ELSEVIER Journal of Neuroscience Methods 56 (1995) 43-47 Application of polynomial regression modeling to automatic measurement of periods of EMG activity Kenji Takada a**, Kohtaro Yashiro ‘, Toshifumi Morimoto ’ ” Departments of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dent&y, Osaka lJnit,ersi&. 1-X Yumaduoku, Sttitu. Owka 56.i. .la,w~ h Oral Physiology, Faculty of Dentistyv Osaka Unir-ersity, I-H Yamadaoku. .Tuita, Osnka 566, .!ap,tm Received 29 May 1993; revised 31 January 1994: accepted 26 MAY 19Y4 I .--. -_- .__---- ~. ._.- _..__. -. ____-.- Abstract We have developed a new algorithm for automatic detection and measurementof on/off periods of EMG burst and examinedvalidity and reliability of the measuringtechnique. Mean EMG amplitude (a) during a semi-stationarystate of an EMG data array {EMG) is calculated. BecauseI@ was determined to be significantly correlated with g(7;,,) ior R(T,,*)) which represent amplitude on a polynomial regressioncurve g(t) which best-fitted to the (EMG}, the estimateg(TL”) (or &Tend)) is calculated by substituting a into a regressiveequation f(a) which explains the associationbetween the ;M and g(T,,) (or dT,,J). To, and Tendare human-determinedon/off burst times for the (EMG}. The on/off periods of the EMG burst are finally computedasroots of the gft) when g(T’,,) and g(Tend)are subtractedfrom the constantof the polynomial. Application of the current method to the human masticatory muscleactivity during chewing revealed that the absolutedifferences between human-and computer-determinedmeasurementswere smallerthan 10 ms, and thesemeasurementsdid got differ significantly. We concludethat the proposedalgorithm is useful and effective for automatic detection and measurementof on/off periodsof EMG burst. Ke.vw0rd.c Automatic measurement;Electromyography; Mastication; Polynomial regression .I__.--.~_ 1. Introduction Computer-based automatic analysis of EMG records (Geister and Ash, 1975; Hannam et al., 1977; Takada et al., 1988; Turker et al., 1989; Marple-Horvat and Gilburg., 1992; Takada et al., 1992) enables minimization of variation between measurements by different individuals by incorporating common decision criteria (empirical knowledge) among multiple operators. The reproduction of measurements is further improved, since measurement error of a single operator becomes nil. In addition, digital signal processing rejects errors associated with scaling of time and amplitude which are inherent in visual inspection of an analogue signal. Automated EMG measurement also simplifies laboratory work. Previous algorithms Wkon, 1982; Takada et al., 1988; Higashi, 1989) for automatic measurement of on/off periods of EMG burst for masticatory muscles * Corresponding owe. author. Elsevier Science B.V. ssDlo165-1~370~94~0008x-x Tel.: 6-876-57-11, ext. 2223; Fax: 6-878- .-..-.- ... .-.-.----. ~- during chewing are, in general, such that a time bin of minimum EMG activity is selected empirically in a masticatoty cycle to calculate 3 slice level, e.g., mean response plus its standard deviations and the time point at which signal amplitude surpasses the slice level in terms of probabilities is assumed to be the time of onset (or end) of EMG burst. This idea may be feasible for muscles which show distinct separation between bursting and resting periods of- activity. However, such algorithms may not be effective when they are applied to the jaw-opening muscles or lip muscles which are activated in the jaw-opening phase (Nakamura and Kubo, 1978; Sahara et al., 1988). The reason is that these muscles do not have central inhibitory phases and thus do not necessarily show abrupt in- crease or decrease in activity. Instead. they show occasionally irregular and large fluctuations in amplitude during the jaw-closing and intercuspal phases, thus increasing the values for the mean and SD to determine the slice level. The results of automatic measurement often do not coincide well with the human visual and/or intuitive judgment. A further problem inherent 44 K. Takada et al. /Journal of Neuroscience in the previous algorithms is that rationale bases on which these parameters such as the time bin for minimum activity and the slice level are chosen and statistical assessment regarding measurement reliability have not been fully provided. The purpose of this report is to propose a new algorithm for automatic detection and measurement of periods of onset and cessation of burst in EMG records and examine validity and reliability of the measuring technique. For this purpose, we attempted to apply polynomial regression modeling. 2. Methods 2.1. Algorithm Let us define, in EMG records, the time period when a significant burst of EMG activity is seen as a non-stationary state, while the remaining period as a semi-stationary state. The beginning of the burst then coincides with the end of the semi-stationary state, while the end of burst signifies a transition from the non-stationary to the semi-stationary state. In the semi-stationary state, the EMG amplitude mostly reveals minimum activity but may occasionally show relatively larger and irregular fluctuations. A primary assumption we have made is: in visual determination of on/off periods of EMG burst, human operators make virtual smoothing or a kind of curve fitting to an EMG trace and then search for unique points of transition from the semi-stationary state to the non-stationary state (or the reverse) on the virtual curve. A model for automatic detection and measurement of onset and end of EMG burst is then described in the following algorithm from Step 1 to Step 3 (Fig. 1): Step 1 A digitized EMG data array {EMG} is produced. Mean EMG amplitude a during the semi-stationary state is calculated for the duration D X J by averaging multiple amplitudes which are selected from the (EMGJ in ascending order from the minimum in terms of amplitude. D is the duration of the {EMG}. J is a constant given as a mean ratio of the duration of the semi-stationary state to the corresponding D and determined in advance by human inspection for a sufficient number of (EMG}s of a motion which is the object of investigation. Step 2 Provided that a function g(t) is the optimal polynomial expression of an EMG data array {EMG), and the time T,, (or Tend) is a human-determined time of onset (or end) of activity for the {EMG}. If we know a regressive equation f(a) which accounts for the signif- Methods 56 (1995) 43-47 42 R, 0 Time A (Ton) D Fig. 1. A diagram which illustrates autohatic measurement of onset of EMG burst by the current algorithm. (EMG), digitized EMG data array which shows periodic activity; a, mean EMG amplitude during a semi-stationary period; g(t), polynomial regression curve; D, duration of the {EMG); g^(T,,), estimated amplitude by substituting @ into the regressive equation f(R); A, computer-determined time of onset of EMG burst. icant association between the g(T,,,) (or g(T,,,)) and a, we obtain a good estimate k(T,,) (or &Wend)) for the {EMG) by substituting II? into the equation. Step 3 The time of onset (or termination) of EMG burst is calculated as the root of the polynomial equation g(t) when g(T,,) (or SW,,,)) is subtracted from the constant of the polynomial (Fig. 1). 2.2. Experimental implementations To evaluate the validity of the proposed algorithm, the associations between I@ and g(T,,) and g(T’,,) were investigated. Materials comprised of a 20 chewing cycle data set of surface EMG and jaw movement trajectory signals sampled from an adult male subject by a computer (PC386GS, EPSON, Tokyo) during unilateral deliberate gum-chewing. The EMG data were recorded from the anterior temporalis (AT) muscle (jaw-closing muscle) and the inferior orbicularis oris (01) muscle (lower-lip muscle). EMG signals were recorded by means of Beckmantype paired silver surface electrodes (8 mm diameter) with an inter-electrode distance of 1 cm. The skin was cleaned with alcohol swabs and lightly abraded by rubbing with a skin preparation gel (skinPure, Nihon Kohden, Tokyo) for reduction of electrode-to-skin impedance. The electrodes were filled with a saline contact paste (Elefii, Nihon Kohden, Tokyo) to increase the conductivity and reduce electrode-to-skin resistance. The EMG signals were recorded through buffer amplifiers (JBlOlJ, Nihon-Kohden, Tokyo) and input amplifiers (AB-651J, Nihon-Kohden, Tokyo). Each amplifier had a 3-dB-point frequency response of 0.08 Hz and 10 KHz, and a fixed gain of 1000, respectively. The common mode rejection under operating condition was better than 80 dB. Artifacts were filtered at frequencies of 15 Hz and 3 kHz. The output noise was less than f5 mV peak to peak, equal to an input signal of +5 FV at 10 kHz. The input amplifiers were K. Takada et al. /Journal of Neuroscience electromagnetically shielded so that the overall noise level was less than i 1.0 mV, corresponding to an input noise of _+1.0 pV. The EMG signal fro’m masticatory muscles has predominant frequency of approximately 160 Hz (Duxbury et al., 197.5) with the upper limit of 1 kHz (Basmajian, 1978). Based on these factors and the Shannon’s sampling theorem (Garderhire, 1964), the sampling frequency in the current system was determined to be 2 kHz. The sampled EMG signals were finally absolute-valued for full-wave rectification, acd averaged with a moving interval of 1 ms and a window time of 5 ms. Jaw displacement was recorded simultaneously by means of a mandibular kinesiograph (Model K5, Myotronics Research, USA). Output signals from the kinesiograph were corrected by means of a non-linear interpolation method (Nagata et al., 1991). The EMG data array for each masticatory cycle were automatically divided into open, close, and intercuspal phases to obtain {EMGls. Here, the {EMG} was a single or a combination of multiple phase data for each masticatory cycle. The slice level to determine the beginnings of the open and intercuspal phases was defined as the vertical jaw position of 2 mm below the centric occlusion (CO) position, i.e., the origin. The beginning of the jaw-closing phase was defined as the time of the maximum jaw-opened position. The time of onset was searched in the {EMG} which consisted of the jaw opening and closing phases for the AT muscle and of the intercuspal phase for the 01 muscle. The time of cessation of activity was searched in the intercuspal phase for the AT muscle and the opening and closing phases for the 01 muscle. These combinations of phases were determined on the basis of observation of digitized EMG traces. A mean EMG amplitude M was calculated from L> XJ data points for each {EMGJ. The Js had been determined from EMG traces of 20 chewing cycle data for each muscle (see the second experiment below). The {EMG) was then treated to a process of polynomial curve fitting to provide a polynomial regression equation g(t). The optimal polynomial was selected heuristically from among the 9 polynomials (from the 1st up to the 9th order) by computing the prediction sum of squares (Allen, 1974) for each polynomial. Then EMG responses g(T,,l and g(7”,,) which corresponded to the operator-determined on/off periods CT,, and Tend) of burst were calculated. T,, and Tend were measured visually on EMG traces. Finally, simple correlation coefficients and linear regression equations between the g(T,,) and g(T,,,) and corresponding as were determined for each muscle. To evaluate the reliability of the current measuring technique, the on/off periods of EMG burst determined by the computer were compared with those identified visually by a human operator on EMG traces. Methods 56 (19951 4.347 45 Hard copies of the digitized EMGs of single chewing cycles were provided with a time scale of 1 mm = 2 ms and a calibration of 1 mV = 50 cm. The EMG traces were about 35 cm (horizontal) x 15 cm (vertical). The copies for visual assessment consisted of two sets of 40 EMGs recorded for the aforementioned muscles (20 strokes by 2 muscles) and arranged in a random order. These records were obtained independently from those used in the first experiment. An experienced oral physiologist who had not been informed of the design of the current experimental paradigm marked the aforementioned time points with a pencil on the EMG traces. Eventually. the operator examined the same EMG pattern twice for each chewing cycle. Mean absolute differences between the time periods measured by the operator and the computer were calculated for statistical comparison of the two methods (Walpole and Myers, 1978). 3. Results The association between the polynomial regression equations and corresponding original EMG records were 0.43 (onset) and 0.46 (end) for the 01 and 0.53 (onset) and 0.64 (end) for the AT (all P < 0.0001) in terms of coefficients of determination. Table 1 gives correlation coefficients between as and the g(T,,) and g(T,,,). their probabilities for significance and regressive equations. As shown in Fig. 2, the mean EMG responses during the semi-stationary periods significantly correlated with those calculated on the best-fitted polynomial curves at the on/off times of burst which were visually identified on the EMG traces. Fig. 3 typically exemplifies good fitness of the polynomial regression curves to the EMG signal. Periods of start and end of EMG bursts detected by the computer and the human operator are also indicated. Mean absolute differences between on/off periods of bursts measured by the two methods ranged between 4.9 ms and 9.6 ms (Table 2). The AT muscle revealed mini- Table 1 Correlation coefficients between mean EMG response # calculated for the semi-stationary state and EMG responses g(T,,) and g(T,,,) determined on polynomial curves. their probabilities for significance an’d regressive equations Regressand Correlation P Regressive equation coefficient goAL) go~(Ten~ ) 0.9008 ~AT(T,") 0.8017 0.7692 ~AT(T~J 0.7176 o.ooo1 0.0001 0.0001 0.0004 g&l= g^(Tend)= 1.1720 R+2.3181 1.1313 R+3.2280 1.4565 z@+ 1.9878 g^(T,,)= g*(Tend) = 2.4192 if+ -II_-.., Number of chewing cycles for statistical analysis is 20. 5.9544 46 K. Takada et al. /Journal of Neuroscience Methods 56 (1995) 43-47 Table 2 Mean absolute differences and their standard deviations between the time periods identified by a human operator and a computer Absolute difference (ms) Muscle Period of EMG activity Mean SD 01 AT Onset End Onset End 9.6 7.5 5.3 4.9 6.8 5.8 5.2 2.9 Number of chewing cycles is 20. Mean Semi-stptiowy EMG R~ponse Mean Semi-stalionary EMG Rospohse Fig. 2. Scattergrams which represent associations between mean semi-stationary EMG responses MS and the EMG responses g(T,,) and g(Tend) calculated on the best-fitted polynomial curves at the on/off period of EMG bursts which were identified visually on the digitized EMG records {EMGIs in the first experiment. Number of chewing cycles for statistical analysis is 20. mum differences both for the onset and end periods. The periods determined by the operator and the computer did not differ significantly. 4. Discussion Previous techniques (Ukon, 1982; Takada et al., 1988; Higashi, 1989; Marple-Horvat and Gilburg, 1992) IVTERCUSPATION / n g eon) n HTend) Coin coout Fig. 3. Computer-drawn diagrams which represent the fitness of the polynomial curves and the on/off period of the EMG burst measured by the computer (blank arrows on the abscissa) and human operator (black arrows on the abscissa). A digitized EMG signals (shadow areas) and corresponding polynomial regression curves (solid curves) are superimposed. Simultaneous records of the two muscles during the intercuspal phase in a single chewing cycle are exemplified. a, mean amplitude of semi-stationary EMG bursts; g(T,,), 2(Tend): estimated amplitudes by substituting @ into the regressive equation f(R). are useful when they measure on/off periods of EMG bursts which are preceded by or follow a period of absence of activity. However, the performance of these methods may be degraded when they are applied to the jaw-opening and lip muscles, since the method depends on there being consistent near-zero values for the signal during EMG quiet periods. Our method does not have such constraints. In developing the current algorithm, we started from an assumption that detection of the on/off periods of EMG burst could be treated by feature extraction of the EMG pattern. The EMG pattern of a temporal phase from a semi-stationary or less-active state to a significant burst (or the reverse> is characterized as a virtual nominal pattern by means of polynomial regression around which a set of actual EMG data are distributed statistically. In favor of our assumption, the EMG amplitudes determined on the polynomial regression curves which corresponded to the time points judged by the operator revealed strong correlations with the mean amplitudes of the semi-stationary state. Because, on average, the EMG responses on polynomials were 3.9 PV to 4.3 PV (approximately 5% of the peak amplitudes) higher than the MS for any time variables examined, it appears that human operators extract periods at which amplitudes are slightly higher than that of the semi-stationary state. In other words, the periods of onset and cessation of burst may be recognized shortly after (onset) or before (end) the actual on/off times. In contrast, a previous method (Nakata et al., 1985) which measured temporal changes in EMG amplitude by determining the slope of summation curves tended to detect the onset time earlier and the end time later than the visual judgment. The computer-determined duration of activity was 18% longer than the human judgment. In our technique, mean absolute differences between time periods detected by the human operator and the computer were smaller than 10 ms. Since most of the chewing cycle revealed durations ranging between 600 ms and 800 ms, the results mean that the difference between the human- and computer-deterrnied time periods were around 1.5% with respect to the chewing cycle under observation. We think this is fairly accurate if we take into account resolution accuracy of the K. Takada et al. /Journal of Neuroscience current EMG traces used for visual judgment. In a strict sense, our algorithm is not responsible for whether humans actually follow polynomial regression-like decision criteria for feature extraction of EMG patterns. However, the fact that the measurement of border time points (onset and end) on EMG patterns by our algorithm almost coincided with that of the experienced operator who did not participate in developing the logical sequence of the current algorithm strongly suggests that the proposed method could be an alternative to the human judgment and could be effective for automatic measurement of onset and termination and thus duration of muscle activity. In our technique, the entire process can be treated automatically and does not require manual labour, once the parameters J and f(M) are obtained. These parameters must be determined beforehand for each muscle in each individual type of motion to be measured, e.g., chewing, gait, etc. Currently, it takes about 3 min to complete the calculation of on/off periods for a l-channel EMG data of a single masticatory cycle, given that all polynomials (from the 1st to 9th order) are calculated. It was, however, possible to narrow down the orders. Degrees from the 4th to 6th were found to be satisfactory as far as the current masticatory muscle EMGs were concerned. Addition of extra degrees did not necessarily improve the result. Thus, one can reduce the time for automatic calculation. Methodologically, the current technique has the advantage that it can measure not only true onset and end of EMG burst but also increases and decreases of sustained activity. In this sense, our technique could be more generally useful than any other computer-based techniques which are strictly capable only of onset/end determination. 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