Chemiluminescence: Applications for the Clinical Laboratory ROGER L. BOECKX,PhD* The chemical features and applications of chemiluminescence are reviewed, with special attention to bacterial and firefly bioluminescence and to uses of chemiluminescence in direct substrate assays, enzyme assays, solid-phase reactions, and immu. noassays. HUM PATIIOL15:104--111, 1984. In 1667, Robert Boyle, the English chemist and physicist, carried out the first systematic investigation of bioluminescence, demonstrating the oxygen dependence o f the luminescence of a luminous fungus growing on wood. Since ancient times, this "cold light" has fascinated us. Whether it comes from Boyle's "glowing wood," tile e n c o d e d flashes of a firefly on a late spring evening, or the "flashlights" of deep-sea fishes, our attention is always drawn to this phenomenon. Bioluminescence is actually quite common in nature and is displayed by many diverse organisms ranging from bacteria and other microscopic organisms to vertebrates. As a reldt of advances in the fields of spectroscopy and photochemistry, tile chemical mechanisms that lead to chemiluminescence are now beginning to be tmderstood. With this understanding has come increasing exploitation of chemiluminescence in analytic chemistry. T h e clinical laboratory, with its need for accurate and precise measurements of a wide variety of compounds in biologic fluids, is beginning to look to chemiluminescence as an analytic tool. THE CHEMICAL FEATURES OF CHEMILUMINESCENCE Chemiluminescence refers to tile emission of light by exergonic chemical reactions, usually oxidative in nature but without the input or ouptput of any significant heat or the input of energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. Emission of light in the visible region of the spectrum requires energies in tile range of 40 to 70 kcal/mol. Usually, light emission occurs from an excited singlet state, 1 and it occurs with a wide range of efficiencies. T h e overall efficiency of light production, the quantum yield (the ratio of the number of molecules luminescing to the n u m b e r o f molecules reacting), can range from a value close to 1, the theoretical maximum (as is ob* Director of Clinical Chemistry, Children's ttospital National Medical Center, and Associate Professor, Child Heahh and Development, The George Washington University School of Medicine and Heahh Sciences, Washington, DC Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Boeckx: Department of Clinical Chemistry, Children's Hospital National ,Medical Center, 111 Michigan Ave NW, Washington, DC 20010. served in the firefly luciferase reaction) to values as low as 10 -15 (as seen in the neutralization o f hyd r o n i u m ion). Typical q u a n t u m yield vahtes for "bright" chemiluminescent reactions are in the range of 0.01 to 0.25. 2 In this century, a number of chemiluminescent compounds have been synthesized. These substances have allowed us to study the details of the reaction leading up to the production of the emitting molecule. Perhaps the best known of these is hmlinol (5amino-2,3-dihydro- 1,4-phthalazinedione). Luminol and a number of similar cyclic diacylhydrazides will emit light following oxidation. The reaction of luminol with hydrogen peroxide is shown in figure 1. The reaction requires a catalyst, which can be either a metal such as ferricyanide or copper or an enzyme such as a peroxidase. T h e reaction is now known to invoh'e the production of a diazoquinone intermediate, which, following nucleophillic attack by hydrogen peroxide, is converted, through a series of other intermediates, to an excited aminophttlalate dianion, the emitter molectde. 4 This mechanism, referred to as chemically initiated electron exchange luminescence (CIEEL) is now thought to be the basic mechanism of light emission in several types of luminescent reactions.5, 6 Bioluminescence is a special case of chemiluminescence that involves the action of a specific enzyme system, generically referred to as a luciferase, and a specific substrate, usually referred to as a luciferin. Several different types o f bioluminescent systems are known, but for the purposes of this review, it would seem appropriate to limit our attention to only two. The interested reader is referred to Hasting's excellent review of this topic. 6 Bacterial Bioluminescence T h e first of these two bioluminescent systems is that of the marine bacteria. Photobacte~qum phosphoreum, Photobacterium leiognathi, and Photobacterium fisheri all occur as symbionts in the specialized "light organs" of fish. These species can also be found free in sea water and are particularly plentiful in areas where their specific hosts are commonly found. A fourth species, Beneckea harveyi, is not usually folmd as a symbiont and is especial)' common in coastal surface waters. Light emission in these bacteria occurs by what is essentially a shunt o f the electron t r a n s p o r t pathway. The reaction involves the oxidation of reduced flavin mononucleotide (FMNH2) by molecular oxygen in tile presence of a long-chain aliphatic aldehyde (dodecanal). During the reaction, the alde104 CHEMILUMINESCENCE[Boeckx) hyde is converted to the corresponding acid (fig. 2). The exact structure of the emitting species is not yet known, but it is most likely an enzyme-bound flavin in the excited state. The bacterial luciferase is a dimer with a molecular weight of 79,000, consisting of two non-identical subunits. 4 Bacterial luciferases, when isolated, invariably have oxidoreductase activity and can couple the oxidation of NADH or NADPH to the reduction o f FMN. Therefore, the concentration of N A D H or N A D P H can be determined by this reaction. o ! Ch'F" ,"-rcoo,. HO~).~'.-.S" "$~ Luciferin --. y HO~$" "$~ HO.J~sN~syO 4, C02 + AMP 4 h, FIGURE3, The reaction sequence of the firefly luciferase reaction. Reprinted with permission from Mayer and Boecloc3 intracellular ATP in bacterial cultures, allowing an estimate of bacterial growth, and has been exploited as a method of determining bacteriuria. 9-12 By measuring all the intracellular ATP present in a bacterial culture, an estimate of bacterial growth can be made. Nillson et al. 13 have used this assay for biomass to measure the concentration of antibiotics in a serum specimen. They described a simple assay of this t y p e for gentamicin, ampicillin, and doxycyclin. These au-: thors used Enterobacter aerogenes LU6 as a test organism. Aliquots of the drug-containing serum were added to a growth medium containing the test organism. Following an appropriate incubation period, extracellular ATP was hydrolyzed and intracellular ATP was liberated and assayed using the firefly luciferase reaction. With this approach, the authors were able to determine the concentrations of antibiotics in samples of 10 ~L of serum. Similar procedures have been developed for the assay of cephaloridine and tobramycin. 14 By using appropriate coupling reactions, it is possible to assay other compounds. For example, by exploiting phosphodiesterase (A), myokinase (B), and pyruvate kinase (C), it is possible to use the firefly ludferase (L) reaction in an assay for cyclic AMpIS-16: Firefly Bioluminescence In contrast with bacterial bioluminescence, light emision by fireflies is not dependent on pyridine nucleotides, but it is dependent on the concentration of ATP. In addition, a specific luciferin, 4,5-dihydro-2(6- hydroxy- 2-benz~176176176 acid, is required. In the firefly reaction, an enzymebound luciferin-adenylate complex is formed (fig. 3) which, in the presence of oxygen, reacts to form a dioxetanone intermediate. 7 This compound is converted to an excited carbonyl compound by way of a CIEEL mechanism which involves decarboxylation. After emission of light, the final product, oxyluciferin, is released from the enzyme. Firefly luciferase was purified and studied by McElroy and DeLuca and their coworkers. 8 Tim enzyme is a hydrophobic dimeric protein consisting of two nonidentical subunits, each having a molecular weight of 50,000. APPLICATIONS OF CHEMILUMINESCENCE Direct Substrate Assays T h e simplest application of chemiluminescent reactions is in the assay of a compound that is a substrate for the light-emitting reaction itself. The earliest applications of chemiluminescent systems were m a d e using the A T P - d e p e n d e n t firefly system. U n d e r proper conditions, as little as 10 -15 mols of A T P can be measured using the firefly luciferase reaction. This approach has been used to measure A c-AMP ~ AMP B AMP + A T P ~ 2 ADP C 2 ADP + 2 phosphoenolpyruvate 2 pyruvate + 2 ATP ~O- 'HH- L u m+i n2H202 ol + > ~ ! L ATP + luciferin + O 2 - - ~ AMP + PPi + oxyluciferin + CO z + light ~ + N2 + 3H2~ + h=" FIGURE 1. Luminal chemiluminescence resulting from the oxidation of luminal by hydrogen peroxide. Reprinted with permission from Mayer and Boeck)c3 H+ + NAD(P)H . . ~ f O - id( xoreductase vi NAD(P}+ FMN y Lucifer~e FMNH2 ~ ~ ' ~ - H20 * RCOOH . , f , o , x . ~ h~, o2* RCHO FIGURE 2, Bacterial bioluminescence as exhibited by Beneckea harveyi. Reprinted with permission from Mayer and Boecloc3 105 A coupled enzyme system for the assay of chloramphenicol has been described by Boeckx and Brett, 17 in which the reaction o f a bacterial chloramphenicol acetyl transferase is coupled to the firefly luciferase reaction by means of acetyl CoA synthetase (fig. 4). This assay is linear over the therapeutic range of chloramphenicol and can be completed in about one hour using only 20 tzL of serum. A similar assay for gentamicin has also been developed. 18 F.irefly-luciferase-based assays for adenine nucleotides,15,19-27 creatine, 19 glucose, 19 triglycer- HUMAN PATHOLOGY CM + AcCoA X AMP + PPi CO2 § Ox),lucife I Volume 15, No. 2 (February 1984) ~ CoA + AcCM ATP + kcetQle ciferin + 0 2 hv The reaction sequence in a bioluminescent assay for chIoramphenicol. CM indicates chloramphenicol; AcCoA, acetyl coenzyme A; AcCm, ace~,l chloramphenicol. Reaction I is catalyzed by chloramphenicol acetyl transferase isolated from a chloramphenicol-resistant strain of Escherichia coll. Reactions 2 and 3 are catalyzed by aceiyl coenzyme A synthetase a n d firefly luciferase, respectively. Reprinted with permission from M o y e r a n d Boeckx.3 FIGURE 4. ides,28, 29 glycerol, 29 and a number of other metabolic intermediates have been describedA 6 T h e bacterial system has also seen wide application. Assays for NAD +, NADH, and NADPH by direct reaction with the luciferase system are obvious developments.19, 25,30-3a In addition, assays for malate, 31,35 oxaloacetate,~9, 36 p y r u v a t e y ethanol, 3s,39 glucose, 31,38 g l u c o s e - 6 - p h o s p l m t e y 3-hydroxybutyrate, 35 and ammonia 40 have been described. Kather et al 4~ have recently described a very sensitive assay for glycerol utilizing bacterial luciferase and have exploited this method for the measurement of lipolysis in small numbers of fat cells collected by needle biopsy. Chemiluminescent reactions based on the oxidation of luminol or luminol-like compounds have also been developed. Hydrogen peroxide can be directly m e a s u r e d using this reaction. For example, since hydrogen peroxide is a product of the glucose oxidase reaction, the luminol system can easily be used to measure glucose concentration. 42-a6 Another exciting application of luminol chemiluminescence involves its use in the evaluation of phagocytosis by leukocytes. It is well known that phagocytosis and subsequent bactericidal activity involve a respiratory burst with the production of singlet oxygen, superoxide, and hydrogen peroxide. 47 The production of these active forms of oxygen results in a native chemiluminescence. This native luminescence can be amplified by the addition o f luminol, 4s t h e r e b y making the post-phagocytic production of excited oxygen detectable by m e a s u r i n g the light emitted during the process. This approach can be used to measure phagocyte oxidative activity, as Other compounds, in addition to luminol, have been used as luminogenic probes in such assays. For example, lucigenin, 10,10'-dimethyl-9,9'-biacridinium dinitrate, has been successfully used in a sensitive assay of polym o r p h o n u c l e a r leukocyte r e d o x activity. 49 T h e chemiluminescent evaluation of polymorphonuclear leukocyte function has been used by DeChatelet and Shirley 5~ in the evaluation of patients with chronic granulomatous disease. These authors used luminol as a luminescence amplifier and stimulated the respiratory burst o f p o l y m o r p h o n u c l e a r leukocytes with phorbol myristate acetate. By this approach they were able to quantify the luminescent response in microliter quantities of whole blood and to demonstrate that cells from patients with chronic granulomatous disease were not responsive to stimulation. The ability to detect phagocytosis in whole blood has been adapted for use as an assay for the opsonic activity of serum.Sl By adding an appropriate bacterium and luminol to diluted whole blood (a source of p o l y m o r p h o n u c l e a r leukocytes), it is possible to evaluate the opsonic activity o f an a d d e d s e r u m sample by measuring the light emitted as the phagocytosis process proceeds. Enzyme Assays Using Chemiluminescence In addition to assays of substrates, a number of enzymes have been assayed using chemiluminescent methods. O f most interest to the clinical chemist is the assay of creatine kinase using the firefly luciferase reaction as a detector for ATPA 9,52-55 Lundin and Styrelius 52 have described a highly sensitive and specific assay for creatine kinase (CK) B subunit activity involving the use of an antibody that inhibits M subunit activity (Ab): CK(MM,MB,BB) + Ab--* CK(MB,BB) + CK(MM):Ab + CK(MB):Ab ADP + creatine phosphate + CK(MB,BB) ATP + creatine ATP + luciferin + 0 2 AMP + PPi + oxyluciferin + CO 2 + light Assays for cyclic A M P p h o s p h o d i e s t e r a s e , 15 ATPase, t9 hexokinase, 19 myokinase, 19 and pyruvate kinase 19 have also been described. Considering the number of reaction systems that involve NADH, either as a substrate or as a product it is not surprising that a n u m b e r o f enzyme assays using the bacterial luciferase system have been developed. Alcohol dehydrogenase, 38 glucose6-phosphate dehydrogenase,3S hexokinase, 3s betah y d r o x y - b u t y r a t e d e h y d r o g e n a s e , 37 and lactate dehydrogenase 3s have all been assayed using the bacterial system. Solid-phase Luminescent Reactions In 1977, Lee et al. 56 reported the immobilization of firefly luciferase on glass rods and demonstrated that, although enzyme activity was reduced, sufficient activity was maintained to allow the immobilized enzyme to be used in analytical applications. In their method, crystalline firefly luciferase was attached to alkylamine glass beads ( 1 2 5 - 1 7 7 Ixm in diameter) that had been cemented to a glass rod (1.7 • 40 mm). The authors used these rods to assay creatine kinase activity, which they found they could assay to as low as 1.27 IU. The rods were stable enough to allow 30 assays to be completed in sequence. Jablonski and DeLuca 59 immobilized bacterial lu106 CHEMILUMINESCENCE(Boeckx] ciferase and FMN reductase on glass rods and were able to use these rods in assays for N A D H and NADPH, and Watanabe and Hastings 57 have co-immobilized N A D P H - F M N reductase, B harveyi luciferase, and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) onto sepharose 6B. They used this unique coupled system to measure the activity of a number of dehydrogenases. In their reaction system, the aldehyde (dodecanal) required for the luciferase reaction is supplied as dodecanol and is converted to dodecanal by the alcohol dehydrogenase, which is co-immobilized with the luciferase. T h e activity of A D H is dependent on the provision of NAD + by the activity of the dehydrogenase to be measured: TABLE 1. Applications of Luminescent Immunoassay Anal)te Alpha-fetoprotein Anti-IgG Biotin Cortisol Digoxin Estradiol Estriol Estrone Hepatitis B surface antigen IgG Insulin Pregnanediol Progesterone Testosterone Thyroxine DH X(oxidized) + N A D H + H +-~-------~ X(reduced) + NAD + C12-RCOH + NAD +~ ADH ~ CI2-RCHO + NADH References 66-69 62, 94, 101 65, 70-72 63, 73-74, 76-78 80 63, 81-83 64, 74, 84-88 74, 81, 85 62, 89 67-69, 71, 90, 93-94 80 74, 81, 95 61, 63-64, 74, 78, 96-98 63, 99 60, 62, 65, 72, 100, 136 with antigen in tile sample for sites on a limited amount of antibody. By attaching the antibody to a solid support, such as a plastic tube or sepharose, antibody-bound luminol can be detected by the addition of hydrogen peroxide and a catalyst. A variety of oxidation systems are available, including hydrogen p e r o x i d e - m i c r o p e r o x i d a s e , hydrogen peroxide-hematin, hydrogen peroxide-lactoperoxidase, and persulfate. 61 Kohen et al. 64 have shown that when a steroid-luminescent label conjugate is bound to an antibody, the resulting luminescence is significantly enhanced. This antibody-enhanced chemiluminescence can be used in a homogeneous LIA. Boguslaski and Schroeder 65 have reviewed both homogeneous and heterogeneous approaches to LIA. In recent years, a large number of assays using either heterogeneous or homogeneous LIA have been reported (table 1). In LEIA, the antigen is labeled with an enzyme that can either catalyze a luminescent reaction (e.g., peroxidase or luciferase) or produce a substrate for a luminescent reaction. This latter approach, referred to as amplified bioluminescent immunoassay, has allowed a significant increase in sensitivity. Wannlund et al.lOZ have reported such an amplified assay that can detect as little as i0 attomoles of trinitrotoluene. A number of LEIA assays have been described (table 2). In LCIA, an antigen-cofactor conjugate is used. The cofactor (CF) can be either NADH or ATP, and the amount of antibody-bound cofactor can be assayed by using either the bacterial or firefly luciferase reactions. R'ase N A D P H + FMN -*-----~ NADP + FMNH 2 L'ase F M N H 2 + C12_RCHO + 0 2 1. C~2-RCOOH + H 2 0 + FMN + light In this scheme, X is the substrate for the NADHspecific dehydrogenase (DH) to be assayed. R'ase is the N A D P H - d e p e n d e n t FMN reductase, and L'ase is the bacterial luciferase. The authors have used their system in an assay for lactate dehydrogenase. Other applications of the solid-phase approach have been described. Lippman 5s has used mercaptoacetylisoluminol attached to sepharose 6B in an assay o f cholinesterase activity, and Jablonski and DeLuca59 have used glass-rod-immobilized bacterial luciferase in a sensitive assay for glucose. Chemiluminescent Immunoassays Although the luminescent assay of many analytes can be accomplished by the use of reactions that directly or indirectly alter the concentrations of the substrates of chemiluminescent reactions, it is obvious that this approach is somewhat limited. However, the coupling o f the sensitivity of chemiluminescence with the specificity of immunologic reactions promises to make luminescent reactions more widely applicable. W h i t e h e a d et al., 16 in a recent review o f this topic, have classified luminescent immunoassays into four categories: 1) luminescence immunoassay (LIA), 2) luminescent enzyme i m m u n o a s s a y (LEIA), 3) luminescent cofactor immunoassay (LCIA), and 4) luminescent enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique (LEMIT). In LIA, luminescent labels essentially replace the radioisotopic label in the classic RIAtype assay. A variety of methods for the synthesis of luminol or isoluminol conjugates have been reported. 6~ Such a luminol-labeled antigen competes Ag + Ag-CF + Ab*---*Ab:Ag + Ab:Ag-CF Ag-CF(bound or free) + luminogenic reactants --* light An assay for biotin in which NAD + is used as the label has been described.122 In this case, the bound Ag-NAD + is first converted to Ag-NADH by adding ethanol and alcohol dehydrogenase, and then the NADH is detected by adding the bacterial luciferase 107 HUMAN PATHOLOGY YABU= 2. Volume '15, No. 2 [Februan/t984) and Chenfihmlinescence. Westlake Village, CA, State Printing and Publishing, 1979, p 37 2. White EH, Rapaport E, Seliger HIt et al: The chemiluminescence and bioluminescence of firefly luciferin: an efficient chemical production of electronically excited states. Bioorg Chem 1:92, 1971 3. Boeckx RL: Luminescence: a new analytical tool for therapeutic drug monitoring. In Moyer TP, Boeckx RL (eds): Applied Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, vol 1. Washington, DC, American Association for Clinical Chemistry, 1982, p 199 4. Hastings JW, Wilson T: Bioluminescence and chemiluminescence. Photochenl Photobiol 23:461, 1976 5. Koo J-Y, Schuster GB: Chemically initiated electron exchange luminescence: a new chemiluminescent reaction path for organic peroxides.J Am Chem Soc 99:6107, 1977 6. Hastings JW: Biological diversity and chemical mechanisms ill bioluminescence. In Schram E, Stanley P (eds): Proceedings of the International Symposium on Analytical Applications of Bioluminescence and Chemilmninescence. Westlake Village, CA, State Printing and Publishing, 1979, p 1 7. Koo J-Y, Schmidt SP, Schuster GB: Bioluminescence of the 9firefly: key steps in the formation of the electronically excited state for model systems. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 75:30, 1978 8. DeLuca M: Firefly luciferase. In Schram E, Stanley P (eds): Proceedings of the International Symposium on Analytical Applications of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. Westlake Village, CA, State Printing and Publishing, 1979, p 32 9. Johnston HH, Mitchell cJ, Curtis GDW: An automated test for the detection of significant bacteriuria. Lancet 2:400, 1976 I0. Chappelle EW, Levine GV: Use of the firefly bioluminescent reaction for rapid detection and counting of bacteriuria. Biochem Med 2:41, 1968 11. Thore A, Ansehn S, Ltmdin A, et al: Detection of bacteriuria by luciferase assay of adenosine triphosphate. Clin Microbiol 1:1, 1975 12. Alexander Dtt, Ederer GM, Matsen JM: Evaluation of an adenosine 5'-triphosphate assay as a screening method to detect significant bacteriuria. J Clin Microbiol 3:42, 1976 13. Nilsson L, Hojer H, Ansehn S, et al: A simplified luciferase assay of antibiotics in clinical serum specimens. In Schram E, Stanley P (eds): Proceedings of the International Symposium on Analytical Applications of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. Westlake Village, CA, State Printing and Publishing, 1979, p 515 14. Harber, M.J. and Asscher, A. W.: A new method for antibiotic assay based on measurement of bacterial adenosine triphosphate using the firefly bioluminescence system. J Antimicrob Chemother 3:35, 1977 15. Johnson RA, Harman JG, Broadus AE, et al: Analysis o f adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate with luciferase luminescence. Anal Biochem 35:91, 1970 16. Whitehead TP, Kricka LJ, Carter TJN, et al: Analytical luminescence: its potential in the clinical laboratory. Clin Chem 25:1531, 1979 17. Boeckx RL, Brett EM: A bioluminescence micromethod for measuring chloramphenicol in serum. Cliu Chem 27:819, 1981 18. Daigneault R, Larouche A, Thibauh G: Aminoglycoside antibiotic measurement by bioluminescence, with use of plasmid-coded enzymes. Clin Chem 25:1639, 1979 19. Strehler BL: Bioluminescence assay: principles and practice. Methods Biochem Anal 16:99, 1968 20. Holmsen H, Storm E, Day HJ: Determination of ATP and ADP in blood platelets: a modification of the firefly assay for plasma. Anal B~ochem 46:489, 1972 21. Hammar H: ATP and ADP levels in epidermal replacement rate in the normal human skin and in some papulosquamous diseases of the skin. Acta Dermatovener 53:251, 1973 22. Balharry GJE, Nicholas DJD: A new assay for ATP-sulphurylase using the luciferin-luciferase method. Anal Biochem 40:1, 1971 Luminescent Enzyme Immunoassays Analyte Albumin Alpha-fetoprotein Antihuman serum albumin Bacterial cells Chorionic somatomammotropin Cortisol Cytomegalovirus Dehydroepiandrosterone and DHEA sulfate Digoxin Equine encephalitis virus Herpes virus Methotrexate Mumps virus Pregnanediol Staphylococcus enterotoxin Trinitrotoluene References 113 92 103, 119 121 107-108 104-106 109-110 111 79 112 91-92 114-116 117 120 118 102 s y s t e m . C,'irrico et a1.123 h a v e d e s c r i b e d a n a s s a y f o r N(2,4-dinitrophenyl)13-alanine that involves the use of a 2,4-dinitrobenzene-ATP c o n j u g a t e in h o m o g e n e o u s i m m u n o a s s a y . A d e n o s i n e t r i p h o s p h a t e is s u b sequently quantified using firefly luciferase. T h e last f o r m o f l u m i n e s c e n c e i m m u n o a s s a y is t h e L E M I T , in w h i c h a l u m i n e s c e n t r e a c t i o n is u s e d to d e t e c t t h e c h a n g e in N A D H c o n c e n t r a t i o n in a typical enzyme-multiplied immunoassay. This app r o a c h h a s b e e n u s e d b y S t a n l e y 124 in a n a s s a y f o r phenytoin. CONCLUSIONS T h e s e n s i t i v i t y o f c h e m i l u m i n e s c e n t assays a n d t h e p o t e n t i a l f o r c o u p l i n g t h e s e s y s t e m s to s p e c i f i c i m m u n o l o g i c r e a c t i o n s p r o m i s e to p r o v i d e t h e clinical laboratory with a novel analytic approach. A number of commercial manufacturers are marketing highly purified luciferases and luciferins, making the develo p m e n t o f m o r e a s s a y p r o c e d u r e s a n e a s i e r task.t33 High-quality luminometers are also available, although much luminescence work can be accomp l i s h e d b y a d a p t i n g p h o t o m e t e r s , 2~ fluorometers, 126-127 s t o p p e d - f l o w 128-129 a n d c o n t i n u o u s - f l o w apparatuses,39,126,130 a n d l i q u i d s c i n t i l l a t i o n c o u n t e r s 25,32 I n t h e n e x t few y e a r s , c h e m i l u m i n e s c e n c e will e m e r g e f r o m t h e r e s e a r c h l a b o r a t o r y a n d t a k e its p l a c e in t h e clinical l a b o r a t o r y . F o r t h o s e r e a d e r s int e r e s t e d in a m o r e d e t a i l e d e x a m i n a t i o n o f this t e c h nique, a number of excellent reviews are available. 16,75,134-135 REFERENCES 1. Gunderman KD: Chemiluminescence: current status. 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