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International Law & Conflict of Laws Overview

Group Members:International Law/ Conflict of Laws
What is an International law?
International law is the body of rules established by custom or treaty and recognized by
nations as binding in their relations with one another.
- It is basically the body of law that governs the legal relations between or among
states/ nation.
- International Law is divided into which are the public international law and private
international law.
- Public International Law is the corpus of rules binding government or individuals.
- Private International Law is the law applied by domestic courts.
What is Conflict of Laws?
A phrase use to signify that the law of different countries, on the subject matter to be decided
are in opposition to each other.
- It is the study of national courts.
- Conflict of Laws includes legal controversies.
- Conflict of Laws can be confusing sometimes because of the different worldview, culture,
ideology and perspectives.
- Ordering of relations in a fair do not seem to express any commitment to policies of
particular state.
The conflict of laws was developed by lawyers but it has been neglected by social scientists
because it can be highly technically.