AP Biology Unit 1 Chemistry of Life ● Water: polar molecule, hydrogen bond, universal solvent (for hydrophilic/polar substances, not hydrophobic/nonpolar substances), adhesion, cohesion, & surface tension, high specific heat ● Hydrogen B onding: polar H + polar N/O/F ● Elements: common elements in living organisms: C, H, N, O, P, S ● Macromolecules: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids ● Monomers vs Polymers: monomers form polymer ● Dehydration Synthesis vs Hydrolysis: dehydration synthesis combines monomers and produces polymers and water, hydrolysis use water to separate polymer ● Protein: monomer is amino acid, various functions (support, transport, enzymes, etc), primary structure (covalent peptide bond), secondary structure (hydrogen bond), tertiary structure (R group interactions), quaternary structure (multiple polypeptide bond) TestDaily制作 ● Amino Acid: Amino group + C + H + R group + carboxyl group ● Nucleic Acids: monom er is nucleotide, genetic code ● Nucleotide: sugar + phosphate + nitrogenous bases ● Carbohydrates: monomer is monosaccharide, various functions (storage, support, etc) ● Lipids: fat (saturated vs unsaturated), fatty acid, phospholipids (lipid bilayer/membrane), steroid From Here, Go Anywhere 关注TestDaily,和15W+出国留学党一起奋斗 1 AP Biology Unit 2 Cell Structure and Function ● Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes: prokaryotes don’t have true nucleus, but eukaryotes do, both have ribosome ● Cell Wall: not in animal cell ● Nucleus: nuclear envelope + chromatin + nucleolus ● Ribosome: protein synthesis ● Endoplasmic Reticulum: rough ER (protein synthesis), smooth ER (detoxification, lipid production, etc) ● Golgi Apparatus: transport from ER to vesicles, protein folding ● Lysosome: hydrolytic enzyme, apoptosis, phagocytosis, autophagy ● Vacuole: storage, plants have central vacuole ● Chloroplast: double membrane, photosynthesis, plants/autotrophs only ● M itochondrion: double membrane, cellular respiration, power house ● Cell Size: high surface area-to-volume ratio ● Plasma M embrane: phospholipid bilayer, fluid-mosaic model, selective permeability (permeable for small, nonpolar molecules) ● M embrane Transport: passive transport (simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion, no energy, down concentration gradient), active transport (transport protein, need energy, up concentration gradient), vesicle transport (large molecules, need energy) TD 分享 ● Water potential: Ψ w=Ψ s+Ψ p, Ψ s=-iCRT (C=concentration, i=ionization constant, R=0.0831 L bars/ mol K, T=temperature) 2 From Here, Go Anywhere 关注TestDaily,和15W+出国留学党一起奋斗 AP Biology Unit 3 Cellular Energetics ● Enzyme: induced -fit model, competitive inhibitor (active site) vs non - competitive inhibitor, temperature dependent, PH dependent, catalyst (lower activation energy) ● Photosynthesis Equation: 6 CO 2 + 6 H 2 O + Light energy ➡ C6 H 12 O 6 + 6 O 2 ● Light Reaction: first part of photosynthesis, water is split, oxygen produced (photosystem II), ETC, NADPH produced (photosystem I), ATP produced (chemiosmosis) ● Dark Reaction: second part of photosynthesis, rubisco, fix carbon dioxide into G3P ● Cellular Respiration Equation (Aerobic) : C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6 O 2 ➡ 6 CO2 + 6 H 2 O + Energy (ATP + heat) ● Glycolysis: first part of cellular respiration, glucose to pyruvate, cytosol, ATP produced, NADH produced TestDaily 出品 ● Pyruvate Oxidation: pyruvate to acetyl-CoA, mitochondrial matrix ● Citric Acid Cycle/Krebs Cycle: second part of cellular respiration, mitochondrial matrix, acetyl-CoA to carbon dioxide, produce NADH + FADH 2 ● Oxidative Phosphorylation: third part of cellular respiration, ETC + chemiosmosis, intermembrane space, produce ATP, water ● Anaerobic Respiration: fermentation, recycle NADH, ethanol and lactic acid From Here, Go Anywhere 关注TestDaily,和15W+出国留学党一起奋斗 3 AP Biology Unit 4 Cell Communication and Cell Cycle ● Short Distance Cell Communication: direct contact (tight junctions, desmosomes, adhesion junctions, gap junctions), paracrine signalin g ● Long Distance Cell Communication: hormone, endocrine system ● Signal Transduction: reception (ligand + receptor, receptors include G protein -coupled receptor, ion channel receptor, protein kinase receptor), transduction (secondary messenger, phosphorylatio n cascade), response ● Feedback: positive feedback (magnification) vs negative feedback (homeostasis) ● Cell Cycle: G1 (growth), S (DNA replication), G2 (preparation), M (mitosis), Cytokinesis, G1+S+G2 = interphase ● Mitosis: 2 daughter cells, prophase (nucleus+nuclear envelope disappear, chromosome+spindle fiber appear), metaphase (chromosome in the middle), anaphase (sister chromatids separate), telophase (opposite of prophase) ● Cytokinesis: cytoplasms divide ● Differen ce in Cytokinesis: animals (cleavage furrow) vs plants (cell plate) ● Checkpoints: if fail, then apoptosis or G0 4 From Here, Go Anywhere 关注TestDaily,和15W+出国留学党一起奋斗 AP Biology Unit 5 Heredity ● Meiosis: meiosis I (crossing over, homologous chromosomes separate, diploid to haploid), meiosis II (sister chromatids separate, haploid to haploid), 4 daughter cells, genetic diversity ● Mendelian Genetics: law of dominance (heterozygous show dominant phenotype), law of segregation (alleles separate in meiosis), law of independent assortment (traits are independent) ● Test Cross: cross AA/Aa with aa ● Non -Mendelian Genetics: sex -linked (hemizygous for male), linked genes (on same chromosome), incomplete domnance (blended phenotype for Aa), co dominance (mixed phenotype for Aa), multiple alleles (>2 alleles), polygenetic inheritance (quant itative genetics), non -nuclear inheritance (maternal mtDNA), environment (nature vs nurture) From Here, Go Anywhere 关注TestDaily,和15W+出国留学党一起奋斗 5 - AP Biology Unit 6 Gene Expression and Regulation ● Replication of DNA: semi -conservative, 5’ to 3’, eukaryotes (linear chromosome, multiple origins) vs prokaryotes (circular ch romosome, one origin), leading strand vs lagging strand ● Enzymes for DNA Replication: helicase (unwind), primase (RNA primer), DNA polymerase III (add DNA nucleotide), DNA polymerase I (remove RNA primer), ligase (connects fragments) ● Central Dogma: DNA to R NA (transcription), RNA to protein (translation) ● Transcription: 5’ to 3’, initiation (promoter + transcription factor), elongation (RNA polymerase), termination (terminator) ● RNA Processing: eukaryotes only, pre -mRNA to mRNA, add 5’ cap and 3’ poly A tail, delete introns, save exons ● Translation: initiation (start codon/AUG, met), elongation (ribosome, tRNA extends polypeptide), termination (stop codon/UAA/UAG/UGA, release factor) ● Regulation of Gene Expression: prokaryotes (lac operon, trp operon, etc), eukar yotes ( histone acetylation in epigenetics, DNA methylation, etc) ● Mutation: chromosomal mutation (nondisjunction, inversion, translocation, etc), base-pair mutation (substitution, insertion/deletion), missense (change amino acid) vs nonsense (stop codon) v s silent (no effect) TD 分享 ● Gene Repair: DNA polymerase (cut) + ligase (connect) ● Biotechnology: molecular cloning (restriction enzyme + ligase, recombinant DNA), PCR (polymerase, chain reaction, outside of cell, replicate small fragments), gel electrophoresis (separate DNA based on size), gene sequencing (ddNTP) 6 From Here, Go Anywhere 关注TestDaily,和15W+出国留学党一起奋斗