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AP Biology Study Guide: Key Concepts & Review

Unit 1 Chemistry of Life
Water: polar molecule, hydrogen bond, universal solvent (for hydrophilic/polar
substances, not hydrophobic/nonpolar substances), adhesion, cohesion, & surface
tension, high specific heat
Hydrogen B onding: polar H + polar N/O/F
Elements: common elements in living organisms: C, H, N, O, P, S
Macromolecules: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids
Monomers vs Polymers: monomers form polymer
Dehydration Synthesis vs Hydrolysis: dehydration synthesis combines monomers
and produces polymers and water, hydrolysis use water to separate polymer
Protein: monomer is amino acid, various functions (support, transport, enzymes,
etc), primary structure (covalent peptide bond), secondary structure (hydrogen
bond), tertiary structure (R group interactions), quaternary structure (multiple
polypeptide bond) TestDaily制作
Amino Acid: Amino group + C + H + R group + carboxyl group
Nucleic Acids: monom er is nucleotide, genetic code
Nucleotide: sugar + phosphate + nitrogenous bases
Carbohydrates: monomer is monosaccharide, various functions (storage, support,
Lipids: fat (saturated vs unsaturated), fatty acid, phospholipids (lipid
bilayer/membrane), steroid
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Unit 2 Cell Structure and Function
Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes: prokaryotes don’t have true nucleus, but
eukaryotes do, both have ribosome
● Cell Wall: not in animal cell
● Nucleus: nuclear envelope + chromatin + nucleolus
● Ribosome: protein synthesis
● Endoplasmic Reticulum: rough ER (protein synthesis), smooth ER
(detoxification, lipid production, etc)
● Golgi Apparatus: transport from ER to vesicles, protein folding
● Lysosome: hydrolytic enzyme, apoptosis, phagocytosis, autophagy
● Vacuole: storage, plants have central vacuole
● Chloroplast: double membrane, photosynthesis, plants/autotrophs only
● M itochondrion: double membrane, cellular respiration, power house
● Cell Size: high surface area-to-volume ratio
● Plasma M embrane: phospholipid bilayer, fluid-mosaic model, selective
permeability (permeable for small, nonpolar molecules)
● M embrane Transport: passive transport (simple diffusion and facilitated
diffusion, no energy, down concentration gradient), active transport
(transport protein, need energy, up concentration gradient), vesicle transport
(large molecules, need energy) TD 分享
● Water potential: Ψ w=Ψ s+Ψ p, Ψ s=-iCRT (C=concentration, i=ionization
constant, R=0.0831 L bars/ mol K, T=temperature)
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Unit 3 Cellular Energetics
Enzyme: induced -fit model, competitive inhibitor (active site) vs non
competitive inhibitor, temperature dependent, PH dependent, catalyst (lower
activation energy)
● Photosynthesis Equation: 6 CO 2 + 6 H 2 O + Light energy ➡ C6 H 12 O 6 + 6 O 2
● Light Reaction: first part of photosynthesis, water is split, oxygen produced
(photosystem II), ETC, NADPH produced (photosystem I), ATP produced
● Dark Reaction: second part of photosynthesis, rubisco, fix carbon dioxide
into G3P
● Cellular Respiration Equation (Aerobic) : C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6 O 2 ➡ 6 CO2 + 6 H 2 O +
Energy (ATP + heat)
● Glycolysis: first part of cellular respiration, glucose to pyruvate, cytosol, ATP
produced, NADH produced TestDaily 出品
● Pyruvate Oxidation: pyruvate to acetyl-CoA, mitochondrial matrix
● Citric Acid Cycle/Krebs Cycle: second part of cellular respiration,
mitochondrial matrix, acetyl-CoA to carbon dioxide, produce NADH + FADH 2
● Oxidative Phosphorylation: third part of cellular respiration, ETC +
chemiosmosis, intermembrane space, produce ATP, water
● Anaerobic Respiration: fermentation, recycle NADH, ethanol and lactic acid
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Unit 4 Cell Communication and Cell Cycle
Short Distance Cell Communication: direct contact (tight junctions,
desmosomes, adhesion junctions, gap junctions), paracrine signalin
● Long Distance Cell Communication: hormone, endocrine system
● Signal Transduction: reception (ligand + receptor, receptors include G
protein -coupled receptor, ion channel receptor, protein kinase receptor),
transduction (secondary messenger, phosphorylatio
n cascade), response
● Feedback: positive feedback (magnification) vs negative feedback
● Cell Cycle: G1 (growth), S (DNA replication), G2 (preparation), M (mitosis),
Cytokinesis, G1+S+G2 = interphase
● Mitosis: 2 daughter cells, prophase (nucleus+nuclear envelope disappear,
chromosome+spindle fiber appear), metaphase (chromosome in the middle),
anaphase (sister chromatids separate), telophase (opposite of prophase)
● Cytokinesis: cytoplasms divide
● Differen ce in Cytokinesis: animals (cleavage furrow) vs plants (cell plate)
● Checkpoints: if fail, then apoptosis or G0
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Unit 5 Heredity
Meiosis: meiosis I (crossing over, homologous chromosomes separate,
diploid to haploid), meiosis II (sister chromatids separate,
haploid to haploid),
4 daughter cells, genetic diversity
● Mendelian Genetics: law of dominance (heterozygous show dominant
phenotype), law of segregation (alleles separate in meiosis), law of
independent assortment (traits are independent)
● Test Cross: cross AA/Aa with aa
● Non -Mendelian Genetics: sex -linked (hemizygous for male), linked genes (on
same chromosome), incomplete domnance (blended phenotype for Aa), co
dominance (mixed phenotype for Aa), multiple alleles (>2 alleles), polygenetic
inheritance (quant itative genetics), non -nuclear inheritance (maternal
mtDNA), environment (nature vs nurture)
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Unit 6 Gene Expression and Regulation
Replication of DNA: semi -conservative, 5’ to 3’, eukaryotes (linear
chromosome, multiple origins) vs prokaryotes (circular ch
romosome, one
origin), leading strand vs lagging strand
● Enzymes for DNA Replication: helicase (unwind), primase (RNA primer), DNA
polymerase III (add DNA nucleotide), DNA polymerase I (remove RNA primer),
ligase (connects fragments)
● Central Dogma: DNA to R NA (transcription), RNA to protein (translation)
● Transcription: 5’ to 3’, initiation (promoter + transcription factor), elongation
(RNA polymerase), termination (terminator)
● RNA Processing: eukaryotes only, pre -mRNA to mRNA, add 5’ cap and 3’ poly A tail, delete introns, save exons
● Translation: initiation (start codon/AUG, met), elongation (ribosome, tRNA
extends polypeptide), termination (stop codon/UAA/UAG/UGA, release
● Regulation of Gene Expression: prokaryotes (lac operon, trp operon, etc),
eukar yotes ( histone acetylation in epigenetics, DNA methylation, etc)
● Mutation: chromosomal mutation (nondisjunction, inversion, translocation,
etc), base-pair mutation (substitution, insertion/deletion), missense (change
amino acid) vs nonsense (stop codon) v s silent (no effect)
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● Gene Repair: DNA polymerase (cut) + ligase (connect)
● Biotechnology: molecular cloning (restriction enzyme + ligase, recombinant
DNA), PCR (polymerase, chain reaction, outside of cell, replicate small
fragments), gel electrophoresis (separate DNA based on size), gene
sequencing (ddNTP)
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