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Brexit Test: UK Leaving EU, Irish Border, and Backstop

Elias Tveitsme
Written test 07.02.19. Task 1)
What is Brexit?
Brexit is short for British Exit. Brexit is the word used for UK leaving the European Union
(for short EU). The EU gives countries political and economic advantages to its members by
allowing citizens to move the other countries who is a part of the EU, for work and a place to
live. UK wants to leave the EU because the think that it will make the country more selfstanding, which maybe will lead to better economic advantages. On the 23. Of June 2016, UK
had a referendum about leaving or staying in the EU. This resulted in a majority vote to leave
the EU with nearly 52% voting to leave. UK is due to leave the EU the 29. of March 2019. In
the meantime, UK negotiating with the other countries in the EU about how they should
What would happen if UK left without a deal? If UK would leave without a deal they would
sever all ties with the EU with immediate effect, with no transition period and no guarantees
on citizens’ rights of residence. The government fears that this would cause a significant
disruption to business and economics in the short term and the long term.
“Father and son” is a story about the relationship between a widowed father and his son. The
father is concerned about his son being out so late and that he is coming home way to late
every day. They used to have a good relationship, they used to go fishing they talked and the
laughed. The father is sad because his son stopped talking to him.
The border between Ireland and Northern Ireland is important in connection with Brexit.
When the UK leaves the EU will the 310-mile border between Ireland and Northern Ireland
Become the land border between the UK and the EU. Neither side wants to see a return to
towers, checkpoints, customs posts or surveillance cameras at the border, in case it reignites
the troubles and disrupt the free cross border flow of, but they can’t agree on a way to do that.
The UK and EU has agreed to put in place a “backstop” which is a kind of safety net to ensure
there is no hard border whatever the outcome of future trade talks between the United
Kingdom and EU.
The backstop agreed that the two parties would keep Northern Ireland aligned to some EU
rules on things like food products and goods standards. That would prevent the need for a lot
of checks at the Irish border but would require some products being brought to Northern
Elias Tveitsme
Ireland from the rest of the UK for new checks and controls. The backstop would effectively
be keeping the whole of the UK in the EU customs union. If future trade talks would brake
down without a deal, the backstop would be applied indefinitely.
Its learning texts
Wikipedia about brexit