Transmuta)on of Radioac)ve Wastes Transmutación de Residuos Radiac)vos Introduc)on Master de Ciencia y Tecnología Nuclear @ European Master SARENA J. Manuel Perlado Director Ins4tuto Fusión Nuclear “Guillermo Velarde” Departamento de Ingeniería Enérge4ca Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 2020 1 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" AREAS covered in the COURSE PARTITIONING AND TRANSMUTATION 1. 2. 3. 4. Why P&T? Defini)ons and Iden)fica)on of the PROBLEM AND SOLUTION General Understanding of Radioac)vity Genera)on in Nuclear Fission Cycle CLASIFICATION OF RADIOACTIVE WASTES Poten)al Alterna)ves of Radioac)ve Wastes Manipula)on depending in their ACTIVITY and LIFETIME 5. Basic Theory of Transmuta4on: Types of Par4cles Irradia4on and its efficiency 6. Methods of PARTITIONING of Radioac)ve Wastes: Aqueous and Pyro 7. Nuclear Systems for Transmuta4on: Cri4cal (Reactors) and Subcri4cal (Accelerator Driven Systems, ADS) 8. Advanced Reactors for New Efficient Fuel Cycle: Present and Future of Genera4on IV 9. Accelerator Driven Systems and Subcri4cal Systems and Laser driven Neutron Sources: basic theory, models, experiences and efficiency. 10. Na4onal and Interna4onal Programs 11. Poten)al Nuclear Prolifera)on due to the manipula)on in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle in P&T 12. Illicit Traffic of Radioac)ve Materials. 2 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" EUROPEAN UNION Approximately 2500 about 25 tons of spent fuel containing tons of plutonium and 3.5 tons of ‘‘minor ac)nides’’ (MAs) neptunium, americium, and curium, as well as 3 tons of long-lived Fission Products (FPs) (out of a total of about 100 tons of FPs) are produced ANNUALLY in the European Union 3 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" Volume and Ac)vity of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Radioac)ve RAA Wastes HIGH RBMA MEDIUM/LOW VERY LOW ACTIVITY RBBA •Opera)on 365 days/year 1/3 Recharge per year Core: 100 tonnes of enriched Uranium, 30 MW per tonne 33 / tonne 4 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" Radiotoxicity of natural uranium including daughter products = 20 Sv/kg We need to use 20.5 tonnes of Natural Uranium to extract 1 TWhe in a LWR with burn-up of 50 GWd/tHM 20 Sv/kg x 20500 kg/TWhe = 4.1 x February-May 2020 105 Sv/TWhe 5 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" Permanent Repository = Yucca Mountain (USA) Yucca Mountain is comprised of "tuff," a rock made from compacted volcanic ash formed more than 13 million years ago. Yucca Mountain has a desert climate and receives about six to seven inches of rain and snow per year. The Mountain has a deep water table. The repository would be built approximately 1,000 feet below the land surface and 1, 000 feet above the water table. Retain the dose limit of 15 millirem per year for the first 10,000 years aker disposal; Temporal Repositories of High Ac)vity Wastes in the World February-May 2020 Establish a dose limit of 100 millirem annual exposure per year between 10,000 years and 1 million years; 6 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" NUCLEAR FISSION E = mc2 / 200 MeV Energy + Fuel ….. And also Radioac4ve Wastes + CHAIN REACTION !!! but …………….. FISSION ALSO CAN BREAK (FRACTION) THE RADIOACTIVE WASTES !!!!!!.... Not all well done …. That’s OK for heavy elements … no for Fission Product….. 7 February-May 2020 FISSION PRODUCTS P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 8 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" TRANSMUTATION OF NUCLEAR ISOTOPES • Descrip)on of the PROBLEM: SPENT FUEL – Severe increase of the Radio toxicity at end of life • Already jusIfy • RADIOTOXICITY – Poten)al pernicious effects by energy deposi)on in the human living and other life forms – Measured by the dose expressed in Sievert (rem) – Depending on Ac)vity, Type of Emired Par)cle and its Energy, Exposure Time • • • • February-May 2020 Ac)vity depends on decay constant: property of each isotope Par)cle: charged par)cle (α, β-, β+), neutron, radia)on, gamma) Energy: Higher Energy Higher dose Time: Higher Time Higher dose 9 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" Transmuta)on Objec)ves • Eliminate or reduce the amount of Long lived and High Ac)vity Radioac)ve Wastes by bombarding the nucleus with adequate par)cles to arrive to a stable or a low life)me isotope. • In our case the problem comes from Ac4nides or Long Lived Fission Products. • MAIN USEFUL NUCLEAR REACTION: FISSION !! – This is a problem with Fission Products destruc)on • Remember always that when using Fission we have a product that is ... Energy. 10 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" R = N. σ.φ 11 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 12 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" FAST REACTORS. FINAL SOLUTION ? ESTIMATED REDUCTION OF PLUTONIUM These are CEA (France) es)ma)on of how Fast Neutron Reactors (FNR) can reduce Pu Inventory when used in their mode of burners 13 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" A comment on Fast Breeder Reactor modes opera)on: Fast Reactors can be working as ISOGENERATOR mode when it produces much fissile material (plutonium) as it consumes (e.g. Astrid Reactor); they could operate only with depleted Uranium BREEDER mode when it produces more fissile material than it consumes, periodically allowing the start-up of new reactors (India); the areas with excess of fissile mainly named Fer)le Blankets. BURNER, when it operates consuming more fissile material that it produces. If we desire to simply reduce for example the amount of plutonium avoiding storage or bad use of sensi)ve materials. 14 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 15 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 16 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 17 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 18 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" Pu239 Fission Pu240 Fission Pu239 Capture Pu240 Capture 19 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" Am 241 Fission Am 241 Capture Am 243 Fission Am 243 Capture 20 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" Np-237 Fission Capture 21 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 22 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 1524,2 kg FP 96.7 kg MA 406.2 kg Pu 1442 kg FP 76.5 kg MA 399.2 kg Pu 1797.5 kg FP 147.5 kg MA 81.5 kg Pu 7120 kg FP NO REPROCESSING 1797.5 kg FP 147.5 kg MA 81.5 kg Pu NON-PROLIFERATION 6919.6 kg FP 2005.3 kg FP 4.6 kg MA 14 kg Pu MINIMIZE ACTIVITY 2206.3 kg FP 4.6 kg MA 14 kg Pu 23 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" OPEN cycle 24 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" French Nuclear Power Plants / 63 GWe 25 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" French Stockpile of depleted Uranium in 2040 = 450.000 t (7000 t/year) 26 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 27 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" By 2030, 3800 t spent MOX stockpiled. 1 % Pu 10 % Pu 12 t Pu/1500 MWe Core inventory 25 t Pu/1500 MWe Cycle Inventory February-May 2020 6% Pu 7 t/year 28 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 29 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 30 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" Actually Le Hague (UP3 + UP2 800) ≈ 1600 tHM/year, up to 8000 tHM/year in 2050 / Reprocessing 31 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 32 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 33 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 34 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 35 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 36 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 37 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 38 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 39 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 40 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 41 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" ALLEGRO REACTOR 42 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 43 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 44 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 45 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 46 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" Accelerator Driven System (1993-95) / ENERGY Carlo Rubbia (CERN) also team of Ins4tuto Fusion Nuclear AMPLIFIER 47 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" Accelerator Driven System (1993-95) ENERGY AMPLIFIER Carlo Rubbia (CERN) also team of Ins4tuto Fusion Nuclear 48 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 1997-1999 49 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" RUSSIA 50 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 51 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" MITSUBISHI 52 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 53 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 54 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde" 55 February-May 2020 P&T of Radioac)ve Wastes: Introduc)on/ J.M. Perlado, N.C. Santamaría, Ins)tuto Fusión Nuclear "Guillermo Velarde"