 1. Propositional Vs First Order Inference Earlier inference in first order logic is performed with Propositionalization which is a process of converting the Knowledgebase present in First Order logic into Propositional logic and on that using any inference mechanisms of propositional logic are used to check inference. Inference rules for quantifiers: There are some Inference rules that can be applied to sentences with quantifiers to obtain sentences without quantifiers. These rules will lead us to make the conversion. Universal Instantiation (UI): The rule says that we can infer any sentence obtained by substituting a ground term (a term without variables) for the variable. Let SUBST (θ) denote the result of applying the substitution θ to the sentence a. Then the rule is written For any variable v and ground term g. For example, there is a sentence in knowledge base stating that all greedy kings are Evils For the variable x, with the substitutions like {x/John},{x/Richard}the following sentences can be inferred. Thus a universally quantified sentence can be replaced by the set of all possible instantiations. ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES Existential Instantiation (EI): The existential sentence says there is some object satisfying a condition, and the instantiation process is just giving a name to that object, that name must not already belong to another object. This new name is called a Skolem constant. Existential Instantiation is a special case of a more general process called “skolemization”. For any sentence a, variable v, and constant symbol k that does not appear elsewhere in the knowledge base, For example, from the sentence So, we can infer the sentence As long as C1 does not appear elsewhere in the knowledge base. Thus an existentially quantified sentence can be replaced by one instantiation Elimination of Universal and Existential quantifiers should give new knowledge base which can be shown to be inferentially equivalent to old in the sense that it is satisfiable exactly when the original knowledge base is satisfiable. Reduction to propositional inference: Once we have rules for inferring non quantified sentences from quantified sentences, it becomes possible to reduce first-order inference to propositional inference. For example, suppose our knowledge base contains just the sentences ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES Then we apply UI to the first sentence using all possible ground term substitutions from the vocabulary of the knowledge base-in this case, {xl John) and {x/Richard). We obtain We discard the universally quantified sentence. Now, the knowledge base is essentially propositional if we view the ground atomic sentences-King (John), Greedy (John), and Brother (Richard, John) as proposition symbols. Therefore, we can apply any of the complete propositional algorithms to obtain conclusions such as Evil (John). Disadvantage: If the knowledge base includes a function symbol, the set of possible ground term substitutions is infinite. Propositional algorithms will have difficulty with an infinitely large set of sentences. NOTE: Entailment for first-order logic is semi decidable which means algorithms exist that say yes to every entailed sentence, but no algorithm exists that also says no to every non entailed sentence 2. Unification and Lifting Consider the above discussed example, if we add Siblings (Peter, Sharon) to the knowledge base then it will be Removing Universal Quantifier will add new sentences to the knowledge base which are not necessary for the query Evil (John)? ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES Hence we need to teach the computer to make better inferences. For this purpose Inference rules were used. First Order Inference Rule: The key advantage of lifted inference rules over propositionalization is that they make only those substitutions which are required to allow particular inferences to proceed. Generalized Modus Ponens: If there is some substitution 8 that makes the premise of the implication identical to sentences already in the knowledge base, then we can assert the conclusion of the implication, after applying 8. This inference process can be captured as a single inference rule called General ized Modus Ponens which is a lifted version of Modus Ponens-it raises Modus Ponens from propositional to first-order logic For atomic sentences pi, pi ', and q, where there is a substitution θ such that SUBST( θ , pi ) = SUBST(θ , pi '), for all i, p1 ', p2 ', …, pn ', (p1 ∧ p2 ∧ … ∧ pn ⇒ q) SUBST (θ, q) There are N + 1 premises to this rule, N atomic sentences + one implication. Applying SUBST (θ, q) yields the conclusion we seek. It is a sound inference rule. Suppose that instead of knowing Greedy (John) in our example we know that everyone is greedy: ∀y Greedy(y) We would conclude that Evil(John). Applying the substitution {x/John, y / John) to the implication premises King ( x ) and Greedy ( x ) and the knowledge base sentences King(John) and Greedy(y) will make them identical. Thus, we can infer the conclusion of the implication. ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES For our example, Unification: It is the process used to find substitutions that make different logical expressions look identical. Unification is a key component of all first-order Inference algorithms. UNIFY (p, q) = θ where SUBST (θ, p) = SUBST (θ, q) θ is our unifier value (if one exists). Ex: “Who does John know?” UNIFY (Knows (John, x), Knows (John, Jane)) = {x/ Jane}. UNIFY (Knows (John, x), Knows (y, Bill)) = {x/Bill, y/ John}. UNIFY (Knows (John, x), Knows (y, Mother(y))) = {x/Bill, y/ John} UNIFY (Knows (John, x), Knows (x, Elizabeth)) = FAIL ➢ The last unification fails because both use the same variable, X. X can’t equal both John and Elizabeth. To avoid this change the variable X to Y (or any other value) in Knows(X, Elizabeth) Knows(X, Elizabeth) → Knows(Y, Elizabeth) Still means the same. This is called standardizing apart. ➢ sometimes it is possible for more than one unifier returned: UNIFY (Knows (John, x), Knows(y, z)) =??? This can return two possible unifications: {y/ John, x/ z} which means Knows (John, z) OR {y/ John, x/ John, z/ John}. For each unifiable pair of expressions there is a single most general unifier (MGU), In this case it is {y/ John, x/z). ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES An algorithm for computing most general unifiers is shown below. Figure 2.1 The unification algorithm. The algorithm works by comparing the structures of the inputs, element by element. The substitution 0 that is the argument to UNIFY is built up along the way and is used to make sure that later comparisons are consistent with bindings that were established earlier. In a compound expression, such as F (A, B), the function OP picks out the function symbol F and the function ARCS picks out the argument list (A, B). The process is very simple: recursively explore the two expressions simultaneously "side by side," building up a unifier along the way, but failing if two corresponding points in the structures do not match. Occur check step makes sure same variable isn’t used twice. ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES Storage and retrieval ➢ STORE(s) stores a sentence s into the knowledge base ➢ FETCH(s) returns all unifiers such that the query q unifies with some sentence in the knowledge base. Easy way to implement these functions is Store all sentences in a long list, browse list one sentence at a time with UNIFY on an ASK query. But this is inefficient. To make FETCH more efficient by ensuring that unifications are attempted only with sentences that have some chance of unifying. (i.e. Knows(John, x) vs. Brother(Richard, John) are not compatible for unification) ➢ To avoid this, a simple scheme called predicate indexing puts all the Knows facts in one bucket and all the Brother facts in another. ➢ The buckets can be stored in a hash table for efficient access. Predicate indexing is useful when there are many predicate symbols but only a few clauses for each symbol. But if we have many clauses for a given predicate symbol, facts can be stored under multiple index keys. For the fact Employs (, Richard), the queries are Employs (A IMA. org, Richard) Does employ Richard? Employs (x, Richard) who employs Richard? Employs (, y) whom does employ? Employs Y(x), who employs whom? We can arrange this into a subsumption lattice, as shown below. Figure 2.2 (a) The subsumption lattice whose lowest node is the sentence Employs (, Richard). (b) The subsumption lattice for the sentence Employs (John, John). ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES A subsumption lattice has the following properties: ✓ child of any node obtained from its parents by one substitution ✓ the “highest” common descendant of any two nodes is the result of applying their most general unifier ✓ predicate with n arguments contains O(2n ) nodes (in our example, we have two arguments, so our lattice has four nodes) ✓ Repeated constants = slightly different lattice. 3. Forward Chaining First-Order Definite Clauses: A definite clause either is atomic or is an implication whose antecedent is a conjunction of positive literals and whose consequent is a single positive literal. The following are first-order definite clauses: Unlike propositional literals, first-order literals can include variables, in which case those variables are assumed to be universally quantified. Consider the following problem; “The law says that it is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile nations. The country Nono, an enemy of America, has some missiles, and all of its missiles were sold to it by Colonel West, who is American.” We will represent the facts as first-order definite clauses ". . . It is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile nations": --------- (1) ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES "Nono . . . has some missiles." The sentence 3 x Owns (Nono, .rc) A Missile (x) is transformed into two definite clauses by Existential Elimination, introducing a new constant M1: Owns (Nono, M1) ----------------- (2) Missile (Ml) ------------------------- (3) "All of its missiles were sold to it by Colonel West": Missile (x) A Owns (Nono, x) =>Sells (West, z, Nono) ----------------- (4) We will also need to know that missiles are weapons: Missile (x) => Weapon (x) ---------- (5) We must know that an enemy of America counts as "hostile": Enemy (x, America) =>Hostile(x) ----------- (6) "West, who is American": American (West) --------------- (7) "The country Nono, an enemy of America ": Enemy (Nono, America) ------------ (8) A simple forward-chaining algorithm: ➢ Starting from the known facts, it triggers all the rules whose premises are satisfied, adding their conclusions lo the known facts ➢ The process repeats until the query is answered or no new facts are added. Notice that a fact is not "new" if it is just renaming of a known fact. We will use our crime problem to illustrate how FOL-FC-ASK works. The implication sentences are (1), (4), (5), and (6). Two iterations are required: ✓ On the first iteration, rule (1) has unsatisfied premises. Rule (4) is satisfied with {x/Ml), and Sells (West, M1, Nono) is added. Rule (5) is satisfied with {x/M1) and Weapon (M1) is added. Rule (6) is satisfied with {x/Nono}, and Hostile (Nono) is added. ✓ On the second iteration, rule (1) is satisfied with {x/West, Y/MI, z /Nono), and Criminal (West) is added. ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES It is sound, because every inference is just an application of Generalized Modus Ponens, it is complete for definite clause knowledge bases; that is, it answers every query whose answers are entailed by any knowledge base of definite clauses Figure 3.1 A conceptually straightforward, but very inefficient, forward-chaining algorithm. On each iteration, it adds to KB all the atomic sentences that can be inferred in one step from the implication sentences and the atomic sentences already in KB. Figure 3.2 The proof tree generated by forward chaining on the crime example. The initial facts appear at the bottom level, facts inferred on the first iteration in the middle level, and facts inferred on the second iteration at the top level. ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Efficient forward chaining: LECTURE NOTES (EXTRA MATERIAL) The above given forward chaining algorithm was lack with efficiency due to the the three sources of complexities: ✓ Pattern Matching ✓ Rechecking of every rule on every iteration even a few additions are made to rules ✓ Irrelevant facts 1. Matching rules against known facts: For example, consider this rule, Missile(x) A Owns (Nono, x) => Sells (West, x, Nono). The algorithm will check all the objects owned by Nono in and then for each object, it could check whether it is a missile. This is the conjunct ordering problem: “Find an ordering to solve the conjuncts of the rule premise so that the total cost is minimized”. The most constrained variable heuristic used for CSPs would suggest ordering the conjuncts to look for missiles first if there are fewer missiles than objects that are owned by Nono. The connection between pattern matching and constraint satisfaction is actually very close. We can view each conjunct as a constraint on the variables that it contains-for example, Missile(x) is a unary constraint on x. Extending this idea, we can express every finite-domain CSP as a single definite clause together with some associated ground facts. Matching a definite clause against a set of facts is NP-hard 2. Incremental forward chaining: On the second iteration, the rule Missile (x) => Weapon (x) Matches against Missile (M1) (again), and of course the conclusion Weapon(x/M1) is already known so nothing happens. Such redundant rule matching can be avoided if we make the following observation: ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES “Every new fact inferred on iteration t must be derived from at least one new fact inferred on iteration t – 1”. This observation leads naturally to an incremental forward chaining algorithm where, at iteration t, we check a rule only if its premise includes a conjunct p, that unifies with a fact p: newly inferred at iteration t - 1. The rule matching step then fixes p, to match with p’, but allows the other conjuncts of the rule to match with facts from any previous iteration. 3. Irrelevant facts: ➢ One way to avoid drawing irrelevant conclusions is to use backward chaining. ➢ Another solution is to restrict forward chaining to a selected subset of rules ➢ A third approach, is to rewrite the rule set, using information from the that only relevant variable bindings-those belonging to a so-called magic set-are considered during forward inference. For example, if the goal is Criminal (West), the rule that concludes Criminal (x) will be rewritten to include an extra conjunct that constrains the value of x: Magic(x) A American(z) A Weapon(y)A Sells(x, y, z) A Hostile(z) =>Criminal(x ) The fact Magic (West) is also added to the KB. In this way, even if the knowledge base contains facts about millions of Americans, only Colonel West will be considered during the forward inference process. 4. Backward Chaining This algorithm work backward from the goal, chaining through rules to find known facts that support the proof. It is called with a list of goals containing the original query, and returns the set of all substitutions satisfying the query. The algorithm takes the first goal in the list and finds every clause in the knowledge base whose head, unifies with the goal. Each such clause creates a ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES new recursive call in which body, of the clause is added to the goal stack .Remember that facts are clauses with a head but no body, so when a goal unifies with a known fact, no new sub goals are added to the stack and the goal is solved. The algorithm for backward chaining and proof tree for finding criminal (West) using backward chaining are given below. Figure 4.1 A simple backward-chaining algorithm. . Figure 4.2 Proof tree constructed by backward chaining to prove that West is a criminal. The tree should be read depth first, left to right. To prove Criminal (West), we have to prove the four conjuncts below it. Some of these are in the knowledge base, and others require further backward chaining. Bindings for each successful unification are shown next to the corresponding sub goal. Note that once one sub goal in a conjunction succeeds, its substitution is applied to subsequent sub goals. ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES 5. Resolution As in the propositional case, first-order resolution requires that sentences be in conjunctive normal form (CNF) that is, a conjunction of clauses, where each clause is a disjunction of literals. Literals can contain variables, which are assumed to be universally quantified. Every sentence of first-order logic can be converted into an inferentially equivalent CNF sentence. We will illustrate the procedure by translating the sentence "Everyone who loves all animals is loved by someone," or The steps are as follows: ➢ Eliminate implications: ➢ Move Negation inwards: In addition to the usual rules for negated connectives, we need rules for negated quantifiers. Thus, we have Our sentence goes through the following transformations: ➢ Standardize variables: For sentences like which use the same variable name twice, change the name of one of the variables. This avoids confusion later when we drop the quantifiers. Thus, we have ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES ➢ Skolemize: Skolemization is the process of removing existential quantifiers by elimination. Translate 3 x P(x) into P(A), where A is a new constant. If we apply this rule to our sample sentence, however, we obtain Which has the wrong meaning entirely: it says that everyone either fails to love a particular animal A or is loved by some particular entity B. In fact, our original sentence allows each person to fail to love a different animal or to be loved by a different person. Thus, we want the Skolem entities to depend on x: Here F and G are Skolem functions. The general rule is that the arguments of the Skolem function are all the universally quantified variables in whose scope the existential quantifier appears. ➢ Drop universal quantifiers: At this point, all remaining variables must be universally quantified. Moreover, the sentence is equivalent to one in which all the universal quantifiers have been moved to the left. We can therefore drop the universal quantifiers ➢ Distribute V over A This is the CNF form of given sentence. The resolution inference rule: The resolution rule for first-order clauses is simply a lifted version of the propositional resolution rule. Propositional literals are complementary if one is the negation of the other; first-order ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES literals are complementary if one unifies with the negation of the other. Thus we have Where UNIFY (li, m j) == θ. For example, we can resolve the two clauses By eliminating the complementary literals Loves (G(x), x) and ¬Loves (u, v), with unifier θ = {u/G(x), v/x), to produce the resolvent clause Example proofs: Resolution proves that KB /= a by proving KB A la unsatisfiable, i.e., by deriving the empty clause. The sentences in CNF are The resolution proof is shown in below figure; ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES Figure 5.1 A resolution proof that West is a criminal. Notice the structure: single "spine" beginning with the goal clause, resolving against clauses from the knowledge base until the empty clause is generated. Backward chaining is really just a special case of resolution with a particular control strategy to decide which resolution to perform next. Completeness of resolution: Resolution is refutation-complete, which means that if a set of sentences is unsatisfiable, then resolution will always be able to derive a contradiction. Resolution cannot be used to generate all logical consequences of a set of sentences, but it can be used to establish that a given sentence is entailed by the set of sentences. ➢ So we have to prove that “if S is an unsatisfiable set of clauses, then the application of finite number of resolution steps to S will yield a contradiction” The basic structure of the proof is shown below ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES Figure 5.2 Structure of a completeness proof for resolution It proceeds as follows: ✓ First, we observe that if S is unsatisfiable, then there exists a particular set of ground instances of the clauses of S such that this set is also unsatisfiable (Herbrand's theorem). ✓ We then appeal to the ground resolution theorem given in Chapter 7, which states that propositional resolution is complete for ground sentences. ✓ We then use a lifting lemma to show that, for any propositional resolution proof using the set of ground sentences, there is a corresponding first-order resolution proof using the first-order sentences from which the ground sentences were obtained. **** Topic for the class: Module-IV KNOWLEDGE and REASONING Chapter 9: Inference in First-Order Logic M.S.N.V.Jitendra Assistant Professor Department of CSE GITAM Institute of Technology (GIT) Visakhapatnam – 530045 Email: Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 1 9.1 Propositional vs. First-Order Inference (1) Inference Rules for Quantifiers: Suppose we have: ‘All greedy kings are evil’. ∀ x King(x) Ʌ Greedy(x) → Evil(x) Then we can infer any of the following sentences: Universal Instantiation (UI): This rule says that we can infer any sentence obtained by substituting a ground term (a term without variables) for the variable. Let SUBST (θ, α) denote the result of applying the substitution θ to the sentence α. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 2 Continued... Then the rule is written: for any variable ‘v’ and ground term ‘g’. Ex: The three sentences given earlier (in slide 2) are obtained with the substitutions: { x / John }, { x / Richard }, { x / Father(John) } Existential Instantiation: For any sentence α, variable v and constant symbol k that does not appear elsewhere in KB, For example, from the sentence Ǝ x Crown(x) Ʌ OnHead(x, John) we can infer the sentence Crown(C1) Ʌ OnHead(C1, John) as long as C1 does not appear elsewhere in the KB. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 3 Continued... (2) Reduction to Propositional Inference: It becomes possible to reduce first-order inference to propositional inference. As an existentially quantified sentence can be replaced by one instantiation, a universally quantified sentence can be replaced by the set of all possible instantiations. Ex: Suppose the KB is: We apply UI to the first sentence using all possible ground term substitutions from the vocabulary of the KB, in this case, { x / John } and { x / Richard }. We obtain: King(John) Ʌ Greedy(John) → Evil(John) King(Richard) Ʌ Greedy(Richard) → Evil(Richard) and we discard the universally quantified sentence. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 4 Continued... (2) Reduction to Propositional Inference: It becomes possible to reduce first-order inference to propositional inference. As an existentially quantified sentence can be replaced by one instantiation, a universally quantified sentence can be replaced by the set of all possible instantiations. Ex: Suppose the KB is: We apply UI to the first sentence using all possible ground term substitutions from the vocabulary of the KB, in this case, { x / John } and { x / Richard }. We obtain: King(John) Ʌ Greedy(John) → Evil(John) King(Richard) Ʌ Greedy(Richard) → Evil(Richard) and we discard the universally quantified sentence. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 5 Continued... Now the KB is essentially propositional if we view the ground atomic sentences -- King(John), Greedy(John) and so on as propositional symbols. (2) Unification and Lifting: ➢ The inference of Evil(John) from the sentences ∀x King(x) Ʌ Greedy(x) → Evil(x) King(John) Greedy(John) seems completely obvious to a human being. ➢ How to make it completely obvious to a computer? A first-order inference rule: For this to work, we find some x such that x is a king and x is greedy. In this case, the substitution { x / John } achieves that aim. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 6 Continued... Suppose that instead of knowing Greedy(John), we know that everyone is greedy. ∀y Greedy(y) Then, we would still be able to conclude that: Evil(John). (because we know that John is a king (given) and John is greedy (because everyone is greedy). i.e., the substitution is { x / John, y / John } This inference process can be captured as a single inference rule that we call Generalized Modus Ponens. Generalized Modus Ponens: For atomic sentences pi , pi ‘ and q, where there is a substitution θ such that SUBST(θ, pi ‘) = SUBST(θ, pi ) for all i, There are n atomic sentences pi ‘ and one implication to this rule. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 7 Continued... The conclusion is the result of applying the substitution θ to the consequent q. For our example: p1 ‘ is King(John) p1 is King(x) p2‘ is Greedy(y) p2 is Greedy(x) θ is { x / John, y / John } q is Evil(x) SUBST(θ , q) is Evil(John) Generalized Modus Ponens is a lifted version of Modus Ponens. Unification: ❖ It is a process of finding substitutions that make different logical expressions look identical. ❖ It takes two sentences and returns a unifier for them, if one exists. UNIFY (p, q) = θ where SUBST (θ, p) = SUBST (θ, q). Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 8 Continued... Exs: UNIFY (Knows(John, x), Knows(John, Jane)) = { x / Jane } UNIFY (Knows(John, x), Knows(y, Bill)) = { x / Bill, y / John} UNIFY (Knows(John, x), Knows(y, Mother(y)) = { y / John, x / Mother(John) } UNIFY (Knows(John, x), Knows(x, Elizabeth)) = FAIL In the last one, the problem arises because of the usage of the same variable x in both the sentences. If we standardize apart one of the two sentences (that is, renaming its variables to avoid clashes), then we have: UNIFY (Knows(John, x), Knows(z, Elizabeth)) , then the substitution is { x / Elizabeth, z / John }. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 9 Continued... Most General Unifier (MGU): There could be more than one unifier in some cases. Ex: UNIFY (Knows(John, x), Knows(y, z)) could return { y / John, x / z } or { y / John, x / John, z / John }. ✓ The first unifier gives Knows(John, z), ✓ The second unifier gives Knows(John, John). -- could be obtained from the first by an additional substitution { z / John }. ❑ We say that the first unifier is more general than the second, because it places fewer restrictions on the values of the variables. ❑ For every unifiable pair of expressions, there is a single Most General Unifier (MGU). In this case, it is { y / John, x / z }. An algorithm for computing MGUs is follows. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 10 Continued... Algorithm: Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 11 Continued... Explanation: 1. If x and y are both variables or constants, if x and y are identical, then return NIL. θ is empty or θ is as it is. Ex: King(John), King(John) or King(x), King(x) 2. If x is a variable and y is a constant, then return constant for variable Ex: King(x), King(John) return { x / John } 3. If x is a constant and y is a variable, then return constant for variable Ex: Evil(Richard), Evil(x) return { x / Richard } 4. If x and y are COMPOUND expressions, call UNIFY with first arguments of x and y, second arguments of x and y, ………………. nth arguments of x and y. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 12 Continued... Ex: Father(m, David, Bill) (m is the father of David and Bill) (args[x] : m, David and Bill) Father(Taylor, p, Bill) (Taylor is the father of p and Bill) (args[y] : Taylor, p and Bill) θ is { m / Taylor, p / David, NIL } 5. If x is a list and y is a list, then UNIFY First elements of x and y and then Rest of the elements of x and y. Ex: [m, David, Bill] [Taylor, p, Bill] first rest first rest θ is { m / Taylor, p / David, NIL } 8. OCCUR-CHECK (if a variable itself occurs inside a complex term) Ex: F(x, x), F(G(x), G(x)) If G(x) is written for x, we have: F(G(x), G(x)), F(G(G(x)), G(G(x))) -- never possible to eliminate x Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 13 Continued... Algorithm: Unify(L1, L2) (From: AI – Elaine Rich & Kevin Knight) 1. If L1 or L2 are both variables or constants, then (a) If L1 and L2 are identical, then return NIL. (b) Else if L1 is a variable, then if L1 occurs in L2 then return { FAIL }, else return (L2 / L1) (return L2 for L1) (c) Else if L2 is a variable, then if L2 occurs in L1 then return { FAIL }, else return (L1 / L2) (return L1 for L2) (d) Else return FAIL. 2. If the initial predicate symbols in L1 and L2 are not identical, then return { FAIL }. 3. If L1 and L2 have a different number of arguments, then return { FAIL }. 4. Set SUBST to NIL. (At the end of the procedure, SUBST will contain all the substitutions used to unify L1 and L2.) 5. For i 1 to number of arguments in L1: (a) Call Unify with the ith argument of L1 and ith argument of L2, putting result in S. (b) If S contains FAIL, then return { FAIL }. (c) If S is not equal to NIL, then (i) Apply S to the remainder of both L1 and L2. (ii) SUBST := APPEND(S, SUBST) 6. Return SUBST. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 14 Continued... Explanation: 1.(a) Step Teacher(x), ¬Teacher(x) or Teacher(Pradeep), ¬Teacher(Pradeep) Algorithm returns NIL 1.(b) f(x, x), f(g(x), g(x)) FAIL (if we write g(x) for x, then it will be: f(g(x), g(x)), f(g(g(x)), g(g(x))), it will never be possible to eliminate x (OCCUR_CHECK)) f(x), f(John) { x / John } f(x), f(g(y)) { x / g(y) } 1.(c) f(g(x)), f(x) f(John), f(z) 1.(d) Return FAIL. FAIL { z / John } Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI (OCCUR_CHECK, same as above) 15 Continued... Step 2. Man(John), Teacher(Bob) 3. StudentOf(Lalitha, Btech), Student(Lalitha) 4. SUBST = NIL 5. FounderOf(BillGates, Microsoft), FounderOf(x, y) Algorithm returns FAIL FAIL S = { x / BillGates } S = { x / BillGates, y / Microsoft } 6. Return SUBST. Storage and Retrieval: (primitive functions underlying TELL and ASK) STORE (s) -- stores a sentence s into the KB FETCH(q) -- returns all unifiers such that the query q unifies with some sentence in the KB Ex: Knows(John, x) -- a query, an instance of fetching (finds all facts that unify with Knows(John, x) Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 16 9.3 Forward Chaining (i) First-Order Definite Clauses: ❖ A definite clause either is atomic or is an implication whose antecedent is a conjunction of positive literals and whose consequent is a single positive literal. Ex: ∀x King(x) Ʌ Greedy(x) → Evil(x) King(John) Greedy(y) ➢ Unlike propositional literals, first-order literals can include variables in which case, those variables are assumed to be universally quantified. (usually, we omit them) ➢ Many of the KBs can be converted into a set of definite clauses. Example Problem: ‘The law says that it is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile nations. The country Nono, an enemy of America, has some missiles, and all of its missiles were sold to it by Colonel West, who is American.’ We will prove that ‘West is a Criminal. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 17 Continued... Sentences in FOL: 1. It is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile nations. American(x) Ʌ Weapon(y) Ʌ Sells(x, y, z) Ʌ Hostile(z) → Criminal(x) ✓ Nono has some missiles. Ǝx Owns(Nono, x) Ʌ Missile(x) is transformed into two definite clauses. 2. Owns(Nono, M1 ) 3. Missile(M1) 4. All of its missiles were sold to it by Colonel West. Missile(x) Ʌ Owns(Nono, x) → Sells(West, x, Nono) 5. Missiles are weapons. Missile(x) → Weapon(x) Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 18 Continued... 6. An enemy of America counts as “hostile”. Enemy(x, America) → Hostile(x) 7. West is an American. American(West) 8. The country Nono is an enemy of America. Enemy(Nono, America) Forward chaining considers atomic sentences and tries to satisfy the premises of rules. This leads to inference of new sentences and thereby proof of a goal. To prove ‘West is Criminal’, all of the premises of 1 have to be satisfied. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 19 Continued... Use 3 in 4 and infer: 9. Sells(West, M1, Nono) Use 3 in 5 and infer: 10. Weapon(M1) Use 8 in 6 and infer: 11. Hostile(Nono) Now use 7, 10, 9 and 11 in 1 and infer: 12. Criminal(West) Hence, ‘West is Criminal’ is proved. The substitutions are: { x / West, y / M1 , z / Nono } Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 20 Continued... (ii) A simple Forward Chaining Algorithm: Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 21 Continued... Explanation: ➢ Starting from the known facts, it triggers all the rules whose premises are satisfied, adding their conclusions to the known facts. ➢ The process repeats until the query is answered or new facts are added. A fact is not new if it is just renaming of a known fact. Ex: Likes(x, IceCream) and Likes(y, IceCream) are renaming of each other. Their meanings are identical (everyone likes ice cream). FOL-FC-ASK is: ❖ Sound, because every inference is just an application of Generalized Modus Ponens, which is sound. ❖ Complete for definite clause KBs; i.e., it answers every query whose answers are entailed by any KB of definite clauses. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 22 The Proof Tree: ➢Forward chaining -- from bottom to top in the diagram ➢Bottom level -- initial facts ➢Middle level -- facts inferred on the first iteration ➢Top level -- facts inferred on the second iteration Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 23 9.4 Backward Chaining Algorithm: Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 24 9.4 Backward Chaining Explanation: ➢ The algorithm uses compositions of substitutions. ➢ Compose(θ1, θ2) is the substitution whose effect is identical to the effect of applying each substitution in turn. ➢ That is, SUBST(Compose(θ1, θ2) , p) = SUBST(θ2, SUBST(θ1, p)) ➢ In the algorithm, the current variable bindings, which are stored in θ, are composed with the bindings resulting from unifying the goal with the clause head, giving a new set of current bindings for the recursive call. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 25 Continued... Proof Tree: To prove that ‘West is Criminal’. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 26 Continued... ➢ Backward chaining -- from top to bottom in the diagram ➢ Middle and Bottom level -- read from left to right ➢ To prove ‘Criminal(West)’ -- prove the conjuncts (four) in the middle level ➢ To prove any middle-level goal -- go down to its next lower level General Examples for Forward and Backward Chaining: Consider: Forward Chaining (5) (2) (combine A and use 4) 1. A Ʌ B Ʌ C → Z A (given, proved) → Y (given, proved) → M → K → 2. M → K A Ʌ K → B (proved) → C (given, proved) → Z (proved) 3. A (4) Consider 7 from 1 4. A Ʌ K → B Backward Chaining 5. Y → M (1) (3) (7) (4) (3) (2) (5) 6. Y Z A Ʌ B Ʌ C B Ʌ C B A Ʌ K K M Y Y proved from 6. 7. C Prove Z. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 27 9.5 Resolution Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF): As in the propositional case, first-order resolution requires that sentences be in CNF -- that is a conjunction of clauses, where each clause is a disjunction of literals. Literals can contain variables, which are assumed to be universally quantified. Every sentence of first-order logic can be converted into an inferentailly equivalent CNF sentence. Procedure: Ex: Everyone who loves all animals is loved by someone. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 28 Continued... Steps: 1. Eliminate Implications 2. Move ¬ inwards We have Our sentence goes through the following transformations: Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 29 Continued... 3. Standardize variables: Sentences like (∀x P(x)) V (Ǝx Q(x)) can be written as Thus we have, (∀x P(x)) V (Ǝy Q(y)) 4. Skolemize: Skolemization is the process of removing existential quantifiers by elimination. Ǝx P(x) can be written as P(A) where A is a new constant. So, our sentence becomes: which has the wrong meaning entirely: it says that –‘everyone either fails to love a particular animal A or is loved by some particular entity B’. In fact, our original sentence allows – ‘each person to fail to love a different animal or to be loved by a different person’. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 30 Continued... Thus, we want the Skolem entities to depend on x. A better way is: ( F and G are Skolem Functions) General Rule: The arguments of the Skolem function are all the universally quantified variables in whose scope the existential quantifier appears. 5. Drop Universal quantifiers: At this point, all remaining variables must be universally quantified. We can drop the universal quantifiers. 6. Distribute Ʌ over V: The sentence is now in CNF and consists of two clauses. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 31 Continued... The Resolution Inference Rule: We have • where UNIFY(li , ¬mj )= θ . For example, we can resolve the two clauses Ex: Consider [Animal (F(x)) ∨ Loves(G(x), x)] and [¬Loves(u, v) ∨ ¬Kills(u, v)] • • by eliminating the complementary literals Loves(G(x), x) and ¬Loves(u, v), with unifier θ={u/G(x), v/x}, to produce the resolvent clause Now the unifier is : θ = { u / G(x) , v / x } and the resolvent is : Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 32 Continued... The sentences (in Slides 17 & 18 ) : 1. American(x) Ʌ Weapon(y) Ʌ Sells(x, y, z) Ʌ Hostile(z) → Criminal(x) 2. Owns(Nono, M1 ) 3. Missile(M1) 4. Missile(x) Ʌ Owns(Nono, x) → Sells(West, x, Nono) 5. Missile(x) → Weapon(x) 6. Enemy(x, America) → Hostile(x) 7. American(West) 8. Enemy(Nono, America) Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 33 Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 34 Continued... The sentences (in Slides 17 & 18 ) in Clause Form: 1. 2. Owns(Nono, M1 ) 3. Missile(M1) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. American(West) Enemy(Nono, America) ¬Criminal(West) (Goal is negated [refutation], converted to a clause and added) Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 35 Continued... Proof: ¬Criminal(West) 7 Nil 1 x / West ¬American(West) V ¬Weapon(y) V ¬Sells(West, y, z) V ¬Hostile(z) ¬Weapon(y) V ¬Sells(West, y, z) V ¬Hostile(z) 3 y / M1 5 x/y ¬Missile(y) V ¬Sells(West, y, z) V ¬Hostile(z) ¬Sells(West, M1, z) V ¬Hostile(z) Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 36 Continued... Proof Continued: ¬Sells(West, M1, z) V ¬Hostile(z) 3 4 x / M1 , z / Nono ¬Missile(M1) V ¬Owns(Nono, M1 ) V ¬Hostile(Nono) Nil ¬Owns(Nono, M1 ) V ¬Hostile(Nono) ¬Hostile(Nono) 8 2 Nil 6 x / Nono ¬Enemy(Nono, America) Contradiction Hence, ‘West is Criminal’ is proved. Department of CSE, GIT ECS302: AI 37 ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES LECTURE NOTES–UNIT IV PLANNING ECS302 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 3/4 B.Tech [ ] DEPARTMENT OF CSE,GIT,GU ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES Module IV Lecture Notes [Planning] Syllabus The Planning Problem, Planning with State-Space Search, Partial-Order Planning 1. The Planning Problem: Planning is the task of coming up with a sequence of actions that will achieve Goal. Consider what can happen when an ordinary problem-solving agent using standard search algorithms like depth-first, A*, and so on-comes up against large, real-world problems. So, better planning agents are required. 1) Consider an internet buying Agent whose task is to buy a textbook (search based) So planner should works back from goal to BUY(x) we need to have a plan Have(x). 2) Finding Good Heuristic function Finally the problem solver is inefficient because it can’t take advantage of problem decomposition. i.e., For example: problem of delivering a set of overnight packages to their respective destinations, which are scattered across a country. So planning system will do; - Open up action & goal representation to allow selection. - Divide & Conquer by sub goals - Relax Requirement for sequential construction of solutions 1.1 The language of planning problems: Consider the basic representation language of classical planners, known as STRIPS language. Representation of states: ➢ Decompose the world in to logical conditions and represent a state as conjunction of positive literals ➢ Must be grounded & function free. For example: At (Plane1, Melbourne) At (Plane2, Sydney) ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES ➢ Literals such as At (x, y) or At (Father (Fred), Sydney) are not allowed. Representation of goals: ➢ A goal is a partially specified state, represented as a conjunction of positive ground literals, such as Rich Famous or At (P2, LAS). ➢ A propositional state s satisfies a goal g if s contains all the atoms in g. ➢ For example, the state Rich Famous Miserable satisfies the goal Rich Famous. Representation of actions: ➢ An action is specified in terms of the preconditions that must hold before it can be executed and the effects that ensue when it is executed. ➢ For example, an action for flying a plane from one location to another is: Action (Fly (p, from, to), PRECOND: At (p, from) Plane (p) Airport (from) Airport (to) EFFECT: At (p, from) At (p, to)) This is called as “Action Schema”, which consists of three parts: a) The action name and parameter list. For example, Fly (p, from, to)-serves to identify the action. b) The precondition is a conjunction of function-free positive literals stating what must be true in a state before the action can be executed. Any variables in the precondition must also appear in the action's parameter list. c) The effect is a conjunction of function-free literals describing how the state changes when the action is executed. A positive literal P in the effect is asserted to be true in the state resulting from the action, whereas a negative literal P is asserted to be false. Variables in the effect must also appear in the action's parameter list. →To improve readability, some planning systems divide the effect into the add list for positive literals and the delete list for negative literals. →An action is applicable in any state that satisfies the precondition; otherwise, the action has no effect. ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES For a first-order action schema, establishing applicability will involve a substitution for the variables in the precondition. For example, suppose the current state is described by At(Pl, JFK) At(P2, SFO) Plane(P1) Plane(P2) Airport (JFK) Airport (SFO). This state satisfies the precondition; At (p, from) Plane (p) Airport (from) Airport (to) With substitution {p/Pl, from/JFK, to/SFO) So, the action Fly (Pl, JFK, SFO) is applicable. Starting in state‘s’, the result of executing an applicable action ‘a’ is a state‘s’ that is the same as s except that any positive literal P in the effect of a is added to s and any negative literal P is removed from s’. Thus, after Fly (Pl, JFK, SFO), the current state becomes At(Pl, SFO) At(P2, SFO) Plane(Pl) Plane(P2) Airport (JFK) Airport (SFO) . STRIPS assumption: Stands for [Standard Research Institute Problem Solver] Here every literal not mentioned in the effect remains unchanged. It is a restricted language for planning and the representation is chosen to make planning Algorithms simpler and efficient. In recent years, it has become clear that STRIPS is insufficiently expressive for some real domains. As a result, many language variants have been developed. Figure 1.1 briefly describes one important one, the Action Description Language or ADL, by comparing it with the basic STRIPS language. In ADL, the Fly action could be written as; Action(Fly(p : Plane, from : Airport, to : Airport), PRECOND: At(p, from) (from ≠to) EFFECT: At(p, from) At(p, t o) ). ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES Figure 1.1 Comparison of STRIPS and ADL languages for representing planning problems. STRIPS Problems: 1) Transportation of “Air Cargo between Airports” Init(At(Cl, SFO) ^ At(C2, JFK) ^ At(P1, SFO) ^ At(P2, JFK) ^ Cargo(Cl) ^ Cargo(C2) ^ Plane(P1) ^ Plane(P2) ^ Airport(JFK) ^ Airport(SF0)) Goal (At (CI , JFK) A At (C2, SFO)) Action(Load(c, p, a), PRECOND: At(c, a) ^ At(p, a) ^ Cargo(c) ^ Plane(p) ^ Airport(a) EFFECT: ¬ At(c, a) ^ In(c, p)) Action( Unload(c, p, a), PRECOND: In(c, p) ^ At(p, a) ^ Cargo(c) ^ Plane(p) ^ Airport(a) EFFECT: At(c, a) ^ ¬ In(c, p)) Action(Fly(p, from, to), PRECOND: At(p, from) ^ Plane(p) ^ Airport(from) ^ Airport(to) EFFECT: ¬At(p, from) ^ At(p, to)) Figure 1.2 A STRIPS problem involving transportation of air cargo between airports. ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES The following plan is a solution to the problem: 1) The Spare Tire Problem: Problem of changing a flat tire. The goal is to have a good spare tire properly mounted onto the car's axle, where the initial state has a flat tire on the axle and a good spare tire in the trunk. There are just four actions: Removing the spare from the trunk, Removing the flat tire from the axle, Putting the spare on the axle, and Leaving the car unattended overnight. The ADL description of the problem is shown below; Init(At (Flat, Axle) ^ At(Spare, Trunk)) Goal (At (Spare, Axle)) Action(Remove(Spare, Trunk), PRECOND: At(Spare, Trunk) EFFECT: ¬ At (Spare, Trunk) ^ At (Spare, Ground)) Action(Remove(Flat, .Axle), PRECOND: At(Flat, Axle) EFFECT: 1 At(Flat, Axle) ^ At(Flat, Ground)) Action( Put On (Spare, Axle), PRECOND: At(Spare, Ground) ^ ¬ At (Flat, Axle) EFFECT: ¬ At(Spare, Ground) ^ At(Spare, Axle)) Action(Leave Overnight, PRECOND: EFFECT: ¬ At(Spare, Ground) ^ ¬ At(Spam, Axle) ^ ¬ At(Spare, Trunk) ^ ¬ At(Flat, Ground) ^ ¬ At(Flat, Axle)) Figure 1.3 The simple spare tire problem. ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES 2) The Blocks world Problem: This domain consists of a set of cube-shaped blocks sitting on a table. The blocks can be stacked, but only one block can fit directly on top of another. A robot arm can pick up a block and move it to another position, either on the table or on top of another block. The arm can pick up only one block at a time, so it cannot pick up a block that has another one on it. The goal will always be to build one or more stacks of blocks, specified in terms of what blocks are on top of what other blocks. For example, a goal might be to get block A on B and block C on D. We will use On (b, x) to indicate that block b is on x, where x is either another block or the table. The action for moving block b from the top of x to the top of y will be Move (b, x, y). The action Move moves a block b from x to y if both b and y are clear. After the move is made, x is clear but y is not. A formal description of Move in STRIPS is Action (Move (b, z, y) , PRECOND: On(b, x) ^ Clear(b) ^ Clear(y), EFFECT: On (b, y) ^ Clear(x) ^ ¬On (b, x) ^ ¬Clear(y)) Unfortunately, this action does not maintain Clear properly when x or y is the table. To fix this, we do two things. First, we introduce another action to move a block b from x to the table: Action (Move To Table (b, x) , PRECOND: On(b, x) ^ Clear(b), EFFECT: On (b, Table) ^ Clear(x) A ¬On (b, x)) Second, we take the interpretation of Clear (b) to be "there is a clear space on b to hold a block." Under this interpretation, Clear (Table) will always be true. Init(On(A, Table) ^ On(B, Table) ^ On(C, Table) A Block(A) ^ Block(B) ^ Block(C) Clear(A) ^ Clear(B) ^ Clear(C)) Goal(On(A, B) ^ On(B, C)) Action(Move(b, x, y), PRECOND: On(b, x) ^ Clear(b) ^ Clear(y) ^ Block(b) ^ (b # x) ^ (b # y) ^ (x # y), EFFECT: On(b, y) ^ Clear(x) ^ ¬On(b, x) ^ ¬ Clear(y)) ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES Action(Move To Table(b, x ) , PRECOND: On(b, x) ^ Clear(b) ^ Block(b) ^ (b # x), EFFECT: On(b, Table) ^ Clear(x) ^ ¬ On(b, x)) Figure 1.4 A planning problem in the blocks world: building a three-block tower. One solution is the sequence [Move (B, T able, C), Move (A, Table, B)]. 2. Planning With State Space Search: Because the descriptions of actions in a planning problem specify both preconditions and effects, it is possible to search in either direction: either forward from the initial state or backward from the goal, as shown in Figure 1.5. Figure 1.5 Two approaches to searching for a plan. (a) Forward (progression) state-space search, starting in the initial state and using the problem's actions to search forward for the goal state. (b) Backward (regression) state-space search: a belief-state search starting at the goal state(s) and using the inverse of the actions to search backward for th e initial state. 2.1 Forward state-space search: It is a problem solving approach also called as “Progression Planning”, because it moves in forward direction. ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES Procedure: 1) The initial state of the search is the initial state from the planning problem. In general, each state will be a set of positive ground literals; literals not appearing are false. 2) The actions that are applicable to a state are all those whose preconditions are satisfied. The successor state resulting from an action is generated by adding the positive effect literals and deleting the negative effect literals. 3) The goal test checks whether the state satisfies the goal of the planning problem. 4) The step cost of each action is typically 1. Although it would be easy to allow different costs for different actions, this is seldom done by STRIPS planners. First, forward search does not address the irrelevant action problem-all applicable actions are considered from each state. Second, the approach quickly bogs down without a good heuristic. Consider “an air cargo problem with 10 airports, where each airport has 5 planes and 20 pieces of cargo”. The goal is to move all the cargo at airport A to airport B. There is a simple solution to the problem: load the 20 pieces of cargo into one of the planes at A, fly the plane to B, and unload the cargo. But finding the solution can be difficult because the average branching factor is huge. 2.2 Backward state-space search: It is how to generate a description of the possible predecessors of the set of goal states. We will see that the STRIPS representation makes this quite easy because sets of states can be described by the literals that must be true in those states. Advantage: It allows us to consider only relevant actions. An action is relevant to a conjunctive goal if it achieves one of the conjuncts of the goal. For example, the goal in our 10-airport air cargo problem is to have 20 pieces of cargo at airport B At (C1, B) ^ At (C2, B) ^ . . . ^ At (C20, B). ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES Now consider the conjunct At (C1, B).Working backwards, we can seek actions that have this as an effect. There is only one: Unload (C1, p, B), where plane p is unspecified. Searching backwards is sometimes called regression planning. To see how to do it, consider the air cargo example. We have the goal The relevant action Unload (C1, p, B), which achieves the first conjunct. i.e., In (C1, p) ^ At (p, B) Moreover, the sub goal At (C1, B) should not be true in the predecessor state. Thus, the predecessor description is; In (C1, p) ^ At (p, B) ^ At (C2, B) ^ . . . ^ At (C20, B) If we insist that the actions not undo any desired literals. An action that satisfies this restriction is called consistent. For example, the action Load (C2, p) would not be consistent with the current goal, because it would negate the literal At (C2, B). Heuristics for state-space search: We might also be able to derive an admissible heuristic-one that does not overestimate. This could be used with A* search to find optimal solutions. There are two approaches that can be tried. a) The first is to derive a relaxed problem from the given problem specification. b) The second approach is to pretend that a pure divide-and-conquer algorithm will work. This is called the sub goal independence assumption: the cost of solving a conjunction of sub goals is approximated by the sum of the costs of solving each sub goal independently. The simplest idea is to relax the problem by removing all preconditions from the actions. Then every action will always be applicable, and any literal can be achieved in one step. It is also possible to generate relaxed problems by removing negative effects without removing preconditions. That is, if an action has the effect A ^ ¬B in the original problem, it will have the effect A in the relaxed problem. ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES 3. Partial Order Planning Forward and backward state-space search are particular forms of totally ordered plan search. They explore only strictly linear sequences of actions directly connected to the start or goal. So, Rather than work on each sub problem separately, they must always make decisions about how to sequence actions from all the sub problems. We would prefer an approach that works on several sub goals independently, solves them with several sub plans, and then combines the sub plans. This is called “Partial – Order Planning”. Advantage: Flexibility in order that which it constructs. Consider an example of “Putting on a pair of Shoes”. Goal (Right Shoe On ^ Left Shoe On) Init () Action(Right Shoe, PRECOND: Right Sock On, EFFECT: Right Shoe On) Action(Right Sock, EFFECT: Right Sock On) Action(Left Shoe; PRECOND: Left Sock on, EFFECT: Left Shoe on) Action (Left Sock, EFFECT: Left sock ON) →A planner should be able to come up with the two-action sequence; Right sock followed by Right shoe to achieve the first conjunct of the goal and the sequence Left sock followed by Left Shoe for the second conjunct. Then the two sequences can be combined to yield the final plan. →Any planning algorithm that can place two actions into a plan without specifying which PLANNER comes first is called a partial-order planner [POP]. Figure 3.1 shows the partial-order plan that is the solution to the shoes and socks problem. Note that the solution is represented as a graph of actions, not a sequence. Note also the "dummy" actions called Start and Finish, which mark the beginning and end of the plan. Calling them actions simplifies things, because now every step of a plan is an action. The partial-order solution ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES corresponds to six possible total-order plans; each of these is called a linearization of the partialorder plan. Figure 3.1 A partial-order plan for putting on shoes and socks, and the six corresponding linearization’s into total-order plans. Each plan has the following four components; 1) A set of actions that make up the steps of the plan. These are taken from the set of actions in the planning problem. The "empty" plan contains just the Start and Finish actions. Start has no preconditions and has as its effect Finish has no effects and has as its preconditions 2) A set of ordering constraints. Each ordering constraint is of the form A B, which is read as "A before B" and means that action A must be executed sometime before action B, but not necessarily immediately before. The ordering constraints must describe a proper partial order. Any cycle-such as A B and B A-represents a contradiction, so an ordering constraint cannot be added to the plan if it creates a cycle. 3) A set of causal links. A causal link between two actions A and B in the plan is written as A B and is read as "A achieves p for B." For example, the causal link Asserts that Right Sock On is an effect of the Right Sock action and a precondition of Right Shoe. ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES A plan may not be extended by adding a new action C that conflicts with the causal link. An action C conflicts with A B if C has the effect ¬p and if C could come after A and before B. Some authors call causal links protection intervals, because the link A B protects p from being negated over the interval from A to B. 4) A set of open preconditions. A precondition is open if it is not achieved by some action in the plan. Consider the following components resemble the above plan; Consistent plan: It is a plan in which there are no cycles in the ordering constraints and no conflicts with the causal links. A consistent plan with no open preconditions is a solution. It should convince the reader with the following fact: “every linearization of a partial-order solution is a total-order solution whose execution from the initial state will reach a goal state”. Now formulate the search problem that POP solves. We will begin with a formulation suitable for propositional planning problems, leaving the first-order complications for later. As usual, the definition includes the initial state, actions, and goal test. The initial plan contains Start and Finish, the ordering constraint Start Finish, and no causal links and has all the preconditions in Finish as open preconditions. The successor function arbitrarily picks one open precondition p on an action B and generates a successor plan for every possible consistent way of choosing an action A that achieves p. Consistency is enforced as follows: 1. The causal link A B and the ordering constraint A B are added to the plan. Action A may be an existing action in the plan or a new one. If it is new, add it to the plan and also add Start A and A Finish. ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES 2. We resolve conflicts between the new causal link and all existing actions and between the action A (if it is new) and all existing causal links. A conflict between A B and C is resolved by making C occur at some time outside the protection interval, either by adding B C C or A. We add successor states for either or both if they result in consistent plans. The goal test checks whether a plan is a solution to the original planning problem. Because only consistent plans are generated, the goal test just needs to check that there are no open preconditions. A partial-order planning example: Figure 3.2 The simple flat tire problem description. The search for a solution begins with the initial plan, containing; Start action with the effect At (Spare, Trunk) ^ At (Flat, Axle) and Finish action with the sole precondition At (Spare, Axle). Then we generate successors by picking an open precondition to work on (irrevocably) and choosing among the possible actions to achieve it. ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES The sequence of events is as follows: 1. Pick the only open precondition, At (Spare, Axle) of Finish. Choose the only applicable action, Put On (Spare, Axle). 2. Pick the At (Spare, Ground) precondition of PutOn (Spare, Axle). Choose the only applicable action, Remove (Spare, Trunk) to achieve it. The resulting plan is shown in Figure 3.3. Figure 3.3 The incomplete partial-order plan for the tire problem, after choosing actions for the first two open preconditions. Boxes represent actions, with preconditions on the left and effects on the right. Dark arrows represent causal links protecting the proposition at the head of the arrow. 3. Pick the ¬At (Flat, Axle) precondition of PutOn (Spare, Axle). Just to be contrary, choose the Leave Overnight action rather than the Remove (Flat, Axle) action. Notice that Leave Overnight also has the effect ¬At (Spare, Ground), which means it conflicts with the causal link To resolve the conflict we add an ordering constraint putting Leave Overnight before Remove (Spare, Trunk). Figure 3.4 The plan after choosing Leave Overnight as the action for achieving ~At (Flat, Axle). To avoid a conflict with the causal link from Remove (Spare, Trunk) that protects At (Spare, Ground), Leave Overnight is constrained to occur before Remove (Spare, Trunk), as shown by the dashed arrow. ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES 4. The only remaining open precondition at this point is the At (Spare, Punk) precondition of the action Remove (Spare, Trunk). The only action that can achieve it is the existing Start action, but the causal link from Start to Remove (Spare, Trunk) is in conflict with the ~At (Spare, Trunk) effect of Leave Overnight. This time there is no way to resolve the conflict with Leave Overnight: we cannot order it before Start (because nothing can come before Start), and we cannot order it after Remove (Spare, Trunk) (because there is already a constraint ordering it before Remove (Spare, Trunk)). So we are forced to back up, remove the Leave Overnight action and the last two causal links, and return to the state in Figure 3.3. In essence, the planner has proved that Leave Overnight doesn't work as a way to change a tire. 5. Consider again the ¬At (Flat, Axle) precondition of PutOn (Spare, Axle). This time, we choose Remove (Flat, Axle). 6. Once again, pick the At (Spare, Trunk) precondition of Remove (Spare, Trunk) and choose Start to achieve it. This time there are no conflicts. 7. Pick the At (Flat, Axle) precondition of Remove (Flat, Axle), and choose Start to achieve it. This gives us a complete, consistent. Plan-in other words a solution-as shown in Figure 3.5. Figure 3.5 The final solution to the tire problem. Note that Remove (Spare, Trunk) and Remove (Flat, Axle) can be done in either order, as long as they are completed before the Put On (Spare, Axle) action. Partial-order planning with unbound variables: Here we consider the complications that can arise when POP is used with first order action representations that include variables. Suppose we have a blocks world problem with the open precondition On (A, B) and the action ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES Action(Move(b, x, y), PRECOND: On(b, x) ^ Clear(b) ^ Clear(y), EFFECT: On (b, y) ^ Clear(x) ^ ¬On (b, x) ^ ¬Clear(y)) This action achieves On (A, B) because the effect On (b, y) unifies with On (A, B) with the substitution {b/A, y/B). We then apply this substitution to the action, yielding; Action(Move(A, x, B), PRECOND: On(A, x) ^ Clear(A) ^ Clear(B), EFFECT: On(A, B) ^ Clear(x) ^¬ On(A, x ) ^ ¬Clear(B)) This leaves the variable x unbound. That is, the action says to move block A from somewhere, without yet saying whence. This is another example of the least commitment principle: we can delay making the choice until some other step in the plan makes it for us. For example, suppose we have On (A, D) in the initial state. Then the Start action can be used to achieve On (A, x), binding x to D. This strategy of waiting for more information before choosing x is often more efficient than trying every possible value of x and backtracking for each one that fails. The presence of variables in preconditions and actions complicates the process of detecting and resolving conflicts. For example, when Move (A, x, B) is added to the plan, we will need a causal link If there is another action M2 with effect ¬On (A, z), then M2 conflicts only if z is B. To accommodate this possibility, we extend the representation of plans to include a set of inequality constraints of the form z # X where z is a variable and X is either another variable or a constant symbol. In this case, we would resolve the conflict by adding z # B, which means that future extensions to the plan can instantiate z to any value except B. Anytime we apply a substitution to a plan, we must check that the inequalities do not contradict the substitution. For example, a substitution that includes x/y conflicts with the inequality constraint x # y. Such conflicts cannot be resolved, so the planner must backtrack. ECS 302: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LECTURE NOTES Heuristics for partial-order planning: Compared with total-order planning, partial-order planning has a clear advantage in being able to decompose problems into sub problems. It also has a disadvantage in that it does not represent states directly, so it is harder to estimate how far a partial-order plan is from achieving a goal. ➢ The most obvious “heuristic is to count the number of distinct open preconditions”. This can be improved by subtracting the number of open preconditions that match literals in the Start state. As in the total-order case, this overestimates the cost when there are actions that achieve multiple goals and underestimates the cost when there are negative interactions between plan steps. ➢ The heuristic function is used to choose which plan to refine. Given this choice, the algorithm generates successors based on the selection of a single open precondition to work on. As in the case of variable selection on constraint satisfaction algorithms, this selection has a large impact on efficiency. ➢ The most-constrained-variable heuristic from CSPs can be adapted for planning algorithms and seems to work well. The idea is to select the open condition that can be satisfied in the fewest number of ways. There are two special cases of this heuristic. 1) First, if an open condition cannot be achieved by any action, the heuristic will select it; this is a good idea because early detection of impossibility can save a great deal of work. 2) Second, if an open condition can be achieved in only one way, then it should be selected because the decision is unavoidable and could provide additional constraints on other choices still to be made. -------------------------------------------------------The End--------------------------------------------------------------