See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Best practise for creating Packet Tracer activities for distance learning and assessment of practical skills Conference Paper · November 2019 DOI: 10.1109/ICETA48886.2019.9040046 CITATION READS 1 1,213 3 authors: Jana Uramova Pavel Segeč University of Žilina University of Žilina 27 PUBLICATIONS 86 CITATIONS 66 PUBLICATIONS 257 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Martin Kontsek University of Žilina 19 PUBLICATIONS 30 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: M-REP IPFRR View project Networking academy View project All content following this page was uploaded by Pavel Segeč on 12 June 2020. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE Best practise for creating Packet Tracer activities for distance learning and assessment of practical skills Jana Uramová, Pavel Segeč, Martin Kontšek Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina, Univerzitna 8215/1, 010 26 Zilina e-mail: {jana.uramova} of Information Networks contributed to the creation of 128 methodics for the subjects of Network Technologies I, II, III, and IV. The methodics are based on the exploratory principle of teaching and problem solving [6], and also use the Packet Tracer simulation program. It is used for practical demonstrations, understanding principles, and building, configuring, securing computer networks, as well as troubleshooting. Created sets of methodics are being verified in two rounds during real teaching at secondary schools, and subsequently the comments and suggestions are incorporated. In order to make it easier for teachers to switch to these 4 network subjects, training courses are under way at universities, including UNIZA. It turns out that the participants of the training in Žilina are mainly teachers from the near but also wider surroundings of our region (Fig. 1). We trained a total of 58 participants secondary school teachers who came from 19 different cities in Slovakia. Teacher training has both full-time and distance part. In distance learning, teachers work on configuring larger topologies and problem solving. With regard to the form of teaching, we have prepared topologies in the Packet Tracer simulation tool, which are created as scored activities using the Activity Wizard. At the end of the courses, most teachers are interested in creating such activities. Although such activities are used in network subject methodologies and teachers have access to them, they would like to modify the activities as needed, or create new ones to verify the knowledge and practical skills of their students. Since the Abstract— The Cisco Network Academy offers the Packet Tracer tool to simulate computer networks. Instructors also have the possibility to use the activity wizard extension for creating scoring activities. There are several ways to create such scoring activities. The procedure presented in this article greatly facilitates creation, helps to create quality activities in less time, avoiding mistakes and complications. This best practice has resulted in a set of over 50 evaluated activities that have been successfully used at networking subjects at the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics at University of Zilina, as well as in high school education and in distance education of secondary school teachers. This best practice is maintained as a live document and will continue to be updated in the future to reflect new versions of the program and user feedback. Keywords: Packet Tracer, Activity Wizard, ITacademia, Cisco Networking Academy, network simulation. I. INNOVATION OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION Innovation of science and technology education in primary and secondary schools [1] [2] focused on informatics and ICT as well as innovation of study programs and subjects at universities in current and modern areas of specialization, including computer networks [3], are an urgent topic in Slovakia but also in Slovakia surrounding countries. The “IT Academy - Education for the 21st Century” project began in September 2016 with these strategic objectives defined. On 17-19 October 2019, a conference was organized for secondary school teachers involved in the national project “IT Academy - Education for the 21st Century” in Tatranské Matliare [4] [5]. It was attended by 198 participants - teachers of informatics, mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, geography and ICT subjects, experts from CVTI SR and partner universities, representatives of the IT Association of Slovakia and IT companies who presented the IT skills requirements of graduates. The aim of the conference was to innovate the teaching of existing subjects within the State Educational Program through a total of 898 developed innovative methodologies. At the same time, ten new subjects were presented that were created for classes with a focus on computer science and pupils' motivation to study computer science and ICT at universities. At the University of Žilina (UNIZA) at the Faculty of Management and Informatics, our team of the Department 978-1-7281-4967-7/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE Figure 1. Locations in Slovakia from where teachers come to UNIZA for computer networks training 784 usage of such scoring PT activities is relatively wide, we will present our best practice for creating such activities in this article. A. Simulation, emulation, or real hardware for teaching network technologies Other options for teaching networking technologies besides simulation tools are lab work on real devices [7] [8] [9], and work in a network emulator such as Dynamips/Dynagen [10], GNS3, Eve-NG, Cisco VIRL, ViRO3 developed at UNIZA [11] [12], and some others. CC and the use of IaaS for education is also very interesting nowadays [13] [14] [15] [16]. In addition to these ways how to learn network technologies, working in a PT simulator [17] is appropriate for the following situations: Insufficient number of facilities per student Assigning tasks for students at home Distant education for teachers and instructors Complex large topologies Testing and evaluation. Of course, like any software, PT can upset its users. Reasons include time-consuming and complicated creation of scoring activities. How to prevent this is described in parts II.-VII of this article. Furthermore, there are some problems with some incorrect protocol implementations, scoring system errors, or program constraints that we should be aware of before proceeding with the creation of activities, which we will discuss in section VIII. In this article we consider the current version of PT 7.2.2. Figure 2. Demonstration of one of our 50 PT activities need to move the devices or insert a note with a static description to make it clear what the device or interface is. For individual router interfaces, we can list IP addresses via Place Notes and place them in close proximity to the interface. We used a simplified design in many activities, where the last octet (or hexted) of IP address was unified on all interfaces of one router, .X for IPv4 and :X in IPv6, where X was the number of this device, see Figure 2. It saves space considerably and makes the topology clearer. However, if we need another, more complicated IP address plan, resp. students are taught how to design IP addressing (VLSM), of course such simplification is not appropriate. We also recommend adding objects to the topology to highlight LAN, VLAN, WAN, or routing domains, as shown in Figure 2. When using different objects, there is a little problem when drawing objects overlapping. We have found that the order of layers when drawing objects into topology (line, rectangle, and ellipse) is always the order in which they were added for objects of the same type. However, this does not apply to Free Form objects, and is always placed as the top layer in the order in which they were created. However, this is not true when using the Undo button and then the Redo button, when the currently selected Free Form object is classified as the topmost layer. When testing activities on different computers, we found that the display of statically inserted notes in topology differs in their location and overlaps. The problem depends on the scale of text and objects displayed on the screen. Some laptops may have a display scale set to greater than 100% (125 or 150%) because of the small screen diagonal. Therefore, when creating an entry, we recommend check that the display scale is set to 100% and then add and change text notes in the topology. II. SKETCH OF TOPOLOGY AND ACTIVITY SCENARIO In the beginning, it is very important to make a sketch of the topology on paper or board, design an IP address scheme, outline a scenario, and describe the steps in PT activity. When creating this sketch, we highly recommend thinking in advance of some of the processes and options that we will present in this section. In the Activity Wizard (AW) for PT, we have a function for randomly generating random variables and thus creating diverse activities - the Variable Manager (VM) function. VM can be used to randomly generate IP addresses or text items such as router name, banner, passwords, etc. We highly recommend the use of VM for all types of activities, including those intended for student assessment and also continuous exercise. The reason is to minimize cheating and ensure the uniqueness of activities. Whether or not we want to use VM later in our PT activity, we need to think about it already in this first step, and consider it when designing an IP address design. B. Design of color scheme and shapes It is advisable to make a palette of selected colours or shapes, which we recommend to use uniformly in all activities. This will facilitate the creation of activities that III. DESIGN AND DEVICES ARRANGEMENT IN TOPOLOGY The first step in PT is to create a network topology for the activity in which we need to insert all the necessary devices, links between them, and complete the necessary descriptions of interfaces, devices or networks. A. How to deal with device descriptions In the basic settings in PT, we recommend to keep the device names and interface descriptions displayed (Options - Preferences - Interfaces - Show Device Name Labels, Always Show Port Labels in Logical Workspace). In larger topologies, however, interface descriptions may overlap, become worse or even not visible at all. In this case, we Figure 3. Unified design of colors used in topologies 785 are clear and nothing is missing. Our colour design for each routing protocol, LAN and VLAN is illustrated in Figure 3. We recommend highlighting devices that we expect to configure from the activity solver, and other nonhighlighted devices will be available for testing, troubleshooting, or locked for the solver. IV. COMPLETE DEVICE CONFIGURATION Once we have finished the final form of PT topology, with descriptions and all markings, we then configure all the devices as expected from the students. We save the topology under a suitable name with the extension * .pkt in PT. So we will prepare a solved activity in PT, test functionality, perform connectivity tests and take all the necessary steps required to outline our activity. When creating this sample solution, we edit and complete the instructions in parallel, supplement the connectivity tests that we perform if necessary. It is very important to note which parts of the configuration we will require from the students (it will be used to create Assessment Items). The remaining configuration commands, which we do not select, will then be in the socalled initial network, which will be a topology in which students begin to deal with activity. Figure 4. View of the Assessment Tree tab in AW (left) and Check Results (right) is highlighted. Lighting the item is done with enter key, and deactivation by deleting the value and then enter key. When creating new activities, it is also advisable to use another form of solution evaluation - connectivity tests. We can set up control of ICMP but also other protocols by sending complex PDUs. The current options are DNS, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, NetBios, ICMP, POP3, SFTP, SMTP, SMNP, SSH, TELNET, TFTP. This feature is not necessarily used directly for student evaluation, but also for troubleshooting. Some commands cannot be checked and scored directly in AW. As an example, command copy running-config startup-config command cannot be checked directly in AW like other commands. However, it is possible to check and evaluate the saving of the running or startup configuration on the TFTP server. AW checks the size of the file that the student uploads to the server, and we can check whether the student has entered the copy running-config tftp or copy startup-config tftp command. V. ACTIVITY WIZARD AND ANSWER NETWORK After creating the final configured network (* .pkt),we open the Activity Wizard (Ctrl + W) to confirm that we want to use the network we created as the Answer Networks. A. Assesment Items in Answer Network. As the first thing in Activity Wizard, we recommend setting up Answer Network - Assessment Items. We have them marked on paper or in Word. The keyword search Filter is also useful. In scoring, most errors are made on text items such as hostname, banner, password, username, etc., because the strings are case sensitive. Therefore, it is always necessary to notify students in the activity that they follow the instructions in the activity during configuration. We recommend saving the task frequently during scoring. The scoring process is a relatively time-consuming step in the creation of the activity, so the eventual fall of the program is usually very unwelcome. In some cases, the file becomes corrupted when saved and cannot be reopened, so it is highly recommended that you always save the activity to a new file with a new version number. In the Assessment Items tab there is also the option Componet(s) where you can set the name of the category to which this item type belongs. We highly recommend to use this option because it allows a better overview of the student's solution, as illustrated in Figure 4. If Variable Manager (VM) is used, it is necessary to write the correct answer into the given item in the Assessment Tree manually in the form [[VariableName]] (Figure 4, left) and confirm (enter key). We used the strings generated through the online string generator. What is not entirely clear from the AW manual, but it is quite essential that if a green circle lights up in the Assessment Items configuration command (Figure 4, left), this means that we required this value in the student answer and ignore a value that is configured in Answer Network. The usage is just for the values generated via VM. However, this is where most activity errors are made when an item that does not use VM B. Settings in Answer Network In the Answer network settings, it is necessary to set several necessary parameters for the activity solver, for example the time that we dedicate to the solution. For home activities, we recommend setting the time to unlimited (Time Elapsed or None). The Time Elapsed option is preferable because the teacher will have an overview of how long it took the student to deal with the activity. For test assignments, it is preferable to set the time to Countdown depending on how difficult the activity is. On computers in some of our laboratories, Windows is installed through VirtualBox for better computer maintenance. In activities with the Countdown setting, we noticed the uneven passage of time in the timer in PT and frequent situations in which the time suddenly jumped forward or backward a few minutes. Therefore, we Figure 5. Settings in Answer Network 786 task that can be solved in several ways and we do not want to force them to one particular solution, we can only check the resulting connectivity test and not the configuration commands themselves. recommend to use Time Elapsed settings for activities in such an environment (Figure 5). We can also set up feedback for students in this tab (Dynamic feedback). If we choose to show Dynamic feedback, we recommend using feedback that shows the Show Score and not the Show Score Percentage. Percentage displaying is not appropriate because if we have more than 100 items scored, it may not show us an increase in the number of points immediately after each configured item, but only after configuring the next item, which may not be the next one. One item per 1 point may have less than 1% of the total percentage. This can be a problem if we start activity and after configuring the first item we still have a score of 0%. Students are mostly confused about this behaviour. Therefore, if we want to avoid complications, we should also comment on this in the “Important Alerts” section in instruction for this activity when using the percentage score, or let the score appear as points. We do not recommend displaying feedback to students in the activities used to grade students. This will force students to perform connectivity tests and view listings of various show commands to verify the functionality of their solution and not to rely on the displayed score. They will only see this after the activity has ended. Experience shows that students, when displaying the mid-term score, then solve the problems in activity as a computer game - they only look at their score and think less about what and why they are doing and how they can verify the correctness otherwise. We recommend to select User Profile Locking and No Guest Profile so that when starting an activity, students have to fill in their name and email to let us know who completed the assignment. (Figure 5). E. Overall and completed feedback in Answer network Finally, feedback needs to be set for students. For final practise exam we use Completed Feedback (100%): “Excellent performance, congratulations, call the teacher and prepare your index.” For Incomplete Feedback we use this statement: “At least 60% score is required for successful mastering, expressed in points, at least 34 points out of 58 total. If you have obtained the minimum necessary, write today's date in the index and ask the teacher to register the grade. If you want a more detailed evaluation of your score, wait in front of the lab until the teacher calls you for evaluation, it will be evaluated individually with each student.” VI. ACTIVITY WIZARD - INITIAL NETWORK Once we have completed the answer network, assessment items, and the necessary settings, it is necessary to create an initial network in which the student begins to address the activity. We recommend to use Copy from Answer Network. This feature copies everything we have in the answer Network to initial network. Subsequently, we delete those configuration lines that we want to ask the student during the solution. If we have our remarks, which we wrote about in part II and IV in this article, we have simplified work, and we are less likely to delete something that we do not have or do not delete something that needs to be deleted. A certain test of correctness is when we have a 0% score after entering the topology. Unfortunately, by copying from answer network to initial network, punctuation will disappear from the texts we use in topologies, which need to be corrected manually. D. Locking Options in Initial Network An important parameter that can be set for initial network is the locking options, where we can set which devices and PT functions will not be available during the solution. C. How easy it is to accidentally reset student activity In activities used to grade students, with the Countdown setting and the No Dynamic Feedback being disabled, there is one significant problem in evaluating the results. When the timer expires, the student usually asks for a Check results. The instructor must enter AW to verify the student's score by items. However, if the instructor enters Check Activity as soon as he enters the AW, there is no return back to the topology and therefore no configuration can be checked on any device. If we try to do this, the entire activity will reset, and the student has to start again. Therefore, if we want to see activity results after the activity time expires, as well as configuration of all devices, we must firstly do some settings change, when we enter AW after students’ completion. We have to change time options, select None instead of Countdown and change No dynamic feedback to Show score percentage. This option cancels the countdown even in the already configured topology, allowing us to look in the Assessment items, the device configuration, and show us the percentage score without losing the data in that topology. Then we can go to Check activity section in AW. D. Connectivity tests in Answer Network Scoring connectivity tests is very useful, since we can see, how end-to-end connectivity works in student’s solution. We have to be just aware that it does not force the student to use the ping command. It is sufficient that the conditions are met and the test result will be automatically successful. We have also identified a second option where connectivity tests are very useful. If we assign students a Figure 6. Blocked items in Locking Options for Interface (overall lockings) and for devices (Existing Devices) 787 There is a small difference in the settings for the practice and final practise activities, which we describe below. In the final practise activities, we use locking items for Interface and Activity section (Fig. 6), which lock the View Assessment Items, View Connectivity Tests, so that students can only see Overall Feedback when they click Check Result, not all assessments items in detail. If we want to check these items when the student is done, we have to enter the activity wizard (via a password) and check it in the section check activity. We also locked the Reset Activity item so that students do not click this option during the exam and reset their activity (by mistake or intentionally). In all other activities, which are not practise final activities, we left the Activity unlocked so that students can see in the View Assessment Items what they have to do or repair to get the solution complete. In some situation, however, the instructor may need to inspect the locked equipment while the student is working. For example, one such reason may be to check the routing tables of locked routers to test the correct routing protocol configuration, when troubleshooting. Therefore, we recommend to configure remote access for locked devices with username and password that only the instructor know. VII. INSTRUCTIONS When we finish answer network, assessment items, initial network, setting for answer and initial network, then the last (in some cases penultimate) step is to write instructions for the activity. Instructions section in AW can be wrote in HTML, which is not user-friendly without the editor. However, if we remind our recommendation from section II and IV, we already have instructions written in some text processor. One possible solution is to save our Word file with instructions as a simple web page, and then copy a paste it to the instructions section in AW (Edit tab). The other way is to use the online converter, but we do not recommend it, because there also are some deficiencies when converting the document. The preview as HTML tab shows us how instructions look like in final. In our experience, the best practice was not to use the instructions field at all. The better option is to write instructions in Word and then give it to the students either as a PDF or Word document for activities, or in a paper version for final practise exam activities. If we use Variable Manager (VM) in the activity, we can consider to use instructions in AW, because we cannot write randomly generated items in Word file (device names, IP addresses, ranges, etc.). On the other hand, in HTML Instructions in AW, we can specify them as [[Variable Name]]. However, we still use only Word/PDF for instructions, and we write instructions with random variables right to topology in PT (Place Notes). Figure 7. Possibility to report bugs in PT addition to this, it is beneficial for users, students, and especially instructors, to be aware of the currently identified bugs in the current version of the program, as well as some limitations due to the lack of implementation of some protocols or their functionalities. This minimizes the time required to create complex topologies, as well as the instructors' repulsion to use it. A. Who, where and how can report a detected error in PT The Netacad portal has only a Facebook page for students as web support. However, if someone encounter a mistake or problem within the curriculum, such as starting PT activity from the Netacad curriculum, or taking the Packet Tracer exam (PT skills integrations exam), the students must contact their instructor. We as instructors have the option to contact technical support from our account via Live Chat. However, if there is a bug in the Packet Tracer itself, there is an item in the PT program where we can report these issues. It can be found on the top toolbar in the help section, where we select report an issue and we are redirected to a page where we can report the problem we found (Fig. 7). B. Be aware of errors and limitations of PT The errors we have encountered, and which are present in the latest version of PT (7.2.2), can be divided into 3 categories. Protocol implementation errors, scoring system errors in the assessments items, and item scoring errors that use random variables with variable manager. We have noticed protocol implementation errors: Poor metric calculation for OSPF when changing bandwidth reference Assigning incorrect IPv6 address of default gateway for PC using DHCPv6 and HSRPv2 on router, VIII. HOW TO DEAL WITH ERRORS AND LIMITATIONS OF THE PACKET TRACER We highly recommend to maintain a versioning system of topologies, indicating the date of the last change, the version of the PT in which it was tested, and the changelog, indicating all changes, from activity creation to its current state. Because Packet Tracer is a simulator, some protocols, functions, and commands don't work as on real devices. In 788 are again concerned about the need to maintain a given emulation tool and limitations for teaching some topics (switched networks, measuring QoS parameters [18], convergence and fast reroute mechanisms for routing protocols [19] [20], etc). Low-maintenance is the Packet Tracer simulator, which proves to be suitable for subjects where there are larger numbers of students, for homework, distance learning, repetition on large complex topologies, testing and evaluating student work. The paper presented a methodology according to which the creation of such activities is less time-consuming, with fewer errors and less resentment in case of crashes, errors or program limitations. According to this best practise, more than 50 PT activities have been created and updated so far, with different topologies of varying difficulty, covering the entire content of the Cisco Network Academy courses CCNA 1-4. The activities are used in the subjects Principles of Information Networks, Computer Networks 1 and 2 at our faculty at UNIZA, in the teaching of Network Technologies at secondary schools and for the training of secondary school teachers within the IT Academy project. getting incorrect MAC address of default gateway via ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation message Incorrect display of IPv6 address on PC at stateless DHCPv6, and IPv6 address of DNS server at stateless and statefull DHCPv6 It is not possible to score points these assessment items (missing items): Standby commands for HSRP (points are automatically assigned as soon as the activity starts) RIPng domain name via VM in initial network Default-information originate for RIPng and BGP ip helper-address on the router (DHCPv4) password for OSPF md5 authentication port-channel load-balance src-dst-ip, port-channel load-balance src-dst-mac manually set the date and time RIPng domain name generated by VM in init network SPAN (destination, source interface, session number) Problems with scoring when using VM appears for these items in the Initial Network: IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in static routes IPv6 addresses of the default gateway for the PC Local pool names for PPPoE and VPDN groups Networks added to EIGRP by the network command The password in the local database on the router We consider the following missing functionalities in the PT as limitations for teaching the content of curriculum CCNA1-4 in our conditions: VRRP and GLBP protocols NTP server on switches Port-cost for STP Summary of external routes in OSPF State suspend for VLAN Extended debug ip packet with ACL Relay agent for DHCPv6 Show commands for Netflow Setting up the router as a client for DHCPv6 Static configuration of IPv6 address for HSRPv2 Standby version command for subinterfaces Inability to use mathematical operations to generate random variables for IP addresses using variable manager X. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This paper is supported by project KEGA 011STU4/2017. XI. [1] [2] [3] [4] IX. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Access to network devices is required when teaching network technologies. Based on our experience, experience of other authors, as well as discussions with secondary school teachers, it is always preferable to work on real devices with regard to the capacity of the laboratories. This form of work also enables the support of team cooperation of students and support of team problem solving. Students usually work in pairs or larger groups and are in close cooperation. However, the problem arises with the maintenance, servicing and replacement of equipment as they become obsolete. Teaching network technologies should keep pace with their rapid development. The solution to these disadvantages is the use of tools for emulating network devices, in which it is also possible to work on devices from several manufacturers. However, we [5] [6] 789 REFERENCES K. Kleinova, P. 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