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Pharm final study guide

Module 1: Medication Basics
 What are the routes of administration?
o Enteral- first pass effect- oral, sublingual, rectal,
o Parenteral- injectable- IM, IV, subcutaneous
o Topical- inhaled and transdermal
 What are the 5 basic Medication Safety Rules:
o Right medication
o Right dose
o Right route
o Right time
o Right patient
 What are the additional medication rules :
o Right documentation
o Right reason
o Right response
o Right to refuse
 What is a therapeutic response?
o The desired or intended effect of a medication
Module 2: CNS and Pain
 What is Narcan?
o Naloxone- opioid antagonist that reverses the effects of opioids
o 0.4mg given
 How do you use a PCA (patient controlled analgesic):
o A way for patients to self medicate by pushing a button
o Patients family should NOT be pushing the PCA pump
 What are NSAID side effects?
o Increase BP
o Increase BLEEDING
o GI ulcers
o Nausea/ Vomiting
o Kidney Failure
Module 3: Autonomic Nervous System
Module 4: Respiratory
 What are indications for inhalers?
o Asthma- albuterol is a rescue inhaler and not long term treatment
o COPD- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
o Bronchitis
o Emphysema
 What are the types of inhalers?
o Bronchodilators
 Beta-adrenergic agonists
 Anticholinergic
 Xanthine derivatives
o Non-bronchodilators
 Leukotriene receptor antagonists
 Corticosteroids
What are the therapeutic uses of corticosteroids?
o For long term control and acute exacerbation of asthma and COPD
Module 5: Endocrinology
 What is the typical dose for thyroid replacement therapy?
o 25-200mcg- MICROgrams
 What is the therapeutic response to oral antidiabetics?
o Having a HbA1c less than 6%
o Glucose levels between 70-130
 What are Hypoglycemia signs and symptoms to watch for?
o Shaking
o Sweating
o Fast heartbeat
o Impaired vision
o Anxious
o Dizziness
o Hunger
o Weakness fatigue
o Headache
o Irritability
 How do you treat hypoglycemia with a patient that is NPO with an IV?
o D5W
o ½ ampule of D50 and repeat
 How do you teat hypoglycemia with a patient that is NPO without an IV?
o Glucagon IM/SQ
o Get IV access ASAP
 How do you treat hypoglycemia with a patient that is PO?
o 15 grams of simple carbs
o Maintain with complex carbs
 What are the different insulin therapies?
When do you do Accuchecks on patients when they are on insulin?
o Before meals!
o 6x per day
Module 6: Gastrointestinal
 What are indications for PPIs?
o Prevent or treat ulcers
o Prevent or treat erosive esophagitis
 What are risks for PPIs?
o Long term use can cause osteoporosis/ increase fractures
o Can cause c. diff
o Pneumonia
 What do you teach a patient taking antacids?
o Do not overuse because they can cause rebound hyperacidity
o Don’t mix antacids with other medications
Module 7: Antibiotics
 What do you teach patients taking antibiotics?
o Take all of the prescribed medication as scheduled
o Take with food to avoid GI upset
o Report GI issues to PCP
o Use probiotics
o Use back up contraception
 What do you do for an allergic reaction of an antibiotic?
o STOP the medication immediately
 What are the side effects of Vancomycin?
o Bladder pain
o Bloating of face, arms, hands, and lower legs
o Decreased urine
o Irregular heartbeat
o Muscle cramps
 What are empiric antibiotics?
o Directed for patients with an infection
 What are prophylactic antibiotics?
o Antibiotics given before a procedure to prevent infections from
 What are definitive antibiotics?
o Antibiotics given after a culture and sensitivity is completed to know
that the antibiotic will kill a bacteria
Module 8: Fluid and vasculature, anticoagulant
 What are osmotic diuretics?
o Mannitol
o Works along the entire nephron
 Why do you use osmotic diuretics?
o For early renal failure and HEAD INJURIES
 What are osmotic diuretic side effects?
o Convulsions
o Thrombophlebitis
o Pulmonary congestion
 What are loop diuretics?
o Have renal, cardiovascular, and metabolic effects.
 Why are loop diuretics given?
o To decrease edema
 What are loop diuretic side effects?
o Dizziness
o Headaches
o Tinnitus
o Blurred vision
 Why are thiazide diuretics given?
o Given first
o Treat hypertension and diabetes Insipidus
 What are thiazide diuretics side effects?
o Dizziness
o Headache
o Blurred vision
o Hypokalemia
 What are complications of thrombolytic?
o They lyse thrombi in the blood
o Can cause hemorrhage
o Allergic reaction
o Embolism
o Stroke
o Reperfusion arrhythmias
 What is the lab range for Coumadin?
o INR from 2-3.5
 What happens if you take NSAIDs with an anticoagulant?
o Can cause bleeding
 What do you give as a reversal agent for heparin?
o Protamine sulfate
 What do you give as a reversal agent for warfarin?
o Vitamin k
Module 9: heart and blood vessels
What are the side effects of Nitrates?
o Headaches
o Flushing
o Dizziness
o Hypotension
o Arrhythmia
What is the therapeutic response of a beta-blocker?
o Lower blood pressure
What are side effects of ACE inhibitors and ARBs?
o Dizziness
o Headaches
o Dry cough- ACE
o Angioedema- ace
o Chest pain- arb
o Hypoglycemia-arb
What do you assess before giving an antidysrhythmia?
o Blood pressure, HR and pulse ox
o CMP, CBC, renal function, lipid panel
Module 10: Eyes, Ears, and Antisepsis
 How do you clean IVs:
o Chlorhexidine
 How do administer eye drops?
o Apply in the conjunctiva sac
o Do not touch eye dropper to eye
 How do you administer eardrops?
o Pull pinna up and back
o Lie on side for 5 minutes after giving drug
 What are the steps to reduce infection?
o Wash hands
o Wear gloves
o Clean off medication as needed