16th & 17th Century Europe Test - Honors Coach R. Williams Name: ______________________________________________________ Matching 1. Match the explorer with their correct expedition/conquest. Sailed West searching for Asia, stumbled upon the Americas – Christopher Columbus First person (voyage) to circumnavigate the globe – Ferdinand Magellan Sailed to the Southern tip of Africa (Cape of Good Hope) – Bartholomew Dias Conquered the Inca Empire in South America – Francisco Pizzaro Sailed around Africa and to India – Vasco da Gama Conquered the Aztec Empire in Central America – Hernan Cortes g. America is named after him – Amerigo Vespucci a. b. c. d. e. f. 2. Match the nation with the correct royal family. a. Austria – Hapsburg b. England – Tudor/Stewart c. France – Bourbon d. Prussia – Hohenzollern e. Russia – Romanov Study Guide 1. Where did European nations desire to expand trade into? 2. What valuable good was found in Asia and Indonesia? 3. Who created a navigation school in Portugal? 4. Which nation becomes the first to master the maritime routes to Asia? 5. What was the new boat used in Oceanic travel? 6. What economic theory believed in acquiring more wealth for your own, at the expense of other nations? 7. What created a line of demarcation between Spain and Portugal in the Atlantic Ocean? 8. What allows Europeans to wipe out large numbers of Natives without fighting? 9. What allowed Conquistadors to rule Aztec villages as a reward? 10. What did England encourage people to create to fund voyages? 11. Was the exchange of goods between Europe and the Americas? 12. What was the 1st attempt by English citizens to place limits on the power of the King? 16th & 17th Century Europe Test - Honors Coach R. Williams 13. What legislative body was created in England by the Magna Carta? 14. What is the belief that monarchs were chosen by God to rule their country? 15. Who leads the Roundheads with his ‘New Model Army’ in the English Civil War? 16. Who do the Nobles invite to invade England during the Glorious Revolution? 17. What do William and Mary agree to, limiting the power of the monarchy, in order to claim the throne? 18. Who serves as the Chief Minister of France and turns it into an Absolute Monarchy? 19. Who was referred to as the ‘Sun King’ and was quoted as saying “I am the state”? 20. Who modernizes Russia with Western European customs? 21. Which city was viewed as Russia’s “Window to the West”? 22. Who was an Enlightened Despot that ruled Russia after overthrowing her husband? 23. What is a German speaking, protestant territory that grew into a power during the 17th and 18th centuries? 24. What was a philosophical movement in the 1700s known as “The Age of Reason”? 25. What theory did the Enlightenment challenge by questioning why God would select a corrupt ruler? 26. Who proved that there were natural laws that life followed? 27. What is the belief that all people are created equal? 28. What promoted civil liberties and economic freedom under the rule of law? 29. Locke argues we are all born with this meaning that our experiences shape who we are. 30. What type of ruler ruled with absolute power, but for the good of their people? 31. What were gatherings of individuals who were seeking intelligent discussion on philosophy, literature, and politics? 32. Who was a scientist, philanthropist, and publisher from America that embodied the Enlightenment? 16th & 17th Century Europe Test - Honors Coach R. Williams 33. What was an Anglo-French conflict that spanned three continents, including a proxy war in North America? (the are 2 possible answer) 34. Which European nation becomes a great power following the Seven Years War? 35. What document featured the ideas of John Locke and served as a breakup letter between America and England? 36. List the three things that John Locke argues that all men had the right to defend. 37. Which nation came to the aid of America in their revolution with soldiers, ammunition, and a navy? 38. What was the final battle of the American Revolution? Asia Benjamin Franklin Caravel Cardinal Richelieu Catherine the Great Classical Liberalism Columbian Exchange Declaration of Independence Disease Divine Right X2 Egalitarianism Encomienda System English Bill of Rights Enlightened Despot Enlightenment France French & Indian War Isaac Newton Joint-Stock Companies King Louis XIV Liberty Life Magna Carta Mercantilism Oliver Cromwell Parliament Peter the Great Portugal Possessions Prince Henry the Navigator Prussia X2 Salons Seven Years War Spices St. Petersburg Tabula Rasa Treaty of Tordesillas William of Orange Yorktown 16th & 17th Century Europe Test - Honors Coach R. Williams HONORS Essay Question (MUST ANSWER BOTH QUESTIONS) (3-5 sentences each answer) 1. What is the Enlightenment? 2. Describe the beliefs/theories/philosophies of 4 of the 6 Enlightenment philosophers we discussed. Try to include their views on equality, form of government, religion, slavery, women, and freedom of expression. Leave blank the sections for the 2 philosophers you choose not to answer. a. John Locke b. Baron de Montesquieu c. Voltaire d. Jean-Jacques Rousseau e. Diderot f. Thomas Hobbes CPA Essay Question (MUST ANSWER BOTH QUESTIONS) (3-5 sentences each answer) 1. What is the Enlightenment? 2. Describe the beliefs/theories/philosophies of 2 of the 6 Enlightenment philosophers we discussed. Try to include their views on equality, form of government, religion, slavery, women, and freedom of expression. Leave blank the sections for the 2 philosophers you choose not to answer. a. John Locke b. Baron de Montesquieu c. Voltaire d. Jean-Jacques Rousseau e. Diderot f. Thomas Hobbes