GUIDELINES FOR FINAL OBJECTIVES 1. To enhance critical appraisal of medical literature. 2. To enhance ability in solving research problem by gathering evidences from scienti c literature. 3. To enrich your skill in public speaking and presentation of scienti c lectures GUIDELINES 1. Each group will choose (c/o President) a statement. 2. The group will look for all scienti c papers, books, journals etc. that is related to the statement. (All journals should be critically appraised before including it to your presentation 3. Based on your research materials (the more the merrier), the group will either "approve" or "disapprove" the statement. STATEMENTS (BS Psych) Sugar will induce hyperactivity in children. Intermittent fasting is the best among all fad diets. Stress can lead to infertility Organic foods is better in preventing cancer Mental illness is a biological diseas Too much emotion may kill you It is ok to expose toddlers to gadgets as long as it is educational Alkaline ionized water is more bene cial for our body than ordinary water A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. . fl fi . . ) fi . . ) : . ) ) . fi fi e fi fi . : . ) S : : ) s fi 4. Both written report and oral presentation shall use this format A. Title and members of the group (with section B. Introduction (include here the speci c topics that must be in the report and presentation as mentioned above, all about the disease entity, its epidemiologyespecially in Philippines if data is available, pathogenesis, etc. C. Objective D. Results and Discussion (include here the actual evidence of your answer based on what you have researched E. Conclusion (accept or reject plus brief explanation F. References (Cite properly all the things you have included in your report 5. Written reports are graded based on scienti c content and quality of researched materials / references used and also, on how you wrote the report (technical writing aspect and ow) 6. Written reports must be submitted (no need for hard copies) on or before July 9, 2021. 7. To prevent possible lost, submit your report to your president. Then the president, complete or not, will submit all the reports (target total of 8 reports per section) no later than 11:59pm of July 9, 2021 to my email ( Late reports will not be accepted. I will con rm receipt of your submission either via email or Viber 8. To the President: On each report, kindly indicate the date when the report was submitted by the group. Also, send all reports to all your classmates for reference . . : . . RULES IN ORAL PRESENTATION 1. The group may use any form of visual presentation (PPT, KEYNOTE, PREZI, ETC.). Be creative! Presentations will be via ZOOM 2. Each group is given 20 minutes to present. This will be strictly enforced and will affect your oral presentation grade 3. All presentations for the day should ready on the start of the class. If these things are not ready by the time I start the class, either the groups assign to present for the day will not be allowed to present and the class will be dismissed early or the time spent for waiting will be deducted to the time allotted for the presentation 4. The group will be graded accordingly, based on the quality of the researched materials used and the actual presentation (quality slides, pictures, proper citation, smoothness of how you present/defend your answer) 5. I may invite your other professors