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Significance of Gender Equality: Benefits & Impact

Significance of the study:
1.) Benefits to business environment
According to Forbes Nonprofit Council, Pay rates should not be determined based on a person’s
gender (or race, age, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, etc.). Leadership teams should
equally represent both men and women. Within our entire corporate career, programs and events,
we are not offered to any associated female gender or women rather, Men commonly assumed
most women employees would only work until they had given birth to a child. They perceived
that women will eventually leave their own job for their man/husband, they perceived that every
women is capable of giving up the life they had for men.
As a result of these prejudices, many women left their positions for ones that paid better and
offered more professional development opportunities.
Reference: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesnonprofitcouncil/2020/03/27/why-genderequality-matters-in-business-success/?sh=83af1ee669c4
2.) Benefits to Business practitioners
Excellence doesn’t distinguish between genders. Instead, it recognizes talent and good
management. That’s why the best companies are open to a diverse and balanced work
environment, supporting and actively promoting gender equality.
It increases business performance; There are a range of reasons why company performance and
gender diversity may be linked, as this Credit Suisse report on Gender Diversity and Corporate
Performance shows. One reason is that diversity brings together varied perspectives, produces a
more holistic analysis of the issues a company faces and stimulates greater effort, leading to
improved decision-making.
Reference: https://gethppy.com/hrtrends/heres-why-you-should-encourage-gender-equality-inyour-company
3.) Benefits to students
According to UNICEF, Education is the key to equal opportunities. In today’s world, more boys
than girls are educated. Right from the beginning, this gives boys better opportunities than girls.
Without many options, girls are often forced into marriages or human trafficking. It is also much
harder to leave dangerous relationships and situations without education to fall back on. When
gender equality starts with education, everyone has the opportunity to improve their lives.
Gender equality is good for children; Reproductive rights are a key part of gender equality.
When women make their own reproductive choices, their lives improve. They are then able to
better care for the children they do choose to have. Having equal pay with men, women can
provide better healthcare, better food, and better opportunities for their kids. Even if a mother
chooses to stay at home with her children, the effects of gender equality (like equal pay and
education) provide a safety net in case she does need to go to work. Studies also show that infant
mortality rates decrease as a woman’s education level increases. In a world with gender equality,
children are set up for success and happiness.
Reference: https://www.humanrightscareers.com/issues/why-gender-equality-is-good-foreveryone/#:~:text=Gender%20equality%20gives%20everyone%20equal,boys%20than%20girls
4.) Benefit to the university
The gender gap in universities has tilted in favor of women as a result of increased access
and inclusion of women in higher education. This does not mean, however, that gender
equality – equal status between men and women and personal empowerment – has been
achieved in universities.
A gender balance has been achieved in enrolment and in undergraduate and some
graduate degree programs. However in many doctoral programs and in jobs following the
PhD (especially in research posts and those that have more power, resources, rewards,
and influence), men predominate while women PhDs and academics remain in more
subordinate positions.
Such heterosexual masculine culture and sexism on campuses are produced and
reproduced by students and professors alike in the forms of discriminatory and prejudicial
treatment and harassment and assault. This culture with its differential treatment erodes
self-esteem and opportunities for women. It also damages male students’ experiences, as
men disengage from campus social and academic life when they feel pressure to conform
to its problematic aspects, by being passive or engaging in denigrating, belittling, or
humiliating women and other vulnerable groups
Reference: https://impakter.com/gender-inequality-universities/
5. Benefit to future researchers
People in most countries are optimistic about the future of gender equality
In addition to viewing gender equality as important, most people are optimistic that
women will eventually have the same rights as men in their country.
Reference: pewresearch.org