Bab 1 Tindak Balas Redoks Redox Reactions Pengoksidaan dan Penurunan 1.1 Menerangkan Tindak Balas Redoks Describe Redox Reactions 1. Pengoksidaan dan penurunan boleh dijelaskan dari segi: IA A Oxidation and Reduction Oxidation and reduction can be explained in terms of: Pengoksidaan Penurunan Oxidation Oksigen Penambahan Oxygen Hidrogen Kehilangan Hydrogen Loss Elektron Kehilangan Electron Loss Nombor pengoksidaan Loss of oxygen Peningkatan Increase Penambahan hidrogen Gain of hydrogen Menerima elektron Gain of electrons nombor pengoksidaan Penurunan Decrease in the oxidation number PA N Oxidation number Kehilangan oksigen AS Gain Reduction Reduction oksigen of oxygen hidrogen of hydrogen elektron of electrons nombor pengoksidaan in the oxidation number 2. Tindak balas redoks ialah tindak balas kimia yang melibatkan penurunan dan pengoksidaan yang berlaku secara serentak. Contoh tindak balas redoks: Redox reactions are chemical reactions involving reduction and oxidation occurring simultaneously. Example of redox reactions: (a) Pemindahan elektron pada suatu jarak/ Transfer of electron at a distance (b) Pertukaran ion ferum(II), Fe2+ kepada ion ferum(III), Fe3+ dan sebaliknya Change of iron(II) ions, Fe2+ to iron(III) ions, Fe3+ and vice versa (c) Penyesaran logam daripada larutan garamnya/ Displacement of metal from its salt solution (d) Penyesaran halogen daripada larutan halidanya/ Displacement of halogen from its halide solution 3. Agen pengoksidaan ialah bahan yang menyebabkan pengoksidaan mengalami penurunan. oxidation The oxidising agent is the substance that causes reduction . Dalam tindak balas redoks, agen . It is reduced in the redox reaction. penurunan 4. Agen penurunan ialah bahan yang menyebabkan mengalami pengoksidaan. The reducing agent is the substance that causes pengoksidaan . Dalam tindak balas redoks, agen penurunan . It is oxidised in the redox reaction. Agen penurunan/ Reducing agent Agen pengoksidaan/ Oxidising agent 1. Menderma/ Donates hidrogen/ hydrogen 1. Menerima/ Accepts hidrogen/ hydrogen 2. Menerima/ Accepts oksigen/ oxygen 2. Menderma/ Donates oksigen/ oxygen 3. Menderma/ Donates elektron/ electron 3. Menerima/ Accepts elektron/ electron 4. Pertambahan/ Increase nombor pengoksidaan/ 4. Pengurangan/ Decrease in oxidation number 1 in oxidation number nombor pengoksidaan/ Contoh/ Examples: 1. Ferum(II) sulfat/ Iron(II) sulphate, FeSO4 2. Kalium iodida/ Potassium iodide, KI 3. Gas hidrogen/ Hydrogen gas, H2 4. Serbuk zink/ Zink powder, Zn 5. Gas sulfur dioksida/ Sulfur dioxide gas, SO2 6. Gas hidrogen sulfida/ Hydrogen sulfide gas, H2S Contoh/ Examples: 1. Larutan kalium manganat(VII) berasid/ Acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution, KMnO4/ H+ 2. Larutan kalium dikromat(VI) berasid/ Acidified potassium dichromate(VI) solution, K2Cr2O7 / H+ 3. Air klorin/ Chlorine water, Cl2 4. Air bromin/ Bromine water, Br2 5. Hidrogen peroksida/ Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 Contoh/Example 1 Pengoksidaan/Oxidation Mg + PbO Magnesium, Mg is ) oksigen. oxygen. kehilangan AS kerana berlaku loses because it penurunan (c) Magnesium, Mg ialah agen reducing Magnesium, Mg is the gains penurunan reduced Lead(II) oxide, PbO is Pb penambahan kerana berlaku because it (b) Plumbum(II) oksida, PbO mengalami + Penurunan/Reduction pengoksidaan oxidised MgO ( (a) Magnesium, Mg mengalami ) IA ( oxidising Contoh/Example 2 penurunan reduction agent. It causes the (d) Plumbum(II) oksida, PbO ialah agen Lead(II) oxide, PbO is the oxygen. kerana menyebabkan pengoksidaan oksigen. of lead(II) oxide, PbO . pengoksidaan kerana menyebabkan oxidation agent. It causes the plumbum(II) oksida, PbO. magnesium, Mg. of magnesium. PA N ( Pengoksidaan/Oxidation ) H 2S + Cl2 ( (a) Hidrogen sulfida, H2S mengalami Hydrogen sulphide, H2S is Chlorine,Cl2 is reduced because it (c) Hidrogen sulfida, H2S ialah agen reducing Hydrogen sulphide, H2S is the (d) Klorin, Cl2 ialah agen Chlorine,Cl2 is the pengoksidaan oxidising loses gains ) kehilangan hidrogen. hydrogen. penambahan kerana berlaku penurunan 2HCl kerana berlaku because it penurunan (b) Klorin, Cl2 mengalami + Penurunan/Reduction pengoksidaan oxidised S hidrogen. hydrogen. kerana menyebabkan agent. It causes the kerana menyebabkan oxidation agent. It causes the reduction penurunan of chlorine,Cl2. pengoksidaan hidrogen sulfida, H2S. of hydrogen sulphide, H2S. Contoh/Example 3 Zn Zn + Zn2+ +2e– (Persamaan setengah/ Half-equation) CuSO4 Cu2+ + 2e– ZnSO4 + Cu Cu (Persamaan setengah/Half-equation) 2 klorin, Cl2. pengoksidaan (a) Zink, Zn mengalami oxidised because it loses 2 electrons to form zinc ion, Zn2+. penurunan (b) Kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 mengalami untuk membentuk atom kuprum, Cu. reduced Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 is (c) Zink, Zn ialah agen Zinc, Zn is the reducing reduction pengoksidaan (d) Kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 ialah agen oxidising CuO +2 –2 0 pengoksidaan oxidation Hydrogen, H2 undergoes + of zinc, Zn. increases 0 berkurang decreases / The oxidation number penurunan 0 to PA N (c) Ion kuprum(II), Cu oxidising . +2 +2 to 0 . kerana mengoksidakan hidrogen. / Copper(II) ion, Cu2+ is the agent because it oxidises hydrogen. penurunan (d) Hidrogen, H2 ialah agen reducing pengoksidaan ialah agen +1 kepada kerana nombor pengoksidaan berkurang daripada Copper(II) ion, Cu2+ undergoes reduction because the oxidation number of copper decreases from 2+ 0 kerana nombor pengoksidaan bertambah daripada because the oxidation number increases from (b) Ion kuprum(II), Cu2+ mengalami 0 kepada . zink, Zn. Cu +1 –2 Nombor pengoksidaan (a) Hidrogen, H2 mengalami +1 . oxidation / The oxidation number H2O pengoksidaan AS + electrons to form copper atom, Cu. of copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4. agent. It causes the bertambah Nombor pengoksidaan elektron kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4. kerana menyebabkan Contoh/Example 4 H2 penurunan kerana menyebabkan agent. It causes the Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 is the 2 because copper(II) ion, Cu2+ gains penurunan 2 kerana ion kuprum(II), Cu2+ menerima IA Zinc, Zn is kerana kehilangan 2 elektron untuk membentuk ion zink, Zn2+. kerana menurunkan ion kuprum(II), Cu2+. / Hydrogen, H2 is the agent because it reduces copper(II) ion, Cu2+. Contoh/Example 5 Zn + 0 (a) Zink, Zn mengalami +2 . Zinc, Zn undergoes pengoksidaan oxidation CuSO4 ZnSO4 + Cu +2 +6 –2 +2 +6 –2 0 because the oxidation number increases from (b) Kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 mengalami +2 0 daripada kepada . 0 kerana nombor pengoksidaan meningkat daripada penurunan 0 to +2 kepada . kerana nombor pengoksidaan ion kuprum(II), Cu2+ menurun +2 Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 undergoes reduction because the oxidation number of copper(II) ion, Cu2+ decreases from 0 . reducing penurunan (c) Zink ialah agen kerana menurunkan ion kuprum(II), Cu2+./ Zinc is the 2+ agent because it reduces copper(II) ion, Cu . (d) Kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 ialah agen the oxidising pengoksidaan to kerana mengoksidakan zink, Zn. / Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 is agent because it oxidises zinc, Zn. 3 I Pemindahan Elektron pada Suatu Jarak/ Transfer of Electrons at a Distance menderma 1. Dalam tindak balas redoks, agen penurunan elektron kepada agen pengoksidaan. donates In a redox reaction, a reducing agent electrons to an oxidising agent. 2. Apabila agen pengoksidaan dan agen penurunan dipisahkan oleh elektrolit dalam suatu tiub-U, elektron litar luar dipindahkan melalui . When an oxidising agent and a reducing agent are separated by an electrolyte in a U-tube, the electrons are transferred external circuit through an . 3. Pemindahan elektron boleh dikesan dengan galvanometer. Pesongan jarum galvanometer akan menunjukkan arah aliran elektron. The transfer of the electrons can be detected by a galvanometer. The deflection of the galvanometer needle will show the direction of the flow of electrons. negatif IA 4. Elektrod yang diletakkan dalam larutan agen penurunan bertindak sebagai terminal negative The electrode placed in a reducing agent solution acts as the terminal. 5. Elektrod yang diletakkan dalam larutan agen pengoksidaan bertindak sebagai terminal positive The electrode placed in an oxidising agent solution acts as the positif . terminal. 1.1 Tujuan/ Aim: Mengkaji pemindahan elektron pada suatu jarak dalam tindak balas redoks To investigate the transfer of electrons at a distance in redox reaction Bahan/ Materials: Air klorin, larutan ferum(II) sulfat, FeSO4 0.5 mol dm–3 , asid sulfurik cair, H2SO4 2.0 mol dm–3, larutan kalium dikromat(VI), K2Cr2O7 berasid larutan kalium iodida, KI 0.5 mol dm-3, larutan kalium manganat(VII), KMnO4 berasid 0.2 mol dm-3, larutan kanji 1%, larutan natrium hidroksida, NaOH Chlorine water, 0.5 mol dm–3 iron(II) sulphate, FeSO4 solution, 2.0 mol dm–3 dilute sulphuric acid, H2SO4, acidified potassium dichromate(VI), K2Cr2O7 solution, 0.5 mol dm-3 potassium iodide, KI solution, 0.2 mol dm-3 acidified potassium manganate(VII), KMnO4 solution, 1% starch solution, sodium hydroxide, NaOH solution PA N Eksperimen Wajib AS AKTIVITI . Radas/ Apparatus: Tiub-U, galvanometer, elektrod karbon, wayar penyambung dengan klip buaya, elektrod karbon, kaki retort dan pengapit, tabung uji, penitis, penutup satu lubang U-tube, galvanometer, carbon electrodes, connecting wires with crocodile clips, carbon electrodes, retort stand with clamp, test tube, dropper, stoppers with one hole Prosedur/ Procedure: G Elektrod karbon Carbon electrode Elektrod karbon Carbon electrode Agen penurunan Reducing agent Agen pengoksidaan Oxidising agent Asid sulfurik cair H2SO4 Dilute sulphuric acid, H2SO4 Rajah/Diagram 1.1 1. Tiub-U diapit secara menegak pada kaki retort. A U-tube is clamped upright to a retort stand. 2. Asid sulfurik, H2SO4 cair 1.0 mol dm–3 dituang ke dalam tiub-U sehingga arasnya 6 cm daripada mulut tiub-U. 1.0 mol dm–3 dilute sulphuric acid, H2SO4 is poured into the U-tube until its levels 6 cm away from the mouth of the U-tube. 3. Menggunakan penitis, larutan ferum(II) sulfat, FeSO4 0.5 mol dm–3 ditambahkan dengan berhati-hati pada lengan kiri tiub-U sehingga lapisan larutan setinggi 3 cm. Using a dropper, 0.5 mol dm-3 iron(II) sulphate, FeSO4 solution is carefully added into the left arm of the U-tube until the layer of solution reaches the height of 3 cm. 4 4. Menggunakan cara yang sama seperti langkah 3, 0.2 mol dm-3 larutan kalium manganat(VII) berasid, KMnO4 ditambahkan pada lengan kanan tiub-U. In a similar manner as in step 3, 0.2 mol dm-3 acidified potassium manganate (VII), KMnO4 solution is added to the right arm of the U-tube. 5. Elektrod karbon diletakkan ke dalam setiap lengan tiub-U. 6. Elektrod disambungkan kepada galvanometer dengan wayar penyambung. 7. Pesongan jarum galvanometer diperhatikan untuk menentukan elektrod yang bertindak sebagai terminal positif dan negatif. A carbon electrode is placed in each arm of the U-tube. The electrodes are connected to a galvanometer with connecting wires. IA The deflection of the galvanometer needle is observed to determine the electrodes that act as the positive and negative terminal. 8. Susunan radas dibiarkan selama 30 minit. Sebarang perubahan direkodkan. direkodkan. 9. Menggunakan penitis yang bersih, 1 cm3 larutan ferum(II) sulfat, FeSO4 dikeluarkan dan dimasukkan ke dalam tabung uji. Kemudian, beberapa titis larutan natrium hidroksida, NaOH dimasukkan ke dalam tabung uji. Sebarang perubahan direkodkan. The set-up is left aside for 30 minutes. Any change is recorded. Using a clean dropper, 1 cm3 of iron(II) sulphate, FeSO4 solution is draw and placed in a test tube. Then a few drops of sodium hydroxide, NaOH solution are added to the test tube. Any change is recorded. AS 10. Langkah 1 hingga 8 diulang dengan menggunakan larutan kalium iodida, KI 0.5 mol dm-3 dan larutan kalium dikromat(VI), K2Cr2O7 berasid 0.2 mol dm-3. Steps 1 to 8 are repeated using 0.5 mol dm-3 potassium iodide, KI solution and 0.2 mol dm-3 acidified potassium dichromate(VI), K2Cr2O7 solution. 11. Menggunakan penitis yang bersih, 1 cm3 larutan kalium iodida, KI dikeluarkan dan dimasukkan ke dalam tabung uji. Kemudian, beberapa titis larutan kanji dimasukkan ke dalam tabung uji. Sebarang perubahan direkodkan. Using a clean dropper, 1 cm3 of potassium iodide, KI solution is drawn and placed in a test tube. Then a few drops of starch solution are added to the test tube. Any change is recorded. PA N Mentafsir data/ Interpreting data: 1. Larutan ferum(II) sulfat, FeSO4 + larutan kalium manganat(VII) berasid, KMnO4 Iron(II) sulphate, FeSO4 solution + Acidified potassium manganate(VII), KMnO4 solution Pemerhatian/ Observation Inferens/ Inference (a) Pesongan jarum galvanometer menunjukkan Elekron mengalir daripada elektrod dalam larutan ferum(II) sulfat elektrod dalam larutan ferum(II) sulfat bertindak kepada elektrod dalam negatif sebagai terminal manakala larutan elektrod dalam larutan kalium manganat(VII) berasid kalium manganat(VII) berasid . The electrons flow from the electrode in iron(II) sulphate solution to the electrode in the The deflection of the galvanometer needle shows acidified potassium manganate(VII) that the electrode in iron(II) sulphate solution acts as solution. negative terminal whereas the electrode in the acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution acts as the positive terminal. bertindak sebagai terminal positif . (b) Larutan hijau muda larutan ferum(II) sulfat bertukar Ion ferum(II), Fe2+ ferum(III), Fe3+. perang kepada . Pale green iron(II) sulphate solution turns brown . Iron(II) ion, Fe2+ is Fe3+. (c) Larutan ungu kalium manganat(VII) berasid bertukar Ion manganat(VII) tidak berwarna mangan(II). kepada . Manganate(VII) ion Purple acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution turns manganese(II) ion. colourless . 5 dioksidakan oxidised to iron(III) ion, diturunkan is kepada ion kepada ion reduced to perang (d) Mendakan terbentuk apabila ditambah larutan natrium hidroksida. Ion ferum(III), Fe3+ hadir. Iron(III) ions, Fe3+ are present. brown precipitate is formed when sodium A hydroxide solution is added. (e) Ion manganat(VII), MnO4– bertindak sebagai agen pengoksidaan . Ion ferum(II), Fe2+ bertindak sebagai agen penurunan . Manganate(VII) ions, MnO4– act as the oxidising agent. Iron(II) ions, Fe2+ act as the reducing agent. IA 2. Larutan kalium iodida, KI + larutan kalium dikromat(VI), K2Cr2O7 berasid Potassium iodide, KI solution + acidified potassium dichromate(VI), K2Cr2O7 solution Pemerhatian/ Observation Inferens/ Inference (a) Pesongan jarum galvanometer menunjukkan Elektron mengalir daripada elektrod dalam larutan elektrod dalam larutan kalium iodida bertindak kalium iodida kepada elektrod dalam larutan negatif sebagai terminal manakala elektrod dalam larutan kalium dikromat(VI) berasid kalium dikromat(VI) berasid . AS The electrons flow from the electrode in positif bertindak sebagai terminal . potassium iodide solution to the electrode in the The deflection of the galvanometer needle shows that acidified potassium dichromate(VI) solution. the electrode in potassium iodide solution acts as the negative terminal whereas the electrode in acidified potassium dichromate(VI) solution acts as the positive terminal. (b) Larutan tak berwarna kalium iodida bertukar kepada Ion iodida perang . PA N Colourless potassium iodide solution turns brown dioksidakan Iodide ion is oxidised Dichromate(VI) ion is Orange acidified potassium dichromate(VI) solution turns (III) ion. green . biru tua dark blue diturunkan kepada ion reduced to chromium Iodin hadir. apabila ditambah larutan kanji. kanji The brown solution turns to solution is added. to iodine. . (c) Larutan jingga kalium dikromat(VI) berasid bertukar Ion dikromat(VI) kromium(III). hijau kepada . (d) Larutan perang bertukar kepada kepada iodin. Iodine is present. when starch (e) Ion dikromat(VI), Cr2O72- bertindak sebagai agen pengoksidaan . Ion iodida, I- bertindak sebagai agen penurunan . Dichromate(VI) ions, Cr2O72- act as the oxidising agent. Iodide ions, I- act as the reducing agent. Perbincangan/ Discussion: 1. Nyatakan bahan-bahan yang mengalami pengoksidaan dan penurunan. Terangkan jawapan anda dari segi pemindahan elektron. State the substance that undergoes oxidation and reduction. Explain your answer in terms of electron transfer. (a) Pengoksidaan/Oxidation: Ferum(II) sulfat dan kalium iodida kehilangan elektron/ Iron(II) sulphate and potassium iodide lose of electrons 6 (b) Penurunan/ Reduction: Kalium dikromat(VI) berasid dan kalium manganat(VII) berasid menerima elektron Acidified potassium dichromate(VI) and acidified potassium manganate(VII) accept electrons 2. Tuliskan persamaan setengah bagi pengoksidaan dan penurunan yang berikut: Write the half-equations for the following oxidation and reduction: (a) Tindak balas antara larutan ferum(II) sulfat, FeSO4 dengan larutan kalium manganat(VII), KMnO4 berasid Reaction between iron(II) sulphate, FeSO4 solution with acidified potassium manganate(VII), manganate(VII), KMnO4 solution Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation: IA Fe2+ Fe3+ + e– Penurunan/ Reduction: MnO4– + 8H+ + 5e– Mn2+ + 4H2O (b) Tindak balas antara larutan kalium iodida, KI dengan larutan kalium dikromat(VI), K2Cr2O7 berasid Reaction between potassium iodide, KI solution with acidified potassium dichromate(VI), K2Cr2O7 solution Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation: Penurunan/ Reduction: AS 2I– I2 + 2e– Cr2O72– + 14H+ + 6e– 2Cr3+ + 7H2O 3. Nyatakan bahan berikut/ State the following substance: (a) Agen pengoksidaan/ Oxidising agents: Larutan kalium manganat(VII) berasid/ Acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution Larutan kalium dikromat(VI) berasid/ Acidified potassium dichromate(VI) solution (b) Agen penurunan/ Reducing agent: Larutan ferum(II) sulfat/ Iron(II) sulphate solution PA N Larutan kalium iodida iodida/ Potassium iodide solution negatif 4. Elektrod dalam agen penurunan bertindak sebagai terminal positif agen pengoksidaan bertindak sebagai terminal 5. Elektron mengalir daripada agen The electrons flow from B reducing . negative The electrode in the reducing agents acts as the positive terminal. agents acts as the penurunan manakala elektrod dalam terminal while the electrode in the oxidising kepada agen pengoksidaan melalui litar luar. oxidising agents to agents through external circuit. Tindak Balas Redoks Berdasarkan Perubahan Nombor Pengoksidaan Redox Reaction Based on Changes in Oxidation Number Unsur/ Oxidation Number of An element I Nombor Pengoksidaan bagi Unsur 1. Peraturan umum menentukan nombor pengoksidaan pengoksidaan/ General rules to determine oxidation number: 0 (a) Nombor pengoksidaan bagi atom suatu unsur bebas ialah sifar , . The oxidation number of an atom in its elements state is (b) Nombor pengoksidaan bagi hidrogen biasanya ialah +1 The oxidation number of hydrogen usually is The oxidation number of oxygen usually is The oxidation number of Halogen usually is . . –2 . . (d) Nombor pengoksidaan bagi halogen biasanya ialah –1 +1 0 , . (c) Nombor pengoksidaan bagi oksigen biasanya ialah –2 zero –1 . . sifar (e) Jumlah nombor pengoksidaan bagi semua unsur dalam suatu sebatian neutral mestilah The sum of the oxidation numbers of all the elements in a neutral compound must be 7 zero , 0 0 , . . Contoh/Example 6 (a) Manakah antara persamaan berikut merupakan tindak balas redoks? Which of the following equations is a redox reaction? Persamaan/ Equation I: Na2SO4 + Ba(NO3)2 → BaSO4 + 2NaNO3 Persamaan/ Equation II: Mg + CuSO4 → MgSO4 + Cu + +1 +6 –2 Ba(NO3)2 +2 +5 –2 Nombor pengoksidaan bagi Na, S, O, Ba dan N + 0 CuSO4 → +2 +6 –2 BaSO4 + +2 +6 –2 tidak berubah did not change The oxidation numbers of Na, S, O, Ba and N Persamaan/ Equation II: Mg → MgSO4 + 2NaNO3 +1 +5 –2 bukan tindak balas redoks . Persamaan I not a redox reaction . Equation I is . . Cu IA Penyelesaian/ Solution: Persamaan / Equation I: Na2SO4 +2 +6 –2 0 2+ Persamaan II ialah tindak balas redoks kerana terdapat perubahan nombor pengoksidaan. Mg dioksidakan kepada Mg (0 kepada +2), manakala Cu2+ diturunkan kepada Cu (+2 kepada 0) Equation II is a redox reaction because AS is reduced to Cu (+2 to 0). . there is a change in the oxidation numbers. Mg is oxidised to Mg2+ (0 to +2) while Cu2+ . (b) Persamaan berikut menunjukkan perubahan Fe2+ kepada Fe3+. Namakan jenis tindak balas dan terangkan berdasarkan perubahan nombor pengoksidaan. The following equation shows the change of Fe2+ to Fe3+. Name the type of reaction and explain it based on the change in the oxidation number. Fe2+ → Fe3+ + e– Penyelesaian/ Solution: pengoksidaan Proses Oxidation +2 kepada +3 kerana nombor pengoksidaan berubah daripada process because the oxidation number change from . +2 to +3. . PA N (c) Kaji persamaan keseluruhan ion berikut dan tentukan bahan yang mengalami proses pengoksidaan dan proses penurunan. Study the following overall ionic equation and determine the material that undergoes oxidation and reduction processes. Penyelesaian/ Solution: Kuprum, Cu mengalami Cu + 2Ag+ → Cu2+ + 2Ag pengoksidaan penurunan argentum, Ag+ mengalami Copper, Cu undergoes reduction undergoes 0 kepada +2 kerana nombor pengoksidaan berubah daripada kerana nombor pengoksidaan berubah daripada oxidation as the oxidation number change from +1 to 0 as the oxidation number change from 0 to +2 +1 kepada 0 . Ion . . The argentum ion, Ag+ . II Penamaan Sebatian Mengikut Sistem Penamaan IUPAC Naming Compounds According to the IUPAC Nomenclature 1. Kebanyakan unsur hanya mempunyai satu nombor pengoksidaan. Sesetengah unsur seperti unsur peralihan, karbon, nitrogen dan sulfur mempunyai lebih daripada satu nombor pengoksidaan. Many elements have just one oxidation number, but some elements such as transition metals, carbon, nitrogen and sulphur have more than one oxidation number. 2. Untuk mengelakkan kekeliruan, angka Roman (I, II, III...) dimasukkan dalam nama sebatian dengan unsur yang lebih daripada satu mempunyai nombor pengoksidaan. To avoid confusion, Roman numeral (I, II, III, etc) are included in naming of some compound with element which has more than one oxidation number. 3. Bagi sebatian ion yang ringkas, angka Roman yang menyatakan nombor pengoksidaan unsur logam ditulis di kurungan dalam selepas nama logam itu. For simple ionic compounds, the Roman numeral of the oxidation number of metal element is written in following the name of the metal. 8 brackets , Contoh/Example 7 Formula kimia sebatian Nombor pengoksidaan FeCl2 x + 2(–1) = 0, x = +2 Ferum(II) klorida/ Iron(II) chloride FeCl3 x + 3(–1) = 0, x = +3 Ferum( III ) klorida/ Iron( III ) chloride Cu2O 2x + (–2) = 0, x = +1 Kuprum( CuO x + (–2) = 0, x = +2 Kuprum( II ) oksida/ Copper( II ) oxide SnO x + (–2) = 0, x = +2 SnO2 x + 2(–2) =0, x = +4 PbO x + (–2) = 0, x = +2 PbO2 x + 2(–2) = 0, x = +4 Compound chemical formula IUPAC name of the compound ) oksida/ Copper( I ) oxide IA I Stanum( II ) oksida/ Tin( II ) oxide IV Stanum( IV ) oksida/ T Tin( in( ) oxide Plumbum( II ) oksida/ Lead( II ) oxide Plumbum( IV ) oksida/ Lead( IV ) oxide AS Tip Nama IUPAC bagi sebatian Oxidation number SPM Bagi unsur yang mempunyai hanya satu nombor pengoksidaan, tidak perlu ditulis dalam angka Roman. Contohnya, natrium klorida, magnesium oksida dan aluminium klorida. Unsur-unsur ini berada di Kumpulan 1, 2 dan 13 dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur. Tip SPM For elements with just one oxidation number, do not need to write it in Roman numerals. For example, sodium chloride, magnesium oxide and aluminium chloride. Such elements are in Groups 1, 2 and 13 in the Periodic Table of Elements. PA N III Pertukaran Ion Fe2+ kepada Ion Fe3+ dan Sebaliknya/ Change of Fe2+ Ions to Fe3+ Ions and Vice Versa 1. Logam besi (ferum) mempunyai dua nombor pengoksidaan/ Iron metal has two oxidation numbers. (a) Dalam ion ferum(II), Fe2+, nombor pengoksidaan ialah +2/ In iron(II) ions, Fe2+, the oxidation number is +2. (b) Dalam ion ferum(III), Fe3+, nombor pengoksidaan ialah +3/ In iron(III) ions, Fe3+ the oxidation number is +3. 2. Pertukaran ion ferum(II), Fe2+ kepada ion ferum(III), Fe3+ merupakan proses The change of iron(II) ions, Fe2+ to iron(III) ions, Fe3+ is an 3. Agen An pengoksidaan oxidising oxidation pengoksidaan . process. diperlukan untuk mengoksidakan ion ferum(II), Fe2+ kepada ion ferum(III), Fe3+ agent is required to oxidise the iron(II) ions, Fe2+ to iron(III) ions, Fe3+. 4. Pertukaran ion ferum(III), Fe3+ kepada ion ferum(II), Fe2+ merupakan proses The change of iron(III) ions, Fe to iron (II) ions, Fe is a 3+ 5. Agen A penurunan reducing 2+ reduction penurunan . process. diperlukan untuk menurunkan ion ferum(III), Fe3+ kepada ion ferum(II), Fe2+. agent is required to reduce the iron(III) ions, Fe3+ to iron(II) ions, Fe2+. AKTIVITI 1.2 To investigate the change of Fe2+ ions to Fe3+ ions and vice versa. Bahan/ Materials: Larutan ferum(II) sulfat, FeSO4 0.5 mol dm–3, larutan ferum(III) klorida, FeCl3 0.5 mol dm–3, air bromin, pita magnesium, larutan natrium hidroksida, NaOH 2.0 mol dm–3, kertas turas 0.5 mol dm–3 iron(II) sulphate, FeSO4 solution, 0.5 mol dm–3 iron(III) chloride, FeCl3 solution, bromine water, magnesium ribbon, 2.0 mol dm–3 sodium hydroxide, NaOH solution, filter paper Radas/ Apparatus: Penitis, spatula, penyepit tabung uji, penunu Bunsen, corong turas, rak tabung uji, silinder penyukat, tabung uji Dropper, spatula, test tube holder, Bunsen burner, filter funnel, test tube rack, measuring cylinder, test tube 9 Eksperimen Wajib Tujuan/ Aim: Mengkaji tindak balas pertukaran ion Fe2+ kepada ion Fe3+ dan sebaliknya. A Pertukaran ion ferum(II), Fe2+ kepada ion ferum(III), Fe3+ Changes of iron(II) ions, Fe2+ to iron(III) ions, Fe3+ Prosedur/ Procedure: 1. 2 cm3 larutan ferum(II) sulfat, FeSO4 0.5 mol dm–3 dituang ke dalam sebuah tabung uji. 2 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm–3 iron(II) sulphate, FeSO4 solution is measured and pour into a test tube. 2. Air bromin ditambah setitis demi setitis ke dalam tabung uji yang berisi larutan dengan menggunakan penitis sambil digoncang sehingga tiada perubahan warna dapat diperhatikan. Bromine water is added to the solution in the test tube drop by drop using a dropper until no further changes are observed. 3. Campuran digoncang dan dihangatkan perlahan-lahan. The mixture is shaken well and warm gently. 4. Larutan natrium hidroksida, NaOH 0.2 mol dm–3 ditambah setitis demi setitis sehingga berlebihan. Pemerhatian direkodkan. IA 0.2 mol dm–3 of sodium hydroxide, NaOH solution is added drop by drop until in excess. Observations are recorded. B Pertukaran ion ferum(III), Fe3+ kepada ion ferum(II), Fe2+ Changes of iron(III) ions, Fe3+ to iron(II) ions, Fe2+ Prosedur/ Procedure: 1. 2 cm3 larutan ferum(III) klorida, FeCl3 dituang ke dalam sebuah tabung uji. 2 cm3 of iron(III) chloride, FeCl3 solution is measured and pour into a test tube. 2. 2 cm pita magnesium ditambah ke dalam larutan. AS 2 cm of magnesium ribbon is added into the solution. 3. Campuran digoncang dan dihangatkan perlahan-lahan sehingga tiada perubahan diperhatikan. The mixture is shaken well and warm gently until no further changes. 4. Campuran dituras ke dalam sebuah tabung uji. The mixture is filtered into a test tube. 5. Larutan natrium hidroksida, NaOH 0.2 mol dm–3 ditambah setitis demi setitis sehingga berlebihan. Pemerhatian direkodkan. 0.2 mol dm–3 of sodium hydroxide, NaOH solution is added drop by drop until in excess. Observations are recorded. Mentafsir data/ Interpreting data: Tindak balas/ Pemerhatian/ Observation PA N Reaction A Larutan hijau muda Pale green menjadi solution turns Inferens/ Inference perang . Ion brown . Fe2+ . Fe2+ ions are oxidised to perang Mendakan tak larut dalam Ion Fe larutan natrium hidroksida berlebihan. Fe3+ 3+ precipitate insoluble in excess sodium hydroxide solution. Larutan perang Brown menjadi solution turns hijau muda pale green . Ion . Fe3+ diturunkan kepada ion Fe2+ . Fe3+ ions are reduced to 2+ Pale green precipitate insoluble in excess sodium hydroxide solution. Perbincangan/ Discussion: 1. Berdasarkan pengoksidaan ion Fe2+ kepada Fe3+/ Based on oxidation of Fe2+ ions to Fe3+ions: (a) Tuliskan persamaan setengah bagi: Write the half-equations for: Fe2+ Fe3+ + e– Br2 + 2e– 2Br- (ii) Penurunan/ Reduction: 10 ions hadir. hijau muda Mendakan tak larut dalam Ion Fe hadir. larutan natrium hidroksida berlebihan. Fe2+ ions present. (i) Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation: Fe3+ ions present. Brown B dioksidakan kepada ion Fe3+ Fe2+ ions (b) Tuliskan persamaan keseluruhan ion./ Write the overall ionic equation. 2Fe2+ + Br2 2Fe3+ + 2Br– (c) Nyatakan perubahan nombor pengoksidaan bahan berikut dan peranannya. State the change in the oxidation number of the following substance and its role. Bahan Perubahan nombor pengoksidaan Ion ferum(II), Fe2+ +2 +3 Air bromin, Br2 0 –1 Peranan Change of the oxidation number Iron(II) ion, Fe2+ Bromine water, Br2 2. Berdasarkan penurunan ion Fe3+ kepada ion Fe2+: Based on reduction of Fe3+ ion to Fe2+ ion: Role Agen penurunan Reducing agent Agen pengoksidaan IA Substance Oxidising agent (a) Tuliskan persamaan setengah bagi:/ Write the half-equation for: Mg Mg2+ + 2e– (i) Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation: Fe3+ + e– Fe2+ AS (ii) Penurunan/ Reduction: (b) Tuliskan persamaan keseluruhan ion./ Write the overall ionic equation. 2Fe3+ + Mg 2Fe2+ + Mg2+ (c) Nyatakan perubahan nombor pengoksidaan bahan berikut dan peranannya. State the change in the oxidation number of the following substance and its role. Bahan Perubahan nombor pengoksidaan Substance Magnesium, Mg 0 +2 Ion ferum(III), Fe3+ +3 +2 PA N Magnesium, Mg Iron(III) ion, Fe3+ C Peranan Change of oxidation number Role Agen penurunan Reducing agent Agen pengoksidaan Oxidising agent Tindak Balas Penyesaran Sebagai Tindak Balas Redoks Displacement Reactions as Redox Reactions I Penyesaran Logam daripada Larutan Garamnya/ Displacement of Metal from its Salt Solution atas 1. Logam yang berada pada kedudukan yang lebih dalam siri elektrokimia adalah lebih elektropositif. A metal at a higher 2. Logam ini merupakan agen melepaskan tinggi untuk It is a stronger reducing position in the electrochemical series is more electropositive. penurunan yang lebih kuat kerana mempunyai kecenderungan yang lebih elektron. agent because it has a higher tendency to Kecenderungan logam untuk melepaskan elektron Tendency of metal to lose electron Logam Metal Ion positif Positive ions Ca Mg Al Zn Fe Sn Pb Cu Ag Ca2+ + 2e– Mg2+ + 2e– Al3+ + 3e– Zn2+ + 2e– Fe2+ + 2e– Sn2+ + 2e– Pb2+ + 2e– Cu2+ + 2e– Ag+ + e– Rajah/Diagram 1.2 11 lose electrons. 3. Logam yang lebih elektropositif boleh garamnya. menyesarkan displace A more electropositive metals can logam yang kurang elektropositif daripada larutan a less electropositive metal from its salt solutions. Contoh/ Example: Kepingan zink, Zn dimasukkan ke dalam larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4. A zinc, Zn strip is placed in a copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution. (a) Persamaan kimia/ Chemical equation: Zn + CuSO4 Cu + ZnSO4 (b) Persamaan ion/ Ionic equation: Zn + Cu2+ Zn2+ + Cu (c) Zink dioksidakan kerana nombor pengoksidaan bertambah daripada 0 kepada +2 Kepingan zink, Zn Zinc, Zn strip Zinc is oxidised because the oxidation number increases from 0 to +2. IA (d) Ion Cu2+ diturunkan kerana nombor pengoksidaan berkurang daripada +2 kepada 0 Cu2+ ion is reduced because the oxidation number decreases from +2 to 0 (e) Persamaan setengah pengoksidaan/ Oxidation half-equation: Zn Zn2+ + 2e– (f) Persamaan setengah Cu2+ + 2e– Cu Reduction Rajah/Diagram 1.3 half-equation: AS penurunan/ Contoh/Example 8 Kepingan kuprum, Cu dimasukkan ke dalam larutan argentum nitrat, AgNO3. A copper, Cu strip is placed in a silver nitrate, AgNO3 solution. (a) Persamaan kimia/ Chemical equation: Kuprum (c) bertambah dioksidakan kerana nombor pengoksidaan daripada 0 kepada +2. increases is oxidised because the oxidation number PA N Copper 0 to +2. (d) Ion Ag+ Ag ion is + diturunkan reduced Larutan argentum nitrat, AgNO3 Silver nitrate, AgNO3 solution because the oxidation number decreases from (i) Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation – Hilang Terima Lose elektron/ Cu Cu2+ + 2e– Gain elektron/ Ag+ + e– Ag AKTIVITI Rajah/Diagram 1.4 from +1 kepada 0 kerana nombor pengoksidaan berkurang daripada (e) Persamaan setengah/ Half-equation: (ii) Penurunan/ Reduction – Kepingan kuprum, Cu Copper, Cu strip Cu + 2AgNO3 2Ag + Cu(NO3)2 Cu + 2Ag+ Cu2+ + 2Ag (b) Persamaan ion/ Ionic equation: +1 to 0 . electrons electrons 1.3 Eksperimen Wajib Tujuan/ Aim: Mengkaji tindak balas penyesaran logam daripada larutan garamnya. To investigate the displacement reaction of metals from their salt solution. Bahan/ Materials: Kepingan magnesium, kepingan zink, larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 1.0 mol dm–3 Magnesium strip, zinc strip, 1.0 mol dm–3 copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution Radas/ Apparatus: Tabung uji, rak tabung uji, silinder penyukat, kertas pasir Test tubes, test tube rack, measuring cylinder, sand paper 12 Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution . Prosedur/ Procedure: Pita magnesium, Mg Magnesium, Mg ribbon Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution Rajah/Diagram 1.5 IA 1. Sekeping pita magnesium, Mg dibersihkan dengan kertas pasir. A piece of magnesium, Mg ribbon is cleaned with sand paper. 2. 7 cm3 larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 1.0 mol dm–3 dimasukkan ke dalam tabung uji. 7 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm–3 copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution is poured into a test tube. 3. Pita magnesium, Mg dimasukkan ke dalam tabung uji. The magnesium, Mg ribbon is added into the test tube. 4. Radas dibiarkan selama 20 minit dan pemerhatian direkodkan. The apparatus is left for 20 minutes and the observations are recorded. AS 5. Ulang langkah 1 hingga 4 dengan menggantikan pita magnesium, Mg dengan kepingan zink, Zn. Repeat steps 1 until 4 by replacing magnesium, Mg ribbon with a zinc, Zn strip. Keputusan/ Result: Tindak balas/ Pemerhatian/ Observation Reaction Mg + CuSO4 biru Larutan tak berwarna larutan PA N solution turns perang Pepejal A Zn + CuSO4 brown Larutan The colourless blue solution turns perang is copper(II) sulphate terenap. bertukar menjadi disesarkan daripada kuprum(II) sulfat Copper . tak berwarna Copper colourless Kuprum . . displaced from solution. kuprum Logam solid is deposited. biru Pepejal brown A Kuprum bertukar menjadi . blue The Inferens/ Inference terhasil. metal formed. disesarkan daripada kuprum(II) sulfat . larutan . Copper is displaced from copper(II) sulphate solution. Logam terenap. solid is deposited. kuprum Copper terhasil. metal formed. Mentafsir data/ Interpreting data: 1. Berdasarkan tindak balas Mg + CuSO4:/ Based on the reaction of Mg + CuSO4: (a) Terangkan tindak balas penyesaran yang berlaku./ Explain the displacement reaction occurred. Logam magnesium, Mg lebih elektropositif berbanding logam kuprum, Cu. Logam magnesium, Mg boleh menyesarkan kuprum, Cu daripada larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 Magnesium, Mg metal is more electropositive than copper, Cu metal. Magnesium, Mg metal can displace copper, Cu from copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution. (b) Tuliskan persamaan setengah bagi:/ Write the half-equation for: Mg Mg2+ + 2e– (i) Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation: Cu2+ + 2e– Cu (ii) Penurunan/ Reduction: 13 (c) Tuliskan persamaan keseluruhan ion./ Write the overall ionic equation. Mg + Cu2+ Mg2+ + Cu (d) Nyatakan perubahan nombor pengoksidaan bahan berikut dan peranannya. State the change in the oxidation number of the following substance and its role. Bahan Perubahan nombor pengoksidaan Magnesium, Mg 0 +2 Ion kuprum(II), Cu2+ +2 0 Substance Peranan Change of the oxidation number Magnesium. Mg Agen penurunan Reducing agent Agen pengoksidaan Oxidising agent IA Copper(II) ion, Cu2+ Role 2. Berdasarkan tindak balas Zn + CuSO4:/Based on the reaction of Zn + CuSO4: (a) Terangkan tindak balas penyesaran yang berlaku./ Explain the displacement reaction occurred. Logam zink, Zn lebih elektropositif berbanding logam kuprum, Cu. Logam zink, Zn boleh menyesarkan kuprum, Cu daripada larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 Zinc, Zn metal is more electropositive compare to copper, Cu metal. Zinc, Zn metal can displace copper, Cu from AS copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution. (b) Tuliskan persamaan setengah bagi:/ Write the half-equation for: Zn Zn2+ + 2e– (i) Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation: Cu2+ + 2e– Cu (ii) Penurunan/ Reduction: (b) Tuliskan persamaan keseluruhan ion./ Write the overall ionic equation. Zn + Cu2+ Zn2+ + Cu PA N (c) Lengkapkan jadual berikut/ Complete the following table: Bahan Perubahan nombor pengoksidaan Zink, Zn 0 +2 Ion kuprum(II), Cu2+ +2 0 Substance Peranan Change of oxidation number Zink, Zn Copper(II) ion, Cu2+ Role Agen penurunan Reducing agent Agen pengoksidaan Oxidising agent Perbincangan/ Discussion: lebih elektropositif 1. Logam yang larutan garamnya. A more electropositive boleh menyesarkan logam yang metal can displace a less electropositive 2. Logam yang lebih elektropositif mengalami proses penurunan . The more electropositive metal undergoes oxidation sebagai agen pengoksidaan dan bertindak sebagai agen process and acts as the . reduction The less electropositive metal (metal ions) undergoes agent. 14 daripada metal from its salt solution. 3. Logam yang kurang elektropositif (ion logam) mengalami proses pengoksidaan kurang elektropositif reducing penurunan process and acts as the agent. dan bertindak oxidising II Penyesaran Halogen daripada Halidanya/ Displacement of Halogen from its Halide Solution 1. Unsur-unsur Kumpulan 17 dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur dikenali sebagai halogen. Contoh-contoh halogen ialah fluorin, klorin, bromin dan iodin. The elements in Group 17 of the Periodic Table Elements are called the halogens.. Examples of halogens are fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. pengoksidaan yang kuat 2. Semua atom halogen mempunyai 7 elektron valens. Halogen merupakan agen kerana atom halogen cenderung menerima satu elektron untuk mencapai susunan elektron oktet yang stabil. All halogen atoms have 7 valence electrons. As a result, halogens are strong accept an electron to achieve a stable octet electron arrangement. oxidising agents because they tend to IA lebih tinggi dalam kumpulan adalah lebih reaktif dan boleh 3. Halogen yang berada pada kedudukan menyesarkan halogen yang berada pada kedudukan yang lebih rendah daripada larutan halidanya. higher Halogens that located in the group are more reactive and can lower in the group from their halide solutions. berkurang 4. Kuasa halogen sebagai agen pengoksidaan the halogens located apabila menuruni kumpulan. down the group. AS The strength of halogen as oxidising agents decreases displace Cl2 Br2 I2 Kekuatan sebagai agen pengoksidaan berkurang Strength as an oxidising agent decreases Rajah/Diagram 1.6 Tip PA N stra Ek Ekstra Halogen Warna dalam larutan akueus Warna dalam larutan 1,1,1-trikloroetana Halogen Colour in the aqueous solution Colour in 1,1,1-trichloroethane solution Klorin, Cl2 Kuning kehijauan Greenish yellow Tanpa warna Colourless Bromin, Br2 Perang Brown Perang Brown Iodin, I2 Perang Brown Ungu Purple Chlorine, Cl2 Bromine, Br2 Iodine, I2 AKTIVITI 1.4 To investigate oxidation and reduction in the displacement of halogen from its halide solution. Bahan/ Materials: Air klorin, air bromin, larutan iodin, larutan kalium bromida, KBr 0.5 mol dm–3, larutan kalium iodida, KI 0.5 mol dm–3, larutan 1,1,1-trikloroetana Chlorine water, bromine water, iodine solution, 0.5 mol dm–3 potassium bromide, KBr solution, 0.5 mol dm–3 potassium iodide, KI solution, 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane solution Radas/ Apparatus: Tabung uji, rak tabung uji Test tubes, test tube rack 15 Eksperimen Wajib Tujuan/ Aim: Mengkaji pengoksidaan dan penurunan dalam tindak balas penyesaran halogen daripada larutan halidanya. Prosedur/ Procedure: Air klorin Chlorine water Larutan kalium bromida, KBr Potassium bromide, KBr solution Rajah/Diagram 1.7 1. Kira-kira 2 cm larutan kalium bromida, KBr 0.5 mol dm–3 dituang ke dalam sebuah tabung uji. 3 About 2 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm–3 potassium bromide, KBr solution is poured into a test tube. IA 2. Dengan menggunakan penitis, kira-kira 2 cm3 air klorin ditambah setitis demi setitis ke dalam tabung uji yang berisi larutan kalium bromida, KBr. By using a dropper, about 2 cm3 of chlorine water is added drop by drop to potassium bromide, KBr solution in the test tube. 3. Campuran digoncangkan. The mixture is shaken well. 4. Kira-kira 2 cm3 larutan 1,1,1-trikloroetana ditambah kepada campuran dan campuran digoncangkan. About 2 cm3 of 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane solution is added to the mixture and the mixture is shaken well. 5. Warna lapisan larutan akueus dan larutan 1,1,1-trikloroetana diperhatikan dan direkodkan. The colour of the layers of aqueous solution and the 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane solution are observed and recorded. AS 6. Langkah 1 hingga 5 diulang dengan menggunakan halogen dan larutan halida yang ditunjukkan dalam jadual di bawah. Steps 1 to 5 are repeated using halogens and halide solution as shown in the table below. Pemerhatian/ Observation: Warna/Colour of Tindak balas Reaction larutan akueus larutan 1, 1, 1-trikloroetana Perang Perang aqueous solution Air klorin + kalium bromida 1,1,1-trichloroethane solution Brown PA N Chlorine water + potassium bromide Air bromin + kalium iodida Bromine water + potassium iodide Larutan iodin + kalium bromida lodine solution + potassium bromide Inferens Inference Perang kemerahan Reddish brown Perang kemerahan Reddish brown Brown Bromin hadir Bromine is present Bromin disesarkan oleh klorin Bromine is displaced by chlorine Ungu Purple lodin hadir lodine is present lodin disesarkan oleh bromin Iodine is displaced by bromine lodin hadir Ungu Purple lodine is present Tiada tindak balas. Iodin tidak dapat menyesarkan bromin No reaction. Iodine cannot displace bromine Mentafsir data/ Interpreting data: Pengoksidaan Oxidation Penurunan Reduction Persamaan setengah 2Br–(ak/aq) Br2(ak/aq) + 2e– Pemerhation Larutan kuning kehijauan menjadi tidak Larutan tidak berwarna menjadi perang berwarna Half-equation Observation Persamaan keseluruhan ion Overall ionic equation The colourless solution turns brown Cl2(ak/aq) + 2e– 2Cl–(ak/aq) The greenish-yellow solution becomes colourless Cl2(ak/aq) + 2Br–(ak/aq) 2Cl–(ak/aq) + Br2(ak/aq) 16 Agen penurunan Kalium bromida Reducing agent Potassium bromide Agen pengoksidaan Air klorin Oxidising agent Chlorine water Pengoksidaan Penurunan 2I–(ak/aq) I2(ak/aq) + 2e– Br2(ak/aq) + 2e– 2Br–(ak/aq) Oxidation Persamaan setengah Pemerhation IA Half-equation Larutan tidak berwarna menjadi perang Larutan perang menjadi tidak berwarna Observation The colourless solution turns brown Persamaan keseluruhan ion Agen penurunan The brown solution turns colourless Br2(ak/aq) + 2I–(ak/aq) 2Br–(ak/aq) + I2(ak/ (ak/aq) Overall ionic equation AS Kalium iodida Reducing agent Potassium iodide Agen pengoksidaan Oxidising agent Kesimpulan/ Conclussion: bromin dan iodin 1. Air klorin menyesarkan menyesarkan Reduction iodin Air bromin Bromine water daripada larutan halidanya. Air bromin hanya dapat daripada larutan halidanya. bromine and iodine PA N Chlorine water displaces iodine can only displace from their respective halide solution. Bromine water from its halide solution. 2. Halogen yang lebih reaktif dapat menyesarkan A more reactive halogen can displace halogen yang kurang reaktif daripada larutan halidanya. a less reactive halogen from its halide solution . . Contoh/Example 9 Air klorin boleh menyesarkan ion iodida, I– manakala iodin daripada larutan kalium iodida, KI. Klorin ialah agen pengoksidaan mengalami pengoksidaan. iodine Chlorine water can displace iodide ions undergo oxidation. from potassium iodide, KI solution. Chlorine is an (a) Persamaan kimia/Chemical equation: Cl2 + 2KI 2KCl + I2 Cl2 + 2I– 2Cl– + I2 (b) Persamaan keseluruhan ion/ Overall ionic equation: (c) Persamaan setengah/ Half-equation: (i) Penurunan/ Reduction – (ii) Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation – Terima Hilang Gain elektron/ Cl2 + 2e– 2Cl– elektron/ – 2I I2 + 2e– 17 oxidising Lose electrons electrons agent while Contoh/Example 10 Air klorin boleh menyesarkan bromin daripada larutan kalium bromida, KBr. Klorin ialah agen pengoksidaan manakala ion bromida, Br– mengalami . oxidising Chlorine water can displace bromine from potassium bromide, KBr solution. Chlorine is an oxidation . ions, Br– undergo (a) Persamaan kimia/Chemical equation: Cl2 + 2KBr 2KCl + Br2 (ii) – Terima elektron/ Gain electrons – Pengoksidaan / IA Cl2 + 2e 2Cl – Oxidation – – Hilang elektron/ Lose electrons 2Br Br2 + 2e – agent while bromide Cl2 + 2Br– 2Cl– + Br2 (b) Persamaan keseluruhan ion/ Overall ionic equation: (c) Persamaan setengah/ Half-equation: Penurunan Reduction / (i) pengoksidaan – Contoh/Example 11 AS Air bromin boleh menyesarkan iodin daripada larutan kalium iodida, KI. Bromin ialah agen pengoksidaan ion iodida, I– mengalami . oxidising Bromine water can displace iodine from potassium iodide, KI solution. Bromine is an oxidation undergo . pengoksidaan manakala agent while iodide ions, I– (a) Persamaan kimia/ Chemical equation: Br2 + 2KI 2KBr + I2 Br2 + 2I– 2Br– + I2 (b) Persamaan keseluruhan ion/ Overall ionic equation: (c) Persamaan setengah/ Half-equation: Terima Gain elektron/ Br2 + 2e– 2Br– PA N (i) Penurunan/ Reduction – (ii) Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation – Uji Kendiri Hilang elektron/ 2I– I2 + 2e electrons Lose electrons 1.1 1. Nyatakan definisi bagi tindak balas redoks. State the definition of a redox reaction. Tindak balas kimia yang melibatkan pengoksidaan dan penurunan yang berlaku secara serentak. Chemical reactions involving oxidation and reduction occuring simultaneously. 2. Rajah 1.8 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi mengkaji pengoksidaan dan penurunan berdasarkan pemindahan elektron pada satu jarak. Diagram 1.8 shows the apparatus set-up to investigate the oxidation and reduction based on the transfer of electron at a distance. G Karbon P Carbon P Karbon Q Carbon Q Larutan kalium iodida Potassium iodide solution Air bromin Bromine water Asid sulfurik Sulphuric acid Rajah/Diagram 1.8 18 (a) Tuliskan persamaan setengah bagi:/ Write the half-equation for: - - 2I I2 + 2e (i) Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation: MnO4– + 8H+ + 5e– Mn2+ + 4H2O (ii) Penurunan/ Reduction: (b) Tuliskan persamaan keseluruhan ion./ Write the overall ionic equation. 10I– + 2MnO4– + 16H+ → 5I2 + 2Mn2+ + 8H2O (d) Lengkapkan jadual berikut/ Complete the following table: Perubahan nombor pengoksidaan Bahan Substance Peranan Role IA Change of the oxidation number Iodin Agen penurunan -1 0 Iodine Mangan Reduction agent Agen pengoksidaan +7 +2 Manganese Oxidation O xidation agent 3. Hitung nombor pengoksidaan bagi mangan, Mn dan namakan sebatian mengikut tatanama IUPAC. KMnO4 +1 + x + 4(–2) = 0 x = +7 AS Calculate the oxidation number for manganese, Mn and name the compound according to the IUPAC nomenclature. x + 2(–2) = 0 x = +4 Mangan(IV) oksida PA N Kalium manganat(VII) MnO Mn O2 Potassium manganate(VII) Manganese(IV) oxide Mn2O3 2x 2 + 3(–2) = 0, 2x 2 = +6 x = +3 Mangan(III) oksida Manganese(III) oxide 4. Rajah 1.9 menunjukkan satu tindak balas penyesaran. Diagram 1.9 shows a displacement reaction. Serbuk logam Metal powder Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution Rajah/Diagram 1.9 Namakan logam yang dapat menyebabkan keamatan warna biru larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 berkurang. Jelaskan tindak balas penyesaran tersebut. Name the metal that can cause the intensity of blue colour of copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution to decrease. Explain the displacement reaction. Magnesium atau zink. Magnesium atau zink lebih elektropositif berbanding kuprum. Magnesium atau zink akan menyesarkan kuprum daripada larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4. Magnesium or zinc. Magnesium or zinc are more electropositive than copper. Magnesium or zinc will displace copper from copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution. 19 1.2 A Keupayaan Elektrod Piawai Standard Electrode Potential Keupayaan Elektrod Piawai Standard Electrode Potential 1. Beza keupayaan merentasi terminal sel ketika arus sifar (tiada beban) akan bertindak sebagai penggerak atau litar luar . Beza keupayaan ini disebut sebagai daya “tekanan elektrik” yang menolak elektron melalui gerak elektrik, d.g.e. atau daya keupayaan sel, Esel. The potential difference across the cell terminals when zero current (no load) will act as a mover or “electric pressure” that pushes electrons through the external circuit . This potential difference is referred as electromotive force, emf or cell potential force, Ecell. keupayaan elektrod piawai IA 2. Nilai d.g.e sel yang diukur pada keadaan piawai disebut sebagai The emf value of a cell measured at standard conditions is referred as standard electrode potential , E0sel , E0cell 3. Keadaan piawai bagi sel/ Standard condition for cells: (a) kepekatan akueus ion 1.0 mol dm-3/ aqueous concentration of ions 1.0 mol dm-3 (b) suhu 25 °C atau 298 K/ temperature 25 °C or 298 K (c) tekanan 1 atm atau 101 kPa/ pressure of 1 atm or 101 kPa (d) platinum digunakan sebagai elektrod lengai/ platinum is used as inert electrode AS 4. Dalam elektrokimia, keupayaan elektrod piawai, E0 ditakrifkan sebagai ukuran keupayaan elektrod , berbanding sel hidrogen platinum dengan elektrod pada keadaan piawai dengan kepekatan akueus ion –3 1.0 mol dm 1 atm 25 °C , suhu . dan tekanan electrode potential In electrochemistry, standard electrode potential, E0 is defined as the measure of , compared hydrogen cell platinum electrode at standard conditions with aqueous concentration of ions at with to –3 1.0 mol dm 1 atm 25 °C ° C and pressure of , temperature . 5. Tenaga keupayaan elektron dalam setiap setengah-sel adalah berbeza. The electron potential energy in each half-cell is different. PA N Contoh/Example: Dalam sel Daniell:/ In Daniell’s cell: (a) Elektron dalam zink mempunyai tenaga keupayaan yang lebih tinggi berbanding kuprum. Maka, elektron akan bergerak dari zink ke kuprum. Electrons in zinc have a higher potential energy than copper. Thus, electrons will move from zinc to copper. (b) Perbezaan tenaga keupayaan di antara dua elektrod menghasilkan d.g.e sel yang boleh diukur dalam unit Volt. The potential energy difference between the two electrodes produces a measurable value of a cell emf in Volt units. H2 pada 298K dan 1 atm H2 at 298K and 1 atm Voltmeter Voltmeter V Titian garam Salt bridge Elektrod platinum Platinum electrode Jalur zink Zink strip Larutan asid, H+ 1.0 mol dm–3 1.0 mol dm–3 H+, acid solution Larutan Zn2+ 1.0 mol dm–3 1.0 mol dm–3 Zn2+ solution Rajah/Diagram 1.10 B Agen Pengoksidaan dan Agen Penurunan Berdasarkan Nilai Keupayaan Elektrod Piawai Oxidising Agent and Reducing Agent Based on Standard Electrode Potential Values 1. Siri elektrokimia ialah satu siri unsur yang disusun mengikut nilai Electrochemical series is a series of elements arranged according to 20 keupayaan elektrod piawai standard electrode potential . values. 2. Elektrod hidrogen dianggap mempunyai nilai keupayaan elektrod piawai penurunan ditakrif dalam bentuk . zero Hydrogen electrode is assumed to have reduction . the form of Agen Pengoksidaan Oxidising agent Agen penurunan Reducing agent S2O8 (ak/aq) + 2e – MnO4–(ak) + 8H+(ak/aq) + 5e– Cl2(g/g) + 2e– Cr2O7 (ak/aq) + 14H (ak/aq) + 6e + – MnO2(p/s) + 4H+(ak/aq) + 2e– O2(g/g) + 4H+(ak/aq) + 4e– Br2(ce/l) + 2e – 2F–(ak/aq) Agen penurunan lemah Weak reducing agent Nilai E0 (V) E0 value (V) +2.87 2SO42–(ak/aq) +2.01 Mn2+(ak/aq) + 4H2O(ce/l) l l) +1.51 2Cl–(ak/aq) +1.36 2Cr3+(ak/aq)) + 7H2O(ce/ O(ce/l) +1.33 Mn2+(ak/aq)) + 2H2O(ce/l) +1.23 2H2O(ce/l) l l) +1.23 2Br (ce/l) l l) +1.07 – IA F2(g/g) + 2e– 2– 2NO2(g/g) + 2H2O(ce/ O(ce/l) O(ce/l l) l) +0.80 Ag+(ak/aq) + e– Ag(p/s) Ag(p/ +0.80 Fe3+(ak/aq) + e– Fe2+(ak/aq) aq) aq) +0.77 2I–(ak/ (ak/aq) (ak/aq aq) aq) +0.53 4OH–(ak/ (ak/aq) (ak/aq aq) aq) +0.40 Cu(p/s) Cu(p/s Cu(p/ s)) +0.34 AS 2NO3–(ak/aq) + 4H+(ak/aq) + 2e– I2(p/s) + 2e – O2(g/g) + 2H2O(ce/l)) + 4e– Cu (ak/aq)) + 2e 2+ – aq) + 2e– aq SO42–(ak/aq) + 4H+(ak/aq) SO2(g/ (g/g) (g/g g)) + 2H2O(ce/ g O(ce/l) O(ce/l l) l) +0.20 (ak/aq) + e– Cu2+(ak/ Cu+(ak/ (ak/aq) (ak/aq aq) aq) +0.15 2H+(ak/aq)) + 2e– H2(g/ (g/g) (g/g g) g) 0.00 Pb2+(ak/aq)) + 2e– Pb(p/s) Pb(p/s Pb(p/ s)) –0.13 Sn2+(ak/aq) aq)) + 2e– aq Sn(p/s) Sn(p/s Sn(p/ s)) –0.14 (ak/aq) (ak/aq aq)) + 2e aq Ni (ak/ Ni(p/s) Ni(p/s Ni(p/ s)) –0.26 (ak/aq) (ak/aq aq)) + 2e– aq Fe2+(ak/ Fe(p/s) Fe(p/s Fe(p/ s)) –0.44 (ak/aq) (ak/aq aq)) + 2e– aq Zn2+(ak/ Zn(p/s) Zn(p/s Zn(p/ s)) –0.76 H2(g/ (g/g) + 2OH–(ak/aq (ak/aq) –0.83 – PA N 2+ O(ce/l) O(ce/l ll)) + 2e– 2H2O(ce/ Mn (ak/ (ak/aq) (ak/aq aq)) + 2e aq Mn(p/s) Mn(p/ –1.19 (ak/aq) (ak/aq aq)) + 3e– aq Al3+(ak/ Al(p/s) –1.66 (ak/aq) (ak/aq aq)) + 2e– aq Mg2+(ak/ 2+ – Mg(p/s) s) –2.37 – (ak/aq) (ak/aq aq)) + e aq Na (ak/ Na(p/s) Na(p/ –2.71 (ak/aq) (ak/aq aq)) + e– aq Ca2+(ak/ Ca(p/s) Ca(p/ –2.87 (ak/aq) + e– K+(ak/ K(p/s) K(p/ –2.93 Li (ak/aq) + e Li(p/s) –3.05 + + – . Keupayaan elektrod standard electrode potential value. Electrode potential is defined in Jadual Keupayaan Elektrod Piawai, E0 Table of Standard Electrode Potential, E0 Agen pengoksidaan kuat Strong oxidising agent 2– sifar Semakin positif nilai E0, semakin mudah untuk spesies kimia mengalami penurunan. penurunan More positif E0 value, easier for the chemical species to undergo reduction reduction. Semakin negatif nilai E0, semakin mudah untuk spesies kimia mengalami pengoksidaan. More negative E0 value, easier for the chemical species to undergo oxidation. Agen penurunan lemah Weak reducing agent Agen pengoksidaan kuat Strong oxidising agent Rajah/Diagram 1.11 3. Semakin positif nilai keupayaan elektrod piawai, E0, semakin mudah untuk spesies kimia mengalami penurunan pengoksidaan , iaitu sebagai agen yang kuat. The more positive the standard electrode potential, E0 value, the easier the chemical species to undergo oxidising agent. is as a strong reduction , that 4. Semakin negatif nilai keupayaan elektrod piawai, E0, semakin mudah untuk spesies kimia mengalami pengoksidaan penurunan , iaitu sebagai agen yang kuat. The more negative the standard electrode potential, E0 value, the easier the chemical species to undergo reducing agent. is as a strong 5. Rumus nilai daya keupayaan sel ialah: The formula for the value of cell's potential force: Voltan sel/ Cell voltage, E0sel/cell = E0katod/cathode – E0anod/anode 21 oxidation , that Contoh/Example 1 Lengkapkan jadual bagi pasangan elektrod berikut. Complete the table for the following pair of electrodes. Nilai Eo (V) Pair of electrodes E0 value (V) Elektrod magnesium, Mg dalam larutan magnesium sulfat, MgSO4 dan elektrod kuprum, Cu dalam larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4. Magnesium, Mg electrode in magnesium sulphate, MgSO4 solution and copper, Cu electrode in copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution. Copper, Cu electrode in copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution and argentum, Ag electrode in argentum nitrate, AgNO3 solution. Uji Kendiri 1.2 Negative terminal Terminal positif Positive terminal Mg2+ │ Mg = –2.37 V Cu Cu = +0.34 V 2+ │ Cu2+ │ Cu = +0.34 V Mg Cu AS Elektrod kuprum, Cu dalam larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 dan elektrod argentum, Ag dalam larutan argentum nitrat, AgNO3. Terminal negatif Agen pengoksidaan Oxidising agent Ion Cu2+ IA Pasangan elektrod Cu Ag Ag = +0.80 V +│ Ag Cu2+ ion Ion Ag+ Ag+ ion Agen penurunan Reducting agent Mg Cu PA N 1. Merujuk pada Rajah 1.11, hitungkan nilai keupayaan sel, E0 bagi elektrolisis zink, Zn dan kuprum, Cu menggunakan larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4. Referring to Diagram 1.11, calculate the cell potential value, E0 for the electrolysis of zinc, Zn and copper, Cu using copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution. Zn2+ (ak/aq) + 2e– Zn (p/s) E0 = –0.76 V Cu2+ (ak/aq) + 2e– Cu (p/s) E0 = +0.34 V E0sel/cell = E0 katod/cathode – E0 anod/anode = +0.34 – (–0.76) = 1.10 V 2. Merujuk nilai E0 pada Rajah 1.11, kirakan nilai keupayaan sel, E0 bagi tindak balas berikut. Referring to Diagram 1.11, calculate the cell potential value, E0 of the following reaction. 2Ag+ + Cd 2Ag + Cd2+ Ag+(ak/aq) + 2e– Ag(p/s) E0 = +0.80 V Cd2+(ak/aq) + 2e– → Cd(p/s) E0 = –0.40 V E0sel/cell = E0 katod/cathode – E0 anod/anode = +0.80 – (–0.40) = 1.20 V 22 1.3 A Sel Kimia Voltaic Cell Tindak Balas Redoks dalam Sel Kimia Redox Reaction in Voltaic Cells logam berlainan yang dicelup ke dalam suatu elektrolit 1. Sebuah sel kimia ringkas terdiri daripada dua galvanometer/ voltmeter dan disambung kepada yang mencatatkan bacaan. which are immersed into an electrolyte and connected to the IA metals A simple voltaic cell consists of two different galvanometer/ voltmeter that records a reading. 2. Beza keupayaan antara dua elektrod menyebabkan pengerakan elektron yang menghasilkan arus elektrik. Potential difterence between two electrodes causes the movement of electrons that produces electric current. Contoh/Example 1 Elektrod zink dan elektrod kuprum dalam asid sulfurik cair, H2SO41.0 mol dm–3. AS V Zinc and copper electrodes in 1.0 mol dm–3 dilute sulphuric acid, H2SO4. Elektrod kuprum Copper electrode Elektrod zink Zinc electrode Rajah/Diagram 1.12 Asid sulfurik cair, H2SO4 1.0 mol dm–3 1.0 mol dm–3 dilute sulphuric acid, H2SO4 PA N (a) Tentukan terminal negatif (anod) dan Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: terminal positif (katod). Nyatakan alasan. Zink. Agen penurunan yang lebih kuat sebagai sumber elektron. Determine the negative terminal (anode) and Zinc. Stronger reducing agent as the source of electrons. positive terminal (cathode). State the reason. Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: Kuprum/ Copper (b) Persamaan setengah bagi tindak balas di Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: terminal negatif dan terminal positif Zn Zn2+ + 2e– (Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation) Half-equations for reactions at the negative and Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: positive terminals 2H+ + 2e– H2 (Penurunan/ Reduction) (c) Hasil yang terbentuk di terminal negatif Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: dan terminal positif Ion zink/ Zinc ions Products formed at the negative and positive Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: terminals Gas hidrogen/ Hydrogen gas (d) Pemerhatian di terminal positif terminal negatif dan Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: Elektrod zink menipis/ Zinc electrode becomes thinner Observations at the negative and positive Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: terminals Gelembung gas tidak berwarna/ Colourless gas bubbles (e) Arah pengaliran elektron dalam litar luar Direction of electron flow in the outer circuit (f) E0sel/cell = E0 katod/cathode – E0 anod/anode zink Daripada zinc From kepada to Nilai voltan/ Voltage value: 0.34 – (-0.76) = 1.1 V 23 copper kuprum Contoh/Example 2 Elektrod magnesium dan elektrod ferum dalam asid sulfurik cair, H2SO4 1.0 mol dm–3. V Magnesium and iron electrodes in 1.0 mol dm–3 dilute sulphuric acid, H2SO4. Elektrod ferum Iron electrode Elektrod magnesium Magnesium electrode Asid sulfurik cair, H2SO4 1.0 mol dm–3 1.0 mol dm–3 dilute acid, H2SO4 sulphuric acid IA Rajah/Diagram 1.13 (a) Tentukan terminal negatif (anod) dan positif Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: (katod). Nyatakan alasan. Magnesium. Agen penurunan yang lebih kuat Determine the negative terminal (anode) and the Magnesium. Stronger reducing agent positive terminal (cathode). State the reason. Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: Ferum/ Iron AS (b) Persamaan setengah bagi tindak balas di Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: terminal negatif dan terminal positif Mg Mg2+ + 2e– (Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation) Half-equations for reactions at the negative and positive terminals Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: 2H+ + 2e– H2 (Penurunan/ Reduction) (c) Hasil yang terbentuk di terminal negatif Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: dan terminal positif Ion magnesium/ Magnesium ion Products formed at the negative and positive Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: terminals PA N Gas hidrogen/ Hydrogen gas (d) Pemerhatian di terminal positif terminal negatif dan Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: Elektrod magnesium menipis Observations at the negative and positive Magnesium electrode becomes thinner terminals Positif/ Positif: Gelembung gas tidak berwarna Colourless gas bubbles (e) Arah pengaliran elektron dalam litar luar Direction of electron flow in the outer circuit magnesium Daripada From magnesium to kepada ferum iron Nilai voltan / Voltage value: -0.44 – (-2.37) = 1.93 V (f) E0sel/cell = E0 katod/cathode – E0 anod/anode zink zink sulfat 3. Dalam sel Daniell, elektrod direndam ke dalam larutan , manakala kuprum kuprum (II) sulfat elektrod direndam ke dalam larutan . Dua larutan itu pasu berliang dipisahkan dengan atau disambung dengan titian garam. In the Daniell cell, zinc electrode is immersed into or connected by a salt bridge. zinc sulphate electrode is immersed into solution while copper (II) sulphate solution. The two solutions are separated by a 24 copper porous pot Voltmeter Voltmeter Suis Switch E0 = +0.34 V Tip V Elektrod kuprum Copper electrode Elektrod zink Zinc electrode Fungsi pasu berliang ialah untuk melengkapkan litar dengan membenarkan ion-ion melaluinya. Tip SPM E0 = –0.76 V The function of the porous pot is to complete the circuit by allowing ions to pass through it. Larutan zink sulfat, ZnSO4 Zinc sulphate, ZnSO4 solution Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution SPM Pasu berliang Porous pot IA Rajah/Diagram 1.14 (a) Tentukan terminal negatif (anod) dan Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: terminal positif (katod). Nyatakan alasan. Elektrod zink. Agen penurunan yang lebih kuat. Determine the negative terminal (anode) and Zinc electrode. Stronger reducing agent positive (cathode). State the reason. Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: Elektrod kuprum/ Copper electrode PA N AS (b) Persamaan setengah bagi tindak balas di Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: terminal negatif dan terminal positif Zn Zn2+ + 2e– (Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation) Half-equations for reactions at the negative and Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: positive terminals Cu2+ + 2e– Cu (Penurunan/ Reduction) (c) Hasil yang terbentuk di terminal negatif Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: dan terminal positif Ion zink/ Zinc ion Products formed at the negative and positive Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: terminals Logam kuprum/ Copper metal (d) Pemerhatian di terminal negatif dan Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: terminal positif Elektrod zink menjadi semakin nipis/ Zinc electrode becomes thinner. Observations at the negative and positive Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: terminals. Elektrod kuprum menebal/ Copper electrode becomes thicker. (e) Arah pengaliran elektron dalam litar luar zink kuprum kepada Daripada Direction of electron flow in the outer circuit From (f) Perubahan warna elektrolit Change in the colour of electrolyte zinc copper to Keamatan warna biru larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 berkurang kerana kepekatan ion Cu2+ berkurang. Intensity of blue colour of copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution decreases because the concentration of Cu2+ ions decreases. (g) E0sel/cell = E0 katod/cathode – E0 anod/anode stra Ek Ekstra Nilai voltan/ Voltage value: 0.34 – (-0.76) = 1.1 V Tip Sel Daniell hanya menggunakan zink dan kuprum sebagai elektrod. Daniell cell only use copper and zinc as electrodes. 4. Sel kimia boleh dibina dengan menggunakan pasangan elektrod logam berlainan jenis dalam larutan akueus masing-masing dan disambungkan dengan titian garam. Voltaic cell (chemical cell) can be constructed using two different types of metal electrodes in their respective aqueous solutions and connected by a salt bridge. Tip V SPM Tatacara menulis notasi sel/ The procedure for Titian garam Salt bridge writing cell notation: Logam A Metal A Logam B Metal B Larutan akueus garam A Aqueous solution of salt A Larutan akueus garam B Aqueous solution of salt B Tip SPM Zn(p/s) I Zn2+ (ak/aq) II Cu2+ (ak/aq) I Cu(p/s) Anod/Anode Katod/Cathode II – mewakili titian garam/ represents the salt bridge I – mewakili sempadan elektrod-elektrolit atau fasa berbeza/ represents the boundary of electrode-electrolytes or different phase Rajah/Diagram 1.15 25 Contoh/Example 3 Elektrod ferum dalam larutan ferum(II) sulfat, FeSO4 dan elektrod kuprum dalam larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4. Iron and copper electrodes in iron(II) sulphate, FeSO4 and copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solutions respectively Fe (p/s) l Fe2+ (ak/aq, 1.0 M) ll Cu2+ (ak/aq, 1.0 M) l Cu (p/s) Fe2+ (ak/aq) + 2e– Fe (p/s) E0 = –0.44 V Cu2+ (ak/aq) + 2e– Cu (p/s) E0 = +0.34 V (a) Tentukan terminal negatif (anod) dan Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: terminal positif (katod). Nyatakan alasan. Ferum/ Iron IA Determine the negative terminal (anode) and the Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: positive terminal (cathode). State the reason. Kuprum/ Copper Alasan/ Reason: Semakin negatif nilai E0, semakin mudah suatu atom atau ion mengalami pengoksidaan AS The more negative the value of E0, the easier for the atom or ion to undergo oxidation (b) Persamaan setengah bagi tindak balas di Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: terminal negatif dan terminal positif Fe Fe2+ + 2e– (Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation) Half-equations for the reactions at the negative and positive terminals Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: Cu2+ + 2e– Cu (Penurunan/ Reduction) (c) Hasil yang terbentuk di terminal negatif Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: dan terminal positif Ion ferum(II)/ Iron(II) ions, Fe2+ PA N Products formed at the negative and positive terminals Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: Logam kuprum/ Copper metal, Cu (d) Pemerhatian di terminal positif terminal negatif dan Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: Elektrod ferum menipis/ Iron electrode becomes thinner Observations at the negative and positive terminals Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: Elektrod kuprum menebal/ Copper electrode becomes thicker (e) Arah pengaliran elektron dalam litar luar Direction of electron flow in the outer circuit (f) Perubahan warna elektrolit Change in the colour of electrolyte ferum Daripada From iron berkurang copper to Keamatan warna berkurang kuprum kepada biru larutan kerana kuprum(II) kepekatan ion sulfat, CuSO4 kuprum(II), . decreases Intensity of blue colour of copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution decreases . because the concentration of copper(II) ions, Cu2+ Nilai voltan/ Voltage value: (g) E0sel/cell = E0 katod/cathode – E0 anod/anode 0.34 – (-0.44) = 0.78 V 26 Cu2+ AKTIVITI 1.5 To identify the anode and cathode and to determine the voltage value by using a Daniell and a simple voltaic cells. Bahan/ Materials: Kepingan magnesium, zink dan kuprum, larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 1.0 mol dm–3, larutan magnesium nitrat, Mg(NO3)2 1.0 mol dm–3, larutan zink sulfat, ZnSO4 1.0 mol dm–3, larutan natrium nitrat, NaNO3 1.0 mol dm–3, kertas turas, kertas pasir IA Strips of magnesium, zinc and copper, 1.0 mol dm–3 copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution, 1.0 mol dm–3 magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO3)2 solution, 1.0 mol dm–3 zinc sulphate, ZnSO4 solution, 1.0 mol dm–3 sodium nitrate, NaNO3 solution, filter paper, sand paper Radas/ Apparatus: Bikar, voltmeter, wayar penyambung dengan klip buaya, gunting, kertas turas, pasu berliang Beaker, voltmeter, connecting wires with crocodile clips, scissors, filter paper, porous pot A Sel Daniell/ Daniell cell Prosedur/ Procedure: AS V Jalur kertas turas Filter paper strip Elektrod kuprum, Cu Copper, Cu electrode Elektrod zink, Zn Zinc, Zn electrode Larutan zink sulfat, ZnSO4 Zinc sulphate, ZnSO4 solution Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 Copper(II) sulphate,, CuSO4 solution Rajah/Diagram 1.16 1. Kepingan zink dan kepingan kuprum dibersihkan dengan kertas pasir. Zinc and copper strips are cleaned by using the sand paper. PA N 2. Larutan zink sulfat, ZnSO4 dan larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 dituang ke dalam dua buah bikar berasingan sehingga separuh penuh. Zinc sulphate, ZnSO4 and copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solutions are poured into two separate beakers until half full. 3. Hujung kedua-dua jalur kertas turas yang telah direndam dalam larutan natrium nitrat, NaNO3 dicelup ke dalam larutan zink sulfat, ZnSO4 dan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 masing-masing di dalam bikar. Both ends of the filter paper strip which is damped with sodium nitrate, NaNO4 solution is immersed into zinc sulphate, ZnSO4 and copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solutions respectively in the beakers. 4. Kepingan zink dan kepingan kuprum disambungkan kepada voltmeter dengan wayar penyambung. Zinc and copper strips are connected to the voltmeter with connecting wires. 5. Kepingan zink dan kepingan kuprum dicelupkan ke dalam larutan garam masing-masing. Zinc and copper strips are immersed into their salt solutions respectively. 6. Bacaan voltmeter dan pemerhatian direkodkan./ The voltmeter reading and observations are recorded. Keputusan/ Result: Elektrod/ Electrode Nilai keupayaan elektrod piawai, E (V) 0 Standard electrode potential, E0 value (V) Logam disambung pada terminal positif dan negatif voltmeter Metals connected at the positive and negative terminals of voltmeter Persamaan setengah bagi tindak balas Half-equations for the reactions Pengoksidaan atau penurunan Cell notation Kuprum/ Copper -0.76 +0.34 Negatif Positif Negative Positive Zn Zn2+ + 2e– Cu2+ + 2e– Cu Pengoksidaan Penurunan Oxidation Oxidation or reduction Notasi sel Zink/ Zinc Reduction Zn (p/s) l Zn2+ (ak/aq, 1.0 M) ll Cu2+ (ak/aq, 1.0 M) l Cu (p/s) Logam yang bertindak sebagai anod dan katod Anod Anode Metals that act as anode and cathode Keupayaan sel, E0sel Katod Cathode Jawapan murid Student answer Cell potential, E0 cell 27 Eksperimen Wajib Tujuan/ Aim: Mengenal pasti anod dan katod serta menentukan nilai voltan menggunakan sel Daniell dan sel kimia ringkas. B Sel Kimia Ringkas/ Simple Voltaic Cell Prosedur/ Procedure: V Jalur kertas turas Filter paper strip Elektrod kuprum, Cu Copper, Cu electrode Elektrod magnesium, Mg Magnesium, Mg electrode Larutan magnesium nitrat, Mg(NO3)2 Magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO3)2 solution Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution Rajah/Diagram 1.17 IA 1. Kepingan magnesium dan kepingan kuprum dibersihkan dengan kertas pasir. Magnesium and copper strips are cleaned by using the sand paper. 2. Larutan magnesium nitrat, Mg(NO3)2 dan larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 dituang ke dalam dua bikar berasingan sehingga separuh penuh. Magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO3)2 and copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solutions are poured into two separate beakers until half full. 3. Hujung kedua-dua jalur kertas turas yang telah direndam dalam larutan natrium nitrat, NaNO3 dicelup ke dalam larutan magnesium nitrat, Mg(NO3)2 dan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 masing- masing di dalam bikar. AS Both ends of the filter paper strip which is damped with sodium nitrate, NaNO3 solution is immersed into magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO3)2 and copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solutions respectively in the beakers. 4. Kepingan magnesium dan kepingan kuprum disambungkan kepada voltmeter dengan wayar penyambung. Magnesium and copper strips are connected to the voltmeter with connecting wires. 5. Kepingan magnesium dan kepingan kuprum dicelupkan ke dalam larutan garam masing-masing. Magnesium and copper strips are immersed into their salt solutions respectively. 6. Bacaan voltmeter dan pemerhatian direkodkan. Voltmeter readings and observations are recorded. Keputusan/ Result: Elektrod Electrode Magnesium Kuprum -2.37 +0.34 Magnesium Nilai keupayaan elektrod piawai, E (V) PA N 0 Standard electrode potential, E0 value (V) Logam disambung pada terminal positif dan negatif voltmeter Negatif Persamaan setengah bagi tindak balas Half-equation for the reactions Pengoksidaan atau penurunan Positif Negative Positive Mg Mg2+ + 2e– Cu2+ + 2e– Cu Pengoksidaan Penurunan Metals connected at the positive and negative terminals of voltmeter Oxidation Oxidation or reduction Notasi sel Copper Reduction Mg (p/s) l Mg2+ (ak/aq, 1.0 M) ll Cu2+ (ak/aq, 1.0 M) l Cu (p/s) Cell notation Logam yang bertindak sebagai anod dan katod Anod Metals that act as anode and cathode Keupayaan sel, E0sel Cell potential, E 0 Katod Anode Cathode Jawapan murid Student answer cell Mentafsir data/ Interpreting data: 1. Anod ialah elektrod di mana penurunan berlaku. Anode is the electrode where takes place. pengoksidaan oxidation berlaku dan katod ialah elektrod di mana takes place and cathode is the electrode where 2. Semakin negatif nilai keupayaan elektrod piawai, E0, semakin ion mengalami easier pengoksidaan mudah reduction suatu atom atau . The more negative the value of standard electrode potential, E0, the for the atom or ion to undergo oxidation 28 . Uji Kendiri 1.3 Lengkapkan jadual bagi sel kimia yang menggunakan elektrod magnesium dan elektrod kuprum masing-masing di dalam larutan magnesium nitrat, Mg(NO3)2 1.0 mol dm–3 dan larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 1.0 mol dm–3 yang disambungkan dengan titian garam. Complete the table for chemical cell that used magnesium and copper electrodes in magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO3)2 1.0 mol dm–3 solution and copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 1.0 mol dm–3 solution respectively connected by a salt bridge. E0 Mg2+ │ Mg = –2.37 V IA E0 Cu2+ │ Cu = +0.34 V (a) Tentukan terminal negatif (anod) dan Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: terminal positif (katod). Nyatakan alasan. Magnesium. Agen penurunan yang lebih kuat Determine the negative terminal (anode) Magnesium. Stronger reducing agent and the positive terminal (cathode). State the Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: reason. Kuprum/ Copper AS Alasan/Reason: E0 Mg lebih negatif berbanding Cu E0 of Mg is more positive compare to Cu (b) Persamaan setengah bagi tindak balas di Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: terminal negatif dan terminal positif Mg Mg2+ + 2e– (Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation) Half-equations for reactions at the negative and positive terminals Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: Cu2+ + 2e– Cu (Penurunan/ Reduction) PA N (c) Hasil yang terbentuk di terminal negatif Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: dan terminal positif Ion magnesium/ Magnesium ions, Mg2+ Products formed at the negative and positive terminals Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: Atom kuprum/ Copper atoms, Cu (d) Pemerhatian di terminal negatif dan Terminal negatif/ Negative terminal: terminal positif Elektrod magnesium menipis/ Magnesium electrode becomes thinner Observations at the negative and positive terminals Terminal positif/ Positive terminal: Elektrod kuprum menebal/ Copper electrode becomes thicker (e) Arah pengaliran elektron dalam litar luar Direction of electron flow in the outer circuit (f) Perubahan warna elektrolit Change in the colour of electrolyte magnesium Daripada From magnesium Keamatan warna berkurang kepada to biru larutan copper kuprum . . kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 kerana kepekatan ion kuprum(II), Cu2+ berkurang . Intensity of the blue colour of copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution decreases because the concentration of copper(II) ion, Cu2+ decreases . (g) E0sel/cell = E0 katod/cathode – E0 anod/anode (h) Notasi sel Cell notation Nilai voltan/ Voltage value: 0.34 – (-2.37) = 2.71 V Mg (p/s) l Mg2+ (ak/aq, 1.0 M) ll Cu2+ (ak/aq, 1.0 M) l Cu (p/s) 29 1.4 A Sel Elektrolisis Electrolytic Cell Elektrolisis Electrolysis 1. Elektrolisis ialah proses unsur juzuknya Electrolysis is a process of it. penguraian sebatian suatu dalam keadaan lebur atau akueus kepada apabila arus elektrik dialirkan melaluinya. breaking down a compound constituent elements into its by passing electricity through leburan 2. Elektrolit ialah bahan yang boleh mengkonduksikan arus elektrik dalam keadaan akueus perubahan kimia dan mengalami . molten free moving ions Electrical conductivity of electrolyte is due to the presence of cation and dan anion . . anion elektrolit sahaja yang hadir. of the electrolyte are present. AS In a molten state, only kation states and undergo ion-ion yang bergerak bebas 3. Kekonduksian elektrik bagi elektrolit adalah disebabkan kehadiran (a) Dalam keadaan leburan, hanya aqueous or IA Electrolytes are substances that can conduct electricity in chemical changes . atau (b) Dalam larutan akueus, selain daripada kation dan anion elektrolit, ion turut hadir. H+ In an aqueous solution, apart from the cation and anion of the electrolyte, H+ OH– dan and OH– daripada air ions are also present. molekul-molekul yang neutral. 4. Bukan elektrolit terdiri daripada neutral Bukan elektrolit tidak mengalami sebarang perubahan kimia dan tidak mengkonduksi elektrik kerana tiada ion-ion yang bergerak bebas. molecules Non-electrolytes are composed of neutral . Hence, non-electrolytes will not undergo any chemical changes and do not conduct electricity because there are no free-moving ions. pepejal PA N 5. Konduktor ialah bahan yang boleh mengkonduksikan arus elektrik dalam keadaan leburan perubahan kimia tetapi tidak mengalami sebarang . solid Conductors are substances that can conduct electricity in chemical changes . any 6. Kekonduksian elektrik bagi konduktor adalah disebabkan oleh Electrical conductivity of conductor is due to the flow of electrons AKTIVITI or molten pengaliran elektron atau states but do not undergo . . 1.6 Eksperimen Wajib Tujuan/ Aim: Mengelaskan bahan kepada elektrolit dan bukan elektrolit To classify substances into electrolytes and non-electrolytes Bahan/ Materials: Serbuk plumbum(II) bromida, PbBr2, asetamida, CH3CONH2 dan sulfur, larutan natrium hidroksida, NaOH, larutan glukosa, larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 Lead(II) bromide, PbBr2, acetamide, CH3CONH2 and sulphur powder, sodium hydroxide, NaOH solution, glucose solution, copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution Radas/Apparatus: Elektrod karbon, wayar penyambung dengan klip buaya, tungku kaki tiga, penunu Bunsen, alas segi tiga tanah liat, mangkuk pijar, bikar 100 cm3, bateri, mentol, suis Carbon electrodes, connecting wires with crocodile clips, tripod stand, Bunsen burner, pipe-clay triangle, crucible, 100 cm3 beaker, batteries, bulb, switch 30 A Bahan leburan/ Molten substances Prosedur/ Procedure: Bateri Battery Suis Switch Mentol Bulb Elektrod karbon Carbon electrodes Mangkuk pijar Crucible Serbuk plumbum(II) bromida, PbBr2 Lead(II) bromide, PbBr2 powder Panaskan Heat Rajah/Diagram 1.18 Carry out the this activity in the fume chamber or in an open space. • Jangan hidu sebarang gas yang terbebas. IA Alas segi tiga tanah liat Pipe-clay triangle Awas/ Caution • Jalankan aktiviti ini dalam kebuk wasap atau tempat yang terbuka. Do not inhale any gas liberated. 1. Serbuk plumbum(II) bromida, PbBr2 diisi ke dalam sebuah mangkuk pijar sehingga separuh penuh. Lead(II) bromide, PbBr2 powder is filled in a crucible until it is half full. 2. Dua elektrod karbon dimasukkan ke dalam serbuk plumbum(II) bromida, PbBr2. AS Two carbon electrodes are put into the lead(II) bromide, PbBr2 powder. 3. Litar dilengkapkan dengan menyambung kedua-dua elektrod kepada suis, mentol dan bateri seperti ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.18. The circuit is completed by connecting the electrodes to a switch, a bulb and batteries as shown in Diagram 1.18. 4. Serbuk plumbum(II) bromida, PbBr2 dipanaskan sehingga lebur sepenuhnya. The lead(II) bromide, PbBr2 powder is heated until it completely melts. 5. Suis dihidupkan. Pemerhatian pada mentol direkodkan. The switch is turned on. Observation at the bulb is recorded. 6. Langkah 1 hingga 5 diulang dengan menggantikan serbuk plumbum(II) bromida, PbBr2 dengan serbuk asetamida, CH3CONH2 dan sulfur, S8. PA N Steps 1 to 5 are repeated by replacing the lead(II) bromide, PbBr2 powder with acetamide, CH3CONH2 powder and sulphur, S8 powder respectively. B Larutan akueus/ Aqueous solution Prosedur/ Procedure: Bateri Battery Suis Switch Bikar Beaker Awas/ Caution • Jalankan aktiviti ini dalam kebuk wasap atau tempat yang terbuka. Mentol Bulb Elektrod karbon Carbon electrodes Larutan natrium hidroksida, NaOH Sodium hydroxide, NaOH solution Carry out the this activity in the fume chamber or in an open space. • Jangan hidu sebarang gas yang terbebas. Do not inhale any gas liberated. Rajah/Diagram 1.19 1. 20 cm3 larutan natrium hidroksida, NaOH dituangkan ke dalam sebuah bikar. 20 cm3 of sodium hydroxide, NaOH solution is poured into a beaker. 2. Dua elektrod karbon dimasukkan ke dalam larutan itu. Two carbon electrodes are placed into the solution. 3. Litar dilengkapkan dengan menyambung kedua-dua elektrod kepada suis, mentol dan bateri seperti ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.19. The circuit is completed by connecting the electrodes to a switch, a bulb and batteries as shown in Diagram 1.19. 4. Suis dihidupkan. Pemerhatan pada mentol direkodkan. The switch is turned on. Observation at the bulb is recorded. 5. Langkah 1 hingga 4 diulang dengan menggantikan larutan natrium hidroksida, NaOH dengan larutan glukosa, C6H12O6 dan larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4. Steps 1 to 4 are repeated by replacing sodium hydroxide, NaOH solution with glucose, C6H12O6 solution and copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution respectively. 31 Keputusan/ Result: Adakah mentol menyala? Bahan Substance Does the bulb light up? Are there free–moving ions? Ya/ Yes Ya/ Yes Leburan asetamida/ Molten acetamide Tidak/ No Tidak/ No Leburan sulfur/ Molten sulphur Tidak/ No Tidak/ No Ya/ Yes Ya/ Yes Tidak/ No Tidak/ No Ya/ Yes Ya/ Yes Leburan plumbum(II) bromida/ Molten lead(II) bromide Larutan glukosa/ Glucose solution Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat/ Copper(II) sulphate solution Mentafsir data/ Interpreting data: Leburan plumbum(II) bromida, PbBr2 larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 dan adalah elektrolit dan mengalami perubahan kimia apabila arus elektrik mengalir melaluinya. Molten lead(II) bromide, PbBr2 sodium hydroxide, NaOH solution , copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution and are electrolytes. They undergo chemical changes when electric current is passed through them. 2. larutan natrium hidroksida, NaOH , AS 1. IA Larutan natrium hidroksida/ Sodium hydroxide solution Leburan asetamida, CH3CONH2 leburan sulfur , dan adalah bukan elektrolit dan tidak mengalami sebarang perubahan kimia. molten sulphur , non-electrolytes. They do not undergo any chemical changes. PA N Molten acetamide, CH3CONH2 B Adakah terdapat ion bergerak bebas? larutan glukosa glucose solution and are Elektrolisis Sebatian Lebur Electrolysis of Molten Compounds AKTIVITI 1.7 Eksperimen Wajib Tujuan/ Aim: Mengkaji elektrolisis leburan plumbum(II) bromida, PbBr2 dengan elektrod karbon To investigate the electrolysis of molten lead(II) bromide, PbBr2 with carbon electrodes Prosedur/ Procedure: Bateri Battery Suis Switch Mentol Bulb Elektrod karbon Carbon electrodes Mangkuk pijar Crucible Alas segi tiga tanah liat Pipe-clay triangle Panaskan Heat Serbuk plumbum(II) bromida, PbBr2 Lead(II) bromide, PbBr2 powder Rajah/Diagram 1.20 32 Awas/ Caution • Jalankan aktiviti ini dalam kebuk wasap atau tempat yang terbuka. Carry out the this activity in the fume chamber or in an open space. • Jangan hidu sebarang gas yang terbebas. Do not inhale any gas liberated. 1. Susunan radas seperti ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.20 disediakan. The apparatus set-up as shown in Diagram 1.20 is prepared. 2. Serbuk plumbum(II) bromida, PbBr2 dipanaskan dengan perlahan sehingga melebur. Lead (II) bromide, PbBr2 powder is heated gently until all melted. 3. Pemanasan dihentikan selepas 10 minit dan bahan leburan dituang ke dalam mangkuk pijar. The heating is stop after 10 minutes and the molten substance is poured into a crucible. Pemerhatian/ Observation: Elektrod/ Electrodes Pemerhatian/ Observation Anod Gas perang berbau sengit terbebas Katod Pepejal kelabu terbentuk IA Anode A brown gas with a pungent smell is released A grey solid is formed Cathode Mentafsir data/ Interpreting data: (a) Ion yang hadir dalam elektrolit Pb2+, Br- AS Ions present in the electrolyte (b) Ion yang tertarik ke anod dan katod Anod/Anode (+): Ions attracted to the anode and cathode Br- Katod/Cathode (–): Pb2+ (c) Persamaan setengah tindak balas di anod Anod/ Anode: dan katod 2Br– Br2 + 2e– Half-equations for reactions at the anode and cathode (Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation) Katod/ Cathode: PA N Pb2+ + 2e– Pb (d) Hasil yang terbentuk di anod dan katod (Penurunan/ Reduction) Anod/ Anode: Products formed at the anode and cathode Gas bromin Bromine gas Katod/ Cathode: Logam plumbum Lead metal Ya. Pengoksidaan dan penurunan yang berlaku serentak adalah tindak balas redoks. (e) Adakah elektrolisis sebatian lebur satu tindak balas redoks? Jelaskan. Is the electrolysis of molten compound a redox Yes. Oxidation and reduction that occur simultaneously is a redox reaction? Explain. reaction. Uji Kendiri 1.4 Lengkapkan yang berikut bagi elektrolisis leburan plumbum(II) bromida, PbBr2 dengan menggunakan elektrod karbon. Complete the following for the electrolysis of molten lead(II) bromide, PbBr2 with carbon electrodes. anod 1. Ion bromida, Br– mengalami pengoksidaan di Bromide ion, Br undergo oxidation at the – Anod/ Anode: anode . 2Br Br2 + 2e– – katod 2. Ion plumbum(II), Pb2+ mengalami penurunan di Lead(II) ion, Pb undergo reduction at the cathode Katod/ Cathode: Pb 2+ . 2+ (Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation) . . + 2e– Pb 33 (Penurunan/ Reduction) C Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Elektrolisis Larutan Akueus Factors Affecting Electrolysis of Aqueous Solutions 1. Nilai keupayaan elektrod piawai, E0/ Standard electrode potential, E0 value (a) Pada katod, jika terdapat lebih daripada satu spesies yang boleh diturunkan di dalam larutan, spesies dengan E0 yang lebih positif dipilih untuk diturunkan. At cathode, if there is more than one reducible species in the solution, the species with more positive E0 is preferentially reduced. Na+(ak/aq) + e– Na(p/s) E0 = –2.71 V 2H2O(cec/l) + 2e– H2(g/g) + 2OH–(ak/aq) E0 = –0.83 V 0 Oleh kerana nilai E air, H2O lebih positif, maka air, H2O dipilih untuk diturunkan berbanding ion natrium, Na+. Since the E0 value is more positive for water, H2O, thus water, H2O is preferentially reduced than sodium ion, Na+. IA (b) Pada anod, jika terdapat lebih daripada satu spesies yang boleh dioksidakan di dalam larutan, spesies dengan E0 yang lebih negatif dipilih untuk dioksidakan. At anode, if there is more than one oxidisable species in the solution, the species with more negative E0 is preferentially oxidised. I2(p/s) + 2e– 2I–(ak/aq) E0 = +0.53 V – – Br2(cec/l) + 2e 2Br (ak/aq) E0 = +1.07 V Oleh kerana nilai E0 ion iodida, I– lebih negatif, maka ion iodida, I– dipilih untuk dioksidakan berbanding ion bromida, Br–. Since the E0 value is more negative for iodide ion, I–, thus iodide ion, I– is preferentially oxidised than bromide ion, Br–. 2. Kepekatan ion dalam elektrolit/ Concentration of ions in the electrolyte AS Ion yang mempunyai kepekatan lebih tinggi dalam elektrolit akan dipilih untuk dinyahcas. Ions with higher concentration in the electrolyte will be selected for discharge. 3. Jenis elektrod/ Types of electrode Apabila elektrod reaktif (argentum, kuprum) digunakan, elektrod anod akan mengion. When reactive electrodes (silver, copper) are used, the anode electrode will ionise. Tip SPM O2 + 4H+ + 4e– 2H2O E0 = +1.23 V Cl2 + 2e– 2Cl– E0 = +1.36 V Tip SPM Na+ + e– Na 2H2O + 2e– H2+ 2OH– (Rujukan untuk ion OH /Reference Reference for OH ion ion)) – PA N – ∴ OH dipilih untuk dinyahcaskan kerana nilai E0 lebih negatif. – OH– Na+ Cl– H+ ∴ OH– is selected to be discharged because the E0 value more negative. A E0 = –2.71 V E0 = –0.83 V (Rujukan untuk ion H+/Reference f or H+ ion) ∴ H+ dipilih untuk dinyahcaskan kerana nilai E0 lebih positif ∴ H+ is selected to be discharged because the E0 value more positive. Rajah/Diagram 1.21 Elektrolisis berdasarkan nilai keupayaan elektrod/ Electrolysis based on electrode potential value Eksperimen 1.1 Eksperimen Wajib Tujuan/ Aim: Mengkaji Eksperimen kesan nilai keupayaan elektrod piawai, E0 terhadap pemilihan ion untuk dinyahcas pada elektrod. To investigate the effect of the standard electrode, E0 value on selective discharge of ions at the electrodes. Pernyataan masalah/ Problem statement: Bagaimanakah nilai keupayaan elektrod piawai, E0 mempengaruhi pemilihan ion untuk dinyahcas di elektrod? How does the standard electrode potential, E0 value affect the selective discharge of ions at the electrodes? Hipotesis/ Hypothesis: Di anod, semakin negatif nilai E0 semakin mudah spesies dinyahcas, manakala di katod semakin positif nilai E0 semakin mudah spesies dinyahcaskan. At the anode, the more negative the value of E0 the easier the species to be discharged, while at the cathode, the more positive the value of E0 the easiar the species to be discharged. 34 Pemboleh ubah/ Variables: (a) Dimanipulasikan/ Manipulated: Nilai keupayaan elektrod piawai, E°/ Standard electrode potential, E0 value (b) Bergerak balas/ Responding: Hasil elektrolisis/ Products of electrolysis (c) Dimalarkan/ Fixed: Jenis elektrod, kepekatan larutan elektrolit/ Types of electrode, concentration of electrolyte solution Bahan/ Materials: Larutan asid sulfurik cair, H2SO4 1.0 mol dm–3, larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 1.0 mol dm–3, kayu uji 1.0 mol dm–3 dilute sulphuric acid, H2SO4, 1.0 mol dm–3 copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution, wooden splint IA Radas/ Apparatus: Sel elektrolitik, tabung uji, bateri, ammeter, elektrod karbon, wayar penyambung Electrolytic cell, test tubes, batteries, ammeter, carbon electrodes, connecting wires Prosedur/ Procedure: Asid sulfurik cair cair,, H2SO4 Dilute sulphuric acid acid,, H2SO4 AS Karbon elektrod Carbon electrodes Tabung uji Test tube Suis Switch A Ammeter Ammeter Bateri Battery Rajah/Diagram 1.22 1. Larutan asid sulfurik cair, H2SO4 1.0 mol dm–3 dituang ke dalam sel elektrolitik hingga menutupi elektrod karbon. 1.0 mol dm–3 dilute sulphuric acid, H2SO4 is poured into an electrolytic cell until it covers the carbon electrodes. PA N 2. Tabung uji diisi dengan larutan asid sulfurik cair, H2SO4 1.0 mol dm–3 dan ditengkupkan ke atas elektrod karbon. The test tubes are filled with 1.0 mol dm–3 dilute sulphuric acid, H2SO4 and overturn onto the carbon electrodes. 3. Elektrod karbon disambung kepada bateri dengan menggunakan wayar penyambung. Carbon electrodes are connected to the batteries using the connecting wires. 4. Arus elektrik dialirkan melalui elektrolit selama 15 minit. The electric current is passed through the electrolyte for 15 minutes. 5. Pemerhatian di anod dan katod direkodkan. Observations at the anode and cathode is recorded. 6. Gas yang terkumpul di anod diuji dengan kayu uji berbara manakala gas yang terkumpul di katod diuji dengan kayu uji menyala. Gas collected at the anode is tested with a glowing wooden splint while gas collected at the cathode is tested with a burning wooden splint. 7. Langkah 1 hingga 6 diulang dengan menggunakan larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 1.0 mol dm–3. Steps 1 to 6 are repeated by using 1.0 mol dm–3 copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution. Pemerhatian/ Observation: Elektrolit Electrolyte Anod/Anode (+) Asid sulfurik cair, H2SO4 Dilute sulphuric acid, H2SO4 Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 Copper(II) sulphate solution, CuSO4 Gelembung gas dibebaskan. Gas tidak Gelembung gas dibebaskan. Gas tidak berwarna menyebabkan kayu uji berbara berwarna menyebabkan kayu uji berbara menyala. menyala Gas bubbles are released. Colourless gas ignites the Gas bubbles are released. A colourless gas ignites the glowing wooden splint. glowing wooden splint. Katod/Cathode (–) Gelembung gas dibebaskan. Gas tidak Pepejal perang terenap. berwarna menghasilkan bunyi “pop” dengan Brown solid is deposited kayu uji menyala. Gas bubbles released. Colourless gas produces a “pop” sound with the glowing wooden splint. 35 Mentafsir data/ Interpreting data: Elektrolit Asid sulfurik cair, H2SO4 Electrolytes (a) Ion yang elektrolit hadir Dilute sulphuric acid, H2SO4 dalam H2SO4 2H+ + SO42– H2O H+ + OH– Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 Copper(II) sulphate solution, CuSO4 CuSO4 Cu2+ + SO42– H2O H+ + OH– Ions present in the electrolytes Anod/Anode (+): SO42–, OH– Katod/ Cathode (–): H+, Cu2+ (c) Ion yang dinyahcas di anod Anod/Anode: dan katod. Nyatakan alasan. OH–(H2O) Ions discharged at the anode and Alasan/Reason: cathode. State the reason. Ion SO42– tidak dipilih kerana S telah mencapai nombor pengoksidaan yang tinggi. Anod/Anode: OH–(H2O) Alasan/Reason: Ion SO42– tidak dipilih kerana S telah mencapai nombor pengoksidaan yang tinggi. IA (b) Ion yang tertarik ke anod Anod/Anode (+): dan katod SO42–, OH– Ions attracted to the anode and Katod/ Cathode (–): cathode H+ SO42– ions were not selected because S had SO42– ions were not selected because S had reached reached higher oxidation number. higher oxidation number. Katod/Cathode: Katod/Cathode: Cu2+ Alasan/Reason: E0 bagi ion Cu2+ lebih positif AS OH–(H2O) Alasan/Reason: – E0 for Cu2+ ion more positive (d) Persamaan setengah tindak balas di anod dan katod Anod/Anode: 2H2O O2 + 4H++ 4e– Half-equations for reaction at the Katod/Cathode: anode and cathode – Anod/Anode: 2H2O O2 + 4H++ 4e– 2H2O + 2e H2 + 2OH – Katod/Cathode: Cu2+ + 2e– Cu PA N Kesimpulan/ Conclusion: Di anod, semakin negatif nilai E0 semakai mudah spesies dinyahcaskan, manakala di katod, semakin positif nilai E0, semakin mudah spesies dinyahcaskan. At the anode, the more negative the value of E0 the easier the species to be discharged, while at the cathode, the more positive the value of E0 the easier the species to be discharged. Eksperimen 1.2 Eksperimen Wajib Tujuan/ Aim: Mengkaji Eksperimen kesan kepekatan ion dalam elektrolit terhadap pemilihan ion untuk dinyahcas pada elektrod To investigate the effect of the concentration of ions on the selective discharge of ions at the electrodes Pernyataan masalah/ Problem statement: Bagaimanakah kepekatan ion dalam elektrolit mempengaruhi pemilihan ion untuk dinyahcas di anod? How does the concentration of ions in the electrolyte affect the discharge of ions at the anode? Hipotesis/ Hypothesis: Ion halida yang mempunyai kepekatan lebih tinggi akan dinyahcas secara pilihan di anod Halide ions of higher concentrations will be selectively discharged at the anode Pemboleh ubah/ Variables: (a) Dimanipulasikan/ Manipulated: Kepekatan elektrolit/ Concentration of electrolyte (b) Bergerak balas/ Responding: Hasil elektrolisis di anod/ Products of electrolysis at the anode (c) Dimalarkan/ Fixed: Jenis elektrod, jenis elektrolit/ Types of electrode, type of electrolyte 36 Bahan/ Materials: Asid hidroklorik, HCl 2.0 mol dm–3, asid hidroklorik, HCl 0.001 mol dm–3, kertas litmus biru, kayu uji 2.0 mol dm–3 hydrochloric acid, HCl, 0.001 mol dm–3 hydrochloric acid, HCl, blue litmus paper, wooden splint Radas/ Apparatus: Sel elektrolisis, tabung uji, bateri, ammeter, elektrod karbon, wayar penyambung Electrolytic cell, test tubes, batteries, ammeter, carbon electrodes, connecting wires Prosedur/ Procedure: Tabung uji Test tube IA Asid hidroklorik hidroklorik, HCl Hydrochloric HCl acid, H acid Karbon elektrod Carbon electrodes Ammeter A Ammeter Bateri Battery Suis Switch AS Rajah/Diagram 1.23 1. Sebuah sel elektrolisis diisi dengan asid hidroklorik, HCl 2.0 mol dm–3 sehingga separuh penuh. An electrolytic cell is filled with 2.0 mol dm–3 hydrochloric acid, HCl until it is half full. 2. Litar dilengkapkan dengan menyambungkan elektrod karbon, suis, bateri dan ammeter dengan wayar penyambung seperti dalam Rajah 1.23. The circuit is completed by connecting the electrodes to the switch, ammeter and batteries as shown in Diagram 1.23. 3. Suis dihidupkan. The switch is turned on. 4. Gas di anod dan di katod dikumpulkan dan diuji dengan kertas litmus biru lembap, kayu uji berbara dan kayu uji menyala. Pemerhatian direkodkan. PA N The gases produced at the anode and the cathode are collected and tested with a moist blue litmus paper, a glowing wooden splint and a lighted wooden splint. The observation is recorded. 5. Langkah 1 hingga 4 diulang dengan menggunakan asid hidroklorik, HCl 0.001 mol dm–3. Steps 1 to 4 are repeated using 0.001 mol dm–3 hydrochloric acid, HCl. Pemerhatian/ Observation: Elektrolit Electrolyte Anod/ Anode (+) Asid hidroklorik, HCl 2.0 mol dm–3 2.0 mol dm–3 hydrochloric acid, HCl kuning tidak Gelembung gas dibebaskan. Gas Gelembung gas dibebaskan. Gas kehijauan berbau sengit berwarna yang menyebabkan kayu uji menyala dibebaskan. Kertas litmus biru lembap menjadi berbara . merah dilunturkan dan kemudian . Gas bubbles are released. pungent smell with a A greenish-yellow gas blue litmus paper turns bleached then Katod/ Cathode (–) Asid hidroklorik, HCl 0.001 mol dm–3 0.001 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid, HCl is released. Moist splint. red and wooden splint. colourless the glowing wooden . tidak Gelembung gas dibebaskan. Gas berwarna bunyi menghasilkan “pop” dengan kayu uji menyala. Gas bubbles are released. A “pop” sound gas produces a Gas bubbles are released. A ignites gas colourless tidak Gelembung gas dibebaskan. Gas berwarna bunyi menghasilkan “pop” dengan kayu uji menyala. Colourless Gas bubbles released. gas “pop” sound with the lighted produces a with the lighted wooden splint. 37 Kesimpulan/ Conclusion: 1. Elektrolisis asid hidroklorik, HCl 0.001 mol dm–3 menghasilkan gas elektrolisis asid hidroklorik, HCl 2.0 mol dm–3 menghasilkan gas Electrolysis of 0.001 mol dm hydrochloric acid, HCl produces chlorine gas at the anode. hydrochloric acid, HCl produces –3 tinggi 2. Ion halida yang berkepekatan oxygen oksigen klorin di anod manakala di anod. gas at the anode. Electrolysis of 2.0 mol dm–3 di dalam elektrolit akan dipilih untuk dinyahcaskan berbanding ion hidroksida, OH . – Halide ion with a higher concentration in the electrolyte will be selectively ectively discharged compare to hydroxide ion, OH–. 0.001 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid, HCl with carbon electrodes IA Perbincangan/ Discussion: 1. Asid hidroklorik, HCl 0.001 mol dm-3 dengan elektrod karbon (a) Ion yang hadir dalam elektrolit HCl H+ + Cl– H2O H+ + OH– (b) Ion yang tertarik ke anod dan katod. Anod/ Anode (+): Cl–, OH– Ions present in the electrolyte Ions attracted to the anode and cathode AS Katod/ Cathode (–): H+ (c) Ion yang dinyahcas di anod dan katod. Anod/ Anode: OH–(H2O) Alasan/ Reason: Nyatakan alasan. Ions discharged at the anode and cathode. State the Kerana E0 lebih negatif reason. Because the E0 more negative Katod/ Cathode: H+(H2O) PA N (d) Persamaan setengah bagi tindak balas di Anod/ Anode: anod dan katod 2H2O O2 + 4H+ + 4e– Half-equations for reactions at the anode and Katod/ Cathode: cathode 2H2O + 2e– H2 + 2OH– (Penurunan/ Reduction) (e) Hasil yang terbentuk di anod dan katod Anod/ Anode: Gas oksigen/ Oxygen gas Katod/ Cathode: Gas hidrogen/ Hydrogen gas (f ) Pemerhatian di anod dan katod Anod/ Anode: Gelembung gas tidak berwarna/ Colourless gas bubbles Katod/ Cathode: Gelembung gas tidak berwarna/ Colourless gas bubbles Products formed at the anode and cathode Observations at the anode and cathode 2 (Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation) Asid hidroklorik, HCl 2.0 mol dm-3 dengan elektrod karbon 2.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid, HCl with carbon electrodes (a) Ion yang hadir dalam elektrolit Ions present in the electrolyte (b) Ion yang tertarik ke anod dan katod Ions attracted to the anode and cathode HCl H+ + Cl– H2O H+ + OH– Anod/ Anode: Cl–, OH– Katod/ Cathode: H+ 38 (c) Ion yang dinyahcas di anod dan katod. Anod/ Anode: Cl– Nyatakan alasan. Alasan/ Reason: Ions discharged at anode and cathode. State the Kerana ion Cl– lebih pekat reason. Because Cl– ion more concentrated Katod/ Cathode: H+(H2O) (d) Persamaan setengah bagi tindak balas di Anod/ Anode: anod dan katod. 2Cl– Cl2 + 2e– 2H2O + 2e– H2 + 2OH– (e) Hasil yang terbentuk di anod dan katod Anod/ Anode: Gas klorin/ Chlorine gas Katod/ Cathode: Gas hidrogen/ Hydrogen gas (f ) Pemerhatian di anod dan katod Anod/ Anode: Gelembung gas kuning kehijauan (Penurunan/Reduction) AS Products formed at the anode and cathode (Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation) IA Half-equations for reactions at the anode and Katod/ Cathode: cathode Observations at the anode and cathode Greenish-yellow gas bubbles Katod/ Cathode: Gelembung gas tidak berwarna Colourless gas bubbles 1.3 Tujuan/ Aim: Mengkaji Eksperimen kesan jenis elektrod terhadap pemilihan ion untuk dinyahcas di elektrod To investigate the effect of the types of electrode on the selective discharge of ions at the electrodes Pernyataan masalah/ Problem statement: Bagaimanakah jenis elektrod mempengaruhi hasil yang terbentuk semasa elektrolisis? How does the types of electrode affect the types of products formed during the electrolysis? Hipotesis/ Hypothesis: Apabila elektrod kuprum digunakan untuk menggantikan elektrod karbon, hasil yang terbentuk pada anod dan katod adalah berbeza. When copper electrodes are used instead of carbon electrodes, the types of products formed at the anode and cathode are different. Bahan/ Materials: Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 1.0 mol dm–3, kayu uji, kepingan logam kuprum, kertas pasir 1.0 mol dm–3 copper(II) sulphate solution, CuSO4, wooden splint, copper metal plates, sand paper Radas/ Apparatus: Sel elektrolitik, tabung uji, bateri, ammeter, elektrod karbon, wayar penyambung, bikar Electrolytic cell, test tubes, batteries, ammeter, carbon electrodes, connecting wires, beakers Pemboleh ubah/Variables: (a) Dimanipulasikan/ Manipulated: Jenis elektrod/ Types of electrode (b) Bergerak balas/ Responding: Hasil elektrolisis/ Products of electrolysis (c) Dimalarkan/ Fixed: Kepekatan elektrolit, jenis elektrolit/ Concentration of electrolyte, types of electrolyte 39 Eksperimen Wajib PA N Eksperimen Prosedur/ Procedure: Tabung uji Test tube Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution Karbon elektrod Carbon electrodes Bateri Battery Ammeter Ammeter A Suis Switch Rajah/Diagram 1.24 1. Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 dituangkan ke dalam bikar hingga separuh penuh. Copper(II) sulphate solution, CuSO4 is poured into a beaker until half full. IA 2. Elektrod karbon disambungkan kepada bateri serta ammeter dengan menggunakan wayar penyambung seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.24. Carbon electrodes are connected to the batteries and ammeter using the connecting wires as shown in Diagram 1.24. 3. Elektrod karbon dimasukkan ke dalam larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4. Carbon electrodes are immersed into the copper(II) sulphate solution, CuSO4. 4. Arus elektrik dialirkan melalui elektrolit selama 15 minit. Electric current is passed through the electrolyte for 15 minutes. 5. Pemerhatian pada anod, katod dan elektrolit direkodkan. AS Observations at the anode, cathode and electrolyte are recorded. 6. Langkah 1 hingga 5 diulang dengan menggantikan elektrod karbon dengan elektrod kuprum dan menggunakan susunan radas ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.25. Steps 1 to 5 are repeated by replacing carbon electrodes with copper electrodes and using the apparatus set-up as shown in Diagram 1.25. Bateri Battery Suis Switch A Ammeter Ammeter Elektrod kuprum Copper electrodes PA N Bikar Beaker Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat sulfat, CuSO4 Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution Rajah/Diagram 1.25 Pemerhatian/ Observations: Anod Elektrod Anode (+) Electrode Karbon Carbon Katod Elektrolit Cathode (–) Gelembung gas dibebaskan. tidak berwarna Gas Electrolyte perang Pepejal terenap. berkurang Keamatan warna biru kerana kepekatan ion kuprum(II), Cu2+ berkurang solid is . Brown menyebabkan kayu uji berbara menyala . deposited. decreases The intensity of blue colour because the concentration of copper(II) ions, decreases Cu2+ . Gas bubbles are released. A colourless gas ignites the glowing wooden splint. Kuprum Copper Elektrod Electrode becomes menipis . Elektrod thinner . menebal Electrode becomes thicker 40 . Keamatan warna biru tidak berubah kerana kepekatan ion kuprum(II), Cu2+ tidak berubah . . unchanged The intensity of blue colour because the concentration of copper(II) ions, remains unchanged Cu2+ . Kesimpulan/ Conclusion: oksigen 1. Elektrolisis larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 dengan elektrod karbon menghasilkan air di anod serta logam kuprum di katod. Electrolysis of copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution using carbon electrodes produces copper metal at the cathode. at the anode and oxygen Perbincangan/ Discussion: ion kuprum(II) copper(II) ions di at the anode and IA Electrolysis of copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution using copper electrodes produces copper metal at the cathode. water and 2. Elektrolisis larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 dengan elektrod kuprum menghasilkan anod dan logam kuprum di katod. dan 1. Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 dengan elektrod karbon Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution with carbon electrodes Ions present in the electrolyte CuSO4 Cu2+ + SO42– AS (a) Ion yang hadir dalam elektrolit (b) Ion yang tertarik ke anod dan katod Ions attracted to the anode and cathode H2O H+ + OH– Anod/ Anode (+): SO42–, OH– Katod/ Cathode (–) : H+, Cu2+ PA N (c) Ion yang dinyahcas di anod dan katod. Anod/ Anode: OH–(H2O) Alasan/ Reason: Nyatakan alasan. Ions discharged at the anode and cathode. State the Ion SO42– tidak dipilih kerana S telah mencapai nombor reason. pengoksidaan yang tinggi. SO42– ions were not selected because S had reached higher oxidation number. Katod/ Cathode: Cu2+ Alasan/ Reason: E0 ion Cu2+ lebih positif E0 of Cu2+ ion more positive (d) Persamaan setengah bagi tindak balas di Anod/ Anode: 2H2O O2 + 4H+ + 4e anod dan katod Half-equations for reactions at the anode and Katod/ Cathode: Cu2+ + 2e– Cu cathode (e) Perubahan warna elektrolit Change in the colour of the electrolyte Keamatan warna biru berkurang disebabkan kepekatan berkurang . decreases because the concentration decreases . ion kuprum(II), Cu2+ The intensity of blue colour of copper(II) ions Cu2+ 2. Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 dengan elektrod kuprum Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution with copper electrodes (a) Ion yang hadir dalam elektrolit Ions present in the electrolyte (b) Ion yang tertarik ke anod dan katod Ions attracted to the anode and cathode CuSO4 Cu2+ + SO42– H2O H+ + OH– Anod/ Anode (+): Cu Katod/ Cathode (–): H+, Cu2+ 41 (c) Ion yang dinyahcas di anod dan katod. Anod/ Anode: Cu Nyatakan sebab. Alasan/ Reason: Ions discharged at the anode and cathode. State the Logam kuprum, Cu lebih reaktif reason. Copper, Cu metal more reactive Katod/ Cathode: Cu2+ Alasan/ Reason: E0 ion Cu2+ lebih positif E0 of Cu2+ ion more positive Cu Cu2+ + 2e– (d) Persamaan setengah bagi tindak balas di Anod/ Anode: anod dan katod Half-equations for reactions at the anode and Katod/ Cathode: IA cathode (e) Hasil yang terbentuk di anod dan katod Products formed at the anode and cathode Cu2+ + 2e– Cu Anod/ Anode: Ion kuprum(II), Cu2+/ Copper (II) ions, Cu2+ Katod/ Cathode: Logam kuprum, Cu/ Copper, Cu metal (f ) Perubahan warna elektrolit tidak berubah kerana kepekatan tidak berubah ion kuprum(II), Cu . Ini disebabkan kadar pengionan atom kuprum di anod adalah sama dengan AS Keamatan warna biru Change in the colour of the electrolyte 2+ kadar nyahcas ion kuprum(II), Cu2+ di katod. . unchanged because the concentration of remains unchanged . This is because the copper(II) ions, Cu rate of ionisation of copper atom at the anode is equal to the rate of Intensity of blue colour 2+ PA N discharge of copper(II) ions, Cu2+ at the cathode. D . Membanding Sel Kimia dan Sel Elektrolisis Comparing Voltaic Cell and Electrolytic Cell I Tindak Balas Redoks dalam Sel Elektrolisis/ Redox Reactions in Electrolytic Cells 1. Sebuah sel elektrolisis terdiri daripada bateri, elektrolit dan dua elektrod yang disambung kepada bateri. An electrolytic cell consists of a battery, an electrolyte and two electrodes which are connected to the battery. e e– Anod Anode – Bateri Battery – – + e– Katod Cathode – + + Rajah/Diagram 1.26 2. Elektrod yang disambung kepada terminal positif bateri dikenali sebagai yang disambung kepada terminal negatif bateri dikenali sebagai anode The electrode connected to the positive terminal of the battery is known as cathode to the negative terminal of the battery is known as 42 anod katod manakala elektrod . while the electrode connected . litar luar 3. Dalam sel elektrolisis, elektron mengalir melalui dari anod ke katod. external circuit . In an electrolytic cell, electrons are flowed from anode to cathode through the anod 4. Semasa elektrolisis, anion (ion negatif) tertarik ke katod ke . anode During electrolysis, anions (negative ions) are attracted to cathode . to menderma 5. Di anod, anion dinyahcas dengan pengoksidaan berlaku di anod. donating elektron kepada anod. Oleh itu, proses oxidation electrons to anode. Thus, menerima 6. Di katod, kation dinyahcas dengan penurunan berlaku di katod. accepting At the cathode, cations are discharge by cathode. whereas cations (positive ions) are attracted IA At the anode, anions are discharge by manakala kation (ion positif) tertarik occurs at anode. elektron daripada katod. Oleh itu, proses reduction electrons from cathode. Thus, occurs at II Tindak Balas Redoks dalam Sel Kimia/ Redox Reactions in Voltaic Cells AS 1. Sebuah sel kimia ringkas terdiri daripada dua logam berlainan yang dicelup ke dalam suatu elektrolit dan disambung dengan wayar penyambung A simple voltaic cell consists of two different metals which are immersed into an electrolyte and connected by wire. Voltmeter Voltmeter V e– e– PA N Terminal negatif (anod) Negative terminal (anode) e – – e– + e – e– e– Terminal positif (katod) Positive terminal (cathode) + Rajah/Diagram 1.27 2. Semakin negatif nilai keupayaan elektrod, logam tersebut akan bertindak sebagai terminal The more negative the electrode potential value, the metal will act as a negative At the negative terminal (anode), the more electropositive metal is corroded by oxidation occurs at the negative terminal (anode). 4. Di terminal positif (katod), kation dalam elektrolit dinyahcas dengan penurunan berlaku di terminal positif (katod). katod. Oleh itu, At the positive terminal (cathode), cations in the electrolyte are discharge by reduction occurs at the positive terminal (cathode). Thus, 5. Di terminal positif (katod), kation (ion positif) daripada elektrolit akan terminal positif (katod). At the positive terminal (cathode), cations (positive ions) from the electrolyte will the positive terminal (cathode). donating menerima accepting menerima accept 6. Logam yang lebih elektropositif akan menderma elektron. Elektron akan mengalir melalui dari terminal negatif (anod) ke terminal positif (katod). The more electropositive metal donates positive terminal (cathode) through the . terminal. menderma 3. Di terminal negatif (anod), logam yang lebih elektropositif terkakis dengan pengoksidaan itu, berlaku di terminal negatif (anod). negatif elektron. Oleh electrons. Thus, elektron daripada electrons from cathode. elektron daripada the electrons from litar luar electrons. The electrons are flowed from negative terminal (anode) to external circuit . 43 Contoh/Example 1 Rajah 1.28 menunjukkan satu sel kimia yang dibina dengan menggunakan elektrod zink dan elektrod kuprum. Kedua-dua elektrod disambung kepada voltmeter dengan wayar penyambung dan litar dilengkapkan dengan titian garam. Diagram 1.28 shows a voltaic cell constructed using zinc and copper electrodes. Both electrodes are connected to the voltmeter using the connecting wires and the circuit is completed with a salt bridge. V E0 Zn2+Zn = –0.76 V E0 Cu2+Cu = +0.34 V e– e– Titian garam Salt bridge – + Elektrod zink Zinc electrode Larutan zink sulfat, ZnSO4 1.0 mol dm–3 1.0 mol dm–3 zinc sulphate, ZnSO4 solution Elektrod kuprum Copper electrode IA Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 1.0 mol dm–3 1.0 mol dm–3 copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution Rajah/Diagram 1.28 negatif 1. Berdasarkan nilai E0, zink, Zn bertindak sebagai terminal positif terminal . negative Based on the E0 value, zinc, Zn acts as a ppositivc ositivc terminal while copper, Cu acts as a menderma 2. Zink, Zn mengalami proses pengoksidaan dengan terminal. elektron. AS donating Zinc, Zn undergo an oxidation process by electrons. Zn → Zn2+ + 2e- (Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation) menerima elektron. 3. Ion kuprum(II), Cu2+ mengalami proses penurunan dengan accepting Copper(II) ion, Cu2+ undergo a reduction process by Cu2+ + 2e– → Cu penurunan 4. Zink, Zn bertindak sebagai agen reducing electrons. (Penurunan/ Reduction) manakala ion kuprum(II), Cu2+ bertindak sebagai agen pengoksidaan . agent while copper(II) ions, Cu2+ act as an PA N Zinc, Zn acts as a manakala kuprum, Cu bertindak sebagai oxidising agent. III Perbezaan antara Sel Kimia dan Sel Elektrolisis/ Differences Between a Voltaic Cell and an Electrolytic Cell Sel elektrolisis/ Electrolytic cell + Sel kimia/ Voltaic cell – V e– Anod Anode + – Katod Cathode + Terminal positif Positive terminal e– – Terminal negatif Negative terminal Elektrolit Electrolyte Elektrolit Electrolyte Rajah/Diagram 1.29 Elektrod daripada bahan yang The electrodes are from the materials. Tenaga elektrik ditukar kepada Electrical energy is converted to Elektron kepada sama same Rajah/Diagram 1.30 atau berbeza. Elektrod mesti daripada jenis logam or different The electrodes must be from metal. tenaga kimia chemical energy . . anod mengalir daripada katod melalui litar luar. anode Electrons flow from through external circuit. to Tenaga kimia Chemical energy berbeza different . types of ditukar kepada tenaga elektrik. is converted to electrical energy. Elektron mengalir daripada logam lebih elektropositif kepada logam kurang elektropositif melalui litar luar. cathode Electrons flow from less electropositive 44 more electropositive metal to metal through external circuit. Penurunan menerima elektron. Reduction electrons. berlaku pada katod (–). Ion positif occurs at cathode (-). Positive ions accept Pengoksidaan menderma elektron. Oxidation electrons. Penurunan berlaku pada terminal positif (+). Ion positif menerima elektron. Reduction occurs at the positive terminal (+). Positive ions accept electrons. Pengoksidaan berlaku di anod (+). Ion negatif berlaku pada terminal negatif (–) menderma elektron untuk membentuk dengan occurs at anode (+). Negative ions donate kation. Oxidation electrons to form cations. Penyaduran dan Penulenan Logam secara Elektrolisis Electroplating and Purification of Metals by Electrolysis I Kepentingan Penyaduran Logam/ The Importance of Electroplating of Metals katod 1. Dalam proses penyaduran, objek yang hendak disadur dijadikan yang tulen dijadikan anod . manakala logam penyadur AS E occurs at the negative terminal (–) by IA donating In electroplating process, object to be electroplated is used as the anode . as the cathode 2. Elektrolit yang digunakan ialah larutan akueus yang mengandungi ion plating metal The electrolyte used is an aqueous solution that contains the while the pure plating metal is used logam penyadur . ions. mengelakkan logam daripada kakisan 3. Penyaduran logam adalah penting untuk prevent the metal from corrosion Electroplating of metal is important to . . PA N 4. Menyadur sudu besi dengan logam kuprum:/To electroplate an iron spoon with copper: A Kuprum sebagai logam penyadur Copper metal as the plating metal Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 sebagai elektrolit Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution as the electrolyte Sudu besi yang akan disadur Iron spoon to be electroplated Rajah/Diagram 1.31 katod (a) Sudu besi digunakan sebagai The iron spoon is used as the (b) Larutan cathode kuprum(II) sulfat Copper(II) sulphate , while copper metal is used as the . solution is used as the electrolyte. katod cathode Copper(II) ions, Cu2+ will be discharged at the Katod/ Cathode: anode digunakan sebagai elektrolit. (c) Ion kuprum(II), Cu2+ akan dinyahcas di Anod/ Anode: anod , manakala logam kuprum digunakan sebagai Cu Cu + 2e 2+ – dan terenap pada permukaan sudu besi. and deposited on the surface of the iron spoon. (Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation) Cu2+ + 2e– Cu (Penurunan/ Reduction) II Kepentingan Penulenan Logam/ The Importance of Purification of Metals 1. Kuprum dan perak tulen boleh diperoleh melalui elektrolisis. Pure copper and silver can be obtained through electrolysis. mendapatkan logam yang tulen 2. Penulenan logam adalah penting untuk Purification of metal is important to obtain a pure metal 3. Menulenkan logam kuprum:/ To purify copper metal: anod (a) Logam kuprum tidak tulen digunakan sebagai The impure copper metal is used as the anode 45 . . . . . katod (b) Logam tulen kuprum digunakan sebagai cathode The pure copper metal is used as the kuprum(II) sulfat (c) Larutan Copper(II) sulphate . . digunakan sebagai elektrolit. solution is used as the electrolyte. A + – Logam kuprum tidak tulen Impure copper metal Logam kuprum tulen Pure copper metal IA Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4 sebagai elektrolit Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution as the electrolyte Rajah/Diagram 1.32 mengion (d) Anod akan dan kekotoran akan jatuh ke dasar bikar. ionise The anode will and the impurities will settle to the bottom of the beaker. Cu Cu2+ + 2e– Anod/ Anode: (Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation Oxidation) AS (e) Ion kuprum(II), Cu2+ dan ion hidrogen, H+ akan tertarik ke katod. Ion kuprum(II), Cu2+ akan dinyahcas secara pilihan di katod. Lapisan kuprum dienapkan pada kuprum tulen. Copper(II) ions, Cu2+ and hydrogen ions, H+ will attracted to the cathode. Copper(II) ions, Cu2+ are selectively discharged at the cathode. A layer of copper is formed on the pure copper. Cu2+ + 2e– Cu Katod/ Cathode: 1.5 Pengestrakan Logam daripada Bijihnya Extraction of Metals from Their Ores Pengekstrakan Logam Reaktif daripada Bijihnya melalui Proses Elektrolisis Extraction of Reactive Metals from Their Ores through Electrolysis PA N A (Penurunan/ Reduction) 1. Logam reaktif seperti aluminium boleh diekstrak daripada bauksit yang mengandungi aluminium oksida, Al2O3 melalui elektrolisis. Reactive metal such as aluminium can be extracted from bauxite, which contains aluminium oxide, Al2O3 by electrolysis. Sisa gas Waste gas + Aluminium diekstrak keluar daripada tangki keluli Aluminium extracted out of stainless steel tank V = 5V I = 200 kA Elektrod grafit Graphite electrodes Campuran kriolit dan aluminium oksida Mixture of cryolite and aluminium oxide Aluminium lebur Molten aluminium – Tangki keluli Stainless steel tank Elektrod Electrode Lapisan karbon sebagai katod Carbon lining as a cathode Rajah/ Diagram 1.33 Pengekstrakan aluminium oksida, Al2O3/ Extraction of aluminium oxide, Al2O3 2. Elektrolisis aluminium oksida lebur menggunakan elektrod Electrolysis of molten aluminium oxide used 3. Kriolit ditambah untuk Cryolite is added to menurunkan lower carbon karbon . electrodes. takat lebur aluminium oksida, Al2O3 kepada 980 °C. the melting point of aluminium oxide, Al2O3 to 980 °C. 2Al3+ + 3O2– Δ Katod/ Cathode: Al3+ + 3e– Al (Penurunan/ Reduction) Anod/ Anode: 2O2– O2 + 4e– (Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation) Al2O3 46 4. Pengekstrakan aluminium daripada bauksit boleh mendatangkan kesan buruk terhadap alam sekitar. Extraction of aluminium from bauxite can have a harmful effect on the environment. karbon dioksida , karbon monoksida , (a) Proses peleburan dan pemprosesan membebaskan gas seperti sulfur dioksida dan perfluorokarbon yang boleh mencemarkan udara serta menyebabkan hujan asid dan pemanasan global. The smelting and processing processes release gases such as carbon dioxide , carbon monoxide , and perfluorocarbons that can pollute the air, as well as cause acid rain and global warming. hakisan tanah (b) Perlombongan bauksit akan mengakibatkan Bauxite mining will cause soil erosion sulfur dioxide dan memusnahkan habitat hidupan liar. and destroy wildlife habitats. IA (c) Lumpur dan sisa toksik yang termendap di lombong yang digali akan meresap ke dalam tanah dan mencemarkan sumber air . Mud and toxic waste deposited in excavated mines will seep into the soil and pollute the (d) Tanah yang telah dilombong akan menjadi infertile Land that has been mined will be . dan tidak sesuai untuk pertanian. and unsuitable for agriculture. Pengekstrakan Logam daripada Bijihnya melalui Proses Penurunan oleh Karbon AS B tidak subur water sources Extraction of Metals from Their Ores through Reduction by Carbon I Pengekstrakan Besi/ Extraction of Iron 1. Logam besi diekstrak daripada bijihnya, iaitu hematit dan magnetit melalui proses karbon di dalam relau bagas. Iron is extracted from its ores, hematite and magnetite through a reduction penurunan oleh process in a blast furnace. PA N Bijih besi + arang kok + batu kapur Iron ore + coke + limestone Gas buangan yang panas Hot waste gases 800°C Gas buangan yang panas (disalur semula ke bahagian bawah relau) Hot waste gases (recycled to heat the furnace) 1 500°C 2 000°C Udara panas Hot air Udara panas Hot air Leburan besi Molten iron Leburan sanga Molten slag Rajah/ Diagram 1.34 Pengekstrakan besi di dalam relau bagas/ Extraction of iron in a blast furnace 2. Hematit mengandungi ferum(III) oksida, Fe2O3 manakala magnetit mengandungi triferum tetraoksida, Fe3O4. Hematite contains iron(III) oxide, Fe2O3 while magnetite contains triiron tetraoxide, Fe3O4. 3. Tindak balas kimia dalam relau bagas./ Chemical reactions in the blast furnace. (a) Karbon bertindak balas dengan oksigen dalam udara panas untuk menghasilkan The carbon reacts with oxygen in the hot air to form (b) Karbon dioksida karbon dioksida . carbon dioxide . C + O2 → CO2 yang terhasil bertindak balas dengan karbon selebihnya untuk membentuk karbon monoksida (agen penurunan yang kuat). Carbon dioxide formed reacts with more hot carbon to form carbon monoxide (strong reducing agent) CO2 + C → 2CO 47 menurunkan (c) Karbon monoksida dan karbon reduce Carbon monoxide and carbon 2Fe2O3 + 2Fe2O3 + Hematit/Hematite Hematit/Hematite 3C 4Fe + 3CO2 3CO 2Fe Karbon monoksida/Carbon monoxide + Fe3O4 + Magnetit/ Magnetite the iron oxides to iron. Karbon/Carbon Fe3O4 Magnetit/ Magnetite oksida besi kepada besi. 2C 3Fe Karbon/Carbon + + 3CO2 2CO2 4CO Karbon monoksida/Carbon monoxide 3Fe + 4CO2 leburan . IA 4. Pada suhu yang tinggi dalam relau bagas, besi yang terbentuk wujud dalam keadaan Leburan besi mengalir ke bahagian bawah relau. molten At high temperature in the blast furnace, the iron formed is in of the blast furnace. state. The molten iron flows to the bottom state. 5. Besi lebur dituang ke dalam acuan dan dibiarkan menyejuk. Besi yang diperoleh dikenali sebagai besi tuangan dan mengandungi kira-kira 4% karbon dan benda asing lain. The molten iron is poured into moulds and is allowed to cool. The iron obtained is known as cast iron and contains about 4% of carbon and other impurities. AS 6. Pada suhu yang tinggi, batu kapur terurai untuk membentuk kalsium oksida dan karbon dioksida. Kalsium oksida bertindak balas dengan bendasing berasid seperti pasir (silikon dioksida) untuk membe membentuk ntuk leburan sanga. At high temperatures, limestone is decomposed to produce calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. Calcium oxide reacts with acidic impurities, for example sand (silicon dioxide) to produce a molten slag. 7. Di bahagian bawah relau leburan sanga terapung di atas lapisan leburan besi. Leburan sanga dikeluarkan mengikut sela masa yang ditetapkan. At the bottom of the furnace, slag floats on top of the molten iron. The slag is tapped off at regular intervals. kedudukan 8. Kaedah yang digunakan dalam pengekstrakan logam daripada bijihnya bergantung kepada logam dalam siri kereaktifan. The method used to extract the metal from its ore depends on the position of the metal in the reactivity series. PA N 9. Siri kereaktifan merupakan satu senarai logam yang disusun berdasarkan kereaktifan logam terhadap oksigen . The reactivity series is a list of metal which are arranged according to their reactivity with penurunan 10. Logam-logam yang berada di atas dalam siri kereaktifan ialah agen logam ini dapat menurunkan oksida bagi logam yang kurang reaktif. Metals at higher position in the reactivity series are strong reactive metals. reducing oxygen . yang kuat. Logam- agent. They can reduce the oxides of less Logam Kaedah pengekstrakan K Na Ca Mg Elektrolisis leburan klorida/ Electrolysis of molten chloride Al Elektrolisis leburan oksida/ Electrolysis of molten oxide Zn Fe Sn Pb Penurunan oksida oleh karbon/ Reduction of oxide by carbon Cu Ag Hg Memanaskan bijih secara terus dalam udara/ Heating ores directly in air Au Wujud sebagai logam bebas/ Exist as free metals Metals Extraction method 48 Uji Kendiri 1.5 Tuliskan persamaan setengah tindak balas penurunan dan pengoksidaan dalam elektrolisis leburan natrium klorida, NaCl. Write the half-equation reactions of reduction and oxidation in the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride, NaCl. NaCl Anod/ Anode: 1.6 2Cl– Cl2 + 2e– (Penurunan/Reduction) (Pengoksidaan/Oxidation) Pengaratan Rusting Proses Pengaratan sebagai Tindak Balas Redoks Rusting Process as a Redox Reaction AS A Na+ + e– Na Na+ + Cl- IA Katod/ Cathode: Δ 1. Pengaratan ialah kakisan besi. Pengaratan besi memerlukan kehadiran kedua-dua air . Rusting is the corrosion of iron. The rusting of iron requires both oxygen water and oksigen dan . 2. Mekanisme pengaratan besi/ Iron rusting mechanism: Karat/ Rust (Fe2)3.xH2O PA N Titisan air Water droplet OH– O2 O2 Katod (+) Cathode Fe2+ e– Anod(–) Anode Katod (+) Cathode Besi/ Iron Rajah/ Diagram 1.35 Mekanisme pengaratan besi/ Iron rusting mechanism (a) Permukaan besi, di tengah titisan air bertindak sebagai anod. Di anod, atom besi dengan kehilangan dua elektron dan membentuk ion ferum(II), Fe2+. Iron surface, in the centre of a water droplet acts as the anode. At the anode iron atoms are lose two electrons and form iron(II) ion, Fe2+. dioksidakan oxidised by Anod/ Anode: Fe Fe2+ + 2e– (Pengoksidaan/ Oxidation) (b) Permukaan besi di pinggir titisan air bertindak sebagai katod. Elektron bergerak ke titisan air. Elektron diterima oleh oksigen dan molekul air membentuk ion penurunan berlaku. hidroksida edge Iron surface at the edge of the water droplet serves as the cathode. Electrons flow to the hydroxide ions OH–. A droplet. The electrons are received by oxygen and water molecules to form process occurs. Katod/ Cathode: 2H2O + O2 + 4e– 4OH– (Penurunan / Reduction) 49 pinggir , OH–. Proses of the water reduction (c) Ion ferum(II), Fe2+ bergabung dengan ion hidroksida, OH– membentuk pepejal berwarna ferum(II) hidroksida, Fe(OH)2. green Iron(II) ions, Fe2+ combine with hydroxide ions, OH– to form hijau , substance, iron(II) hydroxide, Fe(OH)2. Fe2+ + 2OH– Fe(OH)2 (d) Dalam kehadiran udara, ferum(II) hidroksida, Fe(OH)2 oksida terhidrat, Fe2O3.xH2O. Bahan berwarna dioksidakan perang In the presence of air, iron(II) hydroxide, Fe(OH)2 is brown substance known as rust. Fe2O3.xH2O. This oleh oksigen membentuk ferum(III) ini dikenali sebagai karat. oxidised by oxygen to form hydrated iron(III) oxide, 4Fe(OH)2(p/s) + O2(g/g) + 2H2O(ce/l) 4Fe(OH)3(p/s (p/s) (p/ s) B IA O(p/s)) + H2O(ce/ O(p/ O(ce/l) O(ce/l l) l) 2Fe(OH)3(p/s) Fe2O3.2H2O(p/s Mencegah Pengaratan Besi To Prevent Rusting of Iron 1. Pengaratan besi dapat dicegah atau sekurang-kurangnya diminimumkan dengan melindungi permukaan besi daripada terdedah kepada oksigen dan kelembapan. Rusting of iron can be prevented, or at least minimised, by shielding the iron surface from oxygen and moisture. 2. Tiga kaedah untuk mencegah pengaratan: AS The three methods to prevent rusting: (a) Pelindungan fizikal – melindungi permukaan besi dengan mengecat, menyapu gris, menyalut dengan plastik dan penyaduran dengan logam kurang reaktif seperti kromium, kuprum dan stanum. Physical protection – covers the surfaces of iron from water and air by painting, applying grease, coating with plastic and electroplating with metals that are less reactive such as chromium, copper and tin. (b) Perlindungan elektrokimia – menyadurkan permukaan besi dengan logam yang lebih elektropositif seperti zink. Electrochemical protection – electroplating the surface of iron with metals that are more electropositive such as zinc. (c) Penggalvanian – menyalut permukaan ferum dengan lapisan logam zink . Zink adalah lebih dioksidakan berbanding ferum. Oleh itu, atom zink lebih mudah berbanding ferum. Maka, pengoksidaan atom ferum yang menyebabkan pengaratan besi dapat dielakkan. PA N elektropositif zinc Galvanising – a process of covering the surface of iron with a layer of metal. Zinc is more electropositive compared to iron. So, atom zinc is easier to be oxidised compared to iron. Thus, the oxidation of iron atoms which caused rusting is prevented. Zn Zn2+ + 2e– Eksperimen 1.4 Eksperimen Wajib Tujuan/ Aim: Mengkaji Eksperimen kesan logam lain yang bersentuhan dengan besi terhadap pengaratan besi To investigate the effect of other metals in contact with iron on the rusting of iron Penyataan masalah/ Problem statement: Bagaimana logam berlainan jenis yang bersentuhan dengan besi mempengaruhi pengaratan besi? How do different types of metal in contact with iron affect the rusting of iron? Hipotesis/ Hypothesis: Logam yang lebih elektropositif akan menghalang pengaratan besi. Logam yang kurang elektropositif akan mempercepatkan pengaratan besi. A more electropositive metal will prevent iron from rusting. A less electropositive metal will speed up rusting. Pemboleh ubah/ Variables: (a) Dimanipulasikan/ Manipulated: Jenis logam yang bersentuhan dengan paku besi Types of metal in contact with iron nail 50 (b) Bergerak balas/ Responding: Pengaratan paku besi/ Kehadiran warna biru Rusting of iron nails/ Presence of blue colouration (c) Dimalarkan/ Fixed: Paku besi, suhu persekitaran/ Iron nails, temperature of the surroundings Bahan/ Materials: Paku besi, pita magnesium, jalur kuprum, larutan agar-agar panas, larutan kalium heksasianoferat(III), K3[Fe(CN)6], penunjuk fenolftalein IA Iron nails, magnesium ribbon, copper strip, hot agar-agar solution, potassium hexacyanoferrate(III), K3[Fe(CN)6] solution, phenolphthalein indicator Radas/ Apparatus: Tabung uji, rak tabung uji, kertas pasir Test tubes, test tube rack, sand paper Prosedur/ Procedure: AS Agar-agar + kalium heksasianoferat(III) + fenolftalein Agar-agar + potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) + phenolphthalein A B Paku besi Iron nail Pita magnesium Magnesium ribbon C Paku besi Iron nail Jalur kuprum Copper strip Rak tabung uji Test tube rack Paku besi Iron nail PA N Rajah/Diagram 1.36 1. Tiga batang paku besi, pita magnesium dan jalur kuprum dibersihkan dengan kertas pasir. Three iron nails, magnesium ribbon and copper strip are cleaned using a sand paper. 2. Pita magnesium dililitkan pada paku besi pertama dan jalur kuprum dililitkan pada paku besi kedua. The magnesium ribbon is wrapped onto the first iron nail and the copper strip is wrapped onto the second iron nail. 3. Paku besi kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam tiga tabung uji dan dilabelkan dengan A, B dan C seperti ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.36. The iron nails are then inserted into three test tubes labelled as A, B and C as shown in Diagram 1.36. 4. Larutan agar-agar panas yang ditambahkan dengan kalium heksasianoferat(III) dan penunjuk fenolftalein dituang ke dalam setiap tabung uji sehingga menutupi seluruh paku besi. Hot agar-agar solution is added with potassium hexacyanoferrate (III) and phenolphthalein indicator is poured into each test tube until it covers the whole iron nail. 5. Tabung uji dibiarkan pada rak tabung uji selama tiga hari. Pemerhatian direkodkan. The test tubes are kept in a test tube rack for three days. The observations are recorded. Pemerhatian/ Observations: Tabung uji Test tube A (Mg + Fe) Keamatan warna biru Intensity of the blue colouration Tiada warna biru terbentuk No blue colour formed Keamatan warna merah jambu/ Intensity of the Inferens Inference pink colouration Warna merah jambu Tiada ion OH– dengan keamatan tinggi ion terbentuk mencegah High intensity pink colour formed Fe2+ hadir. Banyak hadir. Magnesium pengaratan. ions not presence. A lot of present. Magnesium 51 Fe2+ prevents OH– ions rusting. B (Cu + Fe) Fe2+ Warna biru dengan keamatan Tiada warna merah jambu Banyak ion hadir. Kuprum menggalakkan tinggi terbentuk terbentuk pengaratan. High intensity blue colour formed No pink colour formed Fe2+ A lot of promotes Warna biru dengan keamatan C (Fe sahaja/ rendah terbentuk Low intensity blue colour formed only) Ion Fe2+ Fe2+ ions present. Copper rusting hadir. Besi berkarat. ions presence. Iron undergoes rusting. Kesimpulan/ Conclusion: mencegah elektropositif daripada besi akan pengaratan manakala logam menggalakkan elektropositif daripada besi akan pengaratan. yang kurang Metals that are more electropositive than iron will speed up electropositive than iron will rusting. IA lebih Logam yang prevent rusting while metals that are less Perbincangan/ Discussion: 1. Larutan kalium heksasianoferat(III), K3[Fe(CN)6], digunakan untuk mengesan kehadiran ion Fe2+. Apabila ion keamatan warna biru tua terhasil. Semakin banyak ion Fe2+terhasil, semakin tinggi AS Fe2+. hadir, warna biru tua . Potassium hexacyanoferrate(III), K3[Fe(CN)6] solution is used to detect the presence of Fe2+ ions. When Fe2+ ions presence, a dark blue colour produced. The more Fe2+ ions formed, the higher the intensity of the dark blue colour formed. 2. Penunjuk fenolftalein digunakan untuk mengesan kehadiran ion OH−. Kehadiran ion OH− meningkatkan kealkalian larutan dan memberi warna merah jambu kepada larutan. Phenolphthalein indicator is used to detect the presence of OH ions. The presence of OH– ions increases the alkalinity of the solution – pink colour to the solution. PA N and gives 3. Tuliskan persamaan setengah bagi proses pengoksidaan yang berikut. Write the half-equations for the following oxidation processes. Tabung uji Persamaan setengah A (Mg + Fe) Mg Mg2+ + 2e– B (Cu + Fe) Fe Fe2+ + 2e– C (Fe sahaja/ sahaja/only) only Fe Fe2+ + 2e– Test tube Half-equation 4. Eksperimen dalam tabung uji B telah diulang dengan menggantikan jalur kuprum, Cu dengan jalur zink, Zn. Experiment in test tube B is repeated by replacing copper strip, Cu with zinc strip, Zn. (a) Ramalkan pemerhatian. Predict the observations. Warna merah jambu terbentuk. Pink colour formed. (b) Nyatakan inferens. State the inference. Zink lebih elektropositif daripada besi. Zink mengalami pengoksidaan. Zink mencegah pengaratan. Zinc is more electropositive than iron. Zinc will undergoes oxidation. Zinc prevent rusting. 52 Contoh/Example 1 Rajah 1.37 menunjukkan aktiviti yang dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan logam yang berlainan terhadap pengaratan besi. Diagram 1.37 shows an activity carried out to investigate the effect of other metals on the rusting of iron. Agar-agar + kalium heksasianoferat(III) + fenolftalein Agar-agar + potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) + phenolphthalein Paku besi Iron nail Paku besi Iron nail Pita magnesium Magnesium ribbon I IA Agar-agar + kalium heksasianoferat(III) + fenolftalein Agar-agar + potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) + phenolphthalein Jalur kuprum Copper strip II AS Rajah/Diagram 1.37 Jadual di bawah menunjukkan keputusan aktiviti. Table below shows the results of the activity. Set Pasangan logam Pair of metals I Besi + Magnesium II Besi + Kuprum Pemerhatian Observation Warna merah jambu dengan keamatan tinggi terbentuk Iron + Magnesium High intensity pink colour formed. PA N Warna biru dengan keamatan tinggi terbentuk. Iron + Copper High intensity blue colour formed. menghalang 1. Logam magnesium Magnesium metal prevents pengaratan besi manakala logam kuprum the rusting of iron while copper metal penurunan 2. Logam magnesium ialah agen besi . Maka, besi sebelum Magnesium metal is a stronger iron . Thus, iron is 3. Logam kuprum ialah agen kuprum sebelum reducing prevented speed up yang lebih kuat berbanding besi. dihalang daripada berkarat. agent compared to iron. yang kurang kuat berbanding besi. dipercepatkan . . Maka, pengaratan besi reducing Thus, the rusting of iron is speed up pengaratan besi. the rusting of iron. Magnesium Magnesium akan mengion will ionise before from rusting. penurunan Copper metal is a weaker mempercepatkan agent compared to iron. . 53 Iron Besi will ionise before akan mengion copper . Uji Kendiri 1.6 Rajah 1.38 menunjukkan suatu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan zink, Zn dan logam X terhadap pengaratan paku besi. Keputusan eksperimen direkodkan dalam Jadual 1. Diagram 1.38 shows an experiment to study the effects of zinc, Zn and metal X on the corrosion of iron nails. The results of the experiment are recorded in Table 1. Paku besi Iron nail Logam zink Zinc metal IA Paku besi Iron nail Logam X Metal X A B Larutan agar-agar + Larutan kalium heksasianoferat(III) + fenolftalein Agar-agar solution + potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) solution + phenolphthalein Rajah/Diagram 1.38 Test tube A B Pemerhatian AS Tabung uji Observation Warna biru tua yang banyak terbentuk Lots of dark blue colour formed. Warna merah jambu terbentuk. Gelembung gas terbentuk. A pink colour formed. Gas bubbles are formed. Jadual/Table 1 1. (a) Nyatakan nama bagi ion yang memberikan warna biru tua dalam tabung uji A. State the name of the ion that give the dark blue colour in test tube A. PA N Ion ferum(II), Fe2+/ Ferum(II) ion, Fe2+ (b) Tuliskan persamaan setengah untuk mewakili pembentukan ion di (a). Write the half-equation to represent the formation of ions in (a). Fe(p/s) Fe2+(ak/aq) + 2e– 2. (a) Nyatakan nama bagi ion yang memberikan warna merah jambu dalam tabung uji B. State the name of the ion that give the pink colour in test tube B. Ion hidroksida, OH–/ Hydroxide ion, OH- (b) Tuliskan persamaan setengah untuk mewakili pembentukan ion di (a). Write the half-equation to represent the formation of ions in (a). O2(ak/aq) + 2H2O(ce/l) + 4e– 4OH–(ak/aq) 3. (a) Paku besi di dalam tabung uji yang manakah tidak berkarat? Jelaskan sebabnya. Iron nail in which test tube does not rust? Explain the reason. Tabung uji B.. Zink lebih elektropositif daripada besi. Test tube B. Zinc is more electropositive than iron. 4. (a) Namakan dua logam yang mungkin bagi X. Name two possible metals for X. Plumbum dan kuprum/ Lead and copper 54