Second Year P. B. B. Sc Nursing Syllabus SOCIOLOGY Placement: IInd P.B.Bsc Year Time Allotted: Theory: 60 Hrs COURSE DESCRIPTION : This course is to reorient students to sociology related to community of social institution, India and its relationship with health, illness and nursing. OBJECTIVES : At the end of the course, the student will - describe sociological concepts applicable to nursing - determine role of sociology in nursing as related to social institutes in India. - Develop positive attitudes towards individual family and community. COURSE CONTENTS : UNIT I INTRODUCTION OF SOCIOLOGY TO NURSING - - UNIT II - - - 5 hrs Behavioral sciences, social sciences, arts and sciences-meaning , fields and scope, the relationship with nursing Concepts of social development and indicators of health, role of nurse as a sock scientist and change agent in health for all. Development of medical sociology - meaning, fields, scope, sociology and nursing methodology of sociology, sociology as science. Meaning, definition, scope and significance of sociology, contribution of August Comte, Durkheim, Max Weber, Maciver to the development of sociology. Contribution of Indian sociologists such as Radhakamal Mukherjee, Ghurye, Kapadiarn Sriniwas. Individual and society, their relationship with each other to study their interdepending atomism and holism and contract theory. FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS IN SOCIOLOGY 15 hrs Concepts its meaning, utility primary concepts in sociology – institutions, association, organization- meanings, definitions, functions, comparison - Groups -types. Classification, meanings, definitions, characteristics of primary and secondary groups. Their comparison, in group, out group, Reference group Social groups crowds-features, characteristics, type, nature, formation of crowd, public audience as a group, public opinion, nation, race Society- development of society from primitive, slavery, feudal, catalyst to complex, Relevance of societal knowledge to health workers. Human society and animal society comparison uniqueness of human society Language, adaptation of man to nature, environment, ecology from primitive to modern development with reference to health practices. Indian society-its peculiarities - tribal community, rural community and comparison, pachayat raj-doctrine of karma dharma artha and kama, moksh,. ashram in traditional hindu society. Status and role - type, function, characteristics of status and role,relationship between status and role, doctor's role, nurses role, patients role. Concepts of structure and functions – elements, definitions- structure and function, interdependence, Social dysfunction causes Social system - definition, meanings characteristics, prerequisite of social system, type of social system Social stratification - features, significance (or functions) and functional necessities if stratification forms of stratification - caste and class - - UNIT III - - - UNIT IV - UNIT V - Caste system unique feature of Indian social system, nature of caste system, hierarchy, segmental division, restrictions or taboos, civil and religious disabilities, limited choice of occupation, endogamy advantage maintaining partly of genes Dr. G.S. Guyrye's contribution Class system — division three-upper, middle, lower, features, characteristics Karl Marx's theory of class formation, distinction between class and caste. SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS 10 hrs Social institutions — features, functions (role) meanings, definitions-distinction between institutions and community, institutions and association, institutions and society, various social institutions Norms as social institutions, meanings, definitions, characteristics, classifications of norms — mores, taboos, customs, folkways, fashion-fads, laws institutionalize Marriage as institution, definition, meanings, nature, type, characteristics, forms of marriage, functions of marriage Family as institution-meaning definitions, types, characteristics, functions or roles of family a basic unit or group of society Family traditional and modern, Indian family, role of women in traditional and modern family, divorce, family problems, problem family. Role of family in health, illness and diseases, family and nurse, role of family in the context of women's and children's health in India from girl, marriage, oldage. Religion institution, definition, meanings, basic components — a system of beliefs and rituals, ancient and modern concepts. Indian set up religion Hindu, Jain, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity. Economic as Institution — meanings, definitions stages of economic life- food gathering, pastoral, agricultural, industrial Education Institutions — definitions, meanings, functions, roles, history of education and developments Politics as institutions — definitions, meanings, functions, roles, changing pattern, emperor, democracy, govt. and role of state in health, Public health. CULTURE 5 hrs Planning-definitions of culture in sociology and anthropological, components, characteristics, origin and development of culture. Nature and functions of culture-variability ethnocentrism in culture-culture and health behavior. Culture and personality, culture and civilization, cultural lag Culture and society, patterns of culture, inventions and discovery SOCIAL INTERACTION 5 hrs Social interactions — meanings, factors, influencing interaction, definition, Importance Social process — meaning, definitions, co-operation, competition, conflicts, accommodation, assimilation, revolution and war. Concepts of social control meaning, definition, type of social control, socialization, religion and sanctions, agencies of social control family, peer groups, schools, neighborhood, communication. Adult socialization, realization. UNIT VI - UNIT VII - - - SOCIAL CHANGE AND PROGRESS 5 hrs Social change, meanings, definitions, factors influencing social change. Causes of social change, theories, type — planned and natural. Social change in India Dr. M.N. Srinivas's concept of sanskritization, westernization and modernization. Education, urbanization, industrialization, development of transportation and communication. Factors affecting social change — demographic, technological, agricultural development, economic, cultural, planned change DISORGANISATION AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS 15 hrs Meaning and definition of organization and disorganization, causes of disorganization, types of disorganization — individual, family, community, effect of disorganization on Individual, family and community Disorganization in the Society causes, type of crime, health related problems Juvenile delinquency meaning, causes, children act, Government remedial measures and NGO role in the management problem. Child abuse, child labor, related health problems. Prostitution — meaning, history, type, causes, welfare steps, health related problems. Alcohol drug and substance abuse causes, history, impact on adolescent, family. Health related problems Poverty, unemployment, history causes Remedial measures, Health related problems Beggary meaning, causes, history Remedial measures and health related problems. Population growth and related problems- population explosion and causes, consequences of rapid growth, remedies to control the growth. Eg. Population education, contraceptive, motivation, women's education Visit to available social agency EVALUATION : Paper 10. Subject Sociology Theory Internal Assessment: Theory: Clinical Assignment: Total: Duration 3 Internal Assessment 25 External Assessment 75 25 Marks 15 Marks 10 Marks 25 Marks (Out of 25 Marks to be send to the University) Internal Assessment (Theory): Mid-Term: Prelim: Total: 15 Marks 50 Marks 75 Marks 125 Marks (125 Marks from mid-term & prelim to be converted into 15 Marks) Clinical Assignments: External Assessment (Theory): (University Examination) 10 Marks 75 Marks Total Marks 100 REFERENCES: 1. Maclver & Page : Society; India : Macmillan, 1964 2. Maclver & Page : Society: An introductory analysis; London, 1956 3. Murdock: Social structure; New york,1944 4. Fairchild, H.P.:Dictionary of sociology; New York, 1944 5. Barnes, H.E. : Social institutions; New York, 1946 6. Mamoria, C.B.: Social problems and social disorganization in India; Mumbai, 2003 7. Manelkar, R.K.: Sociology for nurses; Munibai, 2002 COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING Placement : II nd year P.B. Bsc Nursing Time Allotted Theory: 81Hrs Practical: 240 Hrs. COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course enables the students to acquire knowledge and understanding of the changing concepts of comprehensive community health nursing practice, the national health care delivery system and to participate in the delivery of community health nursing practice. This course also broadens the understanding in public health nursing administration, responsibility of nurse for early case finding, health assessment and health education based on principles of primary health care, Nursing process approach and comprehensive nursing care to the individual, family and community. OBJECTIVES : At the end of the course the student will 1) Explain the concept of various factors contributing the health of individual family and community. 2) Explain and analyze health need of individual family and community based on factors contributing to health and illness 3) Describe national health care delivery system. 4) Describes epidemiological methods and principles of prevention and control of illness in the community. 5) Study implementation of national programmes and role of CHN in prevention and control of diseases. 6) Identify the role of personnel working in the community health setup and appreciate the integrated approach to community health. 7) Plan the work of community health nurse and supervise the health workers. 8) Study concept of public health administration and role of nurse as manager and supervisor. COURSE CONTENT : UNIT I UNIT II COMMUNITY HEALTH AND COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING Changing concepts of health Determinants of health Introduction to community health & CH Nursing Principles of working in a community. Primary health care - concepts and principles. Concept of comprehensive primary health care and ayushman Bharat Role of nurse in promoting primary health care. Health for all - concepts strategy for HFA. Community health assessment and diagnosis. 9.hrs FAMILY HEALTH CARE & SERVICES 13 hrs. - - Concepts, Objectives scope & Principles of family health services. Family as a unit of community health service. Factors influencing family health and high-risk families. Family Health assessment, Health risk families. - UNIT III Principles and technique of home visits. Nursing process in family & community health care. Establishing working relationship with the family. Working with families in relation to prevention of disease and promotion of health. Review of IYCF and Counseling Review of febrile seizures in children Care of Sick, & care of physically handicapped and mentally retarded at home Family health records. HEALTH ADMINISTRATION IN INDIA. 12hrs. UNIT IV Health care delivery system in India. Health planning, National health policy and Five Years plan Organization and administration of health services at central, state, district level and Rural Health Services (Panchayati Raj). Monitoring and evaluation and health services System of medicines. Centrally sponsored health schemes. Role of voluntary health organization & International Health agencies. Health team concept, Public health legislation. Community Health Nursing Administration. Role of health personnel in community health Practice. Training Programmes for various health workers. Management and supervision in community health nursing practice. Biomedical Waste management HEALTH EDUCATION (IEC Information, Education, Communication) 6hrs - UNIT V Aims, concepts and scope of health education. Communication and health education. Methods and media for health education in community. Planning for health education and role of nurse in I.E.C. Central Health Education Bureau. Counseling – GATHER Approach ROLE OF NURSE IN NATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMMES. 24.hrs - Development of community health services in India. Major health problem in India. National health programme for communicable and Non-communicable disease. Review Mental health Act and de addiction Programmes Maternal and child health programme - Transportation of baby and common mishaps in labour room PPIUCD ( Post Partum Intrauterine Contraceptive Device ) Mother and child tracking Adolescent counseling Nutritional programme. Family welfare School health Programme. Occupational Health Programme. - UNIT VI Disaster Management. As a health team members. Records and reports in Community health, New national health programmes Introduction of rashtriya bal suraksha karyakaram Roles and responsibilities of middle level health care provider EPIDEMIOLOGY. 10 hrs - Epidemiology - Definition, Concepts, aims, objectives and methods and Principles. Epidemiology. - Theories and Models Time Trends in disease occurrence in epidemiology. Application of Epidemiological Principles in community health. Monitoring and surveillance. Levels of prevention of disease Prevention and control of Nipah virus infection Investigation of an outbreak Food Borne Diseases UNIT VII BIO STATISTICS AND VITAL STATISTICS. - 06 hrs. Introduction, definition and scope, legislation. Report, recording and compiling of vital statistics at the local State, National and International level. Definitions and methods of computing vital statistics. Methods of presenting data. Management Information System. Electronic Medical Records Programme management including supervision and monitoring PRACTICUM - Each students will prepare to community profile The students will be allotted families to give comprehensive nursing care through nursing process approach in Urban Rural area. The students will participate in activities of Primary Health Center, Sub Centre, Community Health Centres, MCH Centre etc. Visit to the selected Health and Welfare agencies. To plan and conduct Health Education Programmes — individual/ groups/ community/Mass— Health Education and Health Exhibition, to prepare simple A.V. AIDS. To supervise students and other health workers in the community settings. Students will be posted at least 2 weeks for rural community health experience. To conduct simple family health survey analyze the data collected (Community diagnosis) To write two family healths care studies in urban and rural area. (One in each) CLINICAL EXPERIENCE : I) - TOTAL HOURS:240 Urban Public Health Experience Family oriented Health care Community Assessment / Community dignosis (Family Health Survey) School Health Programme Health Education Urban Public Health Centres (Various Clinics) Educational Visits Rural Public Health Experience 1. Participation in Primary Health Care PHC, SC, R.H, etc. 2. Family oriented Health care 3. Public Health Administration 4.Visits to various Health agencies (Zilha Parishad, D.T.C. District Training Centre, Community Health Centre) 5. Health Education Programme II) Hours 160 hours 40 hours 30 hours 20 hours 20 hours 30 hours 30 hours 80 hours 30 hours 10 hours 10 hours 20 hours 10 : EVALUATION Paper 11. 4. Internal Assessment External Assessment Total Marks 3 25 50 75 50 100 100 Internal Assessment (Theory): 25 Marks Subject Community Health Nursing Theory Practical’s Duration Internal Assessment: Theory: Practical: Total: Details as follows: 25 Marks 50 Marks 75 Marks (Out of 25 Marks to be send to the University) Mid-Term: 50 Marks Prelim: 75 Marks Total: 125 Mark (125 Marks from mid-term & prelim (Theory) to be converted into 25 Marks) Internal Assessment (Practical): 50 Marks Practical Exam: Mid-Term Exam: 050 Marks Prelim Exam: 050 Marks Clinical Evaluation & Clinical Assignment: 1. Clinical Evaluation (family oriented care Urban Area) 2. Community Health Survey & Community diagnosis 3. Family Health Care Study (Urban & Rural settings) (50 marks each) School Health Programme Health Education Rural Public Health (as per guideline): 4. 5. 6. Total: (425 Marks from Practical to be converted into 50 Marks) 325 Marks 100 Marks 025 Marks 100 Marks 025 Marks 025 Marks 050 Marks 425 Marks External Assessment: 125 Marks (University Examination) Theory: 75 Marks Practical: 50 Marks Community Health Nursing Internal and external evaluation format D.Y PATIL SCHOOL OF NURSING, NERUL NEW MUMBAI . 2nd POST BASIC B.SC. NURSING FAMILY CARE STUDY (FORMAT) I. Initial Data 1. Name of head of family 2. Address 3. Date of visit commenced 4. Date of visit conducted II. Bidet Name of Relation Family With Members Head of Family BCG 1 Age DPT 2 3 Socio Economic Health End. Occupation Income Marita Health l Status Status Sex 1 Immunization Polio Measles 2 3 Booster Nutritional F P Status Any Other Remarks III. Resources A. Community Resource used by family members a. Regular b. In emergencies B. B.Financial a. Monthly family income b. Possessions c. Cattle &pets d. Numbers of dependents e. Monthly pattern of family expenditure f. i.Food ii. Education iii. Medical iv. Electricity bill v. Clothing &entertainment IV. Environment A. Community - Socio economic Status - Cleanliness - Water Facility - Toilet - Location of Slum area B. Family - Environmental hygiene - Toilets - SewageSullage - Water disposal C. Physical Environment 1. Housing location 2. Type of floor 3. Lighting 4. Ventilation 5. Water supply 6. Attitude towards drinking 7. Waste disposal - Garbage - Latrines - Liquid Waste - Mosquitoes & fly breeds V. Social Environment 1. Type of community 2. Socio economic background 3. Relationship among family members 4. Relationship with neighbors 5. Relationship with others 6. Common Health Habits a. In community b. In family 7. Family concept about health 8. family concept about disease a. In community b. In Family 9. Festival celebration a. In community b. In family 10. Number of working mothers a. In community b. In family 11. Care during pregnancy a. In community b. In family 12. Care of infant a. In community b. In family 13. Concept about education a. In community b. In family 14. Concept about girls education a. In community b. In family 15. Knowledge & attitudes of people towards health a. In community b. In family VI. Family Health 1. Health of family – past &present 2. Gymea & Obit. history of female adults VII. Nutrition VIII. VIII. Family lifestyle a. Basic life style of family b. Family decision-making pattern c. Family relationship &communication d. Family response in crisis situation e. Family attitude towards health Nursing Care Plan Summary: Conclusion : D.Y PATIL SCHOOL OF NURSING, NERUL NEW MUMBAI . 2nd POST BASIC B.SC. NURSING FAMILY CARE STUDY (Urban and Rural) • • • • Name of the student :Field Placement :Period of experience :Name of the Supervisor :(EVALUATION CRITERIA) 50 MARKS Sr. No. Factors/ Elements 1. Introduction and objectives 2. Data Subjective 3. Data Objectives 4. Assessment of the Family Members ( Physical, Mental And Social) 5. Health Need Identified 6. Planning for family health nursing care ( Including Short term and long term plan ) 7. Implementation of Home Nursing care plan With Scientific Rationales 8. Health Education Planning and Implementation 9. Planning for the diet 10. Drug Study and Home care 11. Evaluation - Outcome of Family Health care - Self Learning as a Nurse 12. Future Plan Marks Allotted 02 Total 03 05 03 03 06 06 04 03 03 02 02 03 13. Conclusion and Suggestion 02 14. Use of tablets/ graphs 03 Total Marks Obtained 50 Note – One Urban and one Rural setting care study having 50 Marks each. Remark – Signature of the Student Signature of the Teacher D.Y PATIL SCHOOL OF NURSING, NERUL NEW MUMBAI . 2nd POST BASIC B.SC. NURSING COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING HEALTH TALK FORMAT Name of the student : Topic : Group to be taught : A. V. aids : Area : Date & Time : Method of teaching : Language : Aim : Specific objectives : Introduction : Sr. No. Summary Bibliography Time Specific Objective Subject matter T/L activity A.V. Aids Evaluation D.Y PATIL SCHOOL OF NURSING, NERUL NEW MUMBAI . 2nd POST BASIC B.SC. NURSING COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING Name of the Students : ____________________________________________ Area of the community health nursing : _____________________________________________ Batch / Year : ____________________________________________ Name of the Evaluator :______________________________________ Period under the evaluation : From____________ to_______________ Rating – 1. In any respect fill to meet recruitment satisfactory 2. Meet many requirement but deficits in important aspect 3. Average, exceed basic requirement, satisfactory 4.Clearly exceed basic requirement, respecting superior 5. Outstanding in all respect Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 Rating Area With Subheading 1 Knowledge and understanding about family 1. Studies family health record and collect significant data 2. Interpreted significant data based on knowledge of community health Home visit 1. Preplanned and written based on the health needs of the family 2. Planning and organization of h home visit 3. Establishers report with the family and able to communicate effectively and tactfully with different individual / group Health assessment and observation 1. Identifies deviation from normal an able o s priority in home care activity 2. Plans and implements name care based on preset goal and health needs Nursing activities carried out 1. Application of scientific principles 2. Technical skill with necessary modification and completeness of the procedure 3. Involvement and participation of the family members 4. Interpretation, reporting, recording of results 5. Take corrective follow standing orders select and appropriate referral agencies 2 3 4 5 5 6. 7. 8. Health information health care 1. Uses every opportunity for incident / planning teaching for individual and group. 2. Use appropriate teaching learning principles Pot visit 1. Reports significant information 2. Completes records, promptly Evaluation of the family health care 1. Able to evaluate the set goal, short and long term health care plan 2. Able to revised the family health needs and modify the care plans Professional qualities 1.professional appearance 2. Interest, initiative, resourcefulness, responsible, leadership and attitude, response to constructive criticism and suggestion Total / grade Remark / comment by supervisor – ( In terms of strength and weakness )Instruction – 1. application of theory o practice is considered thought he experiences 2. written explanation must over extreme grades Date of evaluation Discussed Signature of student Signature of supervisor She of he seen the evaluation D.Y PATIL SCHOOL OF NURSING, NERUL NEW MUMBAI . 2nd POST BASIC B.SC. NURSING COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING EVALUATION FORMAT FOR HEALTH TALK NAME OF THE STUDENT : __________________________________________ AREA OF EXPERIENCE : __________________________________________ PERIOD OF EXPERIENCE : __________________________________________ SUPERVISOR : __________________________________________ Total 25 Marks Sr. No. Criteria Marks Allotted 1 Lesson Plan 08 2 Presentation 05 3 Communication Skill 05 4 Preparation and effective use of A.V. Aids Group Participation 04 Total 25 5 Marks Obtained Total 03 Remark – Signature of the student Signature of the Teacher D.Y PATIL SCHOOL OF NURSING, NERUL NEW MUMBAI . 2nd POST BASIC B.SC. NURSING COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING EVALUATION FORMAT FOR FAMILY HEALTH SURVEY/ COMMUNITY DIAGNOSIS NAME OF THE STUDENT : __________________________________________ AREA OF EXPERIENCE : __________________________________________ PERIOD OF EXPERIENCE : __________________________________________ SUPERVISOR : __________________________________________ Total 25 Marks Sr. No. Criteria Marks Allotted Marks Obtained 1 Knowledge related to survey 03 2 02 3 Data collection and entry of data survey card Table and tabulation of data 4 Analysis and interpretation of data 05 5 Use of Visual Aids and Graphs 04 6 Proposed Future Plan 03 7. Recording in the register 05 Total 25 Total 03 Remark – Signature of the student Signature of the Teacher EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR PROCEDURE EVALUATION USING BAG TECHNIQUE NAME OF THE STUDENT : AREA OFEXPERIENCE : PERIOD OFEXPERIENCE : SUPERVISOR : Total Marks 50 Scores: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Very good, 3 = Good, 2 = Satisfactory / fair, 1 = Poor Sr. No. Particulars 1) Approach to the family 2) Selection of procedures based on family needs 3) Preparation of the bag for the procedure 4) Caring out all the steps of procedure correctly 5) Scientific principles followed while doing procedure 6) Involvement of family while doing procedure 7) Post care of bag and equipment 8) Health education while during and the procedure 9) Disposal of waste 10) Recording and reporting 1 2 3 4 5 FAMILY FOLDER FORMAT Learners Name : Family Name : Address : Date of Service Directions: 1. BASIC INFORMATION Name Age Sex Positio n in Family Occupation Language Nutritional Health Education Income Spoken Status Status Health Problems 2. RESOURCES (COMMUNITY RESOURCES INEMERGENCY) Resources Provided Location Member Using Reason Frequency 3. PHYSICAL & SOCIALENVIRONMENT a) Community b) Family 4. FAMILYHEALTH Summary Current Habits/ Developmental of Status Name Age Height Weight Immunizations Addictions Stage Health including History Medications 5. Family Health Practice a. Nutritional status–diet, meal pattern, shopping habits, knowledge of good nutrition. b. Recreation &exercise c. Sleeping pattern. d. Familyuseofhealthresource,personresponsibleforhealthcaredecision-making e. Any other attitudes, which significantly relate to health status. f. Family strengths & limitations related to their health practice 6. Family lifestyle a. Basic lifestyle b. Inter family relationship & communication pattern c. Family decision-making d. Family response in crisis e. Dominant values of family f. Family attitude towards health care & health care providers 7. Nursing Care Plan 8. Student remarks a. Howdidfamilyperceiveoverallexpensesofyourvisit(givesupportivedata) b. Discuss achievement of goals & nursing interventions c. Inwhataspectofnursingpracticedidyourexperiencemostgrowth&inwhatareawouldyoulike to improve? FAMILY FOLDER FORMAT Sr. No. I II Particular Subject Matter Nursing Care Plan 1 2 3 4 5 Score COMMUNITY SURVEY REPORT FORMAT INTRODUCTION Objectives: To assess the area & identify health problems of people To understand the socioeconomic status of the community To identify the sources of health services available in community To identify various health practices prevailing in the community as a place–boundaries, environment, housing Community as a social system –recreational facilities, transportation, stores & shops, official health agencies, communication media, education, socioeconomic status, occupational status, social activities related to health. Health problems and needs in the area Conclusion SURVEY REPORT Reno. Particular 1 Introduction 2 Community as palace Boundary Environment Housing 3 Social system Recreational facilities Transportation Stores &Shops Official health Agencies Communication media Education Socioeconomic status Occupational Status Social activities related to health 4 Planning and organization Formulation of objectives Selection of method of presentation Adequacy of content Organization of Subject matter Presentation 5 Individual participation 6 Submission onetime DAILY DAIRY Reno. Particular 1 Activities planned 2 Activities done Remarks: Signature of the student ASSIGNMENT FORMAT FOR GROUP SEMINAR 1. Introduction to the topic 2. Concept, Definition 3. History 4. Subject matter 5. Application in nursing field 6. Summary 7. Conclusion 8. References Signature of the teacher VISITS SUGGESTED I. Community Resources For Self &Family 1. Trauma center 2. Old Age Home 3. Orphanage 4. Home for physically & mentally challenged individuals 5. Home for Destitute II. Social Nurse affecting health 1. Manila Manual 2. Food & Adulteration Lab 3. Community Kitchen 4. NARI III. Others 1. Family Welfare Bureau 2. Industrial Visit 3. IEC Bureau 4. B.D.O. 5. Gram Panchayat 6. Zilla Parishad 7. Panchayat Samiti 8. PHC 9. Sub Center 10. Rural Hospital 11. Community Health Center 12. Anganwadi Above visits should be completed in related subject during 2 years REFERENCES 1. Basvanthappa B. T. — Community Health Nursing 2002. 2. Park J. E. - Preventive and social Medicine 17 edition 2003 3. Stanhope - Community Nursing and promoting Health of the aggregate families and Individuals - IInd edition 1988 4. Stanhope - Community Health Nursing process and practice for practitioner IVth Edition 1962 5. Stanhope Routh- Community Health Nursing Workbook, Family as a client, New Delhi 1982 6. Spradely and Barbara — Community Health Nursing 7. Mahajan B. K. — Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, Ilnd edition 1995. 8. Najoo Kotwal — Revised by TNA' " Public Health Mannual " 1989 MENTAL HEALTH NURSING Placement: IInd Year Time Allotted Theory: 64 hrs. Practical: 240 hrs. +15 hrs(lab) COURSE DESCRIPTION This course enables the students to recognize and appreciate the causes, symptoms and process of abnormal human behavior. It also introduces the student to the present day treatment modalities in the light of psychological, social and cultural factors affecting human behavior. This course helps the student to learn principles of mental health and psychiatric nursing and to develop skills in the management of the mentally ill in hospital and community. OBJECITVES : At the end of course, the student will 1. Identify and describe the philosophy and principles of mental health nursing. 2. Describe the historical development of mental health and psychiatric nursing. 3. Classify mental disorders. 4. Develop skills in history taking and performing mental status examination. 5. Describe etiological factors, psycho-pathology, clinical features, diagnostic criteria and treatment methods used for mental disorders. 6. Manage the patients with various mental disorders. 7. Communicate therapeutically with patients and their families. 8. Identify role of the nurse in preventive psychiatry. 9. Identify the legal aspects in practice of mental health and psychiatric nursing.. COURSE CONTENTS UNIT-I INTRODUCTION AND HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT 7 hrs - Review of the concept of mental health and illness & mental mechanisms Terminologies in Psychiatry. History of psychiatry Historical development of mental health nursing. Philosophy, principles of mental health and psychiatric nursing. Theoretical approaches to Psychiatric Nursing. Concept of normal and abnormal behavior. Role and qualities of mental health and psychiatric nurse Mental health team and functions of team members. Legal aspects in psychiatry and mental health services. UNIT II - CLASSIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OF MENTAL DISORDERS Terminologies used in Psychiatry Classification of mental disorders- ICD-10 classification Etiological factors and psychopathology of mental disorders History taking and mental status examination. UNIT III - THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION - - - - - 4hrs Communication process Interview skill Therapeutic communication techniques. Nurse patient Relationship. Therapeutic impasse and it's management process recording. UNIT IV MANAGEMENT OF MENTAL DISORDERS - 5hrs 22hrs Etiological factors, psychopathology, types, clinical features diagnostic criteria, treatment and nursing management of patient with following disorders. Neurotic Disorders: - Anxiety disorders - General & Panic - Depressive Neurosis - Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis. - Phobic Neurosis - Hypochondriacal Neurosis. - Stress related and Somatoform disorders - Hysteric disorder. Psychotic Disorders: - Schizophrenic disorders - Affective discrders Organic Brain Syndromes — acute & chronic Epileptic disorders Sleep disorders Psychosomatic disorders Personality disorders Sexual Disorders Disorders of childhood:- Specific developmental disorders, Pervasive developmental disorders, Attention deficit disorders , Conduct disorders, Enuresis & Encopresis, Speech Disorders, Habit disorders, other disorders. Adolescent disorders —Attention deficit hyper activity disorder, conduct disorder, substance abuse, Behavioral addictions depression and suicide, eating disorders, running away. Evidence based Practice on disease condition UINT VI MANAGEMENT OF PATIENT WITH SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS 3 Hrs - Substance use and misuse Dependence, intoxication and withdrawal Classification of psychoactive substances Etiological & contributory factors Psychopathology Clinical features Diagnostic criteria Treatment and nursing management of patient with substance use disorders. Preventive and rehabilitative aspects in substance abuse. UNIT VI MANAGEMENT OF MENTAL SUB-NORMALITY / MENTALLY CHALLENGED 2Hrs - Classification of mental sub-normality Etiological factors Psychopathology Psychometric assessment Diagnostic criteria and management of sub-normality UNIT VII PSYCHIATRIC EMERGENCIES 4 Hrs. - Types of emergencies - Psychopathology, Clinical feature, Assessment and diagnosis, i'reatment and nursing management of patient with psychiatric emergencies such as- Suicide, Stupor & Catatonic syndrome, Aggression, other psychiatric emergencies - Crisis Intervention therapy UNIT VIII THERAPEUTIC MODALITIES- 12 Hrs. Principles, indication, contraindications and role of nurse in various treatment method: - Pharmacotherapy Therapeutic community and Milieu therapy Psychotherapy- psychoanalysis, Behavior therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Supportive Therapy, Hypnosis, Abreaction, Relaxation Therapies, Biofeedback. - Group therapy - Family therapy - Occupational Therapy - Electro convulsive therapy - Other miscellaneous therapies. UNIT IX PREVENTIVE PSYCHIATRY - Model of prevention - Role of nurse in preventive - Psychiatry Psychiatric social worker - Community mental health nursing - Community mental health Services and agencies - National mental health programme PRACTICUM The student will be provided opportunity to: - Observe, record and report the behavior of their selected patients. - Record the process of interaction. - Assess the nursing needs of their selected patients. Plan and implement the nursing intervention. - Counsel the attendant and family members of patient. - Participate in the activities of psychiatric team - Conduct an awareness programme on preventive Psychiatry - Write observation reports after a field visit to the following places: Child guidance clinic School/special School (for mentally subnormal) Mental Hospital Community mental health center De-addiction center. - CLINICAL EXPERIENCES : Total Hours. : 240 hrs 1. Psychiatric ward male & female hours 120 2. Psychiatric OPD hours 30 3. De-addiction center hours 30 4. Various departments hours 25 (ECT, CGC, Occupational Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Psychotherapy) 5. Visit to Mental Hospital hours 10 6. Community Mental Health hours 25 (Visit to Rehabilitation centers) EVALUATION: Paper 12. 5. Subject Mental Health Nursing Theory Practical’s Duration 3 Internal Assessment 25 50 External Assessment 75 50 Total Marks 100 100 Internal Assessment: Theory: 25 Marks Practical: 50 Marks Total: 75 Marks Details as follows: Internal Assessment (Theory): 25 Marks (Out of 25 Marks to be send to the University) Mid-Term: 50 Marks Prelim: 75 Marks Total: 125 Mark (125 Marks from midterm & prelim (Theory) to be converted into 25 Marks) Internal Assessment (Practical,: 50 Marks (Out of 50 Marks to be send to the University) Mid-Term Exam Prelim Exam 50 Marks 50 Marks Clinical Evaluation & Clinical Assignment: 625 Marks 1. History taking: Two (50 marks each) 100 Marks 2. MSE: Two (50 marks each) 100 Marks 3. Process Recording: Two (25 marks each) 050 Marks 4. Nursing Care Plan: Two (50 marks each) 100 Marks 5. Clinical performance evaluation 100 Marks (Male or female ward) 6. Case Study: One 050 Marks 7. Case Presentation: One 050 Marks 8. Drugs study 050 Marks 9. Health Education: One 025 Marks Total: 725 Marks (725 Marks from practical to be converted into 50 Marks) External Assessment: 125 Marks (University Examination) Theory: 75 Marks Practical: 50 Mark D.Y Patil School of Nursing, Nerul New Mumbai . Post Basic Bsc. Nursing Second Year Subject - Mental health Nursing Evaluation Criteria for Mental Status Examination (Maximum marks: 50+50=100) Marks Criteria Marks Allotted Total Obtained 02 SN 1 Format 2 General Appearance 04 3 Motor Disturbances 04 4 Speech 04 5 Thought Disturbances 04 6 Perceptual Disturbances 05 7 Affect and Mood 04 8 Memory 03 9 Orientation 02 10 Judgments 03 11 Insight 02 12 Attention and Conception 03 13 Intelligence and general Information 03 14 Abstract Thinking 02 15 General Observations 02 16 Summary 05 TOTAL 50 N B: Two Patients, 50 Marks Each Remark - Signature of the Students Signature of the Teacher D.Y. Patil School of Nursing, Nerul New Mumbai. Post Basic Bsc. Nursing Second Year Subject - Mental health Nursing Evaluation Criteria for Process Recording Examination (Maximum Marks: 25+25=50) SN Criteria Marks Allotted 1 Format 05 2 Objectives 03 3 Setting 02 4 Therapeutic Technique used 10 5 Evaluation By Student 05 TOTAL Marks Obtained 25 Remark - Signature of the Students Signature of the Teacher Total D.Y. Patil School of Nursing, Nerul New Mumbai. Post Basic Bsc. Nursing Second Year Subject - Mental health Nursing Evaluation Criteria for Nursing Care plan. (Maximum Marks = 50+50= 100) SN Criteria Marks Allotted 1. Format 05 2. History 10 3. MSE 15 4. Nursing Diagnosis 05 5. Planning & Implementation Of Nursing Care with evaluation 15 6. Bibliography 02 TOTAL 50 Marks Obtained Remark - Signature of the Students Signature of the Teacher Total D.Y Patil School of Nursing, Nerul New Mumbai . Post Basic Bsc. Nursing Second Year Subject - Mental health Nursing Evaluation Criteria for Drug Study (Maximum Marks = 50) SN Criteria Marks Allotted 1. Introduction 02 2. Drug and its Group 02 3. Pharmacological name and Trade name 02 4. Dose 03 5. Strength 02 6. Routes of Administration 05 7. Action and Pharmacodynamics 05 8. Indication 05 Contraindication 05 10. Side effect and Toxic Effects 05 11. Nursing Responsibilities 10 12. Home Management of drugs therapy 04 TOTAL 50 9. Marks Obtained Remark - Signature of Students Signature of Teacher Total D.Y Patil School of Nursing, Nerul New Mumbai . Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Second Year Subject - Mental health Nursing Evaluation Criteria for Case Presentation (Maximum Marks = 50) SN I Criteria Marks Allotted Case Presentation History taking Mental Status examination Marks Obtained 05 05 Description of Disease Condition a). Definition b). Etiological factor c). Psycho Pathology/ psychodynamics Clinical manifestation a). In General / In Book b). In Patient. Differential Diagnosis 02 02 03 03 03 02 Prognosis 02 Management – Aim and Objectives a). Pharmaco therapy and Somatic Therapy b) Psychosocial Approaches 02 02 Nursing Management General Aproach Nursing process approach Rehabilitation / long term care 02 06 02 Presentation ( Effectiveness) 04 II III A.V. Aids 03 IV Bibliography 02 Total 50 Remark - Signature of Students Signature of Teacher Total D.Y Patil School of Nursing, Nerul New Mumbai . Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Second Year Subject - Mental health Nursing Evaluation Criteria for Case Study. (Maximum Marks = 50) SN I Criteria Case Presentation History taking Mental Status examination Description of Disease Condition a). Definition b). Etiological factor c). Psycho Pathology/ psychodynamics Clinical manifestation a). In General / In Book b). In Patient. Differential Diagnosis Prognosis Management – Aim and Objectives a). Pharmaco therapy and Somatic Therapy b) Psychosocial Approaches Marks Allotted Marks Obtained 05 05 02 02 03 03 03 02 02 02 02 Nursing Management General Approach Nursing process approach Rehabilitation / long term care 02 06 02 Presentation ( Effectiveness) 04 II III A.V. Aids 03 IV Bibliography 02 Remark - Signature of Students VII) PROFORMA FOR HEALTH TEACHING Signature of Teacher Total Topic Selected: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (Total Marks 25) Name of the student teacher: Name of the supervisor: Venue: Date: Time: Group: Previous knowledge of the group: AV Aids used: General objectives: Specific objectives: Health Teaching Plan: SN TIME SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES CONTENT TEACHING LEARNING ACTIVITIES AV AIDS EVALUATION Note: Health Education is included as part of Nursing Care Plan. REFERENCES:1. Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing — By Stuart and Luraia 2. Comprehensive Psychiatric Nursing — Jidith Haber 3. Community Psychiatry — Kaplan 4. Psychiatric Nursing — Mary Townsend 5. A Short text book of Psychiatry — Neeraj A hooja 6. A text book of Psychiatric Nursing — Bimla Kapoor 7. Lippincott's Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Plan. 8. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing — Barbara Schoen Johnson, Lippincot company. 9. 10. 11. Mental Halth Nursing — Mosby's Review Series — Paulette D. Rollant, Denise B. DeppolitiA Guide to Mental Health Nursing & Psychiatric Nursing — Sreevani, Jaypee Brothers Publication. Question Bank Mental Health Nursing for U.G. Nursing students - Sreevani, Jaypee Brothers Publication. Psychosocial Nursing for General Patient Care, 2' Ed.-02 — Gorman, Jaypee Brothers Publication. INTRODUCTION TO NURSING EDUCATION Placement— II nd Year Time allotted Theory : 60 hrs Practical : 75 hrs COURSE DESCRIPTION :This course introduces the students to Principles and concepts of Education, curriculum development and methods and media of teaching. It also describes the step the steps in curriculum development and implementation of educational programme in Nursing. OBEJCTIVES., 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. At the end of the course, the students will Describe the philosophy and principles of education Describe the process of a nursing curriculum development Explain the teaching learning process Develop the ability to teach, using various methods and media Describe the process of assessment Describe the administrative aspects of school of nursing, College of Nursing Develop basic skills in counseling and guidance Participate in planning and organizing an in-service education programme COURSE CONTENTS UNIT I - UNIT II INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATIION 5 hrs. Meaning, aims, function and principles Philosophy of education Factors influencing development of philosophy of Nursing education Nursing profession —Definition, concept, importance and characteristics of nursing profession Development of nursing education in India before and after independence Nursing education programmes in India — Basic, Post Certificate, Degree, post graduation and Ph. D. High power committee recommendations for nursing education Qualities, role and responsibilities of a nursing teacher NURSING CURICULUM DEVELOPMENT - Organization of Nursing Curriculum Development of Nursing Curriculum.. Curriculum types., Curriculum Committee - Curriculum planning Formulating philosophy and objectives. Selecting learning experiences and clinical components of nursing education. Evaluation of curriculum. UNIT III TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS - Meaning of education, aims, functions and - principles of teaching - Principles and maxims of teaching - Formulating objectives - Lesson planning - Nature and characteristics of learning UNIT IV METHODS OF TEACHING - Definition, Purposes, Advantages, Disadvantages, Steps, Procedures, Evaluation of 8hrs 5hrs 10hrs - Lecture Discussion Demonstration Group Discussion Project , Roie — Play Panel discussion Symposium Seminar Field Trip Workshop Exhibition Programmed instructions Computer assisted learning Clinical teaching methods Case methods Case presentation Nursing rounds & Reports bedside clinics Conference (Individual & group) Recording of interaction process UNIT V EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 5 hrs. - Educational Media - The communication process, factors affecting communication - Purposes and types of audio visual aids . - Graphic aids - Chalk hoard, Charts, Graphs, Posters, Flash cards, flannel graph/Khadigraph, Bulletin, cartoon - Three demonstrational aid, objects, specimen, models, Puppets Printed aids — slides, films and televisions, VCR, VCP Overhead projector camera, microscope Audio aids,- Tape recorder, public address system system computer UNIT VI METHODS OF ASSESSMENT 10 hrs. - Purpose and scope of Evaluation & assessment - Criteria for selection of assessment techniques & methods - Blue Prints - Assessment of knowledge, essay type questions, SAQ(Short Answer Question), LAQ (Long Answer Question), MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) - Assessment of skills : Observation, checklist, practical examination, Viva, - Objective structured clinical examination. Assessment of attitudes - Setting of question paper - Scoring of Answer paper - Reforms in nursing Educational system UNIT VII MANAGEMENT OF SCHOOL OF NURSING Planning and organizing of school of Nursing Recruitment of teaching staff Budget facilities for the school 8hrs - Students selection and admission procedure Administrative planning for students Welfare service for students Maintainance of school Records Preparation of annual reports INC guidelines for school of nursing UNIT VIII GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING - Definition kna basic principles - Organization of guidance & counseling - Counseling process - Managing disciplinary problems - Management of crisis UNIT IX IN SERVICE EDUCATION - Introduction to nature and scope of in-service education programmes - Principles of adult learning - Planning for in-service programme - Techniques and methods of staff education programme - Evaluation of in-service programme PRACTICUM 1. Practice Teaching : 5 Theory Teaching : 3. Clinical Teaching : 2 2. Visits to Nursing colleges and schools 3. To prepare different types of teaching Aids. 4. To prepare rotation plans , 5. Study various Nursing Programme syllabus 6. To plan, organize and conduct 'one' service education programme 5hrs CLINICAL EXPERIENCES Total Hours. : 75 hrs - Practice Teaching (Theory + Practical) Prepare Teaching Aids Attending peer group Teaching Preparing rotation plan Study various Nursing Programme Plan inservice education Programme Visiting Nursing Schools and Colleges EVALUATION: 5hrs hours 20 hours 20 hours 20 hours 20 hours 20 hours 20 hours 20 Subject Paper Introduction to Nursing Education 13. Theory Duration 3 Internal Assessment 25 External Assessment 75 Internal Assessment: Theory: 15 Marks Clinical Assignment: 10 Marks Total: 25 Marks Details as follows: Internal Assessment (Theory): 15 Marks (Out of 15 Marks to be send to the University) Mid-Term: 50 Marks Prelim: 75 Marks Total: 125 Mark (125 Marks from mid-term & prelim (Theory) to be converted into 15 Marks) Clinical Assignment: 10 Marks Practice Teaching (100 Marks Each) Theory — 2: 200 Marks Clinical — 1: 100 Marks Total: 300 Marks (300 Marks from Clinical Assignment to be converted into 10 Marks) External Assessment (Theory): 75 Marks (University Examination) II YEAR P. B. B.Sc. NURSING SUBEJCT: INTRODUCTION TO NURSING EDUCATION PROFORMA & GUIDELINES FOR EVALUATION Total Marks 100 1.EVALUATION FORM – PRACTICE TEACHING (CLASS ROOM) (Two Cases of 100 Marks each. Total 200 Marks) Name of the student teacher Area of the teaching Group to be taught Subject Topic to be taught Date of presentation Time Evaluator : : : : : : : : 1. : 2. Rating – • • • • • • • In any respect fails to meet requirements of quality. Teaching, unsatisfactory performance Meets many requirements, but deficient in certain respect Average, meets basic requirements – satisfactory performance Superior performance – exceeds clearly in basic requirements for quality teaching Excellent outstanding performance excellent in all basic requirements of a quality teacher and teaching. 1 2 3 4 5 GARDE & PERCENTAGE: Pass : 50-54% nd 2 Class : 55-59% st 1 Class : 60-74% Distinction : 75% and above Sr. Item No. I. DEVELOPMENT OF LESSON: 1. Selection of topic, collection of subject matter, reliability, adequate, appropriate, research evidence. 2. Statement of aims and objectives. 3. Organization of subject matter (Sequence, continuity) 4. A.V. AIDS (Appropriate, self-prepared, use of resources, planned well) 5. Technique of teaching method & technique appropriate, selected well) 6. Assignment and Bibliography appropriate, developed well II. PREPARATION FOR CLASS: 1. Class room arrangement (adequate/inadequate) 2. Arrangements of A. V. AIDS (well placed, visualized by students appropriately) III. PRESENTATION: 1. Introduction (Making objective clear, interesting, captive, related to topic) 2. Exhibits depth of knowledge and classification of ideas with illustrations and examples. 3. Anticipated questions and answers well 4. Correct technique of questioning (clear, 1 Rating 2 3 4 5 Remarks stimulation, well developed) 5. Integration and correlation with other subjects done A. V. Aids used well 6. Maintained teaching learning atmosphere well, interesting, alive command over language. 7. Motivated students for participation 8. Control over the group 9. Stimulation for further study (Summarization done; assignment given) 10. Budgeting of time IV. PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONALQUALITIES 1. Degree of confidence, mannerism, punctuality, voice, approach to group, use of resources, appearance, acceptance. Each point carries 5 marks (20 x 5 = 100 marks) There can be gradation of 5 marks between each point. Evaluators comments: Strengths: Weaknesses: Total score obtained…………………………………………. Percentage…………………………………. Grade: Students signature that she/he Has seen her/his evaluation Evaluators Sign Date: II YEAR P. B. B.Sc. NURSING SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION TO NURSING EDUCATION PROFORMA & GUIDELINE FOR EVALUATION II. EVALUATION FORM: CLINICAL PRACTICE TEACHING Name of the student teacher Subject Topic Group to be taught Clinical area Ward / Field Date of presentation Time Evaluators - I. II. (TOTAL MARKS 100) Rating – In any respect fails to meet requirements of quality. Teaching, unsatisfactory performance Meets many requirements, but deficient in certain respect Average, meets basic requirements – satisfactory performance Superior performance – exceeds clearly in basic requirements for quality teaching Excellent outstanding performance excellent in all basic requirements of a quality teacher and teaching. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Teaching must be essentially a clinical teaching at bedside involving the patient. 2. Application of theory is considered throughout. Written explanation must be covered while giving grades. GARDE: Pass 2nd Class 1st Class Distinction Sr. No. I. II. III. IV : 50-54% : 55-59% : 60-74% : 75% and above Item 1 DEVELOPMENT OF LESSON: • Statement of aims and objectives. • Organization of subject matter • A.V. AIDS (Appropriate, selfprepared, effective) KNOWLEDGE: • Familiar with patient his / her disease process • Thorough with subject matter (depth, mastery, up to date, reliable, etc.) • Research evidence ORGANIZATION: • Physical set up of clinic • Preparation of equipments • Preparation of patient and relatives. • Self-preparation (for procedure & clinic) CONDUCTING CLINIC: • Ability to introduce the clinic • Method adopted 2 Rating 3 4 Remarks 5 1 2 3 4 5 • Technical skills (Adaptation, modification) • Application of scientific principles • Use of visual aids • Patient involvement • Budgeting of time and summarization of clinic • Termination of clinic (care of Pt. and articles, Recording and Reporting, etc.) V. EFFECT OF TEACHING • Students motivation and participation, questioning technique, clarification of doubts • Professional and personal appearance (posture, attitude, approach, gestures, voice, language, manners, etc.) N.B. – Each point carries 5 marks (20 x 5 = 100 marks) There will be gradation of 5 marks between each point. • Evaluators Comments: • Strengths: • Weaknesses: • Total Score Obtained: • Percentage: Remark - Signature of Students I) Signature of Teacher ASSIGNMENT FORMAT FOR WRITING WARD MANAGEMENT Day & night Report: a) Introduction – Name of the ward, duration of the experience with date, objectives of the ward management experience. b) Organization chart of the ward – Draw the organization structure of the ward depicting staff position, communication channels and hierarchical lines. c) Draw the ward lay out, type of ward, physical facilities and compare it with the standard of the ideal ward. d) Records and reports – Describe the various records and reports maintained in the ward, special reporting procedures. Study these documents critically and observe for completeness, accuracy and relevance and attach a brief report of your findings e) Procedures and policies – Study the policies and procedures in the following areas and describe them briefly – - Indenting procedure for drugs, supplies and equipments - Admission and discharge including emergency - SIL / DIL, death - Visitors, out pass and absconding patient - Treatments, special procedures, referrals, operations and consent - Emergency care, reporting on conditions of critically ill patients. New admission, special events in the wards. - SOP’s for anaphylaxis, needle stick injuries, HIV infections, Hospital waste management and other medical procedures. - Security of the ward, patient and his belongings - Fire drills f) Classify the various drugs, supplies and equipments in the ward. Study the procedures for indenting, accounting, maintenance and deletion of drugs, stores, supplies and equipments. g) Conclusion h) References REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bevis oliva Em, Curriculum Building In Nursing —A Process, 3rd ed; St. Louis; C.V.Mosby Co. 1982 Basavanthappa B.T. Nursing education, 1st ed. New Delhi : Jaypee Brothers, 2003 Bhatia, Kamala & Bhatia B. The Principles and methods of teaching. New Delhi, Seema offset, 1977 Heidgerken Loretta, Teaching and learning in Schools of Nursing — Principles and Methods, 5thed New Delhi: J.B. Lippincott, 2003 Hinchiff Sue, The Practitioner As a teacher 2ild ed. Harcourt Brace & Company Ltd. 1999 Indian Nursing council guide for School of Nursing in India, Revised 2nd ed. New Delhi 2001 7. Syllaby of various Nursing courses. INTRODUCTION TO NURSING SERVICE ADMINIATRATION Placement: 2nd Year P.B.Bsc Nursing Time Allotted : Theory :60 hours Practical : 180 hours COURSE DESCRIPTION : This course is designated to give an opportunity to the students to gain an understanding of the principles of administration and its application to nursing service. It is also intended to assist the students to develop an understanding of the need for professional leadership. OBJECTIVES : At the end of the course , the student will enable the students to:Identify the Principles of administration. Describe the Principles and techniques of supervision. Explain the Principles and Methods of personnel management. Explain the principles of Budgeting. Organize and manage a Nursing Unit effectively. Identify dynamics of Organizational behavior, styles and functions of effective leadership. COURSE CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 UNIT I PRINCIPLE AND PRACTICE OF ADMINISTRATION 10 hrs. - Significance, elements and Principles of Administration. Planning Organization Staffing Directing Controlling Coordinating Reporting Budgeting Administration and Organization of Hospital. Definition, Aims, Functions & roles of the hospital Classifications of Hospitals Health Team Ethical and legal aspects of hospital administration Policies of Hospital, different departments with special emphasis to the department of nursing office management Nursing management Responsibilities of nursing personnel , specially of ward sister, Medico —legal aspects Concept of cost effectiveness UNIT II - NURSING UNIT MANAGEMENT Physical Layout of a Nursing Unit Necessary facilities 10hrs UNIT III - - - - Factors affecting the quality of nursing care Maintenance of a therapeutic environment Administration of the nursing unit Management of patient care Maintenance of the Physical environment - Delivery of patient care Assignment of duties and time plan Patient assignment Discharge Planning Safety measures, prevention of accidents and infections Maintenance of patients records and reports, legal responsibilities Maintenance of quality nursing care Nursing audit PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 10 hrs. Significance of Personnel management Staff recruitment and selection process appointment, promotions, transfers, remunerations, retraining, terminating personnel policies Job specifications Job description Job Analysis Staffing the unit Staffing Philosophy Staffing norms Staffing Modules Patient Classification System Rotation plan Leave planning Performance appraisal Purposes of performance appraisal Developing and using standards Training Feedback Career Counseling Staff welfare activities Management of Disciplinary problem Human resource development Health team approach, Collective Bargairling Conflicts and its solutions. UNIT IV SUPERVISION 9 hrs. - Definition, nature, need Philosophy and objectives of supervision - Principles of supervision - Tools and techniques of supervision - - UNIT V - Staff Development Orientation program In service education Continuing Education Skill training Assertiveness Training for assertiveness Public speaking skills Leadership development Problem solving process Evaluation Nursing audit MATERIAL MANAGEMENTMaterial management - concept, need Principles of Material management Quality control Inventory Care of equipments Stock keeping - UNIT VI - UNIT VII - 9 hrs. Role of Nursing personnel in Material management FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Budgeting - Nature and purposes of Budgeting Types of Budget Principles of Budgeting Financial Audits 3 hrs. ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 9hrs Organizational behavior Group dynamics Human relations Morale Building Organization Communication Hospital Information system Public relations in Hospitals Leadership -Concepts, Manager behavior, Leader behavior Leadership defined, ,-Leadership Theories - Behavioral, Situational Leadership styles and functions, Transformational leadership Qualities of a leader Methods of reporting Maintaining records and reports PRACTICUM - Observe the functioning of Nursing administration at various levels i.e., Institutions, departments and units. Each student will practice ward management under supervision Student will prepare rotation plan of the staff duties, write reports, give verbal reports of the ward and assist in the maintaining the inventory of the nursing unit - Develop an Assessment tool for performance appraisal - Visit Private and Government Hospital and write observation reports - Student will present one seminar during administration experience. Note : visits for Nursing administration and Nursing Education may be planned together. - CLINICAL EXPERIENCES Ward Management ICU Management OPD / Departments Visits to hospitals and other agencies (ie. Govt, Pvt or corporation and any other) Total Hours. : 180 hrs hours 90 hours 30 hours 30 hours 30 EVALUATION: Paper 14. Subject Introduction to Nursing Service Administratio n Theory Duration Internal Assessment External Assessment Total Marks 3 25 75 100 Internal Assessment: Theory: 15 Marks Clinical Assignment: 10 Marks Total: 25 Marks Details as follows: Internal Assessment (Theory): 15 Marks (Out of 15 Marks to be send to the University) Mid-Term: 50 Marks Prelim: 75 Marks Total: 125 Mark (125 Marks from mid-term & prelim (Theory) to be converted into 15 Marks) Clinical Assignment: 10 Marks Practicum: Posting of ward management: 100 Marks (100 Marks from Clinical Assignment to be converted into 10 Marks) External Assessment (Theory): 75 Marks (University Examination) D.Y PATIL SCHOOL OF NURSING, NERUL NEW MUMBAI . POST BASIC B.SC. NURSING SECOND YEAR EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR WRITING WARD MANAGEMENT DAY & NIGHT REPORT (Maximum Marks: 100) SR.NO. CRITERIA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction Organization of content Statistical data A V AIDS Conclusion References TOTAL Remarks & signature of supervisor – Date Signature of student Date - MARKS ALLOTTED 15 35 10 20 10 10 100 MARKS OBTAINED TOTAL II) ASSIGNMENT FORMAT FOR WRITING PERFOMANCE APPRAISAL: Guidelines: 1. Define the purpose of assessment 2. Decide as to which groups are to be assessed 3. Select and define the qualities to be assessed on a Five Point Rating Scale 4. Include the following areas - Quality of performance - Quantity of work - Quality of work - Mental qualities - Ability to learn - Adaptability - Originality - Reasoning powers - Supervisory qualities - Leadership - Organizing ability - Cooperation - Personal qualities - Honesty - Self-control - Initiative - Appearance - Attitude towards fellow workers - Attitude towards work - Capacity for further development - Intelligence - Acceptance of responsibility - To lead a group D.Y PATIL SCHOOL OF NURSING, NERUL NEW MUMBAI . POST BASIC B.SC. NURSING SECOND YEAR EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR WRITING PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL (Maximum Marks: 50) SR. NO. CRITERIA MARKS ALLOTTED 1. Preparation of Tool 20 2. Content 10 3. Comprehension 10 4. Conclusion 05 5. References 05 TOTAL 50 Remarks & signature of supervisor Date – - Signature of student Date - III) ASSIGNMENT FORMAT FOR SEMINAR Introduction to the topic Unit background Concept, definition - MARKS OBTAINED TOTAL History Subject matter Application in Nursing field Summary Conclusion References - EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR SEMINAR PRESENTTAION Subject: Topic: Name of student: Group: SR. NO. CRITERIA 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Introduction Organization of Content Presentation of topic Relevant examples Relevant statistical data Group participation Control of group Conclusion 9 10 11 12 13 14 A V AIDS Appropriate to subject Proper use of A V AIDS Self-explanatory Attractive Planning and preparation Use of modern technology Date: Time: (Maximum Marks 100) RATING REMARK 2 3 4 5 Physical facilities 15 16 17 Environment Classroom preparation Over lay out Personal Appearance 18 19 20 Voice & clarity Mannerism References Remarks & signature of supervisor Date Signature of student Date - IV) CLINICAL EVALUATION PERFORMS NURSING SERVICE ADMINISTARTION Name of the student: Period : Field Placement: Name of supervisor: DECECTION: To facilitate the use of the clinical evaluation performs, typical activities behaviour is described on a five-point scale. The direction of all scale is from lowest (1) to highest (5). Mark your evaluation by placing a tick mark in the column, describing the students standing in relation to other students in the general level experiences: 1. Poor 2. Fair 3. Good 4. Very good 5. Excellent Marks: 100 RATING SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SUPERVISOR TASKS REMARK 1 2 3 4 5 Organizing ability Leadership Responsibility for equipments& supplies Maintenance of cleanliness of ward Assisting in ward activity (Pharmacy, Dietary, etc.) Written & oral report Teaching Supervision of nonprofessional workers Problem solving ability WORK PERFORMANCE 1 2 3 1 Knowledge Skill (accuracy & speed) Maintaining nursing & scientific principles PERSONAL QUALITIES Communication skill 2 3 4 Attitude towards work Self-confidence Inter-personal relationship 5 6 7 8 Emotional stability Punctuality Cooperation Reliability Remark - Signature of Students Signature of Teacher D.Y PATIL SCHOOL OF NURSING, NERUL NEW MUMBAI . POST BASIC B.SC. NURSING SECOND YEAR EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR WRITINGS REPORT ON DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILTIES OF NURSING PERSONNEL (Maximum Marks: 50) SR. NO. CRITERIA MARKS ALLOTTED 1. Introduction 10 2. Organizing of content 20 3. Comprehensive 10 4. Conclusion 05 5. References 05 TOTAL 50 MARKS OBTAINED TOTAL Remark - Signature of Students Signature of Teacher D.Y PATIL SCHOOL OF NURSING, NERUL NEW MUMBAI . POST BASIC B.SC. NURSING EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR WRITONG VISIT REPORT TO HOSPITALS SR. NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CRITERIA Introduction Organizing of content Presentation of Report A V AIDS Conclusion References TOTAL MARKS ALLOTTED 15 35 10 20 10 10 100 (Maximum Marks: 100) MARKS TOTAL OBTAINED Remark - Signature of Students Signature of Teacher REFERENCES 1. B. T. Basvanthappa : Nursing Administration Edition 1st 2000 2. Jean Barret : i) Head Nurse — 1975 ii) Ward Management and Teaching 3. Goal : Hospital Administration 4. Koontz : Principles of Management IV th Edition 1968 5. Ann Marriner : Guide to Nursing Management 6. Keith Davis : Human relations at work the Dynamics of organizational behaviors 1967 D.Y PATIL SCHOOL OF NURSING, NERUL NEW MUMBAI . POST BASIC B.SC. NURSING INTRODUCTION TO NURSING RESEARCH STATISTICS Placement : II nd Year Time Allotted Theory : 45 hrs. Practical: 120 hrs. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to assist the student to develop an understanding of the basic concepts principles of research and scientific inquiry including the identification of problem and steps in research methodology. This course also introduces the basic concepts, and principles of Statistical methods, the use of computers in conducting research project in groups and use the finding in nursing practice. OBJECTIVES : At the end of course student will 1) Define the terms and concepts of nursing research. 2) Identify needs and scope of nursing research. 3) Be able to define research problems. 4) Locate and list sources of literature review including operational definition and conceptual framework. 5) Describe different approaches and research designs in nursing research. 6) Describe sample and sampling technique with special reference to survey method. 7) Develop tool for data collection. 8) Able to conduct pilot study to confirm reliability and validity of tool before data collection. 9) To enumerate steps of data analysis and present data summary in tabular form. 10) Use descriptive and co-relational statistics in data analysis. 11) Conduct group project and write report. 12) Use computer for research project. COURSE CONTENT SECTION : A INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH METHODOLOGY UNIT I - 2 hrs. INTRODUCTION Research definition Method of acquiring knowledge Problem solving and scientific method Research characteristics, purpose, scope Steps in Research methodology. UNIT II RESEARCH AND NURSING 4hrs Development of research in nursing Purpose, scope and need of nursing research Areas of nursing research i.e. practice, service, administration and education, health and social research Ethics in research UNIT III - RESEARCH DESIGN 3hrs Overview of research process Statement of the problem and research objectives Definitions of terms variables, assumptions, operational definition, limitation, delimitation, hypothesis-definitions, formulation and types UNIT IV REVIEW OF LITERATURE - Search for library resources - Criteria for selection of resources - Practical application of review of literature 2 hrs. - UNIT V RESEARCH APPROACHES (CLASSIFICATION & TYPES) - Non experimental Survey - characteristics, types, advantages and disadvantages - Historical - sources of data, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages - Experimental - characteristics types, advantages and disadvantages 4 hrs. UNIT VI SAMPLE & SAMPLING TECHNIQUE - Definition of population and sample - Sampling and randomness; kinds and size of samples - Probability and non probability sample 2 hrs. UNIT VII - - METHODS OF COLLETING DATA 7 hrs. Preparation of tools Types of instruments for data collection a) Questionnaire Opinionnaire, Interview schedule b) Observation : records, observation checklist, rating scales. Machineries, video tapes, films, closed circuit T.V. etc. c) Measurements : Physiological measurement, Physical, Chemical, Microbiological etc., Psychological measurement Psychomotor skill test, personality test, Intelligence test, Sociological test, Socio economic standard scale, Sociometry, Health status measurement Characteristics of good research tool Testing reliability and validity of tool UNIT VIII IMPLEMENTING RESEARCH PLAN - Data collection procedure and conditions for administration of tool 2 hrs. UNIT IX DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETING 2 hrs. Types of data, data organization, tabulation, analysis and summarization Structure of statistical methods : interpretation and presentation of data UNIT X - COMMUNICATION OF RESEARCH FINDING Writing research report - composition, organization and format Application of results; critical analysis of research report and public 2 hrs. SECTION : B INTRODUCTION TO STATISTIC UNIT XI DESCRIPTIVE STATISTIC - 8 hrs. Frequency distribution - types of measure - frequencies, class, interval, graphic methods of describing frequency Measures of central tendency - Mode, Median and Mean Measures of variability : range, Standard deviation Introduction to normal probability Correlation Computation by rank difference methods Uses of correlation co-efficient UNIT XII BIOSTATISTIC - Crude rates and standardized rates, ratio and estimation of the trends. 8hrs UNIT XIII INTRODUCTION TO COMUTERS 1N NURSING 5hrs - Basics of hardware and software - Windows application Word, Excel and Power Point - Introduction to Database Five hours of computer training may be given to students to impart computer literacy and knowledge in basic computer operation. PRACTICUM - - Total Hrs. 120 Selecting and conducting small group research project (The number of students in a group can be decided depending on the availability of Nursing faculty and interest of the students) Group studies may include, studying existing health problem and practices, Nursing procedures, Health records, patients records and survey of Nursing literature. EVALUATION: Paper Subject ** Introduction to Nursing Research Statistics Duration **Theory 2 15. 6. **Research Project Internal Assessment External Assessment 50 College level qualifying exam, minimum passing Marks 50% 50 College level qualifying exam, minimum passing Marks 50% Total Marks 50 50 Note: ** College level qualifying exam to appear in University Examination, minimum passing Marks 50%. (Not University Examination) Internal Assessment: 100 Marks Out of 100 Marks to be send to the University) Theory Mid-Term: 25 Marks Theory Prelim: 25 Marks Practical - Research Project: 50 Mark D.Y PATIL SCHOOL OF NURSING, NERUL NEW MUMBAI. POST BASIC B.SC. NURSING EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR PROJECT REPORT (Maximum Marks 100) SR. NO. I. II III IV. V. VI. VII. I. VIII IX. RATING CRITERIA REMARK 1 Statement of the problem Significance of the problem selected Framing of title and objectives Literature review Inclusion of related studies on the topic and its relevance Operational definition Research design Use of appropriate research design Usefulness of the research design to draw the inferences among study variables/conclusion Sampling design Identification ad description of the target population Specification of the inclusion and exclusion criteria Adequate sample size justifying the study design to draw conclusions Data Collection Procedure Preparation of appropriate tool Pilot study including validity and reliability of tool Use of appropriate procedure/ method for data collection Analysis of Data & Interpretation Clear and logical organization of the findings Clear presentation of the tables (Title, table & Column headings) Selection of appropriate statistical tests Ethical Aspects Statement of the problem Use of appropriate consent process Use appropriate steps to maintain ethical aspects and principles (physical harm, etc.) Interpretation of the findings Consistent and appropriate discussion of the results Conclusion Summary and recommendations for to Nursing Practice / Education / Administration 2 3 4 5 X. Presentation / Report writing Organization of the project work including language and style of presentation. Maximum Marks Marks Obtained Marks sent to University Remark by Supervisor / guide Sign of Students Signature of Principal Signature of Guide Date Date Date REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Polit, D.F. and Hungler B.P. Nursing Research, Principles and Methods (6th ed) Lippin Cott. Philadelphia, 1999. Best, J.W. and Kahn, V.J. Research in Education (7th ed) Prentice - Hall of India, New Delhi, 2001. Smith, P. Research Mindedness for Practice. An interactive approach for Nursing and Health Care, Churchill Livingstone, New York, 1997. Brink P.J. & Wood, M.J. Basic steps in Planning Nursing Research from Questions to Proposal (3rd ed) Jones and Barlett Publishers, Boston, 1998. Basavanthappa, B.T. Nursing Research. Jay Pee, Mumbai. Singh I, Elementary Statistics for Medical Workers, 1st ed., Jaypee brothers Medical Publishers' (P) Ltd., Delhi, April 1990. Polit,. D.F. & Beck, C.T., Nursing Research - Principles & Methods, 7th ed., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, USA, 2004. Burns, N. & Grove, S.K., Tlie Practice of Nursing Research - conduct, Ciitique & utilization, 2nd ed., W.B. Saunders Company, USA, 1993. Treece E. W. & Treece J. W.: Elements of Research in Nursing St. Louis ……..24……..