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TCCC Actions Checklist: Tactical Combat Casualty Care Guide

TCCC Actions Checklist
Phase I – Care Under Fire; Point of Injury
Continue the tactical mission (gain fire superiority)
Ask the casualty these 3 questions:
 Can you return fire?
 Can you provide self-aid?
 Can you move to cover?
Treat Only Massive Hemorrhaging during CUF (Tourniquet)
Phase II – Tactical Field Care; Casualty Collection Point
When no longer receiving fire:
Disarm the casualty
Begin the steps of MARCH:
 Massive Hemorrhaging
 Apply tourniquets, write the time applied
 Pack wounds with combat gauze
 Apply Dressing and Bandages
 Airway
 Observe Mouth and Nose for Obstructions
 If no apparent Head or Spinal Injury perform head tilt chin lift to open
airways further
 If still difficulty breathing, lubricate NPA and insert in their left nostril
 Respirations
 If there are any apparent open chest wounds, apply a chest seal on the
casualty’s exhale, taping 3 sides
 Carefully roll casualty on their side and check for exit wound, apply
chest seal again if necessary
 Circulation
 Check casualty’s pulse on their wrist, neck, and ankle.
 Ensure there is no pulse on limb below a tourniquet
 Head Injury / Hypothermia
 Perform Responsiveness Assessment, Sternum Rub
 Stabilize the neck if apparent spinal cord injury
 If hypothermic, wrap casualty in any available ECWS and place in sleep
system (or an actual HPMK if on hand)
 If no head injury:
 Ensure casualty has coverings on their head, but not face
Phase III – Tactical Evacuation Care
Move Casualty to CCP
Establish MEDEVAC Point and Call 9 Line (See Reverse Side)
While waiting, re-asses casualty using the MARCH acronym