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Core Workout Routine by Jeremy Ethier

jeremy ethier
WORKOUT ROUTINE OVERVIEW .................................................................................... 2
THE CORE WORKOUT ............................................................................................................ 3
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ................................................................................................... 9
DISCLAIMER.............................................................................................................................. 10
This core workout is designed to train the 4 major movement patterns of your core
musculature, in order to increase the strength and stability of your core.
Rest (min)
Abdominal Bracing
60s holds
1 min
Reverse Crunches
1-2 min
Bird Dog
2-3 each side
5 reps per side
1 min
Suitcase Carries
2-3 each side
30s walks per side
1 min
Palloff Press
2-3 each side
5-10 reps per side
1 min
The exact days don’t matter for your workouts, but the key is to get at least one rest day
in between each consecutive 3 workouts. Abs and/or cardio exercises can be thrown into
the main workouts as well, or performed on rest days.
You can perform this core workout 1-3x/week as a workout on its own, or add 1-2 of these
exercises into the beginning/end of your main weights workouts. The frequency/volume
at which you implement these exercises will depend on the other indirect core work you
are currently doing in your routine, as well as how strong/active your core is currently.
Exercise 1: Abdominal Bracing (Activation)
The first exercise we’ll do here will actually serve as an “activation” exercise to get you to
first learn how to contract all of your cores muscles together.
Step 1: Lay on your back with your knees
Step 2: Take a deep breath into your belly,
a deep breath out, and then when you near
maximal exhalation brace your core as if
you were prepare for a punch to the gut.
As a result, your lower back should flatten
on the ground and if you feel around your
midsection, sides, and lower back, all of
these areas should be firm. Continue
breathing while holding this contraction.
This is what’s termed as “abdominal
Going forward, be mindful of abdominal
bracing, apply that practice to each of the
following exercises we’ll go through, and
eventually it’ll just start to happen on a
subconscious level.
Exercise 2: Reverse Crunches
Step 1: Lay with your knees bent
either on a bench or on the ground
with your arms holding onto
something over your head. Then
from, posteriorly tilt your pelvis and
flatten your lower back by applying
the abdominal bracing practice we
previously went through. Then, lift
your knees up to 90 degrees.
Step 2: By using your abdominal
muscles, curl your pelvis up towards
your belly button.
Step 3: Slowly return back down to
the starting position, being mindful of
keeping that lower back flat
throughout each rep.
If you want to strip off fat and build lean muscle as quickly and as efficiently as possible,
then you need to pair your workouts with a solid nutrition plan. The workouts do the
damage, whereas your nutrition is what’s responsible for the recovery and growth you
experience from those workouts – and is where most people fail.
This is what’s key to seeing results and is
exactly how thousands of Built With Science
members like Brady here were able to strip off
fat while building lean muscle in such a short
amount of time.
To get started with a step-by-step program
that takes care of all the guess work for you and
shows you exactly how to workout and what to
eat week after week so that you can transform
your body as efficiently as possible with
science, then simply take the quiz below to find
out which program is best for your specific
body and situation:
Exercise 3: Bird Dog
Step 1: Get on all fours with your back neutral
and core braced.
Step 2: While keeping your core braced and
lower back neutral, kick one of your legs
backwards while raising the opposite arm until
they’re both straight and level with your body.
Hold for a second or two at the end position.
Step 3: Come back down to the starting
position and reset, ensuring that your back is
neutral and core remains braced.
Step 4: Repeat the movement with the other
arm/leg. If you’re unable to do the full version,
you can start out by just performing the
exercises with one arm at a time, then one leg
at a time, then progress to the full version.
Exercise 4: Suitcase Carries
For this exercise, hold a kettle bell or dumbbell with one arm at your side and take steps
while ensuring that your torso remains upright and shoulders remain level. You want to
look as if you were walking without the weight added on one side. Walk for 30s on one
side, then switch the weight to the other arm and walk for another 30s on the other side.
As you’re walking, you should feel the lateral core muscles on your opposite side working
as you walk with the weight.
Exercise 5: Palloff Press
Step 1: Wrap a band around a fixture, take a
few steps out laterally, and assume an
athletic stance with legs slightly bent at
about shoulder width apart and your core
Step 2: Start with your hands close to your
sternum, and from there simply extend your
arms forward and back while resisting the
urge to rotate inwards.
Step 3: Return back to the starting position.
After you finish your designated number of
reps on one side, transition to the other side
by facing the other way and repeat the
I hope this PDF is useful for you! I put in a lot of effort into providing this routine for you
free of charge. All I ask in return is that you show your support for my work and connecting
with me on my social media platforms where I share more informative content on a regular
The content provided in this PDF is for informational and educational purposes only. Jeremy Ethier
is not a medical doctor, psychologist, therapist, nutritionist, or registered dietitian. The contents of
this document should not be construed as medical, psychological, dietary, nutritional, or healthcare
advice of any kind. The contents of this document are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent
any health conditions, nor are they intended to replace a physician, dietitian, nutritionist, or other
qualified healthcare professional’s advice. You should always consult your physician, dietitian, or
other qualified healthcare professional on any matters regarding your health, engagement in physical
activity, and/or diet before starting any fitness program or meal plan to determine if it is suitable for
your needs. This is especially important if you (or your family members) have a history of high blood
pressure or heart disease, if you have ever experienced chest pain while exercising, or if you have
experienced chest pain in the past month when not engaged in physical activity. You should also
consult your physician, dietitian, or other qualified healthcare professional before starting any fitness
program, meal plan, or dietary regimen if you smoke, have high cholesterol, are obese, or have a bone
or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in physical activity or diet. Do not start or
continue any fitness program, meal plan, or dietary regimen if your physician, dietitian, or health care
provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, shortness of breath or any
other form of discomfort at any time while exercising or while following any meal plan/dietary
regimen, you should stop immediately. If you are in Canada and think you are having a medical or
health emergency, call your health care provider, or 911, immediately.
Please note the following:
any and all exercise that you do as a result of what you read in this PDF shall be performed
solely at your own risk;
any and all meal plans that you follow or adhere to as a result of what you read in this PDF shall
be used solely at your own risk; and
any and all foods or beverages that you consume as a result of what you read in this PDF shall
be consumed solely at your own risk.
No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system
without the express written, dated, and signed permission from the author (Jeremy Ethier). All
copyrights are reserved. Built With Science™ may not be copied or used for any purpose without
express written consent.