UNCLASSIFIED AD NUMBER AD471559 LIMITATION CHANGES TO: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. FROM: Distribution authorized to U.S. Gov't. agencies and their contractors; Administrative/Operational Use; JUL 1965. Other requests shall be referred to Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA 22203. AUTHORITY ONR ltr 28 Jul 1977 THIS PAGE IS UNCLASSIFIED W'J W mi-mu miwumui njm nir ■ VJJ V V\ "WWW W jl* 5U-SEL-65-0S6 tSV. Some Topics on Limiters and FM Demodulators § > Maung Gyi July 1965 Technical Report No. 7050-3 Prepared under Office of Naval Research Contract Nonr-225(83), NR 373 360 Jointly supported by the U.S. Army Signal Corps, the U S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy (Office of Naval Research) SVSTEmS THEORV IRBORnTORV STnnFORD ElEITROmtS LnBORRTORIES STnnFORD uniuERsiTv • STnnFORD, cniiFORnm L-rvTv^yy >>UiQ/fQiKyvv¥inunQ^rk r SU-SEL-65-056 1^.-' 1 ‘i-i ;€tl V) Some Topics on Limiters and FM Demodulators > Maung Gyi July 1965 Technical Report No. 7050-3 Prepared under Office of Naval Research Contract Nonr-225(83), NR 373 360 Jointly supported by the U.S. Army Signal Corps, the U S. Air Force ond the U.S. Navy (Office of Naval Research) SVSTEmS THEORV IRBORIITORV SIRnFORD ELEtfROnilS IRBORRTORIES STnnFORO UniUERSITV • STRRFORD. CRUFORRIR SEL-65-056 SOME TOPICS ON LIMITERS AND FM DEMODULATORS by Maung Gyi / ole or in part any purpose of at es Government. 7050-3 Jointly s tlv ider larch Contract NR\373 360 Army Signal Corps, \the U.S. Navy (Office of Naval Research) Systems Theory Laboratory Stanford Electronics Laboratories Stanford University Stanford, California iMjMi/nunünmuÄiURiÄKA Jtmcmm '»Ji KJI H.'«^ *.n oKT)>JT k^ >L1 W V «.^ K.1 AAW >.« ■ul *.1 rJ\ 'O AAv ' o'■'.* C «.'\.T».'L <'■«.*I. ^i■_v^A.^■^/l.■^.^,.>>.t'^ .*\^ ABSTRACT An analysis is marie of wide-deviation frequency-modulation systems having low nominal-carrier-frequency to information-bandwidth ratios. Since limiting plays an important role in such systems, the effects of hard limiting of many signals in random noise are analyzed. Expressions are given for the output signal-to-signal ratios (SSR), the output signalto-noise ratios (SNR), and the power in any crossproduct. The effect of the power in each output component as a function of the input SNR is investigated. It is found that for all values of input SNR's greater than 10, the strengths of the various output components are relatively constant. For the case of more than two input signals, a weak signal- boosting effect manifests itself when the input SNR's are less than 1 and the input SSR's are greater than l/lO. The signal-suppression effect and the signal-to-signal power sharing, together with their dependence on input signal noise, are presented for various cases. Expressions are presented for the autocorrelation function and the spectral power density of hard-limited FM pulse trains, which allow the computation of the intermodulation products in the information bandwidth or in any other frequency interval. The effect of the nominal-carrier frequency on the interference ratio is exhibited graphically for various constant deviations. A partial interaction of the positive and negative spectra of the modulated wave causes extraneous outputs. For all such spurious components to be filterable, a relation is derived between the carrier frequency, the maximum frequency of information, and the spectral bandwidth of the modulated wave. The analysis results in systems which have better performance capabilities. losÄ^^^ÄAlc^^.wA^A]^A^^V(^w^^ 111 - SEL-65-056 I'mixmxmnmr CONTENTS Page I. II. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Background 1 B. Outline of Presentation 2 HARD LIMITING OF A. SIGNALS IN RANDOM NOISE Formulation of the Problem 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Llmiter Input Random Process Input Noise Autocorrelation Function of the Input Noise . Limiter Transfer Function Narrowband Assumption . . . 6 20 22 Derivation of Autocorrelation Function Spectral Analysis and Filtering Output Signal-to-Noise Terms C. Output Factors Due to Signal and Noise Interaction D. Smooth Limiters with Error-Function Transfer Characteristics E. 4 5 5 6 6 6 Limiter Output 1. 2. 3. . . 27 29 Asymptotic Results 1. 2. 3. III. p 29 34 40 Case I, Weak Signals Case II, One Strong Signal Case III, p Signals of Equal Strength F. Computed Results 49 G. Conclusions to Chapter II 50 OUTPUT SPECTRA FOR WIDEBAND FM PULSE TRAINS GENERATED FROM HARD-LIMITED FM SIGNALS 68 A. Introduction 68 B. Input Process 69 1. 2. 69 71 C. Assumption FM Pulse Train Evaluation of 1. 2. 11 Expression of the O* Spectral Zone, CQ . . . Expression for the 2pth Spectral Zone, p ^ 0 . SEL-65-056 IUTJ^I^\ä'\JVI ^\ 74 [y(t) y(t - T)] . . 74 75 IV ?J\JWFW V^ v wr.. . t^ L"W v"^ LV '-% L"V _r» ./v \.-ü . k.'w _-^ .■-• _> . • M'^'Jt "VJ« "_• '\JII\M-JirmrM- Page D. E. F. IV. 80 1. 2. 3. 4. 80 81 82 85 Expansion of z(t) Autocorrelation Function Power Spectral Density Output Voltage Vs Frequency Characteristic .... Intermodulation Products 85 1. 2. 86 88 Interference Ratio, IR(p,n) Pulse Shape and Interference Ratio Results 88 1. 2. 88 91 Theoretical and Experimental Results Advantages over Conventional Detectors REDUCTION OF SPURIOUS OUTPUTS IN LOW-CARRIER, WIDEDEVIATION, WIDE-BANDWIDTH FM SYSTEMS 93 A. Formulation of the Problem 93 B. Analysis of the Problem 95 C. Interrelationships of fc, fymm" Filterable Spurious Outputs D. V. Output Process ^^ *■ fan ^or 97 Reduction of Spurious Outputs 98 1. 2. 99 99 Filtering Technique Phasing Technique CONCLUDING DISCUSSION 105 APPENDIX A. Useful Integrals of Bessel Functions 107 APPENDIX B. Derivation of Autocorrelation Function of the Output z(t) 110 REFERENCES oc«.>u jrv jrtmijrtajni/ivjrMinLX ** 122 SEL-65-056 JLKR.«' ».•<«-••_' ULT ILH icn 'O m. KT K.'. V. O O O. *I '.* •." «.'■ ■Ji.'s." > TABLES Number Page 1 Suppression effect for the three-signal case 2 Suppression effect for the four-signal case 3 Output signal power for p equal signals and no noise 61 4 Output signal power for p equal signals in noise . . 62 5 Crossproducts vs for the four-signal case . . 63 6 Crossproducts for large p 7 Crossproducts for large p, no noise (equal-signal case) 65 8 Interference ratios for various deviations and bandwidths 89 9 Comparison of computed and measured values for various IR(p,n) 91 (S/N) (p = 3) . (p = 4) 57 58 in noise (equai-signal case) 64 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1 Block diagram of the receiver analyzed 4 2 Contours of integration 8 3 Output signal power for the three-signal case 54 4 Output signal power for the four-signal case 55 5 Output signal power for the five-signal case 56 6 Suppression effect for p = 3 59 7 Suppression effect for p = 4 60 8 Crossproduct case 9 10 S 3 p_3 ^ .0 Crossproducts vs p vs p for equal-signals-in-noise 66 for equal-signals, no-noise case ... 67 Significant components of the fundamental and thirdharmonic zones of the limiter output 70 11 Block diagram of the system analyzed 71 12 Curves showing the interference ratio vs deviation for fixed fc/fmm = 2 90 Curves showing spurious output behavior vs carrier frequency at constant deviation 90 13 SEL-65-056 KPJOVOWATUJKM*. V: vi rJOKT.KJWJO">■ '>.V "> »> r> »J« >> V »-K»>"> .'■>'J- rj.'J "J> 'AVrj. •>",*■>'J-TJ« -.- v > v ■ . •/"«-.*•>"»»,. •_* • p Figure 14 age Typical bandwidth of channel, using vestigial frequency modulations 93 15 Modulated spectrum when fh » fymm 94 16 Modulated spectrum when r 96 17 Modulated spectrum when f'h =■ f ymm „,„ fc < f 18 Lowpass filtered output 19 Block diagram and spectra of the proposed system using the filtering technique 100 20 Demodulation process using the filtering technique 100 21 Block diagrams of the phasing technique HXKKHKHMiKLa ,i^WJLT>LTHft*AKT<*>JUOW^ ^ (shows aliasing) ... 97 98 vii - .... 101 SEL-65-056 PRINCIPAL SYMBOLS b.k m m m m I 1 2..m = k 2 (N/2) / h,k,m m ..m L[see Eq. (2.29)] ' * \ /i 1 2 f C n(cos ilr(t)] * 5(f + f ) c " c C 3(cos t(t)j * 5(f - f ) c c C+f c-i+ • "l [1 + sgn (f)] c C+f ' i [1 - sgn (f)] c E(x) complete elliptic integral of the second kind = „ /X K\ \ ' 2/ •n/2 fn/* / ri [1 - x 2.2 ,1/2 ^ sin <t>] ' d* f nominal-carrier frequency f modulating frequency f maximum frequency present in the information 0(6] Fourier transform of k g(t) * g(t) k I (x) modified Bessel function of the first kind of order [o] self-convolutions of g(t) (i mag i n ary argumen t) IM(p,n) intermodulation product at frequency IR(p,n) interference ratio at frequency J m (x) Bessel function of the first kind of order (2pf (2pf + nf ) + nf ) m (real argument) percent deviation SEL-65-056 i,^t -v^pw v-* L-M i^nvj"« - vm - L™ UV WH VKMHU ».jt njt r M f-M ^J* ' jk^M rjirjt rM r^jw ^' ^j ^ irjir~ rfVifcr ■ ^. *■- *\- *v W4*\i iru m v -n.« n ■ M (w ,w ,) two-dimensional joint characteristic function p(y) probability distribution function of R [t. ,t ] x 1 ^ E[x(t ) • x(t )] = autocorrelation function of the real l ^ random process x(t) R [0,T] x R v(T) x S(f) spectral power density = Fourier transform of = I R(T) e"laYl dl, (y) R(i) ^ = 2,^ •s—oo S (f) S(f) • I [1 + sgn (f)l S_(f) S(f) • I [1 - sgn (f)] S+f :Msin t(t)] x 5(f - fc) c x(t) Hilbert transform of x(t) = Cauchy's principal value of s) n J t -s ds ß A Af / k c\ modulation index = ± — = 1+ -r-rr ' T— I m \ m/ 6(t) Dirac delta function = unit impulse at G fl Neumann numbers = \ [2 m if m = 0 if m > 0 t = 0 ^ (t) random process defined by D(T) MV R(T) —7—r = normalized autocorrelation function ' [J'(t) - \\f{t - r)] R(0) f o(f) eiaVI df, a- = 2Jif •' — nil - ix - KH m. ■ p M «-* "us n.« -VM nji fui VLM T-M rJ« "\JI TJ* r SEL-65-056 -00 a(f) Fourier trans form of P(T) = I p( T) e dx •'-tX) * (f) y characteristic function which is equal to i E[e ^] = f" e^y p(y) dyi ^ . 2jlf •'—uo t(t) information in the case of phase modulation information in the case of frequency modulation convolution; that is, X00 -00 g(a) f(t - a) da = j -00 sgn (f) 0 for f < 0 2 for f = 0 1 for f > 0 f(a) g(t - a) da J.Qo SEL-65-056 'Jf?^TUiÄVIlM1CWn^TUnUPUr»LVXVIlVIQi")Li.TUiXW>i.>( WV>CV>\rM.UV I."* V* W L/V W V> V> W \.> k> \f* \.> i.> y» i-- VK V> V« \.-> .> L% V> bT U-K i.>L-HV»<V* J-> ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to acknowledge the guidance of Dr. Thomas Kailath, under whose supervision this work was done. He also wishes to thank Mr. P. D. Shaft of Stanford Research Institute for his suggestions regarding the presentation of results on hard limiters. (n»uouriuaijr**Tinwiim¥TmLkTjr*^^ xi - SEL-65-056 V I. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this research is to analyze some of the problems peculiar to wide-deviation frequency-modulation systems having low nominalcarrier frequency to information-bandwidth ratios. Some form of frequency modulation is employed in many tape-recorder systems due to the fact that the effect of random envelope variations occurring during playback can be eliminated at the receiver by hard limiting prior to demodulation. A typical electromagnetic recording channel has a bandwidth from an upper limit of a few megacycles down to a lower limit of a few hundred cycles. If, for example, it is desired to record information down to dc, some form of modulation must be used before the information can be so recorded. The parameters of a typical channel are a low nominal-carrier frequency and the widest possible deviation ratio. The high deviation is needed to obtain an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Since the channel band- width is fixed, most of the modulation schemes result in reduction of the information bandwidth that can be recorded. In order to maximize ihe information bandwidth, a vestigial technique is sometimes employed. is used. At other times conventional frequency modulation In either case, spurious outputs arise because the bandwidth of the channel is not wide enough to record the entire portion of the frequencymodulated spectrum that carries significant amounts of energy. The ultimate performance of such a system is often limited by these spurious outputs rather than by the SNR. on the same channel. In other instances, many signals are multiplexed Then it is of importance to be able to compute the strengths of various crossproducts and the signal-to-noise ratios of each signal. A. BACKGROUND The effects of hard limiting on signals and noise have been studied by various investigators from time to time. by Bennett and Rice [Ref. 1] Using the techniques developed and by Middleton [Refs. 2,3], Davenport studied the case of a single sine wave and additive gaussian noise when th passed through a v law device and gave explicit results for the changes - 1 - ■j^^w,VA'(n\>iT'vr.r ^j|-rupj(f.*'>A*rj<"J^^ SEL-65-056 «.V."--..'".■•»'VJ in signal-to-noise ratio produced by an ideal limiter [Ref. 4]. Later Granlund [Ref. 5] and then Baghdady [Ref. 6] studied the problem of hard limiting of two sine waves without noise and their results included some expressions for the evaluation of the strengths of output signals and intermodulation products. Davenport and Root [Ref. 7] studied the prob- lem of bandpass limiting of two sine waves in the presence of additive gaussian noise. Their investigations were reinforced recently by Jones [Ref. 8], who studied the problem in great detail in order to examine the effects of limiters in long pulse radars and other cases where substantial pulse overlaps occurred. Jones studied the case of two signals in noise and gave relations among the output signals, noise, and intermodulation products due to bandpass hard limiting in that case only. The present study extends the analysis to the case of bandpass hard limiting of p signals in additive gaussian noise. It is, in short, a generalization of the problem investigated by Jones, using the nonlinear transform technique which is convenient and mathematically rigorous.+ The results are shown to agree with those of (2) Granlund and Baghdady, when p = 2 (l) Jones, when p = 2; and when the input signal-to-noise ratio is made arbitrarily large (no-noise case); and (3) Davenport, when P = 1. B. OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION Chapter II presents an analysis of the effect of hard limiting on p signals in noise. Expressions are given for the spectral power density and the autocorrelation of the limited output, the output SNR's, the output signal-to-signal ratios (SSR), the signal-suppression effect, and the intensity of any crossproduct. Some curves and numerical results are also presented, and some asymptotic values are derived. Chapter III presents a derivation of expressions giving the output speocrum of wideband frequency-modulated pulse trains generated from Prior to publication of this study, P. D. Shaft, who has also investigated the problem, presented a paper at the IEEE Convention in New York on 24 March 1965 [Ref. 9]. Mr. Shaft was formerly with Western Development Laboratories, Philco Corporation, and is now with the Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California. SEL-65-056 jsjo#AKnwvtWiANLV.r^.rAr^.^v^ - 2 - hard-limited frequency-modulated signals. spurious outputs in the demodulated signal. Expressions are given for the A system of indexing the spurious components is developed, and curves are given which show the dependence of spurious outputs on carrier frequency, deviation, and the information frequency. Interference ratios are defined, *hen computed and tabulated together with experimentally measured values. Chapter IV presents an analysis of the "aliasing" phenomenon which is due to the interaction of the positive and the negative spectra when the frequency of the nominal frequency-modulated carrier has a value lower then half the spectral bandwidth of the modulated wave. Expressions are given that relate the nominal-carrier frequency to the maximum frequency of information. Analysis and block diagrams of proposed systems are pre- sented which are improvements over existing systems. |IWWAWLV:S/-S.WW%^WUN^V.V-^ - 3 - SEL-65-056 >S^'.^/v^V^V'."."rJV,0V II. A. HARD LIMITING OF p SIGNALS IN RANDOM NOISE FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM The effects of hard limiting of p signals in random noise are ana- lyzed, assuming the input conditions described in the following five subsections. The system studied is shown in the block diagram of Fig. 1, in which it is assumed that the input signals and noise are bandlimited by bandpass filtering centered around f . BANDLIMITED BY 'DEAL LIMITER BANDPASS FILTERING CENTER 1 FREQUENCY fc x(t ) *" BANDPASS FILTER ö 1 FIG. 1. 1. I(t) y(t) BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE RECEIVER ANALYZED. Limlter Input Random Process The limiter input random process, defined as p unrelated sine waves and additive gaussian noise. every '. i in the (l,p) x(t), In particular, for interval, !.(t) = J2S. cos (cu.t + *.) v 1 where the $ consists of 1 1 1' (2.1) are statistically independent random variables, each having a uniform distribution on the interval The input x(t) {0,2n). is therefore x(t) = s^t) + s2(t) + . . . + s (t) + n(t) = y y/2S. cos (cr.t + $.) + n(t) (2.2) i=l SEL-65-056 wwyvyvu>^rt*u^HUM\/VL^ , A''-VVV^JNVV\^V^A.'V\.%I.SLVV VI.%' vv.'VJN.L.-k-v-^ - ** v^ v- «^^ v- *•* ^ * ' * W J» m j0 rjtrji'^ -_»i :■■/•_ J"-J 2. Input Noise The input noise n(t) is a sample function of zero-mean, station- ary, narrowband gaussian noise. It is assumed symmetrical around fc since the signals and noise are bandpass filtered prior to limiting. 3. Autocorrelation Function of the Input Noise The noise process. n(t) is a sample function of a stationary random The covariance function of n(t) can be readily written as [Davenport and Root, Ref. 7, p. 169] R(t) = R (t) cos c [<M where a. c CD c t - R * *IM cs (t) sin cu t c 1/2 cos cu t + tan c •i ■W" TTTTT (2.3) = 2nf . c Since f c is chosen such that S(f) is symmetric about it, s+(f + fc) = s+(-f + fc; (2.4) s_(f - fc) = s_(-f - fc; (2.5) and which gives S K(f) = 2S (f + f ) c ' + c' (2.6) S cs (f) = 0 This equation implies that 3nM™r>icw™Tc>eK*y^^v*jr*jrvjr>ur<^y^3r*M^ R(t) \ / = 2R c (t) cos a. c t 5 - (2.7) SEL-65-056 Adopting the usual normalization by defining such that it contains P(T) unit power, one can write the covariance function of the input noise as R (T) = NP(T) COS CD T 4. Limiter Transfer Function The limiter output 5. (2.8) y(t) can be written in terms of its input as j+l for x(t) > 0 y(t) = g[x(t)] = < 0 for x(t) = 0 ■1 for x(t) < 0 (2.9) Narrowband Assumption The narrowband assumption implies that the difference between any pair [CU.,üü.] ■!■ J chosen from the set {üX. ,Cü„ X A , . . . ,ü) ,CO ] p C is negligible magnitudewise when compared to any member in the set; that is, |<xi - cu | « ^k where (k] = {1,2,...,p,c). for any i,j f (k) (2.10) This assumption guarantees that the inter- ference between adjacent spectral zones at the output of the limiter will be negligible. Hence the first spectral zone can be obtained by suitable bandpass filtering around B. f . LIMITER OUIPUT 1. Derivation of Autocorrelation Function The signal-to-noise ratio among the output components of the limiter output y(t) can be obtained from the autocorrelation function of the limiter output which is defined as RV(T) = E {g[x(t)] g[x(t SEL-65-056 TTÜUIÄ WVAJTMX/>Ll x*>Lr w«^ ,<A :<,*KT»ww>^^^^ + T)]) (2.11) or R (t.f) = Ev(g[x(t)] y x where t' = t + T. g[x(t')]} (2.12) Using the techniques suggested by Bennett and Rice [Ref. 1], Middleton [Ref. 2], and Davenport and Root [Ref. 7], one can represent the transfer function of the nonlinear device by g(x) = .J_ f f (w) xw e dw + J_ r f (w) eXW dw (2.13) + where C = the contour w = u' + jv, u' > u + C -5 = the contour w = u" + Jv, -OO /-OO g» e-WX dx = : (w) = rO _wx (w) = u" < u3 WX g (x) e 1 • e /*' e dx = -wx' -WX _, 1 dx = — w , . 1 dx' = w Hence , , g(x) = The contours C and if ^j I 'C C e xw dw V + 1 f 2^ / e xw dw V + are shown in Fig. 2. It should be noted that both contours include the entire w = jv axis except the origin, which is excluded because of the presence of a VVMTMJW^VVVMWW^^ - 7 - SEL-65-056 /{■ •.(■/ v v.v.v.v.'y//'. C+ CONTOUR FIG. 2. pole at that point. CONTOURS OF INTEGRATION. The integrands are identical and therefore, for compactness, the equation of over the contour C and C C. C_ CONTOUR g(x) is represented by a single integral For final evaluation, one can simply evaluate over separately and add. / \ 1 / 2nj Jn wx dw w (2.14) Therefore, R (t,t ) yy ' e =-,—^ J ^r ( -^E^ ^ [^(0 X t (2nj) ^C t -'C f + \Mt<)]} t (2.15) By definition , Ex{exp [wtx(t) + wtlx(t )]} is the two-dimensional joint characteristic function and can be denoted by /• dw M (w ,w .). x t t' Hence /• dw V^'^^^/oTJtv-"^'"^ Since the input process has an independent nature, manipulation of is particularly convenient. The input x(t) ■ (2 16, M x is the sum of the zero-mean, statistically independent random processes, SEL-65-056 - 8 - TMiTMijMtnjtr«iÄÄrmr\jif\j»^ürji'«rv»r,ji«ji.r.> -Jirjirjr njt.\**Mn*Kk'jt*±KM*ji''M?jtT 'm rji " i'r k T. w*k r « r vx«> »>-"• ."• »■>>. .'>].>.>»> v"" .> ~1«, «^.."i x(t) = n(t) + Y s.(t) (2.17) i=l and therefore p+1 ^VV) = 11 M x i (wfwt' i=l p+1 [I ii i^l ,.. E x. {exp r [w t x i (t) + w t' x.(t')]} i i (2.18) It can be shown that the Joint characteristic function for stationary gaussian noise is [Ref. 7, Eq. (13.43), p. 289; Parzen, Ref. 10] Mn(wt.wt,) = exp [| (w* + w*,) + Rn(T) w^,] (2.19) Each of the sine-wave signals s. = J2S. cos (cü.t + 0.) has a joint characteristic function M s ^W^ i = E fexp ^t^i COS e t + ^"t1 N/^1 COS 0 , t ^ (2.20a) The exponentials are expanded using the Jacobi-Anger formula [Watson, Ref. 11; also see Eqs. (B.lOa) - (B.lOd) on p. 115, this report] to give 00 M (w^.w^,) = > t t' /_, 1 m=0 s. 00 > e c I (w^, 72S-) I (w+Iv /2sT) E(cos mQ+ cos ne,.,) /_, mn mtv i nt' i' t t' n=0 (2.20b) - 9 - SEL-65-056 ■ ntmMtiMmjaarmjrRM juf itMiiiriununuf it^njf x^-RVTtVTL¥TiVTtVÄ ¥> \n V>M> \> vn\-f. i^J/*_WTVKi>i>M>^> yxyTn.yxVTi.ii>J.Xlf»JWT' M'«Ji"KJi">ur*_ir<'jr>Ui""J The expectation can be simplified to E(cos me 1 cos nG , ) = E[cos m(a).t + t.) cos n(üu.t, + <)). )' 11 L 11 E < — cos [(m + n)uj. t + nu.T + mit, + n* 1) I ^ i i i i I + E <- cos [(m- n)cü.t - nuj.T + (m- n)*.]) - cos ä (IHD.T) i when n ^ m when m = n (2.21) The above simplification gives ;.(W) - 2 €m ^^t^) 1J\'/™'i) cos m=0 where Im(x) = [modified Bessel function of the first kind of order m] r m 1 if m = 0 2 v. if m > 0 = Neumann numbers From Eq. (2.19) exp [RjT) wtwt,] = ^ i, [R^r) wtwtl]k k=0 SEL-65-056 inj*Tjwuw\*AAfuy\jc\)Vv:<A)inK\MXftMAXA>uT*T - 10 i^S) (2-22) Therefore, M( n VWf) = eXP (I \) eXp exp [R (T) (1 \) n Vf ] ^ ± [^(T) W^,]1 = exp (| wj) exp (| wj.) k=0 (2.23) which gives R (t.f ) = y /- dw /• aw i-r —i —LM(w.w.) 2 W X (2..1) * * (2nj) -^C t ^C Wf P M)2 -^C (2nj) W t •'C W t' M K «s.^t^t^ Sl i=l exp (| wj) exp (| w2,) ^ ^ [^(T) W^,]1 k=0 Simplifying, 00 , Ry(t,t ) mtamsmTinananuyancMiyinv^^^^ «k / ^ V VTJ f wk-l exp /N w 2\ dw ^ 1 ^-p Z "kT- X t (2 t) t k=0 n Ms.i(wt'wf f k-l /N 2 \ I wt, exp (- wt,j dwt, i=i [2.24) - 11 SEL-65-056 Define: 1 ^ ^r w^ 2nj J hk(m1..m i c (wVisT) i=l exp f- w j dw (2.25) i With this definition, Eq. (2.24) can be rewritten as Ry(t,f) = Ry(T) 00 oo -1 1 k=0 R (T) V n 2 Z -TT-hk)m11..mp ( H m =0 m =0 \i=l P e m.1 COS m AT which gives the autocorrelation function of the limiter output as y y H^^i Z_( •■■ ZJ k; k,m v-o = y y ZJ k=rO m 1 =0 [ p + cos (mi A A 1 Fi COS [cos ( Ii\\ 11 \i=l * m cosm.o.. ii T) (2.26) 1 cosines can be expressed as a sum of cosines r (cos m.fe^ = -iy j^cos (m^,^ + m262 + P m =0 P A product of T . .m A (raiCl Vi i . + m !; ) P P + m () ä + ■• + . . . - roc) + cos (m P Ä m 6 pp 2 2 4 + ! VI P-I >(WüytWCTWV7«A'/uyrwi^</^jAWjywvy///<or^ - ) VP ■■■2P'1 + . . . - m f , + m e p-1 p-1 p f terms ] )] VP SEL-65-056 + m 6 11^2 (2.27) 12 where the final bracketed term represents the sum of 2 cosines by definition. a. Simplification of the Contour Integral h, k,m, . .m 1 P In evaluating the contour integral h, , the first k.m,..m 1 P question to resolve concerns the pole at the origin. k,m,..m 1 P _1_ T 2]l J Jr k-1 1_ f 2nj Jn k-1 11 Im. ^v^ i P n m. ^^ i=l exp exp 1 /N W 2\ dw 12 ) /N 2\ (2w; dw (2.28) Note that for w -> 0, I (w) -> w /2 p I (see Watson, Ref. ll), the above integrand becomes (k+Em.-i; w as constant w -> 0 The integrand is well behaved along the whole of the axis except possibly at the origin. vanish if either 1. k w = jv The pole at the origin will also or any one of the m. is greater than or equal to If the dc term is eliminated from the covariance function, no pole will occur at the origin. All the limiter inputs have zero mean, making the integrand analytic along the entire w = Jv axis. integrals can now be reduced to a single integral. k ,m. 2nj rftWA/VWLVJW^A^W^JV.Vu^JV^^^ r Hence, P k-1 T] lx 1 m, (wT^s V 1 i=l - 13 1 The two contour exp (I w2) dw SEL-65-056 .V.V_-.-.V.V.V.V.V/,i.V.V'.._V.V,".V7A' Converting to a real integral by using the relations (jz) = j1" J (z) I m and w = jv i1 yields ~ -L f k(m1..m " nj J^ J k-1 v k-1 ex / N 2\ P(-2V/J ^i rr , i=l . 1 . (k+Zm.-l) i 7 J j p (-1v2) n /■0 m i i=l _ . J P (k+Lm.-l) i i (k+Em.) 1 - ^ i v^1 exp (-f v2) f[ Jm (vyiiT) dv i=l . 1 (v/^T) dv P 0 J j v^1 exp (-|v2) U Jm (v/^-) dv J n J , i i=1 -^ (k+Zm1-l) 1 ex ^^ •/-» , IT V^/^) J dv (-1) -oo J p 1 2 v*- exp (-|v ) [[ Jm (v/SS") dv i=l i Now r 2 for k + 2». odd 0 for k + 2». even (k+Im. )' 1 - (-1) SEL-65-056 IAJU\IUTJfcaM/VJtTJUlJUAÄnJWTJW^\JWV^/v*^ 14 - L/W i«i u^ ^rv luTi'-.''- L^ .-» :,-V L.-« _-» ..-% _"■-TT ^-fc . : l-i » WW_Pt»_«_«. and hence '2 \k ,m, . 1 .m P -1) /•« (k+lrn,-!) 1 P _ H Jm (v/ÜT) dv 1=1 i v""1 exp (- | v2) I ■'0 for / fk V \ ^m.J / + odd =<\ (2.29; for b. k + ra ( I i) Computation of the Integral r b. k.m,..m 1 P It is convenient to define a quantity 3 k , m, . . m 1 p \2/ (2.30) k, m. . . m 1 P In the autocorrelation function, this quantity appears with an index of 2, hence the sign of the term will be dropped and the quantity redefined as k/2 G„ /N\ r v k-l [zj J o / N 2\ exp (- - v j Jl 1=1 b „ J (v/ZS^) dv m If k ^«^ + odd i =< 1 P (2.3i: otherwise It has been found preferable to adopt the following two forms: 1. Strong Noise Case. N is greater than S. for all i r (l,p). By an appropriate change in variable and subsequent simplification, r i r k-i ^ -i k ,m, ..m 1 P x exp / x2\ r. T V Ti iLi Jmi dx if I k + N m ) odd (2.32; * olherwi se - 15 rr vm 'L.-* ur« ■!/■* SEL-65-056 ftrw.-'Kn-u*j**M*jTnjirui r^^^.rji.TJiirj^v r-JindR./vv; i/v'il\J iTJlTJir. CUITJ r. »'• ^V (TV W^rt^ r"1* T¥* k r L."'X ' «^ IL' ■L.'Vf iLnicnX-IW 2. Strong Signal Case. Let S > 8. for 1 e (2,p) and let S > N. Then by another appropriate change in variable, 1 1 p 2 /NV/ r "-1 / N 2 j n (2.33) dy i=l Defining 7, = ^S./S , 7^^ = I and then by hypothesis 7. S 1 for W 1 hence fl , 1 k '2 - k.m 1 k/2 yk lexp ^ f ' f^yUvv)dy if k+ 2 ^ /NV/ odd P (2.34) otherwise It is easy to express these forms in terms of an infinite series involving confluent, gaussian, or generalized hypergeometric functions. But it is better to deal directly with Eqs. (2.3l) - (2.33) when deriving asymptotic properties and limiting values. Due care must be given to convergence problems. For numerical results, it was found to be most convenient to carry out numerical integration on the computer directly rather than resorting to the evaluation by summation of hypergeometric series. See Appendix A and Refs. 12-18 for additional formulas and tables pertaining to integrals involving Bessel functions. SEL-65-056 jijiAjtnjrruiTuu\*n*juifu^AAJvuuLvu^^ - 16 -A.v.r^'j«-.*'.* v *> r>.?> •>">•>_■'> ^>->'>">' c. Wideband and Narrowband Considerations Based on the simplification and computational procedures discussed in Sees, la and lb above, the following expressions that are valid for any bandwidth are obtained: oo R y (x) = oo > /L k=0 k oo (T) R P > ... > ——,— b, t-i Z-, k! k.m. ..m 1 P v m =0 m =0 1 P I i - e iX -1Y m. 1 cos m.cjj.T i i (2.35a) where R n is the autocorrelation function of the input noise, (T) Using the expressions and notation of Eq. (2.27), one can rewrite the above equation as oo oo oo , , = V R (T) V V m=0 1 m =0 P y Z k/ \ R (T) n Z ••• Z -T^- k.mi..mD k=0 . . . P hv2 ""l e JP ^FT— • cos [(m.cü, ± . . . ± m to )T] 11 P P The Fourier transform of Eq. (2.35b) (2.35b) gives the power spectral density of the limiter output, oo s yK(f)' = y La k=0 oo (»6 ... £ 2 y ... y -^—^h k P JL L, ' 2 k,m 1..m k m =0 1 m =0 P k [s (f) .s n-rf)iJ [n " * {&[f - (mf, ± ... ± m f )] + 5[f + v(m.f, 1 ... ± m f /JJ )]) 11 v ll PP ll pp (2.36) [k and 1 S v(f) * S v(f) implies k convolutions of S v(f) with itself n ' n 'J n ' S (f) is the power spectral density of the input noise. Kmuraxn)itA>üWüw*JTV^:</^^ 17 - SEL-65-056 ^%^\^s<:^v:^,0<.T^'!:-s.lA*>N,rNi,rX,"3s.'CV*: With the following points in mind, it is only a matter of straightforward computation to obtain numerical results for specific problems: 1. As k increases, the k self-convolutions of S (f) may rapidly become gaussian. ma y l3e a 2. ^LvO etc. reproducing density, e.g., exponential, gaussian, 3. Convolutions with delta functions are particularly easy. 4. In practice, one is usually interested in a certain spectral zone and in some cases in a few terms, which simplifies matters. 5. Use should be made of the fact that the terms where k + Em. hk)m m exists only for is odd and vanishes for the rest. Hence the terms to be computed are halved at the outset. 6. The value of h k|mi..m m ay be so small as to be insignificant. Up to this point no use has been made of the narrowband restriction. The expression for the autocorrelation of the limiter out- put is valid for any bandwidth. Assuming narrowband restriction and normalizing. Rn(T) = NP(T) and S (f) = Na(f) where o(f) = I (0) =. f so that a(f) P(T) e dT o(f) df = 1 is a probability distribution function. has a density which is even about The input noise f , R (T) = Np('i) cos UJ I SEL-65-056 - 18 i*i»»iviiVMuw\«riÄ\^w^ÄrLr^vvv^uw\jvv'*iLVL^n_v\A/--vuv,Aajv'^v'.^-> ^-'^., v" v^ ^TK ^tnk^vvr. '-•. r. •; T.'-'.''■'.> .» . •.•W^-FJ*?J<^>"_X'ü" "J'.,'^,"^.V."^-1 Substituting in Eq. (2.35b), .X) l-W ,M = I 2-1 k=0 k! m =0 P m =0 cos [ (m tu ± k,m,..m 1 P k k p (T) COS (CDCT) 1 m —jp (2.37) ± m m )T] P P To simplify the above, use is made of the following expression [Ref. 7, page 298]: (k-l)/2 Ttl I (k-O: i;cos (k-2i) c for k odd i=0 cos (CJJ T) =/ (k-2)/2 k! k-1 2 (k-O! i!cos (k 2l) - V^^TFÄ: for k even (2.38) It is readily seen that the output power spectrum is centered at the following carriers: (k - 2i) co ± m CD 19 ± ... ± m U3 (2.39) SEL-65-056 *.nMrMrMPjtvMK*rj(Wjt\*-*j(HMnx'i>± »Jinif nj.,?^m^V>J(X>>l>^>^>^>J^Vf"JO"Ji>i>>f^>^>>J.>J.>^J.^^^>i^^^ Further X cc i i ■■■ i <v.rap v^ J *=! m =0 k=l k odd m =0 i Epkw P (k-l)/2 i 2 (k - i)l 11 .=o cos (i (k - 2l)a,c 1 m^j i , . . + m^nJ]T] P P 1 1 ■■! k=0 m =0 k even Ry(T) = < m k,m, . .m n, =0 P cos {[(k - 21k 1 p + m,^, ± . . . ± m a cos [(m1^1 t ... ± m a, )l] P P 2. P ,P-1 IT] k / v -p(^ (k-2)/2 V 2 1 (k-i)! il + If k + 1; if k + I-.) is odd Spectral Analysis and Filtering Since the autocorrelation of the output exists for only the odd integral values of k + Lm. , the spectrum of the limiter output consists of components situated in zones around the odd harmonics of the input frequencies. As stated before, the narrowband restriction virtually eliminates interference of these output zones and hence any one zone can be selected by appropriately bandpass filtering the output. It is now assumed that the zone around the first harmonic band around f is filtered. The filtered output process is denoted by z(t). The general expressions for R (l) and S (f) are cumbersome. z z The analysis is not difficult but it is lengthy and requires careful manipulations. the term term m ( It is better to think that the sums of cosines constituting cos (a 1"i r) are the carriers which arc shifted up or down by the ± • .. ± m o ). ii P P conditions must hold: SEL-65-056 xmiri&jrvQimu^^ To get the first-harmonic band, the following 20 , > '.N'.'. ."/.V'.%V.' k + N n^ = odd integer S 0 (2.40) (k - 2i) ± m ± ± m = ±1 P which implies |m1 ± ... ± 0,2,4,. .. ,k+l for k odd 1,3,5,...,k+l for k even mp| =/ Now for each of the values of series of terms is written. m. which satisfy the above equation, a The final total of all such terms in the first-harmonic band may in some cases be expressed in a single compact form. This is possible for small values of p, such as 0, 1, or 2. For instance, this procedure, when applied to the case p = 2, gives the following result which is due to Jones [Ref. 8, Eq. (13), p. 35]: 00 R 2 b, 00 ^=S 1 i=-oo ^=-oo L • cos [lilcü II C 1 k=|i| , - kUI |^-|i+l|| i— P (T) k + |i|+2 0 + ili + l|u) 12 2 - Ü(üJ_ üOIT 1 where N^/2 k,m1m2 Ml) k,m1m2 Similar expressions can be derived easily for - 21 p = 0 or 1 SEL-65-056 J«-«n-.«M^»i.-.«.« «n««'«B«fl.ÄM,ni.>liLnM-ni«._1»Jl>U.».'TIUM».1fc«»JTKJlKr«L1«Lr H.T^AIVaA/lSJ'JCT\i^)^A.N^^.l^\^rt.>A^^'^',_M.■W.■L^^_^i^^.\^'^ \'X'S'0-.' It has been assumed that the input process is wide-sense stationary. If it is not weakly stationary, the only change that would result would be to replace 3. T by (t ,t ). Output Signal-to-Noise Terms a. Output Signal Power Fortunately it is not necessary to calculate the series for R Z (T) to find the output signal-to-noise terms. The expression for the autocorrelation of the output consists of line spectra and continuous noise components. The periodic part of the output is primarily the result of the interaction of the input signals with themselves. The remaining terms correspond to the random variations of the output, i.e., the output noise. These terms can be split into two sets, one corresponding to the interaction of the input noise with itself and the other corresponding to input signals interacting with the input noise. Root's notation [Ref. 7], R (T) z Using Davenport and can be split into subsets: p p-1 R v/ (x) = R (l) + V R (T) + y R (T) z s,..s /. s.nv/ ^ s,s.nn 1 p ,i .,ii+l i=l i=l ... R nn (T) (2.41) where Rc, &„ (T) contains the output signal and cross terms [periodic "1•• p part of R (r)], and R (x) represents the direct feedthrough noise components. One is usually interested in only a few terms belonging to one of the R (x) complete series of of p 1. subsets. Hence it is not necessary to calculate the R (i), which is usually extremely lengthy for values greater than 1. The terms in R n( 0 are the ones that result from the interaction i of the signal 2. The terms in i with the input noise. RcS..i^cS.„(i) 1 11 are the ones that result from the inter- action of both the input signals SEL-65-056 .«»".»» .V.»«V.,V»iViV».t,v ". - 22 - i and j with the input noise. The very definition of these terms imposes certain obvious conditions on the k and k + Em, m. indices. These conditions, together with the need that be odd, make computing the terms involved a simple process. The subscript o will be used for output and The output signal power is given by imposing the conditions m. = 0 for j ^ i, i o th m i zone Specifically, for the first zone, = 2b first zone for input. k = 0 and which give (S.) <Sl'o i 2b (2.42) 0,00..m.0..0 m. = 1 gives 0,00..100..0 -.2 8^ 2 v"1 exp (- | v2) J^v/is^) J |! J^v/äs^dv (2.43) b. Signal and Crossproduct Components, R (r) . . b 1 P One can easily derive expressions for signal and crossproduct S componerts in both the wideband and narrowband cases. Inspection of the expressions for must be 0. R (i) and R (r) indicates that k Hence, in the wideband unfiltered case. R 1 .s ^ P ^v . m =0 • 1 "o.m,.1 ,m P m =0 P f ; 1 \i-l r m cos m.ii . [ I i i m, m > ... > b' —1 : P cos [ (m ,i. -* ...im d )T] v ^ i_^ 0,m , .m p-1 1 1 p p 1 p 2r m,=0 m =0 1 P TnaroTf^v.v^^'irrA-AV.T^VL'vtv^rAAM.v^'^VAKJVJ'*^ 23 SEL-65-056 when EriK Is odd. For the narrowband case this reduces to V V \..sj^Z P •"• m =0 2 n^ ' " * b Z m =0 m ^l-^COS ^^l-'^Vp^ 0,mii..mP ^ with the additional condition imposed on the indices that m, + . . . ± m = ±1 1 P For p = 1 the above reduces to yRS(T) - I m1=l m1=odd b o(ml tm1 cos "VV = 2 S m =1 m =odd b cos o.m VlT 1 which is precisely the result given by Davenport and Root [Ref. 7]. the first zone, obviously, ZRS(T) For any bandwidth, for IXi {T) y\s 2 1 ^ = S m^O For =2b*(1 cos ay p = 2, 00 2 ^O,™* 1 2 m2=0 C m;m o 1 2 COS m i^lT COS m R (T), 2V m +m = odd For the narrowband case (first-harmonic band), condition imposed on the indices is SEL-65-056 ICUltVMVKVKWVVVVmVVVVm^^ - 24 - Z S -. So the additional m ± m = ±1 Hence, R (x) = z s, s„ ' > Z-j m =0 7 -fb. t-> 2\0,mm m =0 c r ) cos [(ma, + m ^ )T] W-, ™r,l 11 22' m ±m =±1 i 2 Lm. =odd i Further simplification in this case is possible by noting that cos [(m + mo0J9)T] üJ1 contributes only when mj = 0, m + m = 1, that is, \ m2 = 1 and m2 = 0, / 2 (b This gives implies m cos tu-T + b = m A + 1. 2 \ cos auTJ. 111^^=1 Also, m 1 " ^ = ±1 This contribution to the first zone due to the X terms arising from cos [(nUiX), - m cu XX £t £ )T] is, with appropriate restric- tions. 1 Ik.mrm II) r m/mJ cos V L1 , T D^JT] 2 b 1 V + ir-V! - (m1 S 0,m 11 (m -1) rm 1 -1 b 0,m (m.l; rm1 cos '^iS " "l) " ^^ COS l[-miS " ^) " ^It) m ^0 ll 2b 0, j. I JV1| cos Ifm^^ - a,) - a2]l) + b^10 cos ^r + b^01 cos V m1/l,0 25 - SEL-65-056 t\j*m\rm\.m.\rm\rm u-n ^JW hn« W» L/H UKUII LTM LT» IT* L.1"»» L""* V'** ^'»X L >« k H -1» -■"» «'"X J"« _'"* WÜ-l«. ■.■"J^k.^to*-'*»«" «^ta"**» *_*• "Jü "J ""> "> "^ "Ji "J* ■"> "J* "i^ ."-AJ^W Hence, 00 = 2 R z s^ COS S ^.[m^ [nyll ^1^2 " ^l^ " -2^^ m =-oo (2.44) This agrees with Jones' result [Ref. 8, Eq. (15), p. 36]. values of lengthy. p, For higher the computations though simple and straightforward become Fortunately, it is not necessary to derive the above series for the signal-to-noise computations. Additional conditions are imposed on the indices and these simplify matters extensively. c. Direct Feedthrough Noise Components, R These terms impose the condition that nn (x) m. = 0 for every i. Since the autocorrelation function exists only when the sum of all the indices is odd, k must be odd. Am(T) = Z hk,oo..ok: Hence, P ( ^ cos V k=l odd (k-l)/2 ~ Y Y k=l odd i=0 -L Z (k-l)/2 I I k=l odd For zRnn(T), 2 k,00..0 p k,(r). k! kl cos p,, [(k 2 2 - , " 2lKT] 0 k, . k,00..0 K v (k-i): ü ' r/, cos [(k „. v " 2l T KT] i=0 (k - 2i) = 1; z R nn that is, 1 k=l odd SEL-65-056 1 "kTT (k-i)! i! i = (k - l)/2. This gives 2 P (T) k, 00. .0 k + 1 :~ - 1 , 2 2 - 26 - »,vavj>/Anjwv>wLVV«uT(vnikr*kTJiKMfjtAj(Mi^jirj«i-j«_rj ~j'Tj*.r*r^'*jfr^\*j*Tjj*:•*'■* •^JJTJT*'* 'jr*s*'* v •*'*'*•*'* ■jjiJiRjiK«"»^ w The expression reduces to Eq. (l?) of Jones [Ref. 8] when p = 2. With no restriction placed on the bandwidth, these terms for wideband cases can be expressed as 00 «k/ -, R nn(T) " Z "Ti" hk(00..0 k=l odd V Nk = Z k! k, . 2 p (T) hu :k,00..0 k=l odd Also, V) = 2lT\2,oo..ot("*°(£'] k=l odd C. OUTPUT FACTORS DUE TO SIGNAL AND NOISE INTERACTION These computations are usually lengthy though straightforward. example, for R„ i n(0. For the conditions on the indices which must be met are: (i) k + ^ m. = odd nonnegative integer (ii) m. =0, (iii) m. ^0 where and j e (l,p) and j ^ i k ^ 0 Hence for wideband cases, 00 R s.n (r) v/ = 2 GO 2 1 > Z-« k=l > sLi m. =1 0 —r-,— h, nn nn n cos m.cü.T kl k! k,OO..m.OO..O ii i k+m. = odd i 27 - SEL-65-056 trpamjmjuxMcrjKmai-KxKmiL* KJUKjnutfjinjt^jrr'jcnjnijenM-n.ynjrKifKwr r».y,i>u *_k"K_k' rv^j« R_J<TU fji ••Jifj.Fj* »JI'^J« 'J* nvTJii>j^. .•_.•_!■' »»Jt"» > Ki'Kk'tyrty For the narrow bandpass case, ^s.nv/ /L, k=l <L/ kl ni.=l k, OO..m.OO..O pk(r) i ^V COS m (ü T i i i k+m. = odd i (k-■2)/2, k even (k--l)/2, k odd a) 00 1 V k=:l I k < 00. .m.O. .0 ( :) ( m.=l (k-j): j! j=o k+m. = odd i Note that the cos {[(k - 2j)a - m.u>. ]TJ cos {[(k - 2j + m.co, ]TJ )üJ terms are not permissible owing to the condition on the indices. For the first-harmonic band, further conditions are imposed, k - 2j - m. = ±1; k - 2j = (m. ± i; k - (m. ± l) k + (m. + 1) Also when k i k - j = J = is even, m. = odd, which implies k = m. J 1. ' Applying this and simplifying, R z s n'^ = 2 i=-cxi * cos SEL-65-056 XüVinnnrjhriM\nc\j^njvv^\^\r^f^\j¥\rä)narM^^' k= i I , 2b i +2 [\l\a-c - k,00.. i+1 0..0 k + i 1 i k - (i + l^ajl 28 M^* it * M^.M^aiP-M* hi **• "Jt "'.to f_M - ■ - - fv> -J» r^J* -> This result reduces to that of Jones [Ref. 8] when p = 2. Similarly, expressions can be developed for the other factors of the autocorrelation function of the filtered output. D. SMOOTH LIMITERS WITH ERROR-FUNCTION TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS The above results are applicable to the class of smooth limiters which have a transfer function describable by an error curve (x/a) d| (x) = erf (x/a) = -p: / for x > 0 for x = 0 for x < 0 J /K 0 g(x) =/o (-x) by simply replacing N in the above analysis by seen to be valid for any value of smoothness of the limiter. p. (N + a ), The value of a (2.45) which is controls the For the case of one signal in noise, see Galejs [Ref. 19], Blachman [Ref. 20], and Jones [Ref. 8]. E. ASYMPTOTIC RESULTS 1. Case I, Weak Signals Since all than S p for all signals are buried deep in noise, i 6 (l,p). = 3 0100..(m1=l)0..0 is greater From Eq. (2.3) 1/2 2 f00 n j0 N 1/2 exp (-x /4) j x 1 dx J^1 (2.46) 29 - SEL-65-056 m «MJtA mx MA «.* SAW.I. r. \ x rrn vx vn v R^Tttf MUMFJl rjl *JU\*L'J'J,AJ,*J-*S*-fJ W W rfVTJ <V )fV TV KVJ'VrAjrit.T VTiLF.r, »'«.TXAVfl Jiflk.1" H5 *.* "J^ LTJ-'.,».' For further evaluation, use is made of the following arguments; 1. The power series representing the Bessel functions + 2n ,(z) = n=0 1 nl(n + n is absolutely convergent for all values of x, real or complex, less than infinity. 2. Hence the power series obtained by the multiplication of a finite number of such series is also absolutely convergent for all finite values of x. For detailed proof refer to Watson [Ref. 11, Sec. 5.41, pp. 147-148]. In particular. 1/2 1/2 P li J^1 A 1/2 >©•#) x 2 + 1/2 (where c , n ^ 0 c2x are the terms involving This series is absolutely convergent. + c4x S./N - c6x ...) + and its higher powers. Therefore the integration and sum- mation can be interchanged, giving SEL-65-056 u^u^TU(KJ^.^Jrnl^Tü^^icn*^.J^^uu\*^>-^*TyJVL^^ 30 , •J«-J '^V ■.'•.'> v v ■>•>"J- v -J '• '> ■> exp 3 0(00..10..0 n 2 yNy r T /dx ^j0 2 - c. exp exp (- ^p ) dx + c. Jo •'o Since each integrand exists for all dx ,-T n g 0, 1/2 J 0 ,00 . . 1. . 0 Furthermore, since N it V N c , c , x exp (- ^ 1 ^■ /o etc. involve S./N and its higher powers, and can be arbitrarily chosen large enough such that the higher order terms can be neglected, then, for very large for all dx C2 N such that S^/ft i e (l.p), 1/2 ^.OO. .10. .0 Also, under these conditions, for every power in signal i (2.47) \n N i e (l,p), the output signal in the first zone is (^'o-fhf (2.48) Hence under strong noise conditions, input signal-to-signal ratios are prest-ved, i.e.. S / ^ k/ o \S / \ k/. ' i &WKK'T£XM^\L*)Lr±A)Ut*AWKÄ^¥-H^**J'.Kf.^A*WK*^-mJ\l^r^ for 31 - (2.49) j,k e (l.p; SEL-65-056 <." O O-.1^ ^.f'■t^Vf ^ . L<'^S\.<''j:H]r*X)Cr*Jr''i.* To compute the signal-to-noise ratio at the output, the total output noise power in this case is given by the noise power in z(t), N o = Rnn^ + defined as 1 Rs.nW + i=l N , n x n terms. The total is + lhs JV i i+1 ••' + R s 1' ' s p «» From Eq. (2.32) and arguments similar to the ones used above, /•00 k, m . . m 1 p n2 As N -» oo as Si/N -<• 0. ^ Jo ^ A such that Hence 2\ p [/y^x]1 / exP Si/N -► 0, bk 00 0 (■ I ) li i=l then higher order terms m bkim for any m. a 1 -* 0 is the only term to survive. the noise at the output is contributed by n x n dx That is, terms only under strong noise conditions, in which case, x k , 00. . 0 k-1 0 k 1 ,2 - Jo 2\ P / exp f- ^1 ^ Jo ^ 0 \ 4 // i=0 1/2 dx / x \ k-1 J exp I - — 1 x dx exp (-t) t^/2)"1 dt •'0 which by definition of the gamma function becomes b k , 00. SEL-65-056 i*XKi*Mcw^w)orvnMV\]i*^^ .0 =ir(M n \2/ (2.50) 32 - •/.%•' ■•^>,'>.• ■ ''..-'v. ■> •> '.■ W_"J.r^r/r/."jv, The output noise N is given by r2/10 R S nn(0) = 2 Z 3 k n 1 , k - l" + k=l odd Substituting k = 2J + 1, oo N 2 = o r2 V^ ^ R (0) = z nn ^ Z 71 \ 2/ JTTJ + i): J=0 Using the generalized factorial notation given in Ref. 13, zRnn(0^ =J2 V^/^S j=0 = n 2F1 (2' 2; 2; j (2).3 j! J V Q — n2 In the above equation, the second kind. for N -* c» and E(x) denotes the complete elliptic integral of This result could have been predicted by observing that (-l.+l) square wave. the fundamental zone is (s/n ). Since -» (8/n ). When (2.5l) 1 the limiter output is a N S./N-*0 N -♦ 00 S. -> 0 in such a way that Hence the total power in for every (S./N). -> 0, i e (l,p), the output signal-to-noise ratio is given by mivMÄnKNWi*iwjav<?w*w - 33 - SEL-65-056 for any N that is, a loss of 1 db approximately. i e (l,p) (2.52) Hence, when noise controls the limiter, the following general results apply: 1. All input signal-to-signal ratios are preserved when hard bandpass limiting occurs, i.e., signal suppression effect is absent. 2. The signal-to-noise ratio at the output for every signal is 1 db less than the signal-to-noise ratio at the input. Particular cases of the above have been derived previously by Davenport for the one-signal-in-noise case [Ref. 4] and by Jones in the twosignals-in-noise case [Ref. 8]. 2. Case II, One Strong Signal a. Signal and Crossproduct Power In this case, one signal is very strong relative to the noise and to each of the other signals. Let the strongest signal be S . This is no restriction since the numbering of the input signals is arbitrary. Here (S ) S V S. + N X. /A I-, \---2 1 It is also given that i and > 0 P (l.p) for i 1 The limiting value of the output strong signal power evaluated under the above given conditions. 2 r J 0,10..0 cxp (-Ny2/4S ) (S,) is 2b , From Eq. (2.33), 'S.\l/2 P dy n j0 i=2 The integrand exists for all values oi positive indices on y and, by the arguments developed previously, SEL-65-056 - 34 • »viwMirjiruirairuirv*-. »'. F-. f ■« «^ r.-*n\.-*~* * .* i fv r. «f-. <•.*-. r. <r. «"^ ir. rf'. »rj>r. <v c . < J t v • . » , » • C. '. '.'.T.'.'. f» " t' . • . • . ' (S./S ) -»0, Jr00 Lij1(y)dy i ^ 1, and for, (S^N) - oo Since the Integrand is 1, b -* 2/JT 0 and therefore, (si)„-2(f) = _8_ 2 which is, as expected, the total energy in the first-harmonic zone. An alternate way to arrive at the above is r -1 y o N \ exp Ä y 2 ^(y) dy 1/2 1 /sl -) s/^V Noting that I (z) n e / / 2nz ex P -2N, for large 0,10..0 0 V 2N/ + 1 \ 2N, z, n which is the above result. The limiting value of any of the weak signals at the limiter output is ^A - 2b 0,0..(m.=l)0..0 M i 35 - SEL-65-056 «J-l-BJ «Jl lUMd »-n «."MUMLAH-n m-IM-n ».1 »IJ\^^,IVlJV\JV\JUWUVL^r_V\JV^'V VhV^ WUVUV -> UN V> L% IT» \."N L"« LV O -> LT« L> ."» V"^ l"» '.'. ■> where 1/2 3 0(0..(m.=l)0..0 f00 1eXP / = 2 * Jo y N y2\ JT [-ls-i ) l 1/2 dy Jo(y) j=2 Since (S./Sj^). -> 0 and ^0, (N/SJ^). it can easily be justified by use of the above arguments that 1/2 Jrco -1 y J0(y) dy 1 0 This integral is the well-known Sonine and Schafheitlin integral. 0,0..(m.=l)0..0 " n '^^//2 ■■ (j) 2r(2,r(i) l/fi (Sn/N). -00 1' 1 and - 2' 2' ' Uj 1/2 as n I S, Theref ore, for F Hence, (S./S,) i'li is ^~m SEL-65-056 uini^i™ ruwvi^ yvifv^vvAn^^vv-A'A^vrJL-^JVVVLVJ^ ^ 36 S./S, -* 0 1' 1 (2.54) ^0, (2.55) Hence, the output weak-signal to strong-signal power ratio is for (S/N). 1' i -* oo S (S./ i). "" i'ii and 0 (2.56) Therefore, if the strong signal controls the limiter, then all the other signals are modified such that the output weak-signal to strong-signal power ratio is one-fourth of the input power ratio. In the case of two signals without noise, a similar result is given [Ref. 8]. It is easy to evaluate any interfering component under the above conditions. It would be convenient to adopt the notation S „ „ „ to mean the crossproduct component at a frequency 00. .n^O. .m-O. .0 (mm - m cjj ). An example would be the evaluation of the intermodulation J J component which occurs at a frequency of start with the expression for for (S /N). -> OO and VRS s (S./S^. ^0 (2^ (T) for -OK). It is best to in such cases. i t (2,p), Therefore, the ratio of the output power of the strongest intermodulation component to the output power of the weak signal is S 200..iOO..0 v When p i (2.57) / signals are present at the input of the limiter, such that the strongest signal S controls the limiter and all the others are weak signals, the output power of the (2^ - en.) intermodu- lation component approaches that of the power of the weaker signals [Ref. 8]. b. Noise Power To determine which of the terms in the output power contribute to the noise, the following analysis is adopted: N o - R (0) + R (0) + Rc (0) + ... + R (0) z nnv z s nx z s2n z s^.s n 3wro\Rr^;vL'^^^wnwwraA«cv<^K^^ - 37 - SEL-65-056 Using Eq. (2.33), it can easily be shown that m./2 / \ ^ " ^ \V k.m,. .m 1 p S,/S1 - 0 if m. ^ 0, y io higher 1 - order terms Since m. k 2 ;: i=2 — 2 1 m. ! i Jm (y) dy i / 1, b, -> 0 k.m,..m 1 p if any m^^ / 0, i c (2,p; (2.58) The above equation Implies that the terms which contribute to the output noise power are n \ n k,m 00. Since (S /N). l'i power in k, -> i.e., x n (S./S,). -» 0, i'li k = 1 n \ n 2b s terms and therefore o^feff^V^ and OO belonging to the terms and are retained. The first-order component subset is 1,00. . 0 i: o: the terms involving b the lowest / \1/2 12 -> 2 _2_ X_' (2.59; n2 \Slt The rest of the terms in the (N/S ). are neglected. must be even for SEL-65-056 ÄVKVWVV\V\MV^^\NVWW\AV^^^ n n subset containing higher powers of Also, irrespective of the value of b, __ „ 1,111,00. .0 to exist, ' 38 m , which / \1/2 r / \1/2 Furthermore, iX) R „(o) y s1n 00 -I lh< k=l z R s n (o) 2 nn n m 00..0 COS (X) T cos m mT c 11 T=0 m =1 2 C0Sa) T cos c (I ^oo-.o) ^V T=0 filtered 14=1, m =2 = 2b 1,200..0 _2_ /JN_ (2.60) .2" \S1> Hence for (S /N) . ->■ oo and (S./S ). -»0, i e (2,p), the total noise output power is N 2 o ^2bi(oo..o 2 + 4 / N ^l^OCO^^li^ The output signal-to-noise ratio for the strong signal is *.-©, (2.61) The 3-db increase in the output SNR, which occurs due to hard bandpass limiting, applies only to the strongest signal, which controls SEL-65-056 - 39 - ■ Lm \Jim\jnm VJII \^ LTK u-* vrm \nt i.'Oi L'-H V'H ^Ti l/H IT* J^ -m U'-» '^"n L.' M JUL^wW-^^'i-'PL "^.P. W *_M »to ■_* \ji "J« "V*! "Jt PJ« '> "JWTU* .'*J*."\Rf^Ä"bHr^. ^ J*., the limiter. This result for the case of one signal was given by Davenport [Ref. 4], and this analysis also checks with the one by Jones [Ref. 8]. For weak signals S., i ^ 1, (2.62; N /o ^ * Wi Each of the remaining (p-l) weak signals suffers an SNR loss of 3 db when the limiter is controlled by the strong signal. 3. Case III, a. p Signals of Equal Strength Signal Power From Eq. (2.43) it is seen that the output signal power depends solely on b,, m m . The condition that all the signals are of equal strength gives i)o..o 0,00..( v = 2 f -J0 y -1 ex / N 2\ . Tp-1 ^-^ j Vy) Jo w (y) dy (2.63; As a result of the symmetry of the integrand, it can be concluded that all signal output powers are equal; /o V1 - (-if^2) v^r1' For the noiseless case and exist [Refs. 7,8]. y) dy p =1 or 2, closed-form solutions For all other cases, solutions can be developed in the form of an infinite series involving generalized hypergeometric functions . For large p, the following procedure culminates in a useful approximation. SEL-65-056 - 40 - mutant ■urjnkMKxnjifuiLrjtrjtrjf.rji r*n*rj'rj>.rArjT*.\Ar*J-jj-*."j,r* •\*rjßrj.rj'* ■jTjt.rs** \f -^ '.»'.* "J<r.» •j<^inj«Rji-FjiHi»_wnif»_ii"^vi«^T«_vxii*' Define I (P) = £ y"1 exp (- ^ yj ^(y) ^"'(y) dy Comparing the series Jjy) = i - ^ „2 2 j -^ „2 „2 2 • 4 + / 2 4 - Mi - —^ + y 2\ 2 • 4 2 • 4 • 4 • 6 M yy :r with exp exp and u^suming p = 2/ 1(1/ :l " "2 = 1 + \2/ 2T 2 • 4 large, one obtains in the region of interest, J 0(y) ~ (ir ex ^(y) P exp (2.64a) KD' (2.64b) Hence, 1 2 I(p) Jo 2 exp 41 ■«■■MranjricjtTtÄ-iuinjnjrjtjrr_»nji-RjiPJIa»11«JiMi'«.k« n^i Rji^jinji r.*fj> RJ<tMi PJI + J5_ S \ 2 i \y dy SEL-65-056 rJiPJIrj<"VJ«rj« "J* rjini." »' . "j. • ji i").FJI• > \j« "_»«>^JIP^ \«■"..»»<"» v"»' By a suitable change of variable, I(p) « exp /2n 2n Jo Since the integration has been carried out to infinity, it is preferable to replace [p - l/2 + (N/S^] in the denominator by [p + (N/S )], giving [i(p)r (-^T) The normalized output signal power is by definition (8/n2) 1.05 + 10 log10 fP + "— in decibels (2.65) This equation implies that the output signal power in decibels decreases linearly with the number of signals. Also, if the noise power is equal to the signal power, then the output signal power for noise is approximately the same as for (p+l) p signals with signals without noise. To verify the above results and also to justify the validity of the approximation, the exact output signal power was computed by numerical integration on a Philco 2000 computer and compared with the results obtained from the above approximate formula. The above formula gives results which are within 0.1 db of the exact value for p greater than or equal to 4. p as high The results are tabulated for values of as 100 (see Table 3, p. 61). b. Crossproduct Power The output power of, say, so..m-0..m■..0' interference frequency of 1 m. a). m .co. is given by x i J J SEL-65-056 which has an 42 - wu^rtRAJ*JV^A^T^nJW^J^fJvuvlJW^AA.lVvv\.'v^JV\.'v\rt^•.v i-v 'jv uv uv JV uv irtt s* i.> JV _> c« *> ..> J-H u> «> -> irh u> «-» vr .> WT W> y» k> v« »-•J.^JI -»^ »J. 0..m.O..m,..0 i J R (0) z s^-.s^ appropriate term T2 2 hn jr y-i j m (y) L o i 2 Jm (y) Jj" (y) dy J = s 0.,m.O..m...0 (2.66) which by definition has an interfering frequency of l"1^. - m i^A ■ Also note that i i j jlm.=m -1 J i I i i CD. 1 j j j1 + CO . J (m. -|) (CD. -CD.) (CD. -CD.) and Im.cjü. - m.coj , = Im.ü). Iji ijlm=m.-l lii CD. CJü. i - m.üü.l1 ij + CO. ^-rJ-- (m. -g) It can be concluded, therefore, that the output crossproduct terms situated on either side of the arithmetic mean frequency have the same power. Similarly, it can be shown that the enitre output spectrum in the first zone is symmetrical about the arithmetic mean frequency. Other results can also be derived when the inputs have equal powers, e.g.. olm^mi^ü!Xk7;.K■n*AX^^xfA^«^^ 43 SEL-65-056 (power at power at Output power at I1 m CD m .u). J J i i = i m .CD j q1 m .ax J i m.a: .1I 1 J i m .ui. J i m.iv I 1 power at i i ql etc. v. Therefore, if some of the signals are of equal strength, the number of components to be computed decreases very rapidly. For the case p - 2, it is easy to compute the entire series comprising the signal outputs in the first zone. The formula (see Ref. 21) (M - v)n 2 sin iV- •'n J (ax) J (ax) — M v x / 2 R(n + v) > 0, a > 0 2, gives V^Vi(y; 1 2/o dy q=l •- . 64 4 1 1 V + 2 2 { ^ (2q - I) 1 ~2 2 + 3 1 ~2 2 64 4 I u^ (2q - 1)' + 5 (2.67) SEL-65-056 44 MOWWIMAWWIWV,■MMm<WNWf:KtJMM*WWr^*JW which is, as it should be, the total energy in the first zone. This special result, which states that the power contained in the intermodulation components falls off as the reciprocals of the squares of odd integers, was given by Jones [Ref. 8]. s ii..ioo..o is given The output power in the crossproduct by q p-q times times iqop-q iqop-q norm 2 f -i2 1 r p q Jj(y) J - (y) exP (2.68) dy 4S, The integrand is best evaluated by direct integration on a computer. find an approximation to the above integral for large values of following procedure was adopted iqop-q exp JL 4S, p, To the Equations (2.64) give y 2\ y q-1 exp norm (ir exp (P - <,) (ff Sfi^p)!2 With an appropriate change of variable and subsequent simplification 2q-2 i (p)= i z(q-2)/2 ^r 2 dz .(q-2)/2 p p -2 + ^ -2+s" z ^ 45 m-M-rv m\i WMT w^zv^r wx. WM W-J JTV W J rv wv w- »-- r^ rv W-- nv «TV WJ w- « * »ru WV (q/2)-l -z ^ ' e dz 2 ~^W p-^3- SEL-65-056 K V « ■« "f - « ■ « W WV «"■ <■- <•. w- <*- «r- rv ru *r- »rw «r- *v ir» »ru irv irjn Since the integration has been carried out to infinity, it is again preferable to replace 1/2 + N/S ) (p - q/2 + N/S ) in the denominator by (p - q/2 + to give ^(p) = il) 2 + 2 + S" which gives r d)' (2.69a) q p q i o - norm p - = - <10 log q 2 + i+ N i s 10q log10 /p - | 10 (!) + i t i (2.69b) in decibels Equation (2.69) gives the following results in decibels: For q = 1: (S For 100..0yo 1.05+10 log10 (p + |\ 1 (2.70a) 7.07 (2.70b) q = 3; ^S11100..0^o For « norm + 30 1og10 p- 1+- norm q = 5: ^S111110..O^o 3.55 + 50 log10 lp-2 norm + fl/_ (2.70c) This result agrees with Eq. (2.65). SEL-65-056 46 iiif«vii\«uw\Ä jvv'wv»rirw\ftrv"wv%rvwi*iLSiL^iTXiJVAfVJV,A,,Vv\.vi,».-i Jti «u" >v":«.! »J-WAKX . V. <. C, >-, ,■■.■,■ ■■(■■.■.: v> . • . 'jT^rfMfJtrji'^rj' 'Jf'jß '*'*.'+'V For q = 7; (vo4 For 70 log10 lp - 3 + —j- 4.41 (2.70d) 90 log10 fp - 4 + |-j - 15.29 (2.70e) norm q = 9: 9 p 9 i o - yo norm All the above expressions give results which are very close to those obtained by numerical integration on the Philco computer for large values of p. Some of the results are given in Tables 5, 6, and 7, pages 63-65. s The output power in the crossproduct is r a n q P a r given b y 2 l 0 JT y"1 dy exp (- J- y2^ J^y) ^(y) ^(y) 2riq0p-q-r norm (2.71) ^[I2(P)]2 Proceeding on similar lines and approximating the Bessel functions in the region of interest as indicated by Eqs. (2.64) results in ~ oo I2(P) I /p. 2r+q-l 3r+q dy exp \ 2r + N , 3 s ^ q 2 4 / y _ By a suitable change of variable and simplification, -r I2(p) „r+l / 2 p q 2 2r T + 1 2 47 + N ,(2r+q)/2 (^ T SEL-65-056 Mnur^TRMnjcmrKMr »mi^jj-rwxi/mj-Ri-Ryrimvx^vnv'»! i.>\."H V* ^^^ 0^>j>VHj,>k>j.>vi'^>'^i>Ji>j>i^J.yi^J.>V*i>tl.'>(y>^>i>Vh:>v.\.N. ^Vi Hence, (^T-9) r q p-q-r 2 lM(r M ,r+l norm 2r P - o -T 3 I + 2 _N + .2r+q (2.72E S .r+1 = - <10 log * 10(2r 10 _r(^)_ + q) loBl0 ^p - 3 _ I + i + iU (2.72b) in decibels If r = 0, then Eq. (2.72b) reduces to Eq. (2.69) If r = 1, q = 1, S If 21lV-2 r - 1, 13.09 + 30 log10 q = 3, r = 1, If S + 50 log10 q = 5, 2 1 p-3 2 1 0H p - | ^ in decibels (2.74) p-f+l- in decibels (2.75) + then 1.61+70 1Og10 r = 2, in decibels (2.73) norm S 21150P-6 * | + f" then 9.57 21130P-4 (P norm S If then norm q = 1, then / 4 N 15.59 + 50 log10 I P " 3 + Tf in decibels (2.76 norm The above expressions give values which are close to those obtained by integrating numerically on the computer. in Tables 5 and 7 on pages 63 and 65. SEL-65-056 nD™öwxmw*AW**xrvü**xru«)c^*^ 48 Some of the results are shown It may be added that such techniques can be used to get approximate expressions for the case when the signal strengths are not equal. F. COMPUTED RESULTS For p ?l 2, Jones used the technique of expanding the integrand in a series involving hypergeometric functions, integrating, and using the resulting series for computational purposes [Ref. 8]. was found to be unsuitable for values of p > 2. This procedure All computations were performed on the Philco 2000 computer by carrying out the appropriate integrations numerically. used by Shaft [Ref. 9]. The numerical integration technique was also Some of the results presented here follow the same format as those in Ref. 9. The following results are presented in tabular and graphical form:'1. Figures 3a and 3b show the output power in the various signal components for various (S,/1^^ and (Si/N^i when P = 3 and when 2. a. One input signal is varied such that S b. Two input signal« are varied such that ' (S = S ). {s^ = S^) - Sg. Figures 4a-4c show (he effect on the output power in the various signal components when a. p = 4 and when One input signal is varied keeping the other (p - l) =3 signals equal and fixed. b. Two input signals, S c. are varied, keeping (S = S ) S3 and (S^ = S^). ■ s4. Figures 5a-5c show the power in the output signal components for p = 5, under the conditions specified therein. Tables 1 and 2 give the signal-suppression effect in the case of p = 3 5. S2, Three input signals are varied in such a manner that the case of 4. and constant in such a way that (s1 = s2 . s3) 3. S and p = 4. Figures 6a-6b and 7a-7c show the signal-suppression effect graphically. Figures 3-9 and Tables 1-7 appear at the end of this chapter beginning on p. 54. - 49 - ->XMn>n«fi« n»j»«««_lM.niL1«jULA»rMUM».'\»jmj11«jn«/^ ItMU', ^V.WiW VWUNT-fk l^i uvirw V^ SEL-65-056 W^L^L'^L^. U^ -N l."VL"« _% VV l"«' '. .'i .' ' < . i /• -•'. VW 'J'j'jt "> ' 6. Table 3 gives the output signal power in the case of signals (no noise) for values of 1 p 100. p equal Both computed and approximate values using Eq. (2.65) are given. 7. Table 4 gives the output signal power in the case of signals in noise for 8. 3 :. p : p equal 100. Table 5 gives the strength of some of the crossproducts for various input signal-to-noise ratios in the case of four equal signals. 9. Table 6 gives the crossproducts for large 10. p equal signals in noise for p. Table 7 gives other crossproducts for the case of p equal signals (no noise). 11. Figures 8 and 9 display the output power in the crossproducts for large p in the equal-signal case and clearly show that the values obtained by the approximate formulas are indiscernible from the exact values obtained through computer evaluation of the exact expressions. G. CONCLUSIONS TO CHAPTER II It has been shown that many of the limiting properties for the case of hard limiting of the case of p = 2 p inputs in random noise are the same as those for under similar conditions. The following conclusions are in order: 1, The limits on signal-to-noise ratio are: For one signal in noise, ii ^ (S/N) v ' 'o 4 ~ (S/N). For p 2 signals in noise, (S/N) ' o SEL-65-056 - 50 *»W*l/WU«lAfUWWi™VkA_-JL"J«A*T^AAr>.iW> 'JtfJUJ \KM» Mf\* "^ **'> *> *> ''-»?.*>> r,J<'->»'>'rj,",,Ji7,J>'r>>j<>>">^"*.-"-j."v,j.->j."H_,""^"v-J.>>",V.%^' For the strong-noise case, the following results which are known for p = 1, 2 any p; a. [Ref. 8], have been shown to be applicable for The output signal-to-signal power ratios are the same as the input signal-to-signal power ratios for any number of inputs, that is, there is an absence of signal suppression. b. For any p the signal-to-noise ratio at the output is 1 db less than the signal-to-noise ratio at the input. For one strong signal a. If the input S (S /S. ) and (p-l) weak signals S.: power ratio is very large, the behavior approaches that of the one-signal-in-noise case as the ratio of the input strong signal to the weak signal increases, and S 1 » ^ S. 1 + N i=2 Then, for large input signal-to-noise ratios: (1) The range of the normalized SNR's approaches the onesignal-in-noise case. (2) The suppression effect manifests itself, with the amount approaching the limiting value, (S v n/S.) 1' (3) ->4(S v 1/S.)., 1 'o 1' 1 1 that is, 6 db. The strong signal receives an improvement in relative SNR, which approaches a value of 2, that is, 3 db. (4) Each of the (p-l) signals suffers a loss in SNR by a factor of 2, that is, 3 db. b. If the ratio (S /S.). for greater than 1, the effects of limiting are the (S /N). is larger than approximately 20/l and same as the equivalent two-signals-in-noise case. c. If the ratio that for (S /S.). (S,/N) 1' 1 is greater than or equal to 20/l, and is less than 1, then for p > 2, the sup- pression effect becomes less pronounced and ultimately the weak signals are boosted instead of being suppressed. iri^i*rjuvinj«\iiin«««ioyt.^K^n^ - 51 - SEL-65-056 4. For two strong signals, say S., S and S , and (p-2) weak signals the behavior follows the patterns set by the two-signals-in- noise case. There is one exception, however, which is the boosting of the weak signals for (S /S ), > 20/l and are the very same conditions as for item 3d. (S /N). < 1. These The strong signals cause a beat pattern and every time the envelope of the two strong signals falls below the noise or weak signal, the latter gets control of the limiter. Consequently, all the weak signals get trans- mitted without any attenuation. The effect is similar to the one described by Jones [Ref. 8], which is an attempt to give some physical explanation as to the decrease in the relative signal-tonoise ratios for high input signal-to-noise ratios. 5. In all cases the crossproducts follow the curves in Fig. 4 of Jones [Ref. 8] very closely. The signal power in the crossproducts remains nearly constant for input SNR's greater than 6 and decreases very rapidly for smaller input SNR's. 6. From the numerical results and graphs presented, it is concluded that the power in the output components remains relatively independent of the input SNR's for input strong-signal-to-noise ratios greater than 10 db. 7. For large p, and approximately equal signals, Eqs. (2.70) through (2.76) are valid. 8. For a. p large, the following results were obtained: The power in any signal or crossproduct term decreases in a linear fashion when plotted on a log-log basis [see Eqs. (2.70) (2.76)]. b. The sum of the powers in all the independent of p. p signals at the output is From Eq. (2.70), P^lOO.Vo -1.05 db (2.77, Other cases may be reduced in a similar manner to predict the effects of limiting. SEL-65-056 Ho&xjv*»ji&MWMJvat^^ - 52 - that is, the power contained in the p signals is approximately 1.1 db less than the total power in the output first-harmonic zone. c. The p-signals-in-noise case has approximately the same behavior due to hard limiting as the case of [p + (N/S )] signals with- out noise. d. The power in decibels in any term at the output decreases as 10 I-. log10 P (2.78a) i=l that is, aooiiiMJUiKKnjowTUKi^nxnivA^ Output power ~ p - 53 ik ■') (2.78b) SEL-65-056 C5 All W w II i I w w w snaaoao DS W g H ro w O H <N M d i—i All P— 51381030 SEL-65-056 i-mü ftjinji^-A-rjirji ^Jl'^_Ji 54 Pä PJI rj* .•\j»r « ^JI rj« rj r-ji ^JI -■_< PJ* TJI ■* \M KM rj* f^t * M* ■ *^rf)4 wn.y N -F u i u w — « ly^ wm w P w* w>i u « - VM U * ^T« V.'^H ^-* '-"* v All CO m £! ,5 N w II I— w l-H CO I ■* m o fa ii CO All OS N w o II w H D O $1381330 O i—i W fa m (N w Ml r- 5-1381330 55 SEL-65-056 in M w All n w N CO W CO W i naaioM m V s M M II r^^\ l\ «1 « o i I w \ > co -: w ■ co w ! All N ^¥ I i W M co II H rW o $138030 m m CO d fcl co co ii M co N co All I— CO SEL-65-056 56 - o •H CO CO 1-1 1 r-t 0 w OJ •H p rH d w o i 1 t^ CM rH rH rH TT 00 o o O o O 1 O 1 co o <o o o rH rH 05 to rH o CO CO Oi rH rH H rH 01 rH 1 o r-l CD rH ■tf in T o rH rH rH rH (D rH ^r in ^r co t^ rH rH co o «t O rH rH o ^ m rH rH O CM r}> in in o o o Tf m in CO CO o co CO to r-tl CO CO 0 co CO ii |w o rH co o rH CM CM (N CO co II 1 0) > 00 o i 0) H CO ^ •a c w o HH H co 0 2 » •H \ o o O '—N ""-^ ^-^ II XI •H tu W o CO CO CO CO o s w s u w fe 0 s—^. r-l rH co r (A o 1 co tu o 1 •H w ^J o ^ ^ o M w w w rH CO rH H CO CO II n 0 n o ■H 1 ^0 co 73 CO o r-i co c H co rH rH < CM co 0) 01 v Tf rHl o. CO 0, in 00 O o o i C 1 rH 1 CM 1 •H c 0 |co rH o ■>-> oo u CO rH ■H a o c o 0 ■H 1-1 wDS co rr U0 ■o Z CO o oo o 0 to ^ 1 i ■H rH rH o CO o co o CO m CO O) 00 01 rH rH CM co o m m m m m rH o m 0 u o rH at m CO m en o 01 rH rH rH co CM rH CM co m m 01 N oo oo CM »H to co o in O s w 1 ' 3 0 co 8 to II r-4 co s_^ -H ■H CO co rH rH o O m o i rH m v_^ 'S" w o co m i0 r-H O m m N CM o co CD n 10 o rH N 0 r-l co CO nn O) o CM o CO ■H ^^ ^^ rH co PO w TUITJ »-. »iW*JTkJ»iifl^LR"M*)L^ tJ". rH CM SEL-65-056 57 tKMnM.rtjn^jtnKnKjvu-^cvuifuTHjinj-»vrv yrviru »vrrwir. rH rH 1 UTK." IO K." «.' >U" KJ^ILT VTK."' •-" V" K.'' KT •.■' •«■'." TABLE 2. SUPIRESSION EFFECT FOR THE FOUR-SIGNAL CASE (p = < (All values In decibels) (S1/N)1 = . ftl l\SlSJo) rwoi L(vViJ (S^N). = 10 (VN | [(Wo] VWo Condition S (S = s = 0 pVVol k/vj h\ VJO (^ . 1 [Wi\ (Sj/N). = -10 h\ [(Wo' VVo k'Vi. = S 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3.8 0.8 3.7 0.7 3.4 0.4 3.1 0.1 6 7.9 1.9 7.8 1.8 6.9 0.9 6.2 0.2 10 14.4 4.4 13,6 3.6 11.4 1.4 10.1 0.1 15 20 3 5.3 19.7 4.7 16.6 1.6 15.0 0.0 20 25.3 5.3 24.9 4.9 21.7 1.7 19.8 -0.2 Condition (S1 = S2) .- (Sg = S4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3.4 0.4 3.5 0.5 3.4 0.4 3.1 0.1 6 6.2 0.2 6.4 0.4 6.5 0.5 6.2 0.2 10 9.5 -0.5 10.0 0.0 10.6 0.6 10.1 0.1 15 13.4 -1.6 14.4 -0.6 15.6 0.6 14.9 -0.1 20 17.5 -2.5 19.1 -0.9 20.4 0.4 19.7 -0.3 j Condition (Sl = S,, = Sg) • S4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3.7 0.7 3.5 0.5 3.3 0.3 3.1 0.1 6 7.1 1.1 6.9 0.9 6.4 0.4 6.1 0.1 10 11.3 1.3 11.1 1.1 10.5 0.5 10.0 0.0 15 16.3 1.3 16.2 1.2 15.5 0.5 15.0 0.0 20 21.1 1.1 21.1 1 .1 20.3 0.3 19.8 -0.2 SEL-65-056 58 i*rmn«AJiäMii%jiBjiAJi;\j»f\j«r,j»,,"ij»'ii FjifjiAiL.-\jinjirj*."jiJ\Ar Jir> -j» r.« -J-J rj» »j -« r-, i>m -_> rjttjt-j r> -j ■ -Ji "J rj •» -> •> «j, r t \/, "j. •_« >■> ' Jl r » t co A: I N To II r* w ^5 II o, OS o H U (qp) ['^s/'sj/fs/'s) ] w w o h-l Kl W W a; to a n OT (N M All r- m (qp) ffs/'s»/'^s/'s)] 59 SEL-65-056 maev*ißtwiaui iiwiKÄiixiLHXjniiii^uj?-¥J?iHX-BXfl5L?i »Jl K.nKn v^ ,>u< «J" i*JX5»,^ltnM.rkA'i , iTVroviv.^ N/^)^n4.^^<.ll'>crK5K.,TXX"itF,CrUjrwriL>'V.CU w /■'I co w w m («)['( 8/S)/t 8/8)] W § co w H Ü w w N w o w M w « W (qp)[!(%/lS)/<\,'s/lS)] Ü M w w CO (qp)[!iVs)/0(Vs)] SEL-65-056 MMWMB!ti(Mawt\wnw\^t^\j*v*\isrJSf^^ - 60 - TABLE 3. Number of Signals (P) OUTPUT SIGNAL POWER FOR EQUAL SIGNALS AND NO NOISE , 2 Total energy In first zone = 8/n = 0 db (All computed values* in minus decibels) Exact Value Approximate Value p Number of Signals (p) Exact Value Approximate Value 1 0 1.05 14 12.5 12.5 2 3.9 4.1 15 12.8 12.8 3 5.6 5.8 16 13.1 13.1 4 6.9 7.1 17 13.3 13.4 5 7.9 8.0 18 13.6 13.6 6 8.7 8.8 19 13.8 13.8 7 9.4 9.5 20 14.1 14.1 8 10.1 10.1 30 15.9 15.8 9 10.6 10.6 40 17.1 17.1 10 11.0 11.1 50 18.1 18.0 11 11.5 11.5 75 19.9 19.8 12 11.8 11.8 100 21.2 21.1 13 12.2 12.2 Values: Exact (S.) i o f T2 y'1 Jfy) jP"1^) dy Approximate = -[1.05 + 10 log10 (p + N/S.)], N = 0, noiseless case. Note: For all values of p greater than 4, the approximate formula gives the answers to within 0.1 db. For the most part the error is due to rounding off the values to the first place. - 61 - SEL-65-056 ./«...».j.ti^. i-«i-«i—. ■« -» ■_/* v/k. ' ^ u* W-« I--« v-r» U^IIT« LTM U-» '_-« Lf-i.l_-Kl."% LV L^ L^ V,V U% V."W V V'JV \_ VW ' «.1 "wl t \ \.-WT ^A*^^ 0) £> a] ■a E o •H x CO 1 0 w w II ft ft < g "K Sz; w ■H M i M M 1 a Da 2 w 1 < fc W H 1 O CO u 0) ■a w 3 C ■H B C •H i «sr in ai in n* rH rH rH t-H N N N CM CM CO N "T (N CM u x w oo CM O) 00 iH rH N N N CM CM CM CO CM N 1 1 i i ' m ^r >, X3 ■a ^00 ""**^ 'CM CM rH Ä ' CO e N . 10 (D rH 00 O rH in (N N "V in rH iH rH oo rH rH dCM rH rH ro ü O ^ (£) rH O CM •^ X X N N CO rf CO rH oö r-l iH rH rH rH O CM o i-H 2 1 . o. II 1 CM •H zT ~^^~^ >) +J w rt w ^_^ * • rH | ft o t-H CM *-3 3 3 a E +-> A B ■H 13 •o o 0 II ■p Ü r-t cd X < i-H t^ O 00 co o rH in r-H rH n CM t t^ rH rH co rH (j> rH i-H 00 oo CD CM ■a in 00 o rH (Jl rH rH CM rH rH rH r-H iH CM rH . rH • rH m rH m • rH t^ O rH rH Tf t^ 05 rH rH rH rH CM rH 0 a ■P II cd t^ O rH rH CO oo "* t^ • CM m O it t^ rH rH CTl rH rH rH rH rH 00 o O O o O +-> Ü cd CM <H o tn <u c a M^ e -H co TT rH CM f t^ 0 u ft ft 3 o rH cd * 65 ■H X en o rH 3 W SEL-65-056 | II e w XI rH 1) cd X rt '-- o •P o r-< + in CO < OT ^^^ 0 O 0 • C hD rH ■H o ft ft ■H tn "?. cd o ii 8 0) e --( ft II CO rH + r-t 1 i w ■—' ^ H r-t >-> ft ft < ■H 0 0 3M s >, r-l cd •p ■—' ■* M 0) > •a ' T3 0) ■M r-t •H i -4-) N—-* Si ,fl 1 1 > 62 - «!»vnr«jruani,iru»v»r\. vt/i»"jir>jifvw«ru yvirjirvifvirj.irvrv «rv KM, ir .»r. if.1 •• . "Ci IT. »'w r» TVWV r^. «v • •■". T. »'.^"WIT. . r. T.w.»-, F-VHV *•.• «.«VTV TABLE 5. CROSSPRODUCTS VS (S/N) FOR THE FOUR-SIGNAL CASE S l = S2 = S3 = S4 (All computed values in minus decibels) 2 Normalization = 8/n Notation: s = 0 db = s i 3 S = S 1 1 2 " S = S 1 3 1000 2100 2111 = signal at frequency lf1 pOWer at fre uenc y (2f1 i f = POWer at frequenc y (2f1 4 f q 2) 2 ' f 3 ' f 4^ (S/Njj Crossproduct 20 db 15 db 10 db 5 db 0 db 6.9 6.9 6.9 7.0 7.2 7.9 28.5 28.5 28.6 28.9 29.7 31.9 21.5 21.5 21.6 21.8 22.5 24.7 31.6 31.7 32.1 33.0 35.9 43.7 00 63 - SEL-65-056 i»n»ni»n»ij^»«i«\jiy«wuuuwu»n_^\j»i\JWu^v«riJ^v^u>iu«iAil«W^t>\/^v^u^U>U> -> V>« L> ."w V"1-1->''. '\; '.' <.< i''. •>"»> '>"./• 'J> 'JfJ S, J'.'&.iC. €. <f* f a> o w N t^ 00 (C 01 00 N o t^ in 00 to m < 4J CO ^—^ >. )• ^ m t-i z 00 dm a 'S" ^^^. ^v N 2 a 05 in M* ■H '^' ^^ 1 II ^p in • (U ■^^ ' 4J ja^ 3 a ■o & a) o >» II co ■H tH i-i H rH g N CO 10 m t> rH iH rH iH t* CO to • in in t* !0 TC in so a < •H 1 a o 55 1-3 ^J W ^—s N >> CO u <• A X XJ w r-l ■ s 1 0 a a o ■H X 2a II "fc w bo ■P iH X O II ^-^ II w i ! o• >I a o> !-(". ^l)" ß 0 nl N ■H H a £* tt 0 z 1 <]ll 0) ca II ■H •H 4-) CO m m rr oo o Vf f~ 50 m 'H 3 X 0 II a; > 02 in 05 05 in CO m v m «0 rf to t^ T 00 05 in CO in rp to to ^r m < u 0 0 h X w a ^ 00 m 00 05 in CO in Tf to to ^j" m 0) 3 r-( rt > SEL-65-056 l»Bi«WU«W»«JVByVWinftAAJVUV''^rj\/JLVt^^^RAK.Vi_\^->^ <A e •H X 0 <H m o ft •H z w X •• tu ü X tu 4J i w cB oo in CM N O • 1 CO ■M Ü W s tu + e u 0 c QO 3 +J • v_^ iH CO II • a < ■H o CO X) o H o CO i ca E a r-l e O 1" 0) ■M + ii ^5 T3 • u », w • 0 tn r-( h rt — n» c a a M^— E -H 3 W & o rH o N o v o o u a a ni r-( 0) X! H 64 '•.>">>.■»■>■• 01 ^, is -M n i 6 ao 1* X N S^ a • 0) .^ a OB a o i-t v n in 0) r-t N r-l rH oo T CM rH •V u rH rt X w V co H 10 rH « a c < w 0> to X H O" ^r f« i-t ■M a) (O in ^r n <T> rH r-l o ■a1 in CM H m n C5 . to O" rH rH > sa • N 1 0) 4-) A a o B ■H X 8 # .. X H +J •H X Ü 3 0] 2^ in i a to t^ ■t r-l X in 01 in CM f-H rH n m o H t rH > >, 01 -IH «1 > ■H X a ü h iH to Tf 00 O 00 to m IN 00 10 0> o m o •w n rH rH H H Ul IrST < O rH rH CM tn N m 01 in 00 to to in i^ N v oo to rH N 00 n o rH ■O 0 I 91 01 ■ ■M Ü X w 6 > % ■M & n o> Tf r» to to rH <0 t~ 1» N oo 1^ S < i^ ^ x^ i 2 t^ X ^—~ rH rH CM m t^ 4-> u ä X w 1 o >c>— H § i s ^ S CM CM 1 2 o X 3 a o tH o (N o n o Tf o m O o rH a m rH m Q co t^ CO o co o rH in H rH 00 I-» O CM rH rH 01 rH rH rH ■V rH 01 o i~ to 01 00 CM O) co to 01 CM CM O o (-4 CM rH rH 01 rH rH rH ^JrH to in r~ M 00 X CM CM t^ CM X X X co 01 ao m Ol o 01 JH CD co rH ■* CTl 01 CO to m CO CM X X co 01 r^ oo 0) o rH •o 01 CM i^ rH 01 01 O CM ^f m rH t» in o (0 10 co to CO r» H o Ol o CM rH in 1^ 10 rH CO CO r» 03 4H u at X w » iiaM3WöwmiiAiü^n*uwy<Js*jytMnwyou^ rH 00 00 r^ 1« rH rH rH 01 »H 0 h 01 XI 3 z 65 - r» Ol 01 w H 14 --. * in co to % " ft o H rH rH N >cd ("5 O m rH 1« CO 01 3 rH CM co »> ^-, 8 > +> o o o CO rH rt rH 10 01 IH > |H V A m a) HI to CO H a) w t Ü - CM w 00 j) ^, te o- t~ 3 M OS 2 1 W ID S a ft rH 00 a cr < w tr-4 xM to Ö T3 O S t» X N ct 3 2 ^1" e ■". to 0 ^-^ 3 in 01 o» ^^ N tCM N o oo ao 03 +J S •H m 01 l^- 1« rH rH CM 0)-- CM CM to 0 fto m •& to to r^ X Ul H ai —~ C ft be-—' H /I o rH o IN o eo o Tf o o o o ofcl a o. rH 01 J= H SEL-65-056 T 1 1 1 50 60 70 1—r -{+eoand+IOdb)-(S/N)l -70 i 10 20 FIG. 8. 30 40 NUMBER OF SIGNALS, p CROSSPRODUCT S „ ,, iV"3 VS p i i 80 90 100 FOR EQUAL-SIGNALS-IN-NOISE CASE. In Figs. 8 and 9 where the approximate curve does not coincide with the exact curve, it is indicated by a dashed line. SEL-65-056 OOAMKlMaVVCAMlAWOUVIJ^^ 66 20 10 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 NUMBER OF SIGNALS, p a - S ^ „-5^' S iV iV"7' S iV-9' ViVV -80 APPROX w -100 I Odb«-^- S -120 -140 -160 -180 10 _l J_ 20 30 40 50 60 L- 70 _L 80 90 100 NUMBER OF SIGNALS, p FIG. 9. ifninu£RW\j<3vt7U<^it^x^rw ^K^^ b. S CROSSPRODUCTS VS p 2riq0p-q-r FOR EQUAL-SIGNALS, NO-NOISE CASE. 67 SEL-65-056 HI. A. OUTPUT SPECTRA FOR WIDEBAND FM PULSE TRAINS GENERATED FROM HARD-LIMITED FM SIGNALS INTRODUCTION In most narrowband FM systems the nominal carrier frequency is much larger than the maximum information bandwidths, e.g., an FM broadcast channel bandwidth is approximately 36 kc, while the carrier is a few megacycles. In the process of demodulation, the received signal is sub- jected to hard limiting. The amount of energy in the sideband of the third harmonic which lies in the first-harmonic band is typically less -6 than 10 of the energy in the fundamental band. Hence the output of the limiter, to all intents and purposes, consists of discrete spectral zones as shown in the following sketch; which is a typical spectrum of a limited narrowband FM signal. When such a signal is passed through a narrow bandpass filter, the fundamental band can be filtered out. Since it is essential that such a bandpass filter have an excellent time-delay characteristic, the filtered fundamental zone does not suffer any appreciable phase distortion, nor is the spectral distribution of the first zone disturbed. ture. As a result, the filtered output has no envelope struc- Therefore this signal can be demodulated by means of a relatively narrowband discriminator, which may be a tuned circuit or a balanced detector of the conventional type [Ref. 22]. Such systems have been extensively analyzed by various investigators [e.g., Middleton, Ref. 2, and Loughlin, Ref. 23]. -fh -(f- -//- Vh^-ff- -If5fr SEL-65-056 J»HJI rLMr-jniv« rj« rtj» r»« rjt rjt rv» rji 68 -VJI r* FJI r J^ -v^rut ^J» rjm rji r.« "JI "_J rv» r As an illustration, consider a case of monotone frequency modulation where the normalized carrier frequency is 1 and the modulating frequency is approximately 0.5. Assume further that the deviation is ±50 percent. The limited spectral output is as shown in Fig. 10a. It is clear that in order to filter out the fundamental zone immediately prior to detection, as before, it would be preferable in this case to use a lowpass filter of bandwidth 2(Af + f ) = 2 [Refs. 24 and 25] . put will then be as shown in Fig. 10b. The filtered out- Because of the high selectivity of the lowpass filter, excessive phase distortions in the sidebands of the filtered output will occur. In addition, since the filtered output contains quite a few significant sidebands of the third-harmonic zone, an undesirable envelope structure will be present. The detected output may be computed using the techniques given in Refs. 24 and 26. In any case, since the amplitudes of the in-band third-harmonic lower sidebands are appreciable, the detected output will certainly have unacceptable spurious components. Hence, filtering the limited output is not desir- able in low-carrier wide-deviation systems. Since the spurious outputs usually limit the system performance, it has been necessary to define an "interference ratio" (see Sec. E). A complete analysis of such a demodulation scheme is covered in this chapter. The autocorrelation function and the power spectral density of the output process, as well as closed-form expressions for the interference ratio, are derived for the general case. The closed-form expressions are used to compute the spurious outputs which are within 2 db of the experimentally measured values. The specifications of some of the demodulators designed on the basis of this analysis are also presented. B. INPUT PROCESS 1. Assumption It is assumed that the limiter has a sufficiently wide bandwidth, which would imply that the output of the limiter can be considered to be For these systems, satisfactory performance may be obtained through detection by means of integrating a train of arbitrary but fixed, unidirectional pulses which are generated every time the limited wave passes through zero [Cady, Ref. 27]. - 69 - SEL-65-056 E0Z9T 0 Bf-TTO « — VII w S5 eoeoi TOU-O zsgro 0 OfrJ-O 0 96T00 0 Et-TO 0 ) ■0/ - rt — o- <H to to cd N - o o a u i #yl SS Q - S rH -H (H (ü +J •P iH Q Ä g s enT'o xndino aaHanu Ä eoEoto -i E0Z910- w O o o w EOBTT0 - 2.980'0 - H H « ö u N ■a 3 8 aH 5Ü o in GOEIT 0 96X00 B0Z9T 0 e^TTO c M N M s M M hj M !Z fe w Ü M H in TOt't-O EOEOI 0 CO ^ ta O o Ol-t'O 0 ZS9iO 1-1 rH w iz; O Ü N 96T00 TOM' 0 / EMO 0 ■" o 6MT0 xndino SEL-65-056 ijvu«r\'jinjknjviAfv^'L.^fv^rvAn^vi.^ivmi.'v L/WJV UVLWLTK co 70 - L/VLTK ^.r» LTW U'X vrw L.'« urw UTI J> U-* uin -> kH LT» - U » W^ _"« LTI -^ J-*» k >• k. ^ . switching between the normalized values of -1 to +1 with negligible rise and fall times. 2. This assumption is usually valid in all practical systems. FM Pulse Train If any FM signal is an input to the limiter, then the train of pulses generated by placing an arbitrary but fixed pulse at every crossover or at every p crossover (where p is any positive integer) of the limited signal is termed an "FM pulse train." An arbitrary but fixed pulse implies that the pulse shape, duration, amplitude, etc., may be arbitrarily chosen, but that once chosen, they remain invariant. The duration of the pulse is such that the suc- cessive pulses do not overlap at any instant. It may be noted that if and ±f at every f is the nominal-carrier frequency is the peak frequency deviation, then the FM train with a pulse p crossover has a pulse repetition rate of pulse deviation of 2f and c/P a ±2f/p. Conceptually, and in practice as well, one of the best ways to generate or analyze an FM train is indicated in the block diagram of Fig. 11. The system analyzed is described in the following sections. WIDEBAND x(t) y(t) LIMITER T® y(t)-y(t-T) ZERO MEMORY SQUARER y(t-T) FM PULSE TRAIN; NOTE: T MUST BE SMALL RECTANGULAR PULSE OF WIDTH T AT EVERY FIXED DELAY T COMPARED TO A PERIOD OF ZERO CROSSING UNMODULATED CARRIER FREQUENCY. ORIGINAL INFORMATION FIG. 11. at«»nvxv-*jTUi-*J.TUI *M*M*JI rJU^Jl/^vw^^ LOWPASS tin FILTER BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE SYSTEM ANALYZED. 71 SEL-65-056 a. Input Random Process, x(t) Since the results for phase modulation can be written down directly from the results of frequency modulation, it will suffice to analyze the FM case only. Hence the input random process is assumed to be any signal of the form x(t) = cos [a^ t + $ where x(t) + ^(t)] (3.1) is a process consisting of a sinusoidal waveform (of constant amplitude) whose phase is the sum of the random process random variable $ . If vlf(t) *(t) In the FM case, the derivative represents the original information, that is, H/' -Kt) ^ where g(t) and the is the original information, then this process represents phase modulation. process Kt) (3.2) g(0 d? is the original information. Define 1 c c f r (3.3) g(l) d? and A 02 ^(t - T) + $c + kf I f t-T g(|) di (3.4; and therefore x(t) = cos 6, 72 SEL-65-056 m'm.mKmM.-K.-m.Mmk.mnmiLm'rLM-r^M rtmr m r. ■ ^M *-Mr\M njm<mMT\ji "M njir-jg rj» "^i r»_ji *Ji *-m r.M fji rji rjt *J* ■. * r » r. n "_w r_M ^ JT r » .■•. _h " .M PJI :".»'"Jk^)»,Mk f «^.M* b. Square of the Limiter Output, 2/ s y [t] It can be shown that the output of the limiter A ^ (-1 y(t) is cos me y(t)=iy ^ (3.5) m =1 l odd Since the limiter has a large bandwidth, the rise and fall times are extremely small. hence y (t) The limiter output y(t) switches from -1 to +1 and has a constant value of 1 at all times. (m +m2-2)/2 (-1) cos m C ^-{$1 1 m =1 i odd Also, cos m2e2 m m i 2 m =1 2 odd (3.6) c. Pulse Train, z(t) The FM pulse train z(t) consists of a train of positive- going (or negative-going) rectangular pulses of constant height and of constant width y(t). T placed at every crossover of the limiter output process As shown in Fig. 11, the output of the limiter is delayed by a fixed amount, say T. The amount of delay T must be small compared with a period of the unmodulated carrier frequency. is subtracted from squarer. y(t) This delayed output and the result passed through a zero memory This gives the pulse train z(t), where z(t) = [y(t) - y(t - T)]2 = y2(t) + y2(t - T) - 2y(t) y(t - T) - 73 - SEL-65-056 Using Eq. (3.6) gives z(t) = 2[1 - y(t) y(t - T)] Hence the expression for pulse train C. z(t), EVALUATION OF [y(t) y(t - T)] (3.7) will give the expansion of the the modifications being of a trivial nature. [y(t) y(t - T)] Equation (3.7) clearly shows the necessity of evaluating [y(t) y(t - T)]. With Eqs. (3.l) - (3.5), it can be shown that (m +m ,, , y(t) y(t- ^ T) (4\ V ^ V I Z m =1 m =1 odd odd =(-) ' ^ <L^ y L* V1 m =1 odd odd \2 cos m^ cos m2e2 ^ (3.8a) ^ 2 = \n (-)/ 2"2)/2 i 2 (m1+m2-2)/2 ^ [cos («,(• v ll l mm + 2 + cos (m^ - m262)] =C0 where + C2+C4 + ... + C2p + ... C Expression for the The 0 0 Spectral Zone, (3.8b) (3.8c) represents the 2p spectral zone. 2p clear that the odd spectral zones do not exist. 1. mflj 22 From Eq. (3.8c) it is CQ spectral zone imposes the condition on the indices that m1 i m2 = 0 SEL-65-056 - 74 \yj*ymi\mnma\w*xm^*^i*rKMt%.mn*r\.m^njkT.%r\mnnü\w<r-iL^n^*s^*u\*fy itn R.-I M^ *."«. ^ *.*U R-UA k 4 W %^\\>\ r\ w T'/'.>' v* . ? - ndn.MP_Mr.M PJi "'^M r.« -JI r ^-^-r^r with m and in each being positive odd integers. Hence the only 1 2 contribution to this zone from the term cos (m^ - m^) is T1 °° 2 C0 = (I) I 1 ^^^ m m^l odd \r =5(7) 2 i ^l - e2) l 00 i /A\2 COS m / cos \ m i(ei " L e 9^ <3-9) ^- mT—^ 1 m =1 1 odd From Bromwich [Ref. 28, p. 371], 00 ^ cos 111. m,X COB A ^_, 17- ^-i r-1 cos m X „—22 1 —^'"» 1 , m1 - a m, a-K) 1 m^l m =1 n sin a = lim a->0 (i-*) 4a cos -5- X ^(f " ) 0 < X < jt (3.10) Hence C 0 2. = 1 " f (ei " e2) Expression for the 2pth The contributions to the as the total of the 0 < (ei " S) < Spectral Zone, 2pth cos (me, + »"g^) n {3 ll) - p ^ 0 spectral zone can be written down te™s and the cos i^-^ " "V^ terms. - 75 - SEL-65-05G . M-W i»W L-^ ( fWll-Wl'^lf^ ' fS* L^M '^"fc UV V^L-^' L^V Irt» IfVl ,^l_^i V.^ l^r*fl>\ WN a. The cos (m G.^ + m-B-) Terms These terms can be obtained by imposing the condition on the indices that m Since m and 1 and since m + m = 2p or m2 = 2p - n^ can each take on only positive odd integer values 2 p can take all positive integers greater than zero, only those values of m are acceptable which satisfy the condition 1 S n^ g (2p 1) The application of this condition gives the subtotal °o 2 c. 2p = /i\ \n/ i 2 C' as (m1+2p-m1-2)/2 Y Z. m ^l.odd ^ r /o m1(2p-m1) cos [me. + (2p - m )e ] 11 12 m2=(2p-m1) (4\ 2P 1 2 " y i W 2 Z. P /-1) - . cos [mfe., - ej + 2pe2] L v m1(m1 - 2p) l 1 2 2 (3.12) m =1 odd b. The cos (m101 - m^g) Terms These terms can be obtained by using the condition m i ~ Consider that n^ - m2 = 2p, that m the m p and m 2 = that is, ±2p m2 = n^ - 2p. Also by noting can have all odd integer values greater than zero and can only have positive nonzero integer values, it can be shown that SEL-65-056 JM«miMiMMBterviru»wiminrtttarstirujrwirv - 76 - ipjrmmtrvrvicv wvxvKVKvr^X'vr'iÄ'^xin.J^v Hi i »1W.T«_^ ».TV «-«.^w ^v ." *.' «_«i ^ J TV>.K"«iv (2p + 1) S m1 Therefore [m1+(mi-2p)-2]/2 2 = (!) \ 2p 1 (-1) cos [m101 - (m1 - 2p)e2] m m 2 l( l- p^ m =2p+l ,odd m. =(m1-2p) /4\2i \nl 2 V /L {-i)\ m1(m1 - 2p) cos [ (e lv 1 e2) + (3.13) 2Pe2] m =2p+l all odd Now consider (m - m ) = -2p, which implies m2 = (m1 + 2p). Imposing the following conditions, p ä 0, m1 ? 1 all odd values m2 äl J gives 1 S m < oo oo 2 pin C 2p = (1^ \n/ which contributes i 2 y Z- C"1 as [m1+(m1+2p)-2]/2 i^ / 0 v m1(m1 + 2p) cos [m101 - (m 111 + 2p)o ] 2 m =1 i odd -{tf\l TmMU^TUKBMJüUVUViNVJI.rjl^^^^ /-')p , cos ^{m^ + 2p) [m1(e1 fi 2) 2pe2] (3.14a) m =1 odd 77 SEL-65-056 ' {■ l.C/",/?>.V.V 2 = (i) \n/ D i 2 -—, w^"1js——T cos [-iWe. - G„) - 2pe^] L (-m|)[(-m^) + 2p] lv 1 2' 2 V Z^ -mJ=l odd = (;) 5 1 ^T1^ 3 [B cos [m'(e, ^-2,)\ '° i(ei -- 0e„) 2' n + 2p0o] ^a' (3.14b) m|=-l odd Hence C„ = Cl + C" + C"' 2p 2p 2p 2p 2 00 = (!) I I vi;1^) - [^(e, - o2) . 2pe2] (3,i5a) odd /1\2 I Xzli! \J 2 2p V Z fcos [m1(e1 - e2) 1 m1-2p + 2pe2] ^ cos [m^G^e^^pe^' " nij^ m =-oo odd (3.15b) Further cos [(m1(e1 - o2) + 2pe2] m - 2p ~ ZJ m =-oo m =-0^ m^=-<x> odd odd SEL-65-056 cos [(m1 - 2p)(e1 - e2) + 2pG1] m l ~ 2p - 78 wmamu>wamLi»Tmj*suvu<jUKM.nKr*JirjK-JtrJLn*n*rL»rsM.ri* 'MrjLKX njK\* OMi »J« Mt»J» ?U"^> r>'^ r > rj< ■"Ji'r>r^'J>r^r>>jt W>^^>^-"*•_,■>>■> .'>>>J ',<3.'' cos (nij^ - 2p)(G1 - e2) {2p ) Y/ = cos v-pr, h/ 01^2? m =-oo odd ~ sin {2ph1) sin (m1 -2p)(( ^ 1 -f 2) - o m m 1 -2p m =-oo It is obvious that ^ co^_ne = cos 0(1 _ ^ + cos 3(, (1 _ 1) n=-oo( odd = 0 and, by Ref. 28, V Z n=-oo odd sin nß n -i n=l odd i 0 < G < n (3.16) Hence V > A cos f(m1=—= (ei - S) m, - 2p + 2pe ] 2 • o2p(f = - -" sin K in 2 1 0 < ( < n (3.17; m =-oo odd 79 - SEL-65-056 L -n L i« \j~a v* \j-m -Lnm k/w w* -Ti l_Ti U"» b-'W u * Also, proceeding on similar lines, cos O (e. - ej + 2pe_] 1 = - ^r sin 2pe r o 2 2 m. 0 < 9 < n (3.18) odd Substituting the results of Eqs. (3.17) and (3.18) in Eq. (3.15b) gives C 2p = n [sin 2p 2pe 2 ' Sin 2pe ] i 0 < (ei - e2) < n (3.19a) = - 1 (-i)p sm p(e, - e_) cos p(e <- e ) ^ ? i ?- p ^ 0 (3.19b) Equations (3.8c), (3.1l), and (3.19b) give ~ (-i)p sin p(e - e ) cos p(e +e ) ^ ^ y(t) y(t.T) = [l-f (6,-63)] - 1 ^ p=l r T 9 0 < (e D. - e2) < n (3.20) OUTPUT PROCESS 1. Expansion of z(t) The expansion of the FM pulse train can be rewritten by substituting the result of Eq. (3.20) in Eq. (3.7), which gives 4 z(t) = " (e! - e2) + " (-i)p sm 2 - 2 P(e1 - e2) cos P(e1 + e2) JT P=I SEL-65-056 IM « MM a M - 80 •^RMRb.sMRVHb ^ "w « ■« w ^ »t M ir-^ wuitw ^y«%«wir'«WtaHM^y>«^w"l."k^^^«"Ä«M»,jdn*Twnw,l»fl«^k." *."' M.1 »Cl »_« k^. VI njA 1^1 f (-l)P sin p(G1 - e2) cos p(G1 + Gg) 4 (e, - e2) + 2 ^ 4 P sin 2pe. sin 2pei 1 (3.21) jt p=l where = total phase of the input process x(t) at time t = total phase of the input process x(t) at time (t - T) It may be noted that ) X - G A (3.22) = ü) T + [4f(t) - ^(t - T)] C G1 + G2 = 2 [ü)C (3, 23) (t - |) + *c] + [Ht) + ^(t - T)] where \|/(t) = information for phase modulation i(t) = information for frequency modulation It may be added that all the expressions derived above are valid for those cases where x(t) is subjected to hard limiting with wideband limiters. ;*. Autocorrelation Function Thr derivation of the autocoirelation function, which is quite involved, is shown in Appendix B. The final result is contained in Eq. (B.19): R (t^1) = B z + ^) = (!)2 {f/ + 2VT) - [vr + T) + VT -T)] " ^ " ^ P=l i^-00 . 2 2J^(2pß) sin^ (2pc.c _S ^__E nc.m) ^ E_i cos (2i^c + /l na.m)vj (B.19) 81 •xi«ir«:inafiinimmiu^vxKTty^irRv^^nyi«^7UflU(XrfK^7iJ(»i^ + SEL-65-056 3. Power Spectra] Density The expressions for the power spectral density of the output process are developed assuming rectangular pulse trains, arbitrarily shaped pulse trains, and power spectral density with no modulation. a. Rectangular Pulses In the case of rectangular pulse trains it is easily seen that ^H±)2ty8(t).461„2f s^) 00 00 Z Z p=l n=-oo 2/ \ 2J (2pß) 2— Sin [(2^c + na) ) m 2} 8[f - (2pf + (2pf 1 v L v r "c + nf m')]J + 6[f c + nf m')]J 4 /[-} W<a. V*^ cT6(f) oo oo + 2, & f f /.R2 sm ■ 2 ^\ (2ß -} ( - m) > 2J (2pß) sin 2 / I S^ p=l b. p n=-oo &[f - (2pf L v c (2pa3 (3.24a] + & f + f ( m) \ T + naj ) - 2 + nf y)]J + 5[f + (2pf + nf )' m c m' (3.24b; Arbitrarily Shaped Pulses For arbitrarily shaped pulse trains it is better to cast the expression for S (f) into a more transparent form as follows: SEL-65-05G rx-wi-MMH tjvv.'v us vawit M* ■ ma r J* na - 82 ."M r.j» r ■ r_» f_M p.* rji A^« rji rjt r j» •\j> rji ^JI rjir J r-» ■_« -•_« r_» rj -^» -VJI • Sz(f) = (^) <(2fcT)2 n2 5(f) 00 U + 00 I I p=l 2J n(2pß) sin2 nfT n=-ot —2 p 2X2" nfT 2(9 f n (2pf c + f .2 "'m) T 2 S[f - (2pfc + nfm)] + S[f + (2pfc + nfm)] (3.25a; 2 (4) 2 <;(2fcT) CO 00 I 1 p-l 2 2 &(f) + 2ß f 2 (T sine fl) &(f - f ) + 5(f + f ) ^ 2(2pf^ + nf )2 J2(2pß) 5 2 2 (T sine fT)2 n=-oo &[f - (2pfc + nfj] + 5[f + (2pfc + nfm)] (3.25b: ,2 = (4r (T sine fT)^ < (2f ) 00 00 1 1 p=l 2(2pf v r c „ „ 2„2 6(f) + 2ß f 5(f - f y) + 5(f + f ; v v m m' + nf )2 J2v(2pß) m' n n=-o< &[f - (2pfc + nfm)] + 6[f + (2pfc + nfm)] (3.25e) - 83 SEL-65-056 rTMi^jB»^iv^T5^iijinj«ut-><jrrjciVK!»jfnj'^»"-»'\»i'j>f._M Vii>_»<fi-»n_Kf"jirj« nj< PL» rj rJ«fji rj» ">> r\A'J< rj* rji 'J- ".- '* 'J> '>">'> V "J« ">TJH "> \j< V« "> ' Also, Jrllt) -> T sine fT Hence R (T) = (4)2 JrUt) * jTl(t) * CW 00 *1 1 p=l 2(2pf x c (2f )2 + 2ß2f2 cos a) T c m m + nf )2 J2(2pß) m n cos (2pü3 c + no) )T m n=-o (3.26) Let p(t) be any arbitrarily shaped pulse with P(f) as its transform, and whose width is such that no overlapping of the successive pulses occurs. Then for such ," pulse train S (f) z 2 ? ) 2 S2(f) = (4)2 [P(f)]2 /(2fc)2 6(f) 00 00 1 1 p=l 2(2pf v ^ c + becomes 2 2 2ß2f2 &(f " f ) m + ^ &(f + f m' ^ + nf )2 J2x(2pß) m' n n=-o &[f - (2pf + v(2pf )] \ »- c + nf m/)]J + &[f L ^ c + nf m^ (3.27) which gives the power spectral density for a train having arbitrarily but fixed shaped pulses at every zero crossing. c. Output Spectra with No Modulation, ß = 0 It can easily be shown from Eq. (3.25b) that the spectral power density with no modulation i- SEL-65-056 84 " s2(f) 2 = (4) 2 (2fcT) &(f-2pfc) 5(f) + ^ no mod 2 sinc (2PfcT) + 8(f + 2pfc) 2 p=l (3.28) The above result can easily be derived in a simpler way by noting that the output with no modulation consists of a pulse train of random phase, the repetition rate being 4. 2f and each pulse being J TL(t). Output Voltage Vs Frequency Characteristic It is convenient to express the sensitivity of the system shown in Fig. 11 in terms of the dc output voltage for S (f) z quency f Vdc. From the expression it is easy to show that the rms voltage output at any freis ßV. dC /i f \ sinc f T f m / m (3.29) The linearity of such a system is therefore excellent. E. INTERMODULATION PRODUCTS From the power spectral density of z(t), it is seen that the inter- modulation products can be tagged by two indices, IM(p,n) 1. The intermodulation product p IM(p,n) belongs to the The order of the intermodulation product -«> to n Hence p spectral can have all integer +oo. The frequency of the intermodulation product + nf ). cm When the power in the wanted information is IM(p,n) (2pf 4. n. assuming all positive integer values. values from 3. and would imply the following: zone, 2. p then the power in the intermodulation product 2J2 (2pß) sin n (2puj E + m) -z E?—£ 2 [2fä is 2 sin IM(p,n) (a^T/2)], is (3.30) 2 p _ 85 - SEL-65-056 Since the power in IM(p,n) is at a frequency of is possible for certain values of IM(p,n) out. p (2pf and negative values of + nf ), n it that will lie in the wanted spectrum and hence cannot be filtered This intermodulation product appears in the output as an inter- ference at a frequency which is not harmonically related to the information frequency and is therefore sometimes referred to as a "spurious output." In such cases, it is more convenient and meaningful to define a ratio, termed the "interference ratio," or IR(p,n). 1. Interference Ratio, IR(p,n) The interference ratio IM(p,n) IR(p,n) is defined as the power in when the power in the wanted information is normalized to 1. Hence IR(p,n) = interference at frequency (2pf + nf ) -i2 J n (2pß) v / sin (2pu) v c + no) ) nr 2 (3.31) üj T pß sin m which can also be expressed in decibels. Almost all existing wideband FM systems have operating parameters such that the values of T/2 and (2puj + no) )(T/2) are extremely m ' cm' small and the sines may be replaced by their arguments. This simplifiCD cation gives |jj2pß) IR(p.n) = "pß J = 20 log 10 |n|(2p^ Pß db (3.32) 86 SEL-65-056 vumA/uwuwvmuwwLmvnrLrtfuwimuvv.iiLntu'^ii.'xi.-M + n L/Wuvim wwuv tr« t/» ur« u-w v« ijn v.-^ JKU-» «>«)•» ikf y •»•?"«« i. "»^^ "_«'.«. ',« "_»-■'_» "_» -jt' provided n f ^0, ß^O, pe (l,oo), has a negative integer value in The output z(t) and n ^ 0. It may be noted that IR(p,n). is filtered to recover the original information. Let the output of the final lowpass filter be B. . modulation components which satisfy the condition Hence all the inter(2pf + nf ) > B. are filterable and are therefore of no consequence as far as the overall system performance is concerned. The strongest interference usually occurs for the highest negative value of n (2f that is, n c p = 1, and for which satisfies the condition + nf ) nr ^P is the integer which satisfies 2f c - B0 jjp f m Since the highest negative value of (3.33) n will occur for the highest in-band frequency, the worst interference will be for that obtained when a frequency f (2f v m c is replaced by + nf ), m B n which is The worst interference occurs at £p- and has a ratio J|n|(2ß) IRU.n) = 20 log + n 10 db (3.34) m/ where A Af ß = modulation index = ± — m Usually a ±k percent system implies that . f k c 100 f 0.01 k I— \ my 87 (3.35) SEL-65-056 Therefoj IR(l.n)=20 1ogl / Ji |[0.02 k (f li )] I I oi ^ db (3.36] It may be noted further that only the first-order interference components need be computed, since in most of the wideband FM systems the total contributions due to higher order components amount to less than 10 percent of the first-order term, 2. Pulse Shape and Interference Ratio In computing the first-order effects, the interference ratio is calculated at a point where the equality f + nf ) is satisfied. cm Hence the interference ratio is essentially unaffected by the shape of m = (2pf the pulses. F. RESULTS 1. Theoretical and Experimental Results In order to be able to select optimum system parameters, given a set of specifications, Eqs. (3.3l) - (3.36) are used to compute: the interference ratios in Table 8 and the curves of Figs. 12 and 13. 1. Table 8 shows the interference ratio in decibels for various deviations. The information bandwidth is assumed to be 0 to 1, while the nominal-carrier frequency is set at 2. ratios IR(l,-3), IR(l,-5), IR(l,-7), cause spurious outputs at frequencies and The interference IR(l,-ll), which 1, 2/3, l/2, and l/3, are shown in the table. 2. The curves of Fig. 12 show graphically the relationship between the interference ratio and the deviation when the ratio of the nominalcarrier frequency to the information bandwidth is 2, 3. The curves of Fig. 13 show the behavior of spurious output vs carrier frequency at constant deviation SEL-65-056 - 88 TABLE 8. INTERFERENCE RATIOS FOR VARIOUS DEVIATIONS AND BANDWIDTHS Normalized information bandwidth, BW = 1 Normalized nominal carrier frequency, f /BW = 2 (All values in minus decibels) System Deviation (±k« IR(l,-ll) f/BW = 1/3 IR(l,-7) f/BW = 1/2 0 IRU.-B) IR(l,-5) f/BW = 2/3 f/BW = 1 -- — — 10 — — 83.6 43.6 12.5 — 108.0 — — 20 — — 59.9 31.8 25 — 75.1 52.4 28.2 30 — — 46.4 25.2 37.5 — 55.4 — — 40 — — 37.4 20.9 42 77.1 — — — 50 — 42.4 30.9 17.8 Note: Values not indicated were either negligibly small or not computed. The experimentally measured results, which are also shown on Figs. 12 and 13, are in close agreement with the computed values. For example, spurious output measurements which were made for various deviations and for nominal-carrier and input frequencies were, in every case, within 2 db of the theoretically computed values. A typical example of these experimental measurements is reproduced below from data obtained on 6 November 1964: Conditions Nominal-carrier frequency: 900 kc Deviation: +40 percent Test gear: FM multivibrator modulator ] FM pulse train demodulator prototypes Spectrum analyzer 89 - SEL-65-056 SYSTEM DEVIATION tk 20 30 40 ■y T 10 T 50 -r- A EXPERIMENTAL O THEORETICAL -20 g-40 - -60 - -80 - 100 - -120 FIG. 12. CURVES SHOWING THE INTERFERENCE RATIO VS DEVIATION FOR FIXED t It =2. c' mm NOMINAL-CARRIER FREQUENCY (normaiiztd) 0 -100 |- 2 ^p A 3 */p flrp W/p ^/p EXPERIMENTAL O THEDRETICAL -120 4 -(/- J L FIG. 13. CURVES SHOWING SPURIOUS OUTPUT BEHAVIOR VS CARRIER FREQUENCY AT CONSTANT DEVIATION, SEL-65-056 - 90 - In Table 9 the computed and measured values for various IR(p,n) are compared. TABLE 9. COMPARISON OF COMPUTED AND MEASURED VALUES FOR VARIOUS IR(p,n) Input (kc) IR(p,n) Frequency (kc) Computed Value (db) Measured Value (db) 500 IR(l.-3) 300 -26.8 -29 IR(l,-4) 200* -37.8 -38 lR(l,-5) 200* -52.5 -53 550 -25.1 -27 IR(l,-6) 300 -42.4 -40 IR(l,-7) 50 -71.3 — IR(1,-14) 400 -69.8 — IRCl.-lS) 300 -- —_ 400 250 100 The input frequency had to be rocked slightly to distinguish between these two components. The linearity and dc drift measurements were made on a typical FM pulse train demodulator with a nominal-carrier frequency of 900 kc and a deviation of ±40 percent. The test gear used was a five-place digital voltmeter, a frequency counter, and a PM prototype demodulator. It was found that the maximum deviation from best straight line through zero was better than ±0.1 percent and that the dc drift was better than 0.01 percent per degree Centigrade. 2. Advantages over Conventional Detectors As far as low carriers and wide-deviation FM systems are con- cerned, this demodulation technique affords a better way to recover original information than the conventional FM discriminators or ratio detectors. The conventional detectors having a maximum deviation from linearity of less than +1 percent to over ±50 percent of the center carrier frequency are extremely difficult to realize [see Ref. 24, p. 494; Ref. 29, p. 1104; and Ref. 30, p. 214]. - 91 - SEL-65-056 1. FM pulse train demodulators represent at least an order-of-magnitude improvement in the linearity of frequency vs output voltage. 2. This technique results in a device having excellent dc drift characteristics. 3. It is cheaper and easy to implement. 4. Since the i-f filtering before detection leaves lower sidebands of the third harmonic of the carrier frequency (resulting in amplitudemodulation), the interference is too severe to permit satisfactory operation of the wideband FM discriminator. 5. The .v^'idpass filter must be quite sharp and yet must have excellent envelope delay characteristics, which make the filtering after limiting (prior to detection) undesirable. These advantages have resulted in the production of FM demodulators having th*" iollowing specifications: Maximum Deviation from Linearity Center Carrier Frequency f Deviation (±^of fc) 1 to 1800 kc going up in octaves 40 dc to 1 Mc depending on f c 0.01 7 Mc 30 dc to 5 Mc -- 1 15 Mc 30 dc to 10 Mc — 1 SEL-65-056 Information Bandwidth 92 - DC Drift (fo/°C) (±« 0.1 IV. A. REDUCTION OF SPURIOUS OUTPUTS IN LOW-CARRIER, WIDE-DEVIATION, WIDE-BANDWIDTH FM SYSTEMS FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM In many systems and practically all electromagnetic recorders, the channel has a bandwidth from a few hundred cycles to a few megacycles. In most cases the information has a bandwidth down to dc and therefore some form of a modulation scheme is required. The bandwidth of the chan- nel, the modulation scheme, the tolerable strengths of extraneous outputs, and the signal-to-noise ratio are some of the factors which determine the bandwidth of the information that can be recorded. Frequently vestigial FM recording is used in order to record information of much larger bandwidths than is possible with conventional FM. vestigial FM recording is shown in Fig. 14. The spectrum of a typical A high modulation index is needed in order to obtain an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio. MAXIMUM EXCURSION OF -NOMINAL-CARRIER FREQUENCY? BANDWIDTH OF CHANNEL FIG. 14. TYPICAL BANDWIDTH OF CHANNEL, USING VESTIGIAL FREQUENCY MODULATIONS. In the frequency-modulation case, some relations between the bandwidth of the modulated wave and the frequency deviation are given by Harris [Ref. 31] and Abramson [Ref. 32]. It is assumed in the analysis by Harris and also by Abramson that the input is a narrowband random process. This is shown in Fig. 15. In the systems analyzed in this chapter, the narrowband assumption is not valid. p. 97. A typical spectrum of a wideband system is shown In Fig. 17, The spectrum centered at f partially overlaps the spectrum 93 - SEL-65-056 g(t) FREQUENCY MODULATOR y(t) f h » fm.n Q(f) -(f- -fh Sy(f) centered at FIG. 15. MODULATED SPECTRUM WHEN -f as a result of the nominal-carrier frequency being comparable to the information bandwidth. f.. » f h ymm Because of this partial over- lapping, "aliasing" occurs and outputs appear in the demodulated information which cannot be attributed to a harmonic distortion of the input information. These so-called "suprious outputs" vanish under certain obvious conditions which, however, are unacceptable for the reasons indicated below: Condition Reason for Nonacceptance Sufficiently high nominal-carrier frequency so that overlapping of the spectra does not occur. Because of transducer electromagnetic limitations. 2. Reduced information bandwidth. Makes the channel uneconomical. 3. Reduced deviation. Results in rapid deterioration of signal-to-noise ratio. Wang and Wade [Ref. 33] discuss this phenomenon in connection with superregenerative parametric amplifiers. SEL-65-056 94 The analysis of this chapter is devoted to finding acceptable methods, if there by any, for reducing the strengths of the spurious outputs. B. ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM It is assumed that the information where f g(t) (-fmm.*„„„)' has a bandwidth denotes the maximum frequency present in the information, nun Define Ht) = ■/' g(l) d| If f,. is the nominal-carrier frequency of a frequency-modulated wave h y(t), and f, » f , then after normalizing the amplitude to 1, h mm y(t) = cos It can easily be shown that if [üJ t + "fjj + ^(t)] t(t) (4.1) is a gaussian random process with a finite mean square value [Ref. 32], R where R (T) density of (T) = i exp [-R^O)] exp is the autocorrelation function of y(t) (4.2) [R^(T)] COS üJ^ y(t). The power spectral is (see Fig. 15), S (f) = \ exp [^^(0)] n{exp i^)]] * [S(f - fh) + 5(f where the Fourier transform of T RJ.( ) + fj] (4.3) is Joo exp [KJl)] exp (-icox) dx uo Although the information seen from (4.3). g(t) is bandlimited to Fig. 15 that the bandwidth of S (f) f ■ it can be is given by expression In the following discussion it is assumed that - 95 - lfmml' S (f) exists in SEL-65-056 a band 2f centered at ±f. and is practically zero elsewhere, ynun n Usually f„ymm mm > f mm . If the conditions in Fig. 15 exist, that is, fh » f „„j,. then demodulation by any standard technique will result in the recovery of the information If y(t) ereater than 0 g(t) without spurious outputs. is now translated down to another frequency, say f^ is f as shown in Fig. 16, the original message can still ynun be recovered without any spurious outputs. This is evident from the fact that if one reverts back to the original carrier frequency translation, as shown in Fig. 16, one obtains y(t) exactly. whole process is "reversible." y(t) MULTIPLIER X CO« BANDPASS FILTER BAND CENTER fj BANDWIDTH 2f,imm I«t) BANDPASS FILTER BAND CENTER fh BANDWIDTH 2f,ymm ylf) [(«V «„.)»] -^iL. MULTIPLIER X C0 «hh-Wh,),l FIG. 16. SEL-65-056 MODULATED SPECTRUM WHEN - 96 f'h § f ymm fh by Hence th6 The case where less than y(t) is translated down to a carrier frequency f f is shown in Fig. 17. This condition is usually preymm valent in wideband FM recorders. Partial overlapping of the positive and negative spectra occurs and spurious outputs result. The shape of the spectrum of S (f) is different from S (f); and given such a z(t), z y one cannot revert back to y(t) by translation. The process is therefore "irreversible." C. INTERRELATIONSHIPS OF SPURIOUS OUTPUTS If one demodulates f , c z(t) f and f,, Up FOR FILTERABLE and passes the output through a lowpass filter to recover the message y(t) ymm y g(t), MULTIPLIER a portion of the spurious outputs LOWPASS FILTER z(t) X COS K-«.»♦] $,(« ■rVK'ymm REGION OF "ALIASING" f £ Wc 8,(0 FIG. 17. MODULATED SPECTRUM WHEN fc < fymm ALIASING). As a result of aliasing, y(t) be recovered from z(t). The dotted lines lower figure indicate the shape of S (f) y Sit) for f > f . z c ymm - 97 - (SHOWS cannot in the and all SEL-65-056 generated due to the aliasing phenomenon is filterable (Fig. 18). more specific, specifi if the lowpass filter has a bandwidth of f, , To be then from Fig. 17 and ■£P [f c minimum distortion occurs in filterable. (2f f Hence if ), ymm' g(t) - (f f )] = 2f c'■' c ymm g(t) (4.4; ymm since the spurious outputs are is bandlimited to frequencies less than good demodulation is possible, 2(0 »EMOOULATOR FIG. 18. g(t) LOWPASS FILTER fs|ffp| LOWPASS FILTERED OUTPUT. In the frequency-modulation case, the spectrum theoretically has an infinite bandwidth. In all practical systems, however, nificant over a small frequency interval. S (f) All components of is sigS (f) out- side this interval may be vary much below the signal-to-noise ratio of the system, which sets a criterion in estimating f from Eq. (4.4). ' ymm To illustrate the application of the result, consider a simple case of monotone modulation. of information f mm If the modulation index is such that onlyJ p ß for the maximum frequency lower sidebands are signifi- cantly different from zero, then for the case of no spurious outputs in the filtered output due to aliasing, mm D. (2f that is. pf mm mm (rh) (4.5) REDUCTION OF SPURIOUS OUTPUTS Since the bandwidth of the channel is less than f ymm can do for minimization of spurious components is to make Fig. 17 coincide with S (f) S (f) in throughout the entire bandwidth of the channel, as shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 17. This approximation can be done by appropriate filtering or phasing techniques. SEL-65-056 the best one 98 - 1. Filtering Technique It is clear that the filtering should be performed when the conditions in Fig. 15 prevail. The bandpass filter must have an approxi- mately constant group delay characteristic close to the first null. slope of the filter depends upon ß, f 111 III , f , K*r f. , XL The the modulation index the signal-to-noise ratio of the system, and the rate of cutoff of the final lowpass filter at the output of the receiver. Bessel function tables and a reasonably low value of With a set of fh, the system parameters can be chosen so as to result in filters that are realistic and Inexpensive. The complete system which implements the filtering technique is shown in Figs. 19 and 20. 2. Phasing Technique The block diagram which Implements the phasing technique is shown in Fig. 21. The modulator of Fig. 21a and the demodulator of Fig. 21b have both resulted from the following theoretical analysis: y(t) = cos [üü t + * + t(t)] = cos ((Jü t + <t> ) [cos t(t)] - sin (ou t + u^) [sin t(t)] Taking Fourier transforms, Y(f) = 1* ■Kt —- 5(f - f /) + x 2 c —— 5(f + f ) 2 c' * c'3{cos t(t)] ■1* i<t> c ^r- 5(f - f /) v 21 c —— 5(f + f ) v 21 c' * n(sin t(t)} (4.6; Define c f = ,'Hcos ^(t)] * s(f + fc; - 99 (4.7£ SEL-65-056 FREQUENCY MODULATOR NOMINAL CARRIER g(t) J^IU BANDPASS MULTIPLIER LOWPASS X FILTER FILTER "«'h-'e' RECORD i(t) »h-»c» -ff- -ff- FIG. 19. BLOCK DIAGRAM AND SPECTRA OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM USING THE FILTERING TECHNIQUE. BALANCED 2(t) MODULATOR FILTER LIMITER AND OUTPUT DISCRIMINATOR FILTER INFORMATK» cos 2irfdt (^ ARBITRARY) FIG. 20. SEL-65-056 DEMODULATION PROCESS USING THE FILTERING TECHNIQUE, - 100 FM ot f. FREQUENCY Jill MODULATOR - MULTIPLIER X LOWPASS FILTER / (OS MODULATED vi/ OUTPUT |iin[(a.h-«e HILBERT TRANSFORMER LOWPASS FILTER MULTIPLIER X a. Modulation BALANCED MODULATOR 1 cos <«i'h t MODULATED OUTPUT ,ln^ * HILBERT BALANCED TRANS» :ORMER MODULATOR b. FIG. 21. LIMITER and DISCRIMINATOR LOWPASS git) FILTER Demodulation BLOCK DIAGRAMS OF THE PHASING TECHNIQUE. C f = ;3{cos ^(t)J * 8(f - f) (4.7b) = cr3{sin ^(t)] * &(f + fc) (4.7c) = n{sin \lf(t)] * &(f - f ) (4.7d) c S_f c S +1 c c [F(f)]+ ^F(f) \ [1 + sgn f] = F(f) for all f < 0 0 for all f > 0 - 101 - (4.8) SEL-65-056 [F(f)]_ ^F(f) i [1 - sgn f] = F(f) for all f < 0 = 0 for all f > 0 (4.9) Hence i« if ■i<t) Y(f)=Vc+f c ids +± J:c i +£ 2rIs-f c -f c -hr^t c (4-10) also define r(t) = sin 10 R(f) = B f ( ■ [Cü c -i^ c 2i * 3{cos \lf(t)J -10 fc) + -10 c « +f (4.11) c c) ^T £_!S(f . 10 + \lr(t)] c f 10 « t + $ c 2i £_! 5(f + fc) 10 c „ C Defining the Hilbert transform of -f + c x(t) * 3{sin \lf(t)j -10 c 2 c b as +f + -f Joo uo 102 c x(t), x(t) = Cauchy's principal value of SEL-65-056 (4.12) S 2 c t ill ds (4.13) Using the relation F(f) = [F(f)]+ and subtracting Y(f) - R(f) 2 R(f) from e 'C C 2 \ +f / \ c/+ Y(f) + [F(f)]_ (4.14) gives \ c/ (4.15) A comparison of the above equation with Eq. (4.10) for shows that the wanted output is precisely Y(f) - R(f) Y(f) since the inter- fering portions of the positive and negative spectra nullified each other. The block diagram of the modulator based on this analysis is shown in Fig. 21a. To recover the message, the systems shown in Fig. 19 or Fig. 21b can be used. It may be added that Hilbert transformers can be approximated to a desired accuracy over a wide frequency interval by several methods, e.g., an active network, a passive network, or a tapped-delay-line realization. Detailed explanations of these methods are contained in Refs. 34 through 39. The phasing method with modifications can be used to develop complete systems using SSB-FM, SSB-PM or SSB-Hybrid modulation. Some experimental results on SSB-FM are contained in Ref. 39. The analysis presented in this chapter has resulted in techniques which suppress the spurious outputs that result from the interaction of the positive and negative spectra when the nominal-carrier frequency is - 103 - SEL-65-056 sufficiently lowered. Block diagrams of the proposed systems are pre- sented in Figs. 20, 21a, and 21b. Although the solutions are equally effective, for reasons of economy the two systems shown in Figs. 20 and 21a would be preferable. SEL-65-056 - 104 V. CONCLUDING DISCUSSION An analysis, together with experimental verification of the theoretical results, has been presented which allows the computation of the strength in any output component and the "distortion" (i.e., the sum of the power in all the intermodulation components in the first-harmonic band) when many signals in noise are subjected to hard limiting. Typical situations in which these results have proved to be most useful are as follows: 1. When several modulated or unmodulated carriers are subjected to hard limiting--a problem of common occurrence in a satellite comraunioation System ur in radar problems involving multiple echoes. 2. When a frequency-modulated signal, after being passed through a channel having arbitrary output vs frequency characteristics, is subjected to hard limiting. 3. This study may be used by various organization, such as NASA's Inter-Range Instrumentation Group (iRIG), for drawing up specifications for various frequency-modulated instrumentation systems. For the general case, expressions are developed which give the signalsuppression effect, the output signal power distribution, and the power in the various crossproducts due to hard limiting. A few results that are well known for the cases of one signal in noise and two signals in noise are shown to be valid for the general case. It is also shown that the behavior on hard limiting of the manysignals-in-noise case approaches that of the one-strong-signal-in-noise case if the strong signal power is much greater than the sum of the power in all the remaining weak signals and noise. It should be stressed that the power in each of the weak signals or noise need not be equal for the above approximation to be valid. Further, the case of hard limiting of many signals in noise is reducible to that of two signals in noise if the power in each of the two signals is much greater than the sum of the power in the remaining weak signals and noise. The approximation is valid for any arbitrary weak signal and noise power distribution since it is the - 105 - SEL-65-056 sum of the power in them that is of consequence. Also the case of signals in noise can be approximated as the case of (p + l) p signals without noise, as far as the behavior due to limiting is concerned. Further, the output power in the various components of the limited signal is relatively independent of the input strong-signal-to-noise ratios, for ratios larger than 10 db. For the case of p equal signals (with and without noise), the results of hard limiting for a large range of p are presented. Some of the contributions of this research are listed below: 1. A means of predicting the approximate behavior on hard limiting of many signals and noise has been developed. 2. Approximate expressions for the power in the various output signal and nrossproduct components for any given. p, derived analytically are These expressions give results which are very close to those obtained through extensive digital computer computations, the error in most cases being negligible. 3. The judicious selection is permitted of frequency spacings of several modulated carriers so as to minimize the distortion over any frequency band due to hard limiting. 4. The strength of the interfering components present at the output of an FM system, accomplishing demodulation by hard limiting followed by integrating an FM pulse train with arbitrary pulses at every p crossover, can be easily evaluated by the results con- tained in this report. 5. The phenomenon of "aliasing," is analyzed, the optimum selection of operating parameters is permitted, and systems are proposed which minimize such distortion. SEL-65-056 - 106 APPENDIX A. USEFUL INTEGRALS OF BESSEL FUNCTIONS Recently much work has been done in the evaluation of integrals involving Bessel functions and products of Bessel functions. Some of the important references and pertinent equations are given below. r 2 2 u-11 f exp (-pV) t^ JQ (a/2p/r(^) X —^-+- J V (at) dt = 2pM r (v + i) 2 / 2 V exp (-a /4P) {*/2P) r(^) 2p^ r (v + i; lFl(^+1; ... ^ (A.l) with the conditions R(fi + v) > 0, R(p ) > 0 For tables of the confluent hypergeometric function, jF refer to Slater [Ref. 12]. Ä t 'o | (a/2pAb/2Pr T ^+V+2K+l) exp (-pV) J (at) J (bt) dt = ■ A+1 P - Z k=0 - 107 - r (n + i) r (v (-)k(a/2P)2k(^ + i) V+ A+ 2 ^ k:((i + i),'k SEL-65-056 . 2F1 U.-M-k; ^ + ^ \j (A.2) with the conditions R(p2) > o R(n + v + A) > -1, where (a) is the generalized factorial function defined as [Ref. 13] n (cOn = H («+ k - i) k=l = a(a + 1)(a + 2) ... (a + n - 1) nil (A.3) and (a)0 =1 a ^ o The following Weber-Schafheitlin type integrals are treated in great detail in many references [see for example Watson, Ref. 11] V A 1 A+1 (b/a) r00 .AA ^/aJ (a/2) ^i*! - iF i(^-2— ) t J (at) J (bt) dt = ; : 77^0 v> ' v^ > 2r (v + i) r (^- v - A+ ^ 2*1 y 2 ' 2 ' v +1 ' ^J (A.4a) with the conditions R(|i + v - A + 1) > 0, SEL-65-056 R(A) > -1, - 108 - 0 < b < a (a/b)V(b/2)Ä-1r(^+ Ä t' J (at) J (bt) dt = V -A+1) 2r (v+ 1)r(^-^Ai_l) (A.4b: with the conditions R(li + v - A + l) > 0, R(A) > -1, 0 < a < b Note that (A.4a) and (A.4b) are not continuous at a = b (a^"1 r(A) r (^+ t"A J (at) J (bt) dt = 2r •'n /v-^ + A+l\ r v and that - /v + |a + A+l\ p Ä+ ^ /M. - v + A+ 1\ (A.5) with the conditions R(n + v + l) > R(A) > 0, a > 0 For integrals involving the product of more than two Bessel functions, it is possible to expand the other Bessel functions in powers of to use expressions (A.4b) or (A.l). t, and It was found best not to use the above expressions for the general case as it is easier and more convenient to carry out the integrations numerically on a digital computer. - 109 SEL-65-056 i APPENDIX B. DERIVATION OF AUTOCORRELATION FUNCTION OF THE OUTPUT z(t) I__ t It is convenient to define (B.l) = [i|r(t) - ^(1 - t)] Therefore, output - e^) » os^T + z(t) The autocorrelation function of the m m is defined as > 00 -(5) E<'S u^cT + 6,j.(t) + ^ (sin 2p0j^^ - sin ZpO^^) P=1 J •* ^ (sin > - sin q=l (B.2a) where E denotes the expectation and the Instant t. 6^^^ denotes the value of 0^^ at Hence I U< . V »|v" • V' ♦ i 4'^ ••i. • V.*A ••••> » • *{i v*>•Ss- • - ••{i 4^ v*> I- *s. — (B.2b) I « v.v m I ^ i SEL-65-056 ^ 77j - 110 - r#: ,S^ Now, E[lT(t)] = E[v|/(t) - tCt - T)] = 0 E[5T(t')] = 0 E{sii-> 2pe For <> c ) = E/sin {2p[a) t + ilf(t)] + 2p$ ]J unifoi-mly distributed on E[sin 2pe Xv ] = [0,2n], and ^(t) and t> independent, c E{sin 2p[a) t + iKO]} E[cos 2pit) ] c c + E(cos 2p[cD t + i(t)]) E[sin 2pit> ] c c = o Similarly, E(sin 2pe2t) E(sin 2pe2t,) > E(sin 2peitI) Furthermore, by the independence of the random process random variable <J> ^(t) and the c E[|T(t) sin 2peitl] = E^(t) sin ^p^f + t(t')] + 2p«c]J - E\Kt - T) sin ^p^t' + tyit')] + 2p(t>c} 111 - SEL-65-056 which further results in EU^f) [sin 2peit - sin 2pe2t]) ) E{^T(t) [sin 2peit, - sin 2pe2t,]} Therefore, 00 00 NP+Q + E 1 1 ^ikLp=l (Sin ^It - Sin 2pe ) 2t q=l (B.3) • (sin 2qeitI - sin 2qe2tI) Further use may be made of the fact that E[sin 2peit: sin 2qeit,] = ^ E[cos (2peit - 2qeit,)] - | E[cos (2peit + 2qeitI)] = | E cos {2pü; t + 2p<t> - [2qoD t' + 2q$ C C + 2pt(t) + 2q\^(t, )]] - \ E{cos [2p(jD t + 2p4> _} + 2p\lr(t; + 2q(jü t' + 2q$ + 2ql^f(t, )]] c c 0 SEL-65-056 if - 112 - p ^ q Also, for all Integral value of p and q £ (l,c | E[cos (2peit + 2q0ltI)] = 0 The other terms can be evaluated in a similar manner. R^t.f) -ft)' CD 2_2 2 T E + R^ (t,t') + \| ^ [cos Hence, 2 P(eit ' ^t') p=l + cos 2p(e2t - e2t,) - cos 2p(e 2t " ^t') " COS 2p(e it - ^f^/ (B.4) Define t - t' =- T, that is, t' = t - T E[cos 2p(ei+ - ei4.,)] = E{cos 2p[^t + ^(t) - CJD t • - ^(t')]} = E cos 2p{ü) T + [t(t) - ilf(t - T)]) E{cos 2p[ai T + 5_(t)]] C u by definition of I (t) « = E^Re exp {i[2p(DcT + 2p|T(t)]}J = E^Re {exp [i2pcucT] exp [i2plT(t)]}J Re (exp (i2pcD T) C E[exp (i2pt (t)]} " (B.5) By definition of the characteristic function, *2p| (f) = E ex [ 113 P (i^p^)] SEL-65-056 Here is is assumed that \lr(t - T) IS ^(t) is stationary. also stationary and depends on Therefore T only. | (t) = ilr(t) Hence %i (ä^^^M^" where Q0 , 2plT is the characteristic function of 2p| . T (B.6) Therefore E[cos 2p(eit - eitT)] = Rejexp ^poyr) ^{j^j (B.7) Similarly, E[cos 2p(e2t - e2t,)] = E[cos {2püücT + 2p^T(t - T)J] (B.8a) E[cos 2p(e2t - eit,)] = E[cos {2p(iüc(T - T) + 2p5T_T(t - T)}] (B.8b) E[cos 2p(eit - e2t,)] = E[cos [2poüc(T + l) + 2plT+T(t)}] (B.8c) This technique allows computation of any specific term, given To proceed further a specific case is assumed where ^(t) t(t). is a random process: \l/(t) = ß sin (CD t + 0> ) where ♦ m is a random variable with 2n P(0 m = <> V0 SEL-65-056 e [0,2n] elsewhere 114 - (B.9) The following expansions by Jacobi and Anger are useful [Watson, Ref. 11, p. 22]: J cos (z sin 9) = J0(z) + 2 y u n=l sin (z sin e) = 2 Y n=0 J 2n^ 2n+l^z^ cos (z cos 9) = J0(z) + 2 > sin cos ^2n (-1) + 2ne (B.lOa) 1 e (B.lOb) ^ J2n(z) cos 2ne (B.lOc) n=l sin (z cos 9) = 2 y (-l)" J 2n+1(z) cos (2n + 1 e ) (B.lOd) n=0 Also, extensive use is made of the fact that for on (0,2n) and with f(t) and 9 9 uniformly distributed independent [Davenport and Root, Ref. 7] E{cos [f(t) + e]) = 0 Hence, E[cos 2p(9lt - eit,)] = E|COS (2p[cDcT + ^T(t)]]J = cos 2pa) T E[cos 2p£ (t)] sin 2püo T E[sin 2p| (t)] 115 - (B.ll) SEL-65-056 Now, E[cos 2p| (t)] = E{cos [2pß sin t + «0 ) - 2pß sin (OD (üJ t + $ - CD T)]} Efcos [2pß sin (u) t + $ )] cos [2pß sin (ou t + * v m m m m + Efsin [2pß sin (CJü sin [2pß sin m OD T)]J m t + $ )]J m (CJJ m t + $ m - üb m T) 11 Using the above expansions and taking expectations, E[cos 2p|T(t)] = E< Jrt(2pß) + 2 > J0 (2pß) cos 2n(üJ t + <t> ) 0 Zw 2n m m n=l J0(2pß) + 2 J J2m(2pß) m=l • cos 2m((x> t + it) - CD T) m m m 2 + E< 2 SEL-65-056 > J ,(2pß) sin (2n + l)(cu t + « ) ^ n2n+l m m n=0 > J„ , v(2pß) sin (2m + Z-i 2m+l m=0 116 - 1)(Cü m t + $ m - Oü T, m (2pß) +0+0+4>- JQ cos 2noo T m 2 n=l + 4 _ J (2pß) > -^r cos (2m + /, 2 m=0 1)(CD T) v m = jfapß) + 2 ^ jj(2pß) cos nüDmT n=l > ^ (B.12: J v(2pß) cos no» T n m n=-oo Also, Efsin 2p£ (t)l = Efsin [2pß sin (a) t + $ ) - 2pß sin (ao t + <Ji = Efsin [2pß ^ L h-K sin (üD \ mt + 0 /J )] cos [2pß rr sin m (üü \ mt - + <t - Efcos [2pß sin (a) t + 4» )] sin [2pß sin (ou t + $ = E< 2 > ZJ J0 ,(2pß) sin (2n + 2n+lv 1)(üü m t + * CD m x)]) - tu - cu m T)]] ' J ^ T)] r n=0 v J„(2pß) + 2 ^ > J,,2mv(2pß) ^ ' cos 2n(cü m t + 4> m - a)mT)' 0\ I'K/ m=l 117 - SEL-65-056 j - E< J0(2pß) + 2 2^ J 2m(2Pß) cos 2n(a)mt + tj m=l 2 > J (2pß) sin (2n + l)(ü) t + $ - CD T) <^ ^n+1 m mm n=0 = 0 (B.13) Substituting (B.12) and (B.13) in (B.ll) gives E cos {2p[üü T + £ (t)]) = c T > J2(2pß) cos noj T cos 2pcü T z^ n m c n=-oo =1 J (2pß) cos (2pa> + neu )T n c m (B.14) v ' n=-oo It is obvious that E[cos 2p(e2t - e2t,)] = E{cos [2p(jucT + 2ptT(t - T)]} = E{cos [2poü T + 2p| (t)]} =1 J (2pß) cos (2pcü + neu )T n c m n=-oo SEL-65-056 118 (B.15) v ' E[cos 2p(e2t - eit,)] = E{cos [2püüc(T - T) + 2plT_T(t - T)]} = cos 2pcx) (T - T) E[COS 2p(; _ (t - T)] - sin 2püüc(T - T) E[sin 2p|T_T(t - T)] It is evident from the above that E[cos 2p(e2t - 0lt,)] = ^ J^(2pß) cos (2poDc + nüDm)(T - l) n=-oo (B.ie; Similarly, it can be shown that E[cos 2p(eit - e2t,)] = S Jn(2pß) cos (2paJc + nuijil + T) n=-oo (B.I?; Hence ;{cos 2p(elt - elt!) + cos 2p(e2t - e2t,) - cos 2p(e2t - elt)) cos 2p(eit - e2tI)} = 2, Jn(2pß)[2 cos (2püJc + nujl cos (2pa) v ' c = 2 2^ + nüü )(T-T)-COS (2pa> + nw )(T+T)] x m ' c m' J^(2pß)[l - cos (2pü3c + ncjJm)T] n=-oo cos (2pcjü x c + na) )T m 119 - SEL-65-056 = 2 jf(2pß) 2 sin2 (2^ + neu ) | y n=-oo cos (2püü + neu )T Also, Rg (t,f ) =E{lT(t) 5T(f )3 'T = E([^(t) - ^(t - T)] [t(t') - t(t, - T)]) = E[t(t) ^(f )] - E[t(t) \lr(t' - T)] - E[t(t - T) tyit')] + E[\lr(t - T) ty{t' - T)] 2RiJr(T) - [R^(T + T) + R^T - T)] Taking the Fourier transform gives S^ (f) =28^(1) - [eiüjT+ iCüT e" ] St(f) = 2S (f) [1 - cos cuT] =4S^(f) sin2f (B.18) Hence, t t, T + + 00 00 2, v ' ) = V ) = (;)^y v^ 2 s — T sin SEL-65-056 L (2poü c ^p=l, ^ n=-oo „ % 2J (2pß) P 2 + nao ) — cos (2pa) + neu )T nr 2J c m' , - 120 - Since \lf(t) = ß sin VT) (üü = E[ß t + (t> ), Sin it can be concluded that ( V + *m) ß Sin [ V + *m ■ V)] = '-— COS ÜJ T 2 m which implies 2 5(f - fj st(f) =%- + 5(f ^ fj i Hence in this case, autocorrelation of the output process, Rz(t,t.)=Rz(T)=(^ 00 2_2 + 2R^(T) - [R^T + T) + R^(T - T)] a)V u0 2/„\ 2/„ \T 2J (2pß) sin (2püJ + nuj ) " c m ^ 2 2^ p=l n: • cos (2paj s c + no) m )T (B.19) when the input random process \lf(t) = ß sin (^t + <t>m). Eq. (B.19) is the result used extensively in Chapter III of this report. 121 SEL-65-056 REFERENCES 1. William R. Bennett and S. 0. Rice, "Note on Methods of Computing Modulation Products," Philos. Mag., 18, Series 7, Sep 1934, pp. 442-424. 2. David Middleton, "Some General Results in the Theory on Noise through Non-Linear Devices," Quart. Appl. Math., 5, 4, Jan 1948, pp. 445-498. 3. David Middleton, "The Distribution of Energy in Randomly Modulated Waves," Philos. Mag., 42, Series 7, Jul 1951, pp. 689-707. 4. Wilbur B. Davenport, Jr., "Signal-to-Noise Ratios in Band-Pass Limiters," J. Appl. Phys., 24, 6, Jun 1953, pp. 720-727. 5. J. Granlund, "Interference in Frequency-Modulation Reception," Tech. Rep. No. 42, Res. Lab. of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., Jan 1949. 6. Elie J. Baghdady, "Interference Rejection in FM Receivers," Tech. Rep. No. 252, Res. Lab. of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., Sep 1956. 7. Wilbur B. Davenport, Jr. and William L. Root, An Introduction to the Theory of Random Signals and Noise, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1958. 8. John J. Jones, "Hard-Limiting of Two Signals in Random Noise," IEEE Trans, on Information Theory, IT-9, Jan 1963. 9. P. D. Shaft, "Hard-Limiting of Several Signals and Its Effect on Communication System Performance" (paper presented at the IEEE Convention, New York, Mar/Apr 1965--to be published). 10. Emanuel Parzen, Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications, John Wiley & Sons, 1960. 11. G. N. Watson, A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions, Cambridge University Press, London, 2nd Ed., 1952. 12. L. J. Slater, Confluent Hypergeometric Functions, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1960. 13. Earl D. Rainville, Special Functions, Macmillan Company, New York, 1960. 14. Yudell L. Luke, Integrals of Bessel Functions, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1962. SEL-65-056 - 122 - 15. G. Eason, B. Notle, and I. N. 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Thesis, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, New York, May 1951. 38. S. D. Bedrosian, "Normalized Design of 90 Degree Phase-Difference Networks," IRE Trans, on Circuit Theory, CT-7, Jun 1960. 39. J. L. Dubois and J. S. Aagaard, "An Experimental SSB-FM System," IEEE Trans, on Communication Systems, CS-12, Jun 1964. SEL-65-056 - 124 SYSTEMS THEORY MBORATORY DISTRIBUTION LIST May 1966 GOVERNMENT USAELC Ft. Monmouth, N.J. 1 Attn: Dr. H. Jacob AMSEL-RD/SLAMSEL-RO-DR AMSEL-RO-X AMSEL-RD-XE AMSEL-RD-XC AMSEL-RD-XS AMSEL-RD-N AMSEL-RD-NR AMSEL-RD-NE AMSEL-RD-ND AMSEL-RD-NP AMSEL-RD-S AMSEL-RD-SA AMSEL-RO-SE AHSEL-RD-SR AMSEL-RD-SS AMSEL-RD-P AMSEL-RD-PE AMSEL-RD-PR(Mr. (Vfoff) AMSEL-RD-0 AMSEL-RD-GF AMSEL-RD-GD AMSEL-RD-ADT AMSEL-RD-FIM Procurement Data Division USAS Equipment Support Agency Ft. Monmouth, N.J. 1 Attn: Mr. M. Rosenfeld Office of Naval Research Branch Office Chicago 219 S. Dearborn Ave. 1 Chicago, 111. 60604 U.S. Army Res. 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CallforiWa Institute of Technology 4800 0ak\rove Drive Pasadena 3\ Calif. 1 Attn: Librw-y. Jet Propulsion Lab. U of Illinois Urbann , I llinois 1 Attn: P.D. Coleman, EE Kes. Lab. 1 W. Porklns, KF lies. Lab. 1 A. Albert. Ttth.Ld.. EE lies. I,ah 1 Library Serials liepf . I Prof. li. Alpert , Coordinated Sei . Lab. State University ol Iowa l)ept . of Elect rical Kn^i neerlnt; U. of Califorrt Iowa City, Iowa Berkeley 4, Cafltf. 1 Attn: Prof. R.lX Saunders, EE Dept. 1 Attn: Prof. Honald L. Kplev Dr. R.K. W^terllng, Radiation Lafe. Info. Dlv. *Inatituto tie Pcsquisa.s dn Marinha Bldg. 30, RmN^Ol Mlnlsterlo da Marinha Rio de-Janeiro U of California N. Estado da Cuanabara, Brazil Los Angeles 24. Calif. ^v 1 Attn: Roberto U. da Costa 1 Attn: C. T. Leondes, Prof, o» Engineering, Engineering Dept. Johns Hopkins V 1 R. S. Elllot. 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Ward, Elac.Sya Lab, 1 1 1 1 H I T Lincoln Laboratory P.O. Box 73 Attn: Lexington 73, Haaa. Navy Repreaentative Dr. W.I, Wella Kenneth L. Jordon, Jr. »U of Saskatchewan College of Engineering Saskatooi, Canada 1 Attn: Prof. R. E. Ludwig Syracuse V Syracuse 10, N.Y. 1 Attn: EE Dept. «J of Texas Serials Acquisitions Austin, Texas 1 Attn: Mr. John Womack Serials Librarian •Uppsala U U. of Michigan Institute of Physics Ann Arbor, Mich. Uppsala, Sweden 1 Attn: Dir., Cooley Elec Labs,, 1 Attn: Dr. P. A. Tove N, Campus 1 Dr. J.E. Rowe, Elec. Phys. Lab. U of Toledo I Comm. Sei. Lab., 180 meee Bldg Dept. of Electr. Engr. Toledo 6, Ohio U of Michigan 1 Attn: James B. Fartson Institute ols^clence and Technology Asst. Prof. P.O. Box 618 Ann Arbor, Mich 1 Attn: Tech. Documduts Service 1 W. Wolle—IRll U of Minnesota Institute of Technology Minneapolls 14, Mlnn. 1 Attn: Prof. A. Van der Ziel" EE Dept. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Engineering Troy, N.Y. 1 Attn; Library, Serials Dept. Kenneth E. Mortenson Cornell Aeronautical Labs., Inc. 4455 Genessee Buffalo 21, N.Y. 1 Attn: Library General Electric TWT Products Sec. 601 California Ave. Palo Alto, Calif. 1 Attn: Tech. Library, C. 0. Lob U of Notre Dame Dept. of Electrical Eng\neerlng Notre Dame, Indiana 46 1 Attn: *. D. Berry Purdue U Lafayette, Ind. 1 Attn; Library, EE Dept. Cook Research Labs. 6401 W. Oakton St. 1 Attn: Morton Grove, 111. General Electric Co, Defense Electronics Dlv., UIED Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 1 Attn; Library Via: Commander, ASD W-P AFB, Ohio ASRNGW D.E. Lewis U of Notre Dame South Bend, Ind. 1 Attn: E. Henry, EE Dep Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Graduate Center, Route 110 Farmlngdale, N.Y, 1 Attn: Librarian Convalr - San Diego Div. of General Dynamics Corp, San Diego 12, California 1 Attn: Engineering Library Falrchlld Semiconductor Corp. 313 Falrchlld Dr. P.O. Box 880 Mt. View, Calif. 1 Attn: Dr. V. H. Grlnlch Northwestern U 2422 Otikton St. Evanston, 111. 1 Attn: W.S. Toth Aerial Measurements Lab. Polytechnic Institute 333 Jay St. Brooklyn, N.Y. 1 Attn: L. Shaw, EE Dopt. •Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute Pllanl, ftajasthan, India 1 Attn: 0m P. Gandhi - Via; ONR/London Ewan Knight Corp. East Natlck, Mass. 1 Attn: Library Northeastern U The Dodge Library Boston 15, Mass. 1 Attn: Joyce E. Lunde Oregon State U Corvallls, Ore. 1 Attn: H.J. Oorthuys, EE Dept. The Boeing Company Mall Stop MS-1331-ORO, 1-8000 Saat tie 24, Washington 1 Attn: Dr. Ervln J. Kalos Eltel-McCullough, Inc. 301 Industrial Way San Carlos, Calif. 1 Attn: Research Librarian U of Nevada College of Engineering Reno, Nevada 1 Attn: Dr. R.A. Manhart, EE Dept Ohio State V 2024 Nlel Ave. Columbus 10, Ohio 1 Attn: Prof. E.M. Boone, EE Dept. Ball Telephone Labs., Inc. Technical Information Library Whlppany, N.J. 1 Attn: Tech. Repts, Llbrn., Whlppany Lab, Admiral Corp. 3800 Cortland St. Chicago 47, 111. 1 Attn: E.N. Robertson, Llbr» Airborne Instruments Lab. Comae Road Deer Park, Long Island, N.Y. 1 Attn: J, Dyer, Vlce-Pres. and Tech. Dir. Autonetlcs Ulv. ol North American Aviation, 9150 E. Imperial Highway Downey, Cnllf. 1 Attn: Tech. Library 3040-:) Bell Telephone Labs. Murray Hill I.ah. Murray Hill, N.J. 1 Attn; Dr. .J.R. Pierce 1 Dr. S. Darlington 1 Mr. A. .1. Grossman General Electric Co. Res. Lab. P.O. Box 1088 Schnectady, N.Y. 1 Attn: Dr. P.M. Lewis 1 R. L. Shuey, Mgr. Info. Studies Sec. General Electric Co. Electronics Park Bldg. 3, Rm. 143-1 Syracuse, N.Y. 1 Attn: Doc. Library, Y. Burke GllfUlan Brothers 181.r) Venice Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. 1 Attn: Engr. Library The Halllcralters Co. 5th and Kostner Ave. 1 Attn; Chicago 24, 111. Hewlett-Packard Co. 1501 Page Mill Road 1 Attn: Palo Alto, Calif, Hughes Aircraft M.illhu lioach, Calif, 1 Attn: Mr, lams *No AF or Classified Reports. SYSTEMS THEORY 5/65 - 3 - Hughes Aircraft Co. Florence at Teale St. Culver City, Calif. 1 Attn: Tech. Doc. Cen., Bldg. 6, Rm C2046 »Dir., National Physical Lab. Hllside Road New Delhi 12, India 1 Attn: S.C. Sharma - Via: ONR/London Sylvanla Electronics System 100 First St. Waltham 54, Mass. 1 Attn: Librarian, Waltham Labs. 1 Mr. E.E. Hollls Hughes Aircraft Co. P.O. Box 278 Newport Beach, Calif, 1 Attn: Library, Semiconductor Dlv. »Northern Electric Co., Ltd. Research and Development Labs Dept. 8300 Ottawa, Ontario 1 Attn: H. L. Blacker Technical Research Group Route No. 110 1 Melville, New York 11749 IBM, Box 390 Boardman Road Poughkeepsle, N.Y. 1 Attn: J.C. Logue, Data Systems Dlv. IBM Poughkeepsle, N.Y. 1 Attn: Product De-*. La E. M. Davis IBM ASD and Research Library P.O. Box 66 Los Gatos, Calif 95031 1 Attn: Miss K. Griffin, Bldg. 025 ITT Federal Labs. 500 Washington Ave. Nutley 10, N.-I. 1 Attn; Mr. E. Mount, Librarian Laboratory for Electronic^, Inc 1075 Commonwealth Ave Boston 15, Mass. 1 Attn; Library Northronics Paloa Verdes Research Park 6101 Crest Roft Palos VerdesAitates, Calif. 1 Attn: Tech/ I^fo. Center Pacific Semiconductors, Inc. 14520 So/Aviation Blvd. Lawndal/, Calif. 1 Attn: /H.Q. North Philia, Tech. Rep. Division P.o/ Box 10 Ft/ Washington, Pa. 1 A/tn: F. R. Sherman tladlo Corp, of America 'RCA Labs., David San off Res. Cen. Princeton, N.J. /2 Attn: Dr. J. Sklansky Texas Instruments, Inc. P.O. Box 6015 Dallas 22, Texas 1 Attn: M.E. Chun, Apparatus Dlv. Texas Instruments, Inc. P.O. Box 5012 Dallas, Texas 75222 1 Attn: Tech. Repts. Servit-e, MS-65 2 Semi-Conductor Components Library Texas Instruments, Inc, Corporate Research and Engineering Technical Reports Service P.O. Box 5474 1 Dallas 22, Texas Tektronix, Inc. P.O. Box 500 Beaverton, Ore. 4 Attn: Dr. J.F. DeLord, Dir. of Research LEL, Inc. 75 Akron St. Copiague, Long Island, N.Y. 1 Attn: Mr. R. S. Mautner Varian Associates 611 Hansen Way Palo Alto, Calif. 1 Attn: Tech. Library Lenkurt Electric Co. San Carlos, Calif, 1 Attn: M.L. Waller, Librarian Weitermann Electronics 4549 North 3Hth St. 1 Milwaukee 9, Wisconsin Librascope Div, of General Precision, Ini 808 Western Ave. Olendale 1, Calif. 1 Attn: Engr. Library Lockheed Missiles and Spa P.O Box 304, Bldg. 524 Sunnyvale, Calif. 1 Attn: Dr. W.M. Harris,/bept. 65-70 1 C. W. Price, Decft. 67-33 Melpar, Inc. 3000 Arlington Blvd./' Falls Church, Va. / 1 Attn: Librarian / Microwave Associates, Inc. Northwest Industrial Park Burlington, Mas«. 1 Attn: K. Mortenson 1 Librarian Microwave Electronics Corp. 4061 Transport St. Palo Alto, Calif. 1 Attn: S.F. Kalsel M.C. Long Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co. 1177 Blue Heron Blvd. Riviera Beach, Fla, 1 Attn: Semiconductor Products Library The Mitre Corp. Bedford, Mass. 1 Attn: Library Monsanto Research Corp. Station B, Box 8 Dayton 7, Ohio 1 Attn: Mrs. D. Crabtree Monsanto Chemical Co. 800 N. Lindbergh Blvd. St. Louis 66, Mo. 1 Attn: Mr. E. Orban, Mgr. Inorganic Dev. Librarian Raytheon Manufacturing Microwave and Power Tube Div. Burlington, Mess. 1 Attn: Librarian, Spencer Lab. Raytheon Manufacturing Co. Res. Dlv., 28 Seyon St. Waltham, Mass. 1 Attn: Dr. H. Statz 1 Mrs, M. Bennett, Librarian 1 Research Div. Library Sandia Corp. Sandla Base, Albuquerque, N.M. 1 Attn: Mrs. B. R. Allen, Librarian Scientific Atlanta, Inc. P.O, Box 13654 Atlanta, Georgia 30524 1 Attn: Dr. John E. Pippin Director of Research Sperry Rand Corp. Sperry Electron Tube Div. Gainesville, Fla. 1 Attn: Librarian Westinghouse Electric Corp. Friendship International Airport Box 746, Baltimore 3, Md. 1 Attn: G.R. Kllgore, Mgr. Appl. Res. Dept. Boltimore Lab. Westinghouse Electric Corp. 3 Gateway Center Pittsburgh 22, Pa. 1 Attn: Dr. G.C. Szlklal West 1 nghouse EK'ct ric Cnrp . P.O. Box 284 Elmira, N.Y. 1 Attn: S.S. King Zenith Radio Corp. 6001 Dickens Ave. Chicago 39. 111. 1 Attn; J. Markin »University of Western Australia Nedlands, West Australia 1 Attn: Prof. A.R. Billings Head of Electrical Engineering Sperry Gyroscope Co. Div. of Sperry Rand Corp. Great Neck, N.Y. 1 Attn: L. Swern (MS3T105) Sperry Gyroscope Co. Engineering Library Mail Station F-7 Greet Neck, Long Island, N.Y. 1 Attn; K. Barney, Engr. Dept. Head Sylvanla Electric Products, Inc. 500 Evelyn Ave. 1 Mt. View, Calif. 1 Attn: Mr, E, 0. Ammann »No AF or Classified Reports. SYSTEMS THEORY - 4 - UNCLASSIFIED Security ClaMification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA • R&D (tmeurtty elutltletllen ol 11»: body of mb,lt,cl mnd <nd.mn« mnotmtlon mu»r b« »nf.fd whin th, ovmrmll Mpotl I» cfM.Hfd) 2«. HE^OKT •■CUmTV C LAMIFICATrON 1. OHIOINATINO ACTIVITY (Cetpotmf author.) UNCLASSIFIED Stanford Electronics Laboratories Stanford University, Stanford, California zb OROUP 3. RIPORT TITLE SOME TOPICS ON LIMITERS AND FM DEMODULATORS 4. DMCHIPTIVt HOT«! (Typt ol ropor« and Inehitly dttoo) Interim Technical Report t- AUTHOR^ (Loot nan«, Mrai nan«, Mllal) Maung Gyi 7«. TOTAL NO. OF PAOKJ • . HEPO NT DATE 7b. NO. OF RCFt 39 124 July 1965 • a. ONiaiNATOR'aXsPORT NUMBKRfS; • a. CONTRACT OR ORANT NO. ONR Contract Nonr- 25(83) b. PROJECT NO. su-SEL-eö-p'se TechnicayReport No. 7050-3 • b. OTH« REPORT NOCS; (Any othotnumbon Äalmay bm mttltnod mim/toporO 10. AVAILAIILITY/UIMITATIOH MOTICES Qualified requesters may obtddn copies from DDC. dissemination by DDC limited. 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Foreign announcement and 12. SRONSORINO MILITARY ACTIVITY U.S. Army, Air Force and Navy (ONR) An analysis is made of wv^e-deviation frequency-modulation systems having low nominal-carrier-frequen/y to information-bandwidth ratios. Since limiting plays an important role in s/ch systems, the eff^ts of hard limiting of many signals in random noise are anal/zed. Expressions are ^iven for the output signal-to-signal ratios (SSR), the ou/put signal-to-noise ratioss(SNR), and the power in any crossproduct. The effect of the power in each output ömnponent as a function of the Input SNR is investigated. It is found that for al\ values of input SNR's greater than 10, the strengths of the various output componertts are relatively constant. For the'case of more than two input signals, a weak signal-boosting effect manifests itself when the input SNR's are less than 1 and the input SSR's are greater than 1-10. The signal-suppression effect and the signäl-to-signal power sharing, together with their dependence on input signal noise, aVe presented for various cases. Expressions are presented for the autocorrelation function and the spectral power density of hard-limited FM pulse trains, which allow the computation of the intermodulation products in the information bandwidth or in any other frequency interval. The effect of the nominal-carrier frequency on the interference ratio is exhibited graphically for various constant deviations. A partial interaction of the positive and negative spectra of the modulated wave causes extraneous outputs. For all such spurious components to be filterable, a relation is derived between the carrier frequency, the maximum frequency of information, and the spectral bandwidth of the modulated wave. The analysis results in systems which have better performance capabilities. DD FORM I JAN 64 1473 IINPTASSTFTRn Security Classification UNCLASSIFIED Security ClaMlfication u. LINK A KEY WORDS NOLK LINK ■ ROLK WT LINKC ROLK COMMUNICATION THEORY SIC-NAL-TO-NOISE RATIO HARD LIMITING FREQUENCY MODULATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. OKIQINATINQ ACTIVITY: EntM the name andVaddrMS j>osed by security clasaification, uaing standard atatementa sfch aa: of th« contractor, aubcontractor, grant««, Dapartman^f Dc f«na« activity or other organisation fcoiporat« au(horjl>paulng "Qualified requesters may obtain copiea of thia th« report. report from DDC" 3«. REPORT SBCUHTY CLASSIFICATION: Enter th« o\ "Foreign announcement and dissemination of this all aacurlty claaalfication of th« roport. Indlcat« wh«th«r report by DDC la not authorized." "R«Btrict«d Data" is includad Marking la to b« in accord"U. S. Government agencioa may obtain copiea of anc« with appropriat« aacurlty regulationa. thia report directly from DDC. Other qualified DDC 2b. QROUP: Automatic downgrading la ap«clfi«d In DoD Dl/ usera ahall requeat through r«ctlv« 5200.10 and Armad Forcaa Induatrlal Manual. Entery the group number. Alto, whan applicable, ahow that optional marklnga hav* been uaad for Group 3 and Oroup 4 as authq ^(4) "U. 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Enter laat name, first name, ndddle initial. tory notes. If military, ahow rank and branch of service. The name of 1Z SPONSORING MILITAXY ACTIVITY: Enter the name of the principal author is an abaolute minimum requirement. the departmental project office or laboratory sponsoring (pay6. REPORT DATE: Enter the date of the niport aa day, ing lor) the reaearch and development. Include address. month, year, or month, yean If more than op» date appeara 13. ABSTRACT: Enter an abstract giving a brief and factual on the report, use date of publication. summary of the document Indicative of the report, even though 7a. TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: The tital page count it may also appear elsewhere in the body of the technical reahould follow normal pagination procedur^a, I.e., enter the port. If additional space la required, a continuation sheet shall number of pagea containing information. be attached. 7b. NUMBER OF REFERENCES: Enter the total number of It is hi^ily deairable that the ebetract of classified reports referencea cited in the rsport. be unclaasified. Each paragraph of the abstract ahall and with an indication of the military security claasificstion of the in8a. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER: If appropriate, enter formation in the paragraph, repreaented as CTS.), (S), (C), or (V). the applicable number of the contract or grant under which the report waa written. There is no limitation on the length of the abatract. However, the auggeated length is from ISO to 225 words. 8b. 8c, h 8<f. PROJECT NUMBER: Enter the appropriate military department identification, auch as project number, 14. KEY WORDS: Key words ere technically meaningful terma aufaproject number, system numbers, teak number, etc. or short phrases that characterize a report and may be uaed aa 9«. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S): Enter the offiindex entriea for cataloging the report. Key words must be cial report number by which the document will be identified selected so that no security classification is required. Identiand controlled by the originating activity. Thia number muat fiers, such as equipment model desipiation, trade name, militaiy be unique to thia report. project code name, geographic location, may be uaed aa key words but will be followed by an indication of technical con9b. OTHER REPORT NUMBER(S): If the report haa been text. The aasignment of links, rales, end weighta la optional. aaalgned any other report number« f either by the originator or by (he tponaor), also enter thia numbeKa). 10. AVAILABILITY/LIMITATION NOTICES: Enter any limitetiona on further dissemination of the report, other than those DD FORM I JAN «4 1473 (BACK) UNCLASSIFJED Securitv Claaalfication