Oracle 5-20-2021 DDL-DATA DEFINITION LANGUAGE Which is used to define data structures. For ex: create table,alter table are istrctions in SQL. Syntax:describe table_name SQL COMMANDS: Create Alter Drop Rename Truncate Create: Querycreate table Students_details (Student_name char(10), student_id number(5), D_O_B Output- varchar2(15)); Alter: Add Modify Rename Drop Add one column and datatype Queryalter table students_details add gender char(2); output- Modify the one column and datatype Queryalter table students_details modify gender char(4); Output- Rename the one column_name Queryalter table students_details rename column gender to gender_o_s; Output- Drop columns Queryalter table students_details drop column student_name; Output- DML-DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE Which is used to Manipulate data itself. For ex: insert,update,delete are istrctions in SQL. SQL COMMAND : INSERT UPDATE DELETE INSERT data into TABLES: Query-