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English 101 Rhetorical Analysis Assignment Sheet

Prof. Ellwood Johnson
Summer I 2021
English 101 Writing Assignment # 1
Reading & Writing Rhetorically: Exigence and Context Assignment Sheet
Reading and writing rhetorically is all about examining the relationship between a text, and its
author, audience, and occasion to gain a fuller understanding what message the text is trying to
communicate and how that message gets communicated. One way to further strengthen your
understanding a text’s context is to consider its exigence or the reason(s) why the text exists in
the first place.
The Prompt
Find a written or visual text – this can be an op-ed article, an editorial, a tweet, a blog post, a
podcast, an advertisement, or another type of text not listed here (just check with me) – and
write a response that analyzes both the exigence or exigencies that prompted the creation of
the text and its rhetorical context.
Critical thinking questions to get you started. . .
The text:
- What topic or issue is the text addressing or speaking about?
The author:
- What assumptions can we make about the speaker based on the text?
The purpose:
- What is the speaker hoping to achieve by writing/creating this text? In other words, what
do they want the audience to think, feel, believe, or do?
The audience:
- Who is the audience for this text? Think about the actual audience versus the ideal
The exigence/occasion:
- What is happening in the world that necessitated the creation of this text?
Guidelines for writing your essay. . .
Use the basics of good paragraph writing.
o A paragraph should communicate a single unified idea.
Proofread your essay for spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
MLA format: 12-point font, double spaced, header & title (title should reflect the content)
Length: 1-2 Double spaced pages (250 – 500 words)
Due Date/Submission Requirements:
Submit this assignment to Blackboard as a word document no later than 11:59 pm on Friday,
June 4.