Lesson Plan in Science 6 I.OBJECTIVES A.Cognitive Know the origin of the solar system. B.Psychomotor Arrange the steps in the formation of the solar system. C.Affective Appreciate the formation of the solar system. II.SUBJECT MATTER A.Topic Origin of the Solar System B.Science Ideas The are six steps in the formation of the solar system. C.Science Process Knowing, Arranging, Appreciating D.Value Focus Cooperation/teamwork E.Materials PowerPoint Presentation of the origin of the solar system. Video presentation showing the events in some theories in the origin of the solar system. Envelope with worksheet. Paper and Pen. F.Reference/s: Michael Woolfson, The origin and evolution of the solar system, Astronomy & Geophysics, accessed 27 May 2021,<https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1468-4004.2000.00012.x> G.Other Learning Resources https://youtu.be/e8txw9-vdeU https://bit.ly/3g40kLp https://bit.ly/3fpYDIN https://bit.ly/3oSNIKO III. LEARNING ACTIVITIES A.Engage 1.Drill Complete the words Flashed in the screen the scrambled letters of the following words and ask the pupils to form the correct words. 1. Solar System 2. Stars 3. Moon 4. Planets 5. Sun 2.Review Name the Pictures Flashed 5 pictures related to the solar system and let the pupils name the following. 1. Solar System 4. Stars 2. Planets 5. Moon 3. Sun B.Explore 1.Motivation 2.Presentation Motif Questions: Using the pictures in the review, let the students choose one among them as their favorite. 1.Imagine your parents giving you a mini toy gift of the mentioned heavenly bodies, which of the five do you want to receive? Is it the stars, the moon, the planets, the sun or the solar system? 2.Do you have any idea how did your chosen heavenly body form? Introduce the lesson by letting the pupils watch a video of the origin of the solar system which can be downloaded in https://youtu.br/e8txw9-vdeU. As the video is shown, ask the learners to take down notes of the sequence of events in the formation of the solar system. 3.Pre-Activity 4.Activity Proper Group the pupils into 2 groups. Remind them of the rules in performing a group activity. Assign a leader, secretary and a presenter in each group. Let them recall the acronym GROUPS G-Get along R-Respect others O-On task U-Use quiet voices P-Participate S-Stay in your groups Distribute an envelope with a worksheet. Tell the class to arrange the sequence of events in chronological order. Then accomplish the worksheet. *see attached worksheet. C.Explain 1.Group Reporting 2.Discussion Each group will present its work. They will be given 2-3 minutes to do so. Based on the activity, what is the sequencing of events in the formation of the solar system? Discuss the sequence of events. D.Elaborate 1.Generalization 2.Application E. Evaluate IV. ASSIGNMENT What have your learned today? Make a paragraph about it. Using your pen and paper, make a simple letter for the solar system thanking it for forming and existing in space. Give the pupils 7 minutes. Answer the following questions by writing true or false. 1. The formation of the solar system started 4.5 billion years ago. 2. According to the formation of the solar system, the asteroids form first. 3. It is because of the gravity that the cloud of dust and gas collapsed. 4. In the formation of the solar system, the sun was formed third. 5. The sun came last in the formation of the solar system. With the formation of the solar system, research about the space exploration. Write it on your notebook. Prepared by: Ms. Jessa Mary M. Hechanova BEED 3-1 Worksheet ACTIVITY SHEET Group Number Group Members Instruction Arrange the sequence of events in chronological order. Label 1-6. After the cloud collapsed, it formed a rotating disk, very dense and hot in the center where the star began to form. As the planetesimals grew their gravitational pull increased and the large planetesimals collected more of the gas and dust. Small planetesimals collided with larger ones and the planets began to grow larger and more stable. Each planet swept up the material in its region so the planetary orbits are separate from each other. 4.5 billion years ago, the sun formed from a cloud of gas and dust that collapsed because of gravity. The spinning motion of the disk caused it to flatten. Planetesimals formed causing more changes to the disk.