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Care Certificate Training Portfolio

Training Portfolio
Learners Name
Start Date
abdullah aljanabi
leeds jewish welfare board
Evidence of Learning
All learning requirements for the Care Certificate can be recorded in this portfolio.
On successful completion of this Portfolio, the Care Certificate can be awarded.
Standard 1 Understand your role ...................................................................................................................... 2
Standard 2 Your Personal Development............................................................................................................ 4
Standard 3 Duty of care ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Standard 4 Equality and Diversity ...................................................................................................................... 7
Standard 5 Work in a Person-Centred Way ....................................................................................................... 8
Standard 6 Communication ............................................................................................................................. 10
Standard 7 Privacy and Dignity ........................................................................................................................ 11
Standard 8 Fluids and Nutrition ....................................................................................................................... 13
Standard 9 Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disability ................................................. 14
Standard 10 Safeguarding Adults .................................................................................................................... 16
Standard 11 Safeguarding Children ................................................................................................................. 19
Standard 12 Basic Life Support ........................................................................................................................ 19
Standard 13 Health and Safety ........................................................................................................................ 20
Standard 14 Handling information .................................................................................................................. 23
Standard 15 Infection Prevention and Control ................................................................................................ 24
Assessment for Written Questioning............................................................................................................... 24
Health and Care Worker Review, part 1 .......................................................................................................... 25
Health and Care Worker Review, part 2 .......................................................................................................... 26
Development Plan........................................................................................................................................ 26
Observations of Practice .................................................................................................................................. 27
Mandatory Training ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Online Knowledge Assessment ........................................................................................................................ 30
Completion of the Care Certificate .................................................................................................................. 30
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Learner’s note: Before answering any questions please make sure you have
downloaded this document and do not forget to continually SAVE your work
Standard 1 Understand your role
(1.1b, 1.1d, 1.2b, 1.2d, 1.3b, 1.3c, 1.4a, 1.4b)
1. What does the National Code of Conduct say about how your care and support practice should be?
1)self accountability
2) promote and uphold privacy dignity and wellbeing of users of the service
3)work in collaboration with colleagues
4)commnicate openly and effectively
5)respect confedentialty
6) strive to increase quality of heealthcare and care
7)promote diversity and inclusion
2. What are your organisations aims and objectives?
1) our organisations aims is to ensure that all residents have the best possible treatment in there best interests
and that the kosher diet and other jewish rules are followed to the fullest extent. a great care is also
considered into training staff to ensure they are competent to complete the best care possible.
3. Describe how your own experiences, beliefs and values will help you to deliver positive care and
im a religious person who shares similar values as some religions such as judaism and christianity and
therefore can resonate with some of the rules we have to follow. for example i follow a halal diet which is very
similar to the kosher diet
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4. Explain how your working relationships are different from personal relationships
your work relationships are different to personal ones as you are limited to proffesional boundaries, this is to
ensure emotional, physical and mental protection for both you and your resident/patient. refer to your
manager if your unsure what the best code of conduct is with your residents.
5. Give 4 examples of professional relationships that you might form at work and the positive impact
that these will have on an individual you support.
Other people
How they might support the individual
family of residents
they may have some useful knowldge to tell you
about the individuals nature. they could also
contribute this way to the care plan
social workers
they may be able to spent time and do activities
with residents which they wouldnt be able to do
they speak on the individual on there behalf when
theyre unable to
place of worship (example)
they can work together to make the individual feel
more integrated into the outside world by
personalising the activities they may do here
6. Why are policies and procedures important in an organisation?
1) ensures consistency of care in the workplace
2)sets out processes to prevent confusion
3)gives you confidence in your role if your doing it correctly
4) ensures a high standard of work ethic and practice
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Standard 2 Your Personal Development
(2.1c, 2.2d, 2.2e, 2.2i)
7. Explain the importance of receiving constructive feedback about your work
we arent perfect so as humans we need constant reminders on how we can improve our
work to ensure the best possible care for the residents. when giving feed back to others
ensure they are SMART objectives.
8. List the sources of support that you can get from people or meetings
Supportive People
-line manager
-seniors/supervisors/team leaders
Supportive Meetings
-team meeting
9. How can Reflective Practice help you in your role?
-will ensure your understand if your making mistakes and therfore allow you to rectify them, it also allows you
to see where you can improve and how to become a better support worker.
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Standard 3 Duty of care
(3.1a, 3.1b, 3.2a, 3.2c, 3.3a, 3.3b, 3.3c, 3.4a, 3.4b, 3.4c, 3.5d)
10. Complete the questions in the table below:
How would you define the term
‘Duty of Care’?
How will you demonstrate a
‘Duty of Care’ in your role?
Duty of Care is a moral or legal obligation to ensure the
safety or well-being of vulnerable individuals and ensuring
that they do not suffer any unreasonable harm or loss
-whistle blowing
-provide the best possible care
-take all neccesary precautions
11. If an individual wanted to do something that you think is unsafe, how would you deal with this,
whilst taking their rights into consideration?
-inform my line manager and they will help guide me to manage the risk. the risk assesment process will also
support the individual so the corrrect measures can be put into place to ensure there requests can be fulfilled
where possible.
12. What is your understanding of the following, and how can you avoid these situations?
Adverse Event
-events which have a negative impact. these can be
avoided by ensuring that everyone knows the policies
and procedures well
This is an action, or lack of it, that leads to harm which
is unexpected, unintended or preventable. the situation
needs to be analysed and prevantive measures should
be put in place to esnure a similar thing wont happen.
This is when something is not done as it should be.
these can be prevented by ensuring all staff are
Near Misses
These are situations where an individual could have
been harmed, but it was prevented. these can be
stopped by looking at how it nealry happened and
putting measures in place yo esnure it doesnt nearly
happen again
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13. Read the scenario on the screen entitled ‘Handling a Complaint’ and demonstrate what your
response would be in practice by completing the table below
What is the individual complaining about?
-being woken up too early in the morning
What is your immediate response to the individual?
-tell them that im sorry that there feeling like this and i would follow the complaints procedure
What is the importance of learning from complaints?
-to ensure they dont occur again
Where can you obtain guidance about handling
-complaints policy in the policy and procedures folder
-line manager
Who will advise you on complaints?
Who do you submit your record of the complaint
-line manager
14. What law and regulations apply to reporting incidents, adverse events, errors and near misses?
1)the health and safety at work act 1974
2)Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999
3)The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013
4)Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
5)Provisions and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
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Standard 4 Equality and Diversity
(4.1a, 4.1c, 4.2c, 4.3a, 4.3b, 4.3c)
15. Explain what the following terms mean
means treating people with fairness and providing the same opportunities
regardless of any differences they may have.
means recognising, valuing and taking into account peoples different
backgrounds and experiences.
is the act of being included and being a part of something, it is about being
is about seeing differences and making a distinction in favour of or
against. If it is deliberate it means that you intentionally treat someone
unfairly, if it is inadvertent it means that you unintentionally treat someone
you delibaretly treat somone unfairly
Deliberate Discrimination
unintenionally treat someone unfairly
Inadvertent Discrimination
16. How can you reduce the likelihood of discrimination, in your role?
1)be polite
2)be clear
3) be consistent
4)be honest
5)always take advice from your line manager if your unsure what to do
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17. Identify a range of sources where you can get guidance on equality, diversity and inclusion
1) the registered care manager
2)line manager
3) supervision
4) team meetings
5) training
Standard 5 Work in a Person-Centred Way
(5.1a, 5.1c, 5.2a, 5.2b, 5.2c, 5.5d, 5.6a)
18. How will you put person-centred values into practice and promote dignity in your day-to-day work?
1) empower my residents to ensure they have the power and confidence to speak on behalf of there own
2) treat them with respect and value there individuality
3)showing the individual that they have their own importance, and they have their own feelings and opinions.
19. Answer the following questions on Care Planning
Why is it important to have information on an
individual’s background?
- as there will be crucial infromation on how the
patient would like to be supported, any medical
history along with how they react to certain situatons
and much more great information
Why should Care Plans
be updated regularly?
-life and circumstances are constantly changing so
the care plan should reflect this
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20. What is the benefit of Advance Care Planning?
-removes the stress and anxiety of thinking about what will happen when they no longer can care for themselves
21. How would you know that an individual is in pain or discomfort?
1) various signs such as verbal reporting and changes in body language and behaviour
2) if they show symptoms such as: sweating, tearing up, pale complexions and gritted teeth
22. How will you demonstrate that you are person-centred and promote an individuals self-esteem?
1) effective listening
2) effective communication
3) active listening
4)informed choice
5)informed decisions
6) active participation
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Standard 6 Communication
(6.1a, 6.1c, 6.2a, 6.2b, 6.3a, 6.3b, 6.4b, 6.4c)
23. List a range of methods and styles that can support communication difficulties
communication passports
objects of reference
24. Why is it important to observe and be receptive to an individual’s reactions when you communicate
with them?
-otherwise you will not be providing the best care possible as you are ignoring the residents wishes which will
make them feel ignored and not empowered
25. When are an individual’s communication needs and preferences usually planned and established?
-usually at the individuals initial assessment meeting
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26. Complete the questions in the table below
What are barriers to communication?
How can you reduce these barriers?
some of these are:
1) organise for a translator to be present
1) language
2) physical disability
3) cultural differences
2)a speech or hearing impediment may need somone
who can translate sign language
3)some muslim women for example; may not feel
comfortable speaking or being supported by men so
only woman should be allowed to support her
4)treat personal quarells and try to be as
understanding as possible with the other party
27. Complete the questions below about confidentiality
What legislation and regulations are
relevant to confidentiality?
When you would need to pass information
The Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data
Protection Regulation enforces us to communicate and share
information in the correct way.
ersonal data about the individual should only be shared on
an 'as needs' basis e.g. if there is a Safeguarding matter and
information needs to be shared with the Local Authority, for
their investigation into the matter.
Standard 7 Privacy and Dignity
(7.1a, 7.1b, 7.1c, 7.3a, 7.3c, 7.3d, 7.5a, 7.5b, 7.5c, 7.5d)
28. How will you maintain the privacy and dignity of an individual when supporting them?
1) lock the door, close the windows shut the blinds and ensure no one will be able to intrude.
2) treat them with respect and maintain confedentialty in all senses.
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29. Identify 2 situations where an individual’s privacy and dignity could be compromised, and how you
would stop this from happening
Situations that could arise
How I would stop this from happening
leaving there door open while supporting them
-ensure there door is locked while support is ocurring
discussing personal care in front of others
-discusss only when necessary to those who need to
30. How will you support an individual to make informed choices, without influence?
1) understanding what they want to do
2) encourage them to be as independent as possible
3) provide enough informations for them to make their choices
4) not influencing the individual with your choices
31. How can you enable an individual to maintain positive relationships with their family and friends?
-that they are supported and empowered to know that they have the right to meet and speak to freinds and
family, they should also be encouraged to meet up with them where possible.
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Standard 8 Fluids and Nutrition
(8.1a, 8.1b, 8.1c, 8.1d)
32. What is the importance of Food Hygiene?
residents eat at least 3x a day therefore all possible care and thought should go into ensuring the food is as
hygeinic as possible, especially since lots or residents are imuno-compromised
33. What are the signs and symptoms of poor nutrition and hydration?
-loose clothes
-loose dentures
-hair thinning
-sunken eyes
-pale lips, mouth
-weight loss
-skin breakdown
-wounds not healing
-dry cracked mouth
34. How can you promote good nutrition and hydration?
-build a rapport with them and throughout your time working with them try to find out what they like to eat and
drink and support them to eat by helping making food that they like
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Standard 9 Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disability
(9.1a,9.1b, 9.1c, 9.2b, 9.3a, 9.4a, 9.4b, 9.5a, 9.5b, 9.6a, 9.6b, 9.6c)
35. Complete the questions in the table below
Mental Health Needs
e.g. Psychosis, Depression, Anxiety
Learning Disability
lonely, helpless,
-unaware of the
environment, frustrated
-powerless, frustrated
due to not being able to
do certain things
-they may need to be
visited multiple times a
day to ensure they are not
casuing any harm to
themselves or others
- they may need support
with personal care
-may need support with
personal care
-they may need to be
visited multiple times a
day to ensure they are not
casuing any harm to
themselves or others
-it may take them longer
to understand things
which requires staff to
be patient
How might an
individual feel if they
had the following
How might these
conditions influence
their care needs?
-they may also need extra
medication to help with
there condition
-they may need to be
reminded constantly to
ensure they remember
certain things
36. How can the Social Model of Disability put positivity into a disabled person’s life?
1) it can make them feel more integrated into the community
2)will allow them do do more of the things that they want to do
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37. Describe the adjustments to care and support that can be made to help the individuals in the
scenarios below
Michael hasn’t been outside his house for a few months due to anxiety. He is very anxious about
travelling on a bus but needs to attend a hospital appointment in 2 weeks.
-staff can start taking him on the bus from now on shorter journeys to ensure he will be prepared to to
hospital appointment in couple of weeks
Sally gets confused about taking a shower in the mornings, and often refuses help because she is
convinced that she already has had a shower. Her personal hygiene has deteriorated.
a staff member can sit down with her every morning and just spend some time explaining that she hasnt had
a shower yet and encourage her to have one
Sam has communication difficulties and has become very withdrawn since she recently moved into
a shared house with 3 other people.
-get staff/social worker to help him improve in his communication problems so he can communicate with his
house mates
38. Describe how the following legislation and legal frameworks promote human rights and give equal
life chances to individuals with mental health issues, dementia or learning disabilities
This Act identifies the rights and freedoms of all individuals.
Human Rights Act 1998
This Act protects an individual's rights to confidentiality and how records
Data Protection Act 2018 and should be managed, shared and stored.
the General Data Protection
Care and Support Statutory
This national guidance sets out the principles for protecting an adult's
right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.
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This Act protects people who need care or treatment but may lack the
capacity to make decisions for themselves.
Mental Capacity Act 2005
39. Complete the questions in the table below
What do the following terms mean?
Capacity means the ability to use and understand
information to make a decision, and communicate any
decision made.
Consent to treatment means a person must give
permission before they receive any type of medical
treatment, test or examination.
Why is it important to assume capacity, unless there is evidence that the individual lacks capacity?
if we dont assume capacity this would be very restrictive and immoral and would not be fair on the resident
Standard 10 Safeguarding Adults
(10.1a, 10.1c, 10.1d, 10.1e, 10.1f, 10.1g, 10.1h, 10.2a, 10.2e, 10.2f, 10.3a)
40. Explain what the following terms mean
Restrictive Practices
means protecting an individuals health, wellbeing and human rights. It is
enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect, balancing their
right to be safe with the right to make informed choices. This includes
taking the individuals views, wishes, feelings and beliefs into
consideration. Safeguarding is about people and organisations working
to prevent
and stop
and experiences
or wrongdoing
abuse or neglect.
is the physical
or mental
moral evil or
it injures an individual either physically, morally or mentally.
re when an individual’s movement or behaviour is stopped by some
form of intervention. The intervention can be physical restraint, or
stopping the use of devices, giving or stopping medication or seclusion
or isolating someone. Any restrictive practice that is used unauthorised
or inappropriately would breach an individuals human rights and
therefore be unlawful.
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41. List the main types of abuse with their possible indicators
Type of Abuse
Possible Indicators
-anxiety around the perpetrator
-anxiety about going home
modern slavery
-poverty struck people are more likely to suffer
-sudden loss of money with no explanation
-things going missing randomly
-brusies around private area
-emotional/psychological harm
self neglect
-severe loss of weight
-anxiety around the attackers that cause the abuse
-staff treating residents badly
-staff being treated badly by manager
-somone being targeted due to there ethnicity/religion/sex
42. Why might the situations described below increase the likelihood of an individual experiencing
abuse and neglect?
Having a care service in their
own home
Being cared for in a residential
-there is no one watching so it is easier to steal money/get away with
other things
-often there are lots of people that need to be cared for and not many
staff ; so neglect is more likely to happen
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-this makes residents more prone to almost all types of abuse
Experiencing a mental health
-staff may make decisions for you without consulting you
Having communication
43. How can you help reduce risks and the likelihood of abuse in your role, and how can the complaints
procedure help with this?
-ensure that staff are being overlooked where possible and that residents are frequently being consulted to
see if theyre having any problems. residents shoudl be reminded and encourgaed to make a complaint if they
ever feel something is wrong.
44. What should you do if you suspect abuse, or witness a colleague using unsafe practice?
-i would speak with my colleague first as they have made a mistake just this once. however if i suspect this has
happened frequently before i would have to report to my senior.
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Standard 11 Safeguarding Children
45. Describe what your responsibilities are for Safeguarding children and young people, explaining any
further training that you need, if you directly support children
You must be confident in reporting any concerns if you suspect a child or young person (met in any
circumstances) is being abused or neglected.If you work in healthcare, you have to meet the minimum
standards for Safeguarding Children at level 1.If you are working in Paediatrics and Child Health wards where
you are in direct contact with children and young people, then you should undertake further Safeguarding
Children Training.
46. List the laws that protect children
The Children Act 1989
the children act 2004
the sexual offences act 2003
the care act 2014
the children and families act 2014
Standard 12 Basic Life Support
47. Explain the Basic Life Support Training that you should undertake for your workplace
-basic life support for adults
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48. What does Basic Life Support involve?
1)initial assessment
2) airway maintenance and breathing
3) cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Standard 13 Health and Safety
(13.1a, 13.1d, 13.2a, 13.3a, 13.4b, 13.4c, 13.5a, 13.5c, 13.6b, 13.7a, 13.7b, 13.8a, 13.9a, 13.9b,
49. Identify the legislation that relates to health and safety in your workplace
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
50. What practical training, relating to Health and Safety, should you undertake before carrying out
certain tasks?
-moving and handling
-first aid
-emergency procedures
-food handling and prep
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51. What are the risks involved in the following tasks, and how can you help manage them?
Managing the Risks
1. Supporting an individual to move in a hoist
-the individual falling due to the hoist not being
vlipped on properly
-ensuring staff are fully trained on how to use the
2. Supporting an individual with taking their medication
-the medication falling on the floor
-wrong medication being given
-ensure correct care and concentration is used when
giving the medication
-have a witness to double check your giving the right
day and dont administer when your tired
3. Supporting an individual to deal with their soiled bed linen
-cross contamination
-ensure correct ppe is worn
52. If there was an accident or sudden illness in the workplace, what would you do?
-report to a senior member of staff immediatly who will manage the situation
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53. Complete the questions in the table below
Once trained in Medication practice, what support duties can you carry out?
-administering medication
-supporting a resident to self administer
Give 2 examples of Healthcare tasks that you are not allowed to perform
-catheter and stoma care
-wound care
54. What security measures should be in place to protect you and the individuals you support
-visitors to sign the visitors book
-setting alarms
-calling the police if you feel unsafe
-checking identity of people around the premises
55. Answer the following questions about Fire Safety
What can you do in the workplace to prevent fires from starting or spreading?
-prevent sources of ignition to be ledt unsupervised
-appliances should be turned off when not in use
-no smoking in the building
What should you do in the event of a fire?
-call 999 and evacuate the buidling safely
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56. What are you allowed to do and NOT allowed to do in the event of an emergency where first aid is
CAN do
CAN’T do
-remain calm and call 999
-reassure individuals
-explain to the operator what is happening as clear as
-give first aid when your not trained
57. What are the common signs and triggers of stress, and how can you manage the situation if you are
stressed yourself?
I will manage by…
-workload problems
-family issues
-money problems
-see if your workload can be
-seek help from your manager
-communicate effectively with the
rest of your team
Standard 14 Handling information
(14.1a, 14.1b)
58. Identify the key pieces of legislation that apply to handling information and what you should do to
protect an individual’s data.
The laws that protect information
The Data Protection Act 2018
The General Data Protection Regulation
The Freedom of Information Act 2000
What I can do to protect information
-only allow those who need to see private
information access it
-report any suspicions to the manager
-keep private information in a locked cupboard
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59. What security should be in place for records and why is it important to have secure systems?
-they should be locked up in a seperate cupboard to the medication and should only be accessed by those who
need to know, this is important as residents have the right to confedentialty and not taking these precaution si a
big breach.
Standard 15 Infection Prevention and Control
(15.1a, 15.1c, 15.1e)
60. Complete the questions in the table below about Infection Control
-through different portals of entry (mouth,nose cuts)
What is the main way an infection
can get into the body?
How might your health and
hygiene pose a risk to individuals
you support?
How should you handle infected
waste or soiled linen?
-if your ill its very likely you will pass it on to those who you support due
to the close contact
-put clinical waste in a yellow bag and put straight in a yellow bin
-put soiled linen in a red bag and directly in a high sluice wash
Assessment for Written Questioning
Questions requiring actions by learner
Assessor Feedback
Assessor name
Assessor signature
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Health and Care Worker Review, part 1
This review can replace the Care Worker’s first supervision meeting. Discussion is required for the criteria
listed below and if satisfactory the learner can be marked as competent and knowledgeable.
(1.1a, 1.2a/c, 1.2f, 1.3a, 1.4d, 2.2a/b, 2.2f, 3.5d/e, 5.1b, 5.4b/c, 5.6d, 6.4a, 7.2d, 7.4d, 7.6b/c, 8.2/3e,
9.3b, 10.1b/c/k, 10.2b, 13.1e, 13.2/3/5/8b 14.1d)
The learner has been given a copy of their job description
The learner can:
Describe their main duties and responsibilities
Explain their role in Safeguarding
Explain the importance of working in agreed ways
Explain what to do if they spot an error
Explain what confidentiality means in their role
Explain the security measures for visitors entering the workplace
Explain the importance of person-centred care
How their own views can impact on an individual
Explain what they can’t do until they have completed full Moving and Handling training
Explain the Healthcare tasks that they can’t perform
Explain how they would discuss concerns in a team meeting
Ask the learner to explain how they would report concerns about the following:
An individual’s unmet needs
An individual’s spiritual and emotional wellbeing
Confrontation in the workplace
Agreed ways of working
Health and Safety risks
The learner can explain where they would get advice about the following:
Health and Safety
Resolving Conflicts
The learner has the required level of literacy, numeracy and
communication skills to carry out their role
If the answer to the above is ‘No’ they have been supported to access help
with these skills
If the answer to the above is ‘No’ explain the reasoning for this
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Health and Care Worker Review, part 2
Development Plan.
(2.1b, 2.1d, 2.1e, 2.2c, 2.2h, 2.2g)
To be completed by the Learner
What has your learning and development experience been like so far?
Is there anything that you are not sure about, where you need further explanation or guidance?
What are your long term professional goals and aspirations?
To be completed by the learner and their line manager together
Learning and Development Aims
Timescale for achievement
Date of Review
Line Manager name
Line Manager signature
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Observations of Practice
1. Basic Life Support
(The following observation is permitted as a simulation exercise during First Aid practical training and the
learner should be signed off as competent by a qualified First Aid Trainer)
Standard: 12.1
Demonstrated how to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Trainer name
Trainer position
Trainer signature
2. Communication and Support
(This observation can be carried out when making any of the other required observations)
Standards: 1.1c, 1.4c, 4.2b, 5.6b, 5.6c, 5.7a, 6.5a, 6.6a, 6.6b, 7.2a, 7.2d, 7.6c, 14.1c
Agreed ways of working demonstrated
Demonstrated good partnership working e.g. with nursing team, family, carers
Interaction with the individual/s was respectful of their preferences
Attitude and behaviour promoted individual/s emotional and spiritual wellbeing
Person-centred values demonstrated
Demonstrated good use of verbal communication e.g. tone, position, volume
Demonstrated good use of non-verbal communication e.g. eye contact, body language, pictures,
Ensured that any communication aids/technologies were clean and working e.g. hearing aids
Knew how to report any concerns about the plan of care and support to the appropriate person
Maintained appropriate confidentiality and respected privacy
All records current, complete, accurate and legible
Observer name
Observer position
Observer signature
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3. Nutrition and Hydration
Standards: 8.2a, 8.2b, 8.2c, 8.2d, 8.3a, 8.3b, 8.3c, 8.3d, 8.3e
Drinks left in easy reach
Drinks refreshed regularly
Drinks offered in accordance with Care Plan
Support and encouragement to drink given
Nutritional products left within easy reach
Food provided at appropriate temperature for individual to eat
Appropriate utensils provided for individual to eat with
Support and encouragement to eat given
Knew how to report any concerns to the relevant person, regarding nutrition and hydration
Observer name
Observer position
Observer signature
4. Moving and Handling
Standards: 5.3a-b, 5.5a-d, 5.6c, 7.2a-b, 7.4a, 7.6a, 8.3e, 10.1j, 13.3c, 14.1c, 15.1b
Suitable clothing and footwear worn
Knowledgeable in the Care Plan and Risk Assessment for moving the individual
Washed hands, ensuring own cleanliness and hygiene prior to move
Environment prepared adequately and discomfort or distress minimised for the individual
Moving equipment safe, clean and checked for good working order
Appropriate assistance in place i.e. 2nd person for hoist use
Consent gained from individual for the move
Individual encouraged to contribute to the moving process; their independence maximised
Comfort of the individual checked throughout the move
Communicated well throughout the move, including any coordination with a 2 nd person
Dignity and privacy respected throughout the move
Environment restored correctly after the move
Any issues or concerns discussed and reported appropriately
All records current, complete, accurate and legible
Observer name
Observer position
Observer signature
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5. Medication
Standards: 5.4c, 5.5c, 7.6c, 8.3e, 13.5c, 13.6b, 14.1c, 15.1b
Demonstrated good hand hygiene
Knowledgeable in the Care Plan and Risk Assessment for the individual’s medication
Gained consent from the individual to support with medication
Prepared adequate aids required by the individual to take their medication
PRN offered to the individual, if appropriate to do so
Ensured working area was prepared correctly for medication support
Checked information on the MAR and medication labels matched correctly
Correct medication was given at the correct time to the individual
Medication administration recorded correctly on the MAR; PRN record completed, if
Able to explain what to do if there are any medication errors
Medication returned to agreed storage facilities
Observer name
Observer position
Observer signature
Mandatory Training
The following mandatory training courses have been completed by the learner and they have
been given the required knowledge, understanding and practical skills for these subjects:
Moving and Handling
Medication Practice
Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding Children (if required)
Infection control
Food Hygiene
Fire Safety
First Aid
Other mandatory subjects required by the organisation (please list, if applicable):
Line Manager name
Line Manager position
Line Manager signature
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Online Knowledge Assessment
Assessors Guidance: learner’s must score 80% to pass their online assessment. If less than 80% is
scored then the learner should retake. As questions are mapped to criteria if less than 100% is scored
then knowledge gaps can be identified in the learner analytics, See Careskills User Guide page 24.
Retake Required
Discussion with line manager to complete knowledge gaps
Learner competent in knowledge required
Line Manager name
Line Manager position
Line Manager signature
Completion of the Care Certificate
Learner Declaration
I have completed the written questions and confirm it is my own work
I have completed my online training and assessment for the care certificate
I have completed the required mandatory training for my role
Learner name
Learner position
Learner signature
Registered Manager Declaration
The learner has completed and achieved the required criteria for the Care Certificate
The learner has completed the required mandatory training for their role
The learner is competent to carry out their role and responsibilities
The learner has successfully achieved the Care Certificate
Manager name
Manager position
Manager signature
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© Careskills Academy 2020
Study collections