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System & Network Admin Exam (IT5060) - Sri Lanka Institute

Sri Lanka Institute of Information Tee nology
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Sri Lanka Institute of Information Tee nology
M.Sc. in Information Systems
Final Examination
Year 1, Semester 2 (2017)
System and Network Administration (IT5060)
Duration: 3 Hours
Saturday 27th May 2017
9.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon
to Candidates
1. This paper contains Five (05) Questions printed on four (04) pages.
2. The entire exam is worth 100 marks and contributes 60% of the final
3. This is an open Book Examination
[20 Marks]
Question 1
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a protocol for assigning dynamic IP
addresses to devices on a network. With dynamic addressing, a device can have a different
IP address every time it connects to the network.
Using a diagram illustrate the process of a dhcp server?
(8 marks)
What is the default Linux configuration file of DHCP?
(2 marks)
Write a command to install the dhcp server package.
(2 marks)
How to restart the dhcp service to check the configuration?
(2 marks)
List commands to start and enable DHCP services?
(6 marks)
[20 Marks]
Question 2
Today, email is delivered using client/server architecture. An email message is created
using a mail client program. This program then sends the message to a server. The server
then forwards the message to the recipient's email server, where the message is then
supplied to the recipient's email client. To enable this process, a variety of standard
network protocols allow different machines, often running different 0 erating systems
and using different email programs, to send and receive email.
Using a diagram illustrate the process of a mail server
(8 marks)
What is Sendmail ?
(2 marks)
Which are the important configuration files for Sendmail server?
(4 marks)
What is the default Linux configuration file of Sendmail?
(2 marks)
List commands to start and enable Sendmail services?
(4 marks)
[20 Marks]
Question 3
DNS (Domain Name System), also known as a nameserver, is a net ork system that
associates hostnames with their respective IP addresses. For users, this has the advantage
that they can refer to machines on the network by names that are usu lly easier to
r member than the numerical network addresses.
Using a diagram illustrate the function of a DNS server
(8 marks)
What is the default Linux configuration file of DNS?
(1 marks)
What are zone files in DNS server?
(2 marks)
What are the different types ofDNS Server?
(6 marks)
List commands to start and enable DNS services?
(3 marks)
[20 Marks]
Question 4
What is Proxy Server and why it is used?
(8 marks)
What is Squid and its features?
(4 marks)
What is the default configuration file of Squid?
(2 marks)
What is the default port of Squid and how to change it?
(2 marks)
List commands to start and enable Squid services?
(4 marks)
Question 5
[20 Marks]
. How will you List files from a directory?
(2 marks)
What Is Yum Server?
(2 marks)
Using an example describe, How to install packages usi g yum?
(2 marks)
How to check the updates for yum repository?
(2 marks)
"If you don't know the exact package name to be install d"; Discuss briefly
how to use yum commands to find exact package name to be installed
(6 marks)
Briefly describe following Command Line Tools
a. Top
b. Htop
c. Atop
d. Mytop
e. Powertop
f. ntopng
(6 marks)
End of paper -