Divisibility Divisible - When one number can be divided by another and the result is an exact whole number (an answer with no remainders). 3 1 3 3 9 3 1 2 3 7 r1 Divisibility Rules Dividing by 1: All numbers are divisible by 1. Try dividing any number you can think of by 1. Divisibility Rules Dividing by 2: 4070 If a number is even it will always divide by 2. There is a quick way to test if a number can be divided by 2. Simply look at the last digit. If it is even (0,2,4,6 or 8) then the number is divisible by 2. Divisibility Rules Dividing by 3: If the sum of all the digits in a number is a multiple of 3 then it is divisible by 3. 153 1+5+3=9 9 can be divided equally by 3 so 153 is divisible by 3. Divisibility Rules Dividing by 4: 1 543 612 Look at the last two digits of any number. If they can be divided equally by 4 then the whole number is divisible by 4, no matter how large the number! 12 is divisible by 4. This means that 1 543 612 is also divisible by 4. If a number ends in 00 it is also divisible by 4. Divisibility Rules Dividing by 5: A simple rule for dividing by 5. If a number ends in a 0 or a 5 then it is divisible by 5! 6240 Divisibility Rules Dividing by 6: This rule is a little harder as you have two steps to follow. To test if a number is divisible by 6, you must first see if you can divide it by 2 and then by 3. 6924 6+9+2+4=21 We know it can be divided by 2 as it ends with an even number. We know it can be divided by 3 because 21 is divisible by 3. 6924 can be divided by both 2 and 3 so it is also divisible by 6. Divisibility Rules Dividing by 7: To test if a number is divisible by 7, take the last number and double it, then subtract it from the number made by the other digits. The answer must be divisible by 7. Let’s try one together with 826. 826 826 Double the last number. 6+6=12 Now take the number made by the other digits and subtract 12 from this. 82–12=70 We can divide 70 by 7, therefore 826 is divisible by 7. Divisibility Rules Dividing by 8: There are no simple tests for numbers divisible by 8. However, if you have a large number you can make it simpler by only looking at the last three digits. 4567248 8 2 3 1 4 8 You do not have to try dividing the whole number, just the last 3 digits. 248 is divisible by 8, therefore 4567248 is divisible by 8 too. Divisibility Rules Dividing by 9: Our last few rules for divisibility have been quite tricky! But don’t worry the rule for 9 is straight forward. Simply add all the digits to see if the total is divisible by 9. 225 2+2+5=9 562 5+6+2=13 Divisibility Rules Dividing by 10: To test if a number is divisible by 10 simply look at the last digit. If it is a zero it will always be divisible by 10, no matter how large the number! 153469780 652430 456