Uploaded by Che Tsang

University of Sydney Law School Assessment Coversheet

University of Sydney Law School
To be completed by students, dated and attached to front of assessment
STUDENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER - SID (Please print your unique nine-digit number clearly):
I have not included my name or unikey on the coversheet or my assignment/assessment task.
Only my SID has been listed.
Unit code: LAWS/JURS_________ Unit name: ___________________________________________________
Lecturer’s name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Tutor’s name (if applicable): _________________________________________________________________
Assessment name: _________________________________________________________________________
Word limit of assessment: _______________________Word count: _________________________________
Due date: ____/____/______
MARK: _______________
Date submitted: LMS: ____/____/______ Hard copy: ____/____/_______
WORD / LATE PENALTY: _________________
FINAL MARK:_____________
Academic Honesty
The University unequivocally opposes and does not tolerate any form of academic dishonesty or plagiarism. A
student found to have engaged in such conduct may be subject to penalty, which can include failure of the unit of
study or exclusion. If you are in doubt about the requirements of academic honesty, please consult with the unit of
study coordinator.
Declaration (Tick each box)
I have already submitted or will be submitting my assessment through the LMS Assignment Dropbox. I
acknowledge that submission of either this hard copy or electronic submission after the relevant due time and
date will result in the application of the appropriate lateness penalty.
This hardcopy submission is identical to the electronic submission and I have retained a duplicate copy of this
work. I understand that a corrupt file or incorrect file will not be accepted for electronic submission and late
penalties may be applied in such circumstances.
I have read and understood the provisions of the Academic Honesty in Coursework Policy 2015 and the
Academic Honesty Procedures 2016 that are relevant to the submission of this assessment.
I understand that failure to comply with the above can lead to the University commencing proceedings against
me for potential student misconduct under the University of Sydney (Student Discipline) Rule 2016.
This assignment is entirely my (or in the case of group work, our) own work, except to the extent that it is the
product of: Legitimate Cooperation within the meaning of clause 8A of the Academic Honesty in Coursework
Policy 2015; Allowable Assistance with Proof-Reading and Editing permitted under clause 7 of the Academic Honesty
Procedures 2016; or the work of others that I have fully acknowledged by reference and, where appropriate,
quotation marks/block quotation in accordance with the referencing requirements that apply to this Unit of Study.
I declare that this assignment is original and has not been submitted for assessment elsewhere (except where: (i)
the unit of study coordinator has given express approval and (ii) I have acknowledged the nature and extent of
reuse of work previously submitted).
I acknowledge that the assessor of this assignment may, for the purpose of assessing this assignment: a)
Reproduce this assignment and provide a copy to another member of the University of Sydney Law School;
and/or b) Communicate a copy of this assignment to a similarity checking service (which may then retain a copy
of the assignment on its database for the purpose of future similarity checking).
I certify that the assignment conforms to the requirements in the Unit of Study Outline, including referencing.
Date …….../………/…..…..
University of Sydney Law School Reception, Level 3, New Law Building (F10), University of Sydney, NSW, 2006
Last updated 22/03/2018