Uploaded by Daniel Aguirre


Topic: LTE KPIs Tutorial
Target audience: Optimization & Tuning
2012-06-26 | Page 1
The purpose of this document is to provide a description on the LTE
KPIs and give troubleshooting guidelines to under - performing
EUTRAN KPIs in the areas of Accessibility, Retainability, Integrity,
Mobility and Availability.
2012-06-26 | Page 2
Purpose of the document
Introduction of Ericsson KPI & Counters
KPI Name
Time Resolution
Counters MO Class (Managed Object)
Counters Type
Target Value
KPI Description
KPI Collection and Process Tools
ITK Overview
Software Platform
Aggregation on Object and Time
Object Aggregation
2012-06-26 | Page 3
Contents cont…
Time Aggregation
Instruction on the Aggregation
Troubleshooting Guidelines
Random Access
RRC Connection Establishment
RRC Connection Establishment Counters
Initial E-RAB Establishment Success Rate
Initial E-RAB Establishment Success Rate Counters
Added E-RAB Establishment Success Rate
Added E-RAB Establishment Success Rate Counters
S1 Signaling Connection Establishment
UE Session Time
MME Initiated E-RAB & UE Context Release with counters Description
RBS Initiated E-RAB & UE Context Release with counters Description
MME & RBS Initiated E-RAB Release Flow Chart
MME & RBS Initiated UE Context Release Flow Chart
2012-06-26 | Page 4
Contents cont…
EUTRAN Throughput KPIs
EUTRAN Packet Loss KPIs
Intra RBS Handover Preparation & Execution
X2 Based Handover Preparation & Execution
S1 Based Handover Preparation & Execution
Intra Frequency Handover Preparation & Execution Counters
Inter Frequency Handover Preparation & Execution Counters
Intra-frequency intra-LTE S1 & X2 Handover Flowchart
Inter-frequency intra-LTE S1 & X2 Handover Flowchart
ANR Counters & counter details
Partial cell availability (node restarts excluded)
2012-06-26 | Page 5
1 Introduction
Purpose of the document
This document describes the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the LTE Radio Access
Network (RAN) used to measure the contribution to subscriber perceived quality and
system performance.
Monitoring the RAN performance is a very important task for network engineers,
operation and maintenance personnel and management.
KPIs can be used for the following tasks:
•Monitoring and optimizing the radio network performance to provide better
subscriber-perceived quality or better use of installed resources
•Rapidly detecting unacceptable performance in the network, enabling the operator to
take immediate actions to preserve the quality of the network
•Providing radio network planners with the detailed information required for
dimensioning and configuring the network for optimal use
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2 Introduction of Ericsson KPI & Counters
The “LTE KPIs Description” documents are written with the below format:
2.1 KPI Name
KPI is short for Key Performance Indicator. In general the name of the KPI is stated in
the title of the subparagraph. Here, a sort of ‘short’ name/acronym, is used. The
intent is to provide a clear terminology to reference to each of the proposed
performance indicators.
2.2 Importance
Value: High, Medium, Low. It signifies how critical of the particular KPI to the
network performance.
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2 Introduction of Ericsson KPI & Counters
2.3 Scope
Value: Cell, eNodeB or Cluster of cells. It shows the KPI available to be view per cell, per
eNodB or Cluster of cells.
2.4 Time Resolution
Value: 1 hour, 24 hours. Observation period for the particular KPI.
2.5 Counters MO Class (Managed Object)
All the radio network counters from the eNodB (and RBS) are reported from one
Managed Object (MO) Class.
2.6 Counters Type
Counters are used to collect PM statistics Data. Different types of counters are used to
collect observable data.
The are 9 different types of counters available:
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2 Introduction of Ericsson KPI & Counters
Peg – a counter that is increase by 1 at each occurrence of a specific activity. Eg:pmBadCovEvalReport
Gauge – a counter that can be increased or decreased depending on the activity in
the system. Eg:- pmPrbUsedDlCcch
Accumulator – a counter that is increased by the value of a sample. It indicates the
total sum of all sample values taken during a certain time. The name of an
accumulator counter begins either with pmSum or pmSumOfSamp. Eg:pmRrcConnLevSum
Scan – a counter that is increased by 1 each time the corresponding accumulator is
increased. It indicates how many samples have been read, and added to the related
accumulator counter. A scan counter can therefore be considered a specific kind of
peg counter. Due to these types of counters, it is possible to get the average value of
all samples by dividing the accumulator counter by the scan counter. The name of a
scan counter begins with pmSamples or pmNoofSamp. Eg:- pmRrcConnLevSamp
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2 Introduction of Ericsson KPI & Counters
PDF – a list of range values. A value is sampled (read) periodically. If the value falls
within a certain range, the range counter for that range is increased. All range counter
values are collected and stored in ROP file at the end of the each reporting period.
For example, if SIR values are split into three range : Range1 = [-11 dB to -4 dB],
Range2 = [-4 dB to +4 dB], Range3 = [+4 dB to +20 dB], and a value is read every 3
minutes over a 15 minutes period (values = -10, -3, +5, +5, +6), then the three Range
Counters are reported as RangeCounter1 = 1, RangeCounter2 = 1, RangeCounter3 = 3.
Eg:- pmRadioRecInterferencePwr
Discrete distributed measurements (DDM) – a series of values recorded during a
reporting period. Each series of values may be one of the following measurement
• Accumulated over a measurement period and read at the end of each
measurement period (a gauge or peg counter)
• Averaged over the duration of a measurement period
• Read at a specific time (the measurement time), within the measurement period (at
a specific frame)
At the end of a series of consecutive measurement periods (the reporting period) all
measurement values are collected and stored in a ROP file.
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2 Introduction of Ericsson KPI & Counters
For example, if a SIR value is read every 3 minutes over a 15-minutes period (value =
-10, -3, +5, +5, +6), then 5 DDM measurements are reported as MEa1 = -10, Meas2 =
-3, MEass3 = 5, Meas4 = 5, Meas5 = 6.
Calculated – a counter whose value is determined by other counters. The calculation
is performed in the RANOS Statistics database. The ROP files are opened in order to
be transferred into the database and the calculations are made by the database itself
during this process. This means that these counters are not available when the
Statistics Database is not present.
TrigACC - a counter whose value is a sum of all values accumulated during the ROP at
the occurrence of the defined trigger.
TrigSCAN - a counter whose value is a number of occurrences of the defined trigger
during the ROP.
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2 Introduction of Ericsson KPI & Counters
2.7 Target Value
Target values are intentionally blank for now and will be updated with values obtained
from live networks
2.8 Unit
The unit of measurement.
2.9 KPI Description
In every KPI description field in document, when possible, every effort is made to
follow the structure below:
Par. 1 Description of the meaning of the KPI and how the formula is built;
Par. 2 Description of all the counters included in the formula and their triggering
Par. 3 Eventual comments or notes about KPI inconsistency or statistical limit.
Par. 4 Some tips about aggregation method.
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3 KPI Collection and Process Tools
There are various kinds of KPI collection and processing tools that can be used, for
example ERTT (Ericsson RF Tracking Tool), ITK and etc.
ITK Overview
The purpose of ITK is to provide Ericsson engineers with tools to assist in support and
operations of LTE radio access networks. In addition, the tools should make data
available that can be fed back into the design organization to aid in improvement of
the Ericsson LTE RAN products. The tools provide the following basic areas of
• Ability to fetch, process and store statistical counter-based data from the network
• Ability to fetch, process and store event based data from the network elements
• Ability to fetch, process and store configuration data from the network elements
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3 KPI Collection and Process Tools
• Flexible web based reporting based on the counter, event and configuration data.
The goals are to provide:
 Web based reporting of network performance KPIs (Key Performance
 eNodeB downtime and restart statistics.
 The architecture provides for the user to define many different kinds of web
based report, using the data fetched into the system.
ITK is designed to provide access to the network data from the Ericsson ECN, to allow
Ericsson engineers to access the data. The following elements make this possible:
• Network ITK Tools Server (NITS)- This server is installed directly on the customer’s
O&M network and has IP contact with all managed nodes. This server is tasked with
fetching data from the nodes.
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3 KPI Collection and Process Tools
• Ericsson ITK Tools Server (EITS)- This server is installed on the Ericsson Corporate
network (ECN) and has contact with the NITS via an RSG (Remote Support Gateway)
or other form of gateway. Data fetched by the NITS is processed into a database on
the EITS. The EITS provides a web interface which may be accessed by Ericsson
engineers. A single EITS may service multiple customer’s networks (depending on
the number of nodes and the processing capabilities of the server). It is envisaged
that EITS may be installed and maintained on a regional basis by the GSDCs.
• Central ITK Tools Server (CITS)- This server stores aggregated data from multiple
EITS and provides overview level statistics, useful to PLM and the product units. It is
envisaged that PLM and/or PDUs will maintain CITS instances.
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3 KPI Collection and Process Tools
Software Platform
The diagram below describes the ITK software platform.
Figure 1 - ITK Architecture
The underlying platform elements (colored light blue in figure 1 above) are installed
as part of the operating system. The following elements are Required:
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3 KPI Collection and Process Tools
• Linux Operating System. The ITK project supports the installation of ITK on the
following Linux distributions.
o Centos 4.3 (www.centos.org). Centos is a clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
o Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL – www.redhat.com).
More information on ITK can be found in the link
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4 Aggregation on Object and Time
KPIs can be correlated to each other or related to elements in the network topology.
The correlation to a certain part of the network topology is often called the
aggregation level. It is important to select the correct aggregation of data to provide
meaningful results for analysis. In brief the aggregation can be based on object and
4.1 Object Aggregation
Object Aggregation is the aggregation of data of lower level Objects to higher level
Objects. The aggregation is based on the topology of the network configuration. The
aggregation would enable the network to be characterized from the individual NE
4.2 Time Aggregation
Time Aggregation is the process of aggregating data from lower resolutions to a
higher resolution. Since the data resolution is large, it is necessary to aggregate it to
a higher resolution to save storage space.
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4 Aggregation on Object and Time
Aggregation of data based on time provides a snapshot of data at different
resolutions. These resolutions typically include data at Quarter, Hour, Day, Week and
Month and are referred to as Basic or Standard resolutions. However, it is also possible
to have operator definable aggregation period.
The following basic time aggregation steps exist by default:
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4 Aggregation on Object and Time
4.3 Instruction on the Aggregation
Peg counter- The peg counter can be aggregated on time or cluster basis to derive
the total number of occurrences of a specific event.
Accumulator- The accumulator counter can be aggregated on time or cluster to
derive the sum of the values over time or area.
Scan- The scan counter is used mainly to derive the average value of the
corresponding accumulator sample. E.g. pmSumMeasuredLoad gives the sum of
samples of the measured load, that is, every time the processor load is sampled, the
counter is incremented by the sampled load. The average process load is obtained by
dividing the measured load by the scan counter pmSamplesMeasuredLoad. To obtain
the average value on eNodeB basis, individual Accumulator counter from each cell
should be sum first before taking the division by the sum of the individual scan
counter of each cell.
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4 Aggregation on Object and Time
PDF measurements- The PDF measurements can be used to derive the minimum,
maximum, mean or percentile (e.g. 90% or 95% percentile) values. The mean value
of the samples is done by [value(range 1) x mean(range1) + value(range 2) x
mean(range2) + .. + value(range n) x mean( range n)] / [ value(range1) +
value(range2) +…+ value(range3)]. The inaccuracy of the computed mean value is
due to the last range value being usually infinite and the uneven size of the defined
range. To obtain the average on cluster basis, need to first sum the values from each
range before multiplexing by the mean of the corresponding range and finally
divided by the total counts. An example is given below to compute the 90 percentile
for the counter MyPDF[i] i=0..N:
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
There are a few E-UTRAN KPIs which will adversely affect end-user experience if
any of these KPIs under perform and it is critical to monitor closely the
performance of these main KPIs. This troubleshooting guideline aims to present
ideas to pinpoint potential areas for trouble-shooting if any of these main E-UTRAN
KPIs under perform.
5.1 Accessibility
Accessibility measurements are based on drive tests or statistics. It is a combined
metric including RRC, S1 and E-RAB establishment success rate. In the case of poor
accessibility, each success rate must be analyzed individually. Reasons for poor
accessibility include but are not limited to:
Poor coverage. In this case, qRxLevMin can be decreased.
UE camping in the wrong cell. In this case, parameters for cell reselection can be
High UL interference
Admission reject, due to lack of licenses
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
EUTRAN Accessibility KPIs
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Random Access
In the LTE network, the UE uses the random access process to gain access to cells
for the following reasons:
• Initial access to the network from the idle state
• Regaining access to the network after a radio link failure
• As part of the handover process to gain timing synchronization with a new
• Before uplink data transfers when the UE is not time synchronized with the
Two types of RA procedures are defined in the standard for FDD
CBRA (Contention Based Random Access)
CFRA (Contention Free Random Access)
The main counters for this scenario are the following:
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Following figure shows a flowchart for the RA procedure.
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
RRC Connection Establishment
 RRC connection establishment is used to make the transition from RRC Idle mode
to RRC Connected mode. UE must make the transition to RRC Connected mode
before transferring any application data, or completing any signaling procedures.
 The RRC connection establishment procedure is always initiated by the UE but can
be triggered by either the UE or the network. For example, the UE triggers RRC
connection establishment if the end-user starts an application to browse the
internet, or to send an email. Similarly, the UE triggers RRC connection establishment
if the UE moves into a new Tracking Area and has to complete the Tracking Area
Update signaling procedure. The network triggers the RRC connection establishment
procedure by sending a Paging message. This could be used to allow the delivery of
an incoming SMS or notification of an incoming voice call.
 RRC connection establishment for LTE is relatively simple compared to RRC
connection establishment for UMTS. The UMTS procedure requires NBAP and ALCAP
signaling across the Iub interface between the Node B and RNC. These signaling
protocols are used to setup a radio link and new transport connection. The flat
network architecture for LTE removes the requirement for these signaling
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
 In the case of LTE, the initial Non-Access Stratum (NAS) message is transferred as
part of the RRC connection establishment procedure. In the case of UMTS, the initial
NAS message is transferred after the RRC connection establishment procedure. The
approach used by LTE helps to reduce connection establishment delay.
 RRC connection establishment configures Signaling Radio Bearer (SRB) 1 and
allows subsequent signaling to use the Dedicated Control Channel (DCCH) rather
than the Common Control Channel (CCCH) used by SRB 0.
 The signaling for RRC connection establishment is shown in below figure. The
entire procedure is completed using only RRC signaling. A 3-way handshake is used
to move the UE into RRC connected mode
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: RRC Connection Establishment
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
RRC Connection Establishment Counters
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Counter Flowcharts
RRC Connection Setup scenario describes both
successful and unsuccessful attempts to set up a
RRC connection for an originating or terminating
The main counters for this scenario are the
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Initial E-RAB Establishment Success Rate
The Initial Context Setup procedure is triggered by the MME by sending S1AP
message INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST. This message includes information
regarding the first E-RAB to set up. Included is information regarding the security
algorithms and security keys to use.
The RBS applies the security information and informs the UE, using the SECURITY
MODE COMMAND message. The UE responds with SECURITY MODE COMPLETE. After
this point all data between the UE and RBS is encrypted and control signaling is
Following successful activation of security, the RBS allocates resources for the first
Data Radio Bearer. Resources for SRB2 are allocated as well. The RBS configures the
procedure is completed after the RBS has sent INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE to
the MME.
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: E-RAB Establishment with Initial Context Setup
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Initial E-RAB Establishment Success Rate Counters
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Added E-RAB Establishment Success Rate
Defined as the accessibility success rate for end-user services which is carried by
E-RABs included in the E-RAB setup procedure.
Figure : E-RAB Establishment with E-RAB Setup Procedure
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Added E-RAB Establishment Success Rate Counters
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
S1 Signaling Connection Establishment
The UE finalizes the establishment of the RRC connection by sending the message
RRC Connection Setup Complete to the eNodeB. The UE indicates the selected PLMN
and provides a NAS message to the eNodeB. In this case the NAS message is Attach
The Attach Request message is provided to the MME in the “Initial UE Message”.
The UE is identified either by the GUTI or the IMSI (in the Attach Request message).
MME sends Authentication Information Request to HSS including the IMSI to
identify the UE/Subscriber. HSS responds with Authentication Information Answer
including the requested number of Authentication Vectors (Kasme, RAND, AUTN,
XRES) used for security and authentication between the UE and the network. The
MME requests Authentication of the UE by sending the NAS message
“Authentication Request” to the UE including the selected RAND and AUTN, using
the RRC DL Information Transfer.
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: S1 Signaling Connection Establishment and counters description
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Signaling Connection Setup and E-RAB Establishment
This traffic scenario describes both successful and unsuccessful attempts to set up an
S1 connection and to perform an E-RAB establishment.
The main counters for these scenarios are the following:
Below figures show flowcharts for the signaling connection setup and the E-RAB
establishment scenarios.
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: E-RAB Establishment with Initial
Context Setup Procedure
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Figure: E-RAB Establishment with E-RAB Setup
5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Retainability measurements are based on drive tests or statistics.
For the case when a measurement is based on drive test, the probability that a
session is abnormally released is proportional to the session length. To obtain a
measure independent of the session length, the number of abnormal releases can be
normalized with the session time to calculate the number of abnormal releases per
For the case when a measurement is based on statistics, the formula provided for
abnormal releases per second is normalized with the time that the UE is active. An
active UE in this context is a UE that has uplink or downlink transmitted data during
the last 100 ms.
Reasons for poor Retainability include but are not limited to:
Missing neighbor relations
Poor radio conditions
Badly tuned handover parameters
Admission reject, due to lack of licenses
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
EUTRAN Retainability KPI
UE Session Time
It shows the accumulated active session time in a cell for the measurement period.
Number of session seconds aggregated for UEs in a cell. A UE is said to be ‘in
session’ if any data on a DRB (UL or DL) has been transferred during the last 100 ms.
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: UE Session Time
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
UE Session Time counter
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
MME Initiated E-RAB & UE Context Release with counters Description
Figure: MME Initiated E-RAB Release
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: MME Initiated UE Context Release
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
MME Initiated E-RAB & UE Context Release counters
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
RBS Initiated E-RAB & UE Context Release with counters Description
Figure: RBS Initiated E-RAB Release
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: RBS Initiated UE Context Release
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
MME & RBS Initiated E-RAB Release Flow Chart
E-RAB release scenario describes the steps involved in E-RAB Release.
The main counters for this scenario are the following:
Figure: MME Initiated E-RAB Release Flow Chart
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: RBS Initiated E-RAB Release Flow Chart
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
MME & RBS Initiated UE Context Release Flow Chart
This section describes the flowcharts related to User Equipment (UE) context release.
The main counters for this scenario are the following:
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: MME Initiated UE Context Release Flow Chart
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: RBS Initiated UE Context Release Flow Chart
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
5.3 Integrity
The time it takes to schedule the first packet on the air interface, determined from
the time it was received in RBS.
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: Downlink Latency Measurement
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Downlink Latency Counters
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
EUTRAN Throughput KPIs
The speed at which packets can be transferred once the first packet has been
scheduled on the air interface.
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: DL DRB Traffic Volume Measurement
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
DL DRB Traffic Volume Counters
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: UL DRB Traffic Volume Measurement
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
UL DRB Traffic Volume Counters
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
EUTRAN Packet Loss KPIs
Packet Loss Rate can be broken down into:
•The rate of congestion related packet losses (for example, the packets that get
dropped due to active queue management functionality).
•The rate of non-congestion related packet losses (those are packets that get lost in
transmission, for example, discarded by some link layer receiver due to CRC failure).
Downlink Packet Error Loss Rate [%]:
Uplink Packet Loss Rate [%]:
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: Downlink Packet Loss Measurement
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: Uplink Packet Loss Measurement
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Packet Loss Counters
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
5.4 Mobility
A common mobility measurement is the handover success rate. It can be verified
by system counters that record the success rate of handover attempts. Reasons for
poor mobility include but are not limited to:
•Missing neighbor relations
•Poor radio conditions
•Badly tuned handover parameters
If handover is triggered too early, the target cell SINR can be too weak when
handover occurs. If handover is triggered too late, the source cell SINR can be too
low. This can result in an abnormal release before handover.
Handover hysteresis and time-to-trigger settings are required to prevent excessive
ping-pong handovers. Such behavior increases signaling, risk of failure, and
decreases throughput.
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Tuning of these parameters may be required in different cells to find the right
balance. For example, rural and fast changing environments have different
requirements. This tuning should be based on UE measurements during drive tests.
With too little overlap, handover may fail. With too much cell overlap, higher
interference occurs and cell edge throughput can be reduced. Again, a balance must
be achieved by adjusting overlap margins and cell sizes. This can be achieved with
parameters and physical changes.
EUTRAN Mobility Success Rate [%]:
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Intra RBS Handover Preparation & Execution
Figure: Intra RBS Handover Preparation
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: Intra RBS Handover Execution
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
X2 Based Handover Preparation & Execution
Figure: X2 Based Handover Preparation
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: X2 Based Handover Execution
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
S1 Based Handover Preparation & Execution
Figure: S1 Based Handover Preparation
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Figure: S1 Based Handover Execution:
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Intra Frequency Handover Preparation & Execution Counters
Intra Frequency Handover Preparation Counters
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Intra Frequency Handover Execution Counters
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Inter Frequency Handover Preparation & Execution Counters
Inter Frequency Handover Preparation Counters
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Inter Frequency Handover Execution Counters
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Intra-frequency intra-LTE S1 & X2 Handover Flowchart
This traffic scenario describes successful and failed intra-frequency intra-LTE S1 and
X2 Handover.
The main counters for this scenario are the following:
Following figure show flowcharts for the intra-frequency intra-LTE S1 & X2
Handover scenarios
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Figure: Intra-Frequency intra-LTE S1 Handover Scenario
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
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Figure: Intra-Frequency intra-LTE X2 Handover Scenario
5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Inter-frequency intra-LTE S1 & X2 Handover Flowchart
This traffic scenario describes successful and failed inter-frequency intra-LTE S1 and
X2 Handover.
The main counters for this scenario are the following:
Following figure show flowcharts for the inter-frequency intra-LTE S1 & X2 Handover
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Figure: Inter-Frequency intra-LTE S1 Handover Scenario
5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
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Figure: Inter-Frequency intra-LTE X2 Handover Scenario
5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
ANR Counters & counter details
Figure: ANR Counters
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
ANR counter details
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
5.5 Availability
Partial cell availability (node restarts excluded)
This KPI measures system performance. Since the KPI is measured by the RBS, it does
not include time when the RBS is down, i.e. node restart time is excluded.
The length of time in seconds that a cell is available for service is defined as cell
availability. Cell availability for a cluster of M number of cells during N reporting
periods can be calculated using the following formula. The counters are on cell level.
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5 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Cell Downtime
This traffic scenario describes the steps
involved in the Cell Downtime procedure.
The main counters for this scenario are
the following:
Figure: flowchart for the Cell Downtime procedure
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