TLE – INDUSTRIAL ARTS – GRADE 6 Tools and Materials LESSON 6 SIMPLE ELECTRICAL GADGETS AND THEIR USES This study source was downloaded by 100000825551094 from on 05-07-2021 14:31:19 GMT -05:00 SIMPLE ELECTRICAL GADGETS AND THEIR USES Anyone who is interested to construct simple electrical devices may find it challenging and worth the effort and experience. Reading about electricity and electrical gadgets on magazines, books, and the internet may help you to construct these cool gadgets. Learning the skills is beneficNiaelxatssiltidpersepaareressoymoeuetxoaemxplleosreo,f discoveer,lemcatrkiecatlhginagdsg,eatnsdyobuemglaoybafilny ld interesctoinmgpaentidtievea.syto construct . DE 6 – LESSON 6 TLE – w IN iDt Uh STt Rh I Ae L iArRTu Ss –e Gs RA This study source was downloaded by 100000825551094 from on 05-07-202114:31:19 GMT -05:00 SIMPLE ELECTRICAL GADGETS AND THEIR USES An extension cord is an electrical gadget that is longer than an ordinary cord. It has a male plug at one end and a receptacle at the other. It is used to accommodate extra electrical devices TLE – IN DUSTRI AL GR 6– nAeReTSd–in gADeEle cLtErSiScON 6 This study source was downloaded by 100000825551094 from on 05-07-2021 14:31:19 GMT -05:00 SIMPLE ELECTRICAL GADGETS AND THEIR USES A lampshade is a type of fixture that covers a light bulb to diffuse emitted light. This is usually placed in the living room or TLE – IN DUSTRI AL ARTS b –G eRdArDo Eo 6– mLE. SSON 6 This study source was downloaded by 100000825551094 from on 05-07-2021 14:31:19 GMT -05:00 SIMPLE ELECTRICAL GADGETS AND THEIR USES A doorbell is a device usually placed at the door that gives off a reverberating sound when turned on TLE – IN DUSTRI AL ARTS – GRADE 6 – LESSON 6 This study source was downloaded by 100000825551094 from on 05-07-2021 14:31:19 GMT -05:00 SIMPLE ELECTRICAL GADGETS AND THEIR USES SAFETY • • • • AND HEALTH PRACTICES IN MAKING GADGETS Never run in the shop to avoid slipping, falling, or bumping into others who are Wweoarkrifnagcewstihhe islhda,rgpotgogoless.,or safety glasses while working. Never hold a project in your fingers. Use clamp, drill press vise, or pliers to hold Rite.port untoward incidents like accident or injury to the proper authority. TLE – IN DUSTRI AL ARTS – GRADE 6 – LESSON 6 This study source was downloaded by 100000825551094 from on 05-07-2021 14:31:19 GMT -05:00 SIMPLE ELECTRICAL GADGETS AND THEIR USES SAFETY AND HEALTH PRACTICES IN • Do not atMemAKpItNtGoGoApeDrGaEteTSamachine or gadget if you do not know how to use it properly. Ask help or assistance from • Ayloluerlepcatrreicnatlseoqrutiepamcehnetr.andinstallations must be checked and Pmraoivnitdaeineendouaglwhasyosctkoetpsr• eovuetnlettascfcoirdent. equipment in use and avoid overloading • tKheeempatolpcroervdesnatwfiarye.fromareas where water is present. TLE – IN DUSTRI AL ARTS – GRADE 6 – LESSON 6 This study source was downloaded by 100000825551094 from on 05-07-2021 14:31:19 GMT -05:00 SIMPLE ELECTRICAL GADGETS AND THEIR USES SAFETY AND HEALTH PRACTICES IN M A K N I G G A D G E T S Make it a h a b t i t o t u r n o ff e lectricgadgets and • equipment when not in Nueseve.r allow electric • wires to run under carpets where they cannot be seen la ltuhseepolufgtraipnpdinngothathzaercdosr.dfrom an oMuatklet.sure to • Pbuec • work in a well-lighted • aUrseea.glovesand appropriate safety footwear when using electric tools. TLE – IN DUSTRI AL ARTS – GRADE 6 – LESSON 6 This study source was downloaded by 100000825551094 from on 05-07-2021 14:31:19 GMT -05:00 SIMPLE ELECTRICAL GADGETS AND THEIR USES Tools and materials in making simple gadgets must be identified to understand their functions better. Always observe strictly safety and health practices while at work. Use appropriate tools, materials, and PPE (Pesonal Protective Equipment) while working. Make sure that tools and equipmentTLEare kept clean, properly – IN DUSTRI AL ARTS – GRADE 6 – LESSON 6 This study source was downloaded by 100000825551094 from on 05-07-2021 14:31:19 GMT -05:00