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20210601 Pope revises Church law expands rules on sexual abuse [CNA]

Pope revises Church law, expands rules on sexual abuse
Pope Francis arrives to lead the prayer to mark the end of the month of worldwide prayers to stop the pandemic in the Vatican gardens Monday, May 31, 2021 (Filippo Monteforte/Pool
photo via AP)
01 Jun 2021 06:37PM
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VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis on Tuesday (Jun 1) issued the most sweeping revision to Catholic Church law in four decades, toughening regulations for clerics who
abuse minors and vulnerable adults, commit fraud or ordain women.
The revision, which has been in the works since 2009, involves all of section six of the Church's Code of Canon Law, a seven-book code of about 1,750 articles. It is
the most extensive revision since the current code was approved by Pope John Paul in 1983.
The pope reminded bishops that they were responsible for following the letter of the law and that one aim of the revisions was to "reduce the number of cases in
which the imposition of a penalty was left to the discretion of authorities".
The new section, involving about 80 articles concerning crime and punishment, incorporates some changes made to Church law since 1983 by the popes and
introduces new categories.
Monsignor Filippo Iannone, head of the Vatican department that oversaw the project, said there had been "a climate of excessive slack in the interpretation of penal
law", where mercy was sometimes put before justice.
Sexual abuse of minors was put under a new section titled "O ences Against Human Life, Dignity and Liberty," instead of the previously vague "Crimes Against
Special Obligations".
That section was expanded to include new crimes such as "grooming" minors or vulnerable adults for sexual abuse and possessing child pornography.
Source: Reuters/vc
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