5-Jun-21 1 5-Jun-21 2 5-Jun-21 3 5-Jun-21 4 5-Jun-21 5 5-Jun-21 6 5-Jun-21 7 5-Jun-21 8 5-Jun-21 9 Cascade of amplifiers A1 and A2 are ideal voltage amplifiers R1 and R2 model the output resistance of each stage Cin and CN represent the input capacitance of each stage, and CP denotes the load capacitance 5-Jun-21 10 The overall transfer function can be written as 5-Jun-21 11 5-Jun-21 12 The location of the poles is difficult to calculate because R3 and C3 create interaction between X and Y. Nevertheless, in many circuits, association of one pole with each node provides an intuitive approach to estimating the transfer function: we simply multiply the total equivalent capacitance by the total incremental (small-signal) resistance (both from the node of interest to ground), thus obtaining an equivalent time constant and hence a pole frequency. 5-Jun-21 13 5-Jun-21 14 5-Jun-21 15 5-Jun-21 16 Gain 5-Jun-21 17 5-Jun-21 18 5-Jun-21 19 5-Jun-21 20 5-Jun-21 21 5-Jun-21 22 5-Jun-21 23 5-Jun-21 24 Common-Source Stage The common-source topology exhibits a relatively high input impedance while providing voltage gain and requiring a minimal voltage headroom. As such, it finds wide application in analog circuits and its frequency response is of interest. 5-Jun-21 25 Fig. is a common-source stage driven by a finite source resistance, RS . We identify all of the capacitances in the circuit, noting that CGS and CDB are “grounded” capacitances while CGD appears between the input and the output. In reality, the circuit also drives a load capacitance, which can be merged with CDB. 5-Jun-21 26 Miller’s Approximation Assuming that λ = 0 and M1 operates in saturation, let us first estimate the transfer simplified circuit using Miller’s approximation. function by associating one pole with each node. The total capacitance seen from X to ground is equal to CGS plus the Miller multiplication of CGD, namely, CGS + (1 − Av)CGD, where Av = −gm RD. 5-Jun-21 27 ≈ CDB + CGD 1 Pole frequency At the output node, the total capacitance seen to ground is equal to CDB plus the Miller effect of CGD, i.e., CDB + (Av-1/Av)CGD ≈ CDB + CGD (if Av >> 1). Thus, 5-Jun-21 2 Pole frequency 28 Another approximation of the output pole can be obtained if RS is relatively large. Simplifying the circuit as shown in figure below, where the effect of RS is neglected. Thus, the output pole is roughly equal to Model for calculation of output impedance. 5-Jun-21 29 We then surmise that the transfer function is The primary error in this estimation is that we have not considered the existence of zeros in the circuit. Another concern stems from approximating the gain of the amplifier by −gm RD whereas in reality the gain varies with frequency (for example, due to the capacitance at the output node). 5-Jun-21 30 Direct Analysis We now obtain the exact transfer function, by using the equivalent circuit depicted in Fig. we can sum the currents at each node: 5-Jun-21 31 Find VX 5-Jun-21 32 Substitute Vx, which yields, That is, 5-Jun-21 zero pole 33 Note that the transfer function is of second order even though the circuit contains three capacitors. This is because the capacitors form a “loop,” allowing only two independent initial conditions in the circuit and hence yielding a second-order differential equation for the time response. Special Cases: the denominator appears rather complicated, it can yield intuitive expressions for the two poles, ωp1 and ωp2, if we assume that |ωp1|<< |ωp2|. This is called the “dominant pole” approximation. Writing the denominator as 5-Jun-21 34 we recognize that the coefficient of s is approximately equal to 1/ωp1 if ωp2 is much farther from the origin. Therefore, the dominant pole is given by 5-Jun-21 35 As a special case, if CGS >> (1+gm RD)CGD + RD(CGD +CDB)/RS, then 5-Jun-21 36 5-Jun-21 37 The transfer function exhibits a zero given by ωz = +gm/CGD, an effect not predicted by Miller’s approximation. The transfer function exhibits a zero given by ωz = +gm/CGD. Located in the right half plane, the zero arises from direct coupling of the input to the output through CGD at very high frequency. Note that a zero in the right half plane introduces stability issues in feedback amplifiers 5-Jun-21 38 Calculation of the zero in a CS stage. 5-Jun-21 39 In high-speed applications, the input impedance of the common-source stage is also important. With the aid of Miller’s approximation, we have from Fig. 5-Jun-21 40 5-Jun-21 41