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Radiation Laser Management Plan Example

Radiation (Laser) Management Plan - EXAMPLE
EXAMPLE of the type of information expected. Practices are expected to
provide specific details e.g. about students/trainees and the courses that
they are undertaking. The Plan will be supported by practice protocols
and procedures, to be referenced in the plan but not submitted with it.
Licence holder:
Dr Joe Calculus
Licence No: L/123456
For the practice of:
Dental - Laser Treatment
To be carried out at:
White and Brite Dental Pty Ltd,
Consulting rooms 1,2 & 3 at 44 Brown Street
This is a registered place for the possession, storage
and use of a Class IV laser under the Tasmanian
Radiation Protection Act 2005
Plan Prepared by:
Jane Brown, Practice Manager
Contact Details
Telephone: 03 62123456
Facsimile: 03 621654321
Email: jane.brown@wandb.com.au
Plan accepted by Dr J. Calculus (Director of White and Brite Dental Pty Ltd) who hereby agrees
to adhere to all requirements of the plan
Date for review:
(e.g. in 12 months)
This Plan has been prepared in accordance with Regulation 9 of the Radiation Protection
Regulations 2016. The purpose of this plan is to ensure that the practice of laser dentistry is
conducted as safely as possible and in compliance with the Radiation Protection Act of 2005 and
the Radiation Protection Regulations 2016.
Compliance with this radiation management plan will help ensure that the radiation doses to
users, other persons involved in the treatment, members of the public and the environment are
are as low as reasonably achievable. It will also help ensure that the number of people exposed
to radiation and the likelihood of unexpected exposure to radiation are minimised.
The plan is to be read by all staff who participate in the provision of laser treatment at White
and Brite Pty Ltd
Information Required by Regulation 9,
Radiation Protection Regulations 2016
a) brief description of the type and scope of
the radiation practice
Laser treatments carried out by laser trained dental
surgeons in the “White and Brite” dental surgeries.
b) A list of the radiation sources dealt with
at White and Brite Pty ltd
As per Schedule 1 Part A of the licence
(Picasso 2.5 Watt Class 4 Diode Laser 810 nm.)
c) An assessment of the potential hazards
from the radiation sources dealt with in the
consulting rooms
A Class IV laser can cause eye and skin injury by direct
contact with the beam or by reflection of the beam from
a reflective surface.
d) details of the environment likely to be
exposed to radiation during the surgical
Dental surgeries where the laser may be in operation,
and into adjacent areas through windows (see
precautions for covering windows).
e) The radiation principles, work practices
(including quality assurance procedures) and
equipment (including personal radiation
monitors) used to ensure that the radiation
exposure of persons or the environment is
as low as is reasonably achievable during
typical types of work carried out within the
radiation practice;
The laser will be used in accordance with the Dentsply
(Picasso) user manual
Appropriate safety goggles/ glasses with side panels will
be worn by all dentists, patients and dental assistants
within the consulting room when the laser is in
Safety Signs are mounted on all doors leading into the
consulting rooms.
Dental surgery windows have opaque blinds.
Routine checks and pre-test firing are to be performed as
per the manufacturers’ instructions in the user’s manual.
Restricted access to consulting rooms when laser in use.
Information Required by Regulation 9,
Radiation Protection Regulations 2016
f) details of the classes of persons likely to
be exposed to radiation during the radiation
practice, including:
Children; and
Child patients
Pregnant women; and
Pregnant patients may be safely exposed to laser
radiation as it is non-ionising.
Volunteers in biomedical research;
Not relevant
Persons exempt from section 13(1)
of the Act under Part 10;
No students/ trainees present
Other Persons;
Pregnant dentists and dental assistants may be safely
exposed to laser radiation as it is non-ionising.
g) the maximum dose of radiation it is
anticipated a person of a class of persons
specified in paragraph (f) will receive while
the radiation principles, work practices and
equipment referred to in paragraph (e) are
being used, and the action to be taken if
those doses are exceeded;
X-Rays Nil
Laser Max Output 2.5 Watts
Wavelength 10.6 um
h) details of a course of study or training
that is being undertaken or will be
undertaken by a person who is expected to
be dealing with a radiation source in the
laser procedure; and requires , as part of
that course of study or training, the person
to deal with the radiation source in the
radiation practice;
Dental Student enrolled at a tertiary institution
i) the name, qualifications and experience of
the supervisor of a person referred to in
paragraph (h) (i) while undertaking that part
of a course of study or training referred to
in paragraph (h) (ii)
No students/ trainees at present. Would be supervised
by a registered dental surgeon in the practice who is
authorised via a Radiation Protection Act 2005 licence.
j) the training and information to be
provided to person involved in carrying out
the radiation practice;
Laser Safety Officer must undergo relevant training.
k) the name and contact details of the
radiation safety officer for the radiation
Dr Joe Calculus (LSO)
Laser users must undertake an accredited training
course. It is practice policy to attend refresher courses
every 3 years.
Telephone: 03 62123456
Facsimile: 03 621654321
Email: jane.smith@wandb.com.au
Information Required by Regulation 9,
Radiation Protection Regulations 2016
l) a brief description of the role of the
Radiation Safety Officer;
See attachment A at end of this Plan
m) a brief description of the resources
available to the radiation safety officer to
enable him or her to preform his or her role
under the radiation management plan;
Budget includes funding for replacement of protective
goggles as necessary.
Laser safety training for relevant staff. In addition a
service contract is in place for the laser.
n) a description of the roles and
responsibilities, that are relevant to a
dealing with the radiation source in the
radiation practice, of all persons authorised
by the licence to deal with that radiation
source in the radiation practice;
See attachment A
Other staff - Obey signs and written instructions
(developed and placed at each door to the consulting
rooms), which are aimed at avoiding contact with laser
LSO to review laser safety and make recommendations
to the practice on the effectiveness of safety procedures.
The LSO also assesses the training, experience and
accreditation of specialist physicians who may work with
lasers in the practice.
o) the methods used to ensure that the
persons referred to in paragraph n) are
aware of their obligations under the Act and
the licence;
Laser safety awareness training to relevant staff by Laser
Safety Officer.
p)details of how the radiation source in the
radiation practice will be prepared for use,
repaired, maintained, transported, stored
and disposed of;
Maintenance/service contract is in place for laser
q) details of any emergency response plans
for the radiation practice including reporting
to the Director of Public Health (DPH).
Laser will be switched off/ unplugged immediately if
problem suspected.
Laser machine will be disposed of in accordance with the
a) such that it can not be reassembled for use, or
b) sold, or
c) traded in when no longer required.
DPH will be informed of any malfunction of the laser
apparatus that could have resulted in unexpected laser
beam damage of any person or of any situation where a
person could have been exposed inadvertently.
r)details of procedures that are designed to
minimise the radiation hazard arising from a
radiation incident;
See protocols in (q) above.
Information Required by Regulation 9,
Radiation Protection Regulations 2016
s)details of reporting procedures for
incidents adversely affecting, or likely to
adversely affect equipment used in the radiation
practice; or
 the environment; or
 the health and safety of any
Staff are required to report any malfunction of the
laser machine/observed damage to the unit (eg
frayed cords, dents) to Laser Safety Officer.
Refer to “White and Brite Pty Ltd” OHS Procedures
and Incident Reporting” for Incident Reporting
Process and Standard Forms.
t)details of record keeping requirements
including details of the records that will
be kept of movement of any mobile
radiation source in the radiation practice;
Laser log book which documents and details and
procedures for is maintained. Separate log book is
kept for any repairs and maintenance undertaken on
the laser.
u) details of the use of radiation warning
signs and labels in the radiation practice.
Warning labels are on the laser machine and on the
consulting room doors indicating that the Laser will
be used within. The certificate of registration for
the consulting rooms requires this.
Referenced Documents:
Tasmanian Radiation Protection Regulations 2016.
White and Brite Pty Ltd –Procedures and Incident Reporting.
Tasmanian Radiation Protection Act 2005.
Australian Standard AS/NZS 4173-1994: Guide to the safe use of Lasers in the
Attached Documents:
Duties of Laser Safety Officer.
Laser Safety Officer – White and Brite Pty Ltd
Maintain Register of licensed Medical Practitioners able to use laser apparatus
Maintain Register of licensed Nursing Staff able to operate laser apparatus
Supervise the radiation protection aspects as specified in Radiation Management Plan
Ensure that planned maintenance and service contracts are kept on schedule, and
records are maintained
Ensure log book of use of laser apparatus with recording of patient name, procedure
and details of laser settings
Ensure that all lasers and laser systems used in the practice facility are correctly
classified according to AS 2211
Investigate all incidents and accidents involving lasers
Ensure all laser practices within the consulting rooms are within the parameters of
Australian Standard AS/NZS 4173:1994 Guide to the safe use of lasers in health care