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Research Methods: Writing Chapter 1

Methods of Research
Topic 6: How To Write Chapter 1 - Importance or Significance of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms
Scope & Delimitation of the Study
Significance of the Study
The rationale, timeliness,
and/or relevance of the
Possible solutions to
problems / improvements
to conditions.
Who are to be benefitted
and how?
Possible contribution to the
fund of knowledge.
Possible implications.
possible causes, effects, and remedial measures
to problems
What do you hope others will learn from your study?
Who benefits?
● Refer to the statement
of the problem
in writing the Significance of the
● Write it from general to
Definition of Terms
An alphabetical list of important terms or acronyms that you define, particularly
ambiguous terms or those used in a special way.
Types and Functions
● Conceptual Definition
○ Universal meaning that is attributed to a word or group of
words and which is understood by many people
○ Abstract and most general in nature
○ Usual source is dictionary
Types and Functions
● Operational Definition
○ Meaning of the concept or term as used in a particular
○ Stated in concrete term that it allows measurement
Source: https://uca.edu/psychology/files/2013/08/Ch5-Measurement.pdf
Conceptual Definition
Alternator - an electric generator
that converts mechanical energy to
electrical energy in the form of
alternating current.
Power Cable - an assembly of one
or more electrical conductors,
usually held together with an
overall sheath. The assembly is
used for transmission of electrical
Operational Definition
Alternator - a device used in
converting mechanical energy into
an electrical energy.
Power Cable - a bundle of
electrical conductors or wires to
transport electrical power.
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/myotakustyle/definition-of-terms-59798301
Gonzales, J. F. (2004). Methods of
Research and Thesis Writing. Mandaluyong
City: National Book Store, Inc.