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June 2013
Design of Crane Supporting
Structures According to EN 1993-6
or DIN 4132 (02.81) Including
Adaptations to Technical Progress
All rights, including those of translations, are reserved.
No portion of this book may be reproduced – mechanically, electronically or by any other means, including photocopying – without written
© Ingenieur-Software Dlubal GmbH
Am Zellweg 2 D-93464 Tiefenbach
+49 9673 9203-0
+49 9673 9203-51
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
Fatigue Design
Theoretical Background on Fatigue
Using the Manual
Plate Buckling Analysis
Installation Process
Welds - Stress Analysis
Welds - Fatigue Design
Input Data
Critical Load Factors
General Data
Printout Report
Create Printout Report
Selection in Printout Report
Printout Report Navigator
Load Cases
General Functions
Menu File
Menu Settings
Detail Settings
EN 1993-6
Input Data
DIN 4231
Start Calculation
Two-Span Crane Runway acc. to DIN EN
Internal Forces - Capacity
Design Summary
LTB Analysis as Stress Analysis
Internal Forces
Load Application Stresses
Internal Forces - Capacity
Internal Forces - Fatigue
Plate Buckling Analyses of Web Plate
Under Wheel Load
Support Forces
Fatigue Designs
Stress Analysis
Theoretical Background on Stress
Deformation Analysis
Theoretical Background on Deformation
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
1 Introduction
Dear user of CRANEWAY,
this program expands DLUBAL'S product range by the crane runway girder design. Thanks to
the well-known user-friendliness of Dlubal programs, you can carry out even complicated
analyses according to EN 1993-6, DIN 4132, and DIN 18800 in an easy and comprehensible
The crane runway girder is specified in the CRANEWAY module. Based on the defined loadings,
the program creates load cases that are combined in load positions. Each load position results
in three load combinations. Each load combination is calculated with three loading levels in
order to determine the internal forces for the general stress design, the deformation analysis,
or the fatigue design. The internal forces are determined according to the second-order analysis for warping torsion. With these calculated internal forces, CRANEWAY provides the appropriate analyses according to EN 1993-6, DIN 4132, or DIN 18800.
CRANEWAY includes the following features:
Clearly structured input options
Graphic representation and 3D visualization of nearly all input data
Import of cross-sections from the extensive RSTAB/RFEM cross-section library
Import of cranes from the crane library or a user-defined crane database
Calculation of eigenvalues considering loading with automatic assignment of the eigenvalues as imperfections
Automatic determination of stress points and assignment of detail categories
Numerous parameters for control of calculation
Clear summary of all results
Clear structure of separate results windows for each analysis
Representation in result tables: overall, by x-location, by stress points
Easy verification of the results by means of the detailed intermediate values
Results evaluation in tables as well as in the corresponding graphic
Printout report with individual layout options
Export of graphics to the printout report
We hope that this program will make your work easier. Please do not hesitate to share your
ideas, remarks, or suggestions on how to improve CRANEWAY.
We hope you will enjoy working with CRANEWAY.
Your DLUBAL Team
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
1 Introduction
The following people were involved in the development of CRANEWAY:
Program coordination
Dipl.-Ing. Georg Dlubal
Ing. Marek Posch
Ing. Marek Posch
Ing. Martin Deyl
Program design, dialog box figures, and icons
Dipl.-Ing. Georg Dlubal
MgA. Robert Kolouch
Program supervision
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Steffen Clauß
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) René Flori
Ing. Jakub Harazín
Ing. Marek Posch
Manual and translations
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Steffen Clauß
MA SKT Anton Mitleider
Mgr. Petra Pokorná
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Robert Vogl
Technical support and quality management
M.Eng. Cosme Asseya
Dipl.-Ing. (BA) Markus Baumgärtel
Dipl.-Ing. Moritz Bertram
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Steffen Clauß
Dipl.-Ing. Frank Faulstich
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) René Flori
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Stefan Frenzel
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Walter Fröhlich
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Bastian Kuhn
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Ulrich Lex
Dipl.-Ing. (BA) Sandy Matula
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Alexander Meierhofer
M.Eng. Dipl.-Ing. (BA) Andreas Niemeier
M.Eng. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Walter Rustler
M.Sc. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Frank Sonntag
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Christian Stautner
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Lukas Sühnel
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Robert Vogl
1.3 Using the Manual
Topics such as installation, graphical user interface, results evaluation, and printout reports are
described in detail in the manuals for RSTAB/RFEM and will not be introduced here. Instead,
this manual focuses on the particular features of CRANEWAY.
The description follows the order and structure of the input and output windows. The text of
the manual shows the described buttons in square brackets, for example [View mode]. At the
same time, they are depicted at the left margin. The Expressions used in program dialog boxes, tables, or menus are emphasized by italics so that the explanation is easy to follow.
At the end of the manual, you can find an index. If you still cannot find what you are looking
for, please check our website www.dlubal.com where you can go through the FAQ pages and
find a solution for the problem by using various criteria.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
1 Introduction
1.4 Installation Process
The program CRANEWAY is delivered on the DVD Stand-Alone Applications. This DVD contains
Before you install CRANEWAY, close the applications running in the background.
Please make sure that you are logged on as administrator or have administrator rights for installing the program. When working with CRANEWAY, user rights will be sufficient. For detailed
instructions, see the Assignment of user rights video on our website.
On the back side of the DVD case, you can find installation instructions.
Insert the DVD into your DVD-ROM drive.
The installation process starts automatically. If this does not happen, the autorun function is probably deactivated. In this case, start the file setup.exe on the DVD by using the
explorer or by entering the command ‚D‘:\setup.exe in the input field of the start menu
(‚D‘ stands for the drive letter of your DVD drive).
In the start dialog box, select the language.
Figure 1.1: Language settings
In the next dialog box, select the CRANEWAY program version (64-bit or 32-bit).
Follow the instructions of the Installation Wizard.
Connect the dongle to a USB port of your computer only after the installation is complete. The
dongle driver will be installed automatically.
The DVD also contains installation instructions and the CRANEWAY manual as PDF file. To view
it, you need the Acrobat Reader, which you can install from the DVD.
Program selection
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
1 Introduction
CRANEWAY as full or trail version
If you start the program after the successful installation for the first time, you have to specify if
you want to use CRANEWAY as full version or as trail version (30 days).
To use this program as full version, you need a dongle (hardlock) and an authorization file
Author.ini. The dongle is a plug-in device that you have to connect to a USB port of the computer; the authorization file contains coded information for your license(s). Usually, we send
you the Author.ini file via e-mail. You can also use the Extranet on www.dlubal.com to access
the authorization file. Save this Author.ini file on your computer, an USB flash drive, or in the
The authorization file is needed for every work place. You can copy the file as often as you like.
If, however, the content of this file is changed, the authorization becomes invalid.
The full version of CRANEWAY can also be run as a softlock license without a dongle.
1.5 Start CRANEWAY
Direct start of CRANEWAY
To start the program, use the Windows start menu or the Dlubal icon on the desktop.
RSTAB or RFEM navigator
You can also start CRANEWAY in RSTAB or RFEM in the project navigator: In the Data navigator,
Stand-Alone Programs → CRANEWAY 8 - Design of crane runway girders.
Figure 1.2: Data navigator of RSTAB: Add-on Modules → CRANEWAY 8 - Design of crane runway girders
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
Input Data
When you have started the program, the CRANEWAY window appears. A navigator on the left
manages the available input and output windows. All settings required for the design are entered in the six input windows of the program.
To go to a particular CRANEWAY window, click the corresponding entry in the navigator. In
addition to that, you can use the button shown on the left to set the previous or next window.
Alternatively, you can also use the function keys [F2] (next) or [F3] (previous) to browse
through the windows.
By clicking [Details], you open the Details dialog box for specific calculation settings (see chapter 3.1).
With the [3D-Rendering] button, you can visualize the input data as 3D graphic (see chapter
To save the input and results data before you exit CRANEWAY, click [OK]. To exit the program
without saving the data, click [Cancel].
In the results windows, you can use the [Graphics] button to check the internal forces, deformations, stresses, etc. in the work window of RSTAB or RFEM (see chapter 6.3.2).
General Data
The 1.1 General Data window manages the general specifications for the material, design
standard, and crane type.
Figure 2.1: Window 1.1 General Data
In the Description drop-down list, you can select one of the materials stored in the program.
It contains the steel grades, which are dependent on the selected standard.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
The parameters of the steel grade are stored in a [Library], which you can access by clicking the
corresponding button.
Figure 2.2: Material Library
The material properties are also included in the library. There, you can select a material, and
then import it to window 1.1 by clicking [OK].
If you calculate according to DIN 4132, it is not possible to define a new steel grade in the library: According to this standard, only materials with defined allowable stresses for the fatigue
analysis may be selected. In contrast to that, you can define your own materials in a calculation
according to EN 1993-6. Notice that all parameters necessary for the design are preset or else
are to be defined.
Standard / National Annex
In the drop-down list of this section, you select a standard for design and, if necessary, the according National Annex (NA). You can select either the standard EN 1993-6 or DIN 4132.
If you design according to EN 1993-6, you can also select a National Annex whose parameters
will be used for the design. The list of the design standards will be extended as we continue to
develop CRANEWAY.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
To check and, if necessary, adjust the current default parameters of the Standard or National
Annex, click [Edit]. This is particularly useful if you want to modify the partial safety factors and
combination coefficients for the combination rules.
To create a user-defined national annex, click [New].
Crane Type
With CRANEWAY, you can design bridge cranes as well as suspension cranes. To select the desired crane type, use the respective option buttons. The graphic will be automatically adjusted
according to the crane type.
For the design according to DIN 4132, only bridge cranes are available.
Figure 2.3: Crane type Bridge crane
Figure 2.4: Crane type Suspension crane
In this input field, you can write your comments.
Figure 2.5: Comment
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
Figure 2.6: Window 1.2 Geometry
Total girder length
First, you must define the Total girder length for the one-span or continuous girder. If there are
already entries in the Supports tab for the location x of the supports, the total length may not
be less than the maximum distance of the x-location from the beginning of the girder. Otherwise, the maximum distance x will be automatically reduced to the total length.
In this tab, you define the support locations and degrees of freedom of the supports. By placing the cursor inside a row, you can define the Location x of the support manually.
Figure 2.7 Window 1.2 Geometry, tab Supports
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
In column B, you assign the Type of Support to the respective support by using the drop-down
list. You can select from the following types:
Hinged movable
Lateral on upper flange
Lateral on bottom flange
The types of support Hinged and Hinged movable do not allow any changes in the displacement or rotation definition (columns C through H).
A lateral spring support on the upper or bottom flange of the girder cross-section can only be
assigned if you select the options Lateral on upper flange or Lateral on bottom flange. The corresponding spring constant is to be specified in the following tab.
For the User-defined type of support, you can specify the displacement, rotation, or warping restraint manually. To define the possibility of displacement or rotation as well as spring behavior, you can use the lists or check boxes in columns C through I. This is possible for an elastic
support, elastic restraints, and warping.
Furthermore, it is possible to apply Releases at the supports. To assign a release, select the
check box in column J of this tab. The release properties are then to be defined in the Releases
tab. In this way, you can, for example, create a chain of one-span girders.
For each support, you can specify manually if there is a stiffener (end post). You can select from
the options None, Rigid, and Non-rigid. The type of stiffener has an influence on the plate-buckling analysis of the girder, as it influences the shear buckling resistance of the web.
If no stiffener is defined, you must specify the Width a of the support in order to perform the
stress, fatigue, and plate-buckling analyses.
Spring Constants
The second tab becomes available if you select a spring in the Supports tab.
Figure 2.8: Window 1.2 Geometry, tab Spring Constants
By placing the cursor in the relevant row, you can define the constants for the translational, rotational, or warping spring.
The stiffness of the warping spring is dependent on the type of warping restraint. This calculation can be done automatically in CRANEWAY. If you click in a cell of column H, the [...] button
appears. By clicking this button, you open a new dialog box. After you specify the relevant parameters, the resulting stiffness is shown (see the following figure).
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
Figure 2.9: Dialog box Calculate Warping Spring
The input options in this dialog box differ depending on the type of warping spring. You define the spring type in section Calculate Warping Spring Due to. Then, you can define the geometry.
The third tab becomes available if you select a release in the Support tab.
Figure 2.10: Window 1.2 Geometry, tab Releases
In this tab, you define the degrees of freedom or release properties at the relevant x-locations.
You can define a release by selecting the relevant check boxes.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
In the last tab, you can specify the number and arrangement of the stiffeners in the panels.
Figure 2.11: Window 1.2 Geometry, tab Stiffeners
The defined supports divide the girder in internal panels. Now, you can further modify the arrangement of the stiffeners in these panels. Column C provides two options of how to arrange
the stiffeners.
By using the Regularly option, you generate a uniform distribution in respect to the number of
internal panels. If the number of internal panels is one (minimum number for division), the
stiffeners are always arranged at the support. If the number of internal panels is 2, one more
stiffener is considered in the middle of the span. If the numbers is 3, the stiffeners will be
placed in the third-points of the span. The stiffeners influence the plate buckling analysis.
To specify different distances of the stiffeners in the span, you can select the option Userdefined. If you click in a cell of column C, the [...] button appears. By clicking it, you open the
following dialog box where you can specify the stiffener locations for the selected span.
Figure 2.12: Window 1.2 Geometry, tab Stiffeners, dialog box Location of Stiffeners
The Option dialog box section provides you the possibility to position the stiffeners: By selecting this check box, the stiffeners will be arranged only between those supports that restrain
the degrees of freedom in the Z-direction. The division is carried out based on the selected
number of internal panels. The following figure illustrates this option:
Figure 2.13: Regular positioning of the stiffeners only between the supports acting in the Z-direction
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
In this window, you select the cross-section parameters, define rails, and specify requirements
for the fatigue and weld designs.
Figure 2.14: Window 1.3 Cross-Section
In this section, you define the cross-section of the crane runway beam.
Figure 2.15: Section Girder
You can select the following cross-section types:
• Rolled section
• Welded section
For a rolled section, you can open an extensive [Library] of I-sections by clicking the according
button. In the new dialog box, you can find the following I-section series (tables): I, IPE, IPEa,
IPEo, IPEv, HE-B, HE-A, HE-M, HE-AA, etc. Having chosen an I-section series, you can then select
the desired cross-section from the series. By clicking [Info], you can see the detailed information
about the cross-section.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
Figure 2.16: Cross-section library for Rolled sections
If you select a Welded section, you can define a uniaxially symmetric I-section by using the
[Edit] button.
Figure 2.17: Parametric input for Welded sections
The dimensions must be defined manually, but you can also import them by using the []
button from the rolled I-sections. You can save the defined cross-section in the user-defined
library by clicking [Save]. The saved sections can be loaded from the library by clicking [Load].
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
Rail Section
For a bridge crane, you can specify the crane rail in this dialog box section.
Figure 2.18: Dialog box section Rail section
Rolled rails can also be selected from the [Library].
Figure 2.19: Cross-section library for Rolled Cross-Sections - Crane Rails
For Splices, you must define the dimensions manually.
Any girder cross-section with a rolled or welded section can be combined with any rail or
If the selected rail section is too large for the girder or the girder section too small for the rail,
the input cannot continue until a plausible runway girder section is selected.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
Additional Section
For a bridge crane, you can arrange additional cross-sections on the runway girder.
Figure 2.20: Dialog box section Additional Section
The following options can be selected:
• Angles
• Rolled channel
• Welded channel
The additional sections can be selected from the [Library] in the same way as for girders.
Figure 2.21: Cross-section library for Rolled Cross-Sections - Channel Sections
The selection and input in this dialog boxes is done in the same as for the girder cross-sections.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
At the end of the input fields for the individual section as well as the total cross-section, you
find the [Info] button. The button opens the dialog box Info About Cross-Section with the properties of the selected cross-section.
Figure 2.22: Dialog box Info About Cross-Section
This dialog box provides also information about the Stress points and c/t-Parts.
The buttons below the graphic have the following functions:
Displays or hides the stress points
Displays or hides the c/t-parts
Displays or hides the numbers of stress points or c/t-parts
Shows details of the stress points or c/t-parts
Displays or hides the dimensions of the cross-section
Displays or hides the principal axes of the cross-section
Shows entire graphic of the cross-section
Table 2.1: Buttons in the dialog box Info About the Cross-Section
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
If you activate the buttons [Stress Points on/off] and [Numbering], all automatically created
stress points are displayed in the cross-section graphic.
If you click [Details of Stress Points], a dialog box opens showing the coordinates, statical moments of area, thicknesses, and warping ordinates of the stress points.
Figure 2.23: Dialog box Stress Points
After you activate the buttons [c/t-Parts] and [Numbering], the c/t-parts of the cross-section
are displayed in the cross-section graphic.
You can display the width c to thickness t ratio of all c/t-parts in a table by clicking the [Details]
button. These values can be compared for example with [1] Part 1, Table 12.
Figure 2.24: Dialog box c/t-Parts
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
Additional Designs
Perform fatigue design
In addition, you can perform a fatigue design.
Figure 2.25: Section Fatigue design (for EN 1993-6)
Figure 2.26: Section Fatigue design (for DIN 4132)
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
If you select this check box, the [Detail Categories] button becomes available. By clicking it,
you open the Edit Detail Categories dialog box, where you can specify settings for the relevant
stress points.
Figure 2.27: Dialog box Edit Detail Categories
The upper table lists the automatically generated stress points including the automatic assignment of the detail categories for the fatigue design. If you select a stress point in column D
Existing, the appropriate detail category can be assigned.
Due to the great additional normal stresses σz, it is necessary (unlike for the upper flange) to
specify a detail category for stress in z-direction.
If you click in a cell in column E or F to specify the detail category, the buttons [] and [...] appear in the cell. [] opens a drop-down list in which you can select the desired detail category;
[...] opens a dialog box with an abstract from [2] or [8]. This dialog box also allows you to select
the appropriate detail category.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
Figure 2.28: Dialog box Allocate Detail Category according to EN 1993-1-9
Figure 2.29: Dialog box Allocate Detail Category according to DIN 4132
In the lower table of the Edit Detail Categories dialog box (see Figure 2.27), you can define the
stress points at stiffeners with the corresponding detail categories for fatigue design. Only the
stress points at the x-locations of stiffeners are considered. The relevant detail category must
also be assigned to these stress points. By clicking […], you access the abstract from [2] or [8],
which can help you with the selection of the detail category.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
The stress points and detail categories are preset for the stiffeners; you can, however, edit their
coordinates and numbers. If you select the option Symmetrical layout of detail categories, the
data for the distance e and the detail categories for all stress points of the stiffeners is changed.
Then, you can use the input field Distance e and the Detail category drop-down list located below the table with new stress points.
Figure 2.30: Section Notch Categories at Stiffeners for Symmetrical layout of notch categories
If you clear the selection of the check box Symmetrical layout of detail categories, the columns E
and F for each stress point of the stiffeners become available. They allow you to define a detail
category and a distance e for each stress point.
By clicking [Details] in this section, you open a dialog box with the coordinates and static properties of these stress points arranged in a table.
Figure. 2.31: Dialog box Stress Points at Stiffeners
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
Perform weld seam design
If you select the check box Perform weld seam design, you can define the thickness of the weld
seam between rail and flange. For a welded cross-section, you can also specify the weld thicknesses between rail and flange.
Figure 2.32: Section Additional Designs
The Intermittent weld seam is appropriate for cases in which the weld seam between the crane
rail and flange is not continuous. A parallel opposing arrangement is assumed. After you select
the check box, you can specify the length of the weld seam and the interruption. These specifications are considered in the design.
This section provides two check boxes relevant for rail sections.
Figure 2.33: Section Option
If you select the check box 25% reduction of the rail section due to wear, a reduced cross-section
will be considered for the rail or splice. In this way, the cross-section SA 45 (worn-out) for rail
SA 45 or the splice 50/30 for splice 50/40, for example.
If you select the check box Consider rail section for the cross-section properties, not only the increased cross-section properties will be considered, but also the crane loads will be related to
the upper rail edge.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
In Window 1.4, you define the loadings applied to the crane runway girders.
Figure 2.34: Window 1.4 Loading
By using the Number of cranes drop-down list, you can define how many cranes can travel together on the same crane runway girder (the maximum is three cranes). If there are Girder buffers keeping the crane from driving outside the girder on the left or right end, the number of
the load combinations is reduced.
In addition to the loading due to crane operation, two Additional loads can be defined: permanent load g and lateral load w (wind). The self-weight need not be defined as permanent load,
because it is considered automatically. The lateral load is applied as variable line load in the
center of gravity.
The two options in the right upper corner help to differentiate between the loads applied on
the crane runway girder: If the design of the crane runway girder with the maximum wheel
loads is sufficient, you can select the Only girder with Wmax option. However, if it is not clear,
which loads are governing on which girder, the conservative option Crane loads at both girders
(Wmax and Wmin) should be selected. Thus, the number of load combinations also increases.
The middle part of this window includes two sections, where you can define the Crane Parameters and Crane Loads.
By clicking [Copy], you can copy the input parameters of the crane No. 1 to the second or the
third crane. You can always switch between the cranes by clicking the respective tab.
You can select a crane by using the [Library] button that opens the according dialog box. For
DIN 4132, a Database with cranes from the producers DEMAG and KÜHNEZUG is available. The parameters can also be user-defined and [Saved] for later usage.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
Crane Parameters
The input fields of this section are dependent on the selected standard.
DIN 4231
Figure 2.35: Section Crane Parameters
The Hoisting class (H1 through H4) determines the value of the Dynamic coefficient. The selection of the hoisting class becomes available after you select the check box. Otherwise, you enter the Dynamic coefficient for the girder and the support manually.
The Stress group (B1 through B6) influences the value of the allowable stresses for the fatigue
design. If the stress group is B4 to B6, the program considers the eccentric load application at
¼ of the rail head width according to [2].
For one crane, the Number of crane axles cannot be higher than four. Furthermore, you can enter the Axle distances and the distance of Crane buffers.
EN 1993-6
Figure 2.36: Section Crane Parameters
In the S-Class list, you can select the relevant stress group (damage group). For the stress
groups S4 (S3 according to DIN) through S9, CRANEWAY considers the eccentric load application of ¼ of the rail head width according to [5] and [8].
You can specify up to 20 Crane axles for each crane. In the table or the input fields below, you
can enter the according Axle distances and the distances of the Crane buffers.
By clicking [Grouping Wheels], you open a dialog box where you can define wheel groups. The
dialog box is shown in the following figure.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
Figure 2.37: Dialog box Grouping Wheels
In the Groups section, you specify the number and distance between the groups. In the Wheels
in Group section, you can specify the number of wheels and the distance between them (axle
distance). The Parameters of Craneway section shows the resulting crane length with the crane
buffers used.
By clicking [Edit Dynamic Coefficients] in the Crane Parameters section (Figure 2.36), you open
a dialog box where you can specify the dynamic coefficients φ of the crane runway beam according to [5].
Figure 2.38: Dialog box Dynamic Coefficients
Crane Loads
The input of the Crane Loads differs depending on the selected standard:
Figure 2.39: Section Crane Loads according to DIN 4132
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
Figure 2.40: Section Crane Loads according to EN 1993-6
For each wheel, all applied loads must be specified. For the calculation according to DIN 4132,
these are the maximum Vertical Wheel Loads W and the Horizontal Wheel Loads from the inertial
forces caused by operation HM and the Skew force HS and S.
For EN 1993-6, you must define the maximum Vertical Wheel Loads Qc (due to self-weight of
the crane) and QH (due to hoist load), the Horizontal Wheel Loads HT (due to acceleration and
braking of the crane bridge), HT3 (due to acceleration and braking of the crane trolley or the
hoist), and the Skew forces HS and S.
All loads act on the top of the rail: The skew force can be applied independently of other loads
(for example for guide rollers) with a different distance from the axle. In such a case, you define
the Distance e of the load application point of S to the selected Axle.
If you activate the option Additional loads at both girders (Wmax and Wmin), a second tab becomes available. There, you can specify the minimum Vertical and the according Horizontal
Wheel Loads.
Figure 2.41: Section Crane Loads if option Additional loads at both girders is selected
Load Increment
This section controls the increment of the crane load positions.
Figure 2.42: Section Load Increment
The default distance is 50 cm. When defining the load increment, remember that all generated
load combinations must be calculated. The Number of generated crane positions and Load combinations is dependent on the geometry of the runway beam, the loads to be considered, and
the load increment.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
Load Cases
The dynamic 1.5 Load Cases window provides an overview of the action situations with all
loads and load combinations.
Figure 2.43: Window 1.5 Load Cases
Load Combinations
The row selected in this section determines the content of all other sections. The corresponding load cases, details, and load graphic are dynamically displayed for the selected load combination.
Load combination for calculation
From the drop-down list located below the Load Combinations table, you can select the design
situation whose load combinations you want to be displayed: Resistance, Fatigue (EN 1993-6),
Deformation, and Support Forces.
Load Cases
This section lists all load cases which are used in the current load combination (that is, the CO
selected in the table to the left).
This section lists the partial safety factors and dynamic coefficients as well as the loads of the
current load combination. When you select another load combination or design situation, the
graphic is updated.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
The graphic shows the current design situation in 3D-rendering.
The load action and load values can be displayed or hidden by using the [Loads] and [Show
Value] buttons.
Use the mouse wheel to zoom, move, or rotate the view. The position of the pointer is always
assumed as center of the zoom area.
Press the wheel button to move the model directly within the workspace, that is, without previously activating the toolbar button [Move, Zoom]. If you additionally press the [Ctrl] key, you
can rotate the model. Rotating the model is also possible by moving the mouse while pressing
the wheel button the right mouse button at the same time. The mouse pointer symbols are
indicating the selected function.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
In this window, you can define the initial imperfections of the girder according to EN 1993-1-1
[7] or DIN 18800 Part 2 [1]. They are needed for the second-order flexural-torsional buckling
analysis. The imperfections will be created from the camber rise of the local bow imperfection.
Figure 2.44: Window 1.6 Imperfections
Type of Definition
If you select the option Calculate automatically with the eigenvalue method, CRANEWAY determines the appropriate imperfection (shape, camber rise, and direction) for each load combination. They are considered in the second-order analysis, always applying the first eigenmode.
If you select the Define manually option, you first decide whether the imperfections should be
determined automatically first.
Figure 2.45: Question for option Define manually
Then you can manually define or edit the imperfection parameters.
The Buckling stress curve Bscz is always automatically preset. It is dependent on the selected
cross-section with consideration of the rail section. The [Info] button opens the Info About
Cross-Section dialog box, where the buckling stress curve of the cross-section is also listed
(see Figure 2.22, page 19).
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
2 Input Data
Imperfection Parameters
In this section, you can edit the imperfections for all load combinations. For the type of definition Calculate automatically with the eigenvalue method, the table is disabled and filled with
question marks before the calculation.
After the calculation or by clicking [Calculation], the question marks will be replaced by the
determined imperfection parameters.
For the type of definition Define manually, the imperfection parameters are available so that
the higher eigenmodes can be used. For the selection of the eigenmode, you can use a list,
which you open by clicking [].
Figure 2.46: Selection of Eigenmode
Using the manual definition, you also can determine the camber rise according to [7] or [1]: By
clicking the [...] button in a cell of the camber rise or the [Edit] button at the end of the table,
you open the following dialog box.
Figure 2.47: Dialog box Determine Camber Rise of the Imperfection
If you open the dialog box from a Camber Rise cell, the determined value will be assigned only
to the current load combination. If you open this dialog box clicking [Edit] at the end of the
table, the value will be assigned to all load combinations.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
3 Calculation
Detail Settings
Before you start the [Calculation], check the design details first. To this end, open the according dialog box by clicking [Details]. This button is available in all windows.
The content of this dialog box depends on the Standard selected for design.
EN 1993-6
Figure 3.1: Dialog box Details, tab CRANEWAY for EN 1993-6
Calculation of Internal Forces
You can choose between two calculation methods. The Detailed Calculation analyzes all load
combinations according to the second-order analysis for warping torsion, while the Fast Calculation only according to the linear-static analysis. From these results, the governing load combinations are selected, which are then used for the second-order analysis for warping torsion.
Rail-Flange Connection:
The settings in this section control the effective width of the wheel load distribution on the
upper flange according to [6] clause 5.7. The equations implemented for these three options
are according to [6] Table 5.1.
Reduction of Imperfections
According to [7] clause 5.3.4, the camber rise of the bow imperfection about the minor axis of
the structural component can be reduced by coefficient k for lateral-torsional buckling. The
recommended value is 0.5.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
3 Calculation
Allowable Deformation
For the determination of the limit deformations, you can select one of three methods:
Method 1: allowable deformations are relative to the undeformed system and its member axes.
This approach is suitable for rigid supports, because the displacements at the support nodes in
Z-direction are zero.
Method 2: limit deformations are determined relative to the deformed system. You can select
this check box only if you defined spring constants for the supports.
Method 3: inflection points of the deflection curve are calculated and the allowable deformations are relative to the according lengths.
In addition, the allowable deformations can be determined considering the column height. Optionally, it is also possible to perform an Assessment of outdoor craneway according to [6] Table
7.1 d.
Damage Equivalent Coefficients λi
These coefficients are required for the calculation of the damage equivalent stress range in fatigue design and are taken from [5], Table 2.12. The default coefficients can be edited, if necessary.
DIN 4231
Figure 3.2: Dialog box Details, tab CRANEWAY for DIN 4132
Calculation of Internal Forces
This section is described in chapter 3.1.1.
Allowable Deformation
The values of limit deformations can be defined According to Bases of Calculation for Craneways,
Swiss Central Office of Steel Construction [15] or User-defined for the vertical and horizontal directions.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
3 Calculation
Localized Plastification
If you select this check box, the equivalent stresses σR,d can be exceeded by 10 %. In the stress
analysis, the stresses σx and σeqv are then compared with the increased limit stresses. The
stresses σz, on the other hand, are compared to the usual (not increased) limit stresses.
Assumption of Loads
The Calculation of Internal Forces (see dialog section to the left) controls which check boxes can
be accessed here.
The option Handle lateral loads as principal loads for the stress analysis specifies that the horizontal inertial forces caused by operation and the wheel loads will be regarded as one load. If
they occur simultaneously, these actions will therefore not be multiplied by the combination
coefficient ψ in the determination of the internal forces.
The option Handle lateral loads as principal loads for the serviceability limit state design specifies
that the horizontal inertial forces due to operation will be considered in the fatigue design.
Thus, not only the load combination with vertical wheel loads (fundamental combination 1),
but also the load combinations with the horizontal inertial forces due to operation (fundamental combination 2) will be analyzed in the fatigue design.
While the first two check boxes need to be selected only rarely, it is always recommended to
select the option Increase lateral loads HS and S by 10% and ignore lateral loads HM. However, this
check box is accessible only for the Detailed Calculation option (see dialog section to the left).
According to [2], the possible superposition of the lateral forces from operation and from skew
forces may be considered in this way. Only the increase of skew forces by 10% is carried out in
CRANEWAY. The Fundamental combinations 1 and 2 remain unchanged. Therefore, only the
internal forces for fundamental combination 3 will change.
Reduction of Imperfections
The settings in this section have an effect only on the automatic determination of the imperfections. Smaller camber rises of the bow imperfections can be achieved by both options 2/3
reduction for elastic-elastic design and 0.5 reduction for lateral torsional buckling.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
3 Calculation
The second tab of the Details dialog box is independent of the selected design standard. It
controls the calculation parameters of the integrated module FE-LTB.
Figure 3.3: Dialog box Details, tab FE-LTB
FE-LTB is an analysis core that determines the internal forces according to the second-order
analysis for warping torsion and therefore is suited for the lateral-torsional analysis of crane
runway beams.
Calculation Parameters
You have to select whether or not CRANEWAY should Calculate critical load factors of all load
combinations. If you select this check box, the program checks whether or not a stability failure
occurs under the defined external action: If the critical load factor is less than 1, a warning appears and the calculation is stopped.
The check box Consider secondary shear stresses applies for the shear stresses due to the secondary torsional moment MT,s. If the check box is not selected, only the shear stresses due to
the shear forces and the first torsional moment MT,p are determined.
The Target Length of Finite Elements check box controls the length of the finite elements of the
crane runway girder. The length of the element should not be greater than 1/8 of the span:
Usually, 8 elements for each girder span are enough to calculate the deformations with a deviation of less than 5% relative to the precise solution.
The Number of buckling modes to be calculated for the effective imperfections defines how many
eigenmodes for the imperfections of the load combinations will be calculated (see Figure 2.46,
page 33).
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
3 Calculation
Settings for Iterations
This section controls the calculation of FE-LTB. The iterative determination of the deformations
stops when the ratio of the displacement difference to the determined displacement in an iteration is smaller than the Break-off limit. At the latest, the calculation stops when the Maximum
number of equilibrium iterations is reached and shows the result. The recommended values are
50 for the number of iterations and 0.001 for the break-off limit.
The values in the fields Maximum factor nu and Increment represent additional break-off criteria for the determination of the critical load factors and the increments of the load increase.
CRANEWAY proceeds in the following way: First, it performs a calculation with the given loading. Then, in the determination of the critical load factor, the load is incrementally increased
until the maximum factor nu is reached. As soon as the stability failure occurs, the program
tries to distinguish more accurately between the two last increments of loading to determine
the critical load factor as precisely as possible.
The recommended values are 10 for the maximum factor nu and 2 for the Increment.
Start Calculation
To start the calculation, click the [Calculation] button, which is available in all input windows of
The process of the calculation is then displayed in a dialog box.
Figure 3.4: Dialog box Calculation
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
After the calculation, the 2.1 Design Summary window appears.
Figure 4.1: Results window with designs and results details
The results of the analysis are sorted by various criteria in the results windows 2.1 through
You can select every window by clicking the corresponding entry in the navigator. In addition
to that, you can use the buttons shown on the left to set the previous or next window. Alternatively, you can press the function keys [F2] and [F3].
Chapter 4 Results presents the results windows in their order. This chapter describes the results
obtained according to EN 1993-6.
To save the results and exit CRANEWAY, click [OK].
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
Design Summary
The upper part of the window shows a summary of designs sorted by the governing design
criteria. It provides an overview of all designs: Thus, you can see immediately which checks are
satisfactory and which failed.
The lower part contains more detailed data about stresses, deformations, weld seams, etc. for
the design selected in the upper part.
Figure 4.2: Window 2.1 Design Summary
Type of Design
The column shows the performed designs.
Member No.
This column displays the number of the member with the highest design criterion.
Location x
At this location of the member (relative to the member start), the maximum value was found.
Design Criterion
In columns D and E, the conditions of the design check are given according to the selected
Standard. If the design criterion is not satisfied, the values will be displayed in bold black font.
Governing CO
The last column provides information about the load combinations whose internal forces are
relevant for the respective designs.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
Internal Forces
The internal forces are shown in two windows for the ultimate limit state (capacity) and fatigue
design (if selected in module window 1.3 Cross-Sections).
Internal Forces - Capacity
In this window, you specify the internal forces of the calculated load combinations (load positions) that were determined for the ultimate limit state designs. You can show either All internal forces or Only max/min- values.
Figure 4.3: Window 2.2.1 Internal Forces - Capacity with option All Internal Forces
The internal forces are design values, that is, when determining these internal forces, all relevant partial safety factors, dynamic coefficients, and combination factors were taken into account. These internal forces are used for the stress analysis, the plate-buckling analysis, and the
calculation of the critical load factor.
If you select the option All, CRANEWAY displays all determined internal forces at all x-locations
for the considered load combinations (dependent on the calculation method Fast Calculation
or Detailed Calculation).
If you select the option Max/min only, only the internal forces of the x-locations with the extreme values are displayed for each member.
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4 Results
Figure 4.4: Window 2.2.1 Internal Forces - Capacity with the option Max/min only
Internal Forces - Fatigue
The display of the internal forces and the sorting options are identical to the previously described window 2.2.1 Internal Forces -Capacity.
The internal forces in this window are also design values: In the calculation of the internal forces, all relevant partial safety factors, dynamic coefficients, and combination factors are taken
into account.
These internal forces are used for the fatigue design of the girder as well as the weld designs.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
Support Forces
This results window offers three sorting options for the display.
Figure 4.5: Window 2.3 Support Forces with option All support forces
If you select the first option, the window shows All determined support forces of the load combinations. Additionally, the load case 2 Wind Load is displayed, so the support forces of the individual components (crane, permanent load, and wind) can be calculated backwards.
Figure 4.6: Window 2.3 Support Forces with option Max/min only
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
If you select the option Max/min only, only the extreme values of the support forces are displayed for the respective directions, that is, the characteristic support forces multiplied by the
corresponding dynamic coefficient for supports.
Figure 4.7: Window 2.3 Support Forces with option Only max/min advanced
If you select the display option Max/min only advanced, the table shows the extreme values of
the horizontal support forces (with components from crane and wind load) and vertical (with
components from crane and permanent load).
The support forces will be combined in the same way as the internal forces from the load cases
taking into account the dynamic coefficients. Thus, the support forces (except for LC1 and LC2)
are multiplied by the ratio of the dynamic coefficient of the girder to the dynamic coefficient of
support and added using the LC criterion, since the wheel loads, starting from LC3, already include the dynamic coefficient of the girder.
The support forces are from the calculation according to the second-order analysis for warping
torsion. Hence, not all load combinations are available in the Fast Calculation method but only
those according to second-order analysis for warping torsion.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
Stress Analysis
This window offers three display options controlled in the Method of Output section.
Figure 4.8: Window 2.4 Stress Analysis Overall
If you select the Overall method of output, the upper table shows only the x-location with the
governing ratio. To this end, all x-locations, stress components, stress points, and load combinations are analyzed. Thus, this table displays also the governing stress points, governing load
combinations, and the type of stress, which lead to the maximum Stress Ratio (represents the
ratio of calculated stress to limit stress). The stress analysis is satisfied if the ratio is smaller than
For the stress analysis, the internal forces according to the second-order analysis for warping
torsion are used, that is, the partial factors γF, combination factor ψ, and dynamic coefficient ϕ
are considered.
Details - Stresses
Below the table, the detailed intermediate results leading to this ratio are shown. They include
the normal stresses σx and σz, shear stress τ, and the equivalent stresses σeqv. For each stress
component, you can see the maximum stress at this x-location and the underlying governing
internal forces.
If you click [+] at the beginning of a row with the load combination, you can see the internal
forces of this CO. The exception is the normal stress σz, which is determined according to the
standard directly from the wheel pressure. The last row of each stress component shows the
design, which is compared with the value 1.
Stress graphic
On the right, you can find a graphic with the stress diagram for the cross-section. The graphic
depends on the selected design in the table. Thus, you can visualize the governing normal,
shear, and equivalent stresses at the current x-location.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
Figure 4.9: Window 2.4 Stress Analysis by x-Location
If you select the By x-location mode of output, the maximum ratios are shown at each x-location.
Figure 4.10: Window 2.4 Stress Analysis by Stress Point
If the output is set as By stress point, then the results in the upper table are listed for each stress
point and for each x-location.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
Theoretical Background on Stress Calculation
CRANEWAY calculates the normal stresses σx, shear stresses τ, and the equivalent stresses σeqv
at all cross-section points. At the top edge of the web plate, the normal stresses σz from the
applied wheel load are also taken into account.
The calculation is carried out along the crane runway girder in so-called x-locations. These xlocations can be found at the nodes of the finite elements into which the girder was subdivided and also at the load application locations of the crane in the individual load combinations.
In the following, the stress points are indicated by the coordinates (yi, zi). The normal stresses
σx and the shear stresses τ are calculated from the internal forces which were computed according to the second-order analysis subjected to γF times the loading.
Normal Stresses
Because the warping torsion is taken into account, not only parts from axial force and bending,
but also from the warping torsional moment occur for the normal stresses σx. In all, we obtain
for the normal stress σx in a point i of the cross-section:
σ x ,i =
− ω ωM ( y i , z i )
A S y (y i , zi ) S z (y i , zi ) C w
The symbols mean:
Axial force
Bending moment about y-axis
Bending moment about z-axis
Warping torsional moment
Cross-section surface
Section modulus about y-axis for point (yi,zi)
Section modulus about z-axis for point (yi,zi)
Warping constant relative to the shear center M
Principal warping at point (yi,zi)
Shear stresses
The shear stresses consist of shear force components and torsional components. The relation
to the determination of the primary shear stresses is:
τp ,i =
Vy ⋅ Q z ( y i , z i )
I z ⋅ t( y i , z i )
Vz ⋅ Q y ( y i , z i )
I y ⋅ s( y i , z i )
M T ,p
S T (y i , zi )
The descriptions mean:
Shear force in y-axis direction
Shear force in z-axis direction
Primary torsional moment
Second moment of area relative to y-axis
Second moment of area relative to z-axis
Qy(yi,zi) First moment of area relative to y-axis for point (yi,zi)
Qz(yi,zi) First moment of area relative to z-axis for point (yi,zi)
Thickness of cross-section part in point (yi,zi)
Thickness of cross-section part in point(yi,zi)
Torsional section modulus for point (yi,zi)
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
Secondary shear stresses
Furthermore, the secondary shear stress due to the secondary torsional moment MT,s is computed.
τ s ,i =
M T ,s ⋅ Q ω ( y i , z i )
C w ⋅ t( y i , z i )
The descriptions mean:
Secondary torsional moment
Qω(yi,zi) Warping surface in point (yi,zi)
Warping constant
Cross-section thickness in point (yi,zi)
In CRANEWAY, you can choose whether to take into account the secondary shear stresses in
the stress calculation (see Figure 3.3, page 37). If they are considered in the stress calculation,
they are directly added to the primary shear stresses.
Normal stresses from applied wheel loads
The normal stresses σz are, in contrast to the normal stresses σx and shear stresses τ, not calculated according to the second-order analysis but according to the following equations:
• DIN 4231
σ z ,i =
c( y i , z i ) ⋅ t( y i , z i )
The descriptions mean:
Wheel load multiplied by the partial safety factor γF, and dynamic coefficient ϕ
Load application length of the wheel load
Thickness of the governing cross-section parts in point (yi,zi)
The length c(yi,zi) is calculated according to [2] section 4.1.2. The following figure illustrates the
principle of the determination of the load application length c.
Figure 4.11: Length of the uniformly distributed wheel load
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
• EN 1993-6
σ z ,i =
Fz ,Ed
leff ⋅ t w
or for rolled cross-sections σ z ,i =
Fz ,Ed
+ 2 ⋅ r) ⋅ t w
The descriptions mean:
Design value of the wheel load
Effective loaded length of wheel load acc. to [6], Table 5.1
Thickness of the web plate
Figure 4.12: Effective loaded length
Figure 4.13: Effective loaded length
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
In the elastic-elastic design method, you have to verify that under the design actions (γF times
the loads) the following applies:
max σ x ≤ fy ,d
max σ z ≤ fy ,d
max τ ≤
⋅ f y ,d
max σ eqv ≤ fy ,d =
fy ,k
The equivalent stress σeqv according to VON MISES is determined from the normal and shear
stresses as follows:
σ eqv = σ 2x + σ 2z − σ x ⋅ σ z + 3τ2
In this formula, the sign must be considered in the calculation of the stresses. Due to the distribution of the compression stress, the stress σz under the wheel is always negative.
Since the stress σz exists only at the top edge of the web plate or does not have any influence
further down in the beam, the following simplified formula is used for the other stress points.
σ eqv = σ2x + 3τ2
The stress analysis is carried out in every stress point at all x-locations of the crane runway girder
with the according design internal forces according to the second-order analysis for warping
In the stress analysis, the normal stresses σx have the greatest influence. The greatest normal
stress σx occurs on the edge of the flange, where the normal stress components from the
bending moments about both principal axes and from the warping torsional moment superimpose each other. The superposition is shown in the following figure.
Figure 4.14: Normal stress components for biaxial bending with warping torsion
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
Deformation Analysis
This window contains two display options that you can control by selecting the Mode of Output.
Figure 4.15: Window 2.5 Deformation Analysis Overall
The deformations of the relevant load combinations are analyzed for each x-location. If you select the Overall option, the table shows only the x-locations with the CO numbers at which the
governing displacement occurs in the horizontal and vertical direction.
In the analysis, the ratio of field length to greatest displacement in the field is compared with
the allowable ratio L/u. The design is satisfied if the existing ratio L/u is greater than the allowable quotient.
The deformations are calculated according to the second-order analysis for warping torsion
with the characteristic values, that is, the partial safety factor γF = 1.0, combination factor
ψ = 1.0, and dynamic coefficient ϕ = 1.0.
Details - Deformations
The intermediate results of the governing displacements uy and uz are listed below the table.
There, you can also see the parts of the rotations φx, φy, and φz and the warping ω. All deformation components are relative to the shear center M. The only exception is the displacement uy:
this component is related to the upper edge of the rail.
In the mode of output By x-location (see Figure 4.16), all performed deformation analyses are
listed at each x-location and for each load combination. If you click in a row of the upper table,
the corresponding Details of the current displacement are set in the table below. This mode of
output also includes the calculation method for the horizontal and vertical deformations (see
chapter 3.1.1, page 34).
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
Figure 4.16: Window 2.5 Deformation Analysis by x-Location
Theoretical Background on Deformation Analysis
In addition to the internal forces and stresses, CRANEWAY determines the according deformations. These are the displacements uy, uy,M, uz, the rotations φx, φy, φz, and the warping ω.
The deformation analysis is performed for the displacements in horizontal direction uy and for
the displacements in vertical direction uz. CRANEWAY allows you to compare them with guide
values, which can be defined manually.
Vertical deflection of the crane runway beam
Horizontal deformation of the crane runway beam
In the calculation of the deformation, the partial safety factor γF = 1.0 and the combination coefficient ψ = 1.0 is used.
The deformation analysis of the lateral displacement is of great importance: The analysis of the
horizontal deformation is often the governing design and therefore determines the dimensions
of the runway beam.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
Fatigue Design
This window provides two display options that are controlled by means of the Mode of Output.
Figure 4.17: Window 2.6 Fatigue Design Overall
If you select the Overall mode of output, the upper table shows for the stress points, to which
detail categories were assigned (see chapter 2.3, page 22), the respective x-locations with the
greatest stress ratio. Column E shows the governing types of stress.
Figure 4.18: Window 2.6 Fatigue Design by x-Location
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
For the mode of output By x-Location, the designs are listed for each member location x and
each stress point, to which a detail category was assigned.
Design Details
The lower part of the window lists all intermediate results that apply for the ratio at the stress
point selected above. In addition to the general parameters, you can also check the components of the normal and shear stresses as well as the equivalent constant amplitude stress
Theoretical Background on Fatigue Designs
DIN 4132
In contrast to the stress analysis, the fatigue design uses the partial safety factors γF = 1. Therefore, the provided stresses in the fatigue design cannot be set in relation to the design values
of the general stress analysis but must be compared with the according allowable stresses for
the fatigue design. They depend on the used steel grade, the detail category, the stress relation of minimum stress to maximum stress (χ = σmin/σmax) and the number of crane travels defined in the stress group of the crane.
Fatigue damage accumulation is characteristic for the material steel. Each single stress amplitude can be of great importance. Therefore, the following condition is to be satisfied.
 max στ
∑  allow σSi
τ i
  max σ k
 +
τ 
  allow σ S  ≤ 1
τ 
 
The following values are to be included in the combination formula:
max στ
allow στ S
max στ
allow στ S
Maximum stress due to single crane i
Allowable stress for the corresponding stress group
Maximum stress from several cranes together
Allowable stress for the according stress group of several cranes
Exponent k:
k = 6.635
k = 5.336
k = 3.323
for detail categories W0 through W2 for St 37
for detail categories W0 through W2 for St 52
for detail categories K0 through K4
In determining the allowable stresses for two cranes, the program uses a stress group lower by
two levels than the stress group of the crane with the lowest stress group. If there are three
cranes, the program uses a stress group lower by three levels than the stress group of the
crane with the lowest stress group.
If during the traveling of a crane the maximum stress values σ or τ are already induced by individual crane wheels or wheel groups, they have to be considered for themselves as actions
with the allowable stress in the design by using the previous formula.
For complicated stress distributions, the assessment of the amplitudes and the values σo and
σu is difficult. This problem can be solved by using the rainflow method: In this method, the
amplitudes and the corresponding top σt and bottom σb stresses are determined from the
stress diagrams. Furthermore, this method can consider all forms of stress diagrams. The determined stresses σt and σb are then used as input parameters for the actual fatigue design.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
The rainflow method gives the resulting stress couples σt and σb for each period (amplitude).
Next, the fatigue design is carried out for these stress couples. Furthermore, it is important to
consider if these are full or half periods. In the following combination formulas, the influence
of the periods (amplitudes) was added.
 max στ
∑ si  allow σRi
τ i
  max σ  k
 +
τ 
  allow σR  ≤ 1
τ 
 
si means:
si = 1.0
for full period
si = 0.5
for half period
For the normal stress σz, in contrast to the stresses σx and τ, the top stress σt and the bottom
stress σb are not determined by means of the rainflow methods from the stress diagrams. It is
assumed that each vertical wheel load travels over the location to be examined and induces
the corresponding top stresses σt:
σ o ,i =
ϕ ⋅ Wi
Dynamic coefficient
Wheel load
Load application length of wheel load
Thickness of web plate
CRANEWAY also takes into account eccentrically acting wheel loads that induce a torsional
moment. For the stress group B4 - B6, an eccentric load application of ± 1/4 of the rail head
width is taken into account. This is done by adding stresses of the according torsional moment
MT,i to the centric wheel load application, see Figure 4.19a).
Figure 4.19: Stress at the upper edge of the web due to eccentric wheel load
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
If the horizontal inertial forces HM are considered in the fatigue design, we obtain the torsional
moment MT,i according to Figure 4.19 b).
The composed normal stress σz,i, is thus:
σ z ,i = σ z ,i, V + σ z ,i,M
σ z ,i, V = σ o ,i
σ z ,i,M =
⋅ M T ,i ⋅
 λ⋅a 
⋅ tanh
 2 
G ⋅ IT
 π ⋅b  
 sinh
 
 a 
md = 1.15 ⋅
π ⋅b
 2 ⋅ π ⋅b 
 −2⋅
The descriptions mean:
Thickness of the web plate
Shear module (steel G = 8100 kN/cm2)
Modulus of elasticity (steel G = 21000 kN/cm2)
Torsion constant
Spacing of the transverse web stiffeners
Depth of the transverse web stiffener (is usually equal to the depth of the web plate)
In the fatigue design, the stress σz from the wheel load has an influence, according to [2]
clause 4.1.2τ, on the shear stresses at the loaded upper edge of the web plate. The stress σz
from the wheel load induces the sheer stress τxz in the web plate. In CRANEWAY, this is taken
into account by the following formula:
τ xz = 0.2 ⋅ σ z
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
EN 1993-6 (EN 1993-1-9)
The fatigue design according to EN 1993-1-9 is based on the nominal stress concept. The internal forces are determined according to the structural analysis for members; the stresses are
calculated at the location of the expected crack formation according to the mechanics of materials. In the fatigue design, the nominal stress ranges Δσ and Δτ due to actions are compared
to the design values of the fatigue strength ΔσR and ΔτR. Furthermore, the concept of the partial safety values applies in EN 1993-1-9.
The standard procedure according to EN 1993-1-9 is the design by means of the damage
equivalent factors: Here, the equivalent constant amplitude stress ranges ΔσE,2 and ΔτE,2 relative to n = 2*106 stress cycles under consideration of the partial safety factors are to be set in
relation to the limit values of the fatigue strength ΔσC or ΔτC for n = 2*106 stress cycles of the
detail category. This leads to the following design requirements:
γ Ff ⋅ ∆σE ,2
∆σ C / γ Mf
γ Ff ⋅ ∆τE ,2
∆τ C / γ Mf
≤ 1.0
≤ 1.0
γ Ff ⋅ ∆σE ,2 = λ ⋅ ∆σ
EN 1993-1-9, chapter 8, Eq. 8.2
For simultaneous occurrence of direct and shear stress ranges, the following is valid:
 γFf ⋅ ∆σE ,2   γFf ⋅ ∆τE ,2 
 
 ∆σ / γ  +  ∆τ / γ  ≤ 1.0
Mf 
 C Mf 
EN 1993-1-9, chapter 8, Eq. 8.3
To determine the equivalent constant amplitude stress range, EN 1991-3 gives the damage
equivalent factors λi for the respective damage classes. The following table is implemented in
Figure 4.20: Damage equivalent factors according to EN 1991-3, Table 2.12
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
Plate Buckling Analysis
For the Overall mode of output, the upper table shows the member with the x-location where
the maximum ratio occurs for each panel of the crane runway beam. In the table below, you
can see detailed characteristics of the buckling panel, local stresses, coefficients, etc. for the
row selected in the table above.
Figure 4.21: Window 2.7 Plate Buckling Analysis - Overall
You can display the governing designs also By x-location.
Figure 4.22: Window 2.7 Plate Buckling Analysis by x-Location
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
Welds - Stress Analysis
This window is displayed only if you selected the weld seam design in the 1.3 Cross-Section
window (see chapter 2.3, page 15). The stresses of the weld seams can also be displayed
Overall or By x-location.
Figure 4.23: Window 2.8 Welds - Stresses Overall
For the Overall mode of output, the upper table shows only those x-locations of each weld
seam (rail-flange and flange-web) that result in a maximum ratio. It also shows for which load
combination this design criterion is relevant.
The design criterion is met if the ratio is smaller than 1. The stress ratio is the ratio of determined equivalent stress to the limit equivalent stress of the weld seam.
Details of weld seams
The lower table of this window lists the intermediate results for the design criterion of the location selected in the table above. In addition to the general weld characteristics, the table
shows the internal forces, normal stresses σ, and shear stresses τ of the weld seam.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
If you select the mode of output By x-location, the table shows the governing stress analyses
for the weld seams at every x-location.
Figure 4.24: Window 2.8 Welds - Stresses by x-Location
Welds - Fatigue Design
This window shows the weld seam ratios for the fatigue design. As in the other output windows,
you can select between the modes of output Overall and By x-Location.
Figure 4.25: Window 2.9 Welds - Fatigue Design Overall
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
4 Results
4.10 Critical Load Factors
The last results window appears if you select the check box Calculate critical load factors of all
load combinations in the FE-LTB tab of the Details dialog box (see Figure 3.3, page 37). It provides an overview of the critical load factors determined for the relevant load combinations
(load positions).
Figure 4.26: Window 2.10 Critical Load Factors
Critical Load Factor
The value is an indicator for the stability of the structural system. A critical load factor of, for
example, 7.969 for the load combination CO75 (see figure above) means that the loading of
this load combination can be increased only by the factor 7.969 until the system becomes unstable (comment Diagonal coefficient in matrix is less than zero). An elastic material behavior is
Reason for Ending Calculation
In most cases, column C shows the comments Diagonal coefficient in matrix is less than zero or
Maximum number of x equilibrium iterations has been reached. The first comment indicates that
the loss of stability could be confirmed mathematically. The second comment means that it
was not possible to reach the break-off limit in the allowed number of iterations. The Maximum
number of equilibrium iterations and the Break-off limit are set in the FE-LTB tab of the Details dialog box (see Figure 3.3, page 37).
If the critical load factor is smaller than 1, the model becomes unstable already before reaching
the design load.
If the critical load factor is 0, the calculation could not be carried out. The model is probably
kinematic so that you have to check the support conditions.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
5 Printout Report
Printout Report
The CRANEWAY input and output data is not automatically sent to a printer. Instead, the
printout report is first generated from the data. You can add graphics, descriptions or comments, scans, etc. to the printout report (see Figure 5.5, page 66).
Create Printout Report
Since the printout report has not been created in RSTAB or RFEM yet, you must first exit
CRANEWAY by clicking [OK] or [Graphics]. The printout report can then be started in RSTAB or
RFEM by selecting from the menu
File → Open Printout Report
or clicking the corresponding button.
If a printout report does not exist yet, the New Printout Report dialog box appears.
Figure 5.1: Dialog box New Printout Report
The number of the report is set by default but can also be changed. You can add a Description
for the report, which makes it easier to select it from the list of other reports later. The description does not appear in the printout.
Furthermore, you can select a particular report template from the list in the dialog section
Printout Report Template.
The buttons in the dialog box have the following functions:
A new report template can be created.
The selection of the report can be edited ( chapter 5.2, page 63).
Table 5.1: Buttons in dialog box New Printout Report
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
5 Printout Report
Selection in Printout Report
You can select the chapters to be displayed in the printout report in a dialog box. To open this
dialog box, select in the printout report menu
Edit → Selection
or click [Select Topics for Printout Report].
The Printout Report Selection dialog box appears.
Figure 5.2: Dialog box Printout Report Selection, tab Global Selection
The list in the Program / Modules section contains the modules, for which input data is available. After you select the program in this list, you can continue with the tabs to the right to select the chapters that you want to print.
Global Selection
The first tab manages the main chapters of the report. If you clear the selection of a check box,
the corresponding detail tab disappears as well. To display only the input data and results from
CRANEWAY, you can clear the selection of the RSTAB Data or RFEM Data in the global selection
of these programs.
Use the three check boxes in the lower-left section Display to decide if you want to display the
Cover sheet, Contents, or small Info pictures in the report margin.
Input Data
The second tab controls which input data should appear in the report.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
5 Printout Report
Figure 5.3: Dialog box Printout Report Selection, tab Input Data
For many of the listed categories, you can specifically define the scope of the data to be printed by clicking [Details].
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
5 Printout Report
In this tab, you can also define which results should be included in the printout report and how
detailed the output should be by using the check boxes and option buttons.
Figure 5.4: Dialog box Printout Report Selection, tab Results
Like the CRANEWAY results windows, the printable results are sorted by designs. To specify the
scope of the printed results, click [Details].
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
5 Printout Report
Printout Report Navigator
The generated printout report shows a Navigator on the left and a preview of the printout report in the main window on the right.
The individual chapters of the report can be moved anywhere in the Navigator by using the
drag-and-drop function.
The context menu in the Navigator provides further options for adjusting the printout report.
To open the context menu, right-click the relevant chapter. As common for Windows applications, you can use multiple selections by pressing [Ctrl] or [].
Figure 5.5: Context menu in navigator and preview
Remove from Printout Report
The selected chapter will be deleted. If you want to reinsert it, select menu Edit → Selection.
Start with New Page
The selected chapter starts on a new page and is marked by a red pin in the navigator.
You have access to the global selection that is described on the following pages. The selected
chapter is preset.
Some general properties of a chapter can be modified; for example, you can change the title or
enter an additional description.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
6 General Functions
General Functions
This chapter describes useful menu functions and graphical options for input and evaluation.
Menu File
With these menu functions, you can change the description of the CRANEWAY case and export
the windows as tables.
This function allows you to enter a new Description for the CRANEWAY case.
Figure 6.1: Dialog box Rename CRANEWAY Case
Export Tables
CRANEWAY allows you to directly export data to MS Excel, OpenOffice.org Calc, or the CSV file
format. The following export dialog box appears.
Figure 6.2: Dialog box Export - MS Excel
When your selection is complete, you can start the export by clicking [OK]. Excel or OpenOffice
will be started automatically, that is, the programs do not have to be opened first.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
6 General Functions
Figure 6.3: Result in Excel
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
6 General Functions
Menu Settings
This menu contains functions for controlling the calculation and units.
This function opens the Details dialog box. The tabs of this dialog box are described in chapter
3.1, page 34.
Units and Decimal Places
This function allows you to adjust the units and decimal places of the input and output data.
A dialog box appears containing the two tabs Input Data and Results.
Figure 6.4: Dialog box Units and Decimal Places
The settings can be saved as a user profile by clicking [Save as Profile] and reused in other
models by clicking [Load Saved Profile]. By clicking [Default], you can restore the default settings.
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
6 General Functions
Input Data
To check the input data graphically, click [3D-Rendering]. A new window appears showing a
visualization of the crane runway girder.
Figure 6.5: Graphic of the crane runway girder
The graphic shows the model of the runway girder and the load positions with the crane position and the acting forces.
The toolbar provides information on the current Crane Position and the total number of positions. Here, you can set another crane position. The movement of the crane on the girder can
also be visualized by an animation.
Furthermore, you can also display all loads acting in individual crane positions. For all load
combinations, you can also display the according imperfections.
In the list Load cases to calculate, you can select between the various design situations (resistance, fatigue, deformation, or support forces).
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
6 General Functions
The results can be displayed graphically in the RSTAB or RFEM work window. There, you can
use all functions of the Display navigator to change the view.
To go to the work window, click [Graphics].
Figure 6.6: Graphic of results
If the results of the CRANEWAY case are not shown, you can display them by clicking the button [Show Results].
The control panel contains the tabs Color Spectrum, Factors, and Filter. They allow you to check
the values by colors and modify the color scales, define the display factors or select the members for the results display.
The Results navigator controls which result diagrams are to be displayed on the model:
Stresses σx+, σx-,τ, and σeqv
Ratio for σx, τ, and σeqv
Internal Forces
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
6 General Functions
Figure 6.7: Results navigator for CRANEWAY
For the display of the Deformations, you can visualize the total displacement u as well as the
displacements and rotations related to the global coordinate axes X,Y, and Z. The displacements in Y-direction always refer to the upper rail edge and also contain components from the
rotation of the cross-section.
The Internal Forces N, Vy, Vz, MT, My, Mz, MTprim, MTsek, and Mω can be checked graphically.
To return to CRANEWAY, click [CRANEWAY].
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
7 Example
Two-Span Crane Runway acc. to DIN EN 1993-6
The following example from literature is calculated with CRANEWAY. In this way, it is possible
to understand the calculations and to see the various possibilities of the program in action.
The example is from [19].
Two-span crane runway, cross-section HEB 300, flat steel crane rail 5 cm x 3 cm (worn-out),
connected with double fillet weld aw = 5 mm, S 235
Self-weight of crane runway girder with rail g = 1.35 kN/m
Transverse stiffeners only at the supports, welded at web and flanges, respectively
Support on consoles at the hall columns, fork support
Travel by means of a single crane bridge, crane system IFF
Hoisting class HC2
Stress group S2
Wheel distance c = 3.6 m
Vertical wheel loads:
Qc=18.00 kN
Qh =57.00 kN,
due to self-weight
due to hoist load
Horizontal wheel loads:
HS =20.00 kN
HT1(H1) = -HT2(H2) =8.60 kN
Guide forces = S-Hs
Loads from acceleration and braking
Figure 7.1: Sketch of system
Figure 7.2: Cross-section
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
7 Example
Internal Forces - Capacity
Acc. to [19]
field moment
My,d 147.90
My,d 132.20
My,d -129.87
My,d -116.37
Vz,d -175.50
Vz,d -157.00
shear force
LTB Analysis as Stress Analysis
Equivalent imperfections
Acc. to [19]
The camber rise in y-direction is vy = 1.5 cm.
The equivalent imperfections can be determined either automatically according to the eigenvalue method or defined manually. For this example, we select the manual definition.
Stress calculation
Acc. to [19]
The maximum equivalent stress according to
second-order analysis is obtained for x = 2.28 m
(left span) at the upper surface of the top flange
x = 2.30 m (left span)
σeqv = 19.10 kN/cm2
σeqv = 19.06 kN/cm2
Elastic-elastic stress analysis
The stress analysis is carried out with the partial safety factor γM1.
Acc. to [19]
19.10/21.36 = 0.894 < 1
LTB design satisfied
19.06/21.36 = 0.892 < 1
Design satisfied
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
7 Example
Load Application Stresses
Loaded length at transition between fillet radius and web
Rail is welded, that is, rigidly fixed to the top flange.
Acc. to [19]
leff = 12.8 cm
leff = 12.8 cm
Web compression at transition between fillet radius and web
Acc. to [19]
Web compression:
σoz,Ed = -5.70 kN/cm2
σoz,Ed = -5.68 kN/cm2
Corresponding local shear stress:
τoxz,Ed = 1.10 kN/cm2
τoxz,Ed = 1.14 kN/cm2
Plate Buckling Analyses of Web Plate Under
Wheel Load
Length of stiff bearing
Acc. to [19]
ss = 9.0 cm
ss = 9.0 cm
Plate buckling coefficient and critical plate buckling load
Acc. to [19]
kF =6.00
kF =6.004
Fcr = 5761 kN
Fcr = 5764.55 kN
Auxiliary values
Acc. to [19]
m1 = 27.3
m1 = 27.27
m2 = 0.00
m2 = 0.00
ly = 32.7 cm
ly = 32.6 cm
Fy = 845.3
λ_trans = 0.38
χF = 1.0
λ_trans = 0.383
χF = 1.0
Interaction design
Acc. to [19]
η1 = 0.41 < 1.0
η1 = 0.409 < 1.0
Web plate buckling
Acc. to [19]
η = 0.068 < 1.0
η = 0.068 < 1.0
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
7 Example
Fatigue Designs
Dynamic coefficients and design locations
Acc. to [19]
ϕfat,1 = 1.05
ϕfat,2 = 1.065
ϕfat,1 = 1.05
ϕfat,1 = 1.065
Figure 7.3: Design locations and detail categories
Normal stresses at the top of flange in span
Acc. to [19]
In span at x = 2.1 m
max My = 100.3 kNm
min My = -20.1 kNm
∆σx = 7.22 kN/cm2
∆σE,2 =2.3 kN/cm²
η = 0.24 < 1.0
∆σx = 7.33 kN/cm2
∆σE,2 =2.31 kN/cm²
η = 0.237 < 1.0
Normal stresses at web base in span
Acc. to [19]
In span at x = 2.1 m
max My = 100.3 kNm
min My = -20.1 kNm
∆σx = 5.0 kN/cm2
∆σE,2 =1.6 kN/cm²
η = 0.12 < 1.0
∆σx = 4.92 kN/cm2
∆σE,2 =1.55 kN/cm²
η = 0.14 < 1.0
Normal stresses at top flange at intermediate column
Acc. to [19]
max My = -85.2 kNm
∆σx = 4.44 kN/cm2
∆σE,2 =1.4 kN/cm²
η = 0.20 < 1.0
∆σx = 4.37 kN/cm2
∆σE,2 =1.38 kN/cm²
η = 0.198 < 1,0
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
7 Example
Acc. to [19]
Vertical deflection
δz = γ ⋅ R ⋅ l3/(100 ⋅ EIy) + β ⋅ g ⋅ l4/(EIy)
where β = 0.0054 and γ = 1.62
δz = 0.50 + 0.02 = 0.52 cm
uz = 0.52 cm
Horizontal deflection
δy = γ ⋅ H1 ⋅ l3/(100 ⋅ EIz,Og)
where γ = 3.01
δy = 0.72 cmuy = 0.72 cm
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
A Literature
A Literature
DIN 18800 Stahlbauten. Ausgabe November 1990
DIN 4132 Kranbahnen, Stahltragwerke, Grundsätze für Berechnung,
bauliche Durchbildung und Ausführung, Ausgabe Februar 1981
SIA 160 Einwirkungen auf Tragwerke, Ausgabe 1989
SIA 161 Stahlbauten, Ausgabe 1990
EN 1991-3: 2006, Eurocode 1: Actions on structures- Part 3: Actions induced by cranes
and machinery
EN 1993-6: 2010, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 6: Crane supporting structures
EN 1993-1-1: 2005, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1: General rules and
rules for buildings
EN 1993-1-9: 2005, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 9: Fatigue
EN 1993-1-5: 2005, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 5: Plated structural elements
EN 1993-1-8: 2010, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 8: Design of joints
VON BERG, D.: Krane und Kranbahnen. Berechnung, Konstruktion, Ausführung,
Stuttgart, Verlag B.G.Teubner, Auflage 1988
Manual FE-LTB (Program for lateral-torsional and torsional-flexural buckling analysis
by FEM), DLUBAL Engineering Software, Version July 2013
PETERSEN, Chr.: Statik und Stabilität der Baukonstruktionen, Verlag Friedrich Vieweg und
Sohn, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 2. Auflage 1982
Erläuterungen zur DIN 18800, Teil 1 bis 4. Beuth-Verlag und Ernst & Sohn,
2. Auflage 1994
Berechnungsgrundlagen für Kranbahnen, Schweizerische Zentralstelle für Stahlbau,
Postfach 8034, Zürich. 1979
PETERSEN, Chr.: Stahlbau, Verlag Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, Brauschweig/Wiesbaden,
3. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, 1993
SCHNEIDER, K.-J.: Bautabellen mit Berechnungshinweisen, Beispielen und europäischen
Vorschriften, Werner-Verlag, 10. Auflage
OSTERRIEDER, P; RICHTER, S.: Kranbahnträger aus Walzprofilen, Verlag Friedrich Vieweg und
Sohn, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 2. überarbeitete Auflage, Oktober 2002
SEEßELBERG, Chr.: Kranbahnen, Bemessung und konstruktive Gestaltung,
Bauwerk Verlag GmbH, Berlin, 3. Auflage, 2009
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
B Index
B Index
Equivalent stress ............................................................ 50
Additional loads ............................................................. 26
Excel ................................................................................... 67
Additional section .......................................................... 18
Exit CRANEWAY ................................................................. 8
Animation ......................................................................... 70
Export tables ................................................................... 67
Assumption of loads ..................................................... 36
Fatigue design ..................................... 21, 35, 42, 53, 60
Break-off limit .................................................................. 38
FE-LTB ................................................................................ 37
Bridge crane ..................................................................... 10
Full period ........................................................................ 55
Browsing through windows ......................................... 8
Buckling panel................................................................. 58
General data ....................................................................... 8
Buckling shape ................................................................ 37
Geometry .......................................................................... 11
Buckling stress curve..................................................... 32
Girder ................................................................................. 15
Girder buffer .................................................................... 26
Calculation........................................................................ 34
Graphics ..................................................................... 70, 71
Camber rise ...................................................................... 33
Capacity ............................................................................. 41
Half period ....................................................................... 55
Comment .......................................................................... 10
Hoisting class .................................................................. 27
Context menu ................................................................. 66
Horizontal deflection .................................................... 52
Crane loads ....................................................................... 28
Crane parameter ............................................................ 27
Imperfection parameter .............................................. 33
Crane position ................................................................. 70
Imperfections .....................................................32, 34, 36
Crane rail ........................................................................... 17
Increment ......................................................................... 38
Crane type ........................................................................ 10
Input Data ........................................................................... 8
Critical load factor ................................................... 37, 61
Installation ..................................................................... 5, 6
Cross-section ................................................................... 15
Intermittent weld seam ............................................... 25
CSV-Export ........................................................................ 67
Internal forces ....................................................34, 41, 42
Damage equivalent coefficient ................................. 35
Load application length .............................................. 48
Decimal places ................................................................ 69
Load case .......................................................................... 30
Deformation..................................................................... 35
Load combination ............................................29, 30, 40
Deformation analysis .................................................... 51
Load increment .............................................................. 29
Design criterion .............................................................. 40
Loaded length................................................................. 49
Design situation.............................................................. 30
Loading ............................................................................. 26
Design summary ............................................................ 40
Detail category ......................................................... 22, 53
Detail settings ................................................................. 34
DIN 4132 ..................................................................... 35, 54
Dynamic coefficient ............................................... 28, 44
Eigenmode ....................................................................... 33
Eigenvalue method ....................................................... 32
EN 1993-6 ................................................................... 34, 57
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software
Material ................................................................................ 8
Material library ................................................................... 9
Mouse wheel ................................................................... 31
National Annex .................................................................. 9
Navigator ...................................................................... 8, 71
New page ......................................................................... 66
B Index
Nu factor............................................................................ 38
Start CRANEWAY ............................................................... 7
Stiffener ...................................................................... 12, 14
OpenOffice ....................................................................... 67
Stress .................................................................................. 59
Stress analysis ................................................................. 45
Panel ................................................................................... 71
Plastification .................................................................... 36
Plate buckling analysis ................................................. 58
Primary shear stresses .................................................. 47
Printout report ................................................................ 62
Rail section ....................................................................... 17
Rail-flange connection ................................................. 34
Stress point ............................................................... 19, 46
Summary .......................................................................... 40
Support ............................................................................. 11
Support forces ................................................................ 43
Suspension crane........................................................... 10
Torsional moment ......................................................... 55
Type of support .............................................................. 12
Rainflow method ............................................................ 54
Ratio .................................................................................... 45
Undeformed system ..................................................... 35
Release ........................................................................ 12, 13
Units ................................................................................... 69
Rename.............................................................................. 67
Rendering ......................................................................... 70
Vertical deflection.......................................................... 52
Result windows ............................................................... 39
Results navigator ............................................................ 72
Warping moment .......................................................... 50
Warping spring ............................................................... 12
Secondary shear stresses ............................................. 48
Warping torsion ...................................................... 47, 50
Selection in printout report ........................................ 63
Wear ................................................................................... 25
Splice .................................................................................. 17
Weld seam ...........................................................25, 59, 60
Spring ................................................................................. 12
Wheel load stresses ....................................................... 48
Spring constant .............................................................. 12
Wheel loads ..................................................................... 26
Standard .............................................................................. 9
Start calculation .............................................................. 38
x-location .............................................................46, 51, 54
Program CRANEWAY © 2013 Dlubal Engineering Software