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Grade 5 Science: Scientific Investigation Worksheet

Grade 5 SOL
Scientific Investigation
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scientific investigation
Thinking Like a Scientist
Observation – what you see, feel, taste, hear, or smell
Inference – a tentative explanation based on background
knowledge and your observations
Prediction – tells what may happen in some future situation
Conclusion – a summary statement based on the results of
an investigation
State the Problem/Ask a Question
Gather Information
Form a Hypothesis
Perform an Experiment
Analyze the Data
Draw a Conclusion
Share the Results & Repeat
Independent Variable – the factor that is
changed on purpose; what is being tested
Dependent variable – the factor that
changes because of the independent
variable; what is being measured
Constants – factors that are kept the
same to make sure they don’t influence
the results in any way
Penguins in Hawaii eat
delicious coconuts
change the
A possible explanation for a set of
observations or answer to a scientific question
 It must be testable.
 It is written as
Types of Data
Qualitative Data Quantitative Data
Can be observed
NOT measurable
Can be counted or
Recorded using
Can be represented in
graphs & charts
© Science Chick 2016
Scientific Method
scientific investigation
Experimental Design Diagram
An experimental design diagram can be used to help
organize information about a scientific experiment.
The effects of temperature on the
solubility of water (the amount of
sugar that it is able to dissolve)
If the water temperature is
increased, then the amount of
sugar that can be dissolved will
Independent Variable (IV)
Levels of the IV
# of Trials
Dependent Variable (DV)
The amount of sugar that is
-the amount of water
-graduated cylinder
© Science Chick 2016
Let’s say, for example, that you want to find out whether
increasing the temperature of water affects the amount of
sugar that it will dissolve. You could then design an experiment like
the one below.
scientific investigation
Units of Measurement
What we’re
centimeter ruler & meter stick
millimeters (mm)
centimeters (cm)
meters (m)
kilometers (km)
grams (g)
kilograms (kg)
milliliters (mL)
liters (L)
beaker & graduated cylinder
degrees Celsius (oC)
Elapsed Time
clock & stopwatch
Best when dealing with
© Science Chick 2016
Best when comparing
different groups
Line Graph
Best when comparing
parts of a whole
Bar Graph
Pie Chart
Ways You Can Display Your Data:
Name: _________________________________
scientific investigation
Directions: Read through each of the following statements and determine whether they are
observations (O) or inferences (I).
1. _____ The ground is wet.
2. _____ Your mom is frowning.
3. _____ The fire alarm is going off.
_____ It must have rained last night while I was sleeping.
_____ She is probably mad because you didn’t make your bed.
_____ Perhaps we are having another fire drill.
Directions: Take a look at the pictures below and make at least 2 inferences about each.
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
Directions: Number the steps of the scientific method, in order, from 1 to 7.
_____ gather information _____ perform an experiment _____ form a hypothesis
_____ state the problem/ask a question _____ draw a conclusion _____ analyze the data
_____ share the results & repeat
Directions: Determine whether the following data is qualitative (QUAL) or quantitative (QUAN).
________ The ice took ten minutes to melt.
________ The substance smelled like rotten eggs.
________ 60% prefer chocolate over vanilla.
________ The liquid turned purple.
________ The volume was fifty milliliters.
© Science Chick 2016
________ The water boiled at 100oC.
Name: _________________________________
scientific investigation
Directions: Read each of the following and pick out the independent & dependent variables.
Then, list at least 3 constants.
You do an experiment to find out which dog food your dog likes best.
IV: ____________________ DV: ____________________
Constants: _______________________________________________________________
You do an experiment to find out if eating a mint during
a test increases the test scores.
IV: ____________________ DV: ____________________
Constants: _______________________________________________________________
_____ 1. Constants
a. What you see, feel, taste, hear, or smell
_____ 2. Conclusion
b. A summary statement based on the results of an
_____ 3. Dependent variable
c. Factors that are kept the same to make sure they don’t
influence the results in any way
_____ 4. Independent variable
d. What is being measured
_____ 5. Inference
e. A tentative explanation based on background knowledge
and your observations
_____ 6. Observation
f. What is being tested
_____ 7. Prediction
g. Tells what may happen in some future situation
© Science Chick 2016
Directions: Match the following terms to the correct definitions.
Answer Key
Name: _________________________________
scientific investigation
Directions: Read through each of the following statements and determine whether they are
observations (O) or inferences (I).
O The ground is wet.
1. _____
O Your mom is frowning.
2. _____
O The fire alarm is going off.
3. _____
I It must have rained last night while I was sleeping.
I She is probably mad because you didn’t make your bed.
I Perhaps we are having another fire drill.
(Answers will vary)
(Answers will vary)
Directions: Take a look at the pictures below and make at least 2 inferences about each.
It’s summertime.
1. ______________________________
The kids are looking to the right (their left)
2. ______________________________
because someone tripped and fell.
The kids are gossiping before class
1. ______________________________
The girl in front is being bullied because
2. ______________________________
she likes her BFF’s boyfriend.
Directions: Number the steps of the scientific method, in order, from 1 to 7.
2 gather information _____
4 perform an experiment _____
3 form a hypothesis
1 state the problem/ask a question _____
6 draw a conclusion _____
5 analyze the data
7 share the results & repeat
QUAN The water boiled at 100oC.
QUAN The ice took ten minutes to melt.
QUAL The substance smelled like rotten eggs.
QUAN 60% prefer chocolate over vanilla.
QUAL The liquid turned purple.
QUAN The volume was fifty milliliters.
© Science Chick 2016
Directions: Determine whether the following data is qualitative (QUAL) or quantitative (QUAN).
Answer Key
Name: _________________________________
scientific investigation
Directions: Read each of the following and pick out the independent & dependent variables.
Then, list at least 3 constants.
You do an experiment to find out which dog food your dog likes best.
IV: ____________________
DV: What
your dog eats first/most
The brand of dog food
Constants: _______________________________________________________________
the amount food, the time of day, the color of the bowls, etc.
You do an experiment to find out if eating a mint during
a test increases the test scores.
IV: ____________________
DV: ____________________
The mint
The test scores
Constants: _______________________________________________________________
the type/flavor/brand of mint, the type of test, etc.
C 1. Constants
a. What you see, feel, taste, hear, or smell
B 2. Conclusion
b. A summary statement based on the results of an
D 3. Dependent variable
c. Factors that are kept the same to make sure they don’t
influence the results in any way
F 4. Independent variable
d. What is being measured
E 5. Inference
e. A tentative explanation based on background knowledge
and your observations
A 6. Observation
f. What is being tested
G 7. Prediction
g. Tells what may happen in some future situation
© Science Chick 2016
Directions: Match the following terms to the correct definitions.
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