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Optimal DG Siting & Sizing in Medium Voltage Networks

Two Stage Methodology for Optimal
Siting and Sizing of Distributed
Generation in
Medium Voltage Network
Distribution Generation
• Distributed generation, also
termed as dispersed
generation with small power
capacity is directly
connected to the distribution
network. Unlike
conventional central
• DG units not only generate
part of required load to the
nearby consumers but also
interchange electrical power
with the network.
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DGs is rapidly increasing due to their immense
• Technical
• Economical
• Environmental benefits.
• Lower investment costs
• Short construction times in proximity to load centers, which
relieve the network loading
• Improve voltage levels
• Reduce power losses
• Postpone of network upgrading.
Overview of Optimization Techniques
Several algorithms have been used for DG placement problem
such as
• Genetic algorithm
• Tabu search
• Analytical based methods
• Heuristic algorithms
• Metaheuristic algorithms
• Particle swarm PSO.
• Heuristic method in selected the appropriate location and
determined DG size for minimum real power losses. In spite,
the method requires more computational efforts.
• Heuristic search requires exhaustive search for all possible
locations which may not be applicable to more than one DG.
• Genetic algorithm and PSO have been applied to DG
placement. Genetic and differential evolutions require
preselection of tuning parameters such as population size,
cross over and mutation rates.
Proposed Technique
• Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) is used in this
paper for sitting and sizing of Distribution Generation.
• SQP is an iterative procedure which models the Non Linear
Programming (NLP) for a given iteration by an
unconstrained Quadratic Programming (QP) sub problem.
• By solving this QP sub problem, new updated variables are
determined and then would be used to construct a new
iteration step. This construction is repeated in such a way that
the sequence converges to the minimum value of the
objective function.
Identification Of Optimal DG
• The optimal allocation of
distributed generation can be
obtained by minimizing the
total real power loss. The
objective function of losses
can be represented in N-bus
distribution network.
• SLi is complex load power
• R1i(j) is the equivalent
resistance between slack bus
1 and bus i when DG is
located at bus j, j is not
equal to1.
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Determined from impedance
matrix as follows:
• Z11, Zii, and Z1i are the
elements of impedance matrix Z.
• When the DG is located at slack
bus 1 (j=1), the objective
function will be as follows:
• The optimal bus m to locate DG
units can be selected by
minimizing the objective
Steps to define the suitable DG location can be summarized by:
• Calculate the admittance matrix without selecting DG location.
• Modify the admittance matrix corresponding to the possible DG
• Calculate the impedance matrix and the equivalent resistances for the
possible DG locations.
• Rank Objective function (fi) values for different DG locations at
different grid buses.
• Select the optimal bus m according to the minimum
value of the objective function.
• Distribution test system consists of 42 bus with total load of 31 MW.
This test system represents a real distribution network in Kuwait for
Alnuzha region. The main feeders are connected to the low voltage
bus of 33/11 kV substation.
• Objective function f is evaluated when the DG is connected to each bus, It
is observed that the minimum value of the objective function is achieved
when the DG is installed in bus number 34.
• The next two candidate locations are bus 20 and 9, respectively.
Identification Of Optimal DG Sizes
Total cost function to minimize
• Feeders.
• Substation investment.
• Operating costs including
system losses.
• Purchasing power from an
existing intertie along the whole
planning period.
Thereby, the objective function
used in this paper is as follows:
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The nomenclature of the above mentioned
Objective function is:
J :objective function
• DG :Distributed Generation.
• Vij :Maximum voltage drop allowed
across feeder ij.
• BK :DG unit capacity (MVA).
• d :Discount rate.
• Cf :Investment cost.
• Cr :Operating cost.
• Ce :Electricity market price.
• Cij :Cost of feeder.
• Ciu :Potential transformer u in existing
substation i cost.
• Cint: Intertie power cost.
• M: Number of load buses.
• SDG :Power generated from DG.
• Sint: Power imported by intertieive
:DG capacity limit (MVA).
• u :Transformer in substation i.
• Siu :Transformer u in substation i dispatch
• SS: Number of substation.
• t :Incremental time interval.
• T: Horizon planning year.
• TN :Total number of buses.
• TU :Total number of substation transformers.
• Zij :Feeder segment impedance.
• pf :System power factor.
:DG binary decision variable.
:Feeder ij binary decision variable.
:Transformer u in substation i binary
decision variable.
:Intertie binary decision variable.
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Objective function of the total
system cost (J) is minimized subject
to various operating constraints to
satisfy the electrical requirements of
the distribution network.
Equality constraints :
Active Power
Inequality constraints are :
• Node voltage
• Line loading.
• Voltage level limits: The bus
voltage (Vi) at bus i is restricted
between its upper and lower limits
(Vimin and Vimax) for all buses as:
Reactive Power
• (Pint):power extracted from the
• (PDGT):generated from possible
DG units
• (PDT):Total demand
• Line loading limit: Maximum
apparent power flow along the line.
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• Substation capacity limit: The
total power supplied by the
• DG active power limits: The
active power generated by each
• DG reactive power generation
limits: The reactive power
generated by each DG.
• Other constraints may be equality
• such as number of DGs,
• Transformers
• maximum DG power generation
(active and reactive).
• intertie power capacity.
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Optimization procedures can be summarized as follows:
• 1) Set the optimal location buses defined in the first stage of
this paper as candidate buses for DG installation.
• 2) Formulate the optimization problem as sequential
quadratic programming problem using MATLAB toolbox .
• 3) Obtain the optimal DG size by minimizing Objective
• 4) Check the operation constraints.
• 5) Determine for optimum DG size the total planning cost,
the total losses, and the power supplied from the grid.
Results For The Three Study Cases
• 3 cases are studied in this paper. In case I only one DG is installed at bus
34. In case II two DGs are installed at buses 34 and 20. But in case III 3
DGs are assumed to be installed at buses 34, 20 and 9.
• As the number of DGs installed is increasing the saving is also increased.
maximum saving is achieved when the number of DGs is three.
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• The minimum voltage is 0.9946 pu which indicated that in all the
cases voltage profile has been improved. It should be noted that the
sizes of DGs in PU based on 10 MVA are dependent on the number of
DG locations.
• A two-stage methodology is developed to define the optimal location
and to determine the economic size of DGs to serve the peak demand
of distribution system.
• By the first stage, a single DG placement algorithm is implemented to
find the optimal DG locations to minimize the total system losses of
the tested distribution system.
• The second stage aims to minimize the total system cost. The total
system cost function includes both capital investment and O DG costs
in addition to the trade-off between generating power from DG and/or
purchasing power from the main grid.
• By installing DGs at the optimal locations, the total power loss of the
distribution system has been reduced, the power flow along the
network feeders has been decreased and then the voltage profile of the
system is also improved.