DSE-PSY-07Psychological Perspective in education Assignment- 1 Max. Marks- 10 Due date- 31.03.2021 Q.1. Explain in detail the concept of child-centred education & progressive education. ( Roll NO. – 7616, 7663, 7686, 7610, 7683) Q.2. Analyse the importance of play in the field of education. ( Roll NO. – 7666, 7641, 7632, 7627, 7602) Q.3. Critically analyse the difference between education & schooling. ( Roll NO. - 7680, 7619, 7668, 7624, 7664) Q.4. Discuss the roll of a teacher as a priest & as a potter in teaching-learning process. (Roll NO. – 7629, 7644, 7614, 7623, 7633) Q.5. Elucidate upon the concept of discipline & control with reference to objective behavioural myth & myth of irresponsible youth. (Roll No. – 7637, 7673, 7634, 7609, 7608) Q.6. Describe in detail the concept of education as discipline by giving suitable examples. (Roll NO. – 7640, 7656, 7645, 7674, 7686) Q.7. Elaborate your understanding about the concept of de-constructing childhood. (Roll NO. – 7667, 7655, 7647, 7684, 7660) Q.8. Determine the various issues related to classroom management during lockdown period when the nature of physical classroom has changed to virtual mode. Also suggest some psychological ways to resolve these issues. (Roll NO. - 7607, 7620, 7676, 7622, 7612) Q.9. Discuss in detail contribution of psychology to the field of education. (Roll NO. – 7675, 7613, 7606, 7621, 7643) Q.10. Critically analyse the various premises of arguments in the debate of IQ controversy in education. (Roll No. – 7665, 7670, 7636, 7682, 7653, 7661) Q.11. Describe in detail the concept of education as discipline by giving suitable examples. (Roll NO.- 7630, 7601, 7638, 7604, 7681, 7625) Instructions – It can be hand-written or typed. Word limit – 2500 words or 6-7 pages Typing – font 12, times new roman, space between lines 1.5, single space. No assignment would be accepted after the date of submission in any circumstances. Originality of answers would be highly appreciate.