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ORJMA Grant Options: PA & USDA Funding

Potential Grants for ORJMA (Orbisonia Rockhill Joint Municipal Authority)
Option 1
 Grant offered by PA Department of Community and Economic Development
 PA Small Water and Sewer Grant
 Eligibility
 Municipalities
 Project involves the construction, improvement, expansion, repair,
or rehabilitation of a water supply system, sanitary sewer system,
storm sewer system, or flood control projects
 Total project cost must be greater than $30,000 but not exceed
 H2O PA Grant
 Eligibility
 Municipalities
 Project involves the acquisition, construction, improvement,
expansion, or rehabilitation of all or part of a water supply, sewage
disposal, or storm water system
 Total project cost must be greater than $500,000
Option 2
 Grant offered by USDA Rural Development Water and Environmental Programs
 Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program
 Eligibility
 Rural areas and towns with populations of 10,000 or less
 Funds may be used to finance the acquisition, construction, or
improvement of:
 Drinking water sourcing, treatment, storage, and
 Sewer collection, transmission, treatment, and disposal
 Solid waste collection, disposal, and closure
 Storm water collection, transmission, and disposal
 Note
 Program offers long-term, low-interest loans
 If funds are available, a grant may be combined with a loan if
necessary to keep user costs reasonable