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Week 6 Discussion Questions

Chris Assef
Discussion Questions for Chapters 10 & 13
10. How can managers promote constructive conflict?
Conflict is a disagreement through which two or more parties perceive a threat to their
interests, needs or concerns (Org Behavior). Conflict can have positive and negative outcomes
depending on how the people involved react to the situation. The reason for the conflict does not
necessarily determine if it is positive or negative, people are able to create a positive outcome out
of something that seems very negative at first. This is a reason why conflict management is so
important because the way people deal with conflict has a huge impact on the outcome. There is
a lot of potential for conflict in work environments, and it is important that people know how to
deal with it in a positive way. When conflict gets to a point when the nature of the argument is
simply aimed at the other parties emotions, it is called dysfunctional conflict, and will always
have a negative outcome (Org. Behavior).
Constructive conflict is the type of conflict that allows people to learn from it.
Constructive conflict is able to help develop creativity, adaptation and a desire to discover a
mutually acceptable outcome (Org. Behavior). There are a few common causes of conflict that
come up often in a work environment. One of these is task conflict, where people have a
disagreement on a certain task or goal. Task conflict can be constructive because it will help
promote creativity and allows for multiple plans to be created and discussed. It becomes an issue
for bigger tasks and projects though, where a clear and concise plan is needed to execute it
properly. Another type of common conflict is called process conflict, which is conflict about how
to accomplish a task, and who is responsible for what, and how things should be executed. This
is similar to task conflict but is more focused on planning out steps for a project (org. Behavior).
Similar to task conflict, process conflict helps encourage creativity within the organization, and
managers can influence this positive type of conflict by vaguely assigning work tasks to
employees, and not being very clear on who is responsible for what. This will encourage
employees to figure this out for themselves and help them gain experience as individuals and as a
team. Relationship conflict is also common in a work environment. This is when there is conflict
or stress due to co-workers who do not get along very well and have personal differences.
Although this might seem beneficial at first, because it gives people an opportunity to work their
issues out, it is actually one of the leading causes of dysfunctional conflict. It would not be wise
for a manager to purposefully pair people together who do not get along in hopes of letting them
solve their problems. It is probably better to just keep them separated. Relationship conflict is not
constructive most of the time, it is best for a manager to encourage constructive conflict through
things like teamwork and task management.
13. Describe a time in the last week that someone influenced you to do something you
would not otherwise have done. What influence tactic(s) did she or he use?
Time in the last week where I was influenced to do something that I definitely did not
want to do was when my mother influenced me to try Bikram Yoga, which is a very intense type
of yoga. It involves extreme stretching and difficult poses at a temperature of about 102-108
degrees. My mother does this very often and enjoys it a lot, and has been trying to get me to do it
for a long time, but I always say no.
One tactic that she used was the coalition tactic, which is engaging the help of others to
persuade someone to do something, and to attempt to get them to change their attitude about
something (org. Behavior). My mom the rest of my family to join in on getting me to do this,
with my sisters and even my dad saying that they would do It as well. Although this did not
make me have a desire to do it still, it did persuade me a little bit, but mainly because of my
family pressuring me into it.
She also used inspirational appeals by trying to educate me on the benefits of doing
Bikram yoga, saying how it is very good for your health and very beneficial for flexibility and
strength. Although these are very good benefits and I believed her that it was a very healthy
activity, it did not influence me to want to participate in it. The main reason being the extreme
heat that it is done in, and the long 90 minute periods that she does it for.
After not being very influenced by my mom to do a Bikram yoga class with her, she was
about to give up but tried one more influence tactic to get me to do it. She used the exchange
tactic, saying she will give me money if I try just one class with her. I am not sure why exactly
she was so desperate to have me do it, but she really wanted me to try it. I finally agreed that if I
try it once she would have to pay me. I ended up hating it, but it made my mom happy, so it was
worth it in the end.
Griffin, R. W., & Moorhead, G. (2014). Organizational behavior: Managing people and
organizations. Estados Unidos: Cengage Learning Editores.