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BIOM skills notes

Running Meetings:
Effective meetings:
o Clear purpose
o Engaged attendees
o Safe space for divergent thinking
o Real, sharable results
Running effective meetings relies on 3 things
o Set agenda
o Starting and ending on time
o Ending with an action plan
Meetings are recorded through documents called minutes
Minutes are important because:
o Offer legal protection
o Provide structure
o Drive action
o Measure progress
o State ownership
Effective meeting minutes
o Names of participants
o Agenda items
o Calendar or due dates
o Actions or tasks
o Main points
o Decisions made by participants
o Record what is most important points
o Future decisions
o Documents: images, attached files
Academic information:
Sources of academic information
o Google scholar
o Journals
o Databases
Criterions used to evaluate resources:
o Reliability
o Relevance
o Currency
Spelling affects search results
Peer-reviewed articles present more highly regarded and authoritative information
Backwards chaining:
o Can be useful for tracing how a particular idea has developed
Forwards chaining:
o Is a way of tracing the ongoing development of an idea
Quoting directly, word for word
Using data such as statistics, images, diagrams, graphs
Summarising or paraphrasing another person’s work
Types of reference managers
o EndNote
o Mendeley
o Refworks
o Bibtex
Literature Searching:
Define your search question
o Decide topic if your search
o Identify main concepts in your question
o Use PICO (Patient Intervention Comparison Outcome) search model
Decide where to search
o Choose a database
Develop a search strategy
o Search with key terms
o Search for exact phrases
o Use truncated and wildcard searches
o Search with subject headings
o Use Boolean logic
o Search citations
Refine your search strategy
o Restrict and widen your search
o Use search limits
o Use search filters
Save your search for future use
o Save the articles you find
o Save your search strategy
o Stay up-to-date with database alerts
Data Presentation:
Goals of a communicator:
o Transmit your idea to the reader with the utmost clarity
o Require of the reader an amount of effort commensurate with the complexity of the
Data & graphs
o Pattern:
 Showing how one variable is related to another variable
 Infer the cause of such relationship
o Convince others:
o Quantitative:
 Concentration, height
o Categorical:
 Diet preference, gender
o Y-axis:
Dependent variable:
 Quantitative variable
 Outcome
 Response
 Independent variable:
 Quantitative
 Categorical
Report writing:
o Purpose of work, what and how the work was done, what was observed and what
the observations imply.
o Background of the topic, relevance/contribution of this work to said topic.
o Observations that were made, what do each observation imply or what do they
imply as a whole (and if relevant, what is new about your observation as
compared to existing literature).
Tables and graphs:
o Prepare graphs in grey scale
o Use different shapes/patterns/fill
o Captions stay on Top of Tables and Go under Graphs/Figures
o Introduction:
 What others have done  past
 Future direction of this work  future
o Methods:
 Past
o Results
 Past
o Discussion
 Present
o Conclusion:
 What you did for experiment  past
 What you think results mean  present
 What will you do next  future
Oral presentations:
Set up the STRUCTURE of your presentation - this forms the framework of your talk.
Draft up the SLIDES - these are the visual aids to illustrate what you are
communicating verbally.
SPEECH - telling your story based on the structure built in step 1.
Step 1: Planning the structure of your presentation
o Resulting flow of presentation will appear more logical
o Time limit (1-2min/slide)
o Amount of information available
o How much detail you can include within the time limit
o Section information for your presentation
Step 2: Designing your slides:
o Minimum font size: 18
o Clear font styles: Palatino, Times New Roman or Arial
o Spacing: One and a half line
o Check spelling or grammar
o Include key phrases or words only
o Avoid more than 4 points per slide
o Animations – use sparingly to minimise distraction
o Big enough to read (axis labels/titles and data points/trendlines)
o Image quality
o What the axis are
o What are they seeing?
o What do the results mean?
o Use a pointer when applicable
Step 3: Getting speech ready
o In a scientific presentation, it is a good idea to tell your audience “Why?”
 Why is your research important?
 Why is each individual test carried out important?
If you use a figure/graph/picture that is not yours
o Remember to include a reference
o It can be in a smaller font at the bottom of your slide