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Marketing Research Exam - Wollo University

Marketing Research Home Take Exam
For both Regular & Extension Students
teje alelgn
General Instruction
 Time for the home take exam is on 28/06/2020 and between 2:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. local
time and answers beyond the time given is not acceptable
 Try to answer both question on your understanding; direct copy from any source without
proper acknowledgment will cancel the whole answer
 Trying to copy from friends will disqualifies both results
 send
endalkachew.abebe@wu.edu.et or submiassignment2012@gmail.com
1. “The impact of customer relationship management on banks profitability. The
case of commercial banks in Ethiopia Dessie Branch”. For this research topic
Appropriate research design,
Population of the study sample size and sampling technique,
Appropriate measurement scale, data type and source,
Appropriate data collection instruments and data analysis technique
1. Read the following Research ABSTRACT thoroughly and answer questions
which follow
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of advertising on consumers buying
behaviour in case Coca-Cola Consumers located in Dessie city administration. The
researcher employed both descriptive and explanatory research design having the
objective in mind. The sampling that was used in this research was convenience sampling
technique. For this study a total of 384 questionnaires were distributed to consumers of
Coca-Cola found in Dessie city of which 261 were collected and the analysis was made
using this returned questionnaires. As an advertising characteristics, simple to
understand advertising, impressive advertising, honest advertising, creative advertising,
memorable advertising and attention grabbing advertising was used while consumer
buying behaviour was used as dependent variable. Data that were obtained through selfadministered questionnaire was analysed through both descriptive and inferential
statistics. Results from descriptive analysis showed that the advertising of Coca-Cola
shows acceptable level with respect to simple to understand advertising, impressive
advertising, creative advertising, memorable advertising and attention grabbing
advertising and the advertising of Coca-Cola is not honest advertising. The correlation
analysis also shows there is positive and significant relationship between all advertising
characteristics (simple to understand advertising, impressive advertising, creative
advertising, honest advertising, memorable advertising, and attention grabbing
advertising) and consumer buying behaviour correlation at 0.01 degree of significant. the
result of regression analysis showed that the independent variables (simple to
understand, impressive advertising, creative advertising, honest advertising, memorable
advertising, and attention grabbing advertising) accounted for 0.793 or 79.3 percent (p
<.001) of the variance in dependent variable (consumer buying behaviour). Thus 79.3
percent of the variation in dependent variable (consumer buying behaviour) can be
explained by simple to understand, impressive advertising, creative advertising, honest
advertising, memorable advertising, and attention grabbing advertising and the other
unexplored which are not the issue of this research variables may explain the variation in
consumer buying behaviour which accounts for 20.3 percent. Based on the result of this
research it is recommended that companies should carefully prepare the message of
advertising giving due attention on contents of advertising particularly focusing on the
quality of the product as most of soft drinks buying behaviour is mostly affected by quality
of products presented during advertisements and the company must also pay additional
for advertising to influence the behaviour of consumer in the area.
Answer the following questions based on the above information
1. Identify the title of the study
2. Write independent and dependent variable
3. Write the general objective of the study?
Develop at least four specific objectives
write clearly the Null and alternative hypotheses
Is the study cross-sectional design or longitudinal design? Why?
Is the research approach quantitative, qualitative or mixed? Why?
What do you think the major problems of the study?
Appropriate research design
The researcher used to descriptive and explanatory design method
Population of the study sample size and sampling technique,
Population of the study sample size: Employees, customers and management
sampling technique: the researcher used to random sampling technique
and purposeful sampling techniques
Appropriate measurement scale, data type and source
Appropriate measurement scale:
The researcher Appropriate measurement scale uses ranking and ordinal
measurement scale.
data type: the researcher used to both primary and secondary data
data source: the researcher used to in primary data sources employees,
the researcher used to in secondary date sources documents.
Appropriate data collection instruments and data analysis technique
Appropriate data collection instruments: Likert scale question for the
customers and open-ended equations for the employees of commercial bank of
Ethiopia in Dessie Branch
data analysis technique: the data can be analysed using both descriptive and
explanatory data analysis methods.
2. Answer the following questions based on the above information
1. Identify the title of the study
To examine the effect of advertising on consumers buying
behaviour in case of Coca-Cola Consumers located in Dessie city administration.
2. Write independent and dependent variable
 dependent variable
 consumers buying behaviour
 Independent:
 Imperative ad
 Honest ad
 Creative ad
 Memorable ad
 Grabbing ad
3. Write the general objective of the study?
To examine the effect of advertising on consumers buying behaviour in case of
Coca-Cola Consumers located in Dessie city administration
4. Develop at least four specific objectives
To investigate the effect of imperative advertising on consumers buying
 To analyse the effect of honest advertising on consumers buying behaviour
 To find the effect of creative advertising on consumers buying behaviour
 To identify the effect of memorable advertising on consumers buying
 To examine the effect of grabbing advertising on consumers buying
5. write clearly the Null and alternative hypotheses
 Null and alternative hypotheses
imperative advertising does not affect consumers buying behaviour
honest advertising does not affect consumers buying behaviour
creative advertising does not affect consumers buying behaviour
memorable advertising does not affect consumers buying behaviour
grabbing advertising does not affect consumers buying behaviour
 alternative hypotheses
 imperative advertising does affect consumers buying behaviour
 honest advertising does affect consumers buying behaviour
 creative advertising does affect consumers buying behaviour
 memorable advertising does affect consumers buying behaviour
 grabbing advertising does affect consumers buying behaviour
6. Is the study cross-sectional design or longitudinal design? Why?
the study is cross-sectional research design because A cross-sectional study
involves looking at data from a population at one specific point in time. The
participants in this type of study are selected based on particular variables of
interest. Cross-sectional studies are often used in developmental psychology, but
this method is also used in many other areas, including social science and
Cross-sectional studies are observational in nature and are known as descriptive
research, not causal or relational, meaning that you can't use them to determine the
cause of something, such as a disease. Researchers record the information that is
present in a population, but they do not manipulate variables.
This type of research can be used to describe characteristics that exist in a
community, but not to determine cause-and-effect relationships between different
variables. This method is often used to make inferences about possible
relationships or to gather preliminary data to support further research and
7. Is the research approach quantitative, qualitative or mixed? Why?
This research approach is quantitative research approach because Quantitative
research collects information from existing and potential customers using
sampling methods and sending out online surveys, online polls, questionnaires,
etc., the results of which can be depicted in the form of numerical. After careful
understanding of these numbers to predict the future of a product or service and
make changes accordingly.
8. What do you think the major problems of the study?
The major problems of this study are:
Not carefully prepare the message of advertising giving due attention on contents of
advertising particularly focusing on the quality of the product as most of soft drinks
buying behaviour is mostly affected by quality of products presented during
advertisements and the company must also pay additional for advertising to influence the
behaviour of consumer in the area.