Modern Physics Pre-Test: College Level

Morong, Rizal
Name:______________________________________ Date:__________________
Yr. and Section:_______________________________ Score:_________________
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is the amount of time separating two events that occurs at the time of
a. Proper time
b. Time dilation
c. Biological aging
d. Space travel
2. The distance between two points as measured by an object server who is at
rest with respect to them.
a. Proper length
b. Contracted length
c. Direction of contraction
d. Relativistic length
3. The length that contract only in the direction of motion.
a. Proper length
b. Contracted length
c. Direction of contraction
d. Relativistic length
4. It occurs when photons of light eject electrons from the surface of a metal.
a. Energy of Photons
b. Work Function
c. Photoelectric Effect
d. Cutoff Frequency
5. The energy of a photons depends on the ___________.
a. Frequency
b. Amplitude
c. Wavelength
d. Wave speed
6. Are nuclie with the same number of atomic number but different atomic mass.
a. Isotopes
b. Gamma
c. Beta
d. Alpha
7. It is used to date organic materials with ages up to about 15,000 yrs.
a. Carbon dating
b. Uranium dating
c. Plutonium Dating
d. Barrion dating
8. The time it takes for a radioactive element to decrease into half.
a. Half life
b. Half time
c. Half speed
d. Half velocity
9. Elementary particles that experience the weak nuclear force but not the
strong nuclear force.
a. Leptons
b. Electron
c. Hadron
d. Quarks
10. Elementary particles that experience the weak and strong nuclear force.
a. Leptons
b. Electron
c. Hadron
d. Quarks
11. Elementary particles that combine to form hadrons.
a. Leptons
b. Electron
c. Hadron
d. Quarks
12. Nuclei are compose of of just two types of particle:_____________ and
a. Protons and neutrons
b. Electron and protons
c. Neutron and electron
d. Nucleus and protons
13. Particle that composed of two protons and neutrons
a. Isotopes
b. Gamma
c. Beta
d. Alpha
14. It refers to the emission of electrons.
a. Isotopes
b. Gamma
c. Beta
d. Alpha
15. It only occurs when an excited nucleus drops to a lower energy state.
a. Isotopes
b. Gamma
c. Beta
d. Alpha
16. It is the energy that use be supplied to separate it into its component’s
a. Binding energy
b. Nuclear Fission
c. Nuclear Fusion
d. Chain reaction
17. Mass of the electron
a. 9.11x10-11 Kg
b. 9.11x10-12 Kg
c. 9.11x10-13 Kg
d. 9.11x10-14 Kg
18. Particles that which contains a mass slighty greater than that of the proton bu
carries no electrical charge at all.
a. Proton
b. Neutron
c. Electron
d. Nucleus
19. Points in space that are so dense they create deep gravity sinks
a. B l a c k H o l e s
b. G r a v i t a t i o n a l L e n s i n g
c. G a l a x y
d. S o l a r S y s t e m
20. According to the Theory of Relativity, the speed of light in a vacuum is
______ for all observers?
a. Different
b. Dependent on the motion of the source of the light
c. The same
d. Dependent on the relative motion of the observer
21. Before the Theory of Relativity, what did scientists call the reference point for
all motion?
a. Focal point
b. Ether
c. The Sun
d. The Earth
22. If the mass of an object changes, what will also change?
a. The speed of light
b. Distance
c. Velocity
d. Energy
23. The faster an object is moving in relation to an observer, the ______ it will
appear to an observer.
a. Longer
b. Shorter
c. Slower
d. It will appear the same regardless of speed
24. You are riding in a spaceship that has no windows, radios, or other means for
you to observe or measure what is outside. You wish to determine if the ship
is stopped or moving at constant velocity. What should you do?
a. You can determine if the ship is moving by determining the apparent
velocity of light.
b. You can determine if the ship is moving by checking your precision
time piece. If it's running slow, the ship is moving.
c. You can determine if the ship is moving either by determining the
apparent velocity of light or by checking your precision time piece. If it's
running slow, the ship is moving.
d. You should give up because you have taken on an impossible task
25. The Michelson-Morley experiment was designed to measure
a. The relativistic mass of the electron.
b. The relativistic energy of the electron.
c. The velocity of the Earth relative to the ether.
d. The acceleration of gravity on the Earth's surface
II. Computation - Show your complete solution on the problem below.
1. A spaceship carrying a light clock moves with a speed of 0.500c relative to
an observer on earth. According to this observer, how long does it take for
the spaceship’s clock to advance 1.00s?
2. Astronaut Benny travel to Vega, the fifth brightest start in the night sky,
leaving his 35.0-year-old sister jenny behind on the earth. Benny travels
with a speed of 0.990 c and Vega is 25.3 light years from earth. (a) how
long does the trip take from the point of view of jenny? (b) How much has
benny aged when he arrives at Vega?
3. An astronaut traveling with speed relative to earth takes her pulse and
finds that her hearth beats once every 0.850s. mission control on earth,
which monitors her heart activity observes one hearth beat every 1.40s.
what is the astronaut’s speed relative to earth?
4. Calculate the number of photons a certain light wave has whose wave
light measures 700 nm if the electromagnetic energy it represents is
approximately 3x1017J.
5. Assuming a certain material has a photoelectric work function of 4.5 eV.
Compute for the maximum energy of the photoelectron when UV light of
1.5x1015 Hz falls as a copper surface.